61 resultados para Mutated TP53 cell lines


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Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) overexpression occurs in about 90% of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) cases. Aberrant EGFR signaling has been implicated in the malignant features of HNSCC. Thus, EGFR appears to be a logical therapeutic target with increased tumor specificity for the treatment of HNSCC. Erlotinib, a small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitor, specifically inhibits aberrant EGFR signaling in HNSCC. Only a minority of HNSCC patients were able to derive a substantial clinical benefit from erlotinib. ^ This dissertation identifies Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) as the biological marker that distinguishes EGFR-dependent (erlotinib-sensitive) tumors from the EGFR-independent (erlotinib-resistant) tumors. This will allow us to prospectively identify the patients who are most likely to benefit from EGFR-directed therapy. More importantly, our data identifies the transcriptional repressor DeltaEF1 as the mesenchymal marker that controls EMT phenotype and resistance to erlotinib in human HNSCC lines. si-RNA mediated knockdown of DeltaEF1 in the erlotinib-resistant lines resulted in reversal of the mesenchymal phenotype to an epithelial phenotype and significant increase in sensitivity to erlotinib. ^ DeltaEF1 represses the expression of the epithelial markers by recruiting HDACs to chromatin. This observation allows us to translate our findings into clinical application. To test whether the transcriptional repression by DeltaEF1 underlines the mechanism responsible for erlotinib resistance, erlotinib-resistant lines were treated with an HDAC inhibitor (SAHA) followed by erlotinib. This resulted in a synergistic effect and substantial increase in sensitivity to erlotinib in the resistant cell lines. Thus, combining an HDAC inhibitor with erlotinib represents a novel promising pharmacologic strategy for reversing resistance to erlotinib in HNSCC patients. ^


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Arsenic trioxide (ATO) is an inorganic arsenic derivative that is very effective against relapsed acute promyelocytic leukemia. It is being investigated as therapy for other cancers, but the risk/benefit ratio is questionable due to significant side effects. In contrast, organic arsenic derivatives (OAD) are known to be much less toxic than ATO. Based on high activity, we selected GMZ27 (dipropil-s-glycerol arsenic) for further study and have confirmed its potent activity against human acute leukemia cell lines. This anti-leukemic activity is significantly higher than that of ATO. Both in vivo and in vitro tests have shown that GMZ27 is significantly less toxic to normal bone marrow mononuclear cells and normal mice. Therefore, further study of the biological activity of GMZ27 was undertaken. ^ GMZ27, in contrast to ATO, can only marginally induce maturation of leukemic cells. GMZ27 has no effect on cell cycle. The anti-leukemic activity of GMZ27 against acute myeolocytic leukemia cells is not dependent upon degradation of PML-RARα fusion protein. GMZ27 causes dissipation of mitochondrial transmembrane potential, cleavage of caspase 9, caspase 3 activation. Further studies indicated that GMZ27 induces intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, and modification of intracellular ROS levels had profound effect on its potential to inhibit proliferation of leukemic cells. Therefore ROS production plays a major role in the anti-leukemic activity of GMZ27. ^ To identify how GMZ27 induces ROS, our studies focused on mitochondria and NADPH oxidase. The results indicated that the source of ROS generation induced by GMZ27 is dose dependent. At the low dose (0.3 uM) GMZ27 induces NADPH oxidase activity that leads to late ROS production, while at the high dose (2.0 uM) mitochondria function is disrupted and early ROS production is induced leading to dramatic cell apoptosis. Therefore, late, ROS production can be detected in mitochondria are depleted Rho-0 cells. Our work not only delineates a major biologic pathway for the anti-leukemic activity of GMZ27, but also discusses possible ways of enhancing the effect by the co-application of NADPH oxidase activator. Further study of this interaction may lead to achieving better therapeutic index.^


