50 resultados para preterm birth


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The infant mortality rate for non-Hispanic Black infants in the U.S. is 13.63 deaths per 1,000 live births while the IMR for non-Hispanic White persons in the U.S. is 5.76 deaths per 1,000 live births. Black women are 2 times as likely as White women to deliver preterm infants and Black women are 2 times as likely as White women to deliver low birth weight infants (weighing less than 2,500 grams at birth). Differential underlying risk factors among mothers of different racial/ethnic groups for delivering pre-term and low birth weight infants have been historically accepted as the cause of racial disparities in IMRs. However, differential underlying risk status may not be the only major causative factor. Differential or unequal access to and provision of care is widely speculated to be a leading contributing factor to the wide racial disparity in infant mortality.2 This paper conducts a systematic review of existing literature investigating racial disparities in obstetrical care provided by healthcare practitioners to evaluate whether inequities in healthcare services provided to pregnant mothers and their neonates exist. The search terms "racial disparities obstetrical care," "racial differences quality of prenatal care," and "infant mortality racial disparities" were entered into the EBSCO Medline, Ovid Medline, PubMed, and Academic Search Complete databases, and articles between years 1990–2011 were selected for abstract review. The only articles included were those that used statistical methods to assess whether racial inequalities were present in the obstetrical services provided to pregnant women. My literature search returned 5 articles. Four of the five studies yielded significant racial differences in obstetrical care. However, the one study that used a large, nationally representative valid sample did not represent significant differences. Thus, this review provides initial evidence for racial disparities in obstetrical care, but concludes that more studies are needed in this area. Not all of the studies reviewed were consistent in the use and measurement of services, and not all studies were significant. The policy and public health implications of possible racial disparities in obstetrical care include the need to develop standard of care protocols for ALL obstetrical patients across the United States to minimize and/or eliminate the inequities and differences in obstetrical services provided.^


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The following analyses covered two main objectives focused on the prevention of and identification of risk factors for birth defects, the leading cause of infant mortality. All analyses utilized data from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study (NBDPS), an ongoing, population-based, case-control study of major structural birth defects. ^ The first objective was to identify predictors of folic acid supplementation among women of reproductive age. To meet this objective, a previous analysis of potential predictors of periconcecptional folic acid use in the NBDPS was repeated using data from more recent years (1997-2000 versus 2001-2005). The results of these analyses were consistent with the initial analyses, indicating that folic acid use is associated with maternal race/ethnicity, age, education, pregnancy awareness, smoking status, first prenatal care visit, previous live births, and fertility treatments). In addition, data from NBDPS controls were used to identify predictors of preconceptional folic acid use, since supplementation is optimally initiated prior to pregnancy (rather than after conception). These analyses indicated that maternal race/ethnicity, education, age, nativity, employment status, income, number of dependents, smoking, and birth control are significantly associated with preconceptional folic acid supplementation. Ultimately the results of these analyses can be used to guide the development of targeted interventions for preconceptional folic acid use. ^ The second objective was to investigate the association between parental Hispanic acculturation and the risk of gastroschisis, a congenital malformation of the abdominal wall, in offspring. Significant association were not observed for mothers < 20 years of age at conception. Among mothers ≥ 20 years of age, white parents were at a decreased risk of having a child with gastroschisis as compared to Hispanic parents who were born in the United States (US) [odd ratios (ORs) ranging from 0.60 to 0.55] and Hispanics parents who predominantly spoke English (ORs ranging from 0.65 to 0.58). Compared to Hispanic mothers born in the US, the risk of gastroschisis was lower among Hispanic mothers who had lived in the US < 5 years (OR=0.36, 95% CI: 0.42, 0.81) at the time of delivery and Hispanic mothers who migrated to the US at ≥ 20 years of age (OR=0.48, 95% CI: 0.26, 0.89). The results of these analyses provide further evidence that the risk of gastroschisis in offspring is associated with parent Hispanic ethnicity and, among Hispanics, with the degree of parental acculturation. Future studies should focus on characteristic differences between less and more acculturated parents to better understand the relationship between acculturation and gastroschisis.^


