79 resultados para gene transcription


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The contents of this dissertation include studies on the mechanisms by which FGF and growth factor down-stream kinases inactivate myogenin; characterization of myogenin phosphorylation and its role in regulation of myogenin activity; analysis the C-terminal transcriptional activation domain of myogenin; studies on the nuclear localization of myogenin and characterization of proteins that interact with PKC.^ Activation of muscle transcription by the MyoD family requires their heterodimerization with ubiquitous bHLH proteins such as the E2A gene products E12 and E47. I have shown that dimerization with E2A products potentiates phosphorylation of myogenin at serine 43 in its amino-terminus and serine 170 in the carboxyl-terminal transcription activation domains. Mutations of these sites resulted in enhanced transcriptional activity of myogenin, suggesting that their phosphorylation diminishes myogenin's transcriptional activity. Consistent with the role of phosphorylation at serine 170, analysis of the carboxyl-terminal transcriptional activation domain by deletion has revealed a stretch of residues from 157 to 170 which functions as a negative element for myogenin activity.^ In addition to inducing phosphorylation of myogenin, E12 also localizes myogenin to the nucleus. The DNA binding and dimerization mutants of myogenin show various deficiencies in nuclear localization. Cotransfection of E12 with the DNA binding mutants, but not a dimerization mutant, greatly enhances their nuclear binding. These data suggest that the nuclear localization signal is located in the DNA binding region and myogenin can also be nuclear localized by virtue of dimerizing with a nuclear protein.^ FGF is one of the most potent inhibitors of myogenesis and activates many down-stream pathways to exert its functions. One of these pathway is the MAP kinase pathway. Studies have shown that Raf-1 and Erk-1 kinase inactivate transactivation by myogenin and E proteins independent of DNA binding. The other is the PKC pathway. In transfected cells, FGF induces phosphorylation of thr-87 that maps to the previously identified PKC sites in the DNA binding domain of myogenin. Myogenin mutant T-N87 could resist the inhibition directed to the bHLH domain by FGF, suggesting that FGF inactivates myogenin by inducing phosphorylation of this site. In C2 myotubes, where FGF receptors are lost, the phosphatase inhibitor, okadaic acid, and phorbal ester PdBu, can also induce the phosphorylation of thr-87. This result supports the previous observation and suggests that in myotubes, other mechanisms, such as innervation, may inactivate myogenin through PKC induced phosphorylation.^ Many functions of PKC have been well documented, yet, little is known about the activators or effectors of PKC or proteins that mediate PKC nuclear localizations. Identification of PKC binding proteins will help to understand the molecular mechanism of PKC function. Two proteins that interact with the C kinase (PICKS) have been characterized, PICK-1 and PICK-2. PICK1 interacts with two conserved regions in the catalytic domain of PKC. It is localized to the perinuclear region and is phosphorylated in response to PKC activation. PICK2 is a novel protein with homology to the heat shock protein family. It interacts extensively with the catalytic domain of PKC and is localized in the cytoplasm in a punctate pattern. PICK1 and PICK2 may play important roles in mediating the actions of PKC. ^


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Transglutaminases are a family of calcium-dependent enzymes, that catalyze the covalent cross-linking of proteins by forming $\varepsilon(\gamma$-glutamyl)lysine isopeptide bonds. In order to investigate the molecular mechanisms regulating the expression of the tissue transglutaminase gene and to determine its biological functions, the goal of this research has been to clone and characterize the human tissue transglutaminase promoter. Thirteen clones of the tissue transglutaminase gene were obtained from the screening of a human placental genomic DNA library. A 1.74 Kb fragment derived from DNA located immediately upstream of the translation start site was subcloned and sequenced. Sequence analysis of this DNA fragment revealed that it contains a TATA box (TATAA), a CAAT box (GGACAAT), and a series of potential transcription factor binding sites and hormone response elements. Four regions of significant homology, a GC-rich region, a TG-rich region, an AG-rich region, and HR1, were identified by aligning 1.8 Kb of DNA flanking the human, mouse, and guinea pig tissue transglutaminase genes.^ To measure promoter activity, we subcloned the 1.74 Kb fragment of the tissue transglutaminase gene into a luciferase reporter vector to generate transglutaminase promoter/luciferase reporter constructs. Transfection experiments showed that this DNA segment includes a functional promoter with high constitutive activity. Deletion analysis revealed that the SP1 sites or corresponding sequences contribute to this activity. We investigated the role of DNA methylation in regulating the activity of the promoter and found that in vitro methylation of tissue transglutaminase promoter/luciferase reporter constructs suppressed their basal activity. Methylation of the promoter is inversely correlated with the expression of the tissue transglutaminase gene in vivo. These results suggest that DNA methylation may be one of the mechanisms regulating the expression of the gene. The tumor suppressor gene product p53 was also shown to inhibit the activity of the promoter, suggesting that induction of the tissue transglutaminase gene is not involved in the p53-dependent programmed cell death pathway. Although retinoids regulate the expression of the tissue transglutaminase gene in vivo, retinoid-inducible activity can not be identified in 3.7 Kb of DNA 5$\sp\prime$ to the tissue transglutaminase gene.^ The structure of the 5$\sp\prime$ end of the tissue transglutaminase gene was mapped. Alignment analysis of the human tissue transglutaminase gene with other human transglutaminases showed that tissue transglutaminase is the simplest member of transglutaminase superfamily. Transglutaminase genes show a conserved core of exons and introns but diverse N-terminuses and promoters. These observations suggest that key regulatory sequences and promoter elements have been appended upstream of the core transglutaminase gene to generate the diversity of regulated expression and regulated activity characteristic of the transglutaminase gene family. ^


