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Linezolid, which targets the ribosome, is a new synthetic antibiotic that is used for treatment of infections caused by Gram-positive pathogens. Clinical resistance to linezolid, so far, has been developing only slowly and has involved exclusively target site mutations. We have discovered that linezolid resistance in a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus hospital strain from Colombia is determined by the presence of the cfr gene whose product, Cfr methyltransferase, modifies adenosine at position 2503 in 23S rRNA in the large ribosomal subunit. The molecular model of the linezolid-ribosome complex reveals localization of A2503 within the drug binding site. The natural function of cfr likely involves protection against natural antibiotics whose site of action overlaps that of linezolid. In the chromosome of the clinical strain, cfr is linked to ermB, a gene responsible for dimethylation of A2058 in 23S rRNA. Coexpression of these two genes confers resistance to all the clinically relevant antibiotics that target the large ribosomal subunit. The association of the ermB/cfr operon with transposon and plasmid genetic elements indicates its possible mobile nature. This is the first example of clinical resistance to the synthetic drug linezolid which involves a natural resistance gene with the capability of disseminating among Gram-positive pathogenic strains.


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The cumulative work presented here supports the hypothesis that plasticity in the cerebellar cortex and cerebellar nuclei mediates a simple associative form of motor teaming-Pavlovian eyelid conditioning. It was previously demonstrated that focal ablative lesions of cerebellar anterior lobe or pharmacological block of the cerebellar cortex output disrupted the timing of the conditioned eyeblink response, unmasking a response with a relatively fixed and very short latency to onset. The results of this thesis demonstrate that the short-latency responses are due to associative learning. Unpaired training does not support the acquisition of short-latency responses while the rate of acquisition of short-latency responses during paired training is approximately the same as that of timed conditioned responses. The acquisition of short-latency responses is dependent on an intact cerebellar cortex. Both ablative lesions of the cerebellar cortex and inactivation of cerebellar cortex output with picrotoxin block the acquisition of short-latency responses. However, once the short-latency responses are acquired neither disconnection of cerebellar cortex nor inactivation of the cerebellar nucleus block reacquisition. The results are consistent with the proposal that plasticity in the cerebellar cortex is necessary for learning the timing of conditioned responses, plasticity in the interpositus nucleus mediates the short latency responses, and cerebellar cortical output and mossy fiber input are necessary for the acquisition of short latency responses. ^


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: High-resolution, vascular MR imaging of the spine region in small animals poses several challenges. The small anatomic features, extravascular diffusion, and low signal-to-noise ratio limit the use of conventional contrast agents. We hypothesize that a long-circulating, intravascular liposomal-encapsulated MR contrast agent (liposomal-Gd) would facilitate visualization of small anatomic features of the perispinal vasculature not visible with conventional contrast agent (gadolinium-diethylene-triaminepentaacetic acid [Gd-DTPA]). METHODS: In this study, high-resolution MR angiography of the spine region was performed in a rat model using a liposomal-Gd, which is known to remain within the blood pool for an extended period. The imaging characteristics of this agent were compared with those of a conventional contrast agent, Gd-DTPA. RESULTS: The liposomal-Gd enabled acquisition of high quality angiograms with high signal-to-noise ratio. Several important vascular features, such as radicular arteries, posterior spinal vein, and epidural venous plexus were visualized in the angiograms obtained with the liposomal agent. The MR angiograms obtained with conventional Gd-DTPA did not demonstrate these vessels clearly because of marked extravascular soft-tissue enhancement that obscured the vasculature. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates the potential benefit of long-circulating liposomal-Gd as a MR contrast agent for high-resolution vascular imaging applications.


