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Trauma is a leading cause of death worldwide, and is thus a major public health concern. Improving current resuscitation strategies may help to reduce morbidity and mortality from trauma, and clinical research plays an important role in addressing these issues. This thesis is a secondary analysis of data that was collected for a randomized clinical trial being conducted at Ben Taub General Hospital. The trial is designed to compare a hypotensive resuscitation strategy to standard fluid resuscitation for the early treatment of trauma patients in hemorrhagic shock. This thesis examines the clinical outcomes from the first 90 subjects enrolled in the study, with the primary aim of assessing the safety of hypotensive resuscitation within the trauma population. ^ Patients in hemorrhagic shock who required emergent surgery were randomized to one of two arms of the study. Those in the experimental (LMAP) arm were managed with a hypotensive resuscitation strategy in which the target mean arterial pressure was 50mmHg. Those in the control (HMAP) arm were managed with standard fluid resuscitation to a target mean arterial pressure of 65mmHg. Patients were followed for 30 days. Mortality, post-operative complications, and other clinical data were prospectively gathered by the Ben Taub surgical staff and then secondarily analyzed for the purpose of this thesis.^ Subjects in the LMAP group had significantly lower early post-operative mortality compared to those in the HMAP group. 30-day mortality was also lower in the LMAP group, although this did not reach statistical significance. There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups with regards to development of ischemic, hematologic or infectious complications, length of hospitalization, length of ICU stay or duration of mechanical ventilation. ^ Based upon the data presented in this thesis, it appears that hypotensive resuscitation is a safe strategy for use in the trauma population. Specifically, hypotensive resuscitation reduced the risk of early post-operative death from coagulopathic bleeding and did not result in an increased risk of ischemic or other post-operative complications. The preliminary results described in this thesis provide convincing evidence support the continued investigation and use of hypotensive resuscitation in a trauma setting.^


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Pediatric HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa has been a major public health crisis with an estimated 3.5 million children infected. Baylor International Pediatric AIDS Initiative (BIPAI) has created a network of centers providing care and treatment for these children in several countries. In Botswana, where the first BIPAI center in Africa was opened, childhood mortality from HIV/AIDS is now less than 1%. Botswana is a middle-income country that previously held the highest HIV prevalence rate in the world. Efforts against HIV/AIDS have resulted in the building of a strong medical infrastructure with clear success against pediatric HIV/AIDS. The WHO predicts the next global health crisis will be cancer. Given the increased incidence of cancer in the setting of HIV/AIDS, Botswana has already implemented strategies to combat HIV-related malignancies in adults, but efforts in pediatrics have been lagging. This policy paper describes the importance of building on success against pediatric HIV/AIDS and extending this success to pediatric cancer in general. Specifically, it outlines a comprehensive pediatric cancer policy for the education and training of health professionals, the development of a pediatric cancer program, a pediatric cancer registry, public awareness efforts, and an appropriate, country specific pediatric cancer research agenda.^


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Radiation therapy has been used as an effective treatment for malignancies in pediatric patients. However, in many cases, the side effects of radiation diminish these patients’ quality of life. In order to develop strategies to minimize radiogenic complications, one must first quantitatively estimate pediatric patients’ relative risk for radiogenic late effects, which has not become feasible till recently because of the calculational complexity. The goals of this work were to calculate the dose delivered to tissues and organs in pediatric patients during contemporary photon and proton radiotherapies; to estimate the corresponding risk of radiogenic second cancer and cardiac toxicity based on the calculated doses and on dose-risk models from the literature; to test for the statistical significance of the difference between predicted risks after photon versus proton radiotherapies; and to provide a prototype of an evidence-based approach to selecting treatment modalities for pediatric patients, taking second cancer and cardiac toxicity into account. The results showed that proton therapy confers a lower predicted risk of radiogenic second cancer, and lower risks of radiogenic cardiac toxicities, compared to photon therapy. An uncertainty analysis revealed that the qualitative findings of this study are insensitive to changes in a wide variety of host and treatment related factors.


