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Patients who had started HAART (Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Treatment) under previous aggressive DHHS guidelines (1997) underwent a life-long continuous HAART that was associated with many short term as well as long term complications. Many interventions attempted to reduce those complications including intermittent treatment also called pulse therapy. Many studies were done to study the determinants of rate of fall in CD4 count after interruption as this data would help guide treatment interruptions. The data set used here was a part of a cohort study taking place at the Johns Hopkins AIDS service since January 1984, in which the data were collected both prospectively and retrospectively. The patients in this data set consisted of 47 patients receiving via pulse therapy with the aim of reducing the long-term complications. ^ The aim of this project was to study the impact of virologic and immunologic factors on the rate of CD4 loss after treatment interruption. The exposure variables under investigation included CD4 cell count and viral load at treatment initiation. The rates of change of CD4 cell count after treatment interruption was estimated from observed data using advanced longitudinal data analysis methods (i.e., linear mixed model). Using random effects accounted for repeated measures of CD4 per person after treatment interruption. The regression coefficient estimates from the model was then used to produce subject specific rates of CD4 change accounting for group trends in change. The exposure variables of interest were age, race, and gender, CD4 cell counts and HIV RNA levels at HAART initiation. ^ The rate of fall of CD4 count did not depend on CD4 cell count or viral load at initiation of treatment. Thus these factors may not be used to determine who can have a chance of successful treatment interruption. CD4 and viral load were again studied by t-tests and ANOVA test after grouping based on medians and quartiles to see any difference in means of rate of CD4 fall after interruption. There was no significant difference between the groups suggesting that there was no association between rate of fall of CD4 after treatment interruption and above mentioned exposure variables. ^
Whence a healthy mind: Correlation of physical fitness and academic performance among schoolchildren
Background. Public schools are a key forum in the fight for child health because of the opportunities they present for physical activity and fitness surveillance. However, because schools are evaluated and funded on the basis of standardized academic performance rather than physical activity, empirical research evaluating the connections between fitness and academic performance is needed to justify curriculum allocations to physical activity. ^ Methods. Analyses were based on a convenience sample of 315,092 individually-matched standardized academic (TAKS™) and fitness (FITNESSGRAM®) test records collected by 13 Texas school districts under state mandates. We categorized each fitness result in quintiles by age and gender and used a mixed effects regression model to compare the academic performance of the top and bottom fitness groups for each fitness test and grade level combination. ^ Results. All fitness variables except BMI showed significant, positive associations with academic performance after sociodemographic covariate adjustments, with effect sizes ranging from 0.07 (95% CI: 0.05,0.08) in girls trunklift-TAKS reading to 0.34 (0.32,0.35) in boys cardiovascular-TAKS math. Cardiovascular fitness showed the largest inter-quintile difference in TAKS score (32-75 points), followed by curl-ups. After an additional adjustment for BMI and curl-ups, cardiovascular associations peaked in 8th-9 th grades (maximum inter-quintile difference 142 TAKS points; effect size 0.75 (0.69,0.82) for 8th grade girls math) and showed dose-response characteristics across quintiles (p<0.001 for both genders and outcomes). BMI analysis demonstrated limited, non-linear association with academic performance after adjustment for sociodemographic, cardiovascular fitness and curl-up variables. Low-BMI Hispanic high school boys showed significantly lower TAKS scores than the moderate (but not high) BMI group. High-BMI non-Hispanic white high school girls showed significantly lower scores than the moderate (but not low) BMI group. ^ Conclusions. In this study, fitness was strongly and significantly related to academic performance. Cardiovascular fitness showed a distinct dose-response association with academic performance independent of other sociodemographic and fitness variables. The association peaked in late middle to early high school. The independent association of BMI to academic performance was only found in two sub-groups and was non-linear, with both low and high BMI posing risk relative to moderate BMI but not to each other. In light of our findings, we recommend that policymakers consider PE mandates in middle-high school and require linkage of academic and fitness records to facilitate longitudinal surveillance. School administrators should consider increasing PE time in pursuit of higher academic test scores, and PE practitioners should emphasize cardiovascular fitness over BMI reduction.^
