143 resultados para Tumor Suppressor Proteins


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Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by the development of retinal and central nervous system hemangioblastoma, renal cell carcinoma (RCC), pheochromocytoma and pancreatic islet cell tumors (PICT). The VHL gene maps to chromosome 3p25 and has been shown to be mutated in 57% of sporadic cases of RCC, implicating VHL in the genesis of RCC. We report a multigeneration VHL kindred in which four affected female siblings developed PICT at early ages. Analysis of the three coding exons of the VHL gene in this family revealed a single, missense mutation in codon 238. Inheritance of the 238 mutation has been reported to correlate with a 62% risk of pheochromocytoma development. In this kindred, all affected individuals carried the mutation as well as one additional sibling who showed no evidence of disease. Clinical screening of this individual indicated small ($<$1 cm) pancreatic and kidney tumors. Results suggest that inheritance of the codon 238 mutation does not correlate with early onset pheochromocytoma. Rather, the only individual in the pedigree with pheochromocytoma was the proband's mother who developed bilateral pheochromocytoma at the age of 62. Thus, the VHL codon 238 mutation may predispose to late onset pheochromocytoma in this family; however, it does not explain the preponderance of PICT in the third generation since this mutation has not been reported to increase the risk of developing pancreatic lesions. This suggests that inheritance of the codon 238 mutation and subsequent somatic inactivation of the wild type allele of the VHL gene may not be sufficient to explain the initiation and subsequent progression to malignancy in VHL-associated neoplasms. Since the two tumor types that most frequently progress to malignancy are RCC and PICT, we asked whether loss of heterozygosity (LOH) could be detected proximal to the VHL gene on chromosome 3 in distinct regions of 3p previously implicated by LOH and cytogenetic studies to contain tumor suppressor loci for RCC. LOH was performed on high molecular weight DNA isolated from peripheral blood and frozen tumor tissue of family members using microsatellite markers spanning 3p. Results indicated LOH for all informative 3p loci in tumor tissue from affected individuals with PICT. LOH was detected along the entire length of the chromosome arm and included the proximal region of 3p13-14.2 implicated in the hereditary form of renal cell carcinoma.^ If 3p LOH were a critical event in pancreatic islet cell tumorigenesis, then it should be expected that LOH in sporadic islet cell tumors would also be observed. We expanded LOH studies to include sporadic cases of PICT. Consistent LOH was observed on 3p with a highest frequency LOH in the region 3p21.2. This is the first evidence for an association between chromosome 3 loci and pancreatic islet cell tumorigenesis. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Osseous metastases account for most of the morbidity and mortality associated with prostate cancer, for which there are currently no effective therapies. In the skeletal metastatic environment, neoplastic prostatic epithelial cells interact in a bidirectional stimulatory manner with osteoblastic stromal cells. Similarly, the presence of osteoblastic cells is essential for the survival and maintenance of intraosseous prostate cancer cells. In this thesis, I have developed novel gene therapy strategies for the treatment of androgen-independent human prostate cancers in experimental animal models. First, Ad-CMV-p53, a recombinant adenovirus (Ad) containing p53 tumor suppressor gene driven by the universal cytomegalovirus promoter, was effective in inhibiting prostate cancer cell growth, and direct intratumoral injections of Ad-CMV-p53 resulted in tumor regression. Second, because prostate cancer cells as well as osteoblastic cells produce osteocalcin (OC), OC promoter mediated tissue/tumor specific toxic gene therapy is developed to interrupt stromal-epithelial communications by targeting both cell types. Ad-OC-TK, a recombinant Ad containing the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (TK) gene driven by the OC promoter, was generated to inhibit the growth of osteoblastic osteosarcoma with prodrug acyclovir (ACV). Ad-OC-TK/ACV also inhibited the growth of prostate cancer cells and suppressed the growth of subcutaneous and intraosseous prostate tumor. In order to combine treatment modalities to maximize tumor cell-kill with minimized host toxicities, Ad-OC-TK/ACV was applied in combination with low dose methotrexate to eradicate osteoblastic osteosarcoma. In targeting of micrometastatic disease, intravenous Ad-OC-TK/ACV treatment resulted in significant tumor nodule reduction and prolonged the survival of animals harboring osteosarcoma lung metastases without significant host toxicity. Ad-OC-TK is a rational choice for the treatment of prostate cancer skeletal metastasis because OC is uniformly detected in both primary and metastatic human prostate cancer specimens by immunohistochemistry. Ad-OC-TK/ACV inhibits the growth not only of prostate cancer cells but also of their supporting bone stromal cells. Targeting both prostate cancer epithelium and its supporting stroma may be most efficacious for the treatment of prostate cancer osseous metastases. ^