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Diffuse gliomas are highly lethal central nervous system malignancies which, unfortunately, are the most common primary brain tumor and also the least responsive to the very few therapeutic modalities currently available to treat them. IGFBP2 is a newly recognized oncogene that is operative in multiple cancer types, including glioma, and shows promise for a targeted therapeutic approach. Elevated IGFBP2 expression is present in high-grade glioma and correlates with poor survival. We have previously demonstrated that IGFBP2 induces glioma development and progression in a spontaneous glioma mouse model, which highlighted its significance and potential for future therapy. However, we did not yet know the key physiological pathways associated with this newly characterized oncogene. We first evaluated human glioma genomics data harnessed from the publicly available Rembrandt source to identify major pathways associated with IGFBP2 expression. Integrin and ILK, among other cell migration and invasion-related pathways, were the most prominently associated. We confirmed that these pathways are regulated by IGFBP2 in glioma cells lines, and demonstrated that 1) IGFBP2 activates integrin α5β1, leading to the activation of key pathways important in glioma; 2) IGFBP2 mediates cell migration pathways through ILK; and 3) IGFBP2 activates NF-kB via an integrin α5 interaction. We then sought to determine whether this was a physiologically active signaling pathway in vivo by assessing its ability to induce glioma progression in the RCAS/tv-a spontaneous glioma mouse model. We found that ILK is a key downstream mediator of IGFBP2 that is required for the induction of glioma progression. Most significantly, a genetic therapeutic approach revealed that perturbation of any point in the pathway thwarted tumor progression, providing strong evidence that targeting the key players could potentially produce a significant benefit for human glioma patients. The elucidation of this signaling pathway is a critical step, since efforts to create a small molecule drug targeting IGFBP2 have so far not been successful, but a number of inhibitors of the other pathway constituents, including ILK, integrin and NF-kB, have been developed.


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Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) is characterized by a variety of neoplasms occurring at a young age with an apparent autosomal dominant transmission. Individuals in pedigrees with LFS have high incidence of second malignancies. Recently LFS has been found to be associated with germline mutations of a tumor-suppressor gene, p53. Because LFS is rare and indeed not a clear-cut disease, it is not known whether all cases of LFS are attributable to p53 germline mutations and how p53 plays in cancer occurrence in such cancer syndrome families. In the present study, DNAs from constitutive cells of two-hundred and thirty-three family members from ten extended pedigrees were screened for p53 mutations. Six out of the ten LFS families had germline mutations at the p53 locus, including point and deletion mutations. In these six families, 55 out of 146 members were carriers of p53 mutations. Except one, all mutations occurred in exons 5 to 8 (i.e., the "hot spot" region) of the p53 gene. The age-specific penetrance of cancer was estimated after the genotype for each family member at risk was determined. The penetrance was 0.15, 0.29, 0.35, 0.77, and 0.91 by 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 year-old, respectively, in male carriers; 0.19, 0.44, 0.76, and 0.90 by 20, 30, 40, and 50 year-old, respectively, in female carriers. These results indicated that one cannot escape from tumorigenesis if one inherits a p53 mutant allele; at least ninety percent of p53 carriers will develop cancer by the age of 60. To evaluate the possible bias due to the unexamined blood-relatives in LFS families, I performed a simulation analysis in which a p53 genotype was assigned to each unexamined person based on his cancer status and liability to cancer. The results showed that the penetrance estimates were not biased by the unexamined relatives. I also determined the sex, site, and age-specific penetrance of breast cancer in female carriers and lung cancer in male carriers. The penetrance of breast cancer in female carriers was 0.81 by age 45; the penetrance of lung cancer in male carriers was 0.78 by age 60, indicating that p53 play a key role for tumorigenesis in common cancers. ^


