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The purpose of this study was to characterize the effects of IL-6 on endothelial cells and to investigate the role of IL-6 in the angiogenesis of ovarian carcinomas. We evaluated human ovarian carcinoma clinical specimens and determined that high expression of IL-6 was associated with increased tumor vascularization. Additionally, endothelial cells derived from the ovary and mesentery expressed the IL-6 receptor (IL-6R), and their stimulation with the exogenous ligand activated downstream signaling molecules and enhanced cell migration. Dual immunohistochemical staining for CD-31 and IL-6R revealed IL-6R expression on human endothelial cells within normal ovary and ovarian carcinomas. To further investigate the possible proangiogenic function of IL-6, Gelfoam sponges containing IL-6 or bFGF were implanted into the subcutis of BALB/c mice. IL-6 containing sponges were vascularized to the same extent as bFGF containing sponges. ^ Chronic stress can adversely affect disease progression. Stimulation of ovarian carcinoma cell lines with concentrations of catecholamines achieved in individuals experiencing chronic stress resulted in a substantial increase in IL-6 production. It was determined that stress mediators regulate IL-6 expression through the β-adrenergic receptor and Src. These data illustrate one mechanism by which chronic stress may influence tumor progression. ^ To investigate whether IL-6 contributes to the angiogenesis of ovarian carcinomas, we isolated low IL-6 expressing clones from the SKOV3.ip1 cell line and transfected them with a plasmid encoding the IL-6 gene. We observed no difference in tumor weight between high and low IL-6 expressing cells. However, while low IL-6 expressing tumors were highly vascularized, high IL-6 expressing tumors appeared hypervascularized. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that all tumors exhibited robust expression of additional proangiogenic molecules. ^ Collectively, these studies indicate that IL-6 secreted by ovarian cancer cells is a highly proangiogenic cytokine. However, IL-6 is but one of several proangiogenic molecules produced by ovarian cancer, and its inhibition may not be sufficient to inhibit angiogenesis of ovarian carcinoma. The findings presented in this dissertation provide insight into the function of IL-6 as a regulator of angiogenesis. Understanding of the role of proangiogenic molecules such as IL-6 in ovarian carcinoma may have important implications for therapy directed at the vascular component of this disease. ^


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Purpose. To determine if self-efficacy (SE) changes predicted total fat (TF) and total fiber (TFB) intake and the relationship between SE changes and the two dietary outcomes. ^ Design. This is a secondary analysis, utilizing baseline and first follow up (FFU) data from the NULIFE, a randomized trial. ^ Setting. Nutrition classes were taught in the Texas Medical Center in Houston, Texas. ^ Participants. 79 pre-menopausal, 25--45 year old African American women with an 85% response rate at FFU. ^ Method. Dietary intake was assessed with the Arizona Food Frequency Questionnaire and SE with the Self Efficacy for Dietary Change Questionnaire. Analysis was done using Stata version 9. Linear and logistic regression was used with adjustment for confounders. ^ Results. Linear regression analyses showed that SE changes for eating fruits and vegetables predicted total fiber intake in the control group for both the univariate (P = 0.001) and multivariate (P = 0.01) models while SE for eating fruits and vegetables at first follow-up predicted total fiber intake in the intervention for both models (P = 0.000). Logistic regression analyses of low fat SE changes and 30% or less for total fat intake, showed an adjusted OR of 0.22 (95% CI = 0.03, 1.48; P = 0.12) in the intervention group. The logistic regression analyses of SE changes in fruits and vegetables and 10g or more for total fiber intake, showed an adjusted OR of 6.25 (95% CI = 0.53, 72.78; P = 0.14) in the control group. ^ Conclusion. SE for eating fruits and vegetables at first follow-up predicted intervention groups' TFB intake and intervention women that increased their SE for eating a low fat diet were more likely to achieve the study goal of 30% or less calories from TF. SE changes for eating fruits and vegetables predicted the control's TFB intake and control women that increased their SE for eating fruits and vegetables were more likely to achieve the study goal of 10 g or more from TFB. Limitations are use of self-report measures, small sample size, and possible control group contamination.^


