8 resultados para Activated sludge model number 1
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A bench-scale treatability study was conducted on a high-strength wastewater from a chemical plant to develop an alternative for the existing waste stabilization pond treatment system. The objective of this study was to determine the treatability of the wastewater by the activated sludge process and, if treatable, to determine appropriate operating conditions, and to evaluate the degradability of bis(2-chloroethyl)ether (Chlorex) and benzene in the activated sludge system. Four 4-L Plexi-glass, complete mixing, continuous flow activated sludge reactors were operated in parallel under different operating conditions over a 6-month period. The operating conditions examined were hydraulic retention time (HRT), sludge retention time (SRT), nutrient supplement, and Chlorex/benzene spikes. Generally the activated sludge system treating high-strength wastewater was stable under large variations of organic loading and operating conditions. At an HRT of 2 days, more than 90% removal efficiency with good sludge settleability was achieved when the organic loading was less than 0.4 g BOD$\sb5$/g MLVSS/d or 0.8 g COD/g MLVSS/d. At least 20 days of SRT was required to maintain steady operation. Phosphorus addition enhanced the performance of the system especially during stressed operation. On the average, removals of benzene and Chlorex were 73-86% and 37-65%, respectively. In addition, the low-strength wastewater was treatable by activated sludge process, showing more than 90% BOD removal at a HRT of 0.5 days. In general, the sludge had poor settling characteristics. The aerated lagoon process treating high-strength wastewater also provided significant organic reduction, but did not produce an acceptable effluent concentration. ^
$\beta$-adrenergic receptor-mediated activation of adenylate cyclase exhibits an agonist-specific separation between the dose/response curve (characterized by the EC$\sb{50}$) and the dose/binding curve (characterized by the K$\sb{\rm d}$). Cyclase activity can be near-maximal when receptor occupancy is quite low (EC$\sb{50}$ $\ll$ K$\sb{\rm d}$). This separation between the binding and response curves can be explained by the assumption that the rate of cyclase activation is proportional to the concentration of agonist-bound receptors, since the receptor is mobile and can activate more than one cyclase (the Collision Coupling Model of Tolkovsky and Levitzki). Here it is established that agonist binding frequency plays an additional role in adenylate cyclase activation in S49 murine lymphoma cells. Using epinephrine (EC$\sb{50}$ = 10 nM, K$\sb{\rm d}$ = 2 $\mu$M), the rate of cyclase activation decreased by 80% when a small (1.5%) receptor occupancy was restricted (by addition of the antagonist propranolol) to a small number (1.5%) of receptors rather than being proportionally distributed among the cell's entire population of receptors. Thus adenylate cyclase activity is not proportional to receptor occupancy in all circumstances. Collisions between receptor and cyclase pairs apparently occur a number of times in rapid sequence (an encounter); the high binding frequency of epinephrine ensures that discontiguous regions of the cell surface experience some period of agonist-bound receptor activity per small unit time minimizing "wasted" collisions between activated cyclase and bound receptor within an encounter. A contribution of agonist binding frequency to activation is thus possible when: (1) the mean lifetime of the agonist-receptor complex is shorter than the mean encounter time, and (2) the absolute efficiency (intrinsic ability to promote cyclase activation per collision) of the agonist-receptor complex is high. These conclusions are supported by experiments using agonists of different efficiencies and binding frequencies. These results are formalized in the Encounter Coupling Model of adenylate cyclase activation, which takes into explicit account the agonist binding frequency, agonist affinity for the $\beta$-adrenergic receptor, agonist efficiency, encounter frequency and the encounter time between receptor and cyclase. ^
Under normal physiological conditions, cells of the hematopoietic system produce Interleukin-1$\beta$(IL-1$\beta)$ only when a stimulus is present. Leukemic cells, however, can constitutively produce this cytokine without an exogenous source of activation. In addition, IL-1$\beta$ can operate as an autocrine and/or paracrine growth factor for leukemic blasts. In order to study the cellular basis for this aberrant production, we analyzed two leukemic cell lines (B1 and W1) which express high levels of IL-1$\beta$ and use IL-1$\beta$ as an autocrine growth factor. Initial studies demonstrated: (1) lack of rearrangement and/or amplification in the IL-1$\beta$ gene and its promoter; and (2) intact responsiveness to regulators such as cycloheximide and dexamethasone, implying that the molecular defect was upstream. Analysis of the Ras inducible transcription factors by gel shift assay demonstrated constitutive transcription factor binding in the IL-1$\beta$ promoter. Furthermore, RAS mutations were found at codon 12 in the K-RAS and N-RAS genes in the B1 and W1 cells, respectively. To deduce the effects of activated Ras on IL-1$\beta$ expression, two classes of farnesyltransferase inhibitors and an adenoviral vector expressing antisense targeted to K-RAS were utilized. The farnesyltransferase inhibitors perillyl alcohol and B581 were able to reduce IL-1$\beta$ levels by 80% and 50% in the B1 cells, respectively. In W1 cells, IL-1$\beta$ was reduced by 60% with 1mM perillyl alcohol. Antisense RNA targeted to K-RAS confirmed the results demonstrating a 50% reduction in IL-1$\beta$ expression in the B1 cells. In addition, decreased binding at the crucial NF-IL6/CREB binding site correlated with decreased IL-1$\beta$ production and cellular proliferation implying that this site was a downstream effector of Ras signaling. Our data suggest that mutated RAS genes may be responsible for autocrine IL-1$\beta$ production in some leukemias by stimulating signal transduction pathways that activate the IL-1$\beta$ promoter. ^
The publication of the inaugural issue of the Journal of Applied Research on Children is a notable milestone for its sponsoring organization, CHILDREN AT RISK (www.childrenatrisk.org). With the release of “Volume 1, Number 1,” we as the Co-Editors in Chief would like to take the opportunity to thank the inaugural contributors whose articles follow and to answer the obvious question of “Why publish a new journal?”
