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p53 is required for the maintenance of the genomic stability of cells. Mutations in the p53 tumor-suppressor gene occur in more than 50% of human cancers of diverse types. In addition, 70% of families with Li-Fraumeni syndrome have a germline mutation in p53, predisposing these individuals to multiple forms of cancer. In response to DNA damage, p53 becomes stabilized and activated. However the exact mechanism by which DNA damage signals the stabilization and activation of p53 still remains elusive. The biochemical activity of p53 that is required for tumor suppression, and presumably the cellular response to DNA damage, involves the ability of the protein to bind to specific DNA sequences and to function as a transcription factor. For the downstream targets, p53 transactivates many genes involved in growth arrest, apoptosis and DNA repair such as p21, Bax and GADD45, respectively. An open question in the field is how cells can determine the downstream effects of p53. ^ We hypothesize that, through its associated proteins, p53 can differentially transactivate its target genes, which determine its downstream effect. Additionally, p53 interacting proteins may be involved in signaling for the stabilization and activation of p53. Therefore, a key aspect to understanding p53 function is the identification and analysis of proteins that interact with it. We have employed the Sos recruitment system (SRS), a cytoplasmic yeast two-hybrid screen to identify p53 interacting proteins. The SRS is based on the ability of Sos to activate Ras when it becomes localized to the plasma membrane. The system takes advantage of an S. cerevisiae strain, cdc25-2 temperature sensitive mutant, harboring a mutation in Sos. In this strain, fusion proteins containing a truncated Sos will only localize to the membrane by protein-protein interaction, which allows growth at non-permissive temperature. This system allows the use of intact transcriptional activators such as p53. ^ To date, using a modified SRS library screen to identify p53 interacting proteins, I have identified p53 (known to interact with itself) and a novel p53-interacting protein (PIP). PIP is a specific p53 interacting protein in the SRS. The interaction of p53 and PIP was further confirmed by performing in vitro and in vivo binding assays. In the in vivo binding study, the interaction can only be detected in the presence of ionizing radiation suggesting that this interaction might be involved in DNA-damage induced p53-signalling pathway. After screening cDNA and genomic libraries, a full-length PIP-cDNA clone ( ∼ 3kb) was obtained which encodes a protein of 429 amino acids with calculated molecular weight of 46 kDa. The results of genebank search indicated that the PIP is an unidentified gene and contains a conserved ring-finger domain, which is present in a diverse family of regulatory proteins involved in different aspects of cellular function. Northern blot analysis revealed that the size of its messenge is approximately 3 kb preferentially expressed in brain, heart, liver and kidney. The PIP protein is mainly located in the cytoplasm as determined by the cellular localization of a green fluorescence fusion protein. Preliminary functional analysis revealed that PIP downregulated the transactivation activity of p53 on both p21 and mdm2 promoters. Thus, PIP may be a novel negative regulator of p53 subsequent to DNA damage. ^


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Several studies indicate that interleukin-6 (IL-6) production is elevated in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) cells, and that IL-6 can serve as an autocrine growth factor in this malignancy. Wild type (wt) p53 represses transcription from the IL-6 promoter in an inducible system. The objective of this study was to determine the role of p53 in regulating constitutive IL-6 production in RCC cells. RCC cell lines containing mutant (mut) p53 produced significantly higher levels of IL-6 than those containing wt p53 (p < 0.05). Transfection of wt p53 into RCC cell lines resulted in significant repression of IL-6 promoter CAT activity p < 0.05). Mutant p53 was less effective at repressing IL-6 promoter activity in ACHN cells, and actually enhanced IL-6 promoter activity in the A498 cell line. A498 cells stably transfected with mutant p53 produced significantly higher levels of IL-6 than A498 cells transfected with an empty expression vector (p < 0.05). Electrophoretic mobility shift assay showed a significant decrease in binding of C/EBP, CREB, and NF-kB transcription factors to the IL-6 promoter in A498 cells transfected with wt p53. Mut p53 was unable to inhibit transcription factor binding to the IL-6 promoter in these cells. Mutant p53-expressing UOK 121LN cells showed decreased binding of C/EBP and CREB, but not NF-kB, following wt p53 transfection. These data suggest that (i) mutation of p53 contributes to the over-expression of IL-6 in RCC; and (ii) wt p53 represses IL-6 expression at least in part by interfering with the binding of C/EBP, CREB, and in some cases, NF-kB transcription factors to the IL-6 promoter. ^


