5 resultados para Back-pain Patients

em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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The purpose of this study was to determine if there were differences in the cost and outcome of care in patients with low back pain who were managed by physicians or physical therapists in private practice in the state of Arizona. A secondary purpose was to describe the current status of private practice physical therapy clinicians who treat patients with low back pain.^ A Survey on Practice was mailed to 194 physical therapists who were listed by the American Physical Therapy Association as being in private practice in Arizona. Eighty-three percent of the surveys were returned after three attempts. Of those which were returned, 72 were complete and included in the analysis.^ The 72 practices were screened to determine those eligible for the second phase of the study. Those eligible for the second phase numbered 52 clinics. Twenty-six practices agreed to participate; however, only 21 did participate. Clinics which participated were sent packets of information which were to be kept on each patient seen with a complaint of low back pain during a three month period. Packets contained a patient-oriented survey on functional activity to be completed before and after the physical therapy course of treatment, as well as a log which was completed by the physical therapist on the type of care given to the patient and an assessment of the outcome of treatment. The patient was asked to fill out a satisfaction survey relative to the care received from the physical therapist and physician, if applicable.^ Although 259 patients were entered into the study, 210 patient logs were available for analysis. Results indicated that generally, there was no difference in cost or outcome as measured by the final functional score, change between the initial and final functional scores, or the therapist-rated outcome between the patients who were managed by physicians or physical therapists when controlling for age and length of time the patient was experiencing pain. Patients were more satisfied with care received from physical therapists as compared to physicians. Age and length of pain were good predictors of the type of referral patients received according to a logistic regression procedure. The initial disability score (IRS) and the time spent in the facility predicted therapist-rated outcome, a good or poor final disability score (FRS), and a good or poor change score. In addition, age predicted FRS and change scores. The time that the therapist spent in direct contact with the patient also predicted the change score.^ These findings of no difference in the cost and outcome of care were discussed as they relate to the practice of medicine and physical therapy. ^


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Back symptoms are a major global public health problem with the lifetime prevalence ranging between 50-80%. Research suggests that work-related factors contribute to the occurrence of back pain in various industries. Despite the hazardous nature, strenuous tasks, and awkward postures associated with farm work, little is known about back injury and symptoms in farmworker adults and children. Research in the United States is particularly limited. This is a concern given the large proportion of migrant farmworkers in the United States without adequate access to healthcare as well as a substantial number of youth working in agriculture. The present study describes back symptoms and identifies work-related factors associated with back pain in migrant farmworker families and farmworker high school students from Starr County, TX. Two separate datasets were used from two cohort studies "Injury and Illness Surveillance in Migrant Farmworkers (MANOS)" (study A: n=267 families) and "South Texas Adolescent Rural Research Study (STARRS)" (study B: n=345). Descriptive and inferential statistics including multivariable logistic regression were used to identify work-related factors associated with back pain in each study. In migrant farmworker families, the prevalence of chronic back pain during the last migration season ranged from 9.5% among youngest children to 33.3% among mothers. Chronic back pain was significantly associated with increasing age; fairly bad/very bad quality of sleep while migrating; fewer than eight hours of sleep at home in Starr County, TX; depressive symptoms while migrating; self-provided water for washing hands/drinking; weeding at work; and exposure to pesticide drift/direct spray. Among farmworker adolescents, the prevalence of severe back symptoms was 15.7%. Severe back symptoms were significantly associated with being female; history of a prior accident/back injury; feeling tense, stressed, or anxious sometimes/often; lifting/carrying heavy objects not at work; current tobacco use; increasing lifetime number of migrant farmworker years; working with/around knives; and working on corn crops. Overall, results support that associations between work-related exposures and chronic back pain and severe back symptoms remain after controlling for the effect of non-work exposures in farmworker populations. ^