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A variety of human cancers overexpress the HER-2/neu proto-oncogene. Among patients with breast and ovarian cancers this HER-2/ neu overexpression indicates an unfavorable prognosis, with a shorter overall survival duration and a lower response rate to chemotherapeutic agents. Downregulation of HER-2/neu gene expression in cancer cells through attenuation of HER-2/neu promoter activity is, therefore, an attractive strategy for reversing the transformation phenotype and thus the chemoresistance induced by HER-2/neu overexpression. ^ A viral transcriptional regulator, the adenovirus type 5 E1A (early region 1A) that can repress the HER-2/neu promoter, had been identified in the laboratory of Dr. Mien-Chie Hung. Following the identification of the E1A gene, a series of studies revealed that repression of HER-2/neu by the E1A gene which can act therapeutically as a tumor suppressor gene for HER-2/ neu-overexpressing cancers. ^ The results of these preclinical studies became the basis for a phase I trial for E1A gene therapy among patients with HER-2/neu-overexpressing breast and ovarian cancer. In this dissertation, three primary questions concerned with new implications of E1A gene therapy are addressed: First, could E1A gene therapy be incorporated with conventional chemotherapy? Second, could the E1A gene be delivered systemically to exert an anti-tumor effect? And third, what is the activity of the E1A gene in low-HER-2/neu-expressing cancer cells? ^ With regard to the first question, the studies reported in this dissertation have shown that the sensitivity of HER-2/neu-overexpressing breast and ovarian cancer to paclitaxel is in fact enhanced by the downregulation of HER-2/neu overexpression by E1A. With regard to the second question, studies have shown that the E1A gene can exert anti-tumor activity by i.v. injection of the E1A gene complexed with the novel cationic liposome/protamine sulfate/DNA type I (LPDI). And with regard to the third question, the studies of low-HER-2/ neu-expressing breast and ovarian cancers reported here have shown that the E1A gene does in fact suppress metastatic capability. It did not, however, suppress the tumorigenicity. ^ Three conclusions can be drawn from the experimental findings reported in this dissertation. Combining paclitaxel with E1A gene therapy may expand the implications of the gene therapy in the future phase II clinical trial. Anti-tumor activity at a distant site may be achieved with the i.v. injection of the E1A gene. Lastly when administered therapeutically the anti-metastatic effect of the E1A gene in low-HER-2/neu-expressing breast cancer cells may prevent metastasis in primary breast cancer. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^


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Wilms tumor (WT) is an embryonal renal tumor with a heterogeneous genetic etiology that serves as a valuable model for studying tumorigenesis. Biallelic inactivation of the tumor suppressor gene WT1, a zinc-finger transcriptional regulator located at 11p13, is critical for the development of some Wilms tumors. Interestingly, WT1 genomic analysis has demonstrated mutations in less than 20% of WT cases. This suggests either other genes play a more major role in Wilms tumorigenesis or WT1 is functionally altered by mechanisms other than DNA mutation. Previous observations in rat and in WT xenograft cell lines have suggested that abnormal WT1 RNA processing (exon 6 RNA editing and aberrant exon 2 splicing, respectively) is a potential mechanism of altering WT1 function in the absence of a WT1 DNA mutation. However, the role of this abnormal RNA processing has not previously been assessed in primary Wilms tumors. ^ To test the hypothesis that abnormal WT1 RNA processing is a mechanism of WT1alteration during tumor development, WT1 RNA from 85 primary tumors was analyzed using reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction amplification (RT-PCR). Although no evidence for WT1 RNA editing was observed, variable levels (5% to 50%) of aberrant WT1 exon 2 splicing were detected for 11 tumors in the absence of a detectable WT1 DNA mutation. Also, alteration of normal WT1 alternative splicing, observed as RNA isoform loss, was detected in five tumors with no apparent WT1 genomic alteration, although no consistent pattern of RNA isoform loss was detected. This abnormal WT1 splicing, detected by either loss of exon 2 from some of the transcripts or loss of RNA isoforms, is statistically correlated with relapse (p = 0.005). These studies demonstrate that abnormal WT1 RNA processing is not a common mechanism of abrogating normal WT1 function in primary tumors. However, in those cases in which abnormal WTI splicing is present, these data indicate that it may serve as a useful prognostic marker for relapse in WT patients. ^