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Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), a myeloproliferative disorder, represents approximately 15-20% of all adult leukemia. The development of CML is clearly linked to the constitutively active protein-tyrosine kinase BCR-ABL, which is encoded by BCR-ABL fusion gene as the result of chromosome 9/22 translocation (Philadelphia chromosome). Previous studies have demonstrated that oxidative stress-associated genetic, metabolic and biological alterations contribute to CML cell survival and drug refractory. Mitochondria and NAD(P)H oxidase (NOX) are the major sources of BCR-ABL-induced cellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. However, it is still unknown how CML cells maintain the altered redox status, while escaping from the persistent oxidative stress-induced cell death. Therefore, elucidation of the mechanisms by which CML cells cope with oxidative stress will provide new insights into CML leukemogenesis. The major goal of this study is to identify the survival factors protecting CML cells against oxidative stress and develop novel therapeutic strategies to overcome drug resistance. Several experimental models were used to test CML cell redox status and cellular sensitivity to oxidative stress, including BCR-ABL inducible cell lines, BCR-ABL stably transformed cell lines and BCR-ABL-expressing CML blast crisis cells with differential BCL-XL/BCL-2 expressions. Additionally, an artificial CML cell model with heterogenic BCL-XL/BCL-2 expression was established to assess the correlation between differential survival factor expression patterns and cell sensitivity to Imatinib and oxidative stress. In this study, BCL-XL and GSH have been identified as the major survival factors responsive to BCR-ABL-promoted cellular oxidative stress and play a dominant role in regulating the threshold of oxidative stress-induced apoptosis. Cell survival factors BCL-XL and BCL-2 differentially protect mitochondria under oxidative stress. BCL-XL is an essential survival factor in preventing excessive ROS-induced cell death while BCL-2 seems to play a relatively minor role. Furthermore, the redox modulating reagent β-phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) has been found to efficiently deplete GSH and induce potent cell killing effects in drug-resistant CML cells. Combination of PEITC with BCL-XL/BCL2 inhibitor ABT737 or suppression of BCL-XL by BCR-ABL inhibitor Gleevec dramatically sensitizes CML cells to apoptosis. These results have suggested that elevation of BCL-XL and cellular GSH are important for the development of CML, and that redox-directed therapy is worthy of further clinical investigations in CML.


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Retinoids have been found to be effective in the prevention of premalignant lesions and second primary cancers in the upper aerodigestive tract. Further development of retinoids for prevention and therapy of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) requires a better understanding of their mechanism of action on the growth and differentiation of such cells. I have chosen to employ cultured HNSCC cell lines as a model system for investigating the mechanism underlying the effects of retinoids. These cells are useful because all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) inhibits their proliferation. Furthermore, two HNSCC cell lines were found to express three squamous differentiation (SqD) markers characteristic of normal keratinocytes and ATRA suppressed the expression of these markers as reported for normal keratinocytes. It is thought that nuclear retinoic acid receptors (RARs and RXRs), which act as DNA-binding transcription modulating factors, mediate the effects of retinoids on the growth and differentiation of normal and tumor cells. I found that all four cell lines examined expressed RAR-$\alpha ,$ RAR-$\tau ,$ and RXR-$\alpha$ and three of four expressed RAR-$\beta .$ ATRA treatment increased the level of RAR-$\alpha ,$ -$\beta ,$ and -$\tau$ in four cell lines. Two HNSCC cell lines that exhibited a progressive increase in the expression of SqD markers during growth in culture also showed a concurrent decrease in RAR-$\beta$ level. Moreover, increasing concentrations of RA suppressed the SqD marker while inducing RAR-$\beta$ mRNA. Several synthetic retinoids which exhibit a preference for binding to specific nuclear RARs showed a differential ability to inhibit cell proliferation, transactivate transcription of the reporter genes (CAT and luciferase) from the RA response element (RARE) of the RAR-$\beta$ gene, and induce RAR-$\beta$ expression. Those retinoids that were effective inducers of RAR-$\beta$ also suppressed SqD effectively, indicating an inverse relationship exists between the expression of RAR-$\beta$ and SqD. This inverse relationship suggests a role for RAR-$\beta$ in the suppression of SqD. ^


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As an interface between the circulatory and central nervous systems, the neurovascular unit is vital to the development and survival of tumors. The malignant brain cancer glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) displays invasive growth behaviors that are major impediments to surgical resection and targeted therapies. Adhesion and signaling pathways that drive GBM cell invasion remain largely uncharacterized. Here we have utilized human GBM cell lines, primary patient samples, and pre-clinical mouse models to demonstrate that integrin αvβ8 is a major driver of GBM cell invasion. β8 integrin is overexpressed in many human GBM cells, with higher integrin expression correlating with increased invasion and diminished patient survival. Silencing β8 integrin in human GBM cells leads to impaired tumor cell invasion due to hyperactivation of the Rho GTPases Rac1 and Cdc42. β8 integrin associates with Rho GDP Dissociation Inhibitor 1 (RhoGDI1), an intracellular signaling effector that sequesters Rho GTPases in their inactive GDP-bound states. Silencing RhoGDI1 expression or uncoupling αvβ8 integrin-RhoGDI1 protein interactions blocks GBM cell invasion due to Rho GTPase hyperactivation. These data reveal for the first time that αvβ8 integrin, via interactions with RhoGDI1, suppresses activation of Rho proteins to promote GBM cell invasiveness. Hence, targeting the αvβ8 integrin-RhoGDI1 signaling axis may be an effective strategy for blocking GBM cell invasion.


