95 resultados para DNA binding modes


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Dissecting the Interaction of p53 and TRIM24 Aundrietta DeVan Duncan Supervisory Professor, Michelle Barton, Ph.D. p53, the “guardian of the genome”, plays an important role in multiple biological processes including cell cycle, angiogenesis, DNA repair and apoptosis. Because it is mutated in over 50% of cancers, p53 has been widely studied in established cancer cell lines. However, little is known about the function of p53 in a normal cell. We focused on characterizing p53 in normal cells and during differentiation. Our lab recently identified a novel binding partner of p53, Tripartite Motif 24 protein (TRIM24). TRIM24 is a member of the TRIM family of proteins, defined by their conserved RING, B-box, and coiled coil domains. Specifically, TRIM24 is a member of the TIF1 subfamily, which is characterized by PHD and Bromo domains in the C-terminus. Between the Coiled-coil and PHD domain is a linker region, 437 amino acids in length. This linker region houses important functions of TRIM24 including it’s site of interaction with nuclear receptors. TRIM24 is an E3-ubiquitin ligase, recently discovered to negatively regulate p53 by targeting it for degradation. Though it is known that Trim24 and p53 interact, it is not known if the interaction is direct and what effect this interaction has on the function of TRIM24 and p53. My study aims to elucidate the specific interaction domains of p53 and TRIM24. To determine the specific domains of p53 required for interaction with TRIM24, we performed co-immuoprecipitation (Co-IP) with recombinant full-length Flag-tagged TRIM24 protein and various deletion constructs of in vitro translated GST-p53, as well as the reverse. I found that TRIM24 binds both the carboxy terminus and DNA binding domain of p53. Furthermore, my results show that binding is altered when post-translational modifications of p53 are present, suggesting that the interaction between p53 and TRIM24 may be affected by these post-translational modifications. To determine the specific domains of TRIM24 required for p53 interaction, we performed GST pull-downs with in vitro translated, Flag-TRIM24 protein constructs and recombinant GST-p53 protein purified from E. coli. We found that the Linker region is sufficient for interaction of p53 and TRIM24. Taken together, these data indicate that the interaction between p53 and TRIM24 does occur in vitro and that interaction may be influenced by post-translational modifications of the proteins.


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STUDY OF REST AS A NEGATIVE REGULATOR OF P16INK4A Monica Gireud, B.S. Thesis Advisor: Vidya Gopalakrishnan, Ph.D. The RE1 Silencing Transcription Factor (REST) is a negative regulator of neuronal differentiation. It is expressed ubiquitously in early embryos, but downregulated in neural progenitors concomitant with onset of neuronal differentiation in these cells. REST has been widely studied as a negative regulator of neuronal differentiation genes. Our recent work identified a novel role for REST in control of cell proliferation. However, the underlying molecular mechanism(s) are not known and is a focus of the current thesis project. Here, we provide evidence that REST signaling controls the expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, p16Ink4a, a negative regulator of the cell cycle and passage through G1. We determined that REST expression in the proliferating granule progenitors of the cerebellum and its lack of expression in the differentiated neurons is reciprocally correlated with that of p16Ink4a. Decline in REST levels in differentiating primary and neural stem cells immortalized with v-myc (NSC-M) granule progenitors in vitro was also associated with upregulation of p16Ink4a expression. Conversely, constitutive human REST transgene expression in NSC-M cells (NSC-MRs) blocked p16Ink4 upregulation, even under neuronal differentiation conditions. However, the lack of a consensus REST DNA binding RE1 element in the regulatory regions of p16Ink4a locus suggested an indirect regulation of p16Ink4a by REST. Based on work from other groups that showed repression of p16Ink4a transcription by the polycomb protein Bmi-1, and its negative regulation by microRNA-203 (miR-203) and our identification of a RE1 element in the downstream regulatory region of miR-203, we asked if the p16Ink4a expression was controlled by REST through a series of negative regulatory events involving miR-203 and Bmi-1. We observed that Bmi1 -expression mirrored that of REST and inversely correlated with that of miR-203 in the postnatal cerebellum and in vitro differentiated granule and NSC-M progenitors. In contrast, forced REST transgene expression in NSC-MR cells abrogated the decrease in Bmi-1 levels and elevation in miR-203 expression. Significant REST binding to the miR-203 RE1 element was also observed in NSC-M cells, indicating that REST had the potential to directly regulate miR-203 expression. In conclusion, our studies suggest a role for REST in control of cell cycle transit in neural progenitors through negative regulation of p16Ink4a. Further validation of these results in REST knockout mice is needed, and is ongoing.