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The acquisition of the metastatic melanoma phenotype is associated with increased expression of the melanoma cell adhesion molecule MCAM/MUC18 (CD146). However, the mechanism by which MUC18 contributes to melanoma metastasis remains unclear. Herein, we stably silenced MUC18 expression utilizing lentivirus-incorporated small hairpin RNA, in two metastatic melanoma cell lines, A375SM and C8161, and conducted cDNA microarray analysis. We identified and validated that the transcriptional regulator, Inhibitor of DNA Binding-1 (Id-1), previously shown to function as an oncogene in several malignancies, was downregulated by 5.6-fold following MUC18 silencing. Additionally, we found that MUC18 regulated Id-1 expression at the transcriptional level via ATF-3. Interestingly, ATF-3 was upregulated by 6.9 fold in our cDNA microarray analysis following MUC18 silencing. ChIP analysis showed increased binding of ATF-3 to the Id-1 promoter after MUC18 silencing, while mutation of the ATF-3 binding site on the Id-1 promoter increased Id-1 promoter activity in MUC18-silenced cells. These Data suggest that MUC18 silencing promotes inhibition of Id-1 expression by increasing ATF-3 expression and binding to the Id-1 promoter. Rescue of MUC18 reverted the expression of Id-1 and ATF-3, thus validating that they are not off-target effects of MUC18. To further assess the role of Id-1 in melanoma invasion and metastasis, we overexpressed Id-1 in MUC18-silenced cells. Overexpression of Id-1 in MUC18-silenced cells resulted in increased cell invasion, as well as increased expression and activity of MMP-2. Our data further reveal that Id-1 regulates MMP-2 at the transcriptional level through Sp1 and Ets-1. This is the first report to demonstrate that MUC18 does not act exclusively in cell adherence, but is also involved in cell signaling that regulates the expression of genes, such as Id-1 and ATF-3, thus contributing to the metastatic melanoma phenotype.


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The hyl(Efm) gene (encoding a putative hyaluronidase) has been found almost exclusively in Enterococcus faecium clinical isolates, and recently, it was shown to be on a plasmid which increased the ability of E. faecium strains to colonize the gastrointestinal tract. In this work, the results of mating experiments between hyl(Efm)-containing strains of E. faecium belonging to clonal cluster 17 and isolated in the United States and Colombia indicated that the hyl(Efm) gene of these strains is also carried on large plasmids (>145 kb) which we showed transfer readily from clinical strains to E. faecium hosts. Cotransfer of resistance to vancomycin and high-level resistance (HLR) to aminoglycosides (gentamicin and streptomycin) and erythromycin was also observed. The vanA gene cluster and gentamicin resistance determinants were genetically linked to hyl(Efm), whereas erm(B) and ant(6)-I, conferring macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin B resistance and HLR to streptomycin, respectively, were not. A hyl(Efm)-positive transconjugant resulting from a mating between a well-characterized endocarditis strain [TX0016 (DO)] and a derivative of a fecal strain of E. faecium from a healthy human volunteer (TX1330RF) exhibited increased virulence in a mouse peritonitis model. These results indicate that E. faecium strains use a strategy which involves the recruitment into the same genetic unit of antibiotic resistance genes and determinants that increase the ability to produce disease. Our findings indicate that the acquisition of the hyl(Efm) plasmids may explain, at least in part, the recent successful emergence of some E. faecium strains as nosocomial pathogens.


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Recent treatment planning studies have demonstrated the use of physiologic images in radiation therapy treatment planning to identify regions for functional avoidance. This image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) strategy may reduce the injury and/or functional loss following thoracic radiotherapy. 4D computed tomography (CT), developed for radiotherapy treatment planning, is a relatively new imaging technique that allows the acquisition of a time-varying sequence of 3D CT images of the patient's lungs through the respiratory cycle. Guerrero et al. developed a method to calculate ventilation imaging from 4D CT, which is potentially better suited and more broadly available for IGRT than the current standard imaging methods. The key to extracting function information from 4D CT is the construction of a volumetric deformation field that accurately tracks the motion of the patient's lungs during the respiratory cycle. The spatial accuracy of the displacement field directly impacts the ventilation images; higher spatial registration accuracy will result in less ventilation image artifacts and physiologic inaccuracies. Presently, a consistent methodology for spatial accuracy evaluation of the DIR transformation is lacking. Evaluation of the 4D CT-derived ventilation images will be performed to assess correlation with global measurements of lung ventilation, as well as regional correlation of the distribution of ventilation with the current clinical standard SPECT. This requires a novel framework for both the detailed assessment of an image registration algorithm's performance characteristics as well as quality assurance for spatial accuracy assessment in routine application. Finally, we hypothesize that hypo-ventilated regions, identified on 4D CT ventilation images, will correlate with hypo-perfused regions in lung cancer patients who have obstructive lesions. A prospective imaging trial of patients with locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer will allow this hypothesis to be tested. These advances are intended to contribute to the validation and clinical implementation of CT-based ventilation imaging in prospective clinical trials, in which the impact of this imaging method on patient outcomes may be tested.