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Carcinoma of the skin is the most common type of human cancer in the United States. Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) present in the sunlight is thought to be the major carcinogen responsible for induction of skin cancer. In UV-associated skin carcinogenesis, mutations in p53 are not only present with very high frequency, but occur early in the course of tumor development. In addition, UV-induced skin tumors in mice exhibit unique immunological characteristics. They are highly antigenic and express both individually-specific tumor transplantation antigens recognized by effector T cells and the UV-associated common antigen recognized by UV-induced suppressor T cells. ^ To examine the hypothesis that p53 plays a critical role in preventing skin cancer induction by UVR, mice constitutively lacking one or two functional p53 alleles were compared to wild-type mice for their susceptibility to UV carcinogenesis. Both p53 +/– and –/– mice showed greater susceptibility to skin cancer induction than wild-type mice, and –/– mice were the most susceptible, Accelerated tumor development in the p53 +/– mice was not associated with loss of the remaining wild-type allele of p53 , but in many cases was associated with UV-induced mutations in p53. Our studies clearly demonstrate the essential role of p53 in protection against UV carcinogenesis, particularly in the eye and epidermis. ^ The role of p53 in the antigenicity of UV-induced murine skin tumors was also addressed. Primary UV-induced tumors from p53 –/–, +/– and +/+ mice were transplanted into both normal and immunosuppressed mice, and rates of tumor rejection were compared. Tumors from mice with only one or no functional p53 alleles were less antigenic than those from mice with two functional p53 alleles. Moreover, tumors with no functional p53 also failed to grow well in chronically UV-irradiated mice. These results indicate that p53 contributes to the strong antigenicity of UV-induced murine skin tumors, and suggest that it may play a critical role in expression of the UV-associated common antigen recognized by suppressor T cells. ^ In this study we also monitored the effect of UVR on the development of lymphoid malignancies in p53 deficient mice. The incidence of lymphoid malignancies in UV-irradiated p53 +/– mice was drastically enhanced compared to that in unirradiated counterparts. The immune responses of the mice were identical and were suppressed to the same extent by UV irradiation regardless of the p53 genotype. These data provide the first experimental evidence that exposure to UVR can contribute to the development of lymphoid neoplasms in genetically susceptible hosts. ^


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The adenovirus type 5 E1A (abbreviated E1A) has previously been known as an immortalization oncogene because E1A is required for transforming oncogenes, such as ras and E1B, to transform cells in primary cultures. However, E1A has also been shown to downregulate the overexpression of the Her-2/neu oncogene, resulting in suppression of transformation and tumorigenesis induced by that oncogene. In addition, E1A is able to promote apoptosis induced by anticancer drugs, irradiation, and serum deprivation. Many tyrosine kinases, such as the EGF receptor, Her-2/Neu, Src, and Axl are known to play a role in oncogenic signals in transformed cells. To study the mechanism underlying the E1A-mediated tumor-suppressing function, we exploited a modified tyrosine kinase profile assay (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, 93, 5958–5962, 1996) to identify potential tyrosine kinases regulated by E1A. RT-PCR products were synthesized with two degenerate primers derived from the conserved motifs of various tyrosine kinases. A tyrosine kinase downregulated by E1A was identified as Axl by analyzing the Alu I-digested RT-PCR products. We isolated the DNA fragment of interest, and found that E1A negatively regulated the expression of the transforming receptor tyrosine kinase Axl at the transcriptional level. To study whether downregulation of the Axl receptor is involved in E1A-mediated growth suppression, we transfected axl cDNA into E1A-expressing cells (ip1-E1A) to establish cells that overexpressed Axl (ip1-E1A-Axl). The Axl ligand Gas6 triggered a greater mitogenic effect in these ip1-E1A-Axl cells than in the control cells ip1-E1A and protected the Axl-expressing cells from serum deprivation-induced apoptosis. Further study showed that Akt is required for Axl-Gas6 signaling to prevent ip1-E1A-Axl cells from serum deprivation-induced apoptosis. These results indicate that downregulation of the Axl receptor by E1A is involved in E1A-mediated growth suppression and E1A-induced apoptosis, and thereby contributes to E1A's anti-tumor activities. ^


