9 resultados para Body fluids Regulation

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Cell adhesion is a fundamentally important process which has been implicated in morphogenesis, metastasis and wound healing. Fibronectin (Fn), a large glycoprotein present in body fluids, the extracellular matrix, and on the cell surface, mediates adhesion of fibroblastic cells. To study the interaction of Fn with Chinese Hamster Cell (CHO) cell membranes, latex beads coated with H('3)-Fn (Fn-beads) were used as surface probes. Binding of Fn-beads was independent of temperature, divalent cations, and metabolic activity. Identification of fibronectin-receptors has been problematical. To study Fn binding components, Fn-beads were pre-incubated with purified glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and glycolipids. Among the GAGs tested, heparin and heparan sulfate blocked bead binding. Only sialylated glycolipids, GT(,1) and GD(,1) were inhibitory; however, neuraminidase treatment of cells had no effect. It was further shown that Fn-bead binding could be blocked by pre-treating cells with papain. Furthermore, papain digestion releases cellular material which blocks Fn-bead-cell binding. Beads coated with a fragment of Fn which binds to cells but not heparin (F105) were also blocked by soluble papain digests. It was observed that the ability of F105-beads to bind to CHO cells was dependent on surface charge as F105 on uncharged beads did not bind to cells; whereas, F105 on positive or negative beads displayed cell binding activity. The active component in the papain digests was apparently macromolecular (i.e. non-dialysable) and heat stable (i.e. 100(DEGREES)C for 15 min.). This suggested the inhibitory factor is more likely a glycopeptide, rather than a GAG or glycolipid. The findings of this research can be summarized as follows: (1) the expression of cell binding of Fn and Fn fragments can be modulated by the chemical nature of the surface used for adsorption; (2) factors can be released by proteolytic digestion which block Fn and Fn-fragment bead binding; and (3) since bead binding can be done under conditions which reflect initial Fn-cell interaction, it seems likely that the component(s) identified in this way may play a direct role in the recognition phases of cell adhesion to Fn. ^


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A national sample of family physicians was surveyed to (1) assess family physicians' beliefs about the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and individuals at risk for infection, their clinical competence regarding HIV-related issues, and their experiences with HIV disease; (2) present conclusions to the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) to effect the development of an early clinical care protocol and a continuing medical education curriculum; and (3) collect base-line data for use in the evaluation of an early clinical care protocol and a continuing medical education curriculum, in the case that such programs are developed and disseminated. After considering retired or deceased respondents, of the 2,660 physicians surveyed, 1,678 (63.7%) responded. The resulting sample was representative of the active members of the AAFP. About 77% of the respondents were unable to accurately identify the universal precautions for blood and body fluids to prevent occupational transmission of HIV or hepatitis B virus (HBV). Residency trained and board certified physicians expressed fewer "external constraints," such as fear of losing patients, obviating them from providing treatment to individuals with HIV disease (p =.004 and p $<$.001, respectively). These physicians also manifested fewer "internal constraints" to the provision of HIV treatment, such as fear of becoming infected (p $<$.001 and p =.012, respectively). Residency trained physicians also expressed a greater comfort with discussing sexually-related topics with their patients than did non-residency trained physicians (p $<$.001). There were 67.1% of the physicians surveyed who reported never providing treatment to an individual with HIV disease. Residency trained and board certified physicians expressed a greater likelihood to provide treatment to HIV-infected patients (p $<$.001) than non-residency trained and non-board certified physicians.^ Among the various primary care specialties, family medicine is especially vulnerable to the current challenges of HIV/AIDS. These challenges are augmented by the epidemiologic pattern that characterizes AIDS. For the past several years, we have seen AIDS in this country assume a similar pattern to that seen in most other countries; HIV is becoming increasingly prevalent in the heterosexual population as well as in locations removed from metropolitan centers. This current phase of the epidemic generates greater pressures upon primary care physicians, particularly family physicians, to become better acquainted with the means to provide early care to HIV/AIDS patients and to prevent HIV/AIDS among their patients. Family medicine is especially appropriate for providing care to HIV patients because family medicine involves treatment to all age groups and conditions; other primary care specialties focus on limited patient populations or specific conditions. Family physicians should be armed with the expertise to confront HIV/AIDS. However, family physicians' clinical competence and experience with HIV is not known. The data collected in this survey describes their competencies, attitudes, and experiences. ^