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This research is a secondary data analysis of the CUPID-INCA Nicaragua study, a cross-sectional study comparing psychosocial and physical factors on musculoskeletal symptoms among nurses, office workers and maquiladoras in Nicaragua. There were three objectives for this thesis. (1) To describe the study population according to their socio-demographic, psychosocial (i.e. work organization and health beliefs) and physical factors. (2) To estimate the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the study population (nurses, office workers and maquilas). (3) To analyze and compare the trends of association between psychosocial factors and MSDs to that of physical factors and MSDs in the study population. Trends of association between MSDs and psychosocial factors were also compared between nurses, office workers and maquilas. ^ Majority of the total study population were females, middle aged, non smokers and had been on the job for more than five years. Prevalence rates of low back pain and upper extremity pain were 28% and 37% respectively in nurses, 17% and 34% in office workers and 18% and 31% in maquilas. Workers' health belief was significantly associated with MSDs in all three occupational groups. Psychosocial factors were not consistently associated more with MSDs than physical factors. Maquilas had more psychosocial factors statistically significantly associated with musculoskeletal symptoms than nurses and office workers. ^ The findings of this research suggest that both psychosocial and physical risk factors play a role on the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms in the three working populations in Nicaragua. Future research in this area should explore further, the risk of developing MSDs from workers' exposure to psychosocial factors as well as physical factors.^


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Objective::Describe and understand regional differences and associated multilevel factors (patient, provider and regional) to inappropriate utilization of advance imaging tests in the privately insured population of Texas. Methods: We analyzed Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas claims dataset to study the advance imaging utilization during 2008-2010 in the PPO/PPO+ plans. We used three of CMS "Hospital Outpatient Quality Reporting" imaging efficiency measures. These included ordering MRI for low back pain without prior conservative management (OP-8) and utilization of combined with and without contrast abdominal CT (OP-10) and thorax CT (OP-11). Means and variation by hospital referral regions (HRR) in Texas were measured and a multilevel logistic regression for being a provider with high values for any the three OP measures was used in the analysis. We also analyzed OP-8 at the individual level. A multilevel logistic regression was used to identify predictive factors for having an inappropriate MRI for low back pain. Results: Mean OP-8 for Texas providers was 37.89%, OP-10 was 29.94% and OP-11 was 9.24%. Variation was higher for CT measure. And certain HRRs were consistently above the mean. Hospital providers had higher odds of high OP-8 values (OP-8: OR, 1.34; CI, 1.12-1.60) but had smaller odds of having high OP-10 and OP-11 values (OP-10: OR, 0.15; CI, 0.12-0.18; OP-11: OR, 0.43; CI, 0.34-0.53). Providers with the highest volume of imaging studies performed, were less likely to have high OP-8 measures (OP-8: OR, 0.58; CI, 0.48-0.70) but more likely to perform combined thoracic CT scans (OP-11: OR, 1.62; CI, 1.34-1.95). Males had higher odds of inappropriate MRI (OR, 1.21; CI, 1.16-1.26). Pattern of care in the six months prior to the MRI event was significantly associated with having an inappropriate MRI. Conclusion::We identified a significant variation in advance imaging utilization across Texas. Type of facility was associated with measure performance, but the associations differ according to the type of study. Last, certain individual characteristics such as gender, age and pattern of care were found to be predictors of inappropriate MRIs.^


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Purpose/objectives. A grounded theory design was used to identify, describe, and generate a theoretical analysis of the pain experience of elderly hospice patients with cancer. ^ Sample. Eleven participants over the age of 65, receiving services from a for-profit hospice were interviewed in their homes. ^ Methods. Broad unstructured face to face audio-taped interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using constant-comparative method of analysis. ^ Findings. Pain was described as a hierarchy of chronic, acute, and psychological pain with psychological pain as the worst. Suffering was the basic social problem of pain. Participants dealt with suffering by the basic social process of enduring. Enduring had two sub-processes, maintaining hope and adjusting. Trusting in a higher being and finding meaning were mechanisms of maintaining hope. Mechanisms of adjusting were dealing with uncertainty, accepting, and minimizing pain. ^ Implications for nursing practice. Nurses need to recognize and value the hard work of enduring to deal with suffering. Assisting elderly hospice patients with cancer to address the sub-processes of enduring and their mechanisms can foster enduring. ^