34 resultados para spore dosimetry


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To ensure the integrity of an intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment, each plan must be validated through a measurement-based quality assurance (QA) procedure, known as patient specific IMRT QA. Many methods of measurement and analysis have evolved for this QA. There is not a standard among clinical institutions, and many devices and action levels are used. Since the acceptance criteria determines if the dosimetric tools’ output passes the patient plan, it is important to see how these parameters influence the performance of the QA device. While analyzing the results of IMRT QA, it is important to understand the variability in the measurements. Due to the different form factors of the many QA methods, this reproducibility can be device dependent. These questions of patient-specific IMRT QA reproducibility and performance were investigated across five dosimeter systems: a helical diode array, radiographic film, ion chamber, diode array (AP field-by-field, AP composite, and rotational composite), and an in-house designed multiple ion chamber phantom. The reproducibility was gauged for each device by comparing the coefficients of variation (CV) across six patient plans. The performance of each device was determined by comparing each one’s ability to accurately label a plan as acceptable or unacceptable compared to a gold standard. All methods demonstrated a CV of less than 4%. Film proved to have the highest variability in QA measurement, likely due to the high level of user involvement in the readout and analysis. This is further shown by how the setup contributed more variation than the readout and analysis for all of the methods, except film. When evaluated for ability to correctly label acceptable and unacceptable plans, two distinct performance groups emerged with the helical diode array, AP composite diode array, film, and ion chamber in the better group; and the rotational composite and AP field-by-field diode array in the poorer group. Additionally, optimal threshold cutoffs were determined for each of the dosimetry systems. These findings, combined with practical considerations for factors such as labor and cost, can aid a clinic in its choice of an effective and safe patient-specific IMRT QA implementation.


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Accurate calculation of absorbed dose to target tumors and normal tissues in the body is an important requirement for establishing fundamental dose-response relationships for radioimmunotherapy. Two major obstacles have been the difficulty in obtaining an accurate patient-specific 3-D activity map in-vivo and calculating the resulting absorbed dose. This study investigated a methodology for 3-D internal dosimetry, which integrates the 3-D biodistribution of the radionuclide acquired from SPECT with a dose-point kernel convolution technique to provide the 3-D distribution of absorbed dose. Accurate SPECT images were reconstructed with appropriate methods for noise filtering, attenuation correction, and Compton scatter correction. The SPECT images were converted into activity maps using a calibration phantom. The activity map was convolved with an $\sp{131}$I dose-point kernel using a 3-D fast Fourier transform to yield a 3-D distribution of absorbed dose. The 3-D absorbed dose map was then processed to provide the absorbed dose distribution in regions of interest. This methodology can provide heterogeneous distributions of absorbed dose in volumes of any size and shape with nonuniform distributions of activity. Comparison of the activities quantitated by our SPECT methodology to true activities in an Alderson abdominal phantom (with spleen, liver, and spherical tumor) yielded errors of $-$16.3% to 4.4%. Volume quantitation errors ranged from $-$4.0 to 5.9% for volumes greater than 88 ml. The percentage differences of the average absorbed dose rates calculated by this methodology and the MIRD S-values were 9.1% for liver, 13.7% for spleen, and 0.9% for the tumor. Good agreement (percent differences were less than 8%) was found between the absorbed dose due to penetrating radiation calculated from this methodology and TLD measurement. More accurate estimates of the 3-D distribution of absorbed dose can be used as a guide in specifying the minimum activity to be administered to patients to deliver a prescribed absorbed dose to tumor without exceeding the toxicity limits of normal tissues. ^