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Human placental lactogen (hPL) and human growth hormone (hGH) comprise a multigene family that share $>$90% nucleic acid sequence homology including 500 bp of 5$\sp\prime$ flanking sequence. Despite these similarities, hGH is produced in the anterior pituitary while hPL is expressed in the placenta. For most genes studied to date, regulation of expression occurs by alterations at the level of transcriptional initiation. Nuclear proteins bind specific DNA sequences in the promoter to regulate gene expression. In this study, the hPL$\sb3$ promoter was analyzed for DNA sequences that contribute to its expression. The interaction between the hPL$\sb3$ promoter and nuclear proteins was examined using nuclear extracts from placental and non-placental cells.^ To identify regulatory elements in the promoter of the hPL$\sb3$ gene, 5$\sp\prime$ deletion mutants were constructed by cleaving 1200 bp of upstream sequence with various restriction enzymes. These DNA fragments were ligated 5$\sp\prime$ to a promoterless bacterial gene chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) and transfected into JEG-3 cells, a human placental choriocarcinoma cell line. The level of CAT activity reflects the ability of the promoter mutants to activate transcription. Deletion of the sequence between $-$142 bp and $-$129 bp, relative to the start of transcription, resulted in an 8-fold decrease in CAT activity. Nuclear proteins from JEG-3, HeLa, and HepG2 (human liver cells), formed specific binding complexes with this region of the hPL$\sb3$ promoter, as shown by gel mobility shift assay. The $-$142 bp to $-$129 bp region contains a sequence similar to that of a variant binding site for the transcription factor Sp1. Sp1-like proteins were identified by DNA binding assay, in the nuclear extracts of the three cell lines. A series of G nucleotides in the hPL$\sb3$ promoter regulatory region were identified by methylation interference assay to interact with the DNA-binding proteins and the pattern obtained is similar to that for other Sp1 binding sites that have been studied. This suggests that hPL$\sb3$ may be transcriptionally regulated by Sp1 or a Sp1-like transacting factor. ^


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The invariant chain associated with the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules is a non-polymorphic glycoprotein implicated in antigen processing and class II molecule intracellular transport. Class II molecules and invariant chain (In) are expressed primarily by B lymphocytes and antigen-presenting cells such as macrophages and can be induced by interferon gamma (IFN-$\gamma$) in a variety of cell types such as endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and astrocytes. In this study the cis-acting sequences involved in the constitutive, tissue-specific, and IFN-$\gamma$ induced expression of the human In gene were investigated and nuclear proteins which specifically bound these sequences were identified.^ To define promoter sequences involved in the regulation of the human In gene, 790 bp 5$\sp\prime$ to the initiation of transcription were subcloned upstream of the gene encoding chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT). Transfection of this construct into In expressing and non-expressing cell lines demonstrated that this 790 bp In promoter sequence conferred tissue specificity to the CAT gene. Deletion mutants were created in the promoter to identify sequences important for transcription. Three regulatory regions were identified $-$396 to $-$241, $-$241 to $-$216, and $-$216 to $-$165 bp 5$\sp\prime$ to the cap site. Transfection into a human glioblastoma cell line, U-373 MG, and treatment with IFN-$\gamma$, demonstrated that this 5$\sp\prime$ region is responsive to IFN-$\gamma$. An IFN-$\gamma$ response element was sublocalized to the region $-$120 to $-$61 bp. This region contains homology to the interferon-stimulated response element (ISRE) identified in other IFN responsive genes. IFN-$\gamma$ induces a sequence-specific DNA binding factor which binds to an oligonucleotide corresponding to $-$107 to $-$79 bp of the In promoter. This factor also binds to an oligonucleotide corresponding to $-$91 to $-$62 of the interferon-$\beta$ gene promoter, suggesting this factor may be member of the IRF-1/ISGF2, IRF-2, ICSBP family of ISRE binding proteins. A transcriptional enhancer was identified in the first intron of the In gene. This element, located in a 2.6 kb BamHI/PstI fragment, enhances the IFN-$\gamma$ response of the promoter in U-373 MG. The majority of the In enhancer activity was sublocalized to a 550 bp region $\sim$1.6 kb downstream of the In transcriptional start site. ^