Vitamin D is essential in maintaining the bone health and Calcium homeostasis in the body. These actions are mediated through the Vitamin D receptors (VDR) present in cells through which the activated vitamin D acts [1]. In the past, it was known that these receptors existed in the intestine and bone cell. However, recent discovery of VDR in other tissues as well, has broadened the action of Vitamin D and increased its adequate intake [1].^ In the past, Vitamin D deficiency was most common among institutionalized, elderly patients and children and thought to be extinct in the healthy population. However, recent evidence has shown that, prevalence of vitamin D deficiency is increasing into an epidemic status in the overall population of the United States, including the healthy individuals [2-3]. The increased daily-recommended requirement and other multiple factors are responsible for the re-emergence of this epidemic [4-5]. Some of these factors could be used to control the epidemic. Studies have also shown the association between vitamin D deficiency and increased risk for developing chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, and some fatal cancers like prostate, colon and breast cancers [1, 4, 6-14]. This issue results in increased disease burden, morbidity and mortality in the community [15-20].^ Methods: The literature search was conducted using the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHSC) and University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW) online library. The key search terms used are “vitamin D deficiency And prevalence Or epidemiology”, “vitamin D deficiency And implication And public health” using PubMed and Mesh database and “vitamin D deficiency” using systematic reviews. The search is limited to Humans and the English language. The articles considered for the review are limited to Healthy US population to avoid health conditions that predispose the population to vitamin D deficiency. Only US population is considered to narrow down the study.^ Results: There is an increased prevalence of low levels of Vitamin D levels below the normal range in the US population regardless of age and health status. Vitamin D deficiency is also associated with increased risk of chronic illnesses and fatal cancers.^ Conclusion: This increased prevalence and the association of the deficiency with increased all-cause mortality has increased the economic burden and compromised the quality of life among the population. This necessitates the health care providers to routinely screen their patients for the Vitamin D status and counsel them to avoid the harmful effects of the Vitamin D deficiency. ^
This paper defines and compares several models for describing excess influenza pneumonia mortality in Houston. First, the methodology used by the Center for Disease Control is examined and several variations of this methodology are studied. All of the models examined emphasize the difficulty of omitting epidemic weeks.^ In an attempt to find a better method of describing expected and epidemic mortality, time series methods are examined. Grouping in four-week periods, truncating the data series to adjust epidemic periods, and seasonally-adjusting the series y(,t), by:^ (DIAGRAM, TABLE OR GRAPHIC OMITTED...PLEASE SEE DAI)^ is the best method examined. This new series w(,t) is stationary and a moving average model MA(1) gives a good fit for forecasting influenza and pneumonia mortality in Houston.^ Influenza morbidity, other causes of death, sex, race, age, climate variables, environmental factors, and school absenteeism are all examined in terms of their relationship to influenza and pneumonia mortality. Both influenza morbidity and ischemic heart disease mortality show a very high relationship that remains when seasonal trends are removed from the data. However, when jointly modeling the three series it is obvious that the simple time series MA(1) model of truncated, seasonally-adjusted four-week data gives a better forecast.^