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PURPOSE: In United States, the percentage of Extremely Low Birth Weight (ELBW) born for year 2006 was 0.8% (approximately 32,000 babies) & Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW) 1.48% (1). ELBW babies account for nearly half (49%) of the infant mortality for United States. Very Low birth weight infants are at a significant risk for high mortality and morbidity due to their multi system involvement and predisposition to lung prematurity and impaired immune function. One of the common causes cited is Vitamin A deficiency (2, 3).The purpose of this study is to look at published literature on Vitamin A supplementation in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants. ^ RESEARCH DESIGN: Systematic review of literature of published articles meeting the pre-defined criteria. ^ PROCEDURE: Studies included in this review were those which looked at very low birth weight infants defined as birth weight<1500gms. All experimental studies were reviewed. Studies looking at the effect of Vitamin A supplementation in comparison with a placebo or by itself in varying dosing regimens as an intervention were reviewed. Vitamin A deficiency and its manifestations were of interest. We used key words such as "very low birth weight", "mortality", "Vitamin A", "retinol" and "supplementation" in our search. ^ RISKS & POTENTIAL BENEFITS: We do not see any potential risks associated with this study. The potential benefit is recommendation for future studies based on the review of literature available currently. ^ IMPORTANCE OF KNOWLEDGE THAT MAY REASONABLY BE EXPECTED TO RESULT: The systematic review of literature of all experimental studies in VLBW infants showed uniform correlation of parenteral Vitamin A dosing and high plasma concentrations achieved. The recommended dosage for use is 5000 IU 3 times/week given intramuscularly for 4 weeks to prevent CLD. Higher doses have not shown benefit, with a potential for toxicity, while lower doses are inadequate. There is no role of use of Vitamin A in closure of patent ductus arteriosus & reducing mortality. However, it is important to state that the number of studies done so far is limited with small sample sizes. There is a need in the future for experimental studies to ascertain the role of Vitamin A to improve outcomes in VLBW. Atleast, one more RCT should be conducted using the dosage recommended above to make this a standard practice.^


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Birth defects are the leading cause of infant mortality in the United States and are a major cause of lifetime disability. However, efforts to understand their causes have been hampered by a lack of population-specific data. During 1990–2004, 22 state legislatures responded to this need by proposing birth defects surveillance legislation (BDSL). The contrast between these states and those that did not pass BDSL provides an opportunity to better understand conditions associated with US public health policy diffusion. ^ This study identifies key state-specific determinants that predict: (1) the introduction of birth defects surveillance legislation (BDSL) onto states' formal legislative agenda, and (2) the successful adoption of these laws. Secondary aims were to interpret these findings in a theoretically sound framework and to incorporate evidence from three analytical approaches. ^ The study begins with a comparative case study of Texas and Oregon (states with divergent BDSL outcomes), including a review of historical documentation and content analysis of key informant interviews. After selecting and operationalizing explanatory variables suggested by the case study, Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) was applied to publically available data to describe important patterns of variation among 37 states. Results from logistic regression were compared to determine whether the two methods produced consistent findings. ^ Themes emerging from the comparative case study included differing budgetary conditions and the significance of relationships within policy issue networks. However, the QCA and statistical analysis pointed to the importance of political parties and contrasting societal contexts. Notably, state policies that allow greater access to citizen-driven ballot initiatives were consistently associated with lower likelihood of introducing BDSL. ^ Methodologically, these results indicate that a case study approach, while important for eliciting valuable context-specific detail, may fail to detect the influence of overarching, systemic variables, such as party competition. However, QCA and statistical analyses were limited by a lack of existing data to operationalize policy issue networks, and thus may have downplayed the impact of personal interactions. ^ This study contributes to the field of health policy studies in three ways. First, it emphasizes the importance of collegial and consistent relationships among policy issue network members. Second, it calls attention to political party systems in predicting policy outcomes. Finally, a novel approach to interpreting state data in a theoretically significant manner (QCA) has been demonstrated.^


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BACKGROUND: Parity is a risk factor in neonatal morbidity and mortality. This dissertation examined the association between first births and selected birth defects. The first aim was to assess the risk of 66 birth defects among first births and third or greater births. The second aim was to determine if maternal race, maternal age, infant sex or infant birth weight modify the association between first births and selected birth defects. METHODS: The Texas Birth Defects Registry provided data for 1999-2009. For the first aim, odds ratios were calculated for each birth defect. For the second aim, analysis was restricted to the ten birth defects significantly associated with first births. Stratified analyses were conducted and interaction terms were added to logistic regression models to assess whether differences in the odds ratios for the effect of first birth were statistically significant across strata. RESULTS: Findings for the first aim showed that first births had significantly increased odds of having an infant with 24 of the 66 birth defects. Third or greater births had significantly increased odds of having four of the 66 birth defects. For the second aim, a number of significant effect modifiers were observed. For patent ductus arteriosis, obstructive urinary defects and gastroschisis, the effect of first births was significantly modified by black or U.S.-born Hispanic mothers. The effect of first birth was also significantly modified among mothers ≥30 years for mitral valve insufficiency, atrial septal defect and congenital hip dislocation. The effect of first births was significantly modified among infants with low birth weight for hypospadias, congenital hip dislocation and gastroschisis. CONCLUSIONS: First births were associated with an elevated risk of 24 categories of birth defects. For some of the birth defects studied, the effect of first birth is modified by maternal age, maternal race and low birth weight. Knowledge of the increased risk for birth defects among women having their first birth allows physicians and midwives to provide better patient care and spur further research into the etiology of associated birth defects. This knowledge may bring about interventions prior to conception in populations most likely to conceive.^