47 resultados para Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-myc


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Cell growth and differentiation are complex and well-organized processes in which cells respond to stimuli from the environment by carrying out genetic programs. Transcription factors with helix-loop-helix (HLH) motif play critical roles in controlling the expression of genes involved in lineage commitment, cell fate determination, proliferation and tumorigenesis. This study has examined the roles of GCIP (CCNDBP1) in cell differentiation and tumorigenesis. GCIP is a recently identified HLH-leucine zipper protein without a basic region like the Id family of proteins. However, GCIP shares little sequence homology with the Id proteins and has domains with high acidic amino acids and leucine-rich regions following the HLH domain like c-Myc. Here we firstly demonstrate that GCIP is a transcription regulator related to muscle differentiation program. Overexpression of GCIP in C2C12 cells not only promotes myotube formation but also upregulates myogenic differentiation biomarkers, including MHC and myogenein. On the other hand, our finding also suggests that GCIP is a potential tumor suppressor related to cell cycle control. Expression of GCIP was significantly down-regulated in colon tumors as compared to normal colon tissues. Overexpression of GCIP in SW480 colon cancer cell line resulted in a significant inhibition on tumor cell colony formation on soft agar assays while silencing of GCIP expression by siRNA can promote cell proliferation and colony formation. In addition, results from transgenic mice specifically expressing GCIP in liver also support the idea that GCIP is involved in the early stage of hepatocarcinogenesis and decreased susceptibility to chemical hepatocarcinogenesis. ^


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BACKGROUND: Exposure of adherent cells to DNA damaging agents, such as the bacterial cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) or ionizing radiations (IR), activates the small GTPase RhoA, which promotes the formation of actin stress fibers and delays cell death. The signalling intermediates that regulate RhoA activation and promote cell survival are unknown. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We demonstrate that the nuclear RhoA-specific Guanine nucleotide Exchange Factor (GEF) Net1 becomes dephosphorylated at a critical inhibitory site in cells exposed to CDT or IR. Expression of a dominant negative Net1 or Net1 knock down by iRNA prevented RhoA activation, inhibited the formation of stress fibers, and enhanced cell death, indicating that Net1 activation is required for this RhoA-mediated responses to genotoxic stress. The Net1 and RhoA-dependent signals involved activation of the Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase p38 and its downstream target MAPK-activated protein kinase 2. SIGNIFICANCE: Our data highlight the importance of Net1 in controlling RhoA and p38 MAPK mediated cell survival in cells exposed to DNA damaging agents and illustrate a molecular pathway whereby chronic exposure to a bacterial toxin may promote genomic instability.


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Transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b) is a cytokine that plays essential roles in regulating embryonic development and tissue homeostasis. In normal cells, TGF-b exerts an anti-proliferative effect. TGF-b inhibits cell growth by controlling a cytostatic program that includes activation of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p15Ink4B and p21WAF1/Cip1 and repression of c-myc. In contrast to normal cells, many tumors are resistant to the anti-proliferative effect of TGF-b. In several types of tumors, particularly those of gastrointestinal origin, resistance to the anti-proliferative effect of TGF-b has been attributed to TGF-b receptor or Smad mutations. However, these mutations are absent from many other types of tumors that are resistant to TGF-b-mediated growth inhibition. The transcription factor encoded by the homeobox patterning gene DLX4 is overexpressed in a wide range of malignancies. In this study, I demonstrated that DLX4 blocks the anti-proliferative effect of TGF-b by disabling key transcriptional control mechanisms of the TGF-b cytostatic program. Specifically, DLX4 blocked the ability of TGF-b to induce expression of p15Ink4B and p21WAF1/Cip1 by directly binding to Smad4 and to Sp1. Binding of DLX4 to Smad4 prevented Smad4 from forming transcriptional complexes with Smad2 and Smad3, whereas binding of DLX4 to Sp1 inhibited DNA-binding activity of Sp1. In addition, DLX4 induced expression of c-myc, a repressor of p15Ink4B and p21WAF1/Cip1 transcription, independently of TGF-b signaling. The ability of DLX4 to counteract key transcriptional control mechanisms of the TGF-b cytostatic program could explain in part the resistance of tumors to the anti-proliferative effect of TGF-b. This study provides a molecular explanation as to why tumors are resistant to the anti-proliferative effect of TGF-b in the absence of mutations in the TGF-b signaling pathway. Furthermore, this study also provides insights into how aberrant activation of a developmental patterning gene promotes tumor pathogenesis.


