43 resultados para angiogenesis


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The mammalian Forkhead Box (Fox) transcription factor (FoxM1) is implicated in tumorgenesis. However, the role and regulation of FoxM1 in gastric cancer remain unknown.^ I examined FoxM1 expression in 86 cases of primary gastric cancer and 57 normal gastric tissue specimens. I found weak expression of FoxM1 protein in normal gastric mucosa, whereas I observed strong staining for FoxM1 in tumor-cell nuclei in various gastric tumors and lymph node metastases. The aberrant FoxM1 expression is associated with VEGF expression and increased angiogenesis in human gastric cancer. A Cox proportional hazards model revealed that FoxM1 expression was an independent prognostic factor in multivariate analysis. Furthermore, overexpression of FoxM1 by gene transfer significantly promoted the growth and metastasis of gastric cancer cells in orthotopic mouse models, whereas knockdown of FoxM1 expression by small interfering RNA did the opposite. Next, I observed that alteration of tumor growth and metastasis by elevated FoxM1 expression was directly correlated with alteration of VEGF expression and angiogenesis. In addition, promotion of gastric tumorigenesis by FoxM1 directly and significantly correlated with transactivation of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression and elevation of angiogenesis. ^ To further investigate the underlying mechanisms that result in FoxM1 overexpression in gastric cancer, I investigated FoxM1 and Krüppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) expressions in primary gastric cancer and normal gastric tissue specimens. Concomitance of increased expression of FoxM1 protein and decreased expression of KLF4 protein was evident in human gastric cancer. Enforced KLF4 expression suppressed FoxM1 protein expression. Moreover, a region within the proximal FoxM1 promoter was identified to have KLF4-binding sites. Finally, I found an increased FoxM1 expression in gastric mucosa of villin-Cre -directed tissue specific Klf4-null mice.^ In summary, I offered both clinical and mechanistic evidence that dysregulated expression of FoxM1 play an important role in gastric cancer development and progression, while KLF4 mediates negative regulation of FoxM1 expression and its loss significantly contributes to FoxM1 dysregulation. ^


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Approximately 12,000 new cases of spinal cord injury (SCI) are added each year to the estimated 259,000 Americans living with SCI. The majority of these patients return to society, their lives forever changed by permanent loss of sensory and motor function. While there are no FDA approved drugs for the treatment of SCI or a universally accepted standard therapy, the current though controversial treatment includes the delivery of high dosages of the corticosteroid methyliprednisolone sodium succinate, surgical interventions to stabilize the spinal column, and physical rehabilitation. It is therefore critically important to fully understand the pathology of injury and determine novel courses and rationally-based therapies for SCI. ^ Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is an attractive target for treating central nervous system (CNS) injury and disease because it has been shown to influence angiogenesis and neuroprotection. Preliminary studies have indicated that increased vasculature may be associated with functional recovery; therefore exogenous delivery of a pro-angiogenic growth factor such as VEGF may improve neurobehavioral outcome. In addition, VEGF may provide protection from secondary injury and result in increased survival and axonal sprouting. ^ In these studies, SCI rats received acute intraspinal injections of VEGF, the antibody to VEGF, or vehicle control. The effect of these various agents was investigated using longitudinalmulti-modal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), neuro- and sensory behavioral assays, and end point immunohistochemistry. We found that rats that received VEGF after SCI had increased tissue sparing and improved white matter integrity at the earlier time points as shown by advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques. However, these favorable effects of VEGF were not maintained, suggesting that additional treatments with VEGF at multiple time points may be more beneficial, Histological examinations revealed that VEGF treatment may result in increased oligodendrogenesis and therefore may eventually lead to remyelination and improved functional outcome. ^ On the neurobehavioral studies, treatments with VEGF and Anti-VEGF did not significantly affect performance on tests of open-field locomotion, grid walk, inclined plane, or rearing. However, VEGF treatment resulted in significantly increased incidence of chronic neuropathic pain. This phenomenon could possibly be attributed to the fact that VEGF treatment may promote axonal sprouting and also results in tissue sparing, thereby providing a substrate for the growth of new axons. New connections made by these sprouting axons may involve components of pathways involved in the transmission of pain and therefore result in increased pain in those animals. ^