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The Departmento de Arica in northern Chile was chosen as the investigation site for a study of the role of certain hematologic and glycolytic variables in the physiological and genetic adaptation to hypoxia.^ The population studied comprised 876 individuals, residents of seven villages at three altitudes: coast (0-500m), sierra (2,500-3,500m) and altiplano (> 4,000m). There was an equal number of males and females ranging in ages from six to 90 years. Although predominantly Aymara, those of mixed or Spanish origin were also examined. The specimens were collected in heparinized vacutainers precipitated with cold trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and immediately frozen to -196(DEGREES)C. Six variables were measured. Three were hematologic: hemoglobin, hematocrit and mean cell hemoglobin concentration. The three others were glycolytic: erythrocyte 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (DPG), adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and the percentage of phosphates (DPG + ATP) in the form of DPG.^ Hemoglobin and hematocrit were measured on site. The DPG and ATP content was assayed in specimens which had been frozen at -196(DEGREES)C and transported to Houston. Structured interviews on site provided information as to lifestyle and family pedigrees.^ The following results were obtained: (1) The actual village, rather than the altitude, of examination accounted for the greatest proportion of the variance in all variables. In the coast, a large difference in levels of ionic lithium in the drinking water exists. The chemical environment of food and drink is postulated to account, in part, for the importance of geographic location in explaining the observed variance. (2) Measurements of individuals from the two extreme altitudes, coast and altiplano, did not exhibit the same relationship with age and body mass. The hematologic variables were significantly related to both age and body build in the coast. The glycolytic variables were significantly related to age and body mass in the altiplano. (3) The environment modified male values more than female values in all variables. The two sexes responded quite differently to age and changes in body mass as well. The question of differing adaptability of the two sexes is discussed. (4) Environmental factors explained a significantly higher proportion of total variability in the altiplano than in the coast for hemoglobin, hematocrit and DPG. Most of the ATP variability at both altitudes is explained by genetic factors. ^


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Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are oncogene-addicted cancers driven by activating mutations in the genes encoding receptor tyrosine kinases KIT and PDGFR-α. Imatinib mesylate, a specific inhibitor of KIT and PDGFR-α signaling, delays progression of GIST, but is incapable of achieving cure. Thus, most patients who initially respond to imatinib therapy eventually experience tumor progression, and have limited therapeutic options thereafter. To address imatinib-resistance and tumor progression, these studies sought to understand the molecular mechanisms that regulate apoptosis in GIST, and evaluate combination therapies that kill GISTs cells via complementary, but independent, mechanisms. BIM (Bcl-2 interacting mediator of apoptosis), a pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family, effects apoptosis in oncogene-addicted malignancies treated with targeted therapies, and was recently shown to mediate imatinib-induced apoptosis in GIST. This dissertation examined the molecular mechanism of BIM upregulation and its cytotoxic effect in GIST cells harboring clinically-representative KIT mutations. Additionally, imatinib-induced alterations in BIM and pro-survival Bcl-2 proteins were studied in specimens from patients with GIST, and correlated to apoptosis, FDG-PET response, and survival. Further, the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis was targeted therapeutically in GIST cells with the Bcl-2 inhibitor ABT-737. These studies show that BIM is upregulated in GIST cells and patient tumors after imatinib exposure, and correlates with induction of apoptosis, response by FDG-PET, and disease-free survival. These studies contribute to the mechanistic understanding of imatinib-induced apoptosis in clinically-relevant models of GIST, and may facilitate prediction of resistance and disease progression in patients. Further, combining inhibition of KIT and Bcl-2 induces apoptosis synergistically and overcomes imatinib-resistance in GIST cells. Given that imatinib-resistance and GIST progression may reflect inadequate BIM-mediated inhibition of pro-survival Bcl-2 proteins, the preclinical evidence presented here suggests that direct engagement of apoptosis may be an effective approach to enhance the cytotoxicity of imatinib and overcome resistance.


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Uterine leiomyosarcoma (ULMS) is an aggressive malignancy characterized by marked chemoresistance, frequent relapses, and poor outcome. Despite efforts to improve survival over the past several decades, only minimal advances have been made. Hence, there is an urgent and unmet need for better understanding of the molecular deregulations that underlay ULMS and development of more effective therapeutic strategies. This work identified several common deregulations in a large (n=208) tissue microarray of ULMS compared to GI smooth muscle, myometrium, and leiomyoma controls. Our results suggest that significant loss of smooth muscle and gynecological differentiation markers is common in ULMS, a finding that could help render improved ULMS diagnosis, especially for advanced disease. Similarly to reports in other malignancies, we found that several cancer-related proteins were differentially expressed; these could be useful together as biomarkers for ULMS. Notably, we identified significant upregulation and overexpression of the mTOR pathway in ULMS, examined the possible contribution of tyrosine kinase receptor deregulation promoting mTOR activation, and unraveled a role for pS6RP and p4EBP1 as molecular disease prognosticators. The significance of mTOR activation in ULMS and its potential as a therapeutic target were further investigated. Rapamycin abrogated ULMS cell growth and cell cycle progression in vitro but induced only sight growth delay in vivo. Given that effective mTOR therapies likely require combination mTOR blockade with inhibition of other targets, coupled with recent observations suggesting that Aurora A kinase (Aurk A) deregulations commonly occur in ULMS, the preclinical impact of dually targeting both pathways was evaluated. Combined therapy with rapamycin (an mTORC1 inhibitor) and MLN8237 (an investigational Aurk A inhibitor) profoundly and synergistically abrogated ULMS growth in vitro. Interestingly, the superior effects were noted only when MLN8237 was pre-administered. This novel therapeutic combination and scheduling regimen resulted in marked tumor growth inhibition in vivo. Together, these data support further exploration of dual mTOR and Aurk A blockade for the treatment of human ULMS.


