36 resultados para DNA Polymerase II


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Models of DNA sequence evolution and methods for estimating evolutionary distances are needed for studying the rate and pattern of molecular evolution and for inferring the evolutionary relationships of organisms or genes. In this dissertation, several new models and methods are developed.^ The rate variation among nucleotide sites: To obtain unbiased estimates of evolutionary distances, the rate heterogeneity among nucleotide sites of a gene should be considered. Commonly, it is assumed that the substitution rate varies among sites according to a gamma distribution (gamma model) or, more generally, an invariant+gamma model which includes some invariable sites. A maximum likelihood (ML) approach was developed for estimating the shape parameter of the gamma distribution $(\alpha)$ and/or the proportion of invariable sites $(\theta).$ Computer simulation showed that (1) under the gamma model, $\alpha$ can be well estimated from 3 or 4 sequences if the sequence length is long; and (2) the distance estimate is unbiased and robust against violations of the assumptions of the invariant+gamma model.^ However, this ML method requires a huge amount of computational time and is useful only for less than 6 sequences. Therefore, I developed a fast method for estimating $\alpha,$ which is easy to implement and requires no knowledge of tree. A computer program was developed for estimating $\alpha$ and evolutionary distances, which can handle the number of sequences as large as 30.^ Evolutionary distances under the stationary, time-reversible (SR) model: The SR model is a general model of nucleotide substitution, which assumes (i) stationary nucleotide frequencies and (ii) time-reversibility. It can be extended to SRV model which allows rate variation among sites. I developed a method for estimating the distance under the SR or SRV model, as well as the variance-covariance matrix of distances. Computer simulation showed that the SR method is better than a simpler method when the sequence length $L>1,000$ bp and is robust against deviations from time-reversibility. As expected, when the rate varies among sites, the SRV method is much better than the SR method.^ The evolutionary distances under nonstationary nucleotide frequencies: The statistical properties of the paralinear and LogDet distances under nonstationary nucleotide frequencies were studied. First, I developed formulas for correcting the estimation biases of the paralinear and LogDet distances. The performances of these formulas and the formulas for sampling variances were examined by computer simulation. Second, I developed a method for estimating the variance-covariance matrix of the paralinear distance, so that statistical tests of phylogenies can be conducted when the nucleotide frequencies are nonstationary. Third, a new method for testing the molecular clock hypothesis was developed in the nonstationary case. ^


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Type II collagen is a major chondrocyte-specific component of the cartilage extracellular matrix and it represents a typical differentiation marker of mature chondrocytes. In order to delineate cis-acting elements of the mouse pro$\alpha1$(II) collagen gene that control chondrocyte-specific expression in intact mouse embryos, we generated transgenic mice harboring chimeric constructions in which varying lengths of the promoter and intron 1 sequences were linked to a $\beta$-galactosidase reporter gene. A construction containing a 3000-bp promoter and a 3020-bp intron 1 fragment directed high levels of $\beta$-galactosidase expression specifically to chondrocytes. Successive deletions of intron 1 delineated a 48-bp fragment which targeted $\beta$-galactosidase expression to chondrocytes with the same specificity as the larger intron 1 fragment. When the Col2a1 promoter was replaced with a minimal $\beta$-globin promoter, the 48-bp intron 1 sequence was still able to target expression of the transgene to chondrocytes, specifically. Therefore a 48-bp intron 1 DNA segment of the mouse Col2a1 gene contains the necessary information to confer high-level, temporally correct, chondrocyte expression to a reporter gene in intact mouse embryos and that Col2a1 promoter sequences are dispensable for chondrocyte expression. Nuclear proteins present selectively in mouse primary chondrocytes and rat chondrosarcoma cells bind to the three putative HMG (High-Mobility-Group) domain protein binding sites in this 48-bp sequence and the chondrocyte-specific proteins likely bind the DNA through minor groove. Together, my results indicate that a 48-bp sequence in Col2a1 intron 1 controls chondrocyte-specific expression in vivo and suggest that chondrocytes contain specific nuclear proteins involved in enhancer activity. ^


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The goal of this study was to investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which glutathione (GSH) is involved in the process of apoptosis induced by cisplatin [cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II), cis-DDP] in the HL60 human promyelocytic leukemia cell line. The data show that during the onset or induction of apoptosis, GSH levels in cisplatin-treated cells increased 50% compared to control cells. The increase in intracellular GSH was associated with enhanced expression of γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase (γ-GCS), the enzyme that catalyzes the rate- limiting step in the biosynthesis of glutathione. After depletion of intracellular GSH with D,L-buthionine-(S,R)-sulfoximine (BSO), an inhibitor of γ-GCS, biochemical and morphological analysis revealed that the mechanism of cell death had switched from apoptosis to necrosis. In contrast, when intracellular GSH was elevated by exposure of cells to a GSH-ethyl-ester and then treatment with cisplatin, no change in the induction and kinetics of apoptosis were observed. However, when cells were exposed to cisplatin before intracellular GSH levels were increased, apoptosis was observed to occur 6 hours earlier compared to cells without GSH elevation. To further examine the molecular aspects of these effects of GSH on the apoptotic process, changes in the expression of bcl-2 and bax, were investigated in cells with depleted and elevated GSH. Using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, no significant change in the expression of bcl-2 gene transcripts was observed in cells in either the GSH depleted or elevated state; however, a 75% reduction in GSH resulted in a 40% decrease in the expression of bax gene transcripts. In contrast, a 6-fold increase in GSH increased the expression of bax by 3-fold relative to controls. Similar results were obtained for bax gene expression and protein synthesis by northern analysis and immunoprecipitation, respectively. These results suggest that GSH serves a dual role in the apoptotic process. The first role which is indirect, involves the protection of the cell from extensive damage following exposure to a specific toxicant so as to prevent death by necrosis, possibly by interacting with the DNA damaging agent and/or its active metabolites. The second role involves a direct involvement of GSH in the apoptotic process that includes upregulation of bax expression. ^


