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The relationship between occupational exposures and glioma has not been adequately assessed due to the lack of studies in current scientific literature. To address this disparity, the Harris County Brain Tumor Study, an ongoing population-based case-control study, began in January 2001. Longest-held occupation for 382 cases and 629 controls were frequency matched on age (within 5 years), sex, and race and placed into 14 predetermined occupational categories. Adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were calculated for each category using multiple logistic regression. Potential confounders assessed included sex, age, smoking status, education and income. For all subjects, significantly elevated adjusted odds ratios were found in health-related (aOR=1.66; 95%CI=1.03, 2.68), teaching (aOR=1.84; 95%CI=1.17, 2.88), and protective service (aOR=3.6; 95%CI=1.05, 12.31) occupational categories after controlling for sex and education. A significantly lowered odds ratio was seen in the writers, artists, and entertainers category (aOR=0.14; 95%CI=0.03, 0.58). In the stratified analyses, which controlled for education, males had a significantly elevated odds ratio for protective service workers (aOR=4.83; 95%CI=1.24, 18.83) while a significantly lower odds ratio was found in mechanics and machine operators (aOR=0.33; 95%CI=0.12,0.87). In females, we observed a significantly elevated odds ratio in teachers (aOR=1.99; 95%CI=1.20,3.31) and a significantly lower odds ratio in clerical workers (aOR=0.63; 95%CI=0.45,0.90). These analyses revealed several significant associations and allowed for separate analyses by gender, distinguishing this study from many glioma studies. Further analyses should provide a large enough sample size to stratify by gender as well as histological subtype.^


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The hypothesis that large fluctuations in weight during young adulthood are associated with the degree of coronary artery disease was investigated by comparing patterns of weight change of patients with angiographically defined diseased or normal arteries. Participants (n = 823) were selected from men and women aged 40-74 years who had undergone angiography at North Carolina Baptist Hospital during 1987-88. Weight history from age 20 to 40 was assessed with a mailed questionnaire. Per cent prevalence of "yo-yo dieting" adjusted for age, race, and coronary disease risk factors in patients who had 0, 1, 2, 3, or more than 3 diseased arteries was 8.6, 8.8, 3.7, 5.6 and 7.1 per cent respectively (p = 0.313). These results do not support the research hypothesis. However, since the results may have been confound by neuroticism, they should not be interpreted as strong evidence against this hypothesis. ^


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Little is known about the etiology of colorectal adenomatous polyps, although they are generally considered to be precursor lesions to colorectal carcinoma. To investigate the associations of colorectal adenomatous polyps with dietary intake of calcium, total fat and fiber, a case comparison study was conducted among 98 persons who had first occurrences of adenomatous polyps and 408 persons who did not have colorectal polyps.^ The study population comprised Black, White and Hispanic males and females ages 35 to 80 inclusive, who underwent a sigmoidoscopy or total colonoscopy at collaborating clinics in the Texas Medical Center at Houston between September 1991 and November 1992, and met the eligibility criteria. Case participants were those who had a first-time diagnosis of adenomatous polyps. Comparison participants were individuals who underwent the same diagnostic procedure as the cases and met the same eligibility criteria but had no colorectal polyps. A food frequency questionnaire was administered by interview to obtain information about diet during the 28 days preceding the interview.^ Dietary intake of total fiber was inversely associated with risk of adenomatous polyps. An increment of 15 gm/day in energy-adjusted intake of fiber was associated with a relative odds of 0.39 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.20 to 0.79, after adjustment for age, sex, ethnicity, body mass index, cigarette smoking, family history of colorectal cancer and intake of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. No association between dietary intake of total fat and risk of adenomatous polyps was observed. When total fat was analyzed as percent of energy, an increment of 15.3% in intake was associated with a relative odds of 0.98 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.53 to 1.80. However, few persons in the study group had intakes below 25% of energy from total fat. An inverse association was observed between energy-adjusted intake of dietary calcium and risk of adenomatous polyps, but this was not statistically significant; an increment of 638 mg/day was associated with a relative odds of 0.77 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.41 to 1.38. Intake of calcium did not appear to strongly modify the association between intake of fat and risk of adenomatous polyps, perhaps because the study group included few people with calcium intake below 400 mg/day.^ These results support the idea that dietary fiber decreases risk of adenomatous polyps. Further studies are needed on the association of dietary calcium and fat with risk of colorectal adenomatous polyps in populations where individuals vary widely in intake of these nutrients. ^