This descriptive, cross-sectional study addressed the relationship between variables of deployed military women and prevalence of gender-specific infections. The analysis of secondary data will look at the last deployment experience of 880 randomly selected U.S. military women who completed a mailed questionnaire (Deployed Female Health Practice Questionnaire (FHPQ)) in June 1998. The questionnaire contained 191 items with 80 data elements and one page for the subject's written comments. The broad categories of the questionnaire included: health practices, health promotion, disease prevention and treatment, reproduction, lifestyle management, military characteristics and demographics. The research questions are: (1) What is the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases (STD), urinary tract infections (UTI) and vaginal infections (VI) related to demographic data, military characteristics, behavioral risk factors and health practices of military women during their last deployment? and (2) What are the differences between STD, UTI and VI related to the demographic data, military characteristics, behavioral risk factors and health practices of military women during their last deployment. The results showed that (1) STDs were found to be significantly associated with age and rank but not location of deployment or military branch; (2) UTI were found to be significantly associated with intrauterine device (IUD) use, prior UTI and type of items used for menses management, but not education or age; and (3) VI were significantly associated with age, rank and deployment location but not ethnicity or education. Although quantitative research exploring hygiene needs of deployed women continues, qualitative studies may uncover further “hidden” issues of importance. It cannot be said that the military has not made proactive changes for women, however, continued efforts to hone these changes are still encouraged. Mandatory debriefings of “seasoned” deployed women soldiers and their experiences would benefit leadership and newly deployed female soldiers with valuable “lessons learned.” Tailored hygiene education material, prevention education classes, easy access website with self-care algorithms, pre-deployment physicals, revision of military protocols for health care providers related to screening, diagnosing and treatment of gender-specific infections and process changes in military supply network of hygiene items for women are offered as recommendations. ^
Objective. To conduct a systematic review of published literature on preconception care in pre-existing diabetic women looking at the effect of glycemic control and multivitamin usage on the frequency of spontaneous abortion and birth defects.^ Methods. Articles were retrieved from Medline (1950–Dec 2007), Cochrane Library (1800–Dec 2007), Academic Search Complete (Ebsco) (Jan 1800–Dec 2007) and Maternal and Child Health Library (1965–Dec 2007). Studies included women with pre-existing, non-gestational diabetes and a comparison group. Participants must have either received preconception care and/or consumed a multivitamin as part of the study.^ Results. Overall, seven studies met the study criteria and applicability to the study objectives. Four of these reported the frequency of spontaneous abortion. Only one found a statistically significant increased risk of spontaneous abortion among pregnant women who did not receive preconception care compared with those who did receive care, odds ratio 4.32; 95% CI 1.34 to 13.9. Of the seven studies, six reported the frequency of birth defects. Five of these six studies found a significantly increased rate of birth defects among pregnant women who did not receive preconception care compared with those who did receive care, with odds ratios ranging from 1.53 to 10.16. All seven studies based their preconception care intervention on glycemic control. One study also used multivitamins as part of the preconception care.^ Conclusion. Glycemic control was shown to be useful in reducing the prevalence of birth defects, but not as useful in reducing the prevalence of spontaneous abortion. Insulin regimen options vary widely for the diabetic woman. No author excluded or controlled for women who may have been taking a multivitamin on their own. Due to the small amount of literature available, it is still not known which preconception care option, glucose control and/or multivitamin usage, provides better protection from birth defects and spontaneous abortion for the diabetic woman. An area for future investigation would be glycemic control and the use of folic acid started before pregnancy and the effects on birth defects and spontaneous abortion.^
Although the association between syphilis infection status and compliance with the hepatitis B virus vaccine has been the focus of investigation, there is a lack of data regarding the association between syphilis infection and HBV vaccine compliance. The author investigated the association between the exposure of syphilis infection and the outcome of HBV vaccine completion, defined as degree of constancy and accuracy with which a patient follows a prescribed regimen. A cohort design was employed using interview and serological data from the Drugs, AIDS, STDs, Hepatitis (DASH) Research Project; analysis was restricted to HIV and HBV seronegative (at baseline), illicit drug users residing in Harris County. Syphilis negative and syphilis positive infection status was determined from the serological data while covariates and outcome information were determined from the DASH Project Questionnaire; enrolled subjects (n=1160) were selected from the data. Association between exposure and outcome was assessed with logistic regression adjusted for data-based confounders. ^ A prevalence of 7% and 71% was found for syphilis and HBV vaccine compliance, respectively. When measuring the actual association between syphilis infection status and HBV vaccine compliance, an odds ratio of 1.49 (95% CI: 0.86, 2.72) was obtained. There was a non-significant association between these two variables. 78% of the study population was syphilis positive and completed the vaccine series compared to 70% of the population that was syphilis negative and received all three doses. This finding confirms that there is a difference between syphilis positive and negative drug users with respect to HBV vaccine compliance. The fact that differences were found in these drug users with respect to vaccine schedule supports the idea that sub-group differences may exist and thus merits further investigation. If these differences are confirmed, it is recommended that STI interventions identify community characteristics of their samples and target populations based on practices specific to that community. ^
