249 resultados para Psychology, Behavioral|Health Sciences, Nursing|Sociology, Individual and Family Studies


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Background: Despite the fact breast cancer mortality has declined in recent years, the mortality gap between African-American and white women continues to grow. A part of these disparities may be due to either inadequately following guideline recommended treatment or treatment delays. Although racial/ethnic disparities in breast cancer treatment and mortality have been extensively documented, the mechanisms by which these disparities occur remain largely unknown. Social and economically influenced factors such as choice of providers, distance of treatment facility, transportation, health insurance, and job related factors may also contribute to racial differences in breast cancer treatment; however, these have not been explored sufficiently in previous research. ^ Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of social and economically influenced factors that may contribute to racial disparities in the receipt of guideline recommended treatment using the Health Disparities Model. ^ Methods: In this qualitative comparative case study, data from medical records, structured telephone interviews, and in-depth patient interviews explored the relationship between social and economically influenced factors and breast cancer treatment. Transcripts were analyzed using standard iterative process followed by immersion/crystallization approach. Participants were identified through rapid ascertainment from the New Jersey Cancer Registry and this study included 8 African-American and 8 white women aged 20-85 years old diagnosed with early stage breast cancer between 2003-2007, matched on age, race, and physician recommended treatment. ^ Results: We did not identify differences by race in factors that influenced the receipt of breast cancer treatment among the individual matched pairs. Four prominent themes emerged among women from both groups who experienced similar difficulties influenced by socioeconomic factors. Choice of providers, distance of facility, health insurance, and job related factors all contributed to breast cancer treatment experience among these women. Conclusions: We identified common issues influenced by socioeconomic factors and its relation with the receipt of breast cancer treatment, regardless of race. However, more research is needed to study the additional factors conveying racial differences affecting breast cancer treatment. ^


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Because Hispanic women are even less likely than women of other ethnic groups to receive early prenatal care, the purpose of this study was to identify factors that may influence these women to initiate care. After giving consent, 300 Hispanic women (100 who initiated first trimester care, 100 who initiated second trimester care, and 100 who initiated third trimester care or received no care) were interviewed in the post partum unit of a local public hospital. The interview included recollection of events leading to the first prenatal appointment, including first physical indicators of pregnancy, confirmation of pregnancy, feelings about the pregnancy, appointment making behavior, and system barriers encountered. The Health Belief Model was used as the theoretical framework for determining psychosocial variables. Using this model, perceived susceptibility to problems during pregnancy, perceived seriousness of possible problems, perceived benefits of prenatal care, perceived barriers to care, and cues to action were assessed. Time of entry into prenatal care was assessed by interview.^ In this sample of low-income Hispanic women, a higher perception of barriers to care was associated with later initiation of care and non-use of care, higher perceived benefits of care for the baby were associated with earlier care, especially in women without a card to access hospital district services, and having a card to access hospital district services was associated with earlier care. Several barriers to care were mentioned by women on open-ended questioning including long waiting times, embarrassment, and lack of transportation.^ Recommendations for practice included decreasing the number of visits for low-risk women while increasing the time spent with the provider, decreasing the number of vaginal exams for low-risk women, increasing the use of midwives, training lay workers to do risk assessment, giving specific messages about benefits of care to baby, and increasing general health motivation through community intervention methods. More research on the psychosocial and cultural factors associated with initiation of care is needed. In the meantime, the recommendations for practice can be implemented now to increase the use of prenatal care by low-income Hispanic women. ^


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The Houston Academy of Medicine--Texas Medical Center (HAM--TMC) Library collected data on friends of the library groups from 103 health sciences libraries, using a mail questionnaire. Sixteen of the responding libraries had independent friends groups; seven had friends groups that were subordinate to a university group. The sixteen independent groups gave as their major purposes (1) to raise money for their associated library and (2) to develop support for their library. These groups contributed an average of $4,870 a year to their libraries, the money being used primarily to purchase rare books and working-collection books and to sponsor social events. The subordinate groups contributed relatively little money to the health sciences libraries responding to the survey.