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Background: Resistance to targeted anti-angiogenic therapy is a growing clinical concern given the disappointing clinical impact of anti-angiogenic. Platelets represent a component of the tumor microenvironment that are implicated in metastasis and represent a significant reservoir of angiogenic regulators. Thrombocytosis has been shown to be caused by malignancy and associated with adverse clinical outcomes, however the causal connections between these associations remain to be identified. Materials and Methods: Following IRB approval, patient data were collected on patients from four U.S. centers and platelet levels through and after therapy were considered as indicators of recurrence of disease. In vitro effects of platelets on cancer cell proliferation, apoptosis, and migration were examined. RNA interference was used to query signaling pathways mediating these effects. The necessity of platelet activation for in vitro effect was analyzed. In vivo orthotopic models were used to query the impact of thrombocytosis and thrombocytopenia on the efficacy of cytotoxic chemotherapy, the effect of aspirin on thrombocytosis and cancer, and platelet effect on anti-angiogenic therapy. Results: Platelets were found to increase at the time of diagnosis of ovarian cancer recurrence in a pattern comparable to CA-125. Platelet co-culture increased proliferation, increased migration, and decreased apoptosis in all cell lines tested. RNA interference implicated platelet derived growth factor alpha (PDGFRA) and transforming growth factor beta-receptor 1 (TGFBR1) signaling. Biodistribution studies suggested minimal platelet sequestration of taxanes. Blockade of platelet activation blocked in vitro effects. In vivo, thrombocytosis blocked chemotherapeutic efficacy, thrombocytopenia increased chemotherapeutic efficacy, and aspirin therapy partially blocked the effects of thrombocytosis. In vivo, withdrawal of anti-angiogenic therapy caused loss of therapeutic benefit with evidence of accelerated disease growth. This effect was blocked by use of a small-molecule inhibitor of Focal Adhesion Kinase. Anti-angiogenic therapy was also associated with increased platelet infiltration into tumor that was not seen to the same degree in the control or FAK-inhibitor-treated mice. Conclusions: Platelets are active participants in the growth and metastasis of tumor, both directly and via facilitation of angiogenesis. Blocking platelets, blocking platelet activation, and blocking platelet trafficking into tumor are novel therapeutic avenues supported by this data. Copyright © 2012 Justin Neal Bottsford-Miller, all rights reserved.


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Proinflammatory cytokine TNFa plays critical roles in promoting malignant cell proliferation, angiogenesis, and tumor metastasis in many cancers. However, the mechanism of TNFa-mediated tumor development remains unclear. Here, we show that IKKa, an important downstream kinase of TNFa, interacts with and phosphorylates FOXA2 at S107/S111, thereby suppressing FOXA2 transactivation activity and leading to decreased NUMB expression, and further activates the downstream NOTCH pathway and promotes cell proliferation and tumorigenesis. Moreover, we found that levels of IKKa, pFOXA2 (S107/ 111), and activated NOTCH1 were significantly higher in hepatocellular carcinoma tumors than in normal liver tissues and that pFOXA2 (S107/111) expression was positively correlated with IKKa and activated NOTCH1 expression in tumor tissues. Therefore, dysregulation of NUMB-mediated suppression of NOTCH1 by TNFa/IKKa-associated FOXA2 inhibition likely contributes to inflammationmediated cancer pathogenesis. Here, we report a TNFa/IKKa/FOXA2/NUMB/NOTCH1 pathway that is critical for inflammation-mediated tumorigenesis and may provide a target for clinical intervention in human cancer.


