24 resultados para 060109 Proteomics and Intermolecular Interactions (excl. Medical Proteomics)

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The v-mos gene of Moloney murine sarcoma virus (Mo-MuSv) encodes a serine/threonine protein kinase capable of inducing cellular transformation. The c-mos protein is an important cell cycle regulator that functions during meiotic cell division cycles in germ cells. The overall function of c-mos in controlling meiosis is becoming better understood but the role of v-mos in malignant transformation of cells is largely unknown.^ In this study, v-mos protein was shown to be phosphorylated by M phase kinase in vitro and in vivo. The kinase activity and neoplastic transforming ability of v-mos is positively regulated by the phosphorylation. Together with the earlier finding of activation of M phase kinase by c-mos, these results raise the possibility of mutual regulation between M phase kinase and mos kinases.^ In addition to its functional interaction with the M phase kinase, the v-mos protein was shown to be present in the same protein complex with a cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk). In addition, an antibody that recognizes the cdk proteins was shown to co-precipitate the v-mos proteins in the interphase and mitotic cells transformed by p85$\sp{\rm gag-mos}$. Cdk proteins have been shown to be associated with nonmitotic cyclins which are potential oncogenes. The perturbation of cdk kinase or the activation of non-mitotic cyclins as oncogenes by v-mos could contribute directly to v-mos induced cellular transformation. v-mos proteins were also shown to interact with tubulin and vimentin, the essential components of microtubules and type IV intermediate filaments, respectively. The organizations of both microtubules and intermediate filaments are cell cycle-regulated. These results suggest that the v-mos kinase could be directly involved in inducing morphological changes typically seen in transformed cells.^ The interactions between the v-mos protein and these cell cycle control elements in regards to v-mos induced neoplastic transformation are discussed in detail in the text. ^


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Despite much attention, the function of oligosaccharide chains of glycoproteins remains largely unknown. Our understanding of oligosaccharide function in vivo has been limited to the use of reagents and targeted mutations that eliminate entire oligosaccharide chains. However, most, if not all biological functions for oligosaccharides have been attributed to specific terminal sequences on these oligosaccharides, yet there have been few studies to examine the consequences of modifying terminal oligosaccharide structures in vivo. To address this issue, mice were created bearing a targeted mutation in $\beta$1,4-galactosyltransferase, an enzyme responsible for elaboration of many of the proposed biologically-active carbohydrate epitopes. Most galactosyltransferase-null mice died within the first few weeks after birth and were characterized by stunted growth, thin skin, sparse hair, and dehydration. In addition, the adrenal cortices were poorly stratified and spermatogenesis was delayed. The few surviving adults had puffy skin (myxedema), difficulty delivering pups at birth (dystocia), and failed to lactate (agalactosis). All of these defects are consistant with endocrine insufficiency, which was confirmed by markedly decreased levels of serum thyroxine. The anterior pituitary gland appeared functionally delayed in newborn mutant mice, since the constituent cells were quiescent and nonsecretory, unlike that of control littermates. However, the anterior pituitary acquired a normal secretory phenotype during neonatal development, although it remained abnormally small and its glycoprotein hormones were devoid of $\beta$1,4-galactosyl residues. These results support in vitro studies suggesting that incomplete glycosylation of pituitary hormones leads to the creation of hormone antagonists that down regulate subsequent endocrine function producing polyglandular endocrine insufficiency. More surprisingly, the fact that some mice survive this neonatal period indicates the presence of a previously unrecognized compensatory pathway for glycoprotein hormone glycosylation and/or action.