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Overexpression of c-erbB-2 gene-encoded p185 has been correlated with lymph node metastasis and poor prognosis in breast cancer patients. To investigate whether overexpression of c-erbB-2 can enhance metastatic potential of human breast cancer cells, we compared the metastatic phenotypes of the parental MDA-MB-435 cells and the c-erbB-2 gene transfected 435.eB cells. In vivo experimental metastasis assays demonstrated that mice injected erbB2-overexpressing 435.eB transfectants formed significantly more metastatic tumors than the mice injected with parental and control cells. The changes in metastatic potential in vivo were accompanied by increased invasiveness in vitro . The transfectants and the parental cells all had similar growth rates and transformation potential. These findings suggest that c- erbB-2 gene can enhance the intrinsic metastatic potentials of MDA-MB-435 cells without increasing their transformation abilities. ^ Homophilic adhesion may affect invasive and metastatic potential of tumor cells. We found that Heregulin-β1 (HRG-β1), a growth factor that activates receptor kinases erbB3 and erbB4, can enhance aggregation of MCF-7 and SKBR3 human breast cancer cells. While investigating the downstream signals involved in HRG-β1-increased cell aggregation, we observed that HRG-β1 increased the kinase activities of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) and PI3K in these cells. By using different kinase inhibitors, we found that the HRG-β1-activated MEK1-ERK pathway has no demonstrable role in the induction of cell aggregation, whereas HRG-β1-activated PI3K is required for enhancing breast cancer cell aggregation. These results have provided one mechanism by which HRG-β1-activated signaling of erbB receptors may affect invasive/metastatic properties of breast cancer cells. ^ To identify the structural motifs within the erbB2 receptor that are required for erbB2 increased metastatic potential in breast cancer cells, we injected different forms of mutated erbB2 expressing MDA-MB-435 cell line transfectants with or without the EGF-like domain of heregulin-β1 protein (HRG/egf) into ICR-SCID mice to test the metastatic survival rate. The results show that an intact kinase domain of erbB2 receptor is required for erbB2 enhanced metastatic potential in these cells. The C-terminal tyrosine 1248 residue of erbB2 may also play a role in enhancing metastatic potential. Moreover, the results suggest that HRG/egf promote the metastatic potential of human breast cancer cells in vivo. ^


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Retinoids are Vitamin A derivatives that are effective chemopreventative and chemotherapeutic agents for head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC). Despite the wide application of retinoids in cancer treatment, the mechanism by which retinoids inhibit head and neck squamous cell carcinomas is not completely understood. While in vitro models show that drugs affect cell proliferation and differentiation, in vivo models, such as tumor xenografts in nude mice drugs affect more complex parameters such as extracellular matrix formation, angiogenesis and inflammation. Therefore, we studied the effects of retinoids on the growth of the 22B HNSCC tumors using a xenograft model. In this system, retinoids had no effect on tumor cell differentiation but caused invasion of the tumor by inflammatory cells. Retinoid induced inflammation lead to tumor cell death and tumor regression. Therefore, we hypothesized that retinoids stimulated the 22B HNSCC xenografts to produce a pro-inflammatory signal such as chemokines that in turn activated host inflammatory responses. ^ We used real time quantitative RT-PCR to measure cytokine and chemokine expression in retinoid treated tumors. Treatment of tumors with an RAR-specific retinoid, LGD1550, had no effect on the expression of TNFα, IL-1α, GROα, IP-10, Rantes, MCP-1 and MIP-1α but induced IL-8 mRNA 5-fold. We further characterized the retinoid effect on IL-8 expression on the 22B HNSCC and 1483 HNSCC cells in vitro. Retinoids increased IL-8 expression and enhanced TNFα-dependent IL-8 induction. In addition, retinoids increased the basal and TNFα-dependent expression of MCP-1 but decreased the basal and TNFα dependent expression of IP-10. The effect of retinoids on IL-8 and MCP-1 expression was very rapid with increased