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It is well accepted that tumorigenesis is a multi-step procedure involving aberrant functioning of genes regulating cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, genome stability, angiogenesis and motility. To obtain a full understanding of tumorigenesis, it is necessary to collect information on all aspects of cell activity. Recent advances in high throughput technologies allow biologists to generate massive amounts of data, more than might have been imagined decades ago. These advances have made it possible to launch comprehensive projects such as (TCGA) and (ICGC) which systematically characterize the molecular fingerprints of cancer cells using gene expression, methylation, copy number, microRNA and SNP microarrays as well as next generation sequencing assays interrogating somatic mutation, insertion, deletion, translocation and structural rearrangements. Given the massive amount of data, a major challenge is to integrate information from multiple sources and formulate testable hypotheses. This thesis focuses on developing methodologies for integrative analyses of genomic assays profiled on the same set of samples. We have developed several novel methods for integrative biomarker identification and cancer classification. We introduce a regression-based approach to identify biomarkers predictive to therapy response or survival by integrating multiple assays including gene expression, methylation and copy number data through penalized regression. To identify key cancer-specific genes accounting for multiple mechanisms of regulation, we have developed the integIRTy software that provides robust and reliable inferences about gene alteration by automatically adjusting for sample heterogeneity as well as technical artifacts using Item Response Theory. To cope with the increasing need for accurate cancer diagnosis and individualized therapy, we have developed a robust and powerful algorithm called SIBER to systematically identify bimodally expressed genes using next generation RNAseq data. We have shown that prediction models built from these bimodal genes have the same accuracy as models built from all genes. Further, prediction models with dichotomized gene expression measurements based on their bimodal shapes still perform well. The effectiveness of outcome prediction using discretized signals paves the road for more accurate and interpretable cancer classification by integrating signals from multiple sources.


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Use of Echogenic Immunoliposomes for Delivery of both Drug and Stem Cells for Inhibition of Atheroma Progression By Ali K. Naji B.S. Advisor: Dr. Melvin E. Klegerman PhD Background and significance: Echogenic liposomes can be used as drug and cell delivery vehicles that reduce atheroma progression. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a signal protein that induces vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. VEGF functionally induces migration and proliferation of endothelial cells and increases intracellular vascular permeability. VEGF activates angiogenic transduction factors through VEGF tyrosine kinase domains in high-affinity receptors of endothelial cells. Bevacizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody specific for VEGF-A which was developed as an anti-tumor agent. Often, anti-VEGF agents result in regression of existing microvessels, inhibiting tumor growth and possibly causing tumor shrinkage with time. During atheroma progression neovasculation in the arterial adventitia is mediated by VEGF. Therefore, bevacizumab may be effective in inhibiting atheroma progression. Stem cells show an ability to inhibit atheroma progression. We have previously demonstrated that monocyte derived CD-34+ stem cells that can be delivered to atheroma by bifunctional-ELIP ( BF-ELIP) targeted to Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and CD-34. Adhesion molecules such as ICAM-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) are expressed by endothelial cells under inflammatory conditions. Ultrasound enhanced liposomal targeting provides a method for stem cell delivery into atheroma and encapsulated drug release. This project is designed to examine the ability of echogenic liposomes to deliver bevacizumab and stem cells to inhibit atheroma progression and neovasculation with and without ultrasound in vitro and optimize the ultrasound parameters for delivery of bevacizumab and stem cells to atheroma. V Hypotheses: Previous studies showed that endothelial cell VEGF expression may relate to atherosclerosis progression and atheroma formation in the cardiovascular system. Bevacizumab-loaded ELIP will inhibit endothelial cell VEGF expression in vitro. Bevacizumab activity can be enhanced by pulsed Doppler ultrasound treatment of BEV-ELIP. I will also test the hypothesis that the transwell culture system can serve as an in vitro model for study of US-enhanced targeted delivery of stem cells to atheroma. Monocyte preparations will serve as a source of CD34+ stem cells. Specific Aims: Induce VEGF expression using PKA and PKC activation factors to endothelial cell cultures and use western blot and ELISA techniques to detect the expressed VEGF.  Characterize the relationship between endothelial cell proliferation and VEGF expression to develop a specific EC culture based system to demonstrate BEV-ELIP activity as an anti-VEGF agent. Design a cell-based assay for in vitro assessment of ultrasound-enhanced bevacizumab release from echogenic liposomes.  Demonstrate ultrasound delivery enhancement of stem cells by applying different types of liposomes on transwell EC culture using fluorescently labeled monocytes and detect the effect on migration and attachment rate of these echogenic liposomes with and without ultrasound in vitro.


