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em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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This research examines the graduation rate experienced by students receiving public education services in the state of Texas. Special attention is paid to that subgroup of Texas students who meet Texas Education Agency criteria for handicapped status. The study is guided by two research questions: What are the high school completion rates experienced by handicapped and nonhandicapped students attending Texas public schools? and What are the predictors of graduation for handicapped and nonhandicapped students?^ In addition, the following hypotheses are explored. Hypothesis 1: Handicapped students attending a Texas public school will experience a lower rate of high school completion than their nonhandicapped counterparts. Hypothesis 2: Handicapped and nonhandicapped students attending school in a Texas public school with a budget above the median budget for Texas public schools will experience a higher rate of high school completion than similar students in Texas public schools with a budget below the median budget. Hypothesis 3: Handicapped and nonhandicapped students attending school in large Texas urban areas will experience a lower rate of high school completion than similar students in Texas public schools in rural areas. Hypothesis 4: Handicapped and nonhandicapped students attending a Texas public school in a county which rates above the state median for food stamps and AFDC recipients will experience a lower rate of high school completion than students living in counties below the median.^ The study will employ extant data from the records of the Texas Education Agency for the 1988-1989 and the 1989-1990 school years, from the Texas Department of Health for the years of 1989 and 1990, and from the 1980 Census.^ The study reveals that nonhandicapped students are graduating with a two year average rate of.906, while handicapped students following an Individualized Educational Program (IEP) achieve a two year average rate of.532, and handicapped students following the regular academic program present a two year average graduation rate of only.371. The presence of other handicapped students, and the school district's average expense per student are found to contribute significantly to the completion rates of handicapped students. Size groupings are used to elucidate the various impacts of these variables on different school districts and different student groups.^ Conclusions and implications are offered regarding the need to reach national consensus on the definition and computation of high school completion for both handicapped and nonhandicapped students, and the need for improved statewide tracking of handicapped completion rates. ^


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Hierarchical linear growth model (HLGM), as a flexible and powerful analytic method, has played an increased important role in psychology, public health and medical sciences in recent decades. Mostly, researchers who conduct HLGM are interested in the treatment effect on individual trajectories, which can be indicated by the cross-level interaction effects. However, the statistical hypothesis test for the effect of cross-level interaction in HLGM only show us whether there is a significant group difference in the average rate of change, rate of acceleration or higher polynomial effect; it fails to convey information about the magnitude of the difference between the group trajectories at specific time point. Thus, reporting and interpreting effect sizes have been increased emphases in HLGM in recent years, due to the limitations and increased criticisms for statistical hypothesis testing. However, most researchers fail to report these model-implied effect sizes for group trajectories comparison and their corresponding confidence intervals in HLGM analysis, since lack of appropriate and standard functions to estimate effect sizes associated with the model-implied difference between grouping trajectories in HLGM, and also lack of computing packages in the popular statistical software to automatically calculate them. ^ The present project is the first to establish the appropriate computing functions to assess the standard difference between grouping trajectories in HLGM. We proposed the two functions to estimate effect sizes on model-based grouping trajectories difference at specific time, we also suggested the robust effect sizes to reduce the bias of estimated effect sizes. Then, we applied the proposed functions to estimate the population effect sizes (d ) and robust effect sizes (du) on the cross-level interaction in HLGM by using the three simulated datasets, and also we compared the three methods of constructing confidence intervals around d and du recommended the best one for application. At the end, we constructed 95% confidence intervals with the suitable method for the effect sizes what we obtained with the three simulated datasets. ^ The effect sizes between grouping trajectories for the three simulated longitudinal datasets indicated that even though the statistical hypothesis test shows no significant difference between grouping trajectories, effect sizes between these grouping trajectories can still be large at some time points. Therefore, effect sizes between grouping trajectories in HLGM analysis provide us additional and meaningful information to assess group effect on individual trajectories. In addition, we also compared the three methods to construct 95% confident intervals around corresponding effect sizes in this project, which handled with the uncertainty of effect sizes to population parameter. We suggested the noncentral t-distribution based method when the assumptions held, and the bootstrap bias-corrected and accelerated method when the assumptions are not met.^


