32 resultados para Protein-ligand interactions


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Two approaches were utilized to investigate the role of pp60c-src activation in growth control of model colon tumor cell lines. The first approach involved analysis of pp60c-src activity in response to growth factor treatment to determine if transient activation of the protein was associated with ligand induced mitogenic signal transduction as occurs in non-colonic cell types. Activation of pp60c-src was detected using colon tumor cell lysates after treatment with platelet derived growth factor (PDGF). Activation of pp60c-src was also detected in response to epidermal growth factor (EGF) treatment using cellular lysates and intact cells. In contrast, down-regulation of purified pp60c-src occurred after incubation with EGF-treated EGFr immune complexes in vitro suggesting additional cellular events were potentially required for the stimulatory response observed in intact cells. The results demonstrated activation of pp60c-src in colon tumor cells in response to PDGF and EGF which is consistent with the role of the protein in mitogenic signal transduction in non-colonic cell types.^ The second approach used to study the role of pp60c-src activation in colonic cell growth control focused on analysis of the role of constitutive activation of the protein, which occurs in approximately 80% of colon tumors and cell lines, in growth control. These studies involved analysis of the effects of the tyrosine kinase specific inhibitor Herbimycin A (HA) on monolayer growth and pp60c-src enzymatic activity using model colon tumor cell lines. HA induced dose-dependent growth inhibition of all colon tumor cell lines examined possessing elevated pp60c-src activity. In HT29 cells the dose-dependent growth inhibition induced by HA correlated with dose-dependent pp60c-src inactivation. Inactivation of pp60c-src was shown to be an early event in response to treatment with HA which preceded induction of HT29 colon tumor cell growth inhibition. The growth effects of HA towards the colon tumor cells examined did not appear to be associated with induction of differentiation or a cytotoxic mechanism of action as changes in morphology were not detected in treated cells and growth inhibition (and pp60c-src inactivation) were reversible upon release from treatment with the compound. The results suggested the constitutive activation of pp60c-src functioned as a proliferative signal in colon tumor cells. Correlation between pp60c-src inactivation and growth inhibition was also observed using HA chemical derivatives confirming the role of tyrosine kinase inactivation by these compounds in inhibition of mitogenic signalling. In contrast, in AS15 cells possessing specific antisense mRNA mediated inactivation of pp60c-src, HA-induced inactivation of the related pp62c-yes tyrosine kinase, which is also activated during colon tumor progression, was not associated with induction of monolayer growth inhibition. These results suggested a function for the constitutively activated pp62c-yes protein in colon tumor cell proliferation which was different from that of activated pp60c-src. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Two regions in the 3$\prime$ domain of 16S rRNA (the RNA of the small ribosomal subunit) have been implicated in decoding of termination codons. Using segment-directed PCR random mutagenesis, I isolated 33 translational suppressor mutations in the 3$\prime$ domain of 16S rRNA. Characterization of the mutations by both genetic and biochemical methods indicated that some of the mutations are defective in UGA-specific peptide chain termination and that others may be defective in peptide chain termination at all termination codons. The studies of the mutations at an internal loop in the non-conserved region of helix 44 also indicated that this structure, in a non-conserved region of 16S rRNA, is involved in both peptide chain termination and assembly of 16S rRNA.^ With a suppressible trpA UAG nonsense mutation, a spontaneously arising translational suppressor mutation was isolated in the rrnB operon cloned into a pBR322-derived plasmid. The mutation caused suppression of UAG at two codon positions in trpA but did not suppress UAA or UGA mutations at the same trpA positions. The specificity of the rRNA suppressor mutation suggests that it may cause a defect in UAG-specific peptide chain termination. The mutation is a single nucleotide deletion (G2484$\Delta$) in helix 89 of 23S rRNA (the large RNA of the large ribosomal subunit). The result indicates a functional interaction between two regions of 23S rRNA. Furthermore, it provides suggestive in vivo evidence for the involvement of the peptidyl-transferase center of 23S rRNA in peptide chain termination. The $\Delta$2484 and A1093/$\Delta$2484 (double) mutations were also observed to alter the decoding specificity of the suppressor tRNA lysT(U70), which has a mutation in its acceptor stem. That result suggests that there is an interaction between the stem-loop region of helix 89 of 23S rRNA and the acceptor stem of tRNA during decoding and that the interaction is important for the decoding specificity of tRNA.^ Using gene manipulation procedures, I have constructed a new expression vector to express and purify the cellular protein factors required for a recently developed, realistic in vitro termination assay. The gene for each protein was cloned into the newly constructed vector in such a way that expression yielded a protein with an N-terminal affinity tag, for specific, rapid purification. The amino terminus was engineered so that, after purification, the unwanted N-terminal tag can be completely removed from the protein by thrombin cleavage, yielding a natural amino acid sequence for each protein. I have cloned the genes for EF-G and all three release factors into this new expression vector and the genes for all the other protein factors into a pCAL-n expression vector. These constructs will allow our laboratory group to quickly and inexpensively purify all the protein factors needed for the new in vitro termination assay. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^