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Proviral integration site for Moloney murine leukemia virus (Pim) kinases are Ser/Thr/Tyr kinases. They modulate B-cell development but become oncoproteins and promote cancer development once overexpressed. Containing three isoforms, Pim-1, -2 and -3 are known to phosphorylate various substrates that regulate transcription, translation, cell cycle, and survival pathways in both hematological and solid tumors. Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is an aggressive B-cell lymphoma. Elevated Pim kinase levels are common in MCL, and it negatively correlates with patient outcome. SGI-1776 is a small molecule inhibitor selective for Pim-1/-3. We hypothesize that SGI-1776 treatment in MCL will inhibit Pim kinase function, and inhibition of downstream substrates phosphorylation will disrupt transcriptional, translational, and cell cycle processes while promoting apoptosis. SGI-1776 treatment induced moderate to high levels of apoptosis in four MCL cell lines (JeKo-1, Mino, SP-53 and Granta-519) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from MCL patients. Phosphorylation of transcription and translation regulators, c-Myc and 4E-BP1 declined in both model systems. Additionally, levels of short-lived Mcl-1 mRNA and protein also decreased and correlated with decline of global RNA synthesis. Collectively, our investigations highlight Pim kinases as viable drug targets in MCL and emphasize their roles in transcriptional and translational regulation. We further investigated a combination strategy using SGI-1776 with bendamustine, an FDA-approved DNA-damaging alkylating agent for treating non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. We hypothesized this combination will enhance SGI-1776-induced transcription and translation inhibition, while promoting bendamustine-triggered DNA damage and inducing additive to synergistic cytotoxicity in B-cell lymphoma. Bendamustine alone resulted in moderate levels of apoptosis induction in MCL cell lines (JeKo-1 and Mino), and in MCL and splenic marginal zone lymphoma (a type of B-cell lymphoma) primary cells. An additive effect in cell killing was observed when combined with SGI-1776. Expectedly, SGI-1776 effectively decreased global RNA and protein synthesis levels, while bendamustine significantly inhibited DNA synthesis and generated DNA damage response. In combination, intensified inhibitory effects in DNA, RNA and protein syntheses were observed. Together, these data suggested feasibility of using Pim kinase inhibitor in combination with chemotherapeutic agents such as bendamustine in B-cell lymphoma, and provided foundation of their mechanism of actions in lymphoma cells.


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Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved process that functions to maintain homeostasis and provides energy during nutrient deprivation and environmental stresses for the survival of cells by delivering cytoplasmic contents to the lysosomes for recycling and energy generation. Dysregulation of this process has been linked to human diseases including immune disorders, neurodegenerative muscular diseases and cancer. Autophagy is a double edged sword in that it has both pro-survival and pro-death roles in cancer cells. Its cancer suppressive roles include the clearance of damaged organelles, which could otherwise lead to inflammation and therefore promote tumorigenesis. In its pro-survival role, autophagy allows cancer cells to overcome cytotoxic stresses generated the cancer environment or cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and evade cell death. A better understanding of how drugs that perturb autophagy affect cancer cell signaling is of critical importance toimprove the cancer treatment arsenal. In order to gain insights in the relationship between autophagy and drug treatments, we conducted a high-throughput drug screen to identify autophagy modulators. Our high-throughput screen utilized image based fluorescent microscopy for single cell analysis to identify chemical perturbants of the autophagic process. Phenothiazines emerged as the largest family of drugs that alter the autophagic process by increasing LC3-II punctae levels in different cancer cell lines. In addition, we observed multiple biological effects in cancer cells treated with phenothiazines. Those antitumorigenic effects include decreased cell migration, cell viability, and ATP production along with abortive autophagy. Our studies highlight the potential role of phenothiazines as agents for combinational therapy with other chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of different cancers.