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Inflammation is a key process in cardiovascular diseases. The extracellular matrix (ECM) of the vasculature is a major target of inflammatory cytokines, and TNFalpha regulates ECM metabolism by affecting collagen production. In this study, we have examined the pathways mediating TNFalpha-induced suppression of prolyl-4 hydroxylase alpha1 (P4Halpha1), the rate-limiting isoform of P4H responsible for procollagen hydroxylation, maturation, and organization. Using human aortic smooth muscle cells, we found that TNFalpha activated the MKK4-JNK1 pathway, which induced histone (H) 4 lysine 12 acetylation within the TNFalpha response element in the P4Halpha1 promoter. The acetylated-H4 then recruited a transcription factor, NonO, which, in turn, recruited HDACs and induced H3 lysine 9 deacetylation, thereby inhibiting transcription of the P4Halpha1 promoter. Furthermore, we found that TNFalpha oxidized DJ-1, which may be essential for the NonO-P4Halpha1 interaction because treatment with gene specific siRNA to knockout DJ-1 eliminated the TNFalpha-induced NonO-P4Halpha1 interaction and its suppression. Our findings may be relevant to aortic aneurysm and dissection and the stability of the fibrous cap of atherosclerotic plaque in which collagen metabolism is important in arterial remodeling. Defining this cytokine-mediated regulatory pathway may provide novel molecular targets for therapeutic intervention in preventing plaque rupture and acute coronary occlusion.


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OBJECTIVE: We tested the hypothesis that the proliferative estrogen effect on the endometrium is enhanced in obese vs lean animals. STUDY DESIGN: Using Zucker fa/fa obese rats and lean control, we examined endometrial cell proliferation and the expression patterns of certain estrogen-regulated proproliferative and antiproliferative genes after short-term treatment with estradiol. RESULTS: No significant morphologic/histologic difference was seen between the obese rats and the lean rats. Estrogen-induced proproliferative genes cyclin A and c-Myc messenger RNA expression were significantly higher in the endometrium of obese rats compared with those of the lean control. Expression of the antiproliferative gene p27Kip1 was suppressed by estrogen treatment in both obese and lean rats; however, the decrease was more pronounced in obese rats. Estrogen more strongly induced the antiproliferative genes retinaldehyde dehydrogenases 2 and secreted frizzled-related protein 4 in lean rats but had little or no effect in obese rats. CONCLUSION: Enhancement of estrogen-induced endometrial proproliferative gene expression and suppression of antiproliferative gene expression was seen in the endometrium of obese vs lean animals.