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The Wilms' tumor gene, WT1, encodes a zinc finger transcription factor which functions as a tumor suppressor. Defects in the WT1 gene can result in the development of nephroblastoma. WT1 is expressed during development, primarily in the metanephric kidney, the mesothelial lining of the abdomen and thorax, and the developing gonads. WT1 expression is tightly regulated and is essential for renal development. The WT1 gene encodes a protein with a proline-rich N-terminus which functions as a transcriptional repressor and C-terminus contains 4 zinc fingers that mediate DNA binding. WT1 represses transcription from a number of growth factors and growth factor receptors. WT1 mRNA undergoes alternative splicing at two sites, resulting in 4 mRNA species and polypeptide products. Exon 5, encoding 17 amino acids is alternatively spliced, and is located between the transcriptional repression domain and the DNA binding domain. The second alternative splice is the terminal 9 nucleotides of zinc finger 3, encoding the tripeptide Lys-Thr-Ser (KTS). The presence or absence of KTS within the zinc fingers of WT1 alters DNA binding.^ I have investigated transcriptional regulation of WT1, characterizing two means of repressing WT1 transcription. I have cloned a transcriptional silencer of the WT1 promoter which is located in the third intron of the WT1 gene. The silencer is 460 bp in length and contains an Alu repeat. The silencer functions in cells of non-renal origin.^ I have found that WT1 protein can autoregulate the WT1 promoter. Using the autoregulation of the WT1 promoter as a functional assay, I have defined differential consensus DNA binding motifs of WT1 isoforms lacking and containing the KTS tripeptide insertion. With these refined consensus DNA binding motifs, I have identified two additional targets of WT1 transcriptional repression, the proto-oncogenes bcl-2 and c-myc.^ I have investigated the ability of the alternatively spliced exon 5 to influence cell growth. In cell proliferation assays, isoforms of WT1 lacking exon 5 repress cell growth. WT1 isoforms containing exon 5 fail to repress cell growth to the same extent, but alter the morphology of the cells. These experiments demonstrate that the alternative splice isoforms of WT1 have differential effects on the function of WT1. These findings suggest a role for the alternative splicing of WT1 in metanephric development. ^


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The mouse $\alpha$2(I) collagen gene is specifically expressed in a limited number of cell types in the body including fibroblasts and osteoblasts. We had previously shown that a promoter containing the sequences between $-$350 and +54 bp was expressed at low levels in a cell- and tissue-specific fashion in transgenic mice. Further studies suggested that the sequence between $-$315 and $-$284 bp could mediate cell- and tissue-specific expression of reporter genes in cell culture and in transgenic mice. We report here characterization of the proteins binding to this segment and propose a model for the cell-specific expression conferred by this sequence. In this study we also identified a strong enhancer for the mouse $\alpha$2(I) collagen gene located approximately 13.5 to 19.5 kb upstream of the transcriptional start site. This enhancer segment is characterized by the presence of three cell-specific hypersensitive sites and can drive high levels of cell-specific expression of a heterologous 220-bp mouse $\alpha$1(I) collagen promoter. In the course of this study, we identified a novel zinc finger transcription factor (designated murine epithelial zinc finger, mEZF) which was transiently expressed in the mesenchymal cells which give rise to the skeletal primordia and the metanephric kidney during the early stages of embryogenesis. In newborn mice, the mEZF gene is expressed at high levels in differentiated epithelial cells of the skin, oral mucosa, tongue, esophagus, stomach and colon. Chromosomal mapping suggested that the mEZF gene mapped to mouse Chromosome 4 and that the human homolog of mEZF would likely map to human Chromosome 9q31. This region of the human genome contains tumor suppressor genes for basal cell carcinomas of the skin as well as for squamous cell carcinomas of various organs. We cloned and characterized the human homolog of mEZF and mapped its chromosomal position as a first step in determining whether or not this gene plays a role in the development of these tumors. ^


