37 resultados para IGG


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Background: Helicobacter pylori infection among Native Americans is more prevalent than any other minority group in the United States. Few studies involving Helicobacter pylori have been conducted on Native Americans and no previous studies have been conducted in the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo population. Therefore we wanted to explore the prevalence and risk factors of Helicobacter pylori within this community. We also explored whether household transmission is occurring. ^ Materials and Methods: We conducted a cross-section study on the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo community. Main household caregivers were interviewed on household conditions, hygiene practices, and household sociodemographics. All household members were tested for IgG urine antibodies against Helicobacter pylori using RAPIRUN test kits. 13C urea breath testing using BREATHTEK kits was provided to study participants that had positive antibody results and utilized as confirmatory results of infection. ^ Results: Prevalence of Ysleta del Sur Pueblo was determined to be 27.4%. When comparing for ethnicity, Native Americans had increased prevalence of infection then Mexican-Americans living on the Pueblo. That prevalence increased from 1.6 to 3.3 when taking account only United States born study participants. The household secondary prevalence rate was found to be 23.8%. Helicobacter pylori infection rates increased with increasing age and decreasing income. ^ Conclusions: Native Americans had an increased risk of infection. As expected risk factors for Helicobacter pylori correlated with previous studies, but we found evidence of limited current transmission within households. However, due to the limited sample size (n=62) and power, we were not able to find statistical significance for some risk factors. A statistical association was found with age where increasing prevalence corresponded with increasing age suggesting that the birth cohort may be in effect within this population.^


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Hemophilia A is a clotting disorder caused by functional factor VIII (FVIII) deficiency. About 25% of patients treated with therapeutic recombinant FVIII develop antibodies (inhibitors) that render subsequent FVIII treatments ineffective. The immune mechanisms of inhibitor formation are not entirely understood, but circumstantial evidence indicates a role for increased inflammatory response, possibly via stimulation of Toll-like receptors (TLRs), at the time of FVIII immunization. I hypothesized that stimulation through TLR4 in conjunction with FVIII treatments would increase the formation of FVIII inhibitors. To test this hypothesis, FVIII K.O. mice were injected with recombinant human FVIII with or without concomitant doses of TLR4 agonist (lipopoysaccharide; LPS). The addition of LPS combined with FVIII significantly increased the rate and the production of anti-FVIII IgG antibodies and neutralizing FVIII inhibitors. In the spleen, repeated in vivo TLR4 stimulation with LPS increased the relative percentage of macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs) over the course of 4 injections. However, repeated in vivo FVIII stimulation significantly increased the density of TLR4 expressed on the surface of all spleen antigen presenting cells (APCs). Culture of splenocytes isolated from mice revealed that the combined stimulation of LPS and FVIII also synergistically increased early secretion of the inflammatory cytokines IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-10, which was not maintained throughout the course of the repeated injections. While cytokine secretion was relatively unchanged in response to FVIII re-stimulation in culture, LPS re-stimulation in culture induced increased and prolonged inflammatory cytokine secretion. Re-stimulation with both LPS and FVIII induced cytokine secretion similar to LPS stimulation alone. Interestingly, long term treatment of mice with LPS alone resulted in splenocytes that showed reduced response to FVIII in culture. Together these results indicated that creating a pro-inflammatory environment through the combined stimulation of chronic, low-dose LPS and FVIII changed not only the populations but also the repertoire of APCs in the spleen, triggering the increased production of FVIII inhibitors. These results suggested an anti-inflammatory regimen should be instituted for all hemophilia A patients to reduce or delay the formation of FVIII inhibitors during replacement therapy.