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Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane Glomerulonephritis (anti-GBM GM) is one of the earliest described autoimmune disorders. Patients present with proteinuria, anti-GBM antibodies, and renal failure. Studies have implicated a T Helper 1 (TH1) response in disease induction and a T Helper 2 (TH2) response for disease progression. A 13 amino acid long peptide sequence spanning residues 28 through 40 [pCol(28–40)] of the Collagen IV α3 non-collagen domain (Col IV α3 NCD) is immunogenic and induces anti-GBM GN. In order to fully understand disease initiation, this peptide was further characterized. Peptides were created containing one amino acid substitution for the entire length of pCol(28–40) and induction of anti-GBM GN was monitored. When residues 31, 33, or 34 contained the substitution, anti-GBM GN was unable to be induced. Thus, residues 31, 33, and 34 of pCol(28–40) are required for induction of anti-GBM. Glomerular injury is observed as early as 14 days post anti-GBM GN induction. However, the presence of anti-GBM antibodies is not observed until 20 days post immunization. An enlarged lymph node adjacent to the diseased kidney exhibits B cell activation after renal injury and produces antibodies toward GBM. Thus, anti-GBM antibodies are a consequence of the initial renal injury. Differences between disease susceptible and disease resistant rat strains exist in the expression of IL-4Rα, a major player in the TH2 response. IL-4Rα signaling is regulated by soluble IL-4Rα (sIL-4Rα). Low expression levels of sIL-4Rα result in the stabilization of IL-4 binding, while elevated expression sequesters IL-4. Quantitative PCR experiments noted low siL-4Rα expression levels in disease susceptible rats. Induction of an immune response toward sIL-4Rα in this strain was responsible for delayed disease progression in 15 out of the 17 experimental animals. Antibody transfer and in vivo biological activity experiments confirmed that delayed disease development was due to anti-sIL-4Rα antibodies. Together these experiments indicate that a T-cell epitope is required for activation of a TH1 autoimmune response and anti-GBM antibodies are a consequence of renal injury. More importantly, a role for IL-4Rα signaling is implicated in the progression of anti-GBM GN. ^


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Brain metastasis is resistant to chemotherapy while the leaky blood-brain-barrier in brain metastasis can not be the underlying reason. Metastatic tumor cells (“seed”) exploit the host microenvironment (“soil”) for survival advantages. Astrocytes which maintain the homeostasis of the brain microenvironment become reactive subsequent to brain damages and protect neurons from various injuries. We observed reactive astrocytes surrounding and infiltrating into brain metastasis in both clinical specimen and experimental animal model, thus raising a possibility that reactive astrocytes may protect tumor cells from cytotoxic chemotherapeutic drugs. ^ To test this hypothesis, we first generated an immortalized astrocyte cell line from H-2Kb-tsA58 mice. The immortal mouse astrocytes expressed specific markers including GFAP. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that astrocytes formed direct physical contact with tumor cells. Moreover, the expression of GFAP by astrocytes was up-regulated subsequent to co-culture with tumor cells, indicating that the co-culture of astrocytes and tumor cells may serve as a model to recapitulate the pathophysiological situation of brain metastasis. ^ In co-culture, astrocytes dramatically reduced apoptosis of tumor cells produced by various chemotherapeutic drugs. This protection effect was not because of culturing cells from different species since mouse fibroblasts did not protect tumor cells from chemotherapy. Furthermore, the protection by astrocytes was completely dependent on a physical contact. ^ Gap junctional communication (GJC) served as this physical contact. Tumor cells and astrocytes both expressed the major component of gap junctional channel—connexin 43 and formed functional GJC as evidenced by the “dye transfer” assay. The blockage of GJC between tumor cells and astrocytes by either specific chemical blocker carbenoxolone (CBX) or by genetically knocking down connexin 43 on astrocytes reversed the chemo-protection. ^ Calcium was the signal molecule transmitted through GJC that rescued tumor cells from chemotherapy. Accumulation of cytoplasmic calcium preceded the progress of apoptosis in tumor cells treated with chemotherapeutic drugs. Furthermore, chelation of accumulated cytoplasmic calcium inhibited the apoptosis of tumor cells treated with chemotherapeutic drugs. Most importantly, astrocytes could “shunt” the accumulated cytoplasmic calcium from tumor cells (treated with chemotherapeutic drug) through GJC. We also used gene expression micro-array to investigate global molecular consequence of tumor cells forming GJC with astrocytes. The data demonstrated that astrocytes (but not fibroblasts), through GJC, up-regulated the expressions of several well known survival genes in tumor cells. ^ In summary, this dissertation provides a novel mechanism underlying the resistance of brain metastasis to chemotherapy, which is due to protection by astrocytes through GJC. Interference with the GJC between astrocytes and tumor cells holds great promise in sensitizing brain metastasis to chemotherapy and improving the prognosis for patients with brain metastasis. ^