Violence against women has been recognized as a significant worldwide human rights issue and public health problem. Women of reproductive age may be particularly at risk, and pregnancy may trigger or escalate violence. Using data available from Demographic and Health Surveys on 271,103 women of reproductive age (15-49) from Bolivia, Cameroon, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Haiti, India, Kenya, Nicaragua, Peru, South Africa, and Zambia, this study examined the nature of domestic violence during pregnancy in developing countries, including prevalence, demographic and risk factors, maternal and child health outcomes, perpetrators of violence, help-seeking behavior, and social support. In the majority of countries analyzed, violence during pregnancy consistently occurred at approximately one-third the rate at which domestic violence occurred overall. Younger women and women with more children were particularly at risk. Abuse during pregnancy was significantly associated with history of a terminated pregnancy and under-5 child mortality in most countries, and with neonatal and post-neonatal mortality in most Latin American countries. Women who were abused during pregnancy were most often abused by their current or former husband or boyfriend and most never attempted to seek help. In most countries that examined social support, women abused during pregnancy had significantly less contact with family and friends. Implications for practice and research are discussed. ^
Background. HPV is the underlying cause of cervical cancer, a malignant tumor of the female genital tract. Each year, cervical cancer is newly diagnosed in approximately 10,000 women, and over 3,000 women die from the malignancy. In addition, HPV is implicated as a cause of other cancers involving the genital tract, male and female, and the head and neck. ^ Gardasil, a vaccine against HPV, was licensed by the FDA in June 2006. Early study results have shown Gardasil to be safe and effective at preventing HPV infections that are commonly associated with the development of cervical cancer, as well as other HPV-related cancers and genital warts. The vaccine is most effective when administered in childhood, before initial exposure to HPV, which typically occurs shortly after the onset of sexual activity. Accordingly, the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has recommended routine vaccination of females aged 11-12 years. ^ Taking the ACIP recommendation one step further, many states have considered school-based mandates of the HPV vaccine in an attempt to reduce the burden of HPV-related illness, in particular to reduce the disparately high incidence of cervical cancer in medically underserved populations. These mandate attempts have sparked heated debate—highlighting public concerns regarding adolescent sexuality, corporate greed, and vaccines in general. ^ Methods. My research focuses on publicly available sources of information such as medical journals, government reports (federal and state), NGO reports, newspapers, and books. I begin with a background discussion of HPV, cervical cancer, and the HPV vaccine. I then discuss public health policy issues related to vaccines, vaccine mandates, and HPV-related illness. Specifically, I discuss the public health benefit of previous vaccine mandates, the legality of vaccine mandates, and the undue corporate influence on the politics of instituting HPV vaccine mandates. In addition, I examine some of the causes behind the anti-vaccine movement and the controversy surrounding adolescent sexuality as it pertains to the HPV vaccine. In the final section, I focus on the recent failed attempt by Governor Rick Perry to mandate the HPV vaccine in Texas. A retrospective analysis of Governor Perry's policy decisions is undertaken and recommendations are made regarding future attempts to mandate the HPV vaccine, or other vaccines under development for similar sexually transmitted viral diseases such as HIV and herpes simplex. ^ Results. In Texas, as in other states across the country, HPV vaccine mandates faced opposition from those who, while they may support mandates of other vaccines, oppose mandates for the HPV vaccine based largely on the idea that HPV is a sexually transmitted disease—they see responsible sexual behavior as the appropriate method for preventing HPV-related illness. A second major group of opposition comes from those who are generally opposed to all vaccine mandates, due to concerns that mandates are intended primarily for the financial benefit of the pharmaceutical industry or due to concerns—largely unfounded—that vaccines pose a greater health threat than the illnesses they are designed to prevent. ^ Conclusion. In order to reduce opposition to vaccine mandates, care must be taken to educate the public regarding the benefits of vaccination by mobilizing the public health sector, avoid the impression that the decision to institute mandates is rash or pressured by allowing time for open debate, and minimize lobbying efforts by vaccine manufacturers. ^