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Ovarian cancer is the most lethal of the gynecologic malignancies. The development of endometriosis has been shown to increase one's risk of ovarian cancer. Numerous studies have investigated this association, yet none have synthesized the available data. In a pooled analysis of cohort and case-control studies, the association between endometriosis and ovarian cancer was strengthened. Women who developed endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer were more likely to develop an early stage clear cell or endometrioid ovarian cancer histotypes and were more likely to have a better overall prognosis. The prognostic differences between endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer and ovarian cancer without an associated endometriosis may indicate genetic and environmental differences between groups.^


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Venous thromboembolism (VTE), including deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), is the third most preventable cardiovascular disease and a growing public health problem in the United States. The incidence of VTE remains high with an annual estimate of more than 600,000 symptomatic events. DVT affects an estimated 2 million American each year with a death toll of 300,000 persons per year from DVT-related PE. Leukemia patients are at high risk for both hemorrhage and thrombosis; however, little is known about thrombosis among acute leukemia patients. The ultimate goal of this dissertation was to obtain deep understanding of thrombotic issue among acute leukemia patients. The dissertation was presented in a format of three papers. First paper mainly looked at distribution and risk factors associated with development of VTE among patients with acute leukemia prior to leukemia treatment. Second paper looked at incidence, risk factors, and impact of VTE on survival of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia during treatment. Third paper looked at recurrence and risk factors for VTE recurrence among acute leukemia patients with an initial episode of VTE. Descriptive statistics, Chi-squared or Fisher's exact test, median test, Mann-Whitney test, logistic regression analysis, Nonparametric Estimation Kaplan-Meier with a log-rank test or Cox model were used when appropriate. Results from analyses indicated that acute leukemia patients had a high prevalence, incidence, and recurrent rate of VTE. Prior history of VTE, obesity, older age, low platelet account, presence of Philadelphia positive ALL, use of oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy, presence of malignancies, and co-morbidities may place leukemia patients at an increased risk for VTE development or recurrence. Interestingly, development of VTE was not associated with a higher risk of death among hospitalized acute leukemia patients.^


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Better morbidity and mortality outcomes associated with increased hospital procedural volume have been demonstrated across a number of different medical procedures. Existence of such a volume-outcome relationship is posited to lead to increased specialization of care, such that patients requiring specific procedures are funneled to physicians and hospitals that achieve a minimum volume of such procedures each year. In this study, the 2009 Nationwide Inpatient Sample is used to examine the relationship between hospital volume and patient outcome among patients undergoing procedures related to malignant brain cancer. Multiple regression models were used to examine the impact of hospital volume on length of inpatient stay and cost of inpatient stay; logistic regression was used to examine the impact of hospital volume on morbidity. Hospital volume was found to be a significant predictor of both length of stay and cost of stay. Hospital volume was associated with a lower length of stay, but was also associated with increased costs. Hospital volume was not found to be a statistically significant predictor of morbidity, though less than three percent of this sample died while in the hospital. Volume is indeed a significant predictor of outcome for procedures related to brain malignancies, though further research regarding the cost of such procedures is recommended.^