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Heterotrimeric G protein-mediated signal transduction is one of numerous means that cells utilize to respond to external stimuli. G proteins consist of α, β andγ subunits. Extracellular ligands bind to seven-transmembrane helix receptors, triggering conformational changes. This is followed by activation of coupled G proteins through the exchange of GDP for GTP on the Gα subunit. Once activated, Gα-GTP dissociates from the βγ dimer. Both of these two moieties can interact with downstream effectors, such as adenylyl cyclase, phospholipase C, phosphodiesterases, or ion channels, leading to a series of changes in cellular metabolism and physiology. ^ Neurospora crassa is a eukaryotic multicellular filamentous fungus, with asexual/vegetative and sexual phases to its life cycle. Three Gα (GNA-1, GNA-2, GNA-3) and one Gβ (GNB-1) proteins have been identified in this organism. This dissertation investigates GNA-1 and GNB-1 mediated signaling pathways in N. crassa. ^ GNA-1 was the first identified microbial Gα that belongs to a mammalian superfamily (Gαi). Deletion of GNA-1 leads to multiple defects in N. crassa. During the asexual cycle, Δgna-1 strains display a slower growth rate and delayed conidiation on solid medium. In the sexual cycle, the Δgna-1 mutant is male-fertile but female-sterile. Biochemical studies have shown that Δ gna-1 strains have lower adenosine 3′–5 ′ cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) levels than wild type under conditions where phenotypic defects are observed. In this thesis work, strains containing one of two GTPase-deficient gna-1 alleles (gna-1 R178C, gna-1Q204L) leading to constitutive activation of GNA-1 have been constructed and characterized. Activation of GNA-1 causes uncontrolled aerial hyphae proliferation, elevated sensitivity to heat and oxidative stresses, and lower carotenoid synthesis. To further study the function of GNA-1, constructs to enable expression of mammalian Gαi superfamily members were transformed into a Δ gna-1 strain, and complementation of Δgna-1 defects investigated. Gαs, which is not a member of Gα i superfamily was used as a control. These mammalian Gα genes were able to rescue the vegetative growth rate defect of the Δ gna-1 strain in the following order: Gαz > Gα o > Gαs > Gαt > Gαi. In contrast, only Gαo was able to complement the sexual defect of a Δgna-1 strain. With regard to the thermotolerance phenotype, none of the mammalian Gα genes restored the sensitivity to a wild type level. These results suggest that GNA-1 regulates two independent pathways during the vegetative and sexual cycles in N. crassa. ^ GNB-1, a G protein β subunit from N. crassa, was identified and its functions investigated in this thesis work. The sequence of the gnb-1 gene predicts a polypeptide of 358 residues with a molecular mass of 39.7 kDa. GNB-1 exhibits 91% identity to Cryphonectria parasitica CPGB-1, and also displays significant homology with human and Dictyostelium Gβ genes (∼66%). A Δ gnb-1 strain was constructed and shown to exhibit defects in asexual spore germination, vacuole number and size, mass accumulation and female fertility. A novel role for GNB-1 in regulation of GNA-1 and GNA-2 protein levels was also demonstrated. ^


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The gliding bacterium Myxococcus xanthus aggregates to form spore-filled fruiting bodies when starved at high density. All of the identified M. xanthus lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O-antigen biosynthesis mutants exhibit defective motility and fruiting-body development. To determine the cause of these phenotypes, the cell-surface properties of the LPS O-antigen mutants were compared to wild-type cells. The binding characteristics of wild-type and LPS O-antigen-defective strains to cationic resin indicate that the mutant cell surfaces are more electronegative. Antibiotic sensitivity and hexadecane adhesion assays indicate that the wild-type M. xanthus cell surface is hydrophobic, supporting the idea that phospholipids are present in the outer leaflet of the outer membrane. The absence of the LPS O-antigen appears to expose charges associated with phospholipids and LPS core/lipid A, resulting in a dramatic alteration of the cell-surface organization and charge. These differences may affect the interaction of the LPS O-antigen mutants with their substratum and neighboring cells, leading to defects in social and single-cell gliding motility and thus, deficiencies in fruiting body formation. ^ The LPS O-antigen biosynthetic mutations also bypass the requirement of 4521 gene expression for the cell-density signal, A signal. The 4521 gene is overexpressed in these mutants. This 4521 overexpression is dependent on the sensor kinase SasS. Co-development with wild-type cells, or the addition of crude polysaccharides or membrane vesicles restores the ability of LPS O-antigen mutants to form fruiting bodies and lowers 4521 developmental gene expression to wild-type levels. Wild-type vesicles may attach or incorporate into the outer membrane of the mutants that lack LPS O-antigen, restoring a wild-type periplasmic status and allowing for normal levels of 4521 activity and fruiting body formation. We propose that the LPS composition and the configuration of the outer membrane are important elements for the complex behavioral response of M. xanthus fruiting body development. ^