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Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) causes significant morbidity and mortality in infants of developing countries and is the most common cause of diarrhea in travelers to these areas. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infections are commonly caused by ingestion of fecally contaminated food. A timely method for the detection of ETEC in foods would be important in the prevention of this disease. A multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay which has been successful in detecting the heat-labile and heat-stable toxins of ETEC in stool was examined to determine its utility in foods. This PCR assay, preceded by a glass matrix and chaotropic DNA extraction, was effective in detecting high numbers of ETEC in a variety of foods. Ninety percent of 121 spiked food samples yielded positive results. Samples of salsa from Guadalajara, Mexico and Houston, Texas were collected and underwent DNA extraction and PCR. All samples yielded negative results for both the heat-labile and heat-stable toxins. Samples were also subjected to oligonucleotide probe analysis and resulted in 5 samples positive for ETEC. Upon dilution testing, it was found that positive PCR results only occurred when 12,000 to 1,000,000 bacteria were present in 200 mg of food. Although the DNA extraction and PCR method has been shown to be both sensitive and specific in stool, similar results were not obtained in food samples. ^


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The etiological role of enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) in diarrheal diseases of man and domestic animals is firmly established. Besides the production of enterotoxins (ST and LT), ETEC produces other important virulence factors; the colonization factor antigens (CFAs). CFAs mediate the attachment of ETEC to the epithelial cells of the small intestine, and this favors colonization by the bacteria and facilitates delivery of the enterotoxins to the intestinal cells.^ The production of enterotoxin and CFA is determined by plasmids and has been found to be restricted to a select number of E. coli serotypes.^ In this work, plasmid DNA analysis was performed in twenty-three CFA/II-producing enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains and their spontaneous CFA/II-negative derivatives. In some cases, strains lost the high molecular weight plasmid and also the ability to produce CFA/II, ST and LT. In other cases there was a deletion of the plasmid, which produced strains that were CFA/II('-), ST('-), LT('-) or CFA/II('-), ST('+), LT('+).^ The CFA/II plasmid from strain PB-176 (06:H16:CFA/II('+), ST('+), LT('+)) was transferred by transformation into E. coli K12 with concomitant transfer of the three characteristics: CFA/II, ST and LT.^ A physical map of the prototype CFA/II:ST:LT (pMEP60) plasmid was constructed by restriction endonuclease analysis and compared to plasmids from three other CFA/II-producing strains. A CFA/II-negative (but ST and LT positive) deletion derivative of pMEP60 (pMEP30) was also included in the map. The four CFA/II plasmids analyzed had a common region of approximately 30 kilobase pairs. The toxin genes were approximately 5 kbp apart and about 20 kbp from the common region. The information given by this physical map could be of great value when constructing a clone that will express the CFA/II genes but not the toxin genes. ^


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Sensitive assays utilizing a cell-free and an intracellular system were employed to study the molecular bases of the DNA-damaging reactions of neocarzinostatin (NCS). In the cell-free DNA system, super-helical form I DNA from the bacteriophage PM2 was used as the substrate. The three forms of DNA present after treatment with NCS were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. When NCS-damaged DNA was assayed under neutral conditions, there was a progressive decrease in the amount of surviving form I DNA and a corresponding increase in form II (nicked, relaxed circular) DNA, but very little increase in form III (linear duplex) DNA. This indicates that NCS introduces primarily single-strand breaks. However later studies showed that there were some site-specific double-strand breaks mediated by NCS on PM2 DNA. Seven such specific sites were mapped on the PM2 genome. When the damage was assayed under nondenaturing alkaline conditions or with the apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease IV, there was a slightly greater decrease in the amount of surviving form I DNA compared with neutral conditions indicating the presence of some alkali-labile sites.^ NCS-mediated DNA damage and repair were examined with cultured Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells using either alkaline elution for analysis of single-strand breaks or neutral elution for analysis of double-strand breaks. Most of the strand breaks introduced by NCS were capable of being rejoined. However, there was a small amount of residual DNA damage remaining unrejoined at 24-hr after removal of the drug. The amount of residual DNA damage was higher in a CHO mutant cell line (EM9) having a higher sensitivity to killing by NCS than its parental strain (AA8). Other lesions, DNA-protein complexes and alkali-labile sites, were detected after NCS treatment but they constituted only a small fraction of the DNA damage.^ Based on the above information, it can be postulated that NCS introduces some very lethal DNA damage. It is likely that the lethal lesions are a subset of the total DNA lesions representing the residual DNA damage. This DNA damage may be composed of site-specific, unrejoinable double-strand breaks and are thus the primary lesion leading to NCS-mediated lethality.^