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The neu oncogene encodes a growth factor receptor-like protein, p185, with an intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity. A single point mutation, an A to T transversion resulting in an amino acid substitution from valine to glutamic acid, in the transmembrane domain of the rat neu gene was found to be responsible for the transforming and tumorigenic phenotype of the cells that carry it. In contrast, the human proto-neu oncogene is frequently amplified in tumors and cell lines derived from tumors and the human neu gene overexpression/amplification in breast and ovarian cancers is known to correlate with poor patient prognosis. Examples of the human neu gene overexpression in the absence of gene amplification have been observed, which may suggest the significant role of the transcriptional and/or post-transcriptional control of the neu gene in the oncogenic process. However, little is known about the transcriptional mechanisms which regulate the neu gene expression. In this study, three examples are presented to demonstrate the positive and negative control of the neu gene expression.^ First, by using band shift assays and methylation interference analyses, I have identified a specific protein-binding sequence, AAGATAAAACC ($-$466 to $-$456), that binds a specific trans-acting factor termed RVF (for EcoRV factor on the neu promoter). The RVF-binding site is required for maximum transcriptional activity of the rat neu promoter. This same sequence is also found in the corresponding regions of both human and mouse neu promoters. Furthermore, this sequence can enhance the CAT activity driven by a minimum promoter of the thymidine kinase gene in an orientation-independent manner, and thus it behaves as an enhancer. In addition, Southwestern (DNA-protein) blot analysis using the RVF-binding site as a probe points to a 60-kDa polypeptide as a potential candidate for RVF.^ Second, it has been reported that the E3 region of adenovirus 5 induces down-regulation of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor through endocytosis. I found that the human neu gene product, p185, (an EGF receptor-related protein) is also down-regulated by adenovirus 5, but via a different mechanism. I demonstrate that the adenovirus E1a gene is responsible for the repression of the human neu gene at the transcriptional level.^ Third, a differential expression of the neu gene has been found in two cell model systems: between the mouse fibroblast Swiss-Webster 3T3 (SW3T3) and its variant NR-6 cells; and between the mouse liver tumor cell line, Hep1-a, and the mouse pancreas tumor cell line, 266-6. Both NR-6 and 266-6 cell lines are not able to express the neu gene product, p185. I demonstrate that, in both cases, the transcriptional repression of the neu gene may account for the lack of the p185 expression in these two cell lines. ^


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The studies presented in this thesis focus on two aspects of the involvement of cyclin D1 in epithelial proliferation. Since cyclin D1 has been identified as a target for genetic alterations and deregulation in a variety of human cancers, we studied cyclin D1 expression in two experimental models of epithelial carcinogenesis. These studies provided evidence that cyclin D1 was a potential target of the activating mutation of the Ha-ras gene characteristic of the experimental protocol. In addition, evidence from two independent in vitro models suggested that cyclin D1 was indeed part of the primary cellular response to activated ras, and at least partly responsible for the increase in proliferation observed in ras-transformed cells.^ Cyclin D1 has also been described as a key regulator of the passage through the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Cyclin D1 is induced in response to mitogens in a variety of cell lines, and cells engineered to overexpress cyclin D1 show accelerated G1 transit. In order to study the involvement of cyclin D1 in epithelial cell growth and differentiation, we generated transgenic mice that constitutively overexpress cyclin D1 in stratified epithelia. These mice developed thymic hyperplasia and skin hyperproliferation, providing in vivo evidence of the potential of cyclin D1 to regulate growth of epithelial cells. ^