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Malignant brain tumors are one of the most challenging cancers affecting society today. In a recent survey, an estimated 17,000 annual cases were recorded with a staggering total of 13,300 deaths. A unique degree of heterogeneity typifies glial tumors and presents a challenge for solitary anti-neoplastic treatments. Tumors subsist as heterogeneous masses that progress through dysplasia to astrocytomas, mixed glioma and glioblastoma multiforme. Although traditional therapeutic approaches have provided increments of success, the median survival time remains 12 months. The urgency to improve upon current clinical protocols has encouraged alternative experimental strategies such as p53 adenoviral gene therapy (Ad-p53). This study addresses the efficacy of Ad-p53 for the treatment of glioma. Our model presents a tumor response that is unique among human cancers. Ad-p53 effectively induces apoptosis in mutant p53 expressing cells yet fails to do so in those with wildtype p53. In order to adopt Adp53 as a standard anti-cancer modality, we characterized the role of the tumor suppressor gene p53 in mediating apoptosis. We demonstrate that altering cellular p53 status through the introduction of a dominant negative mutant p53 (175H, 248W, 273H) sensitized cells to Ad-p53. We discovered that wild-type p53 expressing glioma cells retain the apoptotic machinery necessary to accomplish cell death, but have developed mechanisms that interfere with p53 signaling. Earlier studies have not addressed the mechanisms of Ad-p53 apoptosis nor the resistance exhibited by wild-type p53 glioma. To explain the divergent phenotypes, we identified apoptotic pathways activated and effectors of the response. We illustrated that modulation of the death receptor Fas/APO-1 is a principal means of Ad-p53 signaling that is impaired in wild-type p53 glioma. Moreover, the apoptotic response was found to be a multi-faceted process that engaged several caspases, most notably caspases -1, -3 and -8. Lastly, we assessed the ability of anti-apoptotic molecules Bcl-2 and CrmA to inhibit Ad-p53 apoptosis. These studies revealed that Ad-p53 is a powerful tool for inducing apoptosis that can be delayed but not inhibited by anti-apoptotic means. This work is critical for understanding the development of glioma and the phenotypic and genotypic alterations that account for tumor resistance. ^


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Cell to cell adhesion molecule (CEACAM1), a type II tumor suppressor, has been found to be down-regulated in prostate cancer cells. The mechanism that causes CEACAM1's down-regulation in tumorigenesis is unknown. Here we show that the transcriptional activity of CEACAM1 is decreased in prostate cancer cells. This decrease is not due to methylation of the CEACAM1's promoter, but rather to the alteration of transcription factors regulating CEACAM1 expression. ^ Since androgen/androgen receptors (AR) are potent regulators of prostate growth and differentiation, their role on CEACAM1 gene transcription was examined. The androgen receptor could directly increase CEACAM1 transcriptional activity in a ligand dependent manner by interacting with an AR consensus element that resides in the CEACAM1 promoter. However, AR binding to the CEACAM1 promoter is not related to the loss of CEACAM1 during prostate cancer progression. ^ Further analysis enabled us to determine the particular region in the CEACAM1 promoter that mediates a decrease in CEACAM1 transcriptional activity in prostate cancer cells. Upon further examination, we found that this CEACAM1 promoter region interacts with the Sp1, Sp2, and Sp3 transcription factors. However, only Sp2 expression was found to increase in prostate cancer cells. Inhibiting Sp2 from binding to the CEACAM1 promoter caused an increase in CEACAM1 transcriptional activity in prostate cancer cells. In addition, over-expressing Sp2 in normal prostate cells resulted in a decrease in CEACAM1 transcriptional activity and endogenous protein expression. These observations suggest that Sp2 is a transcription repressor of CEACAM1. Furthermore, prostate cancer cells treated with trichostatin A (TSA), a specific histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor, activated CEACAM1 transcriptional activity. This implies that HDACs are involved in CEACAM1 transcriptional activity. Mutation of the Sp2 DNA binding region on the CEACAM1 promoter inhibited TSA activation of CEACAM1 transcriptional activity. This indicates that HDACs inhibit CEACAM1 transcriptional activity through Sp2. Base on these results, we propose that Sp2 is critical for down-regulating CEACAM1 expression, and one mechanism by which Sp2 represses CEACAM1 expression is by recruiting HDAC to the CEACAM1 promoter in prostate cancer cells. Collectively, these findings provide novel insights into mechanisms that cause the down-regulation of CEACAM1 expression in prostate cancer cells. ^