^ In addition to its well-studied biosynthetic function in the Golgi complex, a GalTase isoform is also expressed on the sperm surface where it functions as a gamete receptor during fertilization by binding to its oligosaccharide ligand on the egg coat glycoprotein, ZP3. Aggregation of GalTase by multivalent ZP3 oligosaccharides activates a G-protein cascade leading to the acrosome reaction. Although GalTase-null males are fertile, the mutant sperm bind less ZP3 than wild-type sperm, and are unable to undergo the acrosome reaction in response to either zona pellucida glycoproteins or to anti-GalTase anti-serum, as do wild-type sperm. However, mutant and wild-type sperm undergo the acrosome reaction normally in response to calcium ionophore which bypasses the requirement for ZP3 binding. Interestingly, the phenotype of the GalTase-null sperm is reciprocal to that of sperm that overexpress surface GalTAse and which bind more ZP3 leading to precocious acrosome reactions. These results confirm that GalTase functions as at least one of the sperm receptors for ZP3, and that GalTase participates in the ZP3-induced signal transduction pathway during zona pellucida-induced acrosome reactions. ^


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Two regions in the 3$\prime$ domain of 16S rRNA (the RNA of the small ribosomal subunit) have been implicated in decoding of termination codons. Using segment-directed PCR random mutagenesis, I isolated 33 translational suppressor mutations in the 3$\prime$ domain of 16S rRNA. Characterization of the mutations by both genetic and biochemical methods indicated that some of the mutations are defective in UGA-specific peptide chain termination and that others may be defective in peptide chain termination at all termination codons. The studies of the mutations at an internal loop in the non-conserved region of helix 44 also indicated that this structure, in a non-conserved region of 16S rRNA, is involved in both peptide chain termination and assembly of 16S rRNA.^ With a suppressible trpA UAG nonsense mutation, a spontaneously arising translational suppressor mutation was isolated in the rrnB operon cloned into a pBR322-derived plasmid. The mutation caused suppression of UAG at two codon positions in trpA but did not suppress UAA or UGA mutations at the same trpA positions. The specificity of the rRNA suppressor mutation suggests that it may cause a defect in UAG-specific peptide chain termination. The mutation is a single nucleotide deletion (G2484$\Delta$) in helix 89 of 23S rRNA (the large RNA of the large ribosomal subunit). The result indicates a functional interaction between two regions of 23S rRNA. Furthermore, it provides suggestive in vivo evidence for the involvement of the peptidyl-transferase center of 23S rRNA in peptide chain termination. The $\Delta$2484 and A1093/$\Delta$2484 (double) mutations were also observed to alter the decoding specificity of the suppressor tRNA lysT(U70), which has a mutation in its acceptor stem. That result suggests that there is an interaction between the stem-loop region of helix 89 of 23S rRNA and the acceptor stem of tRNA during decoding and that the interaction is important for the decoding specificity of tRNA.^ Using gene manipulation procedures, I have constructed a new expression vector to express and purify the cellular protein factors required for a recently developed, realistic in vitro termination assay. The gene for each protein was cloned into the newly constructed vector in such a way that expression yielded a protein with an N-terminal affinity tag, for specific, rapid purification. The amino terminus was engineered so that, after purification, the unwanted N-terminal tag can be completely removed from the protein by thrombin cleavage, yielding a natural amino acid sequence for each protein. I have cloned the genes for EF-G and all three release factors into this new expression vector and the genes for all the other protein factors into a pCAL-n expression vector. These constructs will allow our laboratory group to quickly and inexpensively purify all the protein factors needed for the new in vitro termination assay. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Recurrence of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) is common; thus, it is essential to improve the effectiveness and reduce toxicity of current treatments. Proteins in the Src/Jak/STAT pathway represent potential therapeutic targets, as this pathway is hyperactive in HNSCC and it has roles in cell migration, metastasis, proliferation, survival, and angiogenesis. During short-term Src inhibition, Janus kinase (Jak) 2, and signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) 3 and STAT5 are dephosphorylated and inactivated. Following sustained Src inhibition, STAT5 remains inactive, but Jak2 and STAT3 are reactivated following their early inhibition. To further characterize the mechanism of this novel feedback pathway we performed several experiments to look at the interactions between Src, Jak2, STAT5 and STAT3. We attempted to develop a non-radioactive kinase assay using purified recombinant Jak2 and Src proteins, but found that phospho-tyrosine antibodies were non-specifically binding to purified recombinant proteins. We then performed in vitro kinase assays (IVKAs) using purified recombinant Jak2, Src, STAT3, and STAT5 proteins with and without Src and Jak2 pharmacologic inhibitors. We also examined the interactions of these proteins in intact HNSCC cells. We found that recombinant Jak2, STAT3, and STAT5 are direct substrates of Src and that recombinant Src, STAT3, and STAT5 are direct substrates of Jak2 in the IVKA. To our knowledge, the finding that Src is a Jak substrate is novel and has not been shown before. In intact HNSCC cells we find that STAT3 can be reactivated despite continuous Src inhibition and that STAT5 continues to be inhibited despite Jak2 reactivation. Also, Jak2 inhibition did not affect Src or STAT5 activity but it did cause STAT3 inhibition. We hypothesized that the differences between the intact cells and the IVKA assays were due to a potential need for binding partners in intact HNSCC cells. One potential binding partner that we examined is the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). We found that EGFR activation caused increased activation of Src and STAT5 but not Jak2. Our results demonstrate that although STAT3 and STAT5 are capable of being Src and Jak2 substrates, in intact HNSCC cells Src predominantly regulates STAT5 and Jak2 regulates STAT3. Regulation of STAT5 by Src may involve interactions between Src and EGFR. This knowledge along with future studies will better define the mechanisms of STAT regulation in HNSCC cells and ultimately result in an ideal combination of therapeutic agents for HNSCC.


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The purpose of this study was to determine, for penetrating injuries (gunshot, stab) of the chest/abdomen, the impact on fatality of treatment in trauma centers and shock trauma units compared with general hospitals. Medical records of all cases of penetrating injury limited to chest/abdomen and admitted to and discharged from 7 study facilities in Baltimore city 1979-1980 (n = 581) were studied: 4 general hospitals (n = 241), 2 area-wide trauma centers (n = 298), and a shock trauma unit (n = 42). Emergency center and transferred cases were not studied. Anatomical injury severity, measured by modified Injury Severity Score (mISS), was a significant prognostic factor for death, as were cardiovascular shock (SBP $\le$ 70), injury type (gunshot vs stab), and ambulance/helicopter (vs other) transport. All deaths occurred in cases with two or more prognostic factors. Unadjusted relative risks of death compared with general hospitals were 4.3 (95% confidence interval = 2.2, 8.4) for shock trauma and 0.8 (0.4, 1.7) for trauma centers. Controlling for prognostic factors by logistic regression resulted in these relative risks: shock trauma 4.0 (0.7, 22.2), and trauma centers 0.8 (0.2, 3.2). Factors significantly associated with increased risk had the following relative risks by multiple logistic regression: SBP $\le$ 70 (RR = 40.7 (11.0, 148.7)), highest mISS (42 (7.7, 227)), gunshot (8.4 (2.1, 32.6)), and ambulance/helicopter transport (17.2 (1.3, 228.1)). Controlling for age, race, and gender did not alter results significantly. Actual deaths compared with deaths predicted from a multivariable model of general-hospital cases showed 3.7 more than predicted deaths in shock trauma (SMR = 1.6 (0.8, 2.9)) and 0.7 more than predicted deaths in area-wide trauma centers (SMR = 1.05 (0.6, 1.7)). Selection bias due to exclusion of transfers and emergency center cases, and residual confounding due to insufficient injury information, may account for persistence of adjusted high case fatality in shock trauma. Studying all cases prospectively, including emergency center and transferred cases, is needed. ^