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c-Src, a protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) the specific activity of which is increased $>$20-fold in $\sim$80% of colon tumors and colon tumor cell lines, plays a role in both growth regulation and tumorigenicity of colon tumor cells. To examine the effect of increased c-Src specific activity on colon tumor cells, coumarin-derived tyrosine analog PTK inhibitors were assessed in a standard colon tumor cell line, HT-29. Of the nine compounds tested for inhibiting c-Src activity in a standard immune complex kinase assay from c-Src precipitated from HT-29 cells, the 7,8-dihydroxy-containing compounds daphnetin and fraxetin were most effective, with IC$\sb{50}$s of 0.6 $\pm$ 0.2 mM and 0.6 $\pm$ 0.3 mM, respectively. Treatment of HT-29 cells with daphnetin resulted in inhibition of cell growth in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, scopoletin, a relatively poor Src inhibitor in vitro, did not inhibit HT-29 cell growth in the concentration range tested. In daphnetin treated cells, a dose-dependent decrease of c-Src activity paralleling cell growth inhibition was also observed; the IC$\sb{50}$ was 0.3 $\pm$ 0.1 mM for c-Src autophosphorylation. In contrast, the IC$\sb{50}$ for c-Src protein level was $>$ 0.6 mM, indicating that the effects of daphnetin were primarily an enzymatic activity of c-Src, rather than protein level in HT-29 cells. These results are the first to demonstrate that c-Src specific activity regulates colon tumor cell growth.^ To elucidate the signaling pathways activated by c-Src in colon tumor cells, the Src family substrate FAK, which has been shown to play a role in both extracellular matrix-dependent cell growth and survival, was examined. Coprecipitation assays showed Src-FAK association in detergent insoluble fractions of both attached and detached HT-29 cells, indicating that Src-FAK association in HT-29 cells is stable and, unlike untransformed cells, not dependent on cell-substratum contact. FAK also coprecipitated with Grb2, an adaptor protein also playing a role in cell proliferation and survival, in both attached and detached HT-29 cells, suggesting that a Src-FAK-Grb2-mediated signaling pathway(s) in HT-29 cells is/are constitutively activated.^ FAK was also analyzed in c-src antisense HT-29 clones AS15 and AS33 in which c-Src is specifically reduced by transfection of an antisense expression vector. FAK protein level is unexpectedly decreased in both AS15 and AS33 cells by 5-fold and 1.5-fold compared to HT-29, respectively, corresponding with the decreased expression of c-Src observed in these cells. FAK protein level was not decreased compared to parental in the c-src "sense" clone S8. Northern blot analyses showed decreased FAK mRNA levels compared to parental in AS15 and AS33, correlating with decreased FAK protein level, indicating that FAK activity in the antisense cells is regulated, at least in part, by altering FAK expression, and that this regulation is Src dependent. Because FAK has been implicated in anoikis, the ability of c-src antisense cells to survive in the absence of cell-substratum contact was examined. Decreased cell survival is seen in both AS15 and AS33, correlating with the decreases in c-Src and FAK levels and tumorigenicity in these cells. These results suggest that at least one mechanism by which activation of c-Src contributes to tumorigenic phenotype of colon tumor cells is by aberrantly promoting a survival signal through unregulated Src-FAK-Grb2 complexes. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Non-melanoma skin cancers, including basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), are the most common neoplasms in the United States with a lifetime risk nearly equal to all other types of cancer combined. Retinoids are naturally occurring and synthetic analogues of vitamin A that bind to nuclear retinoid receptors and modulate gene expression as a means of regulating cell proliferation and differentiation. Retinoids have been employed for many years in the treatment of various cutaneous lesions and for cancer chemoprevention and therapy. The primary drawback limiting the use of retinoids is their toxicity, which is also associated with receptor-gene interactions. In this study, the effects of the synthetic retinoids N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)retinamide (4HPR) and 6-[3-(1-adamantyl)-4-hydroxyphenyl]-2-naphthalene carboxylic acid (CD437) were examined in cutaneous keratinocytes. Four human cutaneous SCC cell lines were examined along with normal human epidermal keratinocyte (NHEK) cells from two donors. Sensitivity to 4HPR or CD437 alone or in combination with other agents was determined via growth inhibition, cell cycle distributions, or apoptosis induction. Both synthetic retinoids were able to promote apoptosis in SCC cells more effectively than the natural retinoid all-trans retinoic acid. Apoptosis could not be inhibited by nuclear retinoic acid receptor antagonists. In NHEK cells, 4HPR induced apoptosis while CD437 promoted G1 arrest. 4HPR acted as a prooxidant by generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) in SCC and NHEK cells. 4HPR-induced apoptosis in SCC cells could be inhibited or potentiated by manipulating cellular defenses against oxidative stress, indicating an essential role for ROS in 4HPR-induced apoptosis. CD437 promoted apoptosis in SCC cells in S and G2/M phases of the cell cycle within two hours of treatment, and this rapid induction could not be blocked with cycloheximide. This study shows: (1) 4HPR- and CD437-induced apoptosis do not directly involve a traditional retinoid pathway; (2) 4HPR can act as a prooxidant as a means of promoting apoptosis; (3) CD437 induces apoptosis in SCC cells independent of protein synthesis and is potentially less toxic to NHEK cells; and (4) 4HPR and CD437 operate under different mechanisms with respect to apoptosis induction and this may potentially enhance their therapeutic index in vivo. ^


