36 resultados para post-translational regulation


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The nar operon, which encodes the nitrate reductase in Escherichia coli, can be induced under anaerobic conditions without nitrate to a low level and with nitrate to a maximum level. The anaerobic formation of nitrate reductase is dependent upon the fnr gene product while the narL gene product is required for further induction by nitrate. The sequence was determined across the entire promoter and regulatory region of the nar operon. The translational start site of the first structural gene of the nar operon, narG gene, was established by identifying the nucleotide sequence for the first 20 N-terminal amino acid residues of the alpha subunit of nitrate reductase. The transcriptional start site and the level of the transcript was determined by S1 mapping procedure. One major transcript was identified which was initiated 50 base pair (bp) upstream from the translational start site of the first structural gene. The synthesis of the transcript was repressed aerobically, fully induced by nitrate anaerobically, and greatly reduced in a ${\rm Fnr\sp-}$ mutant. Deletions were created in the 5$\sp\prime$ nar regulatory sequence with either an intact nar operon or a nar::lacZ fusion. The expression of the plasmids with deletions were determined in a strain with wild type fnr and narL loci, a Fnr- mutant strain and a NarL- mutant strain. These experiments demonstrated that the $5\sp\prime$ limit of the nar operon lies at about $-210$ bp from the transcription start site. The region required for anaerobic induction by the fnr gene product is located around $-60$ bp. Two putative narL recognition sites were identified, one of which is around $-200$ and another immediately adjacent to the fnr recognition region. The deletion of the sequences around $-200$ rendered the remaining narL complex repressive and thus decreased the expression of nar operon, suggesting that the two potential narL sites interact with each other over a significant length of DNA. ^


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Human behavior appears to be regulated in part by noradrenergic transmission since antidepressant drugs modify the number and function of (beta)-adrenergic receptors in the central nervous system. Affective illness is also known to be associated with the endocrine system, particularly the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. The aim of the present study was to determine whether hormones, in particular adrencorticotrophin (ACTH) and corticosterone, may influence behavior by regulating brain noradrenergic receptor function.^ Chronic treatment with ACTH accelerated the increase or decrease in rat brain (beta)-adrenergic receptor number induced by a lesion of the dorsal noradrenergic bundle or treatment with the antidepressant imipramine. Chronic administration of ACTH alone had no effect on (beta)-receptor number although it reduced norepinephrine stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation in brain slices. Treatment with imipramine also reduced the cyclic AMP response to norepinephrine but was accompanied by a decrease in (beta)-adrenergic receptor number. Both the imipramine and ACTH treatments reduced the affinity of (beta)-adrenergic receptors for norepinephrine, but only the antidepressant modified the potency of the neurotransmitter to stimulate second messenger production. Neither ACTH nor imipramine treatment altered Gpp(NH)p- or fluoride-stimulated adenylate cyclase, cyclic AMP, cyclic GMP, or cyclic GMP-stimulated cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase, or the activity of the guanine nucleotide binding protein (Gs). These findings suggested that post-receptor components of the cyclic nucleotide generating system are not influenced by the hormone or antidepressant. This conclusion was verified by the finding that neither treatment altered adenosine-stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation in brain tissue.^ A detailed examination of the (alpha)- and (beta)-adrenergic receptor components of norepinephrine-stimulated cyclic AMP production revealed that ACTH, but not imipramine, administration reduced the contribution of the (alpha)-receptor mediated response. Like ACTH treatment, corticosterone diminished the (alpha)-adrenergic component indicating that adrenal steroids probably mediate the neurochemical responses to ACTH administration. The data indicate that adrenal steroids and antidepressants decrease noradrenergic receptor function by selectively modifying the (alpha)- and (beta)-receptor components. The functional similarity in the action of the steroid and antidepressants suggests that adrenal hormones normally contribute to the maintenance of receptor systems which regulate affective behavior in man. ^