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Introduction: Concerns about the quality of physician education have changed current medical education practices. Learners must demonstrate competency in core areas, rather than solely participating in educational activities. Academic medical institutions are challenged with identifying leaders to direct curricular and evaluation reforms. An innovative partnership between the University of Houston College of Education and Baylor College of Medicine, the University of Texas Medical School at Houston, and the University of Texas Dental Branch at Houston offers a Masters of Education in Teaching degree with an emphasis in Health Sciences. Courses encompass fundamental areas including curriculum, instruction, technology, measurement, research design and statistics. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) is an important measure of the effects of chronic liver disease in affected patients that helps guide interventions to improve well-being. However, the relationship between HRQOL and survival in liver transplant candidates remains unclear. We examined whether the Physical Component Summary (PCS) and Mental Component Summary (MCS) scores from the Short Form 36 (SF-36) Health Survey were associated with survival in liver transplant candidates. We administered the SF-36 questionnaire (version 2.0) to patients in the Pulmonary Vascular Complications of Liver Disease study, a multicenter prospective cohort of patients evaluated for liver transplantation in 7 academic centers in the United States between 2003 and 2006. Cox proportional hazards models were used with death as the primary outcome and adjustment for liver transplantation as a time-varying covariate. The mean age of the 252 participants was 54 +/- 10 years, 64% were male, and 94% were white. During the 422 person years of follow-up, 147 patients (58%) were listed, 75 patients (30%) underwent transplantation, 49 patients (19%) died, and 3 patients were lost to follow-up. Lower baseline PCS scores were associated with an increased mortality rate despite adjustments for age, gender, Model for End-Stage Liver Disease score, and liver transplantation (P for the trend = 0.0001). The MCS score was not associated with mortality (P for the trend = 0.53). In conclusion, PCS significantly predicts survival in liver transplant candidates, and interventions directed toward improving the physical status may be helpful in improving outcomes in liver transplant candidates.


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Three hundred fifty-four registered nurses from an urban acute care hospital were examined through self-report questionnaires. Nurses from trauma care, critical care and non-critical care nursing specialties participated in the study. The study focuses were (1) whether sociodemographic characteristics were significantly related to burnout; (2) what was the prevalence estimate of burnout among the population; (3) whether burnout levels differed depending upon nursing specialties and; (4) whether burnout as related to nursing stress, work environment, and work relations was mediated by sociodemographic characteristics.^ Race, age, marital status, education, seniority, rank, nursing education, and birthplace were significantly related to one or more aspects of burnout in the total population. With emotional exhaustion alone the prevalence of burnout was 62%. Using emotional exhaustion and depersonalization combined with reduced sense of personal accomplishment as a measure of burnout, thirty-four percent of the nurses were either in the pre-burnout phase or burned out. The relative importance of sociodemographic characteristics indicated that experience and race were highly significant risk factors.^ Burnout levels differed significantly depending upon nursing specialty. Specifically, levels of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization differed significantly between trauma care and critical care, and trauma care and non-critical care. Personal accomplishment did not differ depending upon nursing specialty. Critical care nurses did not differ significantly from non-critical care nurses on aspect of burnout.^ Race, marital status, education, seniority and rank were significant mediators of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. The study offers possible explanations for the mediating effect of sociodemographic characteristics on nursing stress, work environment, work relations, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. ^


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The purpose of this analysis of the shortage of Registered Nurses (RNs) in acute care hospitals in El Paso, Texas, was to evaluate twenty-two specific organizational and/or patient care unit (nursing unit) characteristics that effect the retention and turnover of professional nurses. Vacancy Rates were used to measure the level of the shortage in each hospital and nursing unit in the study. Vacancy Rates are a function of both RN retention and RN turnover. Seventy-three patient care units in five acute care hospitals were included in the study population.^ Fredrick Herzberg's motivational - hygiene theory was used to explain the types of characteristics or factors that can effect worker dissatisfaction. Dissatisfiers (hygiene factors) are those work place characteristics that influence workers to leave the job. The twenty-two potentially dissatisfying work place characteristics were either organizational or patient care unit specific in nature. The focus of the study was to evaluate high vacancy rates caused by both low retention of RNs and high turnover rates. Retention and turnover are a function of workers (RNs) not staying in their jobs, therefore hygiene factors were appropriate characteristics to study.^ Various multivariate analysis techniques were used to assess both the individual and combined effects of the hygiene factors on Vacancy Rates, Retention and Turnover. Results suggest that certain organizational and patient care unit characteristics are associated with and have a statistically significant effect on vacancy rates, and the retention and turnover of RNs. The type of Hospital was of particular interest in this regards. For-Profit facilities were less effected by most of the study variables than the Not-for-Profits. ^