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Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the leading malignancies affecting men in the Western world. Although tremendous effort has been made towards understanding PCa development and developing clinical treatments in the past decades, the exact mechanisms of PCa are still not clearly understood. Emerging evidence has postulated that a population of stem cell-like cells inside a tumor, termed ‘cancer stem cells (CSCs)’, may be the cells responsible for tumor initiation, progression, recurrence, metastasis and therapy resistance. Like CSC studies in other cancer types, it has been reported that PCa also contains CSCs. However, there remain several unresolved questions that need to be clarified. First, the relationship between prostate CSCs (PCSCs) and therapy resistance (chemo- and radio-) is not known. Herein, we have found that not all CSCs are drug-tolerant, and not all drug-tolerant cells are CSCs. Second, whether primary human PCa (HPCa) actually contain PCSCs remains unclear, due to the well-known fact that we have yet to establish a reliable assay system that can reproducibly and faithfully reconstitute tumor regeneration from single HPCa cells. Herein, after utilizing more than 114 HPCa samples we have provided evidence that immortalized bone marrow-derived stromal cells (Hs5) can help dissociated HPCa cells generate undifferentiated tumors in immunodeficient NOD/SCID-IL2Rγ-/- mice, and the undifferentiated PCa cells seem to have a survival advantage to generate tumors. Third, the evolution of PCa from androgen dependent to the lethally castration resistant (CRPC) stage remains enigmatic, and the cells responsible for CRPC development have not been identified. Herein, we have found a putative cell population, ALDH+CD44+α2β1+ PCa cells that may represent a cell-of-origin for CRPC. Taken together, our work has improved our understanding of PCSC properties, possibly highlighting a potential therapeutic target for CRPC.


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Targeting Histone deacetylases (HDAC) for the treatment of genetically complex soft tissue sarcoma Histone deactylase inhibitors (HDACi) are a new class of anticancer therapeutics; however, little is known about HDACi or the individual contribution of HDAC isoform activity in soft tissue sarcoma (STS). We investigated the potential efficacy of HDACi as monotherapy and in combination with chemotherapy in a panel of genetically complex STS. We found that HDACi combined with chemotherapy significantly induced anti-STS effects in vitro and in vivo. We then focused our study of HDACi in malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST), a subtype of highly aggressive, therapeutically resistant, and commonly fatal malignancies that occur in patients with neurofibromatosis type-1 (NF1) or sporadically. The therapeutic efficacy of HDACi was investigated in a panel of NF1-associated and sporadic MPNST cell lines. Our results demonstrate the NF1-assocaited cohort to be highly sensitive to HDACi while sporadic cell lines exhibited resistance. HDACi-induced productive autophagy was found to be a mode of resistance and inhibiting HDACi-induced autophagy significantly induced pro-apoptotic effects of HDACi in vitro and in vivo. HDACs are not a single enzyme consisting of 11 currently known isoforms. HDACis used in these studies inhibit a variety of these isoforms, namely class I HDACs which include HDAC1, 2, 3, and 8. Recently, HDAC8-specific inhibitors (HDAC8i) have been created and tested in various cancer cell lines. Lastly, the potential therapeutic efficacy of HDAC8i was investigated in human (NF1-associated and sporadic) and NF1-associated murine-derived MPNST. HDAC8i abrogated cell growth in human and murine-derived MPNST cells. Similar to the pattern noticed with pan-HDACis NF1-associated cells, especially murine-derived, were more sensitive to HDAC8i compared to human sporadic MPNST cell lines. S-phase arrest was observed in human and murine MPNST cells, independent of p53 mutational and NF1 status. HDAC8i induced apoptosis is all cell lines tested, with a more pronounced effects in human and murine-derived NF1-associated cells. Most importantly, HDAC8i abrogated murine-derived MPNST xenograft growth in vivo. Taken together, these findings support the evaluation of pan-HDACi and isoform-specific inhibitors as a novel therapy to treat MPNST, including in combination with autophagy blocking combination regimens in particular for patients with sporadic MPNST.