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Cancer is a result of defects in the coordination of cell proliferation and programmed cell death. The extent of cell death is physiologically controlled by the activation of a programmed suicide pathway that results in a morphologically recognizable form of death termed apoptosis. Inducing apoptosis in tumor cells by gene therapy provides a potentially effective means to treat human cancers. The p84N5 is a novel nuclear death domain containing protein that has been shown to bind an amino terminal domain of retinoblastoma tumor suppressor gene product (pRb). Expression of N5 can induce apoptosis that is dependent upon its intact death domain and is inhibited by pRb. In many human cancer cells the functions of pRb are either lost through gene mutation or inactivated by different mechanisms. N5 based gene therapy may induce cell death preferentially in tumor cells relative to normal cells. We have demonstrated that N5 gene therapy is less toxic to normal cells than to tumor cells. To test the possibility that N5 could be used in gene therapy of cancer, we have generated a recombinant adenovirus engineered to express N5 and test the effects of viral infection on growth and tumorigenicity of human cancer cells. Adenovirus N5 infection significantly reduced the proliferation and tumorigenicity of breast, ovarian, and osteosarcoma tumor cell lines. Reduced proliferation and tumorigenicity were mediated by an induction of apoptosis as indicated by DNA fragmentation in infected cells. We also test the potential utility of N5 for gene therapy of pancreatic carcinoma that typically respond poorly to conventional treatment. Adenoviral mediated N5 gene transfer inhibits the growth of pancreatic cancer cell lines in vitro. N5 gene transfer also reduces the growth and metastasis of human pancreatic adenocarcinoma in subcutaneous and orthotopic mouse model. Interestingly, the pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells are more sensitive to N5 than they are to p53, suggesting that N5 gene therapy may be effective in tumors resistant to p53. We also test the possibilities of the use of N5 and p53 together on the inhibition of pancreatic cancer cell growth in vitro and vivo. Simultaneous use of N5 and RbΔCDK has been found to exert a greater extent on the inhibition of pancreatic cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo. ^


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In the last few years, our laboratory has studied the regulatory mechanisms of proliferation and differentiation in epidermal tissues. Our results showed differences in the roles of cyclin dependent-kinases 4 and 6, and the three D-type cyclins, during normal epidermal proliferation and neoplastic development. Thus, to elucidate the role of the different cell cycle regulators, we developed transgenic mice that overexpress CDK4 (K5-CDK4), or their cognate D-type cyclins, in epithelial tissues. The most severe phenotype was observed in K5-CDK4 animals that developed dermal fibrosis, epidermal hyperplasia and hypertrophy. Forced expression of CDK4 in the epidermal basal cell layer increased the malignant conversion of skin papillomas to squamous cell carcinomas (SCC). Contrastingly, lack of CDK4 completely inhibited tumor development, suggesting that CDK4 is required in this process. Biochemical studies demonstrated that p21 Cip1 and p27Kip1 inhibitors are sequestered by CDK4 resulting in indirect activation of Cyclin E/CDK2, implicating the non-catalytic activity of CDK4 in deregulation of the cell cycle progression. ^ It has been proposed that the proliferative and oncogenic role of Myc is linked to its ability to induce the transcription of CDK4, cyclin D1, and cyclin D2 in vitro. Deregulation of Myc oncogene has been found in several human cancers. Also it has been demonstrated that CDK4 has the ability to functionally inactivate the product of the tumor suppressor gene Rb, providing a link between Myc and the CDK4/cyclin D1/pRb/p16 pathway in some malignant tumors. Here, we sought to determine the role of CDK4 as a mediator of Myc activities by developing a Myc overexpressing mouse nullizygous for CDK4. We demonstrated that lack of CDK4 results in reduced keratinocyte proliferation and epidermal thickness in K5-Myc/CDK4-null mice. In addition, complete reversion of tumor development was observed. All together, this work demonstrates that CDK4 acts as an oncogene independent of the D-type cyclin levels and it is an important mediator of the tumorigenesis induced by Myc. In addition, we showed that the sequestering activity of CDK4 is critical for the development of epidermal hyperplasia during normal proliferation, malignant progression from papillomas to squamous cell carcinomas, and tumorigenesis induced by Myc. ^