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Although coagulase-negative staphylococci (C-NS) have been implicated in certain human infections, they are generally regarded as contaminants and their clinical significance is questioned. To assess their role as pathogens, 205 isolates of C-NS from wounds, and body fluids (blood, urine, pleural and peritoneal fluids, etc.) were studied. Patient's charts were reviewed and using strict criteria a determination was made regarding the clinical significance of these isolates. The organisms were then identified using the scheme of Kloos and Schleifer to determine if certain species of C-NS were associated with specific infections. S. epidermidis sensu stricto accounted for 81% of the C-NS isolated; the frequency of other species was S. haemolyticus (6%), S. hominis (5%), S. capitis (4%), S. warneri (3%), and others (1%). Only two isolates were novobiocin resistant; neither was identified as S. saprophyticus. Using these criteria, 22% of C-NS were considered to be clinically significant and the majority of these (93%) were due to S. epidermidis. The most common source of the clinically relevant C-NS isolates was from wounds. These data suggest that identifying C-NS species other than S. epidermidis may be of limited value in predicting clinical significance.^ In addition, selected pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains of C-NS were compared for their ability to adhere to human cells in vitro. Although the results were not conclusive, it appeared that pathogenic C-NS adhered more avidly than non-pathogenic C-NS to buccal cells. Experiments with HeLa cells showed no difference between pathogenic and non-pathogenic C-NS in adherence abilities. ^


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Most newly synthesized messenger RNAs possess a 5’ cap and a 3’ poly(A) tail. The process of poly(A) tail shortening, also termed deadenylation, is important for post-transcriptional gene regulation, because deadenylation not only leads to mRNA translational inhibition but also is the first step of major mRNA degradation. Translationally inhibited mRNAs can be stored and/or degraded in dynamic cytoplasmic foci termed mRNA processing bodies, or P bodies, which are conserved in eukaryotes. To shed new light on the mechanisms of P body formation and P body functions, I focused on the link between deadenylation factors and P bodies. I found that the two major deadenylation complexes, Pan3-Pan2 and Ccr4-Caf1, can both be enriched in P bodies. The deadenylase activity of the Ccr4-Caf1 complex is prerequisite for P body formation. Pan3, but not the deadenylase Pan2, is essential for P body formation. While the C-terminal domain of Pan3 is important for interaction with Pan2, Pan3 N-terminal domain is important for Pan3 to form cytoplasmic foci colocalizing with P bodies and to promote mRNA decay. Interestingly, Pan3 N-terminal domain may be phosphorylated to regulate Pan3 localization and functions. Aside from the functions of the two deadenylation complexes in P bodies, I also studied all reported human P body proteins as a whole using bioinformatics. This effort not only has generated a comprehensive picture of the functions of and interactions among human P body proteins, but also has predicted proteins that may regulate P body formation and/or functions. In summary, my study has established a direct link between mRNA deadenylation and P body formation and has also led to new hypotheses to guide future research on how P body dynamics are controlled.