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Tumor necrosis factor receptor p75/80 ((TNF-R p75/80) is a 75 kDa type 1 transmembrane protein expressed predominately on cells of hematopoietic lineage. TNF-R p75/80 belongs to the TNF receptor superfamily characterized by cysteine-rich extracellular regions composed of three to six disulfide-linked domains. In the present report, we have characterized, for the first time, the complete gene structure for human TNF-R p75/80 which spans approximately 43 kbp. The gene consists of 10 exons (ranging from 34 bp to 2.5 kbp) and 9 introns (343 bp to 19 kbp). Consensus elements for transcription factors involved in T cell development and activation were noted in the 5$\sp\prime$ flanking region including TCF-1, Ikaros, AP-1, CK-2, IL-6RE, ISRE, GAS, NF-$\kappa$B and SP1, as well as an unusually high GC content and CpG frequency that appears characteristic of some TNF-R family members. The unusual (GATA)$\sb{\rm n}$ and (GAA)(GGA) repeats found within intron 1 may prove useful for further genome analysis within the 1p36 chromosomal locus. The human TNF-R p75/80 gene structure will permit further assessment of its involvement in normal hematopoietic cell development and function, autoimmune disease, and non-random translocations in hematopoietic malignancies. The region 1.8 kb 5$\sp\prime$ of the ATG was able to drive luciferase expression when transfected into cell lines expressing TNF-R p75/80. Further characterization of the 5$\sp\prime$-regulatory region will aid in determining factors and signal transduction pathways involved in regulating TNF-R p75/80 expression. ^


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Genetic analysis is a powerful method for analyzing the function of specific genes in development. I sought to identify novel genes in the mouse using a genetic analysis relying on the expression pattern and phenotype of mutated genes. To this end, I have conducted a gene trap screen using the vector $\rm SA\beta geo,$ a promoterless DNA construct that encodes a fusion protein with lacZ and neomycin resistance activities. Productive integration and expression of the $\beta$geo protein in embryonic stem (ES) cells requires integration into an active transcription unit. The endogenous regulatory elements direct reporter gene expression which reflects the expression of the endogenous gene. Of eight mouse lines generated from gene trap ES cell clones, four showed differential regulation of $\beta$geo activity during embryogenesis. These four were analyzed in more detail.^ Three of the lines RNA 1, RNA2 and RNA 3 had similar expression patterns, within subsets of cells in sites of embryonic hematopoiesis. Cloning of the trapped genes revealed that all three integrations had occurred within 45S rRNA precursor transcription units. These results imply that there exists in these cells some mechanism responsible for the efficient production of the $\beta$geo protein from an RNA polymerase I transcript that is not present in most of the cells in the embryo.^ The fourth line, GT-2, showed widespread, dynamic expression. Many of the sites of expression were important classic embryonic induction systems. Cloning of the sequences fused to the $5\sp\prime$ end of the $\beta$geo sequence revealed that the trapped gene contained significant sequence homology with a previously identified human sequence HumORF5. An open reading frame of this sequence is homologous to a group of eukaryotic proteins that are members of the RNA helicase superfamily I.^ Analysis of the gene trap lines suggests that potentially novel developmental mechanisms have been uncovered. In the case of RNA 1, 2 and 3, the differential production of ribosomal RNAs may be required for differentiation or function of the $\beta$geo positive hematopoietic cells. In the GT-2 line, a previously unsuspected temporal and spatial regulation of a putative RNA helicase implies a role for this activity during specific aspects of mouse development. ^