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Tumor growth often outpaces its vascularization, leading to development of a hypoxic tumor microenvironment. In response, an intracellular hypoxia survival pathway is initiated by heterodimerization of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1α and HIF-1β, which subsequently upregulates the expression of several hypoxia-inducible genes, promotes cell survival and stimulates angiogenesis in the oxygen-deprived environment. Hypoxic tumor regions are often associated with resistance to various classes of radio- or chemotherapeutic agents. Therefore, development of HIF-1α/β heterodimerization inhibitors may provide a novel approach to anti-cancer therapy. To this end, a novel approach for imaging HIF-1α/β heterodimerization in vitro and in vivo was developed in this study. Using this screening platform, we identified a promising lead candidate and further chemically derivatized the lead candidate to assess the structure-activity relationship (SAR). The most effective first generation drug inhibitors were selected and their pharmacodynamics and anti-tumor efficacy in vivo were verified by bioluminescence imaging (BLI) of HIF-1α/β heterodimerization in the xenograft tumor model. Furthermore, the first generation drug inhibitors, M-TMCP and D-TMCP, demonstrated efficacy as monotherapies, resulting in tumor growth inhibition via disruption of HIF-1 signaling-mediated tumor stromal neoangiogenesis.


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Recurrence of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) is common; thus, it is essential to improve the effectiveness and reduce toxicity of current treatments. Proteins in the Src/Jak/STAT pathway represent potential therapeutic targets, as this pathway is hyperactive in HNSCC and it has roles in cell migration, metastasis, proliferation, survival, and angiogenesis. During short-term Src inhibition, Janus kinase (Jak) 2, and signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) 3 and STAT5 are dephosphorylated and inactivated. Following sustained Src inhibition, STAT5 remains inactive, but Jak2 and STAT3 are reactivated following their early inhibition. To further characterize the mechanism of this novel feedback pathway we performed several experiments to look at the interactions between Src, Jak2, STAT5 and STAT3. We attempted to develop a non-radioactive kinase assay using purified recombinant Jak2 and Src proteins, but found that phospho-tyrosine antibodies were non-specifically binding to purified recombinant proteins. We then performed in vitro kinase assays (IVKAs) using purified recombinant Jak2, Src, STAT3, and STAT5 proteins with and without Src and Jak2 pharmacologic inhibitors. We also examined the interactions of these proteins in intact HNSCC cells. We found that recombinant Jak2, STAT3, and STAT5 are direct substrates of Src and that recombinant Src, STAT3, and STAT5 are direct substrates of Jak2 in the IVKA. To our knowledge, the finding that Src is a Jak substrate is novel and has not been shown before. In intact HNSCC cells we find that STAT3 can be reactivated despite continuous Src inhibition and that STAT5 continues to be inhibited despite Jak2 reactivation. Also, Jak2 inhibition did not affect Src or STAT5 activity but it did cause STAT3 inhibition. We hypothesized that the differences between the intact cells and the IVKA assays were due to a potential need for binding partners in intact HNSCC cells. One potential binding partner that we examined is the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). We found that EGFR activation caused increased activation of Src and STAT5 but not Jak2. Our results demonstrate that although STAT3 and STAT5 are capable of being Src and Jak2 substrates, in intact HNSCC cells Src predominantly regulates STAT5 and Jak2 regulates STAT3. Regulation of STAT5 by Src may involve interactions between Src and EGFR. This knowledge along with future studies will better define the mechanisms of STAT regulation in HNSCC cells and ultimately result in an ideal combination of therapeutic agents for HNSCC.