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The non-Hodgkin's B cell lymphomas are a diverse group of neoplastic diseases. The incidence rate of the malignant tumors has been rising rapidly over the past twenty years in the United States and worldwide. The lack of insight to pathogenesis of the disease poses a significant problem in the early detection and effective treatment of the human malignancies. These studies attempted to investigate the molecular basis of pathogenesis of the human high grade B cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas with a reverse genetic approach. The specific objective was to clone gene(s) which may play roles in development and progression of human high grade B cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas.^ The messenger RNAs from two high grade B cell lymphoma lines, CJ and RR, were used for construction of cDNA libraries. Differential screening of the derived cDNA libraries yielded a 1.4 kb cDNA clone. The gene, designated as NHL-B1.4, was shown to be highly amplified and over-expressed in the high grade B cell lymphoma lines. It was not expressed in the peripheral blood lymphoid cells from normal donors. However, it was inducible in peripheral blood T lymphocytes by a T cell mitogen, PHA, but could not be activated in normal B cells by B cell mitogen PMA. Further molecular characterization revealed that the gene may have been rearranged in the RR and some other B cell lymphoma lines. The coding capacity of the cDNA has been confirmed by a rabbit reticulocyte lysate and wheat germ protein synthesis system. A recombinant protein with a molecular weight of approximate 30 kDa was visualized in autoradiogram. Polyclonal antisera have been generated by immunization of two rabbits with the NHL-B1.4 recombinant protein produced in the E. coli JM109. The derived antibody can recognize a natural protein with molecular weight of 49 kDa in cell lysate of activated peripheral T lymphocytes of normal donors and both the cell lysate and supernatant of RR B cell lymphoma lines. The possible biologic functions of the molecule has been tested preliminarily in a B lymphocyte proliferation assay. It was found that the Q-sepharose chromatograph purified supernatant of COS cell transfection could increase tritiated thymidine uptake by B lymphocytes but not by T lymphocytes. The B cell stimulatory activity of the supernatant of COS cell tranfection could be neutralized by the polyclonal antisera, indicating that the NHL-B1.4 gene product may be a molecule with BCGF-like activity.^ The expression profiles of NHL-B1.4 in normal and neoplastic lymphoid cells were consistent with the current B lymphocyte activation model and autocrine hypothesis of high grade B cell lymphomagenesis. These results suggested that the NHL-B1.4 cDNA may be a disease-related gene of human high grade B cell lymphomas, which may codes for a postulated B cell autocrine growth factor. ^


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Carcinoma of the skin is the most common type of human cancer in the United States. Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) present in the sunlight is thought to be the major carcinogen responsible for induction of skin cancer. In UV-associated skin carcinogenesis, mutations in p53 are not only present with very high frequency, but occur early in the course of tumor development. In addition, UV-induced skin tumors in mice exhibit unique immunological characteristics. They are highly antigenic and express both individually-specific tumor transplantation antigens recognized by effector T cells and the UV-associated common antigen recognized by UV-induced suppressor T cells. ^ To examine the hypothesis that p53 plays a critical role in preventing skin cancer induction by UVR, mice constitutively lacking one or two functional p53 alleles were compared to wild-type mice for their susceptibility to UV carcinogenesis. Both p53 +/– and –/– mice showed greater susceptibility to skin cancer induction than wild-type mice, and –/– mice were the most susceptible, Accelerated tumor development in the p53 +/– mice was not associated with loss of the remaining wild-type allele of p53 , but in many cases was associated with UV-induced mutations in p53. Our studies clearly demonstrate the essential role of p53 in protection against UV carcinogenesis, particularly in the eye and epidermis. ^ The role of p53 in the antigenicity of UV-induced murine skin tumors was also addressed. Primary UV-induced tumors from p53 –/–, +/– and +/+ mice were transplanted into both normal and immunosuppressed mice, and rates of tumor rejection were compared. Tumors from mice with only one or no functional p53 alleles were less antigenic than those from mice with two functional p53 alleles. Moreover, tumors with no functional p53 also failed to grow well in chronically UV-irradiated mice. These results indicate that p53 contributes to the strong antigenicity of UV-induced murine skin tumors, and suggest that it may play a critical role in expression of the UV-associated common antigen recognized by suppressor T cells. ^ In this study we also monitored the effect of UVR on the development of lymphoid malignancies in p53 deficient mice. The incidence of lymphoid malignancies in UV-irradiated p53 +/– mice was drastically enhanced compared to that in unirradiated counterparts. The immune responses of the mice were identical and were suppressed to the same extent by UV irradiation regardless of the p53 genotype. These data provide the first experimental evidence that exposure to UVR can contribute to the development of lymphoid neoplasms in genetically susceptible hosts. ^