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The Wilms' tumor 1 gene (WT1) encodes a zinc-finger transcription factor and is expressed in urogenital, hematopoietic and other tissues. It is expressed in a temporal and spatial manner in both embryonic and adult stages. To obtain a better understanding of the biological function of WT1, we studied two aspects of WT1 regulation: one is the identification of tissue-specific cis-regulatory elements that regulate its expression, the other is the downstream genes which are modulated by WT1.^ My studies indicate that in addition to the promoter, other regulatory elements are required for the tissue specific expression of this gene. A 259-bp hematopoietic specific enhancer in intron 3 of the WT1 gene increased the transcriptional activity of the WT1 promoter by 8- to 10-fold in K562 and HL60 cells. Sequence analysis revealed both GATA and c-Myb motifs in the enhancer fragment. Mutation of the GATA motif decreased the enhancer activity by 60% in K562 cells. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed that both GATA-1 and GATA-2 proteins in K562 nuclear extracts bind to this motif. Cotransfection of the enhancer containing reporter construct with a GATA-1 or GATA-2 expression vector showed that both GATA-1 and GATA-2 transactivated this enhancer, increasing the CAT reporter activity 10-15 fold and 5-fold respectively. Similar analysis of the c-Myb motif by cotransfection with the enhancer CAT reporter construct and a c-Myb expression vector showed that c-Myb transactivated the enhancer by 5-fold. A DNase I-hypersensitive site has been identified in the 258 bp enhancer region. These data suggest that GATA-1 and c-Myb are responsible for the activity of this enhancer in hematopoietic cells and may bind to the enhancer in vivo. In the process of searching for cis-regulatory elements in transgenic mice, we have identified a 1.0 kb fragment that is 50 kb downstream from the promoter and is required for the central nervous system expression of WT1.^ In the search for downstream target genes of WT1, we noted that the proto-oncogene N-myc is coexpressed with the tumor suppressor gene WT1 in the developing kidney and is overexpressed in many Wilms' tumors. Sequence analysis revealed eleven consensus WT1 binding sites located in the 1 kb mouse N-myc promoter. We further showed that the N-myc promoter was down-regulated by WT1 in transient transfection assays. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed that oligonucleotides containing the WT1 motifs could bind WT1 protein. Furthermore, a Denys-Drash syndrome mutant of WT1, R394W, that has a mutation in the DNA binding domain, failed to repress the N-myc promoter. This suggests that the repression of the N-myc promoter is mediated by DNA binding of WT1. This finding helps to elucidate the relationship of WT1 and N-myc in tumorigenesis and renal development. ^


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Bacillus anthracis plasmid pXO1 carries genes for three anthrax toxin proteins, pag (protective antigen), cya (edema factor), and lef (lethal factor). Expression of the toxin genes is enhanced by two signals: CO$\sb2$/bicarbonate and temperature. The CO$\sb2$/bicarbonate effect requires the presence of pXO1. I hypothesized that pXO1 harbors a trans-acting regulatory gene(s) required for CO$\sb2$/bicarbonate-enhanced expression of the toxin genes. Characterization of such a gene(s) will lead to increased understanding of the mechanisms by which B. anthracis senses and responds to host environments.^ A regulatory gene (atxA) on pXO1 was identified. Transcription of all three toxin genes is decreased in an atxA-null mutant. There are two transcriptional start sites for pag. Transcription from the major site, P1, is enhanced in elevated CO$\sb2$. Only P1 transcripts are significantly decreased in the atxA mutant. Deletion analysis of the pag upstream region indicates that the 111-bp region upstream of the P1 site is sufficient for atxA-mediated increase of this transcript. The cya and lef genes each have one apparent transcriptional start site. The cya and lef transcripts are significantly decreased in the atxA mutant. The atxA mutant is avirulent in mice. The antibody response to all three toxin proteins is significantly decreased in atxA mutant-infected mice. These data suggest that the atxA gene product activates expression of the toxin genes and is essential for virulence.^ Since expression of the toxin genes is dependent on atxA, whether increased toxin gene expression in response to CO$\sb2$/bicarbonate and temperature is associated with increased atxA expression was investigated. I monitored steady state levels of atxA mRNA and AtxA protein in different growth conditions. The results indicate that expression of atxA is not influenced by CO$\sb2$/bicarbonate. Steady state levels of atxA mRNA and AtxA protein are higher at 37$\sp\circ$C than 28$\sp\circ$C. However, increased pag expression at high temperature can not be attributed directly to increased atxA expression.^ There is evidence that an additional factor(s) may be involved in regulation of pag. Expression of pag in strains overproducing AtxA is significantly decreased compared to the wildtype strain. A specific interaction of tagged-AtxA with the pag upstream DNA has not been demonstrated. Furthermore, four proteins in B. anthracis extract can be co-immunoprecipitated with tagged-AtxA. Amino-terminal sequence of one protein has been determined and found highly homologous to chaperonins of GroEL family. Studies are under way to determine if this GroEL-like protein interactions with AtxA and plays any role in atxA-mediated activation of toxin genes. ^