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The following analyses covered two main objectives focused on the prevention of and identification of risk factors for birth defects, the leading cause of infant mortality. All analyses utilized data from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study (NBDPS), an ongoing, population-based, case-control study of major structural birth defects. ^ The first objective was to identify predictors of folic acid supplementation among women of reproductive age. To meet this objective, a previous analysis of potential predictors of periconcecptional folic acid use in the NBDPS was repeated using data from more recent years (1997-2000 versus 2001-2005). The results of these analyses were consistent with the initial analyses, indicating that folic acid use is associated with maternal race/ethnicity, age, education, pregnancy awareness, smoking status, first prenatal care visit, previous live births, and fertility treatments). In addition, data from NBDPS controls were used to identify predictors of preconceptional folic acid use, since supplementation is optimally initiated prior to pregnancy (rather than after conception). These analyses indicated that maternal race/ethnicity, education, age, nativity, employment status, income, number of dependents, smoking, and birth control are significantly associated with preconceptional folic acid supplementation. Ultimately the results of these analyses can be used to guide the development of targeted interventions for preconceptional folic acid use. ^ The second objective was to investigate the association between parental Hispanic acculturation and the risk of gastroschisis, a congenital malformation of the abdominal wall, in offspring. Significant association were not observed for mothers < 20 years of age at conception. Among mothers ≥ 20 years of age, white parents were at a decreased risk of having a child with gastroschisis as compared to Hispanic parents who were born in the United States (US) [odd ratios (ORs) ranging from 0.60 to 0.55] and Hispanics parents who predominantly spoke English (ORs ranging from 0.65 to 0.58). Compared to Hispanic mothers born in the US, the risk of gastroschisis was lower among Hispanic mothers who had lived in the US < 5 years (OR=0.36, 95% CI: 0.42, 0.81) at the time of delivery and Hispanic mothers who migrated to the US at ≥ 20 years of age (OR=0.48, 95% CI: 0.26, 0.89). The results of these analyses provide further evidence that the risk of gastroschisis in offspring is associated with parent Hispanic ethnicity and, among Hispanics, with the degree of parental acculturation. Future studies should focus on characteristic differences between less and more acculturated parents to better understand the relationship between acculturation and gastroschisis.^


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Methylating agents are involved in carcinogenesis, and the DNA repair protein O(6)-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) removes methyl group from O(6)-methylguanine. Genetic variation in DNA repair genes has been shown to contribute to susceptibility to squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN). We hypothesize that MGMT polymorphisms are associated with risk of SCCHN. In a hospital-based case-control study of 721 patients with SCCHN and 1234 cancer-free controls frequency-matched by age, sex and ethnicity, we genotyped four MGMT polymorphisms, two in exon 3, 16195C>T and 16286C>T and two in the promoter region, 45996G>T and 46346C>A. We found that none of these polymorphisms alone had a significant effect on risk of SCCHN. However, when these four polymorphisms were evaluated together by the number of putative risk genotypes (i.e. 16195CC, 16286CC, 45996GT+TT, and 46346CA+AA), a statistically significantly increased risk of SCCHN was associated with the combined genotypes with three to four risk genotypes, compared with those with zero to two risk genotypes (adjusted odds ratio (OR)=1.27; 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.05-1.53). This increased risk was also more pronounced among young subjects (OR=1.81; 95% CI=1.11-2.96), men (OR=1.24; 95% CI=1.00-1.55), ever smokers (OR=1.25; 95%=1.01-1.56), ever drinkers (OR=1.29; 95% CI=1.04-1.60), patients with oropharyngeal cancer (OR=1.45; 95% CI=1.12-1.87), and oropharyngeal cancer with regional lymph node metastasis (OR=1.52; 95% CI=1.16-1.89). In conclusion, our results suggest that any one of MGMT variants may not have a substantial effect on SCCHN risk, but a joint effect of several MGMT variants may contribute to risk and progression of SCCHN, particularly for oropharyngeal cancer, in non-Hispanic whites.


