22 resultados para software quality assurance


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Recent treatment planning studies have demonstrated the use of physiologic images in radiation therapy treatment planning to identify regions for functional avoidance. This image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) strategy may reduce the injury and/or functional loss following thoracic radiotherapy. 4D computed tomography (CT), developed for radiotherapy treatment planning, is a relatively new imaging technique that allows the acquisition of a time-varying sequence of 3D CT images of the patient's lungs through the respiratory cycle. Guerrero et al. developed a method to calculate ventilation imaging from 4D CT, which is potentially better suited and more broadly available for IGRT than the current standard imaging methods. The key to extracting function information from 4D CT is the construction of a volumetric deformation field that accurately tracks the motion of the patient's lungs during the respiratory cycle. The spatial accuracy of the displacement field directly impacts the ventilation images; higher spatial registration accuracy will result in less ventilation image artifacts and physiologic inaccuracies. Presently, a consistent methodology for spatial accuracy evaluation of the DIR transformation is lacking. Evaluation of the 4D CT-derived ventilation images will be performed to assess correlation with global measurements of lung ventilation, as well as regional correlation of the distribution of ventilation with the current clinical standard SPECT. This requires a novel framework for both the detailed assessment of an image registration algorithm's performance characteristics as well as quality assurance for spatial accuracy assessment in routine application. Finally, we hypothesize that hypo-ventilated regions, identified on 4D CT ventilation images, will correlate with hypo-perfused regions in lung cancer patients who have obstructive lesions. A prospective imaging trial of patients with locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer will allow this hypothesis to be tested. These advances are intended to contribute to the validation and clinical implementation of CT-based ventilation imaging in prospective clinical trials, in which the impact of this imaging method on patient outcomes may be tested.


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Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) are the primary gatekeepers for the protection of ethical standards of federally regulated research on human subjects in this country. This paper focuses on what general, broad measures that may be instituted or enhanced to exemplify a "model IRB". This is done by examining the current regulatory standards of federally regulated IRBs, not private or commercial boards, and how many of those standards have been found either inadequate or not generally understood or followed. The analysis includes suggestions on how to bring about changes in order to make the IRB process more efficient, less subject to litigation, and create standardized educational protocols for members. The paper also considers how to include better oversight for multi-center research, increased centralization of IRBs, utilization of Data Safety Monitoring Boards when necessary, payment for research protocol review, voluntary accreditation, and the institution of evaluation/quality assurance programs. ^ This is a policy study utilizing secondary analysis of publicly available data. Therefore, the research for this paper focuses on scholarly medical/legal journals, web information from the Department of Health and Human Services, Federal Drug Administration, and the Office of the Inspector General, Accreditation Programs, law review articles, and current regulations applicable to the relevant portions of the paper. ^ Two issues are found to be consistently cited by the literature as major concerns. One is a need for basic, standardized educational requirements across all IRBs and its members, and secondly, much stricter and more informed management of continuing research. There is no federally regulated formal education system currently in place for IRB members, except for certain NIH-based trials. Also, IRBs are not keeping up with research once a study has begun, and although regulated to do so, it does not appear to be a great priority. This is the area most in danger of increased litigation. Other issues such as voluntary accreditation and outcomes evaluation are slowing gaining steam as the processes are becoming more available and more sought after, such as JCAHO accrediting of hospitals. ^ Adopting the principles discussed in this paper should promote better use of a local IRBs time, money, and expertise for protecting the vulnerable population in their care. Without further improvements to the system, there is concern that private and commercial IRBs will attempt to create a monopoly on much of the clinical research in the future as they are not as heavily regulated and can therefore offer companies quicker and more convenient reviews. IRBs need to consider the advantages of charging for their unique and important services as a cost of doing business. More importantly, there must be a minimum standard of education for all IRB members in the area of the ethical standards of human research and a greater emphasis placed on the follow-up of ongoing research as this is the most critical time for study participants and may soon lead to the largest area for litigation. Additionally, there should be a centralized IRB for multi-site trials or a study website with important information affecting the trial in real time. There needs to be development of standards and metrics to assess the performance of the IRBs for quality assurance and outcome evaluations. The boards should not be content to run the business of human subjects' research without determining how well that function is actually being carried out. It is important that federally regulated IRBs provide excellence in human research and promote those values most important to the public at large.^