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Several studies indicate that interleukin-6 (IL-6) production is elevated in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) cells, and that IL-6 can serve as an autocrine growth factor in this malignancy. Wild type (wt) p53 represses transcription from the IL-6 promoter in an inducible system. The objective of this study was to determine the role of p53 in regulating constitutive IL-6 production in RCC cells. RCC cell lines containing mutant (mut) p53 produced significantly higher levels of IL-6 than those containing wt p53 (p < 0.05). Transfection of wt p53 into RCC cell lines resulted in significant repression of IL-6 promoter CAT activity p < 0.05). Mutant p53 was less effective at repressing IL-6 promoter activity in ACHN cells, and actually enhanced IL-6 promoter activity in the A498 cell line. A498 cells stably transfected with mutant p53 produced significantly higher levels of IL-6 than A498 cells transfected with an empty expression vector (p < 0.05). Electrophoretic mobility shift assay showed a significant decrease in binding of C/EBP, CREB, and NF-kB transcription factors to the IL-6 promoter in A498 cells transfected with wt p53. Mut p53 was unable to inhibit transcription factor binding to the IL-6 promoter in these cells. Mutant p53-expressing UOK 121LN cells showed decreased binding of C/EBP and CREB, but not NF-kB, following wt p53 transfection. These data suggest that (i) mutation of p53 contributes to the over-expression of IL-6 in RCC; and (ii) wt p53 represses IL-6 expression at least in part by interfering with the binding of C/EBP, CREB, and in some cases, NF-kB transcription factors to the IL-6 promoter. ^


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Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas are common tumors of the human immune system, primarily of B cell lineage (NHL-B). Negative growth regulation in the B cell lineage is mediated primarily through the TGF-β/SMAD signaling pathway that regulates a variety of tumor suppressor genes. Ski was originally identified as a transforming oncoprotein, whereas SnoN is an isoform of the Sno protein that shares a large region of homology with Ski. In this study, we show that Ski/SnoN are endogenously over-expressed both in patients' lymphoma cells and NHL-B cell lines. Exogenous TGF-β1 treatment induces down-regulation of Ski and SnoN oncoprotein expression in an NHL-B cell line, implying that Ski and SnoN modulate the TGF-β signaling pathway and are involved in cell growth regulation. Furthermore, we have developed an NHL-B cell line (DB) that has a null mutation in TGF-β receptor type II. In this mutant cell line, Ski/SnoN proteins are not down-regulated in response to TGF-β1 treatment, suggesting that downregulation of Ski and SnoN proteins in NHL-B require an intact functional TGF-β signaling pathway Resting normal B cells do not express Ski until activated by antigens and exogenous cytokines, whereas a low level of SnoN is also present in peripheral blood Go B cells. In contrast, autonomously growing NHL-B cells over-express Ski and SnoN, implying that Ski and SnoN are important cell cycle regulators. To further investigate a possible link between reduction of the Ski protein level and growth inhibition, Ski antisense oligodeoxynucleotides were transfected into NHL-B cells. The Ski protein level was found to decrease to less than 40%, resulting in restoring the effect of TGF-β and leading to cell growth inhibition and G1 cell cycle arrest. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated that Ski associates with Smad4 in the nucleus, strongly suggesting that over-expression of the nuclear protein Ski and/or SnoN negatively regulates the TGF-β pathway, possibly by modulating Smad-mediated tumor suppressor gene expression. Together, in NHL-B, the TGF-β/SMAD growth inhibitory pathway is usually intact, but over-expression of the Ski and/or SnoN, which binds to Smad4, abrogates the negative regulatory effects of TGF-β/SMAD in lymphoma cell growth and potentiates the growth potential of neoplastic B cells. ^