levels of mRNA detected within 1–2 hours. This effect did not require new protein synthesis and did not result from mRNA stabilization. Both RAR and RXR ligands increased IL-8 expression whereas only RAR ligands activated MCP-1 expression. ^ We identified a functional retinoid response element in the IL-8 promoter that was located adjacent to the C/EBP-NFkB response element. TNFα treatment of the 22B cells caused rapid, transient and selective acetylation of regions of the IL-8 promoter associated with the NFkB response element. Co-treatment of the cells with retinoids plus TNF increased the acetylation of chromatin in this region without altering the kinetics of acetylation. These results demonstrate that ligand activated retinoid receptors can cooperate with NFkB in histone acetylation and chromatin remodeling. We believe that in certain HNSCC tumors this cooperation and the resulting enhancement of IL-8 expression can induce an inflammatory response that leads to tumor regression. We believe that the induction of inflammation in susceptible tumors, possibly coupled with cytotoxic interventions may be an important component in the use of retinoids to treat human squamous cancers. ^


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Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) plays an important role in tumor invasion and angiogenesis. Secretion of MMP-9 has been reported in various cancer types including lung cancer, brain cancer, colon cancer, and breast cancer. Heregulin is a growth factor that regulates growth and differentiation of normal breast cells as well as mammary tumor cells. To study the role of heregulin in breast cancer metastasis, we tested whether heregulin may regulate MMP-9 secretion. By screening a panel of breast cancer cell line for their ability to respond to heregulin and produce MMP-9, we have found that MMP-9 secretion can be induced by heregulin-β1 in two breast cancer cell lines, SKBr3 and MCF-7. In both cell lines, increase of MMP-9 activity as shown by zymography was accompanied by increased protein level as well as mRNA level of MMP-9. Using a reporter luciferase assay, we have identified that proximal −670bp promoter of MMP-9 had similar activity to a 2.2kb MMP-9 promoter in response to heregulin stimulation. Heregulin treatment of SKBr3 and MCF-7 activated multiple signaling pathways inside cells. These include the Erk pathway, the p38 kinase pathway, PKC pathway, and PI-3K pathway. To examine which pathways are involved in MMP-9 activation by heregulin, we have used a panel of chemical inhibitors to specifically inhibit each one of these pathways. Ro-31-8220 (PKC inhibitor) and SB203580 (p38 kinase inhibitor) completely blocked heregulin activation of MMP-9. On the other hand, PD098059 (MEK-1 inhibitor) partially blocked MMP-9 activation, whereas PI-3K inhibitor, wortmannin, had no effect. Therefore, at least three signaling pathways are involved in activation of MMP-9 by heregulin. Since MMP-9 is tightly associated with metastatic potential, our study also suggests that heregulin may enhance breast tumor metastasis through induction of MMP-9 expression. ^


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Wilms tumor (WT) or nephroblastoma is a genetically heterogeneous pediatric renal tumor that accounts for 6–7% of all childhood cancers in the U.S. WT1, located at 11p13, is the sole WT gene cloned to date. Additional genomic regions containing genes that play a role in the development of Wilms tumor include 11p15, 7p, 16q, 1p, 17q and 19q. This heterogeneity has made it extremely difficult to develop an understanding of the pathways involved in the development of WT, even in the 5–20% of tumors that show mutations at the WT1 locus. My research addresses this gap in our current comprehension of the development of WT. ^ I have used two complementary approaches to extend the current understanding of molecular changes involved in the development of WT. In order to minimize complexities due to genetic heterogeneity, I confined my analysis to the WT1 pathway by assessing those genetically defined tumors that carry WT1 mutations. WT1 encodes a zinc finger transcription factor, and in vitro studies have identified many genes that are potentially regulated in vivo by WT1. However, there is very little in vivo data that suggests that they are transcriptionally regulated endogenously by WT1. In one approach I assessed the role of WT1 in the in vivo regulation of PDGFA and IGF2, two genes that are strong contenders for endogenous regulation by WT1. Using primary tissue samples, I found no correlation between the level of RNA expression of WT1 with either PDGFA or IGF2, suggesting that WT1 does not play a critical role in their expression in either normal kidney or WT. ^ In a parallel strategy, using differential