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Applying Theoretical Constructs to Address Medical Uncertainty Situations involving medical reasoning usually include some level of medical uncertainty. Despite the identification of shared decision-making (SDM) as an effective technique, it has been observed that the likelihood of physicians and patients engaging in shared decision making is lower in those situations where it is most needed; specifically in circumstances of medical uncertainty. Having identified shared decision making as an effective, yet often a neglected approach to resolving a lack of information exchange in situations involving medical uncertainty, the next step is to determine the way(s) in which SDM can be integrated and the supplemental processes that may facilitate its integration. SDM involves unique types of communication and relationships between patients and physicians. Therefore, it is necessary to further understand and incorporate human behavioral elements - in particular, behavioral intent - in order to successfully identify and realize the potential benefits of SDM. This paper discusses the background and potential interaction between the theories of shared decision-making, medical uncertainty, and behavioral intent. Identifying Shared Decision-Making Elements in Medical Encounters Dealing with Uncertainty A recent summary of the state of medical knowledge in the U.S. reported that nearly half (47%) of all treatments were of unknown effectiveness, and an additional 7% involved an uncertain tradeoff between benefits and harms. Shared decision-making (SDM) was identified as an effective technique for managing uncertainty when two or more parties were involved. In order to understand which of the elements of SDM are used most frequently and effectively, it is necessary to identify these key elements, and understand how these elements related to each other and the SDM process. The elements identified through the course of the present research were selected from basic principles of the SDM model and the “Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom” (DIKW) Hierarchy. The goal of this ethnographic research was to identify which common elements of shared decision-making patients are most often observed applying in the medical encounter. The results of the present study facilitated the understanding of which elements patients were more likely to exhibit during a primary care medical encounter, as well as determining variables of interest leading to more successful shared decision-making practices between patients and their physicians. Understanding Behavioral Intent to Participate in Shared Decision-Making in Medically Uncertain Situations Objective: This article describes the process undertaken to identify and validate behavioral and normative beliefs and behavioral intent of men between the ages of 45-70 with regard to participating in shared decision-making in medically uncertain situations. This article also discusses the preliminary results of the aforementioned processes and explores potential future uses of this information which may facilitate greater understanding, efficiency and effectiveness of doctor-patient consultations.Design: Qualitative Study using deductive content analysisSetting: Individual semi-structure patient interviews were conducted until data saturation was reached. Researchers read the transcripts and developed a list of codes.Subjects: 25 subjects drawn from the Philadelphia community.Measurements: Qualitative indicators were developed to measure respondents’ experiences and beliefs related to behavioral intent to participate in shared decision-making during medical uncertainty. Subjects were also asked to complete the Krantz Health Opinion Survey as a method of triangulation.Results: Several factors were repeatedly described by respondents as being essential to participate in shared decision-making in medical uncertainty. These factors included past experience with medical uncertainty, an individual’s personality, and the relationship between the patient and his physician.Conclusions: The findings of this study led to the development of a category framework that helped understand an individual’s needs and motivational factors in their intent to participate in shared decision-making. The three main categories include 1) an individual’s representation of medically uncertainty, 2) how the individual copes with medical uncertainty, and 3) the individual’s behavioral intent to seek information and participate in shared decision-making during times of medically uncertain situations.