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The mechanism of tumorigenesis in the immortalized human pancreatic cell lines: cell culture models of human pancreatic cancer Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is the most lethal cancer in the world. The most common genetic lesions identified in PDAC include activation of K-ras (90%) and Her2 (70%), loss of p16 (95%) and p14 (40%), inactivation p53 (50-75%) and Smad4 (55%). However, the role of these signature gene alterations in PDAC is still not well understood, especially, how these genetic lesions individually or in combination contribute mechanistically to human pancreatic oncogenesis is still elusive. Moreover, a cell culture transformation model with sequential accumulation of signature genetic alterations in human pancreatic ductal cells that resembles the multiple-step human pancreatic carcinogenesis is still not established. In the present study, through the stepwise introduction of the signature genetic alterations in PDAC into the HPV16-E6E7 immortalized human pancreatic duct epithelial (HPDE) cell line and the hTERT immortalized human pancreatic ductal HPNE cell line, we developed the novel experimental cell culture transformation models with the most frequent gene alterations in PDAC and further dissected the molecular mechanism of transformation. We demonstrated that the combination of activation of K-ras and Her2, inactivation of p16/p14 and Smad4, or K-ras mutation plus p16 inactivation, was sufficient for the tumorigenic transformation of HPDE or HPNE cells respectively. We found that these transformed cells exhibited enhanced cell proliferation, anchorage-independent growth in soft agar, and grew tumors with PDAC histopathological features in orthotopic mouse model. Molecular analysis showed that the activation of K-ras and Her2 downstream effector pathways –MAPK, RalA, FAK, together with upregulation of cyclins and c-myc were involved in the malignant transformation. We discovered that MDM2, BMP7 and Bmi-1 were overexpressed in the tumorigenic HPDE cells, and that Smad4 played important roles in regulation of BMP7 and Bmi-1 gene expression and the tumorigenic transformation of HPDE cells. IPA signaling pathway analysis of microarray data revealed that abnormal signaling pathways are involved in transformation. This study is the first complete transformation model of human pancreatic ductal cells with the most common gene alterations in PDAC. Altogether, these novel transformation models more closely recapitulate the human pancreatic carcinogenesis from the cell origin, gene lesion, and activation of specific signaling pathway and histopathological features.


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A variety of human cancers overexpress the HER-2/neu proto-oncogene. Among patients with breast and ovarian cancers this HER-2/ neu overexpression indicates an unfavorable prognosis, with a shorter overall survival duration and a lower response rate to chemotherapeutic agents. Downregulation of HER-2/neu gene expression in cancer cells through attenuation of HER-2/neu promoter activity is, therefore, an attractive strategy for reversing the transformation phenotype and thus the chemoresistance induced by HER-2/neu overexpression. ^ A viral transcriptional regulator, the adenovirus type 5 E1A (early region 1A) that can repress the HER-2/neu promoter, had been identified in the laboratory of Dr. Mien-Chie Hung. Following the identification of the E1A gene, a series of studies revealed that repression of HER-2/neu by the E1A gene which can act therapeutically as a tumor suppressor gene for HER-2/ neu-overexpressing cancers. ^ The results of these preclinical studies became the basis for a phase I trial for E1A gene therapy among patients with HER-2/neu-overexpressing breast and ovarian cancer. In this dissertation, three primary questions concerned with new implications of E1A gene therapy are addressed: First, could E1A gene therapy be incorporated with conventional chemotherapy? Second, could the E1A gene be delivered systemically to exert an anti-tumor effect? And third, what is the activity of the E1A gene in low-HER-2/neu-expressing cancer cells? ^ With regard to the first question, the studies reported in this dissertation have shown that the sensitivity of HER-2/neu-overexpressing breast and ovarian cancer to paclitaxel is in fact enhanced by the downregulation of HER-2/neu overexpression by E1A. With regard to the second question, studies have shown that the E1A gene can exert anti-tumor activity by i.v. injection of the E1A gene complexed with the novel cationic liposome/protamine sulfate/DNA type I (LPDI). And with regard to the third question, the studies of low-HER-2/ neu-expressing breast and ovarian cancers reported here have shown that the E1A gene does in fact suppress metastatic capability. It did not, however, suppress the tumorigenicity. ^ Three conclusions can be drawn from the experimental findings reported in this dissertation. Combining paclitaxel with E1A gene therapy may expand the implications of the gene therapy in the future phase II clinical trial. Anti-tumor activity at a distant site may be achieved with the i.v. injection of the E1A gene. Lastly when administered therapeutically the anti-metastatic effect of the E1A gene in low-HER-2/neu-expressing breast cancer cells may prevent metastasis in primary breast cancer. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^