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Background: HIV associated B cell exhaustion is a notable characteristic of HIV viremic adults. However, it is not known if such alterations are present in perinatal HIV infected children, whose viral dynamics differs from those seen in adults. In the present study we perform an analysis of B cells subsets and measure antigen-specific memory B cells (MBC) in a pediatric HIV infected cohort. ^ Methods: Peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMC) of perinatal HIV infected individuals are characterized into naïve (CD21hi/CD27−), classic (CD27+), tissue like (CD21lo/CD27 −) and activated MBC (CD27+CD21− ) by FACS. A memory ELISPOT assay is used to detect antibody secreting cells. We measure total IgG and antibodies specific for influenza, HBV, mumps, measles, rubella and VZV. Memory was expressed as spot forming cells (SPC) /million of PBMC. Wilcoxon rank-sum was used to compare unpaired groups and linear regression analysis was used to determine predictors of B cell dysfunction ^ Results: 41 HIV perinatal infected children are included (51.2% females and 65.9% Black). Age at study is median (range) 8.78 years (4.39-11.57). At the time of testing they have a CD4% of 30.9 (23.2-39.4), a viral load (VL) of 1.95 log10 copies/ml (1.68-3.29) and a cumulative VL of 3.4 log10 copy × days (2.7-4.0). Ninety two percent of the children are on cARV for > 6 months. Overall, HIV+ children compared with controls have a significant lower number of IgG and antigen specific SFC. In addition, they have a lower proportion of classical MBC 12.9 (8.09-19.85) vs 29.4 (18.7-39.05); 0.01, but a significant higher proportion of tissue like memory MBC 6.01 (2.79-12.7) vs 0.99 (0.87-1.38); 0.003, compared with controls. Patients are parsed on VL (<400 and ≥ 400 copies/ml) with the objective to evaluate the effect of VL on B cell status. Patients with a VL ≥ 400 copies/ml have a significantly lower IgG, HBV, measles, rubella and VZV SPC compared with those with a VL < 400 copies/ml. There are no significant differences in B cell subpopulations between the groups. A moderate negative correlation was observed between the time of cARV initiation and the frequency of IgG memory B cells, suggesting that early initiation of cARV appears to lead to a better functionality of the IgG memory B cells (P=0.05). A statistically significant positive correlation was observed between the total number of IgG memory cells and the number of antigen-specific memory B cells/SPCs. Suggesting that the progressive recovery of the IgG memory B cell pull goes along with a progressive increase in the number of antigen-specific SPCs. ^ Conclusion: A pediatric cohort in overall good status with respect to HIV infection and on ART has defects in B cell function and numbers (reduced total and antigen specific MBC and increased tissue like and reduced classical MBC).^


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Human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) cultured for varying lengths of time in IL-2 are able to mediate antibody independent cellular cytotoxicity (AICC) as well as antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) against a wide range of tumor targets. The objective of our study is to determine the cytotoxic potential of the subset of LAK cells involved in ADCC, the tumor recognition mechanism in ADCC, the kinetics of ADCC mediated by PBL cultured under various conditions and the role of TNF-$\alpha$ in the development and maturation of ADCC effectors in the LAK population.^ The model system in this study for ADCC used a monoclonal antibody 14G2a (IgG2a), that recognizes the GD2 epitope on human melanoma cell line, SK-Mel-1. The target recognition mechanism operative in AICC (traditionally known as lymphokine activated killing or LAK) is an acquired property of these IL-2 activated cells which confers on them the unique ability to distinguish between tumor and normal cells. This recognition probably involves the presence of a trypsin sensitive N-linked glycoprotein epitope on tumor cells. Proteolytic treatment of the tumor cells with trypsin renders them resistant to AICC by PBL cultured in IL-2. However, ADCC is unaffected. This ADCC, mediated by the relatively small population of cells that are positive for the Fc receptor for IgG (FcR), is an indication that this subset of "LAK" cells does not require the trypsin sensitive epitope on tumor cells to mediate killing. Enriching PBL for FcR+ cells markedly enhanced both AICC and ADCC and also reduced the IL-2 requirement of these cells.^ The stoichiometry of Fc receptor (FcR) expression on the cytotoxic effectors does not correlate with ADCC lytic activity. Although FcRs are necessary to mediate ADCC, other factors, appear to regulate the magnitude of cytolytic activity. In order to investigate these putative factors, the kinetics of ADCC development was studied under various conditions (in IL-2 (10u/ml) and 100u/ml), in IL-2(10u/ml) + TNF$\alpha$ (500u/ml) and in TNF-$\alpha$ (500u/ml) alone). Addition of exogenous TNF-$\alpha$ into the four hour cytotoxicity assay did not increase ADCC, nor did anti-TNF antibodies result in inhibition. On the other hand, addition of anti-TNF antibodies to PBL and IL-2 for 24 hours, resulted in a marked inhibition of the ADCC, suggesting that endogenous TNF-$\alpha$ is obligatory for the maturation and differentiation of ADCC effectors. ^


