em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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BACKGROUND: Excessive and abnormal accumulation of alpha-synuclein (α-synuclein) is a factor contributing to pathogenic cell death in Parkinson's disease. The purpose of this study, based on earlier observations of Parkinson's disease cerebrospinal fluid (PD-CSF) initiated cell death, was to determine the effects of CSF from PD patients on the functionally different microglia and astrocyte glial cell lines. Microglia cells from human glioblastoma and astrocytes from fetal brain tissue were cultured, grown to confluence, treated with fixed concentrations of PD-CSF, non-PD disease control CSF, or control no-CSF medium, then photographed and fluorescently probed for α-synuclein content by deconvolution fluorescence microscopy. Outcome measures included manually counted cell growth patterns from day 1-8; α-synuclein density and distribution by antibody tagged 3D model stacked deconvoluted fluorescent imaging. RESULTS: After PD-CSF treatment, microglia growth was reduced extensively, and a non-confluent pattern with morphological changes developed, that was not evident in disease control CSF and no-CSF treated cultures. Astrocyte growth rates were similarly reduced by exposure to PD-CSF, but morphological changes were not consistently noted. PD-CSF treated microglia showed a significant increase in α-synuclein content by day 4 compared to other treatments (p ≤ 0.02). In microglia only, α-synuclein aggregated and redistributed to peri-nuclear locations. CONCLUSIONS: Cultured microglia and astrocytes are differentially affected by PD-CSF exposure compared to non-PD-CSF controls. PD-CSF dramatically impacts microglia cell growth, morphology, and α-synuclein deposition compared to astrocytes, supporting the hypothesis of cell specific susceptibility to PD-CSF toxicity.


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An 80-year-old man with no history of an immune-compromising disorder was diagnosed with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). He presented with dysphagia and left-sided weakness; magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated marked signal abnormality in the subcortical white matter of the left frontal lobe and in the posterior limb of the right internal capsule. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was negative for John Cunningham (JC) virus. On brain biopsy, foamy macrophages infiltrating the white matter were identified, staining positive for anti-simian virus 40 antibodies. Postoperatively, PCR for JC viral DNA in the CSF was positive, establishing the diagnosis of PML. Extensive investigation for an occult immunocompromising disorder was negative. The patient's neurologic deficits rapidly increased throughout his hospital stay, and he died 3.5 months after his diagnosis.


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The cellular form of the prion protein (PrP(c)) is necessary for the development of prion diseases and is a highly conserved protein that may play a role in neuroprotection. PrP(c) is found in both blood and cerebrospinal fluid and is likely produced by both peripheral tissues and the central nervous system (CNS). Exchange of PrP(c) between the brain and peripheral tissues could have important pathophysiologic and therapeutic implications, but it is unknown whether PrP(c) can cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Here, we found that radioactively labeled PrP(c) crossed the BBB in both the brain-to-blood and blood-to-brain directions. PrP(c) was enzymatically stable in blood and in brain, was cleared by liver and kidney, and was sequestered by spleen and the cervical lymph nodes. Circulating PrP(c) entered all regions of the CNS, but uptake by the lumbar and cervical spinal cord, hypothalamus, thalamus, and striatum was particularly high. These results show that PrP(c) has bidirectional, saturable transport across the BBB and selectively targets some CNS regions. Such transport may play a role in PrP(c) function and prion replication.


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A two-pronged approach for the automatic quantitation of multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions on magnetic resonance (MR) images has been developed. This method includes the design and use of a pulse sequence for improved lesion-to-tissue contrast (LTC) and seeks to identify and minimize the sources of false lesion classifications in segmented images. The new pulse sequence, referred to as AFFIRMATIVE (Attenuation of Fluid by Fast Inversion Recovery with MAgnetization Transfer Imaging with Variable Echoes), improves the LTC, relative to spin-echo images, by combining Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) and Magnetization Transfer Contrast (MTC). In addition to acquiring fast FLAIR/MTC images, the AFFIRMATIVE sequence simultaneously acquires fast spin-echo (FSE) images for spatial registration of images, which is necessary for accurate lesion quantitation. Flow has been found to be a primary source of false lesion classifications. Therefore, an imaging protocol and reconstruction methods are developed to generate "flow images" which depict both coherent (vascular) and incoherent (CSF) flow. An automatic technique is designed for the removal of extra-meningeal tissues, since these are known to be sources of false lesion classifications. A retrospective, three-dimensional (3D) registration algorithm is implemented to correct for patient movement which may have occurred between AFFIRMATIVE and flow imaging scans. Following application of these pre-processing steps, images are segmented into white matter, gray matter, cerebrospinal fluid, and MS lesions based on AFFIRMATIVE and flow images using an automatic algorithm. All algorithms are seamlessly integrated into a single MR image analysis software package. Lesion quantitation has been performed on images from 15 patient volunteers. The total processing time is less than two hours per patient on a SPARCstation 20. The automated nature of this approach should provide an objective means of monitoring the progression, stabilization, and/or regression of MS lesions in large-scale, multi-center clinical trials. ^


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The rheoencephalogram (REG) is the change in the electrical impedance of the head that occurs with each heart beat. Without knowledge of the relationship between cerebral blood flow (Q) and the REG, the utility of the REG in the study of the cerebral vasculature is greatly limited. The hypothesis is that the relationship between the REG and Q when venous outflow is nonpulsatile is^ (DIAGRAM, TABLE OR GRAPHIC OMITTED...PLEASE SEE DAI)^ where K is a proportionality constant and Q is the mean Q.^ Pulsatile CBF was measured in the goat via a chronically implanted electromagnetic flowmeter. Electrodes were implanted in the ipsilateral cerebral hemisphere, and the REG was measured with a two electrode impedance plethysmograph. Measurements were made with the animal's head elevated so that venous flow pulsations were not transmitted from the heart to the cerebral veins. Measurements were made under conditions of varied cerebrovascular resistance induced by altering blood CO(,2) levels and under conditions of high and low cerebrospinal fluid pressures. There was a high correlation (r = .922-.983) between the REG calculated from the hypothesized relationship and the measured REG under all conditions.^ Other investigators have proposed that the REG results from linear changes in blood resistivity proportional to blood velocity. There was little to no correlation between the measured REG and the flow velocity ( r = .022-.306). A linear combination of the flow velocity and the hypothesized relationship between the REG and Q did not predict the measured REG significantly better than the hypothesized relationship alone in 37 out of 50 experiments.^ Jacquy proposed an index (F) of cerebral blood flow calculated from amplitudes and latencies of the REG. The F index was highly correlated (r = .929) with measured cerebral blood flow under control and hypercapnic conditions, but was not as highly correlated under conditions of hypocapnia (r = .723) and arterial hypotension (r = .681).^ The results demonstrate that the REG is not determined by mean cerebral blood flow, but by the pulsatile flow only. Thus, the utility of the REG in the determination of mean cerebral blood flow is limited. ^