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The canonical and non-canonical Wnt signaling pathways appear to interact with one another as a network in development, or when hyper-activated, in the progression of disease. A much studied key mediator of the canonical Wnt pathway, β-catenin, is characterized by a central armadillo-repeat domain that engages in multiple protein-protein interactions, such as those with cadherins functioning at cell-cell contact regions. In the nucleus, β-catenin forms a complex with the repressor TCF/LEF, promoting the activation of genes participating in processes such as proliferation, differentiation and stem cell survival. Somewhat similarly, the p120-catenin binds the distinct transcriptional repressor Kaiso, relieving Kaiso-mediated repression to promote gene activation. Here, employing Xenopus laevis, I report upon both downstream and upstream aspects of the p120-catenin/Kaiso pathway which was previously poorly understood. I first show that Kaiso, a BTB/POZ zinc-finger family member, directly represses canonical Wnt gene targets (Siamois, c-Fos, Cyclin-D1 and c-Myc) in conjunction with TCF. Depletion or dominant-negative inhibition of xKaiso results in Siamois de-repression, while xKaiso over-expression induces additional Siamois repression through recruitment of N-CoR co-repressor and chromatin modifications. Functional interdependencies are further corroborated by the capacity of Kaiso to suppress β-catenin-induced axis duplication. Thus, my work inter-relates the p120-catenin/Kaiso and β-catenin/TCF pathways at the level of specific gene promoters important in development and cancer progression. Regarding upstream aspects of the p120-catenin/Kaiso pathway, I collaboratively identified p120 in association with Frodo, a protein previously identified as a component of the canonical (β-catenin dependent) Wnt pathway. I determined that canonical Wnt signals result in Frodo-mediated stabilization of p120-catenin, resulting in the sequestration of Kaiso to the cytoplasm and thereby the activation (relief of repression) of gene targets. Developmental evidence supporting this view included findings that Frodo has the capacity to partially rescue Kaiso over-expression phenotypes in early Xenopus embryos. Taken together, my studies point to the convergence of p120-catenin/Kaiso and β-catenin/TCF signaling pathways at the level of gene transcription as well as at more upstream points during vertebrate development. ^


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Metabolic reprogramming has been shown to be a major cancer hallmark providing tumor cells with significant advantages for survival, proliferation, growth, metastasis and resistance against anti-cancer therapies. Glycolysis, glutaminolysis and mitochondrial biogenesis are among the most essential cancer metabolic alterations because these pathways provide cancer cells with not only energy but also crucial metabolites to support large-scale biosynthesis, rapid proliferation and tumorigenesis. In this study, we find that 14-3-3σ suppresses all these three metabolic processes by promoting the degradation of their main driver, c-Myc. In fact, 14-3-3s significantly enhances c-Myc poly-ubiquitination and subsequent degradation, reduces c-Myc transcriptional activity, and down-regulates c-Myc-induced metabolic target genes expression. Therefore, 14-3-3σ remarkably blocks glycolysis, decreases glutaminolysis and diminishes mitochondrial mass of cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo, thereby severely suppressing cancer bioenergetics and metabolism. As a result, a high level of 14-3-3σ in tumors is strongly associated with increased breast cancer patients’ overall and metastasis-free survival as well as better clinical outcomes. Thus, this study reveals a new role for 14-3-3s as a significant regulator of cancer bioenergetics and a promising target for the development of anti-cancer metabolism therapies.