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Heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins, G proteins, are integral components of eukaryotic signaling systems linking extracellular signals to intracellular responses. Through coupling to seven-transmembrane helix receptors, G proteins convey primary signaling events into multi-leveled cascades of intracellular activity by regulating downstream enzymes, collectively called effectors. The effector enzymes regulated by G proteins include adenylyl cyclase, cAMP phosphodiesterase, phospolipase C-β, mitogen-activated protein kinases, and ion channels. ^ Neurospora crassa is a multicellular, filamentous fungus that is capable of both asexual and sexual reproduction by elaboration of specialized, developmentally controlled structures that give rise to either asexual or sexual spores, respectively. N. crassa possesses at least three heterotrimeric Gα proteins (GNA-1–3) and one Gβ subunit (GNB-1). GNA-1 was the first microbial protein that could be classified in the Gαi superfamily based on its amino acid identity and demonstration that it is a substrate for ADP-ribosylation by pertussis toxin. ^ Experiments were designed to identify the signal transduction pathways and the effector enzymes regulated by GNA-1. Targeted gene-replacement of gna-1 revealed that GNA-1 controls multiple developmental pathways including both asexual and sexual reproduction, maintenance of growth, and resistance to osmotic stress. The Gαi and Gαz members of the Gαi superfamily negatively regulate adenylyl cyclase activity in mammalian cells; therefore, adenylyl cyclase and cAMP levels were measured in Δgna-1 strains and also in strains that were deleted for both gna-1 and gna-2, a second Gα in N. crassa shown to have overlapping functions with GNA-1. Direct measurements of adenylyl cyclase activity revealed that GNA-1, but not GNA-2, was responsible for GTP-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in N. crassa. Furthermore, anti-GNA-1 IgG could specifically inhibit GTP-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in wild-type strain extracts. These studies also provided evidence that N. crassa possesses feedback mechanisms that control steady-state cAMP levels through indirect regulation of cAMP-phosphodiesterase activity; mutations in gna-1 and gna-2 were additive in their effect on lowering cAMP-phosphodiesterase activity under growth conditions where steady-state cAMP levels were normal but GTP-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity was reduced 90% in comparison to control strains. ^ Genetic and biochemical epistasis experiments utilizing a Δ gna-1 cr-1 mutant suggest that GNA-1 is essential for female fertility in a cAMP-independent pathway. Furthermore, deletion of gna-1 in a cr-1 background exacerbated many of the defects already observed in the cr-1 strain including more severe growth restriction and developmental defects. However, deletion of gna-1 had no effect on the increased thermotolerance of cr-1, which has been attributed to loss of cAMP. cr-1 possesses GNA-1 protein, and crude membrane fractions from this strain reconstituted GTP-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in Δgna-1 membrane fractions. These studies provide direct evidence for the involvement of Gα proteins in the regulation of adenylyl cyclase activity in eukaryotic microbes. ^


