49 resultados para Mutated HOXB4


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The tumor suppressor p53 is mutated in over 50% of human sporadic tumors originating from diverse tissues. p53 responds to DNA damage and cell stress by activating the transcription of a variety of target genes, the protein products of which then initiate either growth arrest or apoptosis. ^ A p53 target with a particularly intriguing function is the oncogene MDM2. MDM2 functions, in part, by binding to and inhibiting p53's activity. Overexpression of MDM2, by gene amplification, has been found in 30% of human sarcomas harboring a wild type p53, indicating that an increase in MDM2 levels is sufficient for p53 inactivation. Mice carrying a homozygous null allele for mdm2 exhibit an early embryonic lethality that is completely rescued in a p53-null background. These data indicate that MDM2's only critical function in early mouse embryogenesis is the negative regulation of p53. ^ The mdmx gene is the first additional member of the mdm2 gene family to be isolated. MDMX, like MDM2, contains a RING-finger domain, ATP binding domain and a p53 binding domain, which retains the ability to bind and inhibit p53 transactivation in vitro. However, mdmx does not appear to be transcriptionally regulated by p53. We have cloned and characterized the murine mdmx genomic locus from a mouse 129 genomic library. The mdmx gene contains 11 exons, spans approximately 37 Kb of DNA, and is located on mouse chromosome 1. The genomic organization of the mdmx gene is identical to that of mdm2 except at the 5′ end of the gene near the p53 responsive element. Northern expression analysis of mdmx transcripts during mouse embryogenesis and in adult tissues revealed constitutive and ubiquitous expression throughout adult tissues and embryonic development. To determine the in vivo function of MDMX, mice carrying a null allele of mdmx have been generated. Mdmx homozygous null mice are early embryonic lethal. Mdmx null mice do not develop beyond 9.5 dpc and can be discerned by gross dissection as early as 7.5 dpc. Utilizing TUNEL and BrdU assays on 7.5 dpc histological sections we have determined that the mutant embryos are dying due to increased levels of growth arrest, but not apoptosis. Surprisingly, Mdmx homozygous null mice are viable in a p53 null background, indicating that MDMX is also very important in the negative regulation of p53. ^


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Dictyostelium, a soil amoeba, is able to develop from free-living cells to multicellular fruiting bodies upon starvation using extracellular cAMP to mediate cell-cell communication, chemotaxis and developmental gene expression. The seven transmembrane G protein-coupled cAMP receptor-1 (cAR1) mediated responses, such as the activation of adenylyl cyclase and guanylyl cyclase, are transient, due to the existence of poorly understood adaptation mechanisms. For this dissertation, the powerful genetics of the Dictyostelium system was employed to study the adaptation mechanism of cAR1-mediated cAMP signaling as well as mechanisms intrinsic to cAR1 that regulate its activation. ^ We proposed that constitutively active cAR1 would cause constant adaptation, thus inhibiting downstream pathways that are essential for aggregation and development. Therefore, a screen for dominant negative cAR1 mutants was undertaken to identify constitutively active receptor mutants. Three dominant negative cAR1 mutants were identified. All appear to be constitutively active receptor mutants because they are constitutively phosphorylated and possess high affinity for cAMP. Biochemical studies showed that these mutant receptors prevented the activation of downstream effectors, including adenylyl and guanylyl cyclases. In addition, these cells also were defective in cAMP chemotaxis and cAR1-mediated gene expression. These findings suggest that the mutant receptors block development by constantly activating multiple adaptation pathways. ^ Sequence analysis revealed that these mutations (I104N, L100H) are clustered in a conserved region of the third transmembrane helix (TM3) of cAR1. To investigate the role of this region in receptor activation, one of these residues, I104, was mutated to all the other 19 possible amino acids. We found that all but the most conservative substitutions increase the receptor's affinity about 20- to 70-fold. However, only highly polar substitutions of I104, particularly basic residues, resulted in receptors that are constitutively phosphorylated and dominantly inhibit development, suggesting that highly polar substitutions not only disrupt an interaction constraining the receptor in its low-affinity, inactive state but also promote an additional conformational change that resembles the ligand-bound conformation. Our findings suggest that I104 plays a specific role in constraining the receptor in its inactive state and that substituting it with highly polar residues results in constitutive activation. ^