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This investigation compares two different methodologies for calculating the national cost of epilepsy: provider-based survey method (PBSM) and the patient-based medical charts and billing method (PBMC&BM). The PBSM uses the National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS), the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS) and the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) as the sources of utilization. The PBMC&BM uses patient data, charts and billings, to determine utilization rates for specific components of hospital, physician and drug prescriptions. ^ The 1995 hospital and physician cost of epilepsy is estimated to be $722 million using the PBSM and $1,058 million using the PBMC&BM. The difference of $336 million results from $136 million difference in utilization and $200 million difference in unit cost. ^ Utilization. The utilization difference of $136 million is composed of an inpatient variation of $129 million, $100 million hospital and $29 million physician, and an ambulatory variation of $7 million. The $100 million hospital variance is attributed to inclusion of febrile seizures in the PBSM, $−79 million, and the exclusion of admissions attributed to epilepsy, $179 million. The former suggests that the diagnostic codes used in the NHDS may not properly match the current definition of epilepsy as used in the PBMC&BM. The latter suggests NHDS errors in the attribution of an admission to the principal diagnosis. ^ The $29 million variance in inpatient physician utilization is the result of different per-day-of-care physician visit rates, 1.3 for the PBMC&BM versus 1.0 for the PBSM. The absence of visit frequency measures in the NHDS affects the internal validity of the PBSM estimate and requires the investigator to make conservative assumptions. ^ The remaining ambulatory resource utilization variance is $7 million. Of this amount, $22 million is the result of an underestimate of ancillaries in the NHAMCS and NAMCS extrapolations using the patient visit weight. ^ Unit cost. The resource cost variation is $200 million, inpatient is $22 million and ambulatory is $178 million. The inpatient variation of $22 million is composed of $19 million in hospital per day rates, due to a higher cost per day in the PBMC&BM, and $3 million in physician visit rates, due to a higher cost per visit in the PBMC&BM. ^ The ambulatory cost variance is $178 million, composed of higher per-physician-visit costs of $97 million and higher per-ancillary costs of $81 million. Both are attributed to the PBMC&BM's precise identification of resource utilization that permits accurate valuation. ^ Conclusion. Both methods have specific limitations. The PBSM strengths are its sample designs that lead to nationally representative estimates and permit statistical point and confidence interval estimation for the nation for certain variables under investigation. However, the findings of this investigation suggest the internal validity of the estimates derived is questionable and important additional information required to precisely estimate the cost of an illness is absent. ^ The PBMC&BM is a superior method in identifying resources utilized in the physician encounter with the patient permitting more accurate valuation. However, the PBMC&BM does not have the statistical reliability of the PBSM; it relies on synthesized national prevalence estimates to extrapolate a national cost estimate. While precision is important, the ability to generalize to the nation may be limited due to the small number of patients that are followed. ^


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Introduction: This study addresses how to best approach the instruction and evaluation of clinical ethics with preclinical medical students. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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Medical institutions have established medical education fellowships to equip faculty to meet the challenge of constant educational change and to empower faculty to assume programmatic leadership roles in medical education. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence and focus of these programs. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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Introduction Few physicians involved in medical education are likely to have had formal training in teaching. One pedagogical method that can enhance relationships, thus improve teaching and learning is the Critical Friends Group (CFG). The CFG is a collegial support team that offers improved understanding of others. Unconditional high regard for team members frames the interactions in the CFG. These teams could be used to reduce bias and enhance intercultural competence among student CFGs and faculty CFGs. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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Idiopathic or isolated clubfoot is a common orthopedic birth defect that affects approximately 135,000 children worldwide. It is characterized by equinus, varus and adductus deformities of the ankle and foot. Correction of clubfoot involves months of serial manipulations, castings and bracing, with surgical correction needed in forty percent of cases. Multifactorial etiology has been suggested in numerous studies with both environmental and genetic factors playing an etiologic role. Maternal smoking during pregnancy is the only common environmental factor that has consistently been shown to increase the risk for clubfoot. Moreover, a positive family history of clubfoot and maternal smoking increases the risk of clubfoot twenty fold. These findings suggest that genetic variation in smoking metabolism genes may increase susceptibility to clubfoot. Based on this reasoning, we interrogated eight candidate genes, chosen based on their involvement in phase 1 and 2 cigarette smoke metabolism. Twenty-two SNPs and two null alleles in eight genes (CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP1B1, CYP2A6, EPHX1, NAT2, GSTM1 and GSTT1) were genotyped in a dataset composed of nonHispanic white and Hispanic multiplex and simplex families. Only one SNP in CYP1A1, rs1048943, had significantly altered transmission in the aggregate and multiplex NHW datasets (p=0.003 and p=0.009). Perturbation of CYP1A1 by rs1048943 polymorphism causes an increase in the amount of harmful, adduct forming metabolic intermediates. A significant gene interaction between EPHX1 and NAT2 was also found (p=0.007). This interaction may affect the metabolism of harmful metabolic intermediates. Additionally, marginal interactions were found for other xenobiotic genes and these interactions may play a contributory role in clubfoot. Importantly, for CYP1A2, significant maternal (p=0.03; RR=1.24; 95% CI: 1.04-1.44) and fetal (p=0.01; RR=1.33; 95% CI: 1.13-1.54) genotypic effects were identified suggesting that both maternal and fetal genotypes impact normal limb development. No association was found for maternal smoking status and tobacco metabolism genes. Together, these results suggest that xenobiotic metabolism genes may play a contributory role in the etiology of clubfoot regardless of maternal smoking status and may impact foot development through perturbation of tobacco metabolic pathways.