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The impact of cancer on the population of Salvador-Bahia, Brazil was studied using mortality data available from the Brazilian National Bureau of Vital Statistics. Average annual site, age, and gender specific and adjusted cancer mortality rates were determined for the years 1977-83 and contrasted with United States cancer mortality rates for the year of 1977. The accuracy of the cancer mortality rates generated by this research was determined by comparing the underlying causes of death as coded on death certificates to pathology reports and to hospital diagnosis of a sample of 966 deaths occurring in Salvador during the year of 1983. To further explore the information available on the death certificate, a population based decedent case control study was used to determine the relationship between type of occupation (proxy for exposure) and mortality by cancer sites known to be occupationally related.^ The rates in Salvador for cancer of the stomach, oral cavity, and biliary passages are, on average, two fold higher than the U.S. rates.^ The death certificate was found to be accurate for 65 percent of the 485 cancer deaths studied. Thirty five histologically confirmed cancer deaths were found in a random sample of 481 deaths from other causes. This means that, approximately 700 more deaths may be lost among the remainder 10,073 death certificates stating a cause other than cancer.^ In addition, despite the known limitations of decedent case-control studies, cancers of the oral cavity OR = 2.44, CI = 1.17-5.09, stomach OR = 2.31, CI = 1.18-4.52, liver OR = 4.06, CI = 1.27-12.99, bladder OR = 6.77, CI = 1.5-30.67, and lymphoma OR = 2.55, CI = 1.04-6.25 had elevated point estimates, for different age strata indicating an association between these cancers and occupations that led to exposure to petroleum and its derivates. ^


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Recent reports have suggested the possible association of status epilepticus and multiple organ system failure. The purpose of this case control study was to investigate this association and to identify factors that predispose individuals with status epilepticus (SE) or aborted status epilepticus (ASE) to develop multiple organ system failure (MOSF) or multiple organ system dysfunction (MODS).^ For the purpose of the study, definitions of SE, ASE, MOSF, and MODS were operationalized as follows: SE was defined as any seizure lasting for a duration of $\ge$30 minutes or intermittent seizures lasting for $\ge$30 minutes from which the patient does not regain consciousness. ASE was defined as any seizure lasting for a duration of $\ge$10 minutes but $<$30 minutes and which was aborted as a result of a medical intervention. MOSF was defined as the failure of $\ge$2 organ systems in the same patient; organ system failure was said to be present whenever standard MOSF criteria were met. MODS was defined as the dysfunction of $\ge$2 organ systems in the same patient; organ system dysfunction was said to be present, whenever the monitor(s) of that organ's function exceeded the normal range for the physiological or laboratory parameters.^ Medical records of 686 individuals between the age of 5 and 44 years, with history of seizures needing hospitalization at the Texas Children's Hospital or Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas, between 1991-95 were reviewed and 100 individuals with SE/ASE were identified. Of these 100 individuals with SE/ASE, 45 developed MOSF/MODS during their hospitalization and 9 of these individuals died. Using multivariate analyses, it was found that adult individuals who had an "acute" etiology of their seizure disorder (OR = 5.23; 95%CI: 0.41, 66.24) and children who had a "remote" etiology of their seizure disorder (OR = 3.92; 95%CI: 0.53, 29.22), were more likely to develop MOSF/MODS compared with those who had other etiologies of the seizure disorder. Individuals with SE lasting more than one hour were more likely to develop MOSF/MODS compared with individuals with SE lasting less than 1 hour (OR = 6.51; 95%CI: 1.63, 25.92). Individuals who presented with the SE/ASE episode as their first seizure episode were more likely to develop MOSF/MODS compared to those with a previous history of seizure episodes (OR = 1.78; 95%CI: 0.36, 8.82).^ The major limitations of this study includes the relatively small sample size and the study being performed in only two institutions. However, this is the first study of this kind and should therefore be viewed as largely exploratory in nature. Future studies should investigate the relationship of the risk factors identified in this study using a larger number of institutions and patients. ^