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The Eker rat model has allowed researchers the unique opportunity to study the tumorigenesis of spontaneously occurring uterine leiomyoma. Animals in this line harbor a germline mutation in the tuberous sclerosis complex-2 (Tsc-2) tumor suppressor gene and develop uterine leiomyomas at a rate of ∼65%. Primary leiomyomas obtained from humans and Eker rats along with Eker-derived leiomyoma cell lines were used in studies described herein to determine the effect of PPARγ ligand treatment on the proliferation of this cell type and to determine the role of tuberin and p27Kip1 in the etiology of this tumor type. Treatment of leiomyoma cells of human and rat origin with PPARγ-activating compounds resulted in decreased proliferation. Additionally, PPARγ ligands inhibited estrogen-dependent gene transactivation in Eker-derived leiomyoma cells suggesting that nuclear receptor cross-talk may exist between PPAR and the ER and may be responsible for the inhibition of proliferation in this cell type. Loss of tuberin, the product of the TSC-2 gene, is associated with Eker rat leiomyoma development while the role of this tumor suppressor in human leiomyoma development is unknown. Data herein show that tuberin expression is diminished in 25% of human leiomyomas tested. Additionally, we observed diminished p27 Kip1 expression in 80% of human uterine leiomyomas compared to normal myometrium. Interestingly, the loss of tuberin expression in human leiomyoma was associated with cytoplasmic p27Kip1 accumulation in this cell type. Furthermore, tuberin-null Eker rat leiomyomas and derived cell lines had predominantly cytoplasmic p27Kip1 compared to tuberin-expressing normal myometrium. Taken together, our data show that human and Eker rat leiomyoma proliferation is inhibited upon PPARγ treatment and that the etiology of human and Eker rat leiomyoma converge at loss of p27Kip1 function. Furthermore, our data indicate that the loss of p27 Kip1 function is mediated by loss of expression (in 80% of human leiomyoma) or cytoplasmic localization potentially resulting from the loss of tuberin. ^


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Although tobacco exposure remains the prevailing risk factor for bladder cancer (BC), only a small percentage of exposed individuals develop cancer, suggesting that tobacco-related carcinogenesis is modulated by genetic susceptibility and possibly by DNA methylation-related events. Methylation patterns established by DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) are influenced by dietary folate and genetic polymorphisms in the methylene-tetrahydrofolate reductase gene (MTHFR). Therefore, we hypothesized that DNA methylation-related genes, such as DNMT3B and MTHFR, might modulate BC risk. ^ In a study of 514 Caucasian BC cases and 498 healthy Caucasian controls examining the DNMT3B C46359T polymorphism, CC genotype was found to be a risk factor in women (Odds Ratio (OR) = 1.79), but not in men. This risk was further increased among women who were never smokers, consumed low dietary folate, and had adverse variants of MTHFR. In addition, higher DNMT3B expression among smokers was a risk factor (OR = 4.27) and correlated with genetic variants of the DNMT3B C46359T polymorphism, providing salient evidence for the risk associated with the CC variant. This suggests that the DNMT3B CC variant may confer a predisposition toward aberrant de novo methylation of CpG islands in critical tumor suppressor genes. ^ The convergence of alterations in DNMT3B, associated with promoter methylation, and reduced dietary folate consumption, accompanying global hypomethylation and genetic instability, may act synergistically to promote bladder carcinogenesis, especially in women. The results of this study unveiled new gender-specific paradigms of BC risk for women and demonstrated that this risk can be modified by folate consumption as well as polymorphisms in the folate pathway. ^