Multiple studies have shown an association between periodontitis and coronary heart disease due to the chronic inflammatory nature of periodontitis. Also, studies have indicated similar risk factors and patho-physiologic mechanisms for periodontitis and CHD. Among these factors, smoking has been the most discussed common risk factor and some studies suggested the periodontitis - CHD association to be largely a result of confounding due to smoking or inadequate adjustment for it. We conducted a secondary data analysis of the Dental ARIC Study, an ancillary study to the ARIC Study, to evaluate the effect of smoking on the periodontitis - CHD association using three periodontitis classifications namely, BGI, AAP-CDC, and Dental-ARIC classification (Beck et al 2001). We also compared these results with edentulous ARIC participants. Using Cox proportional hazard models, we found that the individuals with the most severe form of periodontitis in each of the three classifications (BGI: HR = 1.56, 95%CI: 1.15 – 2.13; AAP-CDC: HR = 1.42, 95%CI: 1.13 – 1.79; and Dental-ARIC: HR = 1.49, 95%CI: 1.22 – 1.83) were at a significantly higher risk of incident CHD in the unadjusted models; whereas only BGI-P3 showed statistically significant increased risk in the smoking adjusted models (HR = 1.43, 95%CI: 1.04 – 1.96). However none of the categories in any of the classifications showed significant association when a list of traditional CHD risk factors was introduced into the models. On the other hand, edentulous participants showed significant results when compared to the dentate ARIC participants in the crude (HR = 1.56, 95%CI: 1.34 – 1.82); smoking adjusted (HR = 1.39, 95%CI: 1.18 – 1.64) age, race and sex adjusted (HR = 1.52, 95%CI: 1.30 – 1.77); and ARIC traditional risk factors (except smoking) adjusted (HR = 1.27, 95%CI: 1.02 – 1.57) models. Also, the risk remained significantly higher even when smoking was introduced in the age, sex and race adjusted model (HR = 1.38, 95%CI: 1.17 – 1.63). Smoking did not reduce the hazard ratio by more than 8% when it was included in any of the Cox models. ^ This is the first study to include the three most recent case definitions of periodontitis simultaneously while looking at its association with incident coronary heart disease. We found smoking to be partially confounding the periodontitis and coronary heart disease association and edentulism to be significantly associated with incident CHD even after adjusting for smoking and the ARIC traditional risk factors. The difference in the three periodontitis classifications was not found to be statistical significant when they were tested for equality of the area under their ROC curves but this should not be confused with their clinical significance.^
The human glutathione S-transferase P1 (GSTP1) protein is an endogenous inhibitor of c-jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) and an important phase II detoxification enzyme. ^ Recent identification of a cAMP response element (CRE) in the 5 ′-region of the human GSTP1 gene and several putative phosphorylation sites for the Ser/Thr protein kinases, including, cAMP-dependent protein kinases (PKAs), protein kinases C (PKCs), and JNKs in the GSTP1 protein raised the possibility that signaling pathways may play an important role in the transcriptional and post-translational regulation of GSTP1 gene. This study examined (a) whether the signaling pathway mediated by CAMP, via the GSTP1 CRE, is involved in the transcriptional regulation of the GSTP1 gene, (b) whether signaling pathways mediated by the Ser/Thr protein kinases (PKAs, PKCs, and JNKs) induce post-translational modification, viz. phosphorylation of the GSTP1 protein, and (c) whether such phosphorylation of the GSTP1 protein alters its functions in metabolism and in JNK signaling. ^ The first major finding in this study is the establishment of the human GSTP1 gene as a novel CAMP responsive gene in which transcription is activated via an interaction between PKA activated CRE binding protein-1 (CREB-1) and the CRE in the 5′-regulatory region. ^ The second major finding in this study is the observation that the GSTP1 protein undergoes phosphorylation and functionally activated by second messenger-activated protein kinases, PKA and PKC, in tumor cells with activated signaling pathways. Following phosphorylation by PKA or PKC, the catalytic activity of the GSTP1 protein was significantly enhanced, as indicated by a decrease in its Km (2- to 3.6-fold) and an increase in Kcat/ Km (1.6- to 2.5-fold) for glutathione. Given the frequent over-expression of GSTP1 and the aberrant PKA/PKC signaling cascade observed in tumors, these findings suggest that phosphorylation of GSTP1 may contribute to the malignant progression and drug-resistant phenotype of these tumors. ^ The third major finding in this study is that the GSTP1 protein, an inhibitor of JNKs, undergoes significant phosphorylation in tumor cells with activated JNK signaling pathway and in those under oxidative stress. Following phosphorylation by JNK, the ability of GSTP1 to inhibit JNK downstream function, i.e. c-jun phosphorylation, was significantly enhanced, suggesting a feedback mechanism of regulation of JNK-mediated cellular signaling. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^