36 resultados para Cell-mediated immunity


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Trophism as a "clonal dominance" support mechanism for tumor cells is an unexplored area of tumor progression. This report presents evidence that the human melanoma low-affinity neurotrophin receptor (p75) can signal independently of its high-affinity tyrosine kinase counterparts, the TRK family of kinases. Signaling may be accomplished by a p75-associated purine-analog-sensitive kinase and results in enhanced invasion into a reconstituted basement membrane with a corresponding stimulation of matrix metalloproteinase-2 expression. Additionally, a "stress culture" survival assay was developed to mimic the growth limiting conditions encountered by melanoma cells in a rapidly growing primary tumor or metastatic deposit prior to neoangiogenesis. Under these conditions, p75, promotes the survival of high p75 expressing brain-colonizing melanoma cells. Extensive 70W melanoma cell-cell contact, which downregulates p75, immediately precedes the induction of cell death associated with diminished production of two key cell survival factors, bcl-2 and the p85 subunit of phosphoinositol-3-kinase, and an elevation in apoptosis promoting intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROSs). Since one function of bcl-2 may be to control the generation of ROSs via the antioxidant pathway, these cells may receive a apoptosis-prompting "double hit". 70W melanoma cell death occurred by an apoptotic mechanism displaying classical morphological changes including plasma membrane blebbing, loss of microvilli and redistribution of ribosomes. 70W apoptosis could be pharmacologically triggered following anti-p75 monoclonal antibody-mediated clustering of p75 receptors. 70W cells fluorescently sorted for high-p75 expression (p75$\sp{\rm H}$ cells) exhibited an augmented survival potential and a predilection to sort with the S + G2/M growth phase, relative to their low p75 expressing, p75$\sp{\rm L}$ counterparts. Apoptosis is significantly delayed by p75$\sp{\rm H}$ cells, whereas p75$\sp{\rm L}$ cells are exquisitely prone to initiate apoptosis. Importantly, the p75$\sp{\rm L}$ cells that survive apoptosis, highly re-expressed p75 and were remarkably responsive to exogenous NGF.^ These are the first data to implicate p75-mediated neurotrophism as an invasion and survival support mechanism employed by brain-metastatic cells. In particular, these results may have implications in little understood phenomena of tumor progression, such as the emergence of "clonal dominance" and tumor dormancy. ^


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DNA mediated gene transfection is an important tool for moving and isolating genes from one cell type and putting them into a foreign genetic background. DNA transfection studies have been done routinely in many laboratories to identify and isolate transforming sequences in human tumors and tumor cell lines. A second technique, microcell-mediated chromosome transfer, allows the transfer of small numbers of intact human chromosome from one cell to another. This work was done to compare the efficiency of these two techniques in the transformation of NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblast cells.^ My intent in comparing these two techniques was to see if there was a difference in the transforming capability of DNA which has been purified of all associated protein and RNAs, and that of DNA which is introduced into a cell in its native form, the chromosome. If chromosomal sequences were capable of transforming the 3T3 cells in culture, the method could then be used as a way to isolate the relevant tumorigenic chromosomes from human tumors.^ The study shows, however, that even for those cell lines that contain transforming sequences identified by DNA-mediated gene transfer, those same sequences were unable to transform 3T3 cells when introduced to the cells by somatic fusion of human tumor microcells. I believe that the human transforming sequences in their original genetic conformation are not recognized by the mouse cell as genes which should be expressed; therefore, no noticeable transformation event was selected by this technique. ^


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Adenosine has been implicated to play a role in inflammatory processes associated with asthma. Most notable is adenosine's ability to potentiate mediator release from mast cells. Mast cells are bone marrow derived inflammatory cells that can release mediators that have both immediate and chronic effects on airway constriction and inflammation. Most physiological roles of adenosine are mediated through adenosine receptors. Four subtypes of adenosine receptors have been identified, A1, A2A, A2B and A 3. The mechanisms by which adenosine can influence the release of mediators from lung tissue mast cells is not understood due to lack of in vivo models. Mice deficient in the enzyme adenosine deaminase (ADA) have been generated. ADA controls the levels of adenosine in tissues and cells, and consequently, adenosine accumulates in the lungs of ADA-deficient mice. ADA-deficient mice develop features seen in asthmatics, including lung eosinophilia and mucus hypersecretion. In addition, lung tissue mast cell degranulation was associated with elevated adenosine in ADA-deficient lungs and can be prevented by ADA enzyme therapy. We established primary murine lung mast cell cultures, and used real time RT-PCR and immunofluorescence to demonstrate that A 2A, A2B and A3 receptors are expressed on murine lung mast cells. Studies using selective adenosine receptor agonists and antagonists and A3 receptor deficient (A3−/−) mast cells suggested that activation of A3 receptors could induce mast cell mediator release in vitro. Furthermore, this mediator release was associated with increases in intracellular Ca++ that appeared to be mediated through a Gi and PI3K pathway. In addition, nebulized A3 receptor agonist directly induced lung mast cell degranulation in wild type mice while having no effect in A3−/− mice. These results demonstrate that the A3 receptor plays an important role in adenosine mediated murine lung mast cell degranulation. Therefore, the A3 adenosine receptor and its signaling pathways may represent novel therapeutic targets for the treatment and prevention of asthma. ^