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Proviral integration site for Moloney murine leukemia virus (Pim) kinases are Ser/Thr/Tyr kinases. They modulate B-cell development but become oncoproteins and promote cancer development once overexpressed. Containing three isoforms, Pim-1, -2 and -3 are known to phosphorylate various substrates that regulate transcription, translation, cell cycle, and survival pathways in both hematological and solid tumors. Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is an aggressive B-cell lymphoma. Elevated Pim kinase levels are common in MCL, and it negatively correlates with patient outcome. SGI-1776 is a small molecule inhibitor selective for Pim-1/-3. We hypothesize that SGI-1776 treatment in MCL will inhibit Pim kinase function, and inhibition of downstream substrates phosphorylation will disrupt transcriptional, translational, and cell cycle processes while promoting apoptosis. SGI-1776 treatment induced moderate to high levels of apoptosis in four MCL cell lines (JeKo-1, Mino, SP-53 and Granta-519) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from MCL patients. Phosphorylation of transcription and translation regulators, c-Myc and 4E-BP1 declined in both model systems. Additionally, levels of short-lived Mcl-1 mRNA and protein also decreased and correlated with decline of global RNA synthesis. Collectively, our investigations highlight Pim kinases as viable drug targets in MCL and emphasize their roles in transcriptional and translational regulation. We further investigated a combination strategy using SGI-1776 with bendamustine, an FDA-approved DNA-damaging alkylating agent for treating non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. We hypothesized this combination will enhance SGI-1776-induced transcription and translation inhibition, while promoting bendamustine-triggered DNA damage and inducing additive to synergistic cytotoxicity in B-cell lymphoma. Bendamustine alone resulted in moderate levels of apoptosis induction in MCL cell lines (JeKo-1 and Mino), and in MCL and splenic marginal zone lymphoma (a type of B-cell lymphoma) primary cells. An additive effect in cell killing was observed when combined with SGI-1776. Expectedly, SGI-1776 effectively decreased global RNA and protein synthesis levels, while bendamustine significantly inhibited DNA synthesis and generated DNA damage response. In combination, intensified inhibitory effects in DNA, RNA and protein syntheses were observed. Together, these data suggested feasibility of using Pim kinase inhibitor in combination with chemotherapeutic agents such as bendamustine in B-cell lymphoma, and provided foundation of their mechanism of actions in lymphoma cells.


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The neu gene (also c-erbB-2 or HER2) encodes a 185 kilodalton protein that is frequently overexpressed in breast, ovarian and non-small cell lung cancers. Study of the regulation of neu indicates that neu gene expression can be modulated by c-myc or by the adenovirus 5 E1a gene product. This study demonstrates that the transforming protein, large T antigen, of the simian virus 40 represses neu promoter activity. Repression of neu by large T antigen is mediated through the region $-$172 to $-$79 (relative to first ATG) of the neu promoter--unlike through $-$312 to $-$172 for c-myc or E1a. This suggests a different pathway for repression of neu by large T antigen. The 10 amino acid region of large T required for binding the tumor suppressor, retinoblastoma gene product, Rb, is not necessary for repression of neu. Moreover, the tumor suppressors, Rb and p53 can independently inhibit neu promoter activity. Rb inhibits neu through a 10 base pair G-rich enhancer (GTG element) ($-$243 to $-$234) and also through regions close to transcription initiation sites ($-$172 to $-$79). Mutant Rb unable to complex large T is able to repress the region close to transcription initiation but not the GTG enhancer. Thus, Rb inhibits the two regulatory domains of the neu gene by different mechanisms. Both Rb and p53 can repress the transforming activity of activated neu in focus forming assays. These data provide evidence that tumor suppressors regulate expression of growth stimulatory genes such as neu. Therefore, one reason for the overexpression of neu that is frequently seen in breast cancer cells may be due to functional inactivation of Rb and p53 which is also a common occurrence in breast cancer cells. ^