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Reproductive hormones have effects on the nervous system not directly related to reproductive function. In the rat, for example, luteinizing hormone releasing hormone has dramatic effects on learning and memory. The present work attempts to examine the effects of reproductive hormones on non-reproductive behaviors and the neural loci and mechanisms underlying these effects in Aplysia, an animal whose behaviors, reproductive hormones and neural circuitry have been well characterized.^ In Aplysia, the neurosecretory bag cells release several peptides that are responsible for eliciting egg laying. The effects of these peptides on the defensive tail-siphon withdrawal reflex, as well as sensitization of this reflex, were examined. Sensitization, a simple form of nonassociative learning, refers to the behavioral enhancement of a response to a test stimulus after the presentation of a strong stimulus, that may last minutes (short-term) or days (long-term). An extract of the bag cells (BCE) inhibited the baseline siphon component of the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex and suppressed long-term, but not short-term, sensitization of the reflex. Preliminary experiments suggest that BCE also affects the tail component of the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex.^ To determine the neural mechanisms underlying the inhibition of the baseline reflex, electrophysiological studies were performed using an in vitro analogue of the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex to examine the ability of BCE, as well as the individual bag cell peptides (BCPs), to modulate the circuitry of the reflex. Bag cell extract attenuated the synaptic strength of the monosynaptic connections between tail sensory neurons and tail motor neurons. When individually applied only $\beta$-BCP produced a similar attenuation. This effect of $\beta$-BCP was not dependent on changes in duration of the presynaptic action potential.^ An in vitro analogue of long-term sensitization training was developed to examine the mechanisms by which the BCPs may affect long-term sensitization of the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex. This analogue exhibited both short- and long-term facilitation of the connections between the tail sensory and motor neurons.^ The results of these behavioral and electrophysiological experiments suggest that the BCPs inhibit the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex, at least in part, by modulating the synaptic strength of the connections between the sensory neurons and motor neurons underlying the reflex. One candidate for this effect is $\beta$-BCP. Thus, the peptides which elicit egg laying may also serve other functions such as the inhibition of defensive reflexes. In addition, these experiments raise the possibility that BCPs may exert a long lasting effect ($>$24 hr), suppressing long-term sensitization of the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex. ^


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This study examines the relationship among psychological resources (generalized resistance resources), care demands (demands for care, competing demands, perception of burden) and cognitive stress in a selected population of primary family caregivers. The study utilizes Antonovsky's Salutogenic Model of Health, specifically the concept of generalized resistance resources (GRRs), to analyze the relative effect of these resources on mediating cognitive stress, controlling for other care demands. The study is based on a sample of 784 eligible caregivers who (1) were relatives, (2) had the main responsibility for care, defined as a primary caregiver, and (3) provided a scaled stress score for the amount of overall care given to the care recipient (family member). The sample was drawn from the 1982 National Long-Term Care Survey (NLTCS) of individuals who assisted a given NLTCS sample person with ADL limitations.^ The study tests the following hypotheses: (a) There will be a negative relationship between generalized resistance resources (GRRs) and cognitive stress controlling for care demands (demands for care, competing demands, and perceptions of burden); (b) of the specific GRRs (material, cognitive, social, cultural-environmental) the social domain will represent the most significant factor predicting a decrease in cognitive stress; and (c) the social domain will be more significant for the female than the male primary family caregiver in decreasing cognitive stress.^ The study found that GRRs had a statistically significant mediating effect on cognitive stress, but the GRRs were a less significant predictor of stress than perception of burden and demands for care. Thus, although the analysis supported the underlying hypothesis, the specific hypothesis regarding GRRs' greater significance in buffering cognitive stress was not supported. Second, the results did not demonstrate the statistical significance or differences among the GRR domains. The hypothesis that the social GRR domain was most significant in mediating stress of family caregivers was not supported. Finally, the results confirmed that there are differences in the importance of social support help in mediating stress based on gender. It was found that gender and social support help were related to cognitive stress and gender had a statistically significant interaction effect with social support help. Implications for clinical practice, public health policy, and research are discussed. ^


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The purpose of this prospective observational field study was to present a model for measuring energy expenditure among nurses and to determine if there was a difference between the energy expenditure of nurses providing direct care to adult patients on general medical-surgical units in two major metropolitan hospitals and a recommended energy expenditure of 3.0 kcal/minute over 8 hours. One-third of the predicted cycle ergometer VO2max for the study population was used to calculate the recommended energy expenditure.^ Two methods were used to measure energy expenditure among participants during an 8 hour day shift. First, the Energy Expenditure Prediction Program (EEPP) developed by the University of Michigan Center for Ergonomics was used to calculate energy expenditure using activity recordings from observation (OEE; n = 39). The second method used ambulatory electrocardiography and the heart rate-oxygen consumption relationship (HREE; n = 20) to measure energy expenditure. It was concluded that energy expenditure among nurses can be estimated using the EEPP. Using classification systems from previous research, work load among the study population was categorized as "moderate" but was significantly less than (p = 0.021) 3.0 kcal/minute over 8 hours or 1/3 of the predicted VO2max.^ In addition, the relationships between OEE, body-part discomfort (BPCDS) and mental work load (MWI) were evaluated. The relationships between OEE/BPCDS and OEE/MWI were not significant (p = 0.062 and 0.091, respectively). Among the study population, body-part discomfort significantly increased for upper arms, mid-back, lower-back, legs and feet by mid-shift and by the end of the shift, the increase was also significant for neck and thighs.^ The study also provided documentation of a comprehensive list of nursing activities. Among the most important findings were the facts that the study population spent 23% of the workday in a bent posture, walked an average of 3.14 miles, and spent two-thirds of the shift doing activities other than direct patient care, such as paperwork and communicating with other departments. A discussion is provided regarding the ergonomic implications of these findings. ^