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Increasingly, families referred for Intensive Family Preservation Services have not experienced a crisis of maltreatment, focused on the parent; rather these families have children with chronic behavioral difficulties for which their parents lack the skills to cope. These are the same families whose children were formerly placed in residential programs. This paper presents The Family Partners Credit Card System, incorporating behavioral techniques developed to treat children in out-of-home placements into a family preservation model. Two case examples illustrate how the system has been modified to train biological or adoptive parents in parenting skills, enable them to teach their children pro-family behaviors, and reinforce new behaviors through a credit card that monitors an ongoing balance of credits and fines.


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The primary objective of this study has been to investigate the effects at the molecular level of trisomy of mouse chromosome 7 in chemically induced skin tumors. It was previously proposed that the initiation event in the mouse skin carcinogenesis model is a heterozygous mutation of the Ha-ras-1 gene, mapped to chromosome 7. Previous studies in this laboratory identified trisomy 7 as one of the primary nonrandom cytogenetic abnormalities found in the majority of severely dysplastic papillomas and squamous cell carcinomas induced in SENCAR mice by an initiation-promotion protocol. Therefore, the first hypothesis tested was that trisomy 7 occurs by specific duplication of the chromosome carrying a mutated Ha-ras-1 allele. Results of a quantitative analysis of normal/mutated allelic ratios of the Ha-ras-1 gene confirmed this hypothesis, showing that most of the tumors exhibited overrepresentation of the mutated allele in the form of 1/2, 0/3, and 0/2 (normal/mutated) ratios. In addition, histopathological analysis of the tumors showed an apparent association between the degree of malignancy and the dosage of the mutated Ha-ras-1 allele. To determine the mechanism for loss of the normal Ha-ras-1 allele, found in 30% of the tumors, a comparison of constitutional and tumor genotypes was performed at different informative loci of chromosome 7. By combining Southern blot and polymerase chain reaction fragment length polymorphism analyses of DNAs extracted from squamous cell carcinomas, complete loss of heterozygosity was detected in 15 of 20 tumors at the Hbb locus, and in 5 of 5 tumors at the int-2 locus, both distal to Ha-ras-1. In addition, polymerase chain reaction analysis of DNA extracted from papillomas indicated that loss of heterozygosity occurs in late-stage lesions exhibiting a high degree of dysplasia and areas of microinvasion, suggesting that this event may be associated to the acquisition of the malignant phenotype. Allelic dosage analysis of tumors that had become homozygous at Hbb but retained heterozygosis at Ha-ras-1, indicated that loss of heterozygosity on mouse chromosome 7 occurs by a mitotic recombination mechanism. Overall, these findings suggest the presence of a putative tumor suppressor locus on the 7F1-ter region of mouse chromosome 7. Thus, loss of function by homozygosis at this putative suppressor locus may complement activation of the Ha-ras-1 gene during tumor progression, and might be associated with the malignant conversion stage of mouse skin carcinogenesis. ^