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The tumor suppressor p16 is a negative regulator of the cell cycle, and acts by preventing the phosphorylation of RB, which in turn prevents the progression from G1 to S phase of the cell cycle. In addition to its role in the cell cycle, p16 may also be able to induce apoptosis in some tumors. Ewing's sarcoma, a pediatric cancer of the bone and soft tissue, was used to study the ability of p16 to induce apoptosis due to the fact that p16 is often deleted in Ewing's sarcoma tumors and may play a role in the oncogenesis or progression of this disease. The purpose of these studies was to determine whether introduction of p16 into Ewing's sarcoma cells would induce apoptosis. We infected the Ewing's sarcoma cell line TC71, which does not express p16, with adenovirus- p16 (Ad-p16). Ad-p16 infection led to the production of functional p16 as measured by the induction of G1 arrest. Ad-p16 infection induced as much as a 100% increase in G1 arrest compared to untreated cells. As measured by propidium iodide (PI) and Annexin V staining, Ad-p16 was able to induce apoptosis to levels 20–30 fold higher than controls. Furthermore, Ad-p16 infection led to loss of RB protein before apoptosis could be detected. The loss of RB protein was due to post-translational degradation of RB, which was inhibited by the addition of the proteasome inhibitors PS-341 and NPI-0052. Downregulation of RB with si-RNA sensitized cells to Ad-p16-induced apoptosis, indicating that RB protects from apoptosis in this model. This study shows that p16 leads to the degradation of RB by the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway, and that this degradation may be important for the induction of apoptosis. Given that RB may protect from apoptosis in some tumors, apoptosis-inducing therapies may be enhanced in tumors which have lost RB expression, or in which RB is artificially inactivated. ^


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Over 50% of sporadic tumors in humans have a p53 mutation highlighting its importance as a tumor suppressor. Considering additional mutations in other genes involved in p53 pathways, every tumor probably has mutant p53 or impaired p53-mediated functions. In response to a variety of cellular and genotoxic stresses, p53, mainly through its transcriptional activity, induces pathways involved in apoptosis and growth arrest. In these circumstances and under normal situations, p53 must be tightly regulated. Mdm2 is an important regulator of p53. Mdm2 inhibits p53 function by binding and blocking its transactivation domain. In addition, Mdm2 helps target p53 for degradation through its E3 ligase activity. Mdm2 null mice are embryonic lethal due to apoptosis in the blastocysts. However, a p53 null background rescues this lethality demonstrating the importance of the p53-Mdm2 interaction, particularly during development. The lethality of the Mdm2 null mouse prior to implantation limits the ability to investigate the role of Mdm2 in regulating p53 in a temporal and tissue specific manner. Does p53 need to be regulated in all tissues throughout the life of a mouse? Does Mdm2 always have to regulate it? To address these questions, we created a conditional Mdm2 allele. The conditional allele, Mdm2FM, in the presence of Cre recombinase results in the deletion of exons 5 and 6 of Mdm2 (most of the p53 binding domain) and represents a null allele. ^ The Mdm2FM allele was crossed with a heart muscle specific Cre expressing mouse (α-myosin heavy chain promoter driven Cre) to ask whether Mdm2 acts as a negative regulator of p53 in the heart. The heart is the most prominent organ early in embryogenesis and is shaped by cell death and proliferation. p53 does not appear to be active in the heart in response to some types of stress, so it remained to be determined if it has to be regulated in normal heart development. Loss of Mdm2 in the heart results in heart defects as early as E9.5. Loss of Mdm2 results in stabilized p53 and apoptosis. This apoptosis leads to a thinning of the myocardial wall particularly in the ventricles and abnormal ventricular structure. Eventually the abnormal heart fails resulting in lethality by E13.5. The embryonic lethality is rescued in a p53 null background. Thus, Mdm2 is important in regulating p53 in the development of the heart. ^


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Mutations disabling the retinoblastoma (Rb) pathway are among the most common in human cancers, including brain cancer. These mutations promote tumor development through deregulated control of the E2F family of transcription factors. E2F1 belongs to a class of E2F's identified as transcriptional activators and involved in the G1/S phase transition of the cell. However, E2F-1 presents with a paradox as it is considered to have membership in two gene classes, functioning as both an oncogene and a tumor suppressor. This unusual trait generates a degree of uncertainty on the role that E2F1 plays in the development or maintenance of any given tumor. Here we show that E2F1 functions as an oncogene in brain tumors through the generation of mice engineered to overexpress E2F1 specifically within glial cells and neuronal progenitors as directed by the GFAP promoter. Mice carrying the transgene develop with high penetrance a phenotype characterized by neurological deficits including paresia, ataxia, head tilt and seizures. MRI imagining of the tgE2F1 mice reveals a low incidence of mild hydrocephalus, and most notably, histological analysis demonstrates that 25% of tgE2F1 mice present with the spontaneous formation of malignant brain tumors. Overall these neoplasms show histological features from a wide range of aggressive brain cancers including medulloblastoma, choroid plexus carcinoma, primary neuroectodermic tumor and malignant gliomas. Isolation and characterization of astrocytes from the tgE2F1 animal reveals a highly proliferative population of cells with 55% ± 2.5 of the tgE2F1astrocytes, 35% ± 3.4 normal mouse astrocytes in S-phase and the acquired capacity to grow in anchorage independent conditions. Additionally tgE2F1 astrocytes show an aberrant phenotype with random chromosomal fusions and nearly all cells demonstrating polyploidy. Taken together, this model forces a comparison to human brain tumor formation. Mouse age as related to tumoral mimics the human scenario with juvenile tgE2F1 mice presenting embryonal tumors typically identified in children, and older tgE2F1 mice demonstrating gliomas. In this regard, this study suggests a global role for E2F1 in the formation and maintenance of multilineage brain tumors, irrefutably establishing E2F1 as an oncogene in the brain. ^