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Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 is a Gram negative facultative photoheterotrophic bacterium that has been shown to have an N-acyl homoserine lactone-based quorum sensing system called cer for c&barbelow;ommunity e&barbelow;scape r&barbelow;esponse. The cer ORFs are cerR, the transcriptional regulator, cerI, the autoinducer synthase and cerA , whose function is unknown. The autoinducer molecule, 7,8- cis-N-(tetradecenoyl) homoserine lactone, has been characterized. The objective of this study was to identify an environmental stimulus that influences the regulation of cerRAI and, to characterize transcription of the cer operon. ^ A cerR::lacZ transcriptional fusion was made and β-Galactosidase assays were performed in R. sphaeroides 2.4.1 strains, wild type, AP3 (CerI−) and AP4 (CerR−). The cerR::lacZ β-Galactosidase assays were used as an initial survey of the mode of regulation of the Cer system. A cerA::lacZ translational fusion was created and was used to show that cerA can be translated. The presence of 7,8-cis-N-(tetradecenoyl) homoserine lactone was detected from R. sphaeroides strains wild type and AP4 (CerR−) using a lasR::lacZ translational fusion autoinducer bioassay. The cerR::lacZ transcriptional fusion in R. sphaeroides 2.4.1 wild type was tested under different environmental stimuli, such as various carbon sources, oxygen tensions, light intensities and culture media to determine if they influence transcription of the cer ORFs. Although lacZ assay data implicated high light intensity at 100 W/m2 to stimulate cer transcription, quantitative Northern RNA data of the cerR transcript showed that low light intensity at 3 W/m2 is at least one environmental stimulus that induces cer transcription. This finding was supported by DNA microarray analysis. Northern analysis of the cerRAI transcript provided evidence that the cer ORFs are co-transcribed, and that the cer operon contains two additional genes. Bioinformatics was used to identify genes that may be regulated by the Cer system by identifying putative lux box homologue sequences in the presumed promoter region of these genes. Genes that were identified were fliQ, celB and calsymin, all implicated in interacting with plants. Primer extension was used to help localize cis-elements in the promoter region. The cerR::lacZ transcriptional fusion was monitored in a subset of different global DNA binding transcriptional regulator mutant strains of R. sphaeroides 2.4.1. Those regulators involved in maintaining an anaerobic photosynthetic lifestyle appeared to have an effect. Collectively, the data imply that R. sphaeroides 2.4.1 activates the Cer system when grown anaerobic photosynthetically at low light intensity, 3 W/m2, and it may be involved in an interaction with plants. ^


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As the major anionic phospholipids predominantly found in the mitochondrial inner membrane of eukaryotic cells, cardiolipin (CL) and its precursor phosphatidylglycerol (PG) are of great importance in many critical mitochondrial processes. Pgs1Δ cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae lacking both PG and CL display severe mitochondrial defects. Translation of several proteins including products of four mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) encoded genes (COX1, COX2, COX3, and COB ) and one nuclear-encoded gene (COX4) is inhibited. The molecular basis of this phenotype was analyzed using a combined biochemical, molecular and genetic approach. ^ Using a mitochondrial targeted green fluorescence protein (mtGFP) fused to the COX4 promoter and its 5′ and 3′ untranslated regions (UTRs), lack of mtGFP expression independent of carbon source and strain background was confirmed to be at the translational level. The translational defect was not due to deficiency of mitochondrial respiratory function but rather caused directly by the lack of PG/CL in the mitochondrial membrane. Re-introduction of a functional PGS1 gene restored PG synthesis and expression of the above mtGFP. Deletional analysis of the 5′ UTR of COX4 mRNA revealed the presence of a 50 nt sequence as a cis-acting element inhibiting COX4 translation. Using similar constructs with HIS3 and lacZ as reporter genes, extragenic spontaneous mutations that allowed expression of His3p and β-galactosidase were isolated, which appeared to be recessive and derived from loss-of-function mutations as determined by mating analysis. Using a tetracycline repressible plasmid-borne PGS1 expression system and an in vivo mitochondrial protein translation method, the translation of mtDNA encoded COX1 and COX3 mRNAs was shown to be significantly inhibited in parallel with reduced levels of PG/CL content. Therefore, the cytoplasmic translation machinery appears to be able to sense the level of PG/CL in mitochondria and regulate COX4 translation coordinately with the mtDNA encoded subunits. ^ The essential requirement of PG and CL in mitochondrial function was further demonstrated in the study of CL synthesis by factors affecting mitochondrial biogenesis such as carbon source, growth phase or mitochondrial mutations at the level of transcription. We have also demonstrated that CL synthesis is dependent on the level of PG and INO2/INO4 regulatory genes. ^