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An abundance of monocytes and macrophages (MO/MA) in the microenvironment of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) suggests possible dual roles for these cells. Certain MO/MA subpopulations may inhibit tumor growth by antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC), phagocytosis, or stimulation of adaptive immunity. In contrast, other MO/MA subpopulations may support tumor growth by immunosuppressive or pro-angiogenic cytokine production. A better understanding of the phenotype and activity of MO/MA in EOC should lead to greater insight into their role in the immunopathobiology of EOC and hence suggest targets for treatment. We have found differences in the proportions of MO/MA subpopulations in the peripheral blood and ascites of EOC patients compared to normal donors, and differences in MO/MA surface phenotype in the associated tumor environment compared to the systemic circulation. We also demonstrate that, following their activation in vitro, monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) from the peripheral blood and ascites of EOC patients exhibit antitumor effector activities that are different from the behavior of normal donor cells. The phenotypic characteristics and antitumor activity of CD14+ MO/MA and an isolated subpopulation of CD14brightCD16 −HLA-DR+ MO/MA were compared in samples of normal donor peripheral blood and the peripheral blood and ascites from EOC patients. MDM were cultured with macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) and activated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or a combination of LPS plus recombinant interferon-gamma. We determined that MO/MA from EOC patients had altered morphology and significantly less ADCC and phagocytic activity than did MO/MA from normal donors. ADCC and phagocytosis are mediated by receptors for the Fe portion of IgG (FcγRs), the expression of which were also found to be deficient on EOC MDM from peripheral blood and ascites. Anti-tumor functions not mediated by the FcγRs, such as macrophage mediated cytotoxicity and cytostasis, were not impaired in EOC MDM compared to normal donor MDM. Our findings also showed that MDM from both EOC patients and normal donors produce M-CSF-stimulated cytokines, including interleukin-8, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and interleukin-6, which have the potential to support ovarian tumor growth and metastasis. These findings may be relevant to the pathogenesis of EOC and to the development of future bioimmunotherapeutic strategies. ^


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Heregulins constitute a family of growth factors belonging to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family. Breast cancers that overexpress specific members of the EGF receptor family (EGFR, ErbB2, ErbB3, ErbB4) have increased metastatic potential, and Heregulin-β1 (HRGβ1), a ligand for ErbB3 and ErbB4, has also been shown to induce metastasis-related properties in breast cancer cells in vitro. The secreted form of the HRGβ1 is composed of five distinct structural domains, including the N-terminal domain, an immunoglobulin-like domain (IgG-like), a glycosylation domain, an EGF-like domain, and a β1-specific domain. Of these, the EGF-like domain is well characterized for its function in metastasis-related properties as well as its structure. However, the contributions of the other HRGβ1 domains in breast cancer metastasis remains unclear. ^ To investigate this, HRGβ1 proteins with targeted domain deletions were purified and subjected to assays for metastasis-related properties, including aggregation, invasion, activation of EGFR family members, and motility of breast cancer cells. These assays showed that retaining the EGF-like domain of HRGβ1 is important for activation of EGFRs. Interestingly, the HRGβ1 protein lacking the IgG-like domain (NGEB) led to a decrease in breast cancer cell motility, indicating the IgG-like domain modulates cell motility, an important step in cancer metastasis. ^ To understand the underlying mechanisms, I performed protein sequence and structural analysis of HRGβ1 and identified that the IgG-like domain of HRGβ1 shares sequence homology and three-dimensional structural similarity with the IgG-like domain of TRIO. TRIO is a cytoplasmic protein that directly associates with RhoA, a GTPase involved in cell reorganization and cell motility. Therefore, I hypothesized that HRGβ1 may translocate inside the breast cancer cells through receptor mediated endocytosis and bind to RhoA via its IgG-like domain. I show wild type HRGβ1 but not NGEB binds RhoA in vitro and in vivo, leading to RhoA activation. Inhibition of HRG-β1 internalization via endocytosis disrupted HRGβ1 binding to RhoA. Additionally, breast cancer cell motility induced by HRG-β1 is reduced after treatment with inhibitors to both endocytosis and RhoA function, similar to levels seen with NGEB treatment. ^ Thus, in addition to the well-known role of HRGβ1 as an extracellular stimulator of the EGFR family members, HRGβ1 also functions within the cell as a binding partner and activator of RhoA to modulate cancer cell motility. ^