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Endotoxemia from sepsis can injure the gastrointestinal tract through mechanisms that have not been fully elucidated. We have shown that LPS induces an increase in gastric permeability in parallel with the luminal appearance of secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) and its product, lysophosphatidylcholine (lyso-PC). We proposed that sPLA2 acted on the gastric hydrophobic barrier, composed primarily of phosphatidylcholine (PC), to degrade it and produce lyso-PC, an agent that is damaging to the mucosa. In the present study, we have tested whether lyso-PC and/or sPLA2 have direct damaging effects on the hydrophobic barriers of synthetic and mucosal surfaces. Rats were administered LPS (5 mg/kg, i.p.), and gastric contents were collected 5 h later for analysis of sPLA2 and lyso-PC content. Using these measured concentrations, direct effects of sPLA2 and lyso-PC were determined on (a) surface hydrophobicity as detected with an artificial PC surface and with intact gastric mucosa (contact angle analysis) and (b) cell membrane disruption of gastric epithelial cells (AGS). Both lyso-PC and sPLA2 increased significantly in the collected gastric juice of LPS-treated rats. Using similar concentrations to the levels in gastric juice, the contact angle of PC-coated slides declined after incubation with either pancreatic sPLA2 or lyso-PC. Similarly, gastric contact angles seen in control rats were significantly decreased in sPLA2 and lyso-PC-treated rats. In addition, we observed dose-dependent injurious effects of both lyso-PC and sPLA2 in gastric AGS cells. An LPS-induced increase in sPLA2 activity in the gastric lumen and its product, lyso-PC, are capable of directly disrupting the gastric hydrophobic layer and may contribute to gastric barrier disruption and subsequent inflammation.


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1230 year 11 and 12 college students, modal age 16 and 17, in three colleges in Bombay, India, were studied on sexual behaviors or risk of sexual behaviors, beliefs about sex, HIV/STD knowledge, perceived norms regarding sexual behaviors, and the relationships between social skills/anxieties in HIV/STD prevention and actual and anticipated sexual behaviors. A quantitative questionnaire examining HIV/STD risk behaviors, knowledge, attitudes and beliefs, and the AIDS Social Assertiveness Scale (ASAS) were administered to these 1230 college students. Data indicated that 8% of males and 1% of females had had sexual experience, but over one third were not sure at all of being able to abstain from sexual activity with either steady or casual partners. Perceived norms were slanted toward sexual abstinence for the majority of the sample. Knowledge of protective effects of condoms was high, although half of those who had had sex did not use condoms. Logistic regression showed knowledge was higher among males, those who believed it was OK to have sex with a steady partner and that they should not wait until they were older, those who believed that condoms should be used even if the partner is known, and those who believed it was acceptable to have multiple partners. Gender differences in sexual activity and beliefs about sexual activity showed males were less likely to believe in abstaining from sexual activity. The 5 scales of the ASAS were scored and compared on ANOVA on: those who had had sexual experience (HS), those who anticipated being unable to refuse sex (AS), and those who did not anticipate problems in refusing sex (DS). Those in the AS group had greater anxieties about refusing sexual or other risk behaviors than HS and DS groups. There were greater anxieties about dealing with condoms in the AS and DS groups compared with the HS group. Confiding sexual or HIV/STD-related problems to significant others was more anxiety-provoking for the AS group compared with the HS group, and the AS group were more anxious about interactions with people with HIV. Factor analysis produced the same 5 factors as those found in previous studies. Of these, condom interactions and confiding in significant others were most anxiety provoking, and condom interactions most variable based on demographic and attitudinal factors.^ This age group is appropriate for HIV/STD reduction education given the low rate of sexual activity but despite knowledge of the importance of condom use, social skills to apply this knowledge are lacking. Social skills training in sexual negotiations, condom negotiations, and confiding HIV/STD-related concerns to significant others should reduce the risks of Indian college students having unwanted or unprotected sex. ^