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Pitx2, a paired-related homeobox gene that is mutated in human Rieger Syndrome, plays a key role in transferring the early asymmetric signals to individual organs. Pitx2 encodes three isoforms, Pitx2a, Pitx2b and Pitx2c. I found that Pitx2c was the Pitx2 isoform for regulating left-right asymmetry in heart, lung and the predominant isoform in guts. Previous studies suggested that the generation of left-right asymmetry within individual organs is an all or none, random event. Phenotypic analysis of various Pitx2 allelic combinations, that encode graded levels of Pitx2c, reveals an organ-intrinsic mechanism for regulating left-right asymmetric morphogenesis based on differential response to Pitx2c levels. The heart needs low Pitx2c levels, while the lungs and duodenum require higher doses of Pitx2c. In addition, the duodenal rotation is under strict control of Pitx2c activity. Left-right asymmetry development for aortic arch arteries involves complex vascular remodeling. Left-sided expression of Pitx2c in these developing vessels implied its potential function in this process. In order to determine if Pitx2c also can regulate the left-right asymmetry of the aortic arch arteries, a Pitx2c-specific loss of function mutation is generated. Although in wild type mice, the direction of the aortic arch is always oriented toward the left side, the directions of the aortic arches in the mutants were randomized, showing that Pitx2c also determined the left-right asymmetry of these vessels. I have further showed that the cardiac neural crest wasn't involved in this vascular remodeling process. In addition, all mutant embryos had Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV), a common congenital heart disease. This study provided insight into the mechanism of Pitx2c-mediated late stages of left-right asymmetry development and identified the roles of Pitx2c in regulation of aortic arch remodeling and heart development. ^


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Nitric oxide is involved in a multitude of processes including regulation of vascular tone, neurotransmission, immunity, and cancer. Evidence suggests that nitric oxide exhibits anti-apoptotic activity in melanoma cells. Our laboratory showed that tumor expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase correlated strongly with poor survival in stage III and IV melanoma patients, suggesting an antagonistic role for nitric oxide in melanoma response to therapy. Therefore, the hypothesis that endogenously produced nitric oxide antagonizes chemotherapy-induced apoptosis was formed. Using cisplatin as a model for DNA damage in melanoma cell lines, the capacity of nitric oxide to regulate cell growth and apoptotic responses to cisplatin treatment was examined. The depletion of endogenously generated nitric oxide resulted in changes in cell cycle regulation and enhanced cisplatin-induced apoptosis in melanoma cells. Since nitric oxide was shown to be involved in the regulation of p53 stability, conformation and DNA binding activity, whether signaling through wild-type p53 in melanoma cells is regulated by nitric oxide was tested. Cisplatin-induced p53 accumulation and p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 expression in nitric oxide-depleted melanoma cells were found to be strongly suppressed. When p53 binding to the p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 promoter was examined, it was found that nitric oxide depletion significantly reduced the cisplatin-induced formation of p53-DNA complexes. These results suggest that nitric oxide is required for activation of wild-type p53 after DNA damage in melanoma cells. Finally, whether signaling through p53 controls melanoma response to DNA damage was examined. Transfection of a plasmid containing a dominant negative form of mutated p53 inhibited p21 Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 expression and concomitantly enhanced apoptosis after cisplatin treatment. These data suggest that the induction of wild-type p53 protects melanoma cells against DNA damage via the up-regulation of p21 Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1. Together, these data strongly support the model that endogenous nitric oxide is required for p53 activation and p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 expression after DNA damage, which can enhance melanoma resistance to therapy. Thus, in context of melanoma cells with wild-type p53 , low levels of endogenous constitutively-produced nitric oxide appear to facilitate the activation of p53 in response to DNA damage, thereby allowing for cell cycle arrest via p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 induction, adequate DNA repair, and ultimately enhanced resistance to apoptosis. ^