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PAX6, a member of the paired-type homeobox gene family, is expressed in a partially and temporally restricted pattern in the developing central nervous system, and its mutation is responsible for human aniridia (AN) and mouse small eye (Sey). The objective of this study was to characterize the PAX6 gene regulation at the transcriptional level, and thereby gain a better understanding of the molecular basis of the dynamic expression pattern and the diversified function of the human PAX6 gene.^ Initially, we examined the transcriptional regulation of the PAX6 gene by transient transfection assays and identified multiple cis-regulatory elements that function differently in different cell lines. The transcriptional initiation site was identified by RNase protection and primer extension assays. Examination of the genomic DNA sequence indicated that the PAX6 promoter has a TATA like-box (ATATTTT) at $-$26 bp, and two CCAAT-boxes are located at positions $-$70 and $-$100 bp. A 38 bp ply (CA) sequence was located 992 bp upstream from the initiation site. Transient transfection assays in glioblastoma cells and leukemia cells indicate that a 92 bp region was required for basal level PAX6 promoter activity. Gel retardation assays showed that this 92 bp sequence can form four DNA-protein complexes which can be specifically competed by a 31-mer oligonucleotide containing a PAX6 TATA-like sequence or an adenovirus TATA box. The activation of the promoter is positively correlated with the expression of PAX6 transcripts in cells tested.^ Based on the results obtained from the in vitro transfection assays, we did further dissection assay and functional analysis in both cell-culture and transgenic mice. We found that a 5 kb upstream promoter sequence is required for the tissue specific expression in the forebrain region which is consistent with that of the endogenous PAX6 gene. A 267 bp cell-type specific repressor located within the 5 kb fragment was identified and shown to direct forebrain specific expression. The cell-type specific repressor element has been narrowed to a 30 bp region which contains a consensus E-box by in vitro transfection assays. The third regulatory element identified was contained in a 162 bp sequence (+167 to +328) which functions as a midbrain repressor, and it appeared to be required for establishing the normal expression pattern of the PAX6 gene. Finally, a highly conserved 216 bp sequence identified in intron 4 exhibited as a spinal cord specific enhancer. And this 216 bp cis-regulatory element can be used as a marker to trace the differentiation and migration of progenitor cells in the developing spinal cord. These studies show that the concerted action of multiple cis-acting regulatory elements located upstream and downstream of the transcription initiation site determines the tissue specific expression of PAX6 gene. ^


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The myogenin gene encodes an evolutionarily conserved basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor that regulates the expression of skeletal muscle-specific genes and its homozygous deletion results in mice who die of respiratory failure at birth. The histology of skeletal muscle in the myogenin null mice is reminiscent of that found in some severe congenital myopathy patients, many of whom also die of respiratory complications and provides the rationale that an aberrant human myogenin (myf4) coding region could be associated with some congenital myopathy conditions.^ With PCR, we found similarly sized amplimers for the three exons of the myogenin gene in 37 patient and 40 control samples. In contrast to the GeneBank sequence for human myogenin, we report several differences in flanking and coding regions plus an additional 659 and 498 bps in the first and second introns, respectively, in all patients and controls. We also find a novel (CA)-dinucleotide repeat in the second intron. No causative mutations were detected in the myogenin coding regions of genomic DNA from patients with severe congenital myopathy.^ Severe congenital myopathies in humans are often associated with respiratory complications and pulmonary hypoplasia. We have employed the myogenin null mouse, which lacks normal development of skeletal muscle fibers as a genetically defined severe congenital myopathy mouse model to evaluate the effect of absent fetal breathing movement on pulmonary development.^ Significant differences are observed at embryonic days E14, E17 and E20 of lung:body weight, total DNA and histologically, suggesting that the myogenin null lungs are hypoplastic. RT-PCR, in-situ immunofluorescence and EM reveal pneumocyte type II differentiation in both null and wild lungs as early as E14. However, at E14, myogenin null lungs have decreased BrdU incorporation while E17 through term, augmented cell death is detected in the myogenin null lungs, not seen in wild littermates. Absent mechanical forces appear to impair normal growth, but not maturation, of the developing lungs in myogenin null mouse.^ These investigations provide the basis for delineating the DNA sequence of the myogenin gene and and highlight the importance of skeletal muscle development in utero for normal lung organogenesis. My observation of no mutations within the coding regions of the human myogenin gene in DNA from patients with severe congenital myopathy do not support any association with this condition. ^