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Recently, a family of muscle-specific regulatory factors that includes myogenin, myoD, myf-5, and MRF-4 has been identified. They share a high degree of homology within a region that contains a basic and helix-loop-helix domain. Transfection of many non-muscle cell types with any one of these genes results in the activation of the entire myogenic program. To explore the mechanism through which myogenin regulates myogenesis, we have prepared antibodies against peptides specific to myogenin. Using these antibodies we show that myogenin is a 32 Kd phospho-protein which is localized to the nuclei of muscle cells. In vitro, myogenin oligomerizes with the ubiquitous enhancer binding factor E12, and acquires high affinity for an element of the core of the muscle creatine kinase (MCK) enhancer that is conserved among many muscle-specific genes. Myogenin synthesized in BC$\sb3$H1 and C2 muscle cell lines also binds to the same site in the enhancer. However, the MCK enhancer is not activated in 10T1/2 fibroblasts which have been transfected with a constitutive myogenin expression vector until growth factors have been removed from the media. This result indicates that mitogenic signals block the actions of myogenin.. Mutagenesis of the myogenin/E12 binding site in the MCK enhancer abolishes binding of the hetero-oligomer and prevents trans-activation of the enhancer by myogenin. By site directed mutagenesis of myogenin we have shown that the basic region consists of three clusters of basic residues, two of which are required for binding and activation of the myogenic program. Myogenic activation, but not DNA binding, is lost when the 10 residue region between the two required basic clusters is substituted with the corresponding region from E12, which also contains a similar basic and helix-loop-helix domain. Functional revertants of this substitution mutant have identified two amino acids which confer muscle specificity. The properties of myogenin suggest that it functions as a sequence-specific DNA binding factor that interacts directly with muscle-specific genes during myogenesis and contains within its basic domain a region which imparts myogenic activation and is separable from DNA binding. ^


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The expression of the chicken fast skeletal myosin alkali light chain (MLC) 3f is subject to complex patterns of control by developmental and physiologic signals. Regulation over MLC3f gene expression is thought to be exerted primarily at the transcriptional level. The purpose of this dissertation was to identify cis-acting elements on the 5$\sp\prime$ flanking region of chicken MLC3f gene that are important for transcriptional regulation. The results show that the 5$\sp\prime$ flanking region of MLC3f gene contains multiple cis-acting elements. The nucleotide sequence of these elements demonstrates a high degree of conservation between different species and are also found in the 5$\sp\prime$ flanking regions of many muscle protein genes. The first regulatory region is located between $-$185 and $-$150 bp from the transcription start site and contains an AT-rich element. Linker scanner analyses have revealed that this element has a positive effect on transcription of the MLC3f promoter. Furthermore, when linked to a heterologous viral promoter, it can enhance reporter gene expression in a muscle-specific manner, independent of distance or orientation.^ The second regulatory region is located between $-$96 and $-$64 from the transcription start site. Sequences downstream of $-$96 have the capacity to drive muscle-specific reporter gene expression, although the region between $-$96 and $-$64 has no intrinsic enhancer-like activity. Linker scanner analyses have identified a GC-rich motif that required efficient transcription of the MLC3f promoter. Mutations to this region of DNA results in diminished capacity to drive reporter gene expression and is correlated with disruption of the ability to bind sequence-specific transcription factors. These sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins were detected in both muscle and non-muscle extracts. The results suggest that the mere presence or absence of transcription factors cannot be solely responsible for regulation of MLC3f expression and that tissue-specific expression may arise from complex interactions with muscle-specific, as well as more ubiquitous transcription factors with multiple regulatory elements on the gene. ^