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In the field of chemical carcinogenesis the use of animal models has proved to be a useful tool in dissecting the multistage process of tumor formation. In this regard the outbred SENCAR mouse has been the strain of choice in the analysis of skin carcinogenesis given its high sensitivity to the chemically induced acquisition of premalignant lesions, papillomas, and the later progression of these lesions into squamous cell carcinomas (SCC).^ The derivation of an inbred strain from the SENCAR stock called SSIN, that in spite of a high sensitivity to the development of papillomas lack the ability to transform these premalignant lesions into SCC, suggested that tumor promotion and progression were under the genetic control of different sets of genes.^ In the present study the nature of susceptibility to tumor progression was investigated. Analysis of F1 hybrids between the outbred SENCAR and SSIN mice suggested that there is at least one dominant gene responsible for susceptibility to tumor progression.^ Later development of another inbred strain from the outbred SENCAR stock, that had sensitivity to both tumor promotion and progression, allowed the formulation of a more accurate genetic model. Using this newly derived line, SENCAR B/Pt. and SSIN it was determined that there is one dominant tumor progression susceptibility gene. Linkage analysis showed that this gene maps to mouse chromosome 14 and it was possible to narrow the region to a 16 cM interval.^ In order to better characterize the nature of the progression susceptibility differences between these two strains, their proliferative pattern was investigated. It was found that SENCAR B/Pt, have an enlarged proliferative compartment with overexpression of cyclin D1, p16 and p21. Further studies showed an aberrant overexpression of TGF-$\beta$ in the susceptible strain, an increase in apoptosis, p53 protein accumulation and early loss of connexin 26. These results taken together suggest that papillomas in the SENCAR B/Pt. mice have higher proliferation and may have an increase in genomic instability, these two factors would contribute to a higher sensitivity to tumor progression. ^


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The coordination of the apoptotic program necessitates the timely expression of sensor, effector, and mediator molecules. Fas/CD95, a transmembrane receptor which tethers the cell-death machinery, triggers apoptosis to maintain immune homeostasis, tolerance, and surveillance. Dysregulation in Fas-mediated apoptosis, either from disproportionate expression or disruptions in the downstream signaling pathway, manifests in autoimmune disorders and certain malignant progression. ^ In this project, the transcriptional requirements underlying two modulators of Fas expression were investigated. In T-lymphocytes, activation results in potent Fas upregulation followed by an acquisition of sensitivity towards FasL-mediated apoptosis. Human fas promoter cloning and analysis have identified a cis-element critical for inducible Fas expression. EMSA studies using this region demonstrated a constitutive association with the transcription factor Sp1 and inducible NF-κB binding in response to activation. These interactions were mutually exclusive, as the rB/Sp1 element bound with recombinant Sp1 was readily displaced by increasing amounts of NF-κB p50. Thus, Fas upregulation by T-cell activation stimuli is dependent upon NF-κB binding at the fas promoter. ^ The capacity of Sp1 to direct basal Fas expression was examined through mutagenesis of several GC-rich regions within the core fas promoter. Reporter analysis of single or combinatorial mutant GC-box constructs revealed usage of a particular GC-element in moderating over 50% of basal fas transcription. Inducible expression was Sp1-independent, however, since activated Jurkat cells containing fas Sp1-mutant constructs retained equivalent reporter induction. Overall, a dual-level of transcriptional control exists in fas, where constitutive activity is monitored through Sp1 binding, whereas T-cell activation obligates NF κB transactivation. ^ In response to genotoxic damage, p53 modulates Fas levels partly by a transcription-dependent mechanism. Reconstitution of wild-type p53 in the hepatoma cell line Hep3B readily induced Fas transcription. Furthermore, fas promoter analysis identified an undescribed p53 responsive element which, when deleted, ablated p53-mediated reporter activity. Therefore, the pro-apoptotic function mediated by p53 is driven partially through the enhancement of Fas expression. ^ Altogether, events elicting Fas transcription may invoke single or overlapping mechanisms that converge at the level of promoter activity. Agents that enhance or attenuate these pathways may be therapeutically beneficial in modulating the expression and sensitivity towards Fas-dependent apoptosis. ^