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SHP1 is a cytosolic protein tyrosine phosphatase that contains two SH2 domains. It is highly expressed in hematopoietic cells and expressed in normal epithelium at lower levels. While SHP1 in hematopoietic cells is thought to be a negative regulator of cellular signaling by associating with and dephosphorylating various receptors and their downstream effectors after they become activated, its precise function in epithelium remains to be understood. The potential involvement of SHP1 in human tumorigenesis has been hypothesized from the findings that SHP1 can interact with, dephosphorylate, and regulate the activity of several protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) implicated in human cancer. These PTKs include epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and Src. Such speculation is also supported by the report that SHP1 is overexpressed in human ovarian cancers. ^ Here we report, for the first time, that the levels of SHP1 expression and activity are altered in human breast cancer cells in comparison with normal breast epithelium. In particular, SHP1 expression is nearly lost in the breast cancer cell lines MDA-MB231 and MDA-MB435. After the re-introduction of SHP1 both in wild type (wt) and enzymatically inactive (dn) forms, into the MDA-MB231 cells, we observed no changes in cellular proliferation. However, the overexpression of wt SHP1 led to increased anchorage-independent growth in the MDA-MB231 cells. SHP1 phosphatase activity is essential for such an increase since the overexpression of dn SHP1 had no effect. Enhanced turnorigenicity in nude mice was also observed in the MDA-MB231 cells overexpressing wt SHP1, but not dn SHP1, suggesting the crucial function of SHP1 enzymatic activity in this process. Our observations in this study indicate that SHP1 promotes tumorigenesis by a mechanism or mechanisms apart from enchancing angiogenesis. In addition, we have found no evidence that the overexpression of SHP1 could affect metastatic potential in the MDA-MB231 cells. ^ In the MDA-MB231 cells stably transfected with either wt or dn SHP1 the peak level of EGFR tyrosine phosphorylation induced by EGF, as well as the sensitivity to EGF stimulation, was not altered. However, the overexpression of wt SHP1 led to a slight increase in the kinetics of EGFR dephosphorylation, whereas the overexpression of dn SHP1 led to slightly delayed kinetics of EGFR dephosphorylation. The overexpression of either the wt or dn SHP1 did not lead to any significant increase in Src kinase activity. ^ In NIH3T3 cells, the transient overexpression of SHP1 led to no significant changes in MAP kinase (ERK2) activation by EGF or Akt activation by PDGF. In 3T3H4 cells, the transient overexpression of SHP1 led to no significant changes in MAP kinase (ERK2) activation by heregulin. The transient overexpression of wt SHP1 in the MDA-MB231 cells caused an apparent increase, ranging from 10% to 20%, in the G0/G1 population of the cells with a corresponding decrease in the S phase population. ^ In order to understand the mechanisms by which SHP1 exerts its positive effect on the tumorigenic potential of the MDA-MB231 cells, we employed two-dimensional electrophoresis in an attempt to identify cellular protein(s) with significantly altered tyrosine phosphorylation level upon wt SHP1 overexpression. The overexpression of wt SHP1 but not dn SHP1, leads increased tyrosine phosphorylation of a protein with a molecular weight of approximately 40 kDa and a pI between 5.9 to 6.6. ^