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Theoretical and empirical studies were conducted on the pattern of nucleotide and amino acid substitution in evolution, taking into account the effects of mutation at the nucleotide level and purifying selection at the amino acid level. A theoretical model for predicting the evolutionary change in electrophoretic mobility of a protein was also developed by using information on the pattern of amino acid substitution. The specific problems studied and the main results obtained are as follows: (1) Estimation of the pattern of nucleotide substitution in DNA nuclear genomes. The pattern of point mutations and nucleotide substitutions among the four different nucleotides are inferred from the evolutionary changes of pseudogenes and functional genes, respectively. Both patterns are non-random, the rate of change varying considerably with nucleotide pair, and that in both cases transitions occur somewhat more frequently than transversions. In protein evolution, substitution occurs more often between amino acids with similar physico-chemical properties than between dissimilar amino acids. (2) Estimation of the pattern of nucleotide substitution in RNA genomes. The majority of mutations in retroviruses accumulate at the reverse transcription stage. Selection at the amino acid level is very weak, and almost non-existent between synonymous codons. The pattern of mutation is very different from that in DNA genomes. Nevertheless, the pattern of purifying selection at the amino acid level is similar to that in DNA genomes, although selection intensity is much weaker. (3) Evaluation of the determinants of molecular evolutionary rates in protein-coding genes. Based on rates of nucleotide substitution for mammalian genes, the rate of amino acid substitution of a protein is determined by its amino acid composition. The content of glycine is shown to correlate strongly and negatively with the rate of substitution. Empirical formulae, called indices of mutability, are developed in order to predict the rate of molecular evolution of a protein from data on its amino acid sequence. (4) Studies on the evolutionary patterns of electrophoretic mobility of proteins. A theoretical model was constructed that predicts the electric charge of a protein at any given pH and its isoelectric point from data on its primary and quaternary structures. Using this model, the evolutionary change in electrophoretic mobilities of different proteins and the expected amount of electrophoretically hidden genetic variation were studied. In the absence of selection for the pI value, proteins will on the average evolve toward a mildly basic pI. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^


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This work aimed to create a mailable and OSLD-based phantom with accuracy suitable for RPC audits of HDR brachytherapy sources at institutions participating in NCI-funded cooperative clinical trials. An 8 × 8 × 10 cm3 prototype with two slots capable of holding nanoDot Al2O3:C OSL dosimeters (Landauer, Glenwood, IL) was designed and built. The phantom has a single channel capable of accepting all 192Ir HDR brachytherapy sources in current clinical use in the United States. Irradiations were performed with an 192Ir HDR source to determine correction factors for linearity with dose, dose rate, and the combined effect of irradiation energy and phantom construction. The uncertainties introduced by source positioning in the phantom and timer resolution limitations were also investigated. It was found that the linearity correction factor was where dose is in cGy, which differed from that determined by the RPC for the same batch of dosimeters under 60Co irradiation. There was no significant dose rate effect. Separate energy+block correction factors were determined for both models of 192Ir sources currently in clinical use and these vendor-specific correction factors differed by almost 2.6%. For Nucletron sources, this correction factor was 1.026±0.004 (99% Confidence Interval) and for Varian sources it was 1.000±0.007 (99% CI). Reasonable deviations in source positioning within the phantom and the limited resolution of the source timer had insignificant effects on the ability to measure dose. Overall measurement uncertainty of the system was estimated to be ±2.5% for both Nucletron and Varian source audits (95% CI). This uncertainty was sufficient to establish a ±5% acceptance criterion for source strength audits under a formal RPC audit program. Trial audits of eight participating institutions resulted in an average RPC-to-institution dose ratio of 1.000 with a standard deviation of 0.011.


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The infant mortality rate (IMR) is considered to be one of the most important indices of a country's well-being. Countries around the world and other health organizations like the World Health Organization are dedicating their resources, knowledge and energy to reduce the infant mortality rates. The well-known Millennium Development Goal 4 (MDG 4), whose aim is to archive a two thirds reduction of the under-five mortality rate between 1990 and 2015, is an example of the commitment. ^ In this study our goal is to model the trends of IMR between the 1950s to 2010s for selected countries. We would like to know how the IMR is changing overtime and how it differs across countries. ^ IMR data collected over time forms a time series. The repeated observations of IMR time series are not statistically independent. So in modeling the trend of IMR, it is necessary to account for these correlations. We proposed to use the generalized least squares method in general linear models setting to deal with the variance-covariance structure in our model. In order to estimate the variance-covariance matrix, we referred to the time-series models, especially the autoregressive and moving average models. Furthermore, we will compared results from general linear model with correlation structure to that from ordinary least squares method without taking into account the correlation structure to check how significantly the estimates change.^


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Maine implemented a hospital rate-setting program in 1984 at approximately the same time as Medicare started the Prospective Payment System (PPS). This study examines the effectiveness of the program in controlling cost over the period 1984-1989. Hospital costs in Maine are compared to costs in 36 non rate-setting states and 11 other rate-setting states. Changes in cost per equivalent admission, adjusted patient day, per capita, admissions, and length of stay are described and analyzed using multivariate techniques. A number of supply and demand variables which were expected to influence costs independently of rate-setting were controlled for in the study. Results indicate the program was effective in containing costs measured in terms of cost per adjusted patient day. However, this was not true for the other two cost variables. The average length of stay increased during the period in Maine hospitals indicating an association with rate-setting. Several supply variables, especially the number of beds per 1,000 population were strongly associated with the cost and use of hospitals. ^