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While there is considerable information on the molecular aberrations associated with the development of endometrial cancer, very little is known of changes in gene expression associated with its antecedent premalignant condition, endometrial hyperplasia. In order to address this, we have compared the level of expression of components of the IGF-I signaling pathway in human endometrial hyperplasia to their level of expression in both the normal pre-menopausal endometrium and endometrial carcinoma. We have also characterized the molecular characteristics of endometrial hyperplasia as it occurs in a murine model of hormone-dependent tumorigenesis of the female reproductive tract. ^ There was a significant and selective increase in the expression of the IGF-I Receptor (IGF-IR) in both human hyperplasia and carcinoma as compared to the normal endometrium. The receptor was also activated, as judged by increased tyrosine phosphorylation. In addition, in hyperplasia and carcinoma there is activation of the downstream component Akt. The expression of the PTEN tumor suppressor is decreased in a subset of subjects with hyperplasia and in all of the carcinomas. The simultaneous loss of PTEN expression and increased IGF-IR activation in the hyperplastic endometrium was associated with an increased incidence of endometrial carcinoma elsewhere within the uterus. In the rodent hyperplasia, there was a significant increase in the expression and activation of Akt that appears to be attributable to a marked increase in the expression of IGF-II. ^ Our studies have demonstrated the pathologic proliferation of both the human and rodent endometrium is linked to a marked activation of the Akt pathway. However the cause of this dysregulation is different in the human disease and the animal model. In rodents, hyperplasia is linked to increased expression of one of the ligands of the IGF-IR, IGF-II. In humans the IGF-I receptor itself is upregulated and activated. Additional activation of the Akt pathway via the suppression of PTEN activity, results in conditions that are associated with the marked increase in the probability of developing endometrial cancer. Our data suggests that increased activity of the IGF-I pathway plays the key role in the hyperproliferative state characteristic of endometrial hyperplasia and cancer.^


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The Notch signaling pathway plays a central role in metazoan growth and patterning, and its deregulation leads to many human diseases, including cancer. It is therefore important to understand the modes of Notch signaling regulation. Recent discoveries have demonstrated that mutations in conserved endosomal pathway components such as Erupted and Vps25 can ectopically activate Notch signaling in Drosophila. Mutations in the tumor suppressor lethal giant discs (lgd) display similar but even stronger and more specific Notch activation than in the erupted and vps25 mutant animals. This Notch activation in lgd mutant tissues causes hyperplastic overgrowth of the Drosophila imaginal discs, and the eventual lethality of the animal. However, the gene that encodes Lgd, and its function in the Notch pathway have not yet been identified. ^ I have found that Lgd is a novel, conserved C2 domain protein that regulates Notch trafficking. Lgd cell-autonomously restricts Notch signaling in the Drosophila wing disc to the target cells in the D/V boundary. The function of Lgd lies at or upstream of Notch S3 activation, but Lgd doesn't affect the binding affinities between Notch and Delta. Lgd is also not required for cis-inhibition of Notch signaling by ligands. Notch accumulates on the early endosome in lgd mutant cells and signals in a ligand-independent manner, a result that has previously been seen in endosomal pathway mutants. Interestingly, Notch activation in lgd mutant cells is dependent on the endosomal protein Hrs, and Lgd activity appears to be downstream of Hrs function in endocytosis. Taken together, my data identify Lgd as a novel tumor suppressor protein that regulates Notch signaling by targeting Notch for degradation or recycling. ^