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Secondary acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) have been recognized as one of the most feared long-term complications of cancer therapy. The aim of this case-control study was to determine the prevalence of chromosomal abnormalities and family history of cancer among secondary AML/MDS cases and de novo AML/MDS controls. Study population were 332 MD Anderson Cancer Center patients who were registered between 1986 and 1994. Cases were patients who had a prior invasive cancer before diagnoses of AML/MDS and controls were de novo AML/MDS. Cases (166) and controls (166) were frequency matched on age $\pm$5 years, sex and year of diagnosis of leukemia. Cytogenetic data were obtained from the leukemia clinic database of MD Anderson Cancer Center and data on family history of cancer and other risk factors were abstracted from the patients' medical record. The distribution of AML and MDS among cases was 58% and 42% respectively and among controls 67% and 33% respectively. Prevalence of chromosomal abnormalities were observed more frequently among cases than controls. Reporting of family history of cancer were similar among both groups. Univariate analysis revealed an odds ratio (OR) of 2.8 (95% CI 1.5-5.4) for deletion of chromosome 7, 1.9 (95% CI 0.9-3.8) for deletion of chromosome 5, 2.3 (95% CI 0.8-6.2) for deletion of 5q, 2.0 (95% CI 1.0-4.2) for trisomy 8, 1.3 (95% CI 0.8-2.1) for chromosomal abnormalities other than chromosome 5 or 7 and 1.3 (95% CI 0.8-2.0) for family history of cancer in a first degree relative. The OR remained significant for deletion of chromosome 7 (2.3, 95% CI 1.1-4.8) after adjustment for age, alcohol, smoking, occupation related to chemical exposure and family history of cancer in a first degree relative. Of the 166 secondary AML/MDS patients 70% had a prior solid tumor and 30% experienced hematological cancers. The most frequent cancers were breast (21.1%), non-Hodgkin lymphoma (13.3%), Hodgkin's disease (10.2%), prostate (7.2%), colon (6%), multiple myeloma (3.6%) and testes (3.0%). The majority of these cancer patients were treated with chemotherapy or radiotherapy or both. Abnormalities of chromosome 5 or 7 were found to be more frequent in secondary AML/MDS patients with prior hematological cancer than patients with prior solid tumors. Median time to develop secondary AML/MDS was 5 years. However, secondary AML/MDS among patients who received chemotherapy and had a family history of cancer in a first degree relative occurred earlier (median 2.25 $\pm$ 0.9 years) than among patients without such family history (median 5.50 $\pm$ 0.18 years) (p $<$.03). The implication of exposure to chemotherapy among patients with a family history of cancer needs to be further investigated. ^


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The cause of testicular cancer is not known and recent hypotheses have suggested an altered hormonal milieu may increase the risk of testis cancer. This study examined modulation of testicular cancer risk by hormonal factors, specifically: environmental xenoestrogens (e.g. organochlorines), prenatal maternal estrogens, testosterone indices (age at puberty, severe adolescent acne, self-reported balding), sedentary lifestyle and dietary consumption of fats and phytoestrogens.^ A hospital based friend matched case-control study was conducted at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, between January 1990 and October 1996. Cases had a first primary testis tumor diagnosed between age 18 to 50 years and resided in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma or Arkansas.^ Cases and friend controls completed a mail questionnaire and case/control mothers were contacted by phone regarding pregnancy related variables. The study population comprised 187 cases, 148 controls, 147 case mothers and 86 control mothers. Odds ratios were virtually identical whether the match was retained or dissolved, thus the analyses were conducted using unconditional logistic regression.^ Cryptorchidism was a strong risk factor for testis cancer with an age-adjusted odds ratio (OR) of 7.7 (95% confidence interval (CI): 2.3-26.3). In a final model (adjusted for age, education, and cryptorchidism), history of severe adolescent acne and self-reported balding were both significantly protective, as hypothesized. For acne (yes vs. no) the OR was 0.5 (CI: 0.3-1.0) and for balding (yes vs. no) the OR was 0.6 (CI: 0.3-1.0). Marijuana smoking was a risk factor among heavy, regular users (17 times/week, OR = 2.4; CI: 0.9-6.4) and higher saturated fat intake increased testis cancer risk (saturated fat intake $>$ 15.2 grams/day vs. $<$ 11.8 grams/day, OR = 3.3; CI: 1.5-7.1). Early puberty, xenoestrogen exposure, elevated maternal estrogen levels, sedentary lifestyle and dietary phytoestrogen intake were not associated with risk of testicular cancer.^ In conclusion, testicular cancer may be associated with endogenous androgen metabolism although environmental estrogen exposure can not be ruled out. Further research is needed to understand the underlying hormonal mechanisms and possible dietary influences. ^