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CHARACTERIZATION OF THE COUNT RATE PERFORMANCE AND EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTS OF HIGH COUNT RATES ON MODERN GAMMA CAMERAS Michael Stephen Silosky, B.S. Supervisory Professor: S. Cheenu Kappadath, Ph.D. Evaluation of count rate performance (CRP) is an integral component of gamma camera quality assurance and measurement of system dead time (τ) is important for quantitative SPECT. The CRP of three modern gamma cameras was characterized using established methods (Decay and Dual Source) under a variety of experimental conditions. For the Decay method, input count rate was plotted against observed count rate and fit to the paralyzable detector model (PDM) to estimate τ (Rates method). A novel expression for observed counts as a function of measurement time interval was derived and the observed counts were fit to this expression to estimate τ (Counts method). Correlation and Bland-Altman analysis were performed to assess agreement in estimates of τ between methods. The dependencies of τ on energy window definition and incident energy spectrum were characterized. The Dual Source method was also used to estimate τ and its agreement with the Decay method under identical conditions and the effects of total activity and the ratio of source activities were investigated. Additionally, the effects of count rate on several performance metrics were evaluated. The CRP curves for each system agreed with the PDM at low count rates but deviated substantially at high count rates. Estimates of τ for the paralyzable portion of the CRP curves using the Rates and Counts methods were highly correlated (r=0.999) but with a small (~6%) difference. No significant difference was observed between the highly correlated estimates of τ using the Decay or Dual Source methods under identical experimental conditions (r=0.996). Estimates of τ increased as a power-law function with decreasing ratio of counts in the photopeak to the total counts and linearly with decreasing spectral effective energy. Dual Source method estimates of τ varied as a quadratic with the ratio of the single source to combined source activities and linearly with total activity used across a large range. Image uniformity, spatial resolution, and energy resolution degraded linearly with count rate and image distorting effects were observed. Guidelines for CRP testing and a possible method for the correction of count rate losses for clinical images have been proposed.


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DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A DYNAMIC HETEROGENEOUS PROTON EQUIVALENT ANTHROPOMORPHIC THORAX PHANTOM FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF SCANNED PROTON BEAM THERAPY by James Leroy Neihart, B.S. APPROVED: ______________________________David Followill, Ph.D. ______________________________Peter Balter, Ph.D. ______________________________Narayan Sahoo, Ph.D. ______________________________Kenneth Hess, Ph.D. ______________________________Paige Summers, M.S. APPROVED: ____________________________ Dean, The University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Houston DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A DYNAMIC HETEROGENEOUS PROTON EQUIVALENT ANTHROPOMORPHIC THORAX PHANTOM FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF SCANNED PROTON BEAM THERAPY A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston andThe University of TexasMD Anderson Cancer CenterGraduate School of Biomedical Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE by James Leroy Neihart, B.S. Houston, Texas Date of Graduation August, 2013 Acknowledgments I would like to acknowledge my advisory committee members, chair David Followill, Ph.D., Peter Balter, Ph.D, Narayan Sahoo, Ph.D., Kenneth Hess, Ph.D., Paige Summers M.S. and, for their time and effort contributed to this project. I would additionally like to thank the faculty and staff at the PTC-H and the RPC who assisted in many aspects of this project. Falk Pӧnisch, Ph.D. for his breath hold proton therapy treatment expertise, Matt Palmer and Jaques Bluett for proton dosimetry assistance, Matt Kerr for verification plan assistance, Carrie Amador, Nadia Hernandez, Trang Nguyen, Andrea Molineu, Lynda McDonald for TLD and film dosimetry assistance. Finally, I would like to thank my wife and family for their support and encouragement during my research and studies. Development and implementation of a dynamic heterogeneous proton equivalent anthropomorphic thorax phantom for the assessment of scanned proton beam therapy By: James Leroy Neihart, B.S. Chair of Advisory Committee: David Followill, Ph.D Proton therapy has been gaining ground recently in radiation oncology. To date, the most successful utilization of proton therapy is in head and neck cases as well as prostate cases. These tumor locations do not suffer from the resulting difficulties of treatment delivery as a result of respiratory motion. Lung tumors require either breath hold or motion tracking, neither of which have been assessed with an end-to-end phantom for proton treatments. Currently, the RPC does not have a dynamic thoracic phantom for proton therapy procedure assessment. Additionally, such a phantom could be an excellent means of assessing quality assurance of the procedures of proton therapy centers wishing to participate in clinical trials. An eventual goal of this phantom is to have a means of evaluating and auditing institutions for the ability to start clinical trials utilizing proton therapy procedures for lung cancers. Therefore, the hypothesis of this study is that a dynamic anthropomorphic thoracic phantom can be created to evaluate end-to-end proton therapy treatment procedures for lung cancer to assure agreement between the measured and calculated dose within 5% / 5 mm with a reproducibility of 2%. Multiple materials were assessed for thoracic heterogeneity equivalency. The phantom was designed from the materials found to be in greatest agreement. The phantom was treated in an end-to-end treatment four times, which included simulation, treatment planning and treatment delivery. Each treatment plan was delivered three times to assess reproducibility. The dose measured within the phantom was compared to that of the treatment plan. The hypothesis was fully supported for three of the treatment plans, but failed the reproducibility requirement for the most aggressive treatment plan.