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Histone gene expression is replication-independent during oogenesis and early embryogenesis in amphibians; however, it becomes replication-dependent during later embryogenesis and remains replication-dependent through adulthood. In order to understand the mechanism for this switch in transcriptional regulation of histone gene expression during amphibian development, linker-scanning mutations were made in a Xenopus laevis H2B histone gene promoter by oligonucleotide site-directed mutagenesis and assayed by microinjection into oocytes and embryos. The Xenopus H2B gene has a relatively simple promoter containing several transcriptional regulatory elements, including TFIID, CCAAT, and ATF motifs, required for maximal transcription in both oocytes and embryos. Factors binding to the CCAAT and ATF motifs are present in oocytes and embryos and increase slightly in abundance during early development. A sequence (CTTTACAT) in the frog H2B promoter resembling the conserved octamer motif (ATTTGCAT), the target for cell-cycle regulation of a human H2B gene, is additionally required for maximal H2B transcription in frog embryos. Oocytes and embryos contain multiple octamer-binding proteins that are expressed in a sequential manner during early development. Sequences encoding three novel octamer-binding proteins were isolated from Xenopus cDNA libraries by virtue of their similarity with the DNA binding (POU) domain of the ubiquitously expressed transcription factor Oct-1. The protein encoded by one of these genes, termed Oct-60, was localized mainly in the cytoplasm of oocytes and was also present in early embryos until the gastrula stage of development. Proteins encoded by the other two genes, Oct-25 and Oct-91, were present in embryos after the mid-blastula stage of development and decreased by early neurula stage. The activity of the Xenopus H2B octamer motif in embryos is not specifically associated with increased binding by Oct-1 or the appearance of novel octamer-binding proteins but requires the presence of an intact CCAAT motif. We found that synergistic interactions among promoter elements are important for full H2B promoter activity. The results suggest that transcription of the Xenopus H2B gene is replication-dependent when it is activated at the mid-blastula stage of development and that replication-dependent H2B transcription is mediated by Oct-1. ^


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Genetic evidence has indicated that the segmentation gene runt plays a key role in regulating gene expression of the pair-rule genes hairy, even-skipped, and fushi tarazu. In contrast to other pair-rule genes, sequence data of the runt open reading frame did not reveal homologies to DNA-binding motifs of known transcriptional regulatory proteins. This thesis project examined several properties of the runt gene based on the sequence of the transcription unit, including the subcellular localization of the protein in vivo, its ability to bind DNA, and the functionality of a putative nucleotide binding domain.^ A runt-specific antibody was generated and used to demonstrate that runt is localized in the nucleus. Since the precise overlap of the pair-rule stripes is thought to be critical for the determination of cellular identity along the anterior-posterior axis, phasing of early runt expression in the blastoderm was examined with regard to the segmentation genes hairy, even-skipped, and fushi tarazu. runt was also expressed at later stages of embryogenesis, including expression in neuroblasts, and ganglion mother cells of the developing nervous system. Expression at this stage was required for the subsequent formation of specific neurons and runt was extensively expressed in the central and peripheral nervous systems.^ Several experiments were done to address the biochemical function of the runt protein. A direct interaction of runt with DNA was first examined. Although bacterial expressed runt was found to bind dsDNA-cellulose, subsequent experiments failed to detect sequence-specific interactions with DNA. Inter-species conservation of the putative nucleotide binding domain suggested that this region was functionally important, and runt protein bound a labeled ATP analog with high affinity in vitro. Finally, the effect of substitution of a critical residue of the nucleotide binding domain on runt activity was examined in vivo. Ectopic expression of the mutant protein indicated that this conserved substitution altered, but did not eliminate, runt activity as evaluated by segmentation phenotype and viability. ^