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Objective. One facet of cancer care that often goes ignored is comorbidities, or diseases that exist in concert with cancer. Comorbid conditions may affect survival by influencing treatment decisions and prognosis. The purpose of this secondary data analysis was to identify whether a history of cardiovascular comorbidities among ovarian cancer patients influenced survival time at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. The parent study, Project Peace, has a longitudinal design with an embedded randomized efficacy study which seeks to improve detection of depressive disorders in ovarian, peritoneal, and fallopian tube cancers. ^ Methods. Survival time was calculated for the 249 ovarian cancer patients abstracted by Project Peace staff. Cardiovascular comorbidities were documented as present, based upon information from medical records in addition to self reported comorbidities in a baseline study questionnaire. Kaplan-Meier survival curves were used to compare survival time among patients with a presence or absence of particular cardiovascular comorbidities. Cox Regression proportional models accounted for multivariable factors such as age, staging, family history of cardiovascular comorbidities, and treatment. ^ Results. Among our patient population, there was a statistically significant relationship between shorter survival time and a history of thrombosis, pericardial disease/tamponade, or COPD/pulmonary hypertension. Ovarian cancer patients with a history of thrombosis lived approximately half as long as patients without thrombosis (58.06 months vs. 121.55 months; p=.001). In addition, patients who suffered from pericardial disease/tamponade had poorer survival than those without a history of pericardial disease/tamponade (48 months vs. 80.07 months; p=.002). Ovarian cancer patients with a history of COPD or pulmonary hypertension had a median survival of 60.2 months, while the median survival for patients without these comorbidities was 80.2 months (p=.014). ^ Conclusion. Especially because of its relatively lower survival rate, greater emphasis needs to be placed on the potential influence of cardiovascular comorbid conditions in ovarian cancer.^