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Tuberculosis remains one of the leading causes of death in man due to a single infectious agent. An estimated one-third of the world's population is infected with the causative agent, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), despite the availability of the widely used vaccine, BCG. BCG has significantly varying protection rates with the lowest level of protection seen with the most common form of TB, adult pulmonary TB. Thus, numerous studies are being conducted to develop a more efficient vaccine. The ideal candidate vaccine would possess the ability to induce a solid and strong Th1 response, as this is the subset of T cells primarily involved in clearance of the infection. A novel vaccine should also induce such a response that may be recalled and expanded upon subsequent infection. Our group has introduced a mutant of a virulent strain of Mtb which lacks a component of the immunogenic antigen 85 complex (Ag85). Our vaccine, ΔfbpA, does not secrete the fibronectin binding protein Ag85A, and this has shown to lead to its attenuation in both murine macrophages and mice. Previous studies have also proven that ΔfbpA is more protective in mice than BCG against virulent aerosol challenge with Mtb. This study addresses the mechanisms of protection observed with ΔfbpA by phenotyping responding T cells. We first evaluated the ability of dendritic cells to present the mycobacteria to naïve T cells, an in vitro mock of primary immunization. We also measured the response of primed T cells to macrophage-presented mycobacteria to interpret the possible response of a vaccinated host to a boost. We concluded that ΔfbpA can elicit a stronger Th1 response compared to BCG in vitro, and further observed that this enhanced response is at least partly due to the presence of proteins encoded by a region of the genome absent in all strains of BCG. Finally, we observed this heightened Th1 response in the mouse model after primary vaccination and a virulent aerosol challenge. The cytolytic T cell response was also measured after virulent challenge and was found to be superior in the ΔfbpA-treated group when compared to the BCG group. ^


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Diarrhea remains a significant cause of worldwide morbidity and mortality. Over 4 million children die of diarrhea annually. Although antibiotics can be used as prophylaxis or for treatment of diarrhea, concern remains over antibiotic resistance. Rifaximin is a semi-synthetic rifamycin derivative that can be used to treat symptoms of infectious diarrhea, inflammatory bowel syndrome, bacterial overgrowth of the small bowel, pouchitis, and fulminant ulcerative colitis. Rifaximin is of particular interest because it is poorly adsorbed in the intestines, shows no indication of inducing bacterial resistance, and has minimal effect on intestinal flora. In order to better understand how rifaximin functions, we sought to compare the protein expression profile of cells pretreated with rifaximin, as compared to cells treated with acetone, rifamycin (control antibiotic), or media (untreated). 2-D gel electrophoresis identified 38 protein spots that were up- or down-regulated by over 2-fold in rifaximin treated cells compared to controls. 16 of these spots were down-regulated, including keratin, annexin A5, intestinal-type alkaline phosphatase, histone h4, and histone-binding protein RbbP4. 22 spots were up-regulated, including heat shock protein HSP 90 alpha, alkaline phosphatase, and fascin. Many of the identified proteins are associated with cell structure and cytoskeleton, transcription and translation, and cellular metabolism. A better understanding of the functionality of rifaximin will identify additional potential uses for rifaximin and determine for whom the drug is best suited. ^


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The adenovirus type 5 E1A (abbreviated E1A) has previously been known as an immortalization oncogene because E1A is required for transforming oncogenes, such as ras and E1B, to transform cells in primary cultures. However, E1A has also been shown to downregulate the overexpression of the Her-2/neu oncogene, resulting in suppression of transformation and tumorigenesis induced by that oncogene. In addition, E1A is able to promote apoptosis induced by anticancer drugs, irradiation, and serum deprivation. Many tyrosine kinases, such as the EGF receptor, Her-2/Neu, Src, and Axl are known to play a role in oncogenic signals in transformed cells. To study the mechanism underlying the E1A-mediated tumor-suppressing function, we exploited a modified tyrosine kinase profile assay (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, 93, 5958–5962, 1996) to identify potential tyrosine kinases regulated by E1A. RT-PCR products were synthesized with two degenerate primers derived from the conserved motifs of various tyrosine kinases. A tyrosine kinase downregulated by E1A was identified as Axl by analyzing the Alu I-digested RT-PCR products. We isolated the DNA fragment of interest, and found that E1A negatively regulated the expression of the transforming receptor tyrosine kinase Axl at the transcriptional level. To study whether downregulation of the Axl receptor is involved in E1A-mediated growth suppression, we transfected axl cDNA into E1A-expressing cells (ip1-E1A) to establish cells that overexpressed Axl (ip1-E1A-Axl). The Axl ligand Gas6 triggered a greater mitogenic effect in these ip1-E1A-Axl cells than in the control cells ip1-E1A and protected the Axl-expressing cells from serum deprivation-induced apoptosis. Further study showed that Akt is required for Axl-Gas6 signaling to prevent ip1-E1A-Axl cells from serum deprivation-induced apoptosis. These results indicate that downregulation of the Axl receptor by E1A is involved in E1A-mediated growth suppression and E1A-induced apoptosis, and thereby contributes to E1A's anti-tumor activities. ^