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The urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (u-PAR) promotes extracellular matrix degradation, invasion and metastasis. A first objective of this dissertation was to identify cis-elements and trans-acting factors activating u-PAR gene expression through a previously footprinted (–148/–124) promoter region. Mobility shifting experiments on nuclear extracts of a high u-PAR-expressing colon cancer cell line (RKO) indicated Sp1, Sp3 and a factor similar to, but distinct from, AP-2α bound to an oligonucleotide spanning –152/–135. Mutations preventing the binding of the AP-2α-related factor reduced u-PAR promoter activity. In RKO, the expression of a dominant negative AP-2 (AP-2αB) diminished u-PAR promoter activity, protein and u-PAR mediated laminin degradation. Conversely, u-PAR promoter activity in low u-PAR-expressing GEO cells was increased by AP-2αA expression. PMA treatment, which induces u-PAR expression, caused an increased amount of the AP-2α-related factor-containing complex in GEO, and mutations preventing AP-2α-like and Sp1/Sp3 binding reduced the u-PAR promoter stimulation by PMA. In resected colon cancers, u-PAR protein amounts were related to the amount of the AP-2α-related factor-containing complex. In conclusion, constitutive and PMA- inducible u-PAR gene expression and -proteolysis are mediated partly through transactivation via a promoter sequence (–152/435) bound with an AP-2α-related factor and Sp1/Sp3. ^ A second interest of this dissertation was to determine if a constitutively active Src regulates the transcription of the u-PAR gene, since c-src expression increases invasion in colon cancer. Increased u-PAR protein and laminin degradation paralleling elevated Src activity was evident in SW480 colon cancer cells stably expressing a constitutively active Src (Y- c-src527F). Nuclear run-on experiments indicated that this was due largely to transcriptional activation. While transient transfection of SW480 cells with Y-c-src527F induced a u-PAR-CAT-reporter, mutations preventing Sp1-binding to promoter region –152/435 abolished this induction. Mobility shift assays revealed increased Sp1 binding to region –152/135 with nuclear extracts of Src-transfected SW480 cells. Finally, the amounts of endogenous u-PAR in resected colon cancers significantly correlated with Src-activity. These data suggest that u-PAR gene expression and proteolysis are regulated by Src, this requiring the promoter region (–152/–135) bound with Sp1, thus, demonstrating for the first time that transcription factor Sp1 is a downstream effector of Src. ^


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The sigma (σ) subunit of eubacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) is required for specific recognition of promoter DNA sequences and transcription initiation. Regulation of bacterial gene expression can be achieved by modulating a factor activity. The Bacillus subtilis sporulation a σ factor, σ K, controls gene expression of the late sporulation regulon. σ K is synthesized as an inactive precursor protein, pro-σ K, with a 20 amino acid pro sequence. Proteolytic processing of the pro sequence produces the active form, σK, which is able to bind to the core subunits of RNAP to direct gene expression. Thus, the pro sequence renders σK inactive in vivo. After processing, the amino terminus of σK consists of region 1.2, which is conserved among various σ factors. To understand the role of the amino terminus of σK, namely the pro sequence and region 1.2, mutagenesis of both regions was pursued. NH 2-terminal truncations of pro-σK were constructed to address how the pro sequence silences σK activity. The work described here shows that the pro sequence inhibits the ability of σ K to associate with the core subunits and that a deletion of only six amino acids of the pro sequence is sufficient to activate pro-σ K for DNA binding and transcription initiation to levels similar to σ K. Additionally, site directed mutagenesis was used to obtain single amino acid substitutions in region 1.2 to address the role of region 1.2 in σ K transcriptional activity. Two mutations were isolated, converting a lysine (K) to an alanine (A) at position three, and an asparagine (N) to a tyrosine (Y) at position five, both of which alter the efficiency of transcription initiation by RNAP containing the mutant σKs. Surprisingly, σ KK3A increased transcript production when compared to wild type. This increase is due to improvement in DNA affinity and increased stability of RNAP-DNA promoter open complexes. σKN5Y showed a decrease in transcription activity that is related to defects in the ability of RNAP to make the transition from the closed to open RNAP-DNA complex. Results of both the pro sequence and region 1.2 analyses indicate that the amino terminus of σK is important for transcription activity and this work adds to the increasing body of evidence that the amino termini of many σ factors modulate transcription initiation by RNAP. ^


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Cytokine-induced transcription of the serum amyloid A3 (SAA3) gene promoter requires a transcriptional enhancer that contains three functional elements: two C/EBP-binding sites and a third site that interacts with a constitutively expressed transcription factor, SAA3 enhancer factor (SEF). Deletion or site-specific mutations in the SEF-binding site drastically reduced SAA3 promoter activity, strongly suggesting that SEF is important in SAA3 promoter function. To further elucidate its role in the regulation of the SAA3 gene, we purified SEF from HeLa cell nuclear extracts to near homogeneity by using conventional liquid chromatography and DNA-affinity chromatography. Ultraviolet cross-linking and Southwestern experiments indicated that SEF consisted of a single polypeptide with an apparent molecular mass of 65 kDa. Protein sequencing, oligonucleotide competition and antibody supershift experiments identified SEF as transcription factor LBP-1c/CP2/LSF. Cotransfection of SEF expression plasmid with SAA3-luciferase reporter resulted in 3- to 5-fold activation of SAA3 promoter. Interestingly, when SEF-transfected cells were treated with either conditioned medium (CM) or interleukin (IL) 1, the SAA3 promoter was synergistically activated in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, when SEF-binding site was mutated, the response of SAA3 promoter to IL-1 or CM stimulation was abolished or drastically decreased, suggesting that SEF may functionally cooperate with an IL-1-inducible transcription factor. Indeed, our functional studies showed that NFκB is a key transcription factor that mediates the IL-1-induced expression of SAA3 gene, and that SEF can synergize with NFκBp65 to activate SAA3 promoter. By coimmunoprecipitation experiments, we found that SEF could specifically interact with NFκBp65, and that the association of these two factors was enhanced upon IL-1 and CM stimulation. This suggests that the molecular basis for the functional synergy between SEF and NFκB may be due to the ability of SEF to physically interact with NPκB. In addition to its interaction with SEF, NFκB-dependent activation also requires the weak κB site in the C element and its interaction with C/EBP. Besides its role in regulating SAA3 gene expression, we provide evidence that SEF could also bind in a sequence-specific manner to the promoters of α2-macroglobulin, Aα fibrinogen, and 6–16 genes and to an intronic enhancer of the human Wilm's tumor 1 gene, suggesting a functional role in the regulation of these genes. By coimmunoprecipitation experiments, we determined that SEF could specifically associate with both Stat3 and Stat2 upon cytokine stimulation. To examine the functional roles of such interactions, we evaluated the effects of SEF on the transcriptional regulation of two reporter genes: Aα fibrinogen and 6–16, which are IL-6- and interferon-α-responsive, respectively. Our results showed that cotransfection of SEF expression plasmid can activate the expression of Aα fibrinogen gene and 6–16 gene. Moreover, SEF can dramatically enhance the interferon-α-induced expression of 6–16 gene and IL-6-induced expression of Aα fibrinogen gene, suggesting that SEF may functionally cooperate with ISGF3 and Stat3 to mediate interferon-α and IL-6 signaling. ^ Our findings that SEF can interact with multiple cytokine-inducible transcription factors to mediate the expression of target genes open a new avenue of investigation of cooperative transcriptional regulation of gene expression, and should further our understanding of differential gene expression in response to a specific stimulus. In summary, our data provide evidence that SEF can mediate the signaling of different cytokines by interacting with various cytokine-inducible transcription factors. ^