display analysis I compared global gene expression in a subset of tumors with known homozygous inactivating WT1 mutations (WT1-tumors) to the gene expression in a panel of appropriate control tissues (fetal kidney, normal kidney, rhabdoid tumor and pediatric renal cell carcinoma). Transcripts that are aberrantly expressed in this subset of Wilms tumors are candidates for endogenous transcriptional regulation by WT1 as well as for potentially functioning in the development of WT. By this approach I identified several differentially expressed transcripts. I further characterized two of these transcripts, identifying a candidate WT gene in the process. I then performed a detailed analysis of this WT candidate gene, which maps to 7p. Future studies will shed more light on the role of these differentially expressed genes in WT. ^


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DNA-directed nucleoside analogues, such as ara-C, fludarabine, and gemcitabine, are antimetabolites effective in the treatment of a variety of cancers. However, resistance to nucleoside analogue-based chemotherapy in treatments is still a major problem in therapy. Therefore, it is essential to develop rationales for optimizing the use of nucleoside analogues in combination with other anticancer drugs or modalities such as radiation. The present study focuses on establishing mechanism-based combination strategy to overcome resistance to nucleoside analogues. ^ I hypothesized that the cytostatic concentrations of nucleoside analogues may cause S-phase arrest by activating an S-phase checkpoint that consists of a series of kinases. This may allow cells to repair damaged DNA over time and spare cytotoxicity. Thus, the ability of cells to enact an S-phase arrest in response to incorporation of potentially lethal amounts of nucleoside analogue may serve as a mechanism of resistance to S-phase-specific agents. As a corollary, the addition of a kinase inhibitor, such as UCN-01, may dysregulate the checkpoint response and abrogate the survival of S-phase-arrested cells by suppression of the survival signaling pathways. Using gemcitabine as a model of S-phase-specific nucleoside analogues in human acute myelogenous leukemia ML-1 cells, I demonstrated that cells arrested in S-phase in response to cytostatic conditions. Proliferation continued after washing the cells into drug-free medium, suggesting S-phase arrest served as a resistance mechanism of cancer cells to spare cytotoxicity of nucleoside analogues. However, nontoxic concentrations of UCN-01 rapidly killed S-phase-arrested cells by apoptosis. Furthermore, the molecular mechanism for UCN-01-induced apoptosis in S-phase-arrested cells was through inhibition of survival pathways associated with these cells. In this regard, suppression of the PI 3-kinase-Akt-Bad survival pathway as well as the NF-κB signaling pathway were associated with induction of apoptosis in S-phase-arrested cells by UCN-01, whereas the Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK pathway appeared not involved. This study has provided the rationales and strategies for optimizing the design of effective combination therapies to overcome resistance to nucleoside analogues. In fact, a clinical trial of the combination of ara-C with UCN-01 to treat relapsed or refractory AML patients has been initiated at U.T.M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. ^


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Investigations into the molecular basis of glioblastoma multiforme led to the identification of a putative tumor suppressor gene, MMAC/ PTEN. Initial studies implicated MMAC/PTEN in many different tumor types, and identified a protein phosphatase motif in its sequence. This project aimed to identify the biological and biochemical functions of MMAC/PTEN by transiently expressing the gene in cancer cells that lack a functional gene product. ^ Expression of MMAC/PTEN mildly suppressed the growth of U251 human glioma cells and abrogated the growth advantage mediated by overexpression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Immunoblotting demonstrated that MMAC/PTEN expression did not affect the phosphorylation of the EGFR itself, or the intermediates of several downstream signaling pathways. However, MMAC/PTEN expression significantly reduced the phosphorylation and catalytic activity of the proto-oncogene Akt/PKB. While Akt/PKB regulates the survival of many cell types, expression of MMAC/PTEN did not induce apoptosis in adherent U251 cells. Instead, MMAC/PTEN expression sensitized the cells to apoptosis when maintained in suspension (anoikis). As the survival of suspended cells is one of the hallmarks leading to metastasis, MMAC/PTEN expression was examined in a system in which metastasis is more clinically relevant, prostate