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A major portion of this thesis work was dedicated to study the nature and significance of spliced introns. The initial work was focused on studying the IVS1$\sb{\rm C\beta 1}$ intron from a T-cell receptor (TCR)-$\beta$ gene. Compared to an intron lariat control from adenovirus pre-mRNA that was spliced in vitro, IVS1$\sb{\rm C\beta 1}$ was debranched less efficiently by HeLa S100 extracts, although IVS1$\sb{\rm C\beta 1}$ also used the consensus branchpoint in vivo. Subcellular-fractionation analysis showed that most IVS1$\sb{\rm C\beta 1}$ lariats cofractionated with pre-mRNA in the nucleus, consistent with the possibility that intron degradation releases splicing factors which will be available for further rounds of splicing. The half-life of IVS1$\sb{\rm C\beta 1}$ from the endogenous TCR-$\beta$ gene was measured using the general transcription inhibitor actinomycin D to be about $\sim$15 min, which was similar to that of unstable mRNAs such as c-myc mRNA.^ The general transcription inhibitor DRB was also used for intron stability analysis. Unexpectedly, DRB decreased intron and pre-mRNA levels only initially, it later increased the levels of intron-containing RNAs. Inhibition of transcription initiation appeared to be the major early effect (the reduction phase); whereas enhanced premature transcription termination was dominant later (the induction phase).^ Having established the procedures for studying in vivo spliced introns, this approach was applied to study the mechanism of nonsense-mediated downregulation (NMD), a phenomena in which premature termination codons (PTCs) decrease the levels of mRNAs. In this study, the novel intron-oriented approach was applied to study the mechanism of NMD. The levels of spliced introns immediately upstream and downstream of a PTC-bearing exon in a TCR-$\beta$ gene were identified and analyzed along with their pre-mRNA. Although PTC reduced the mRNA levels by 4 to 9 fold, the steady-state levels of spliced introns and the pre-mRNA-to-intron ratios were not significantly altered, indicating that the PTC did not significantly inhibit TCR-$\beta$ RNA splicing. Consistent with this conclusion, the half-lives of the PTC$\sp+$ and PTC$\sp-$ pre-mRNA were similar. The protein synthesis inhibitor cyclohexmide (CHX) upregulated the levels of the PTC$\sp+$ mRNA over 10 fold without affecting the levels of the spliced introns, suggesting that the reversal effect of CHX was through stabilization, not production. These results indicated that inhibition of splicing could not be the major mechanism for the NMD pathway of the TCR-$\beta$ gene, instead, suggesting that mRNA destabilization may be more important. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is characterized cytogenetically by the presence of the Philadelphia chromosome and clinically by the clonal expansion of the hematopoietic stem cells and the accumulation of large numbers of myeloid cells. Philadelphia chromosome results from the reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22 [t(9;22)(324;q11)], which fuses parts of the ABL proto-oncogene to 5′ portions of the BCR gene. The product of the fused gene is Bcr-Abl oncoprotein. Bcr-Abl oncoprotein has elevated protein tyrosine kinase activity, and is the cause of Philadelphia chromosome associated leukemias. The Bcr sequence in the fusion protein is crucial for the activation of Abl kinase activity and transforming phenotype of Bcr-Abl oncoprotein. Although the Bcr-Abl oncoprotein has been studied extensively, its normal counterpart, the Bcr protein, has been less studied and its function is not well understood. At this point, Bcr is known to encode a novel serine/threonine protein kinase. In Bcr-Abl positive leukemia cells, we found that the serine kinase activity of Bcr is impaired by tyrosine phosphorylation. Both the Bcr protein sequences within Bcr-Abl and the normal cellular Bcr protein lack serine/threonine kinase activity when they become phosphorylated on tyrosine residues by Bcr-Abl. Therefore, the goal of this study was to investigate the role of Bcr in Bcr-Abl positive leukemia cells. We found that overexpression of Bcr can inhibit Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase activity, and the inhibition is dependent on its intact serine/threonine kinase function. Using the tet repressible promoter system, we demonstrated that Bcr when induced in Bcr-Abl positive leukemia cells inhibited the Bcr-Abl oncoprotein tyrosine kinase. Furthermore, induction of Bcr also increased the number of cells undergoing apoptosis and inhibited the transforming ability of Bcr-Abl. In contrast to the wild-type Bcr, the kinase-inactive mutant of Bcr (Y328F/Y360F) had no effects on Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase in cells. Results from other experiments indicated that phosphoserine-containing Bcr sequences within the first exon, which are known to bind to the Abl SH2 domain, are responsible for observed inhibition of the Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase. Several lines of evidence suggest that the phosphoserine form of Bcr, which binds to the Abl SH2 domain, strongly inhibits the Abl tyrosine kinase domain of Bcr-Abl Previously published findings from our laboratory have also shown that Bcr is phosphorylated on tyrosine residue 177 in Bcr-Abl positive cells and that this form of Bcr recruits the Grb2 adaptor protein, which is known to activate the Ras pathway. These findings implicate Bcr as an effector of Bcr-Abl's oncogenic activity. Therefore based on the findings presented above, we propose a model for dual Function of Bcr in Bcr-Abl positive leukemia cells. Bcr, when active as a serine/threonine kinase and thus autophosphorylating its own serine residues, inhibits Bcr-Abl's oncogenic functions. However, when Ber is tyrosine phosphorylated, its Bcr-Abl inhibitory function is neutralized thus allowing Bcr-Abl to exert its full oncogenic potential. Moreover, tyrosine phosphorylated Bcr would compliment Bcr-Abl's neoplastic effects by the activation of the Ras signaling pathway. ^