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Background. Accurate measurement of attitudes toward participation in cancer treatment trials (CTs) and cancer prevention trials (CPTs) across varied groups could assist health researchers and educators when addressing attitudinal barriers to participation in these trials. ^ Methods. The Attitudes toward Cancer Trials Scales (ACTS) instrument development was based on a conceptual model developed from research literature, clinical practice experience, and empirical testing of items with a sample of 312 respondents. The ACTS contains two scales, the Cancer Trials (CT) scale (4 components; 18 items) and the Cancer Prevention Trials (CPT) scale (3 components; 16 items). Cronbach's alpha values for the CT and CPT scales, respectively, were 0.86 and 0.89. These two scales along with sociodemographic and cancer trial history variables were distributed in a mail survey of former patients of a large cancer research center. The disproportionate stratified probability sampling procedure yielded 925 usable responses (54% response rate). ^ Results. Prevalence of favorable attitudes toward CTs and CPTs was 66% and 69%, respectively. There were no significant differences in mean scale scores by cancer site or gender, but African Americans had more favorable attitudes toward CTs than European Americans. Multiple regression analysis indicated that older age, lower education level, and prior CT participation history were associated with more favorable attitudes toward CTs. Prior CT participation and prior CPT participation were associated with more favorable attitudes toward CPTs. Results also provided evidence of reliability and construct validity for both scales. ^ Conclusions. Middle age, higher education, and European American ethnicity are associated with less positive attitudes about participating in cancer treatment trials. Availability of a psychometrically sound instrument to measure attitudes may facilitate a better understanding decision making regarding participation in CTs and CPTs. It is this author's intention that the ACTS' scales will be used by other investigators to measure attitudes toward CTs and CPTs in various groups of persons, and that the many issues regarding participation in trials might become more explicit. ^


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The cytochrome P450 monooxygenase system consists of NADPH- cytochrome P450 reductase (P450 reductase) and cytochromes P450, which can catalyze the oxidation of a wide variety of endogenous and exogenous compounds, including steroid hormones, fatty acids, drugs, and pollutants. The functions of this system are as diverse as the substrates. P450 reductase transfers reducing equivalents from NADPH to P450, which in turn catalyzes metabolic reactions. This enzyme system has the highest level of activity in the liver. It is also present in other tissues, including brain. The functions of this enzyme system in brain seem to include: neurotransmission, neuroendocrinology, developmental and behavioral modulation, regulation of intracellular levels of cholesterol, and potential neurotoxicity.^ In this study, we have set up the rat glioma C6 cell line as an in vitro model system to examine the expression, induction, and tissue-specific regulation of P450s and P450 reductase. Rat glioma C6 cells were treated with P450 inducers phenobarbital (PB) or benzo(a)anthracene (BA). The presence of P450 reductase and of cytochrome P450 1A1, 1A2, 2A1, 2B1/2, 2C7, 2D1-5 and 2E1 was detected by reverse transcription followed by polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and confirmed by restriction digestion. The induction of P450 1A1 and 2B1/2 and P450 reductase was quantified using competitive PCR. Ten- and five-fold inductions of P450 1A and 2B mRNA after BA or PB treatments, respectively, were detected. Western blot analysis of microsomal preparations of glioma C6 cells demonstrated the presence of P450 1A, 2B and P450 reductase at the protein level. ELISAs showed that BA and PB induce P450 1A and 2B proteins 7.3- and 13.5-fold, respectively. Microsomes prepared from rat glioma C6 cells showed cytochrome P450 CO difference spectra with absorption at or near 450 nm. Microsomes prepared from rat glioma C6 cells demonstrated much higher levels of ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) and pentoxyresorufin O-dealkylase (PROD) activity, when treated with BA or PB, respectively. These experiments provide further evidence that the rat glioma C6 cell line contains an active cytochrome P450 monooxygenase system which can be induced by P450 inducers. The mRNAs of P450 1A1 and 2B1/2 can not bind to the oligo(dT) column efficiently, indicating they have very short poly(A) tails. This finding leads us to study the tissue specific regulation of P450s at post-transcriptional level. The half lives of P450 1A1 and 2B1/2 mRNA in glioma C6 cells are only 1/10 and 1/3 of that in liver. This may partly contribute to the low expression level of P450s in glial cells. The induction of P450s by BA or PB did not change their mRNA half lives, indicating the induction may be due to transcriptional regulation. In summary of this study, we believe the presence of the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase system in glial cells of the brain may be important in chemotherapy and carcinogenesis of brain tumors. ^