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Here, we investigate the involvement of two sites of plasticity in the learning and expression of a simple associative motor behavior—the classically conditioned eyelid response. While previous studies clearly demonstrate that lesions of the anterior interpositus nucleus of the cerebellum abolish learned responses and prevent subsequent learning, studies investigating the effects of lesions of the cerebellar cortex on learning and retention have produced discrepant results. We complement ablative lesion studies of the cortex with the use of reversible, pharmacological blockade of cerebellar cortical transmission to investigate the role of the cerebellar cortex in eyelid conditioning. We demonstrate that both pharmacological blockade as well as focused ablative lesions of the cortex abolish timed responses and unmask responses with a fixed, short latency that are not displayed by the intact animal. Pharmacological blockade of cerebellar cortex output at various stages of acquisition and extinction reveals appropriate, learning dependent changes in the amplitude and probability of short latency responses during training. Acquisition of both short latency as well as timed responses is prevented by ablative lesions of the anterior lobe of the cerebellar cortex. These convergent results from technically distinct methods of removing the influence of the cerebellar cortex from conditioned behavior are consistent with the proposal that (1) eyelid conditioning engages two cerebellar sites of plasticity-one in the cortex and one in the anterior interpositus nucleus, (2) plasticity in the cerebellar cortex is necessary for proper response timing, (3) plasticity in the nucleus mediates the short latency responses unmasked by lesions of the cerebellar cortex, and (4) cerebellar cortical output is necessary for the induction of plasticity in the nucleus. ^


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The present study examined cellular mechanisms involved in the production and secretion of human (gamma)IFN. The hypothesis of this investigation was that (gamma)IFN is an export glycoprotein whose synthesis in human T lymphocytes is dependent on membrane stimulation, polypeptide synthesis in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, packaging in the Golgi complex, and release from the cell by exocytosis.^ The model system for this examination utilized T lymphocytes from normal donors and patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) induced in vitro with the tumor promoter, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and the lectin, phytohemagglutinin (PHA) to produce (gamma)IFN. This study reconfirmed the ability of PMA and PHA to synergistically induce (gamma)IFN production in normal T lymphocytes, as measured by viral inhibition assays and radio-immunoassays for (gamma)IFN. The leukemic T cells were demonstrated to produce (gamma)IFN in response to treatment with PHA. PMA treatment also induced (gamma)IFN production in the leukemic T cells, which was much greater than that observed in similarly treated normal T cells. In these same cells, however, combined treatment of the agents was shown to be ineffective at inducing (gamma)IFN production beyond the levels stimulated by the individual agents. In addition, the present study reiterated the synergistic effect of PMA/PHA on the stimulation of growth kinetics in normal T cells. The cell cycle of the leukemic T cells was also responsive to treatment with the agents, particularly with PMA treatment. A number of morphological alterations were attributed to PMA treatment including the acquisition of an elongated configuration, nuclear folds, and large cytoplasmic vacuoles. Many of the effects were observed to be reversible with dilution of the agents, and reversion to this state occurred more rapidly in the leukemic T cells. Most importantly, utilization of a thin section immuno-colloidal gold labelling technique for electron microscopy provided, for the first time, direct evidence of the cellular mechanism of (gamma)IFN production and secretion. The results of this latter study support the idea that (gamma)IFN is produced in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, transferred to the Golgi complex for accumulation and packaging, and released from the T cells by exocytosis. ^


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Certain inorganic nickel compounds such as crystalline NiS and Ni(,3)S(,2) are potent inducers of carcinogenesis and in vitro cell transformation, while several closely-related compounds such as amorphous NiS are essentially devoid of genotoxic activity. The phenomenon of selectivity of phagocytosis among such particulate nickel compounds has been hypothesized to account for their widely varying toxicological potency, yet the determinants of this selectivity have not been well characterized. Extracellular medium composition, particle dissolution, and particle surface charge were examined as potential determinants of selective phagocytosis for the carcinogenic crystalline and noncarcinogenic amorphous modifications of NiS. Selectivity and avidity of uptake of crystalline NiS by CHO cells was not dependent upon serum: phagocytosis of crystalline, but not amorphous NiS proceeded readily in a minimal salts/glucose medium at 37(DEGREES)C. The evolution of phagocytosis-inhibiting Ni(II) from the surface of amorphous NiS particles did not demonstrably contribute to the lower uptake of these noncarcinogenic particles despite their somewhat greater dissolution rate than the readily phagocytosed crystalline NiS particles. Significant differences in surface charge were noted between crystalline and amorphous NiS, the former being more negative in charge in distilled water suspension. Exposure of amorphous NiS particles to the vigorously reducing environment of a LiAlH(,4) solution under an inert atmosphere resulted in the particles' acquisition of a more negative surface charge. Amorphous NiS particles thus treated were phagocytosed by CHO cells to an extent similar to that of untreated crystalline NiS particles and likewise were shown to induce morphological transformation of primary Syrian hamster embryo cells with a similar potency. The potentiation of uptake characteristic of LiAlH(,4)-treated amorphous NiS was lost gradually upon storage of particles in ambient oxygenated atmosphere and was lost rapidly by apparent particle surface oxidation in aerated distilled water suspensions aged for up to 7 days. Concomitant with this loss of uptake there occurred a loss of negative surface charge. These results suggest the predominant role of particle surface charge rather than adsorbed serum components or particle dissolution as a determinant of selective phagocytosis among particulate nickel compounds. ^