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Retinoids are Vitamin A derivatives that are effective chemopreventative and chemotherapeutic agents for head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC). Despite the wide application of retinoids in cancer treatment, the mechanism by which retinoids inhibit head and neck squamous cell carcinomas is not completely understood. While in vitro models show that drugs affect cell proliferation and differentiation, in vivo models, such as tumor xenografts in nude mice drugs affect more complex parameters such as extracellular matrix formation, angiogenesis and inflammation. Therefore, we studied the effects of retinoids on the growth of the 22B HNSCC tumors using a xenograft model. In this system, retinoids had no effect on tumor cell differentiation but caused invasion of the tumor by inflammatory cells. Retinoid induced inflammation lead to tumor cell death and tumor regression. Therefore, we hypothesized that retinoids stimulated the 22B HNSCC xenografts to produce a pro-inflammatory signal such as chemokines that in turn activated host inflammatory responses. ^ We used real time quantitative RT-PCR to measure cytokine and chemokine expression in retinoid treated tumors. Treatment of tumors with an RAR-specific retinoid, LGD1550, had no effect on the expression of TNFα, IL-1α, GROα, IP-10, Rantes, MCP-1 and MIP-1α but induced IL-8 mRNA 5-fold. We further characterized the retinoid effect on IL-8 expression on the 22B HNSCC and 1483 HNSCC cells in vitro. Retinoids increased IL-8 expression and enhanced TNFα-dependent IL-8 induction. In addition, retinoids increased the basal and TNFα-dependent expression of MCP-1 but decreased the basal and TNFα dependent expression of IP-10. The effect of retinoids on IL-8 and MCP-1 expression was very rapid with increased levels of mRNA detected within 1–2 hours. This effect did not require new protein synthesis and did not result from mRNA stabilization. Both RAR and RXR ligands increased IL-8 expression whereas only RAR ligands activated MCP-1 expression. ^ We identified a functional retinoid response element in the IL-8 promoter that was located adjacent to the C/EBP-NFkB response element. TNFα treatment of the 22B cells caused rapid, transient and selective acetylation of regions of the IL-8 promoter associated with the NFkB response element. Co-treatment of the cells with retinoids plus TNF increased the acetylation of chromatin in this region without altering the kinetics of acetylation. These results demonstrate that ligand activated retinoid receptors can cooperate with NFkB in histone acetylation and chromatin remodeling. We believe that in certain HNSCC tumors this cooperation and the resulting enhancement of IL-8 expression can induce an inflammatory response that leads to tumor regression. We believe that the induction of inflammation in susceptible tumors, possibly coupled with cytotoxic interventions may be an important component in the use of retinoids to treat human squamous cancers. ^


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Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) plays an important role in tumor invasion and angiogenesis. Secretion of MMP-9 has been reported in various cancer types including lung cancer, brain cancer, colon cancer, and breast cancer. Heregulin is a growth factor that regulates growth and differentiation of normal breast cells as well as mammary tumor cells. To study the role of heregulin in breast cancer metastasis, we tested whether heregulin may regulate MMP-9 secretion. By screening a panel of breast cancer cell line for their ability to respond to heregulin and produce MMP-9, we have found that MMP-9 secretion can be induced by heregulin-β1 in two breast cancer cell lines, SKBr3 and MCF-7. In both cell lines, increase of MMP-9 activity as shown by zymography was accompanied by increased protein level as well as mRNA level of MMP-9. Using a reporter luciferase assay, we have identified that proximal −670bp promoter of MMP-9 had similar activity to a 2.2kb MMP-9 promoter in response to heregulin stimulation. Heregulin treatment of SKBr3 and MCF-7 activated multiple signaling pathways inside cells. These include the Erk pathway, the p38 kinase pathway, PKC pathway, and PI-3K pathway. To examine which pathways are involved in MMP-9 activation by heregulin, we have used a panel of chemical inhibitors to specifically inhibit each one of these pathways. Ro-31-8220 (PKC inhibitor) and SB203580 (p38 kinase inhibitor) completely blocked heregulin activation of MMP-9. On the other hand, PD098059 (MEK-1 inhibitor) partially blocked MMP-9 activation, whereas PI-3K inhibitor, wortmannin, had no effect. Therefore, at least three signaling pathways are involved in activation of MMP-9 by heregulin. Since MMP-9 is tightly associated with metastatic potential, our study also suggests that heregulin may enhance breast tumor metastasis through induction of MMP-9 expression. ^