cancer. ^ Expression of MMAC/PTEN in both LNCaP and PC3-P human prostate cancer cells specifically inhibited Akt/PKB phosphorylation. MMAC/PTEN expression in LNCaP cells resulted in a profound inhibition of growth that was significantly greater than that achieved with expression of p53. Expression of MMAC/PTEN in PC3-P cells resulted in greater growth inhibition than was observed in U251 glioma cells, but less than was observed in LNCaP cells, or upon p53 expression. To determine if MMAC/PTEN could function as a tumor suppressor in vivo, the effects of MMAC/PTEN expression on PC3-P cells implanted orthotopically in nude mice were examined. The ex-vivo expression of MMAC/PTEN did not decrease tumor incidence, but it did significantly decrease tumor size and metastasis. In-vivo expression of MMAC/PTEN in pre-established PC3-P tumors did not significantly inhibit tumor incidence or size, but did inhibit metastasis formation. ^ These studies demonstrate that MMAC/PTEN is a novel and important tumor suppressor gene, which functions to downregulate an important cell survival signaling pathway. ^


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We investigated the induction and physiological role of Thr18 and Ser20 phosphorylation of p53 in response to DNA damage caused by treatment with ionizing (IR) or ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Polyclonal antibodies specifically recognizing phospho-Thr18 and phospho-Ser20 were used to detect p53 phosphorylation in vivo. Analyses of five wild-type (wt) p53 containing cell lines revealed lineage specific differences in phosphorylation of Thr18 and Ser20 after treatment with IR or UV. Importantly, the phosphorylation of p53 at Thr18 and Ser20 correlated with induction of the p53 downstream targets p21Waf1/Cip1 (p21) and Mdm-2, suggesting a transactivation enhancing role for Thr18 and Ser20 phosphorylation. Whereas Thr18 phosphorylation appears to abolish side-chain hydrogen bonding between Thr18 and Asp21, Ser20 phosphorylation may introduce charge attraction between Ser20 and Lys24. Both of these interactions could contribute to stabilizing α-helical conformation within the p53 transactivation domain. Mutagenesis-derived phosphorylation mimicry of p53 at Thr18 and Ser20 by Asp substitution (p53T18D/S20D) altered transactivation domain conformation and significantly reduced the interaction of p53 with the transactivation repressor Mdm-2. Mdm-2 interaction was also reduced with p53 containing a single site Asp substitution at Ser20 (p53S20D) and with the Thr18/Asp21 hydrogen bond disrupting p53 mutants p53T18A, p53T18D and p53D21A. In contrast, no direct effect was observed on the interaction of p53T18A, p53T18D and p53D21A with the basal transcription factor TAF II31. However, prior incubation of p53T18A, p53T18D and p53D21A with Mdm-2 modulated TAFII31 interaction, suggesting Mdm-2 blocks the accessibility of p53 to TAFII31. Consistently, p53-null cells transfected with p53S20D and p53T18A, p53T18D and p53D21A demonstrated enhanced endogenous p21 expression; transfection with p53T18D/S20D most significantly enhanced p21 and fas/APO-1 (fas ) expression. Expression of p53T18A, p53T18D and p53D21A in p53/Mdm-2-double null cells exhibited no discernible differences in p21 expression. Cell proliferation was also significantly curtailed in p53-null cells transfected with p53T18D/S20D relative to cells transfected with wt p53. We conclude the irradiation-induced phosphorylation of p53 at Thr18 and Ser20 alters the α-helical conformation of its transactivation domain. Altered conformation reduces direct interaction with the transrepressor Mdm-2, enhancing indirect recruitment of the basal transcription factor TAFII31, facilitating sequence-specific transactivation function resulting in proliferative arrest. ^


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Exogenous ligands that bind to the estrogen receptor (ER) exhibit unique pharmacologies distinct from that observed with the endogenous hormone, 17β-estradiol (ED. Differential activity among ER ligands has been observed at the level of receptor binding, promoter interaction and transcriptional activation. Furthermore, xenoestrogens can display tissue-specific agonist activity on the cellular level, functioning as an agonist in one tissue and as an antagonist in another. That the same ligand, functioning through the same receptor, can produce differing agonist responses on the cellular level indicates that there are tissue-specific determinants of agonist activity. In these studies critical molecular determinants of agonist activity were characterized for several cell types. In the normal and neoplastic myometrium a proliferative response was dependent upon activation of AF2 of the ER, functioning as a determinant of agonism in this cell