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Mechanisms that allow pathogens to colonize the host are not the product of isolated genes, but instead emerge from the concerted operation of regulatory networks. Therefore, identifying components and the systemic behavior of networks is necessary to a better understanding of gene regulation and pathogenesis. To this end, I have developed systems biology approaches to study transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene regulation in bacteria, with an emphasis in the human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). First, I developed a network response method to identify parts of the Mtb global transcriptional regulatory network utilized by the pathogen to counteract phagosomal stresses and survive within resting macrophages. As a result, the method unveiled transcriptional regulators and associated regulons utilized by Mtb to establish a successful infection of macrophages throughout the first 14 days of infection. Additionally, this network-based analysis identified the production of Fe-S proteins coupled to lipid metabolism through the alkane hydroxylase complex as a possible strategy employed by Mtb to survive in the host. Second, I developed a network inference method to infer the small non-coding RNA (sRNA) regulatory network in Mtb. The method identifies sRNA-mRNA interactions by integrating a priori knowledge of possible binding sites with structure-driven identification of binding sites. The reconstructed network was useful to predict functional roles for the multitude of sRNAs recently discovered in the pathogen, being that several sRNAs were postulated to be involved in virulence-related processes. Finally, I applied a combined experimental and computational approach to study post-transcriptional repression mediated by small non-coding RNAs in bacteria. Specifically, a probabilistic ranking methodology termed rank-conciliation was developed to infer sRNA-mRNA interactions based on multiple types of data. The method was shown to improve target prediction in Escherichia coli, and therefore is useful to prioritize candidate targets for experimental validation.


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The neu oncogene encodes a growth factor receptor-like protein, p185, with an intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity. A single point mutation, an A to T transversion resulting in an amino acid substitution from valine to glutamic acid, in the transmembrane domain of the rat neu gene was found to be responsible for the transforming and tumorigenic phenotype of the cells that carry it. In contrast, the human proto-neu oncogene is frequently amplified in tumors and cell lines derived from tumors and the human neu gene overexpression/amplification in breast and ovarian cancers is known to correlate with poor patient prognosis. Examples of the human neu gene overexpression in the absence of gene amplification have been observed, which may suggest the significant role of the transcriptional and/or post-transcriptional control of the neu gene in the oncogenic process. However, little is known about the transcriptional mechanisms which regulate the neu gene expression. In this study, three examples are presented to demonstrate the positive and negative control of the neu gene expression.^ First, by using band shift assays and methylation interference analyses, I have identified a specific protein-binding sequence, AAGATAAAACC ($-$466 to $-$456), that binds a specific trans-acting factor termed RVF (for EcoRV factor on the neu promoter). The RVF-binding site is required for maximum transcriptional activity of the rat neu promoter. This same sequence is also found in the corresponding regions of both human and mouse neu promoters. Furthermore, this sequence can enhance the CAT activity driven by a minimum promoter of the thymidine kinase gene in an orientation-independent manner, and thus it behaves as an enhancer. In addition, Southwestern (DNA-protein) blot analysis using the RVF-binding site as a probe points to a 60-kDa polypeptide as a potential candidate for RVF.^ Second, it has been reported that the E3 region of adenovirus 5 induces down-regulation of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor through endocytosis. I found that the human neu gene product, p185, (an EGF receptor-related protein) is also down-regulated by adenovirus 5, but via a different mechanism. I demonstrate that the adenovirus E1a gene is responsible for the repression of the human neu gene at the transcriptional level.^ Third, a differential expression of the neu gene has been found in two cell model systems: between the mouse fibroblast Swiss-Webster 3T3 (SW3T3) and its variant NR-6 cells; and between the mouse liver tumor cell line, Hep1-a, and the mouse pancreas tumor cell line, 266-6. Both NR-6 and 266-6 cell lines are not able to express the neu gene product, p185. I demonstrate that, in both cases, the transcriptional repression of the neu gene may account for the lack of the p185 expression in these two cell lines. ^