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Health care providers face the problem of trying to make decisions with inadequate information and also with an overload of (often contradictory) information. Physicians often choose treatment long before they know which disease is present. Indeed, uncertainty is intrinsic to the practice of medicine. Decision analysis can help physicians structure and work through a medical decision problem, and can provide reassurance that decisions are rational and consistent with the beliefs and preferences of other physicians and patients. ^ The primary purpose of this research project is to develop the theory, methods, techniques and tools necessary for designing and implementing a system to support solving medical decision problems. A case study involving “abdominal pain” serves as a prototype for implementing the system. The research, however, focuses on a generic class of problems and aims at covering theoretical as well as practical aspects of the system developed. ^ The main contributions of this research are: (1) bridging the gap between the statistical approach and the knowledge-based (expert) approach to medical decision making; (2) linking a collection of methods, techniques and tools together to allow for the design of a medical decision support system, based on a framework that involves the Analytic Network Process (ANP), the generalization of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to dependence and feedback, for problems involving diagnosis and treatment; (3) enhancing the representation and manipulation of uncertainty in the ANP framework by incorporating group consensus weights; and (4) developing a computer program to assist in the implementation of the system. ^


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Unlike most carbohydrates, sialic acids have a restricted distribution in nature, being present in higher animals and in certain bacteriae. Unfortunately, most studies have not taken into account the fact that the parent sialic acid molecules, N-acetyl(or N-glycolyl)-neuraminic acid can be O-substituted at the 4, 7, 8 and 9 positions, generating many compounds and isomers. The approach and results of this research study demonstrates that proportions of non-, mono-, di-, and tri-O-acetylated sialic acids can be identified and quantitated on normal and malignant human cells. This was accomplished using a paper chromatographic technique to isolate and resolve individual species of non and O-substituted sialic acids. The chemical nature of these O-substituents, as an acetyl ester, was determined on the basis of chemical degradation, enzymatic and fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry analysis.^ The working hypothesis of this study, that O-acetylated sialic acids are expressed in a restricted manner on normal and malignant cells, was confirmed using the above experimental approach; which identified mono-, di-, and tri-O-acetylated sialic acids on a variety of normal and malignant human cells. These O-acetylated sialic acids were expressed in restricted manner on subpopulations and subcellular fractions of PHL melanoma cells. Aberrant expression of O-acetylated sialic acids was associated with adenocarcinoma of the colon, leading to a nearly complete loss of di- and tri-O-acetylated sialic acids.^ Thus, the ability to isolate and identify biosynthetically radiolabeled O-acetylated sialic acids offers an efficient method of monitoring the expression of O-acetylated sialic acids in biochemical and cellular interactions. Furthermore, the ability to identify abnormal ratios of O-acetylated sialic acids in the human colon, represents a possible diagnostic tool to evaluate and identify patients who may be genetically or culturally predisposed to the development of adenocarcinoma of the colon. ^