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Ras proteins (H-, N-, K4A-, and K4B) are associated with cellular resistance to ionizing radiation (IR) and, consequently, may provide a potential target for radiosensitization strategies in cancer treatment. Several approaches have been used to compromise Ras activity and enhance IR-induced cell killing; however, these techniques either target proteins in addition to Ras or only target one member of the Ras family. In this study, I have used an adenovirus (AV1Y28) that expresses a single-chain antibody fragment directed against Ras proteins to investigate the mechanism(s) responsible for Ras-mediated radiation resistance. AV1Y28 enhanced the radiosensitivity of a number of human tumor cell lines without affecting the radiosensitivity of normal human fibroblasts. Whereas AV1Y28-mediated sensitization was independent of ras gene mutational status, it was dependent on active Ras proteins suggesting that AV1Y28 may be useful against a broad range of tumors. AV1Y28-mediated cell killing was not the result of redistributing cells into a more radiosensitive phase of the cell cycle and did not enhance IR-induced apoptosis. Given that Ras proteins transduce environmental signals to the nucleus, the effect of AV1Y28 on the IR-inducible transcription factor NF-κB were determined. Although AV1Y28 inhibited IR-induced NF-κB through the suppression of IKK, additional work established that NF-κB did not play a role in AV1Y28-mediated radiosensitization. However, a novel component of the signaling pathway responsible for IR-induced NF-κB was identified. Previous studies had suggested a relationship between mutant ras genes and IR-induced G2 delay; therefore the effects of AV1Y28 on the progression of cells from G2 to M after IR were determined. Pretreatment of cells with AV1Y28 prevented the IR-induced G2 arrest. AV1Y28-mediated abrogation of IR-induced G2 arrest correlated with those cell line lines that were sensitized by AV1Y28. Moreover, a significant increase in cells undergoing mitotic catastrophe was found after IR in AV1Y28 treated cells. The abrogation of G2 arrest by AV1Y28 was the result of maintaining the active form of cdc2, an inducer of mitosis, after exposure to IR. This study identified the mechanism of AV1Y28-mediated radiosensitization and has provided insight into the signal transduction pathways responsible for Ras-mediated radiation resistance. ^


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The aberrant activation of signal transduction pathways has long been linked to uncontrolled cell proliferation and the development of cancer. The activity of one such signaling module, the Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) pathway, has been implicated in several cancer types including pancreatic, breast, colon, and lymphoid malignancies. Interestingly, the activation of MAP-Kinase-Kinase-Kinase proteins often leads to the additional activation of NF-κB, a transcription factor that acts as a cell survival signal through its control of antiapoptotic genes. We have investigated the role of a specific dimer form of the NF-κB transcription factor family, NF-κB1 (p50) homodimers, in its control of the proto-oncogene, Bcl-2, and we have identified the MEK/ERK (MAPK) signaling cascade as a mediator of NF-κB1 activity. ^ Two murine B cell lymphoma cell lines were used for these studies: LY-as, an apoptosis proficient line with low Bcl-2 protein expression and no nuclear NF-κB activity, and LY-ar, a nonapoptotic line with constitutive p50 homodimer activity and 30 times more Bcl-2 protein expression than LY-as. Experiments modulating p50 activity correlated the activation of p50 homodimers with Bcl-2 expression and additional gel shift experiments demonstrated that the Bcl-2 P1 promoter had NF-κB sites with which recombinant p50 was able to interact. In vitro transcription revealed that p50 enhanced the production of transcripts derived from the Bcl-2 P1 promoter. These data strongly suggest that Bcl-2 is a target gene for p50-mediated transcription and suggest that the activation of p50 homodimers contributes to the expression of Bcl-2 observed in LY-ar cells. ^ Studies of upstream MAPK pathways that could influence NF-κB activity demonstrated that LY-ar cells had phosphorylated ERK proteins while LY-as cells did not. Treatment of LY-ar cells with the MEK inhibitors PD 98059, U0126, and PD 184352 led to a loss of phosphorylated ERK, a reversal of nuclear p50 homodimer DNA binding, and a decrease in the amount of Bcl-2 protein expression. Similarly, the activation of the MEK/ERK pathway in LY-as cells by phorbol ester led to Bcl-2 expression that could be blocked by PD 98059. Furthermore, treatment of LY-ar cells with TNFα, an IKK activator, did not change the suppressive effect of PD 98059 on p50 homodimer activity, suggesting an IKK-independent pathway for p50 homodimer activation. Lastly, all three MEK inhibitors sensitized LY-ar cells to radiation-induced apoptosis. ^ These data indicate that the activation of the MEK/ERK MAP-Kinase signaling pathway acts upstream of p50 homodimer activation and Bcl-2 expression in this B cell lymphoma cell system and suggest that the activation of MEK/ERK may be a key step in the progression of lymphoma to advanced-staged disease. Other researchers have used MEK inhibitors to inhibit cell growth and sensitize a number of tumors to chemotherapies. In light of our data, MEK inhibitors may additionally be useful clinically to radiosensitize cancers of lymphoid origin. ^