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Investigations into the molecular basis of glioblastoma multiforme led to the identification of a putative tumor suppressor gene, MMAC/ PTEN. Initial studies implicated MMAC/PTEN in many different tumor types, and identified a protein phosphatase motif in its sequence. This project aimed to identify the biological and biochemical functions of MMAC/PTEN by transiently expressing the gene in cancer cells that lack a functional gene product. ^ Expression of MMAC/PTEN mildly suppressed the growth of U251 human glioma cells and abrogated the growth advantage mediated by overexpression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Immunoblotting demonstrated that MMAC/PTEN expression did not affect the phosphorylation of the EGFR itself, or the intermediates of several downstream signaling pathways. However, MMAC/PTEN expression significantly reduced the phosphorylation and catalytic activity of the proto-oncogene Akt/PKB. While Akt/PKB regulates the survival of many cell types, expression of MMAC/PTEN did not induce apoptosis in adherent U251 cells. Instead, MMAC/PTEN expression sensitized the cells to apoptosis when maintained in suspension (anoikis). As the survival of suspended cells is one of the hallmarks leading to metastasis, MMAC/PTEN expression was examined in a system in which metastasis is more clinically relevant, prostate cancer. ^ Expression of MMAC/PTEN in both LNCaP and PC3-P human prostate cancer cells specifically inhibited Akt/PKB phosphorylation. MMAC/PTEN expression in LNCaP cells resulted in a profound inhibition of growth that was significantly greater than that achieved with expression of p53. Expression of MMAC/PTEN in PC3-P cells resulted in greater growth inhibition than was observed in U251 glioma cells, but less than was observed in LNCaP cells, or upon p53 expression. To determine if MMAC/PTEN could function as a tumor suppressor in vivo, the effects of MMAC/PTEN expression on PC3-P cells implanted orthotopically in nude mice were examined. The ex-vivo expression of MMAC/PTEN did not decrease tumor incidence, but it did significantly decrease tumor size and metastasis. In-vivo expression of MMAC/PTEN in pre-established PC3-P tumors did not significantly inhibit tumor incidence or size, but did inhibit metastasis formation. ^ These studies demonstrate that MMAC/PTEN is a novel and important tumor suppressor gene, which functions to downregulate an important cell survival signaling pathway. ^


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Medulloblastoma is the most common malignant brain tumor of childhood. Despite numerous advances, clinical challenges range from recurrent and progressive disease to long-term toxicities in survivors. The lack of more effective, less toxic therapies results from our limited understanding of medulloblastoma growth. Although TP53 is the most commonly altered gene in cancers, it is rarely mutated in medulloblastoma. Accumulating evidence, however, indicates that TP53 pathways are disrupted in medulloblastoma. Wild-type p53-induced phosphatase 1 (WIP1 or PPM1D) encodes a negative regulator of p53. WIP1 amplification (17q22-q23) and its overexpression have been reported in diverse cancer types. We examined primary medulloblastoma specimens and cell lines, and detected WIP1 copy gain and amplification prevalent among but not exclusively in the tumors with 17q gain and isochromosome 17q (i17q), which are among the most common cytogenetic lesions in medulloblastoma. WIP1 RNA levels were significantly higher in the tumors with 17q gain or i17q. Immunoblots confirmed significant WIP1 protein in primary tumors, generally higher in those with 17q gain or i17q. Under basal growth conditions and in response to the chemotherapeutic agent, etoposide, WIP1 antagonized p53-mediated apoptosis in medulloblastoma cell lines. These results indicate that medulloblastoma express significant levels of WIP1 that modulate genotoxic responsiveness by negatively regulating p53.