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Birth defects are a leading cause of infant mortality in the developed countries. They are also of increasing concern in many developing countries, such as China. However, prevalence and causes of birth defects in China are inadequately understood.^ The purpose of the present study was to estimated prevalence of birth defects in surviving children under seven years of age in Tianjin, China and investigate determinants of birth defects in the study area.^ The present study took place in Tianjin, China in 1986, involving 22,081 surviving children under seven years of age. Children with birth defects were ascertained through physical examinations by physicians during household visits and ascertainment of birth defects was verified through multiple sources. Of 22,081 surviving children, 524 had birth defects (23.7 per 1,000). The study noted a striking discrepancy in the prevalence of birth defects between urban and rural area. The prevalence of birth defects was 16.3 per 1,000 in the urban and 33.2 per 1,000 in the rural area.^ Using cases of birth defects ascertained from surviving children, a case-control study was carried out. The study observed that first-trimester maternal flu was associated with increased risk of both major and minor birth defects in children after controlling for other maternal factors (adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 8.7, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 4.3-17.3; OR = 3.6, 95% CI = 1.7-7.5). This association could be biased by different reporting of exposure between mothers of children with birth defects and mothers of children without defects. This study indicated that maternal flu was also associated with congenital heart defects and polydactyly after controlling for other maternal factors (adjusted OR = 32.3, 95% CI = 13.3-78.3; adjusted OR = 5.5, 95% CI = 1.1-27.7). The associations remained when affected controls (children with similar birth defects other than congenital heart defects or polydactyly) were used (adjusted OR = 4.3, 95% CI = 1.2-15.3; OR = 1.4, 95% CI = 1.4-7.9). A weak association between first-trimester vaginal bleeding and selected groups of birth defects was found in this study, but the association may be confounded by other factors. Maternal smoking during pregnancy was modestly associated with cleft lip with or without cleft palate (OR = 1.4, 95% = 0.4-4.9), but the association may be due to chance. Some major limitations in this study warrant caution in interpretation of the findings, especially the causal relation. ^


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Breast cancer incidence and mortality rates for Hispanic women are lower than for non-Hispanic white (NHW) women, but recently rates have increased more rapidly among Hispanic women. Many studies have shown a consistent increased breast cancer risk associated with modest or high alcohol intake, but few included Hispanic women. Alcohol consumption and risk of breast cancer was investigated in a New Mexico statewide population-based case-control study. The New Mexico Tumor Registry ascertained women, newly diagnosed with breast cancer (1992–1994) aged 30–74 years. Controls were identified by random digit dialing and were frequency-matched for ethnicity, age-group, and health planning district. In-person interviews of 712 cases and 844 controls were conducted. Data were collected for breast cancer risk factors, including alcohol intake. Recent alcohol intake data was collected for a four-week period, six months prior to interview. Past alcohol intake included information on alcohol consumption at ages 25, 35, and 50. History of alcohol consumption was reported by 81% of cases and 85% of controls. Of these women, 42% of cases and 48% of controls reported recent alcohol intake. Results for past alcohol intake did not show any trend with breast cancer risk, and were nonsignificant. Multivariate-adjusted odds ratios for recent alcohol intake and breast cancer suggested an increased risk at the highest level for both ethnic groups, but estimates were unstable and statistically nonsignificant. Low level of recent alcohol intake (<148 grams/week) was associated with a reduced risk for NHW women (Odds Ratio (OR) = 0.49 95% Confidence Interval (CI) 0.35–0.69). This pattern was independent of hormone-receptor status. The reduced breast cancer risk for low alcohol intake was present for premenopausal (OR = 0.29, 95% CI 0.15–0.56) and postmenopausal NHW women (OR = 0.56, 95% CI 0.35–0.90). The possibility of an increased risk associated with high alcohol intake could not be adequately addressed, because there were few drinkers with more than light to moderate intake, especially among Hispanic women. An alcohol-estrogen link is hypothesized to be the mechanism responsible for increased breast cancer risk, but has not been consistently substantiated. More studies are needed of the underlying mechanism for an association between alcohol intake and breast cancer. ^


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Neural tube defects (NTDs) are malformations of the developing brain and spinal cord; the most common are anencephaly and spina bifida. Evidence from many populations suggests that 50% of NTDs can be prevented through daily consumption of folic acid. A recent study has reported that folic acid may not protect populations of Mexican descent. This finding has serious implications for women living along the US-Mexico border. Not only is risk high in these Mexican American women compared with other US women; they also differ markedly in supplemental folic acid and dietary folate consumption, and in NTD-related risks (e.g., obesity, diabetes). This case-control study investigated whether folic acid supplements and dietary folate reduces NTDs in Mexican Americans. Cases included liveborn, stillborn, electively and spontaneously aborted NTD-affected fetuses and infants occurring in the 14-county Texas-Mexico border. Controls were randomly selected from unaffected live births, frequency matched to cases by hospital and year. An in-person interview of 110 case and 113 control mothers solicited data on folic acid supplements, dietary folate, and other covariates. Consumption of folic acid-containing vitamins before conception was only 5% for both case and control women. Taking vitamins the trimester before conception had no apparent effect, after adjusting for covariates [odds ratio (OR) = 1.0, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.3–3.4]. Combining folate from vitamins and diet showed a 20% risk reduction for women consuming at least 400 μg of folate daily [OR = 0.8, 95% CI = 0.5–1.5]; however, this estimate is statistically indistinguishable from the null. Although consistent with an inherent ineffectiveness of supplemental folic acid, that so few women consumed multivitamins during the critical time severely limited the assessment of folic acid in this population. A reduced folate response in Mexican descent women may be due to a genetic heterogeneity for metabolizing folate. Alternatively, folate intakes may be insufficient to overcome other underlying risk factors. In conclusion, determining whether folic acid reduces NTD risk in Mexican American women requires further study in populations with higher folic acid exposures. Meanwhile, we should pursue all recommended prevention strategies to reduce risk, including motivating Mexican American women of childbearing age to take folic acid routinely. ^


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The magnitude of the interaction between cigarette smoking, radiation therapy, and primary lung cancer after breast cancer remains unresolved. This case control study further examines the main and joint effects of cigarette smoking and radiation therapy (XRT) among breast cancer patients who subsequently developed primary lung cancer, at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) in Houston, Texas. Cases (n = 280) were women diagnosed with primary lung cancer between 1955 and 1970, between 30–89 years of age, who had a prior history of breast cancer, and were U.S. residents. Controls (n = 300) were randomly selected from 37,000 breast cancer patients at MDACC and frequency matched to cases on age at diagnosis (in 5-year strata), ethnicity, year of breast cancer diagnosis (in 5-year strata), and had survived at least as long as the time interval for lung cancer diagnosis in the cases. Stratified analysis and unconditional logistic regression modeling were used to calculate the main and joint effects of cigarette smoking and radiation treatment on lung cancer risk. Medical record review yielded smoking information on 93% of cases and 84% of controls, and among cases 45% received XRT versus 44% of controls. Smoking increased the odds of lung cancer in women who did not receive XRT (OR = 6.0, 95%CI, 3.5–10.1) whereas XRT was not associated with increased odds (OR = 0.5, 95%CI, 0.2–1.1) in women who did not smoke. Overall the odds ratio for both XRT and smoking together compared with neither exposure was 9.00 (9 5% CI, 5.1–15.9). Similarly, when stratifying on laterality of the lung cancer in relation to the breast cancer, and when the time interval between breast and lung cancers was >10 years, there was an increased odds for both smoking and XRT together for lung cancers on the same side as the breast cancer (ipsilateral) (OR = 11.5, 95% CI, 4.9–27.8) and lung cancers on the opposite side of the breast cancer (contralateral) (OR= 9.6, 95% CI, 2.9–0.9). After 20 years the odds for the ipsilateral lung were even more pronounced (OR = 19.2, 95% CI, 4.2–88.4) compared to the contralateral lung (OR = 2.6, 95% CI, 0.2–2.1). In conclusion, smoking was a significant independent risk factor for lung cancer after breast cancer. Moreover, a greater than multiplicative effect was observed with smoking and XRT combined being especially evident after 10 years for both the ipsilateral and contralateral lung and after 20 years for the ipsilateral lung. ^


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Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) is a ubiquitous organism responsible for most pulmonary and disseminated disease caused by non-tuberculosis (NTM) mycobacteria. Though MAC lung disease without predisposing factors is uncommon, in recent years it has been increasingly described in middle-aged and elderly women. Recognition and correct diagnosis, is often delayed due to the indolent nature of the disease. It is unclear if these women have significant clinical disease as or if their airways are simply colonized by the bacterium. This study describes the clinical presentation, identifies risk factors, and describes the clinical significance of MAC lung disease in HIV-negative women aged 50 or greater. ^ A hybrid study design utilizing both cross-sectional and case-control methodologies was used. A comparison population was selected from previously identified tuberculosis suspects found throughout Harris County. The study population had at least one acid fast bacillus pulmonary culture performed between 1/1/1998 and 12/31/2000 from a pulmonary source. Clinical presentation and symptoms were analyzed using a cross-sectional design. Past medical history and other risk factors were evaluated using a traditional case-control study design. Differences in categorical variables were estimated with the Chi Square or Fisher's Exact test as appropriate. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were utilized to evaluate associations. Multivariate logistic regression was used to identify predictive factors for MAC. All statistical tests were two-sided and P-values <0.05 were considered statistically significant. ^ Culture confirmed MAC pulmonary cases were more likely to be white, have bronchiectasis, scoliosis, evidence of cavitation and pleural changes on chest radiography and granulomas on histopathologic examination than women whose pulmonary cultures were AFB negative. After controlling for selected risk factors, white race continued to be significantly associated with MAC lung disease (OR = 4.6, 95% CI = 2.3, 9.2). In addition, asthma history, smoking history and alcohol use were less likely to be evident among MAC cases in a multivariate analysis. Right upper and right middle lobe disease was further noted among clinically significant cases. Based on population data, MAC lung disease appears to represent a significant clinical syndrome in HIV-negative women thus supporting the theory of the Lady Windermere Syndrome. ^


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In the United States, approximately 4,000 pregnancies each year are affected by the two most common birth defects, spina bifida and anencephaly. Studies have shown that exposure to environmental chemicals before and after conception may adversely affect reproduction by inducing cell death or dysfunction, which leads to infertility, fetal loss, lowered weight at birth, or birth anomalies in the offspring. The objective of the study was to evaluate the relationship between Neural Tube Defect births and residence at conception in proximity to hazardous waste sites in the Texas-Mexico border region between 1993 and 2000. ^ The study design was a nested matched case-control and utilized secondary data from a project, “The role of chemical and biological factors in the etiology of neural tube birth defects births along the Texas-Mexico Border” (Irina Cech, Principal Investigator). Geographic Information Systems (GIS) database methods were used to compare Neural Tube Defects cases to controls on status of conception residence occurring within a one-mile radius from hazardous waste sites, as compared to conception residence further away. Information on the exposures was obtained from the OnTarget Database and Environment Protection Agency website. Conditional logistic regression was used for the matched case-control study to investigate the relationship between an outcome of being a case or a control and proximity to hazardous waste sites. ^ The result of the study showed a 36 percent non-significant increased risk of having an NTD birth associated with maternal proximity to abandoned hazardous waste sites (95% CI = 0.62–3.02). In addition, there was a 24% non-significant elevated risk of having an NTD birth when living in proximity to air pollutant sites than when living further away (95% CI = 0.67–2.32). Although this study did not find statistically significant associations, it will expand on the existing knowledge of the relationship between NTD and proximity to hazardous waste sites. ^