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Cells infected with a temperature sensitive phenotypic mutant of Moloney sarcoma virus (MuSVts110) exhibit a transformed phenotype at 33('(DEGREES)) and synthesize two virus specific proteins, p85('gag-mos), a gag-mos fusion protein and p58('gag), a truncated gag precursor protein (the gag gene codes for viral structural proteins and mos is the MuSV transforming gene). At 39('(DEGREES)) only p58('gag) is synthesized and the morphology of the cells is similar to uninfected NRK parental cells. Two MuSVts110 specific RNAs are made in MuSVts110-infected cells, one of 4.0 kb in length, the other of 3.5 kb. Previous work indicated that each of these RNAs arose by a single central deletion of parental MuSV genetic material, and that p58('gag) was made by the 4.0 kb RNA and p85('gag-mos) from the 3.5 kb RNA. The objective of my dissertation research was to map precisely the deletion boundaries of both of the MuSVts110 RNAs, and to determine the proper reading frame across both deletion borders. This work succeeded in arriving at the following conclusions: (a) Using S-1 nuclease analysis and primer extension sequencing, it was found that the 4.0 kb MuSVts110 RNA arose by a 1488 base deletion of 5.2 kb parental MuSV genomic RNA. This deletion resulted in an out of frame fusion of the gag and mos genes that resulted in the formation of a "stop" codon which causes termination of translation just beyond the c-terminus of the gag region. Thus, this RNA can only be translated into the truncated gag protein p58('gag). (b) S-1 analysis of RNA from cells cultivated at different temperatures demonstrated that the 4.0 kb RNA was synthesized at all temperatures but that synthesis of the 3.5 kb RNA was temperature sensitive. These observations supported the data derived from blot hybridization experiments the interpretation of which argued for the existence of a single provirus in MuSVts110 infected cells, and hence only a single primary transcript (the 4.0 kb RNA). (c) Analyses similar to those described in (a) above showed that the 3.5 kb RNA was derived from the 4.0 kb MuSVts110 RNA by a further deletion of 431 bases, fusing the gag and mos genes into a continuous reading frame capable of directing synthesis of the p85('gag-mos) protein. These sequence data and the presence of only one MuSVts110-specific provirus, indicate that a splice mechanism is employed to generate the 3.5 kb RNA since the gag and mos genes are observed to be fused in frame in this RNA. . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI ^


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Interferons (IFNs) have been shown to exert antiviral, cell growth regulatory, and immunomodulatory effects on target cells. Both type I (α and β) and type II (γ) IFNs regulate cellular activities by specifically inducing the expression or activation of endogenous proteins that perform distinct biological functions. p202 is a 52 kDa nuclear phosphoprotein known to be induced by IFNs. p202 interacts with a variety of cellular transcription and growth regulatory factors and affects their functions. ^ In this report, we showed that the expression of p202 was associated with an anti-proliferative effect on human prostate cancer cells. Cells that expressed p202 showed reduced ability to grow in soft-agar, indicating a loss of transformation phenotype. More importantly, p202 expression reduced the tumorigenicity of human prostate cancer cells. p202-expressing cells exhibit an elevated level of hypophosphorylated form of pRb, and reduced level of cyclin B1 and p55CDC. ^ Our data suggest that p202 is a growth inhibitor gene in prostate cancer cells and its expression may also suppress transformation phenotype and tumorigenicity of prostate cancer cells. ^ In addition to inhibiting in vitro cell growth, suppressing the tumorigenicity of breast cancer cells in vivo, p202 expression could sensitize breast cancer cells to apoptosis induced by TNF-α treatment. One possible mechanism contributing to this sensitization is the inactivation of NF-κB by its interaction with p202. These results provide a scientific basis for a novel therapeutic strategy that combines p202 and TNF-α treatment against breast cancer. ^ It has been reported that NF-κB is constitutively active in human pancreatic cancer cells. Since p202 interacts with NF-κB and inhibits its activity, we examined a potential p202-mediated anti-tumor activity in pancreatic cancer. We used both ectopic and orthotopic xenograft models and demonstrated that p202 expression is associated with multiple anti-tumor activities that include inhibition of tumor growth, reduced tumorigenicity, prolonged survival, and remarkably, suppression of metastasis and angiogenesis. In vitro invasion assay also showed that p202-expressing pancreatic cancer cells are less invasive than those without p202 expression. That observation was supported by the findings that p202-expressing tumors showed reduced expression of angiogenic factors such as IL-8, and VEGF by inhibiting their transcription, and p202-expressing pancreatic cancer cells have reduced level of MAP-2 activity, a secreted protease activity important for metastasis. Together, our results strongly suggest that p202 expression mediates multiple anti-tumor activities against pancreatic cancer, and that may provide a scientific basis for developing a p202-based gene therapy in pancreatic cancer treatment. ^ Importantly, we demonstrated a treatment efficacy by using p202/SN2 liposome complex in a nude mice orthotopic breast cancer, and an ectopic pancreatic cancer xenograft model, through systemic and intra-tumor injection respectively. These results suggest a feasibility of using p202/SN2 liposome in future pre-clinical gene therapy experiments. ^