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The amino acid glutamate is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter for the CNS and is responsible for the majority of fast synaptic transmission. Glutamate receptors have been shown to be involved in multiple forms of synaptic plasticity such as LTP, LTD, and the formation of specific synaptic connections during development. In addition to contributing to the plasticity of the CNS, glutamate receptors also are involved in, at least in part, various pathological conditions such as epilepsy, ischemic damage due to stroke, and Huntington's chorea. The regulation of glutamate receptors, particularly the ionotropic NMDA and AMPA/KA receptors is therefore of great interest. In this body of work, glutamate receptor function and regulation by kinase activity was examined using the Xenopus oocyte which is a convenient and faithful expression system for exogenous proteins. Glutamate receptor responses were measured using the two-electrode voltage clamp technique in oocytes injected with rat total forebrain RNA. NMDA elicited currents that were glycine-dependent, subject to block by Mg$\sp{2+}$ in a voltage-dependent manner and sensitive to the specific NMDA antagonist APV in a manner consistent with those types of responses found in neural tissue. Similarly, KA-evoked currents were sensitive to the specific AMPA/KA antagonist CNQX and exhibited current voltage relationships consistent with the calcium permeable type II KA receptors found in the hippocampus. There is evidence to indicate that NMDA and AMPA/KA receptors are regulated by protein kinase A (PKA). We explored this by examining the effects of activators of PKA (forskolin, 1-isobutyl-3-methylxanthine (IBMX) and 8-Br-cAMP) on NMDA and KA currents in the oocyte. In buffer where Ca$\sp{2+}$ was replaced by 2 mM Ba$\sp{2+},$ forskolin plus IBMX and 8-Br-cAMP augmented currents due to NMDA application but not KA. This augmentation was abolished by pretreating the oocytes in the kinase inhibitor K252A. The use of chloride channel blockers resulted in attenuation of this effect indicating that Ba$\sp{2+}$ influx through the NMDA channel was activating the endogenous calcium-activated chloride current and that the cAMP mediated augmentation was at the level of the chloride channel and not the NMDA channel. This was confirmed by (1) the finding that 8-Br-cAMP increased chloride currents elicited via calcium channel activation while having no effect on the calcium channels themselves and (2) the fact that lowering the Ba$\sp{2+}$ concentration to 200 $\mu$M abolished the augmentation NMDA currents by 8-Br-cAMP. Thus PKA does not appear to modulate ionotropic glutamate receptors in our preparation. Another kinase also implicated in the regulation of NMDA receptors, calcium/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (PKC), was examined for its effects on the NMDA receptor under low Ba$\sp{2+}$ (200 $\mu$M) conditions. Phorbol esters, activators of PKC, induced a robust potentiation of NMDA currents that was blockable by the kinase inhibitor K252A. Furthermore activation of metabotropic receptors by the selective agonist trans-ACPD, also potentiated NMDA albeit more modestly. These results indicate that neither NMDA nor KA-activated glutamate receptors are modulated by PKA in Xenopus oocytes whereas NMDA receptors appear to be augmented by PKC. Furthermore, the endogenous chloride current of the oocyte was found to be responsive to Ba$\sp{2+}$ and in addition is enhanced by PKA. Both of these latter findings are novel. In conclusion, the Xenopus oocyte is a useful expression system for the analysis of ligand-gated channel activity and the regulation of those channels by phosphorylation. ^


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The cytochrome P450 (P450) monooxygenase system plays a major role in metabolizing a wide variety of xenobiotic as well as endogenous compounds. In performing this function, it serves to protect the body from foreign substances. However, in a number of cases, P450 activates procarcinogens to cause harm. In most animals, the highest level of activity is found in the liver. Virtually all tissues demonstrate P450 activity, though, and the role of the P450 monooxygenase system in these other organs is not well understood. In this project I have studied the P450 system in rat brain; purifying NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (reductase) from that tissue. In addition, I have examined the distribution and regulation of expression of reductase and P450 in various anatomical regions of the rat brain.^ NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase was purified to apparent homogeneity and cytochrome P450 partially purified from whole rat brain. Purified reductase from brain was identical to liver P450 reductase by SDS-PAGE and Western blot techniques. Kinetic studies utilizing cerebral P450 reductase reveal Km values in close agreement with those determined with enzyme purified from rat liver. Moreover, the brain P450 reductase was able to function successfully in a reconstituted microsomal system with partially purified brain cytochrome P450 and with purified hepatic P4501A1 as measured by 7-ethoxycoumarin and 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylation. These results indicate that the reductase and P450 components may interact to form a competent drug metabolism system in brain tissue.^ Since the brain is not a homogeneous organ, dependent upon the well orchestrated interaction of numerous parts, pathology in one nucleus may have a large impact upon its overall function. Hence, the anatomical distribution of the P450 monooxygenase system in brain is important in elucidating its function in that organ. Related to this is the regulation of P450 expression in brain. In order to study these issues female rats--both ovariectomized and not--were treated with a number of xenobiotic compounds and sex steroids. The brains from these animals were dissected into 8 discrete regions and the presence and relative level of message for P4502D and reductase determined using polymerase chain reaction. Results of this study indicate the presence of mRNA for reductase and P4502D isoforms throughout the rat brain. In addition, quantitative PCR has allowed the determination of factors affecting the expression of message for these enzymes. ^