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To ensure the integrity of an intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment, each plan must be validated through a measurement-based quality assurance (QA) procedure, known as patient specific IMRT QA. Many methods of measurement and analysis have evolved for this QA. There is not a standard among clinical institutions, and many devices and action levels are used. Since the acceptance criteria determines if the dosimetric tools’ output passes the patient plan, it is important to see how these parameters influence the performance of the QA device. While analyzing the results of IMRT QA, it is important to understand the variability in the measurements. Due to the different form factors of the many QA methods, this reproducibility can be device dependent. These questions of patient-specific IMRT QA reproducibility and performance were investigated across five dosimeter systems: a helical diode array, radiographic film, ion chamber, diode array (AP field-by-field, AP composite, and rotational composite), and an in-house designed multiple ion chamber phantom. The reproducibility was gauged for each device by comparing the coefficients of variation (CV) across six patient plans. The performance of each device was determined by comparing each one’s ability to accurately label a plan as acceptable or unacceptable compared to a gold standard. All methods demonstrated a CV of less than 4%. Film proved to have the highest variability in QA measurement, likely due to the high level of user involvement in the readout and analysis. This is further shown by how the setup contributed more variation than the readout and analysis for all of the methods, except film. When evaluated for ability to correctly label acceptable and unacceptable plans, two distinct performance groups emerged with the helical diode array, AP composite diode array, film, and ion chamber in the better group; and the rotational composite and AP field-by-field diode array in the poorer group. Additionally, optimal threshold cutoffs were determined for each of the dosimetry systems. These findings, combined with practical considerations for factors such as labor and cost, can aid a clinic in its choice of an effective and safe patient-specific IMRT QA implementation.


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The purpose of the multiple case-study was to determine how hospital subsystems (such as physician monitoring and credentialing; quality assurance; risk management; and peer review) were supporting the monitoring of physicians? Three large metropolitan hospitals in Texas were studied and designated as hospitals #1, #2, and #3. Realizing that hospital subsystems are a unique entity and part of a larger system, conclusions were made on the premises of a quality control system, in relation to the tools of government (particularly the Health Care Quality Improvement Act (HCQIA)), and in relation to itself as a tool of a hospital.^ Three major analytical assessments were performed. First, the subsystems were analyzed as to their "completeness"; secondly, the subsystems were analyzed for "performance"; and thirdly, the subsystems were analyzed in reference to the interaction of completeness and performance.^ The physician credentialing and monitoring and the peer review subsystems as quality control systems were most complete, efficient, and effective in hospitals #1 and #3. The HCQIA did not seem to be an influencing factor in the completeness of the subsystem in hospital #1. The quality assurance and risk management subsystem in hospital #2 was not representative of completeness and performance and the HCQIA was not an influencing factor in the completeness of the Q.A. or R.M. systems in any hospital. The efficiency (computerization) of the physician credentialing, quality assurance and peer review subsystems in hospitals #1 and #3 seemed to contribute to their effectiveness (system-wide effect).^ The results indicated that the more complete, effective, and efficient subsystems were characterized by (1) all defined activities being met, (2) the HCQIA being an influencing factor, (3) a decentralized administrative structure, (4) computerization an important element, and (5) staff was sophisticated in subsystem operations. However, other variables were identified which deserve further research as to their effect on completeness and performance of subsystems. They include (1) medical staff affiliations, (2) system funding levels, (3) the system's administrative structure, and (4) the physician staff "cultural" characteristics. Perhaps by understanding other influencing factors, health care administrators may plan subsystems that will be compatible with legislative requirements and administrative objectives. ^


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Introduction. Lake Houston serves as a reservoir for both recreational and drinking water for residents of Houston, Texas, and the metropolitan area. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) expressed concerns about the water quality and increasing amounts of pathogenic bacteria in Lake Houston (3). The objective of this investigation is to evaluate water quality for the presence of bacteria, nitrates, nitrites, carbon, phosphorus, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, suspended solids, dissolved solids, and chlorine in Cypress Creek. The aims of this project are to analyze samples of water from Cypress Creek and to render a quantitative and graphical representation of the results. The collected information will allow for a better understanding of the aqueous environment in Cypress Creek.^ Methods. Water samples were collected in August 2009 and analyzed in the field and at UTSPH laboratory by spectrophotometry and other methods. Mapping software was utilized to develop novel maps of the sample sites using coordinates attained with the Global Positioning System (GPS). Sample sites and concentrations were mapped using Geographic Information System (GIS) software and correlated with permitted outfalls and other land use characteristic.^ Results. All areas sampled were positive for the presence of total coliform and Escherichia coli (E. coli). The presences of other water contaminants varied at each location in Cypress Creek but were under the maximum allowable limits designated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. However, dissolved oxygen concentrations were elevated above the TCEQ limit of 5.0 mg/L at majority of the sites. One site had near-limit concentration of nitrates at 9.8 mg/L. Land use above this site included farm land, agricultural land, golf course, parks, residential neighborhoods, and nine permitted TCEQ effluent discharge sites within 0.5 miles upstream.^ Significance. Lake Houston and its tributary, Cypress Creek, are used as recreational waters where individuals may become exposed to microbial contamination. Lake Houston also is the source of drinking water for much of Houston/Harris and Galveston Counties. This research identified the presence of microbial contaminates in Cypress Creek above TCEQ regulatory requirements. Other water quality variables measured were in line with TCEQ regulations except for near-limit for nitrate at sample site #10, at Jarvis and Timberlake in Cypress Texas.^