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The Spec genes of the sea urchin Stronylocentrotus purpuratus serves as an excellent model for studying cell type-specific gene expression during early embryogenesis. The Spec1/Spec2 genes encode cytosolic calcium-binding proteins related to the calmodulin/troponin C/myosin light chain superfamily. Members of the Spec gene family are activated shortly after the sixth cleavage as the lineage-specific founder cells giving rise to aboral ectoderm are established, and the accumulation of the Spec mRNAs is limited exclusively to aboral ectoderm cell lineages. In this dissertation, the transcriptional regulation of the Spec genes was studied. Sequence comparisons of the Spec gene 5$\sp\prime$ flanking regions showed that a DNA block of approximately 800 bp from the 3$\sp\prime$ end of the first exon to the 5$\sp\prime$ end of a repetitive DNA element, termed RSR, was highly conserved. In Spec2a, the conserved region was a continuous stretch of DNA, but in Spec1 and Spec2c, DNA insertions interrupt the conserved sequence block and alter the relative placement of the RSR element and other 5$\sp\prime$ flanking DNA. Thus, drastic rearrangements have occurred within the putative control regions of the Spec genes. In vivo expression experiments using the sea urchin embryo gene-transfer system showed that while the 5$\sp\prime$ flanking regions of all three Spec genes conferred proper temporal activation to the reporter CAT gene, only the Spec2a 5$\sp\prime$ flanking region could restrict lacZ gene expression to aboral ectoderm cells. However, the Spec2a conserved region alone was not sufficient to confer proper spatial expression, suggesting that negative spatial elements are also associated with the proper activation of Spec2a. A major positive regulatory region, defined as the RSR enhancer, was identified between base pairs $-$631 and $-$443 on Spec2a. The RSR enhancer was essential for maximal activity and conferred preferential aboral ectoderm expression to a lacZ reporter gene. DNaseI footprinting and band-shift analysis of the RSR enhancer revealed multiple DNA-elements. One of the elements, an A/T-rich sequence called the A/T palindrome was studied in detail. This element binds a single 45-kDa nuclear protein, the A/T palindrome binding protein (A/TBP), whose DNA-binding specificity suggests a possible relationship with the bicoid-class homeodomain proteins. Mutated A/T palindromes are incapable of binding the 45-kDa protein and lower promoter activity by 8-fold. DNA-binding activity for A/TBP is low in unfertilized eggs, increases by the 16-cell stage and continues rising in blastulae. These data suggest that A/TBP plays a major role in the activation of the Spec2a gene in aboral ectoderm cells. ^


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I have cloned cDNAs corresponding to two distinct genes, Xlmf1 and Xlmf25, which encode skeletal muscle-specific, transcriptional regulatory proteins. These proteins are members of the helix-loop-helix family of DNA binding factors, and are most homologous to MyoD1. These two genes have disparate temporal expression patterns during early embryogenesis; although, both transcripts are present exclusively in skeletal muscle of the adult. Xlmf1 is first detected 7 hours after fertilization, shortly after the midblastula transition. Xlmf25 is detected in maternal stores of mRNA, during early cleavage stages of the embryo and throughout later development. Both Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 transcripts are detected prior to the expression of other, previously characterized, muscle-specific genes. The ability of Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 to convert mouse 10T1/2 fibroblasts to a myogenic phenotype demonstrates their activity as myogenic regulatory factors. Additionally, Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 can directly transactivate a reporter gene linked to the muscle-specific, muscle creatine kinase (MCK) enhancer. The functional properties of Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 proteins were further explored by investigating their interactions with the binding site in the MCK enhancer. Analysis of dissociation rates revealed that Xlmf25-E12 dimers had a two-fold lower avidity for this site than did Xlmf1-E12 dimers. Clones containing genomic sequence of Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 have been isolated. Reporter gene constructs containing a lac-z gene driven by Xlmf1 regulatory sequences were analyzed by embryo injections and transfections into cultured muscle cells. Elements within $-$200 bp of the transcription start site can promote high levels of muscle specific expression. Embryo injections show that 3500 bp of upstream sequence is sufficient to drive somite specific expression. EMSAs and DNAse I footprint analysis has shown the discrete interaction of factors with several cis-elements within 200 bp of the transcription start site. Mutation of several of these elements shows a positive requirement for two CCAAT boxes and two E boxes. It is evident from the work performed with this promoter that Xlmf1 is tightly regulated during muscle cell differentiation. This is not surprising given the fact that its gene product is crucial to the determination of cell fate choices. ^


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The formation of skeletal muscle during vertebrate development involves the induction of mesoderm and subsequent generation of myoblasts that ultimately differentiate into mature muscles. The recent identification of a group of myogenic regulators that can convert fibroblasts to myoblasts has contributed to our understanding of the molecular events that underlie the establishment of the skeletal muscle phenotype. Members of this group of myogenic regulators share a helix-loop-helix (HLH) motif that mediates DNA binding. The myogenic HLH proteins bind to the consensus sequence CANNTG, referred to as an E-box, and activate muscle-specific transcription. In addition to E-boxes, other motifs, such as the MEF-2 binding site, have been shown to mediate muscle-specific transcription. The myogenic HLH proteins are expressed in the myogenic precursors in somites and limb buds, and in differentiated muscle fibers during embryogenesis, consistent with their roles as regulators for muscle development. The myogenic HLH proteins appear to auto-activate their own and cross-activate one another's expression in cultured cells. Myogenin is one of the myogenic HLH proteins and likely the regulator for terminal muscle differentiation. Myogenin is a common target of diverse regulatory pathways. To search for upstream regulators of myogenin, we studied regulation of myogenin transcription during mouse embryogenesis. We showed that the myogenin promoter contains a binding site for MEF-2, which can mediate indirectly the autoregulation of myogenin transcription. We found that a transgene under the control of a 1.5 kb 5$\sp\prime$ flanking sequence can recapitulate the temporal and spatial expression pattern of the endogenous myogenin gene during mouse embryogenesis. By tracing embryonic cells that activate myogenin-lacZ during embryogenesis, we found no evidence that lacZ was expressed in myogenic precursors migrating from somites to limb buds, suggesting the existence of regulators other than myogenic HLH proteins that can maintain cells in the myogenic lineage. Mutations of an E-box and a MEF-2 site in the myogenin promoter suppressed transcription in subsets of myogenic precursors in mouse embryos. These results suggest that myogenic HLH proteins and MEF-2 participate in separable regulatory pathways controlling myogenin transcription and provide evidence for positional regulation of myogenic regulators in the embryo. ^


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Cell differentiation are associated with activation of cell lineage-specific genes. The $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene of Lytechinus pictus is activated at the late cleavage stage. $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ transcripts accumulate exclusively in aboral ectoderm lineages. Previous studies demonstrated two G-string DNA-elements, proximal and distal G-strings, which bind to an ectoderm-enriched nuclear factor. In order to define the cis-elements which control positive expression of the $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene, the regulatory region from $-$108 to +17 bp of the $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene promoter was characterized. The ectoderm G-string factor binds to a G/C-rich region larger than the G-string itself and the binding of the G-string factor requires sequences immediately downstream from the G-string. These downstream sequences are essential for full promoter activity. In addition, only 108 bp of $LpS{\it 1}\beta\ 5\sp\prime$ flanking DNA drives $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene expression in aboral ectoderm/mesenchyme cells. Therefore, for positive control of $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene expression, two regions of 5$\sp\prime$ flanking DNA are required: region I from base pairs $-$762 to $-$511, and region II, which includes the G/C-rich element, from base pairs $-$108 to $-$61. A mesenchyme cell repressor element is located within region I.^ DNA-binding proteins play key roles in determination of cell differentiation. The zinc finger domain is a DNA-binding domain present in many transcription factors. Based on homologies in zinc fingers, a zinc finger-encoding gene, SpKrox-1, was cloned from S. purpuratus. The putative SpKrox-1 protein has all structural characteristics of a transcription factor: four zinc fingers for DNA binding; acidic domain for transactivation; basic domain for nuclear targeting; and leucine zipper for dimerization. SpKrox-1 RNA transcripts showed a transient expression pattern which correlates largely with early embryonic development. The spatial expression of SpKrox-1 mRNA was distributed throughout the gastrula and larva ectodermal wall. However, SpKrox-1 was not expressed in pigment cells. The SpKrox-1 gene is thus a marker of a subset of SMCs or ectoderm cells. The structural features, and the transient temporal and restricted spatial expression patterns suggest that SpKrox-1 plays a role in a specific developmental event. ^


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The myocyte enhancer factor (MEF)-2 family of transcription factors has been implicated in the regulation of muscle transcription in vertebrates, but the precise position of these regulators within the genetic hierarchy leading to myogenesis is unclear. The MEF2 proteins bind to a conserved A/T-rich DNA sequence present in numerous muscle-specific genes, and they are expressed in the cells of the developing somites and in the embryonic heart at the onset of muscle formation in mammals. The MEF2 genes belong to the MADS box family of transcription factors, which control specific programs of gene expression in species ranging from yeast to humans. Each MEF2 family member contains two highly conserved protein motifs, the MADS domain and the MEF2-specific domain, which together provide the MEF2 factors with their unique DNA binding and dimerization properties. In an effort to further define the function of the MEF2 proteins, and to evaluate the degree of conservation shared among these factors and the phylogenetic pathways that they regulate, we sought to identify MEF2 family members in other species. In Drosophila, a homolog of the vertebrate MEF2 genes was identified and termed D-mef2. The D-MEF2 protein binds to the consensus MEF2 element and can activate transcription through tandem copies of that site. During Drosophila embryogenesis, D-MEF2 is specific to the mesoderm germ layer of the developing embryo and becomes expressed in all muscle cell types within the embryo. The role of D-mef2 in Drosophila embryogenesis was examined by generating a loss-of-function mutation in the D-mef2 gene. In embryos homozygous for this mutant allele, somatic, cardiac, and visceral muscles fail to differentiate, but precursors of these myogenic lineages are normally specified and positioned. These results demonstrate that different muscle cell types share a common myogenic differentiation program controlled by MEF2 and suggest that this program has been conserved from Drosophila to mammals. ^


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The contents of this dissertation include studies on the mechanisms by which FGF and growth factor down-stream kinases inactivate myogenin; characterization of myogenin phosphorylation and its role in regulation of myogenin activity; analysis the C-terminal transcriptional activation domain of myogenin; studies on the nuclear localization of myogenin and characterization of proteins that interact with PKC.^ Activation of muscle transcription by the MyoD family requires their heterodimerization with ubiquitous bHLH proteins such as the E2A gene products E12 and E47. I have shown that dimerization with E2A products potentiates phosphorylation of myogenin at serine 43 in its amino-terminus and serine 170 in the carboxyl-terminal transcription activation domains. Mutations of these sites resulted in enhanced transcriptional activity of myogenin, suggesting that their phosphorylation diminishes myogenin's transcriptional activity. Consistent with the role of phosphorylation at serine 170, analysis of the carboxyl-terminal transcriptional activation domain by deletion has revealed a stretch of residues from 157 to 170 which functions as a negative element for myogenin activity.^ In addition to inducing phosphorylation of myogenin, E12 also localizes myogenin to the nucleus. The DNA binding and dimerization mutants of myogenin show various deficiencies in nuclear localization. Cotransfection of E12 with the DNA binding mutants, but not a dimerization mutant, greatly enhances their nuclear binding. These data suggest that the nuclear localization signal is located in the DNA binding region and myogenin can also be nuclear localized by virtue of dimerizing with a nuclear protein.^ FGF is one of the most potent inhibitors of myogenesis and activates many down-stream pathways to exert its functions. One of these pathway is the MAP kinase pathway. Studies have shown that Raf-1 and Erk-1 kinase inactivate transactivation by myogenin and E proteins independent of DNA binding. The other is the PKC pathway. In transfected cells, FGF induces phosphorylation of thr-87 that maps to the previously identified PKC sites in the DNA binding domain of myogenin. Myogenin mutant T-N87 could resist the inhibition directed to the bHLH domain by FGF, suggesting that FGF inactivates myogenin by inducing phosphorylation of this site. In C2 myotubes, where FGF receptors are lost, the phosphatase inhibitor, okadaic acid, and phorbal ester PdBu, can also induce the phosphorylation of thr-87. This result supports the previous observation and suggests that in myotubes, other mechanisms, such as innervation, may inactivate myogenin through PKC induced phosphorylation.^ Many functions of PKC have been well documented, yet, little is known about the activators or effectors of PKC or proteins that mediate PKC nuclear localizations. Identification of PKC binding proteins will help to understand the molecular mechanism of PKC function. Two proteins that interact with the C kinase (PICKS) have been characterized, PICK-1 and PICK-2. PICK1 interacts with two conserved regions in the catalytic domain of PKC. It is localized to the perinuclear region and is phosphorylated in response to PKC activation. PICK2 is a novel protein with homology to the heat shock protein family. It interacts extensively with the catalytic domain of PKC and is localized in the cytoplasm in a punctate pattern. PICK1 and PICK2 may play important roles in mediating the actions of PKC. ^


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USF, Upstream Stimulatory Factor, is a family of ubiquitous transcription factors that contain highly conserved basic helix-loop-helix leucine zipper DNA binding domains and recognize the core DNA sequence CACGTG. In human and mouse, two members of the USF family, USF1 and USF2, encoded by two different genes, contribute to the USF activity. In order to gain insights into the mechanisms by which USFs function as transcriptional activators, different approaches were used to map the domains of USF2 responsible for nuclear localization and transcriptional activation. Two stretches of amino acids, one in the basic region of the DNA binding domain, the other in a highly conserved N-terminal region, were found to direct nuclear localization independently of one another. Two distinct activation domains were also identified. The first one, located in the conserved N-terminal region that overlaps the C-terminal nuclear localization signal, functioned only in the presence of an initiator element in the promoter of the reporter. The second, in a nonconserved region, activated transcription in the absence of an initiator element or when fused to a heterologous DNA binding domain. These results suggest that USF2 functions in different promoter contexts by selectively utilizing different activation domains.^ The deletion analysis of USF2 also identified two dominant negative mutants of USF, one lacking the activation domain, the other lacking the basic domain. The latter proved useful for testing the direct involvement of USFs in the transcriptional activation mediated by the viral protein IE62.^ To investigate the biological function of USFs, foci and colony formation assays were used to study the growth regulation by USFs. It was found that USFs had a strong antagonistic effect on cellular transformation mediated by the bHLH/LZ protein Myc. This effect required the DNA binding activity of either USF 1 or USF2. Moreover, USF2, but not USF1 or other mutants of USFs, was also found to have strong inhibitory effect on the cellular transformation by E1a and on the growth of HeLa cells. These results demonstrate that USFs could potentially regulate growth through two mechanisms, one by antagonizing the function of Myc in cellular transformation, the other by mediating a more general growth inhibitory effect. ^