type. Progesterone receptor (PR) ligands transdominantly suppressed ER-mediated transcription and proliferation in uterine leiomyoma cells, indicating that ER/PR cross-talk can modulate agonist activity in a myometrial cell background. In the breast, the agonist response to ER ligands was investigated by employing a functional genomics approach to generate gene expression profiles. Treatment of breast cancer cells with the selective estrogen receptor modulator tamoxifen largely recapitulated the expression profile induced by treatment with the agonist E2, despite the well-characterized antiproliferative effects produced by tamoxifen in this cell type. While the expression of many genes involved in regulating cell cycle progression, including fos, myc, cdc25a, stk15 and cyclin A, were induced by both E2 and tamoxifen in breast cells, treatment with the agonist E2 specifically induced the expression of cyclin D1, fra-1 , and uracil DNA glycosylase. These results suggest that the inability of tamoxifen to transactivate expression of only a few key genes, functioning as cellular gatekeepers, prevent tamoxifen-treated breast cells from entering the cell cycle. Thus, the expression of these agonist-specific marker genes is a potential determinant of agonist activity at the cellular level in the breast. Collectively, studies in the breast and uterine myometrium have identified several mechanisms whereby ER ligands modulate ER-mediated signaling and provide insights into the biology of tissue-specific agonist activity in hormone-responsive tissues. ^


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c-Met is the protein tyrosine kinase receptor for hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) and mediates several normal cellular functions including proliferation, survival, and migration. Overexpression of c-Met correlates with progression and metastasis of human colorectal carcinoma (CRC). The goals of this study were to determine if overexpression of c-Met directly contributes to tumorigenicity and liver metastatic potential of colon cancer, and what are the critical pathways regulated by c-Met in this process. The studies used two colon tumor cell lines, KM12SM and KM20, which express high levels of constitutively active c-Met and are highly metastatic in nude mice. To examine the effects of c-Met overexpression, subclones of theses lines with reduced c-Met expression were obtained following transfection with a c-Met specific targeting ribozyme. Reduction of c-Met in KM12SM cells abolished liver metastases when cells were injected intrasplenically in an experimental metastasis assay. However, c-Met downregulation in theses clones was unstable. Three stable KM20 clones with a 25–35% reduction in c-Met protein levels but 60–90% reduction in basal c-Met autophosphorylation and kinase activity were obtained. While HGF increased c-Met kinase activity in the clones with reduced c-Met, the activity was less than that observed in parental or control transfected cells. Correlating with the reduction in c-Met kinase activity, subclones with reduced c-Met expression had significantly reduced in vitro growth rates, soft-agar colony forming abilities, and increased apoptosis. HGF/SF treatment did not affect anchorage-dependent growth or soft-agar colony forming abilities. Further, c-Met downregulation significantly impaired the ability of HGF/SF to induce migration. To examine the effects of reduced c-Met on tumor formation, parental and c-Met reduced KM20 cells were grown subcutaneously and intrahepatically in nude mice. c-Met downregulation delayed, but did not abolish growth at the subcutaneous site. When these cells were injected intrahepatically, both tumor incidences and size were significantly reduced. To further understand the molecular basis of c-Met in promoting tumor growth, the activation of several signaling intermediates that have been implicated in c-Met mediated growth, survival and migration were compared between KM20 parental cells and subclones with reduced c-Met expression levels. The expression and activity (as determined by phosphorylation) of AKT and Erk1/2 were unaltered. In contrast, Src kinase activity, as measured by immune complex kinase assay, was reduced 2–5 fold following c-Met downregulation. As Src has been implicated in growth, survival and migration, Src activation in c-Met overexpressing lines is likely contributing to the tumorigenic and metastatic capabilities of colon tumor cell lines that overexpress c-Met. Collectively, these results suggest that c-Met overexpression plays a causal role in the development of CRC liver metastases, and that c-Src and c-Met inhibitors may be of potential therapeutic benefit for late-stage colon cancer. ^