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YKL-40 is a secreted glycoprotein that has been reported to be expressed in pathologic conditions of extracellular matrix degradation and angiogenesis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, severe osteoarthritis, primary colorectal cancer, metastatic breast cancer, and recurrent ovarian cancer (Dehn, Hogdall et al. 2003). ^ We have identified YKL-40 as a serum marker for glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) using microarray analysis from samples of GBM. We compared the gene expression profile of 19 gliomas to pooled normal brain tissue using the Incyte 10,000 gene expression array. The most differentially expressed gene in this analysis was YKL-40; it was detected in GBM samples with a range of 3 to 62-fold elevation over normal brain. Western blot analysis of glioma samples for YKL-40 protein levels revealed substantial elevation in approximately 65% of GBMs, and undetectable levels in lower-grade gliomas and normal brain tissue. ELISA analysis on serum samples of glioma patients showed that YKL-40 levels were substantially elevated in many of the GBM patients. Statistical analysis indicated that in patients with glioma, serum YKL-40 levels correlate with tumor grade and potentially tumor burden in GBM. ^ Furthermore, we found that YKL-40 expression by in-situ hybridization on a brain tumor tissue array was limited to GBM's and gliosarcomas (GSA), and that YKL-40 expression was specific to the GBM component of GSA. Additional in-situ hybridization analysis, found it to be regionally associated with tumor vasculature as well as activated AKT expression in both human and mouse GBM's. Correlation of elevated YKL-40 with phospho-AKT was confirmed by Western blot analysis on a series of glioblastoma tumors, and inhibition of PI3 Kinase signaling by addition of LY294002 also decreased secretion of YKL-40 over a 7-day period in U87 glioblastoma cell tine. Lastly, YKL-40 expression was induced in response to serum starvation and altered by interaction with specific extracellular matrix (ECM) modules. In summary, we have identified the first accurate serum marker for high-grade gliomas. Furthermore, our findings indicate that YKL-40 is a highly expressed vascular-related glycoprotein in human GBM tissue and that it is affected by the AKT signaling pathway and interaction with components of brain ECM proteins. ^


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Dynamic contrast agent-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE MRI) data, when analyzed with the appropriate pharmacokinetic models, have been shown to provide quantitative estimates of microvascular parameters important in characterizing the angiogenic activity of malignant tissue. These parameters consist of the whole blood volume per unit volume of tissue, v b, transport constant from the plasma to the extravascular, extracellular space (EES), k1 and the transport constant from the EES to the plasma, k2. Parameters vb and k1 are expected to correlate with microvascular density (MVD) and vascular permeability, respectively, which have been suggested to serve as surrogate markers for angiogenesis. In addition to being a marker for angiogenesis, vascular permeability is also useful in estimating tumor penetration potential of chemotherapeutic agents. ^ Histological measurements of the intratumoral microvascular environment are limited by their invasiveness and susceptibility to sampling errors. Also, MVD and vascular permeability, while useful for characterizing tumors at a single time point, have shown less utility in longitudinal studies, particularly when used to monitor the efficacy of antiangiogenic and traditional chemotherapeutic agents. These limitations led to a search for a non-invasive means of characterizing the microvascular environment of an entire tumor. ^ The overall goal of this project was to determine the utility of DCE MRI for monitoring the effect of antiangiogenic agents. Further applications of a validated DCE MRI technique include in vivo measurements of tumor microvascular characteristics to aid in determining prognosis at presentation and in estimating drug penetration. DCE MRI data were generated using single- and dual-tracer pharmacokinetic models with different molecular-weight contrast agents. The resulting pharmacokinetic parameters were compared to immunohistochemical measurements. The model and contrast agent combination yielding the best correlation between the pharmacokinetic parameters and histological measures was further evaluated in a longitudinal study to evaluate the efficacy of DCE MRI in monitoring the intratumoral microvascular environment following antiangiogenic treatment. ^