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The mouse $\alpha$2(I) collagen gene is specifically expressed in a limited number of cell types in the body including fibroblasts and osteoblasts. We had previously shown that a promoter containing the sequences between $-$350 and +54 bp was expressed at low levels in a cell- and tissue-specific fashion in transgenic mice. Further studies suggested that the sequence between $-$315 and $-$284 bp could mediate cell- and tissue-specific expression of reporter genes in cell culture and in transgenic mice. We report here characterization of the proteins binding to this segment and propose a model for the cell-specific expression conferred by this sequence. In this study we also identified a strong enhancer for the mouse $\alpha$2(I) collagen gene located approximately 13.5 to 19.5 kb upstream of the transcriptional start site. This enhancer segment is characterized by the presence of three cell-specific hypersensitive sites and can drive high levels of cell-specific expression of a heterologous 220-bp mouse $\alpha$1(I) collagen promoter. In the course of this study, we identified a novel zinc finger transcription factor (designated murine epithelial zinc finger, mEZF) which was transiently expressed in the mesenchymal cells which give rise to the skeletal primordia and the metanephric kidney during the early stages of embryogenesis. In newborn mice, the mEZF gene is expressed at high levels in differentiated epithelial cells of the skin, oral mucosa, tongue, esophagus, stomach and colon. Chromosomal mapping suggested that the mEZF gene mapped to mouse Chromosome 4 and that the human homolog of mEZF would likely map to human Chromosome 9q31. This region of the human genome contains tumor suppressor genes for basal cell carcinomas of the skin as well as for squamous cell carcinomas of various organs. We cloned and characterized the human homolog of mEZF and mapped its chromosomal position as a first step in determining whether or not this gene plays a role in the development of these tumors. ^


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In normal lymphocytes an “inside-out” signal up-regulating integrin adhesion is followed by a ligand mediated “outside-in” signal for cell spreading. Although PKC mediates both events, distinct roles were found for different PLCs. The inhibition of phosphatidylinositol specific PLC decreased both cell adhesion and spreading on fibronectin in T cell receptor/CD28 activated peripheral blood T cells. However, inhibition of phosphatidylcholine specific PLC only blocked cell spreading and did not affect adhesion, indicating that “inside-out” signaling for the integrin α4β1 proceeds through phosphatidylinositol specific PLC and PKC, while the “outside-in” signal utilizes phosphatidylcholine specific PLC and PKC. Furthermore, β1 integrin chain mediated morphological changes in the T lymphocytic cell line HPB-ALL directly paralleled PKA activation, treatment of these cells with an inhibitory anti-β1 antibody blocked PKA activation and cell spreading, and this inhibition could be overcome by activating adenylate cyclase. Furthermore, inhibition of PKA was found to decrease the overall strength of cell adhesion or cellular avidity without affecting individual receptor affinity for soluble ligand. ^ When HPB-ALL cells interact with immobilized FN, two separate morphological phenotypes can be induced. Some cells flattened their cell body into a triangular shape and begin to migrate, while others extended a pseudopod from their stationary cell body. This second morphology recapitulates the shape changes observed during transendothelial migration. During these morphological changes, α4β1 integrins are internalized into endocytic vesicles that ultimately accumulate at the juncture between the cell body and an extending pseudopod. From this juncture, they are rapidly transported down the length of the pseudopod to its most distal end. ^ In addition to an accumulation of integrin containing vesicles, the pseudopod base was found to have increased amounts of the small GTPase RhoA and active PKA. The inhibition of PKA or RhoA resulted in lymphocytes with similar aberrant stellate morphologies. Furthermore, inhibition of PKA blocked the α4β1 mediated phosphorylation of RhoA. The co-localization of active PKA, RhoA and integrin containing endocytic vesicles indicates that integrin triggering can cause the rapid redistribution and activation of key signaling intermediates and raises the possibility that regulation of lymphocyte morphology by PKA and RhoA is through adhesion receptor recycling. ^


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This invited commentary reviews the survey research described in "Examining the Relationship between Media use and Aggression, Sexuality, and Body Image" and situates this research within the recent history of entertainment media regulation.