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The human glutathione S-transferase P1 (GSTP1) protein is an endogenous inhibitor of c-jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) and an important phase II detoxification enzyme. ^ Recent identification of a cAMP response element (CRE) in the 5 ′-region of the human GSTP1 gene and several putative phosphorylation sites for the Ser/Thr protein kinases, including, cAMP-dependent protein kinases (PKAs), protein kinases C (PKCs), and JNKs in the GSTP1 protein raised the possibility that signaling pathways may play an important role in the transcriptional and post-translational regulation of GSTP1 gene. This study examined (a) whether the signaling pathway mediated by CAMP, via the GSTP1 CRE, is involved in the transcriptional regulation of the GSTP1 gene, (b) whether signaling pathways mediated by the Ser/Thr protein kinases (PKAs, PKCs, and JNKs) induce post-translational modification, viz. phosphorylation of the GSTP1 protein, and (c) whether such phosphorylation of the GSTP1 protein alters its functions in metabolism and in JNK signaling. ^ The first major finding in this study is the establishment of the human GSTP1 gene as a novel CAMP responsive gene in which transcription is activated via an interaction between PKA activated CRE binding protein-1 (CREB-1) and the CRE in the 5′-regulatory region. ^ The second major finding in this study is the observation that the GSTP1 protein undergoes phosphorylation and functionally activated by second messenger-activated protein kinases, PKA and PKC, in tumor cells with activated signaling pathways. Following phosphorylation by PKA or PKC, the catalytic activity of the GSTP1 protein was significantly enhanced, as indicated by a decrease in its Km (2- to 3.6-fold) and an increase in Kcat/ Km (1.6- to 2.5-fold) for glutathione. Given the frequent over-expression of GSTP1 and the aberrant PKA/PKC signaling cascade observed in tumors, these findings suggest that phosphorylation of GSTP1 may contribute to the malignant progression and drug-resistant phenotype of these tumors. ^ The third major finding in this study is that the GSTP1 protein, an inhibitor of JNKs, undergoes significant phosphorylation in tumor cells with activated JNK signaling pathway and in those under oxidative stress. Following phosphorylation by JNK, the ability of GSTP1 to inhibit JNK downstream function, i.e. c-jun phosphorylation, was significantly enhanced, suggesting a feedback mechanism of regulation of JNK-mediated cellular signaling. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas are common tumors of the human immune system, primarily of B cell lineage (NHL-B). Negative growth regulation in the B cell lineage is mediated primarily through the TGF-β/SMAD signaling pathway that regulates a variety of tumor suppressor genes. Ski was originally identified as a transforming oncoprotein, whereas SnoN is an isoform of the Sno protein that shares a large region of homology with Ski. In this study, we show that Ski/SnoN are endogenously over-expressed both in patients' lymphoma cells and NHL-B cell lines. Exogenous TGF-β1 treatment induces down-regulation of Ski and SnoN oncoprotein expression in an NHL-B cell line, implying that Ski and SnoN modulate the TGF-β signaling pathway and are involved in cell growth regulation. Furthermore, we have developed an NHL-B cell line (DB) that has a null mutation in TGF-β receptor type II. In this mutant cell line, Ski/SnoN proteins are not down-regulated in response to TGF-β1 treatment, suggesting that downregulation of Ski and SnoN proteins in NHL-B require an intact functional TGF-β signaling pathway Resting normal B cells do not express Ski until activated by antigens and exogenous cytokines, whereas a low level of SnoN is also present in peripheral blood Go B cells. In contrast, autonomously growing NHL-B cells over-express Ski and SnoN, implying that Ski and SnoN are important cell cycle regulators. To further investigate a possible link between reduction of the Ski protein level and growth inhibition, Ski antisense oligodeoxynucleotides were transfected into NHL-B cells. The Ski protein level was found to decrease to less than 40%, resulting in restoring the effect of TGF-β and leading to cell growth inhibition and G1 cell cycle arrest. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated that Ski associates with Smad4 in the nucleus, strongly suggesting that over-expression of the nuclear protein Ski and/or SnoN negatively regulates the TGF-β pathway, possibly by modulating Smad-mediated tumor suppressor gene expression. Together, in NHL-B, the TGF-β/SMAD growth inhibitory pathway is usually intact, but over-expression of the Ski and/or SnoN, which binds to Smad4, abrogates the negative regulatory effects of TGF-β/SMAD in lymphoma cell growth and potentiates the growth potential of neoplastic B cells. ^