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Improvements in the analysis of microarray images are critical for accurately quantifying gene expression levels. The acquisition of accurate spot intensities directly influences the results and interpretation of statistical analyses. This dissertation discusses the implementation of a novel approach to the analysis of cDNA microarray images. We use a stellar photometric model, the Moffat function, to quantify microarray spots from nylon microarray images. The inherent flexibility of the Moffat shape model makes it ideal for quantifying microarray spots. We apply our novel approach to a Wilms' tumor microarray study and compare our results with a fixed-circle segmentation approach for spot quantification. Our results suggest that different spot feature extraction methods can have an impact on the ability of statistical methods to identify differentially expressed genes. We also used the Moffat function to simulate a series of microarray images under various experimental conditions. These simulations were used to validate the performance of various statistical methods for identifying differentially expressed genes. Our simulation results indicate that tests taking into account the dependency between mean spot intensity and variance estimation, such as the smoothened t-test, can better identify differentially expressed genes, especially when the number of replicates and mean fold change are low. The analysis of the simulations also showed that overall, a rank sum test (Mann-Whitney) performed well at identifying differentially expressed genes. Previous work has suggested the strengths of nonparametric approaches for identifying differentially expressed genes. We also show that multivariate approaches, such as hierarchical and k-means cluster analysis along with principal components analysis, are only effective at classifying samples when replicate numbers and mean fold change are high. Finally, we show how our stellar shape model approach can be extended to the analysis of 2D-gel images by adapting the Moffat function to take into account the elliptical nature of spots in such images. Our results indicate that stellar shape models offer a previously unexplored approach for the quantification of 2D-gel spots. ^


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Epidemiological studies have led to the hypothesis that major risk factors for developing diseases such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease and adult-onset diabetes are established during development. This developmental programming hypothesis proposes that exposure to an adverse stimulus or insult at critical, sensitive periods of development can induce permanent alterations in normal physiological processes that lead to increased disease risk later in life. For cancer, inheritance of a tumor suppressor gene defect confers a high relative risk for disease development. However, these defects are rarely 100% penetrant. Traditionally, gene-environment interactions are thought to contribute to the penetrance of tumor suppressor gene defects by facilitating or inhibiting the acquisition of additional somatic mutations required for tumorigenesis. The studies presented herein identify developmental programming as a distinctive type of gene-environment interaction that can enhance the penetrance of a tumor suppressor gene defect in adult life. Using rats predisposed to uterine leiomyoma due to a germ-line defect in one allele of the tuberous sclerosis complex 2 (Tsc-2) tumor suppressor gene, these studies show that early-life exposure to the xenoestrogen, diethylstilbestrol (DES), during development of the uterus increased tumor incidence, multiplicity and size in genetically predisposed animals, but failed to induce tumors in wild-type rats. Uterine leiomyomas are ovarian-hormone dependent tumors that develop from the uterine myometrium. DES exposure was shown to developmentally program the myometrium, causing increased expression of estrogen-responsive genes prior to the onset of tumors. Loss of function of the normal Tsc-2 allele remained the rate-limiting event for tumorigenesis; however, tumors that developed in exposed animals displayed an enhanced proliferative response to ovarian steroid hormones relative to tumors that developed in unexposed animals. Furthermore, the studies presented herein identify developmental periods during which target tissues are maximally susceptible to developmental programming. These data suggest that exposure to environmental factors during critical periods of development can permanently alter normal physiological tissue responses and thus lead to increased disease risk in genetically susceptible individuals. ^