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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) often results in disruption of the blood brain barrier (BBB), which is an integral component to maintaining the central nervous system homeostasis. Recently cytosolic calcium levels ([Ca2+]i), observed to elevate following TBI, have been shown to influence endothelial barrier integrity. However, the mechanism by which TBI-induced calcium signaling alters the endothelial barrier remains unknown. In the present study, an in vitro BBB model was utilized to address this issue. Exposure of cells to biaxial mechanical stretch, in the range expected for TBI, resulted in a rapid cytosolic calcium increase. Modulation of intracellular and extracellular Ca2+ reservoirs indicated that Ca2+ influx is the major contributor for the [Ca2+]i elevation. Application of pharmacological inhibitors was used to identify the calcium-permeable channels involved in the stretch-induced Ca2+ influx. Antagonist of transient receptor potential (TRP) channel subfamilies, TRPC and TRPP, demonstrated a reduction of the stretch-induced Ca2+ influx. RNA silencing directed at individual TRP channel subtypes revealed that TRPC1 and TRPP2 largely mediate the stretch-induced Ca2+ response. In addition, we found that nitric oxide (NO) levels increased as a result of mechanical stretch, and that inhibition of TRPC1 and TRPP2 abolished the elevated NO synthesis. Further, as myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation and actin cytoskeleton rearrangement are correlated with endothelial barrier disruption, we investigated the effect mechanical stretch had on the myosin-actin cytoskeleton. We found that phosphorylated MLC was increased significantly by 10 minutes post-stretch, and that inhibition of TRP channel activity or NO synthesis both abolished this effect. In addition, actin stress fibers formation significantly increased 2 minutes post-stretch, and was abolished by treatment with TRP channel inhibitors. These results suggest that, in brain endothelial cells, TRPC1 and TRPP2 are activated by TBI-mechanical stress and initiate actin-myosin contraction, which may lead to disruption of the BBB.


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The U.S. Children’s Bureau has historically recognized the significance of the child welfare workforce in improving the lives of children, youth and families, as well as the important role of social work within that workforce. Although the public may perceive the child welfare workforce as being predominantly comprised of social workers; in fact, fewer than half of child welfare workers have a social work degree. This discrepancy has been attributed to professional shortages, workplace conditions, caseload size and complexity, and low salaries. However, studies initiated by the National Association of Social Workers have found that the profession continues to successfully attract new graduates to child welfare practice and that social workers in child welfare enjoy high levels of job satisfaction. These studies also identified factors that contribute to the retention and attrition of social workers in child welfare.


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The purpose of these studies was to determine the role of suppressor factors (TsF) in the regulation of immune responses by ultraviolet radiation-induced suppressor T lymphocytes (Ts). The Ts were induced following epicutaneous sensitization with contact allergens to an unirradiated site on mice irradiated five days earlier with 40 kJ/m$\sp2$ UVB (280-320 nm) radiation. The spleens of such mice contain afferent, hapten-specific, Thy-1$\sp+$, Lyt-1$\sp+$,2$\sp-$ Ts that suppress in vivo contact hypersensitivity (CHS) and antibody responses and the in vitro generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). Four approaches were used to determine the role of TsF. First, lysates produced from sonically-disrupted Ts were injected i.v. into normal animals; they inhibited CHS in vivo in a nonspecific manner. The lysates suppressed the induction and elicitation of CHS, and they inhibited the in vitro generation of CTL. Lysates prepared from splenocytes obtained from unirradiated mice or UV-irradiated, unsensitized mice failed to inhibit either response. Second, supernatants from cultures containing Ts, normal syngeneic responder lymphocytes, and hapten-modified stimulator cells were injected i.v. into normal recipients. They inhibited the induction of CHS and did so in a hapten-specific manner. Cellular and kinetic requirements were observed for the generation of suppressive activity. Splenocytes from mice treated with Ts supernatants suppressed CHS when transferred into normal animals. The supernatants also suppressed the in vitro generation of specific CTL. Third, the TsF-specific B16G monoclonal antibody was tested for its ability to modulate the effects of UV radiation in vivo. The i.v. injection of B16G into UV-irradiated mice reduced the suppression of CHS. Splenocytes of B16G-treated mice transferred into normal recipients, and they suppressed CHS, indicating that the Ts were not depleted. Fourth, B16G was used to isolate a putative TsF by antibody immunoadsorbance. When the B16G-bound fraction was eluted and injected i.v. into normal animals, it suppressed CHS and represented a 900-fold enrichment of activity over the starting material, based on specific activity. By SDS-PAGE, the B16G-bound material contained nondisulfide-linked 45- and 50-kDa components. These results suggest that TsF may play an immunoregulatory role in CHS. The isolation of a UV radiation-induced TsF lends credence to the involvement of such molecules. ^


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Cellular oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes regulate cellular adhesion and proliferation, two important events in malignant transformation. Even though receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatases (R-PTPs) can influence these events, their role in malignant transformation has not been studied. The major goal of this study was to determine whether downregulation of R-PTP$\mu$ expression in lung epithelial cells is associated with or causal to neoplastic transformation. Examination of R-PTP$\mu$ expression in normal and carcinoma cells demonstrated that lung epithelial cells expressed R-PTP$\mu$ whereas lung carcinoma cells did not, and that incubation with TGF-$\alpha$ and HGF induced a two fold increase in R-PTP$\mu$ mRNA expression. To associate the expression of R-PTP$\mu$ with neoplastic transformation, we transfected lung epithelial cells with the H-ras oncogene. Transformation resulted in the activation of the MAPK signal transduction pathway, the hyperphosphorylation of c-met, and the production of HGF. Upon analysis of R-PTP$\mu$ expression, we observed a significant decrease in R-PTP$\mu$ mRNA and protein levels suggesting that transformation can directly or indirectly downregulate the expression of R-PTP$\mu.$ TGF-$\beta$ reversed the H-ras transformed phenotype, an event directly correlated with upregulation of R-PTP$\mu.$ To provide a casual relationship between R-PTP$\mu$ and cessation of tumor cell growth, we transfected carcinoma cells with the wild type R-PTP$\mu$ cDNA. Transiently expressing cells were selected by FACS using the mAb 3D7 and plated into individual wells. Carcinoma cells positive for R-PTP$\mu$ expression did not grow into colonies whereas non-R-PTP$\mu$ expressing carcinoma cells did, suggesting that expression of R-PTP$\mu$ arrested cell growth. To better understand the growth arrest induced by R-PTP$\mu$, we transfected the H-ras transformed lung epithelial cell line (MvLu-1-ras) with R-PTP$\mu$ (MvLu-1-ras/R-PTP$\mu$). Examination of growth factor receptor phosphorylation revealed significant inhibition of c-met and EGF-R. Furthermore, these cells underwent apoptosis in the absence of serum. Taken together the data demonstrate that the downregulation of R-PTP$\mu$ expression is an important step in neoplastic transformation of lung epithelial cells and that its presence can induce apoptosis and inhibit the signaling of c-met and EGF-R, two major growth factor receptors in lung carcinoma. In conclusion, the expression of R-PTP$\mu$ is inversely correlated with neoplastic transformation, growth and survival of tumor cells. ^


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Overexpression of c-erbB-2 gene-encoded p185 has been correlated with lymph node metastasis and poor prognosis in breast cancer patients. To investigate whether overexpression of c-erbB-2 can enhance metastatic potential of human breast cancer cells, we compared the metastatic phenotypes of the parental MDA-MB-435 cells and the c-erbB-2 gene transfected 435.eB cells. In vivo experimental metastasis assays demonstrated that mice injected erbB2-overexpressing 435.eB transfectants formed significantly more metastatic tumors than the mice injected with parental and control cells. The changes in metastatic potential in vivo were accompanied by increased invasiveness in vitro . The transfectants and the parental cells all had similar growth rates and transformation potential. These findings suggest that c- erbB-2 gene can enhance the intrinsic metastatic potentials of MDA-MB-435 cells without increasing their transformation abilities. ^ Homophilic adhesion may affect invasive and metastatic potential of tumor cells. We found that Heregulin-β1 (HRG-β1), a growth factor that activates receptor kinases erbB3 and erbB4, can enhance aggregation of MCF-7 and SKBR3 human breast cancer cells. While investigating the downstream signals involved in HRG-β1-increased cell aggregation, we observed that HRG-β1 increased the kinase activities of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) and PI3K in these cells. By using different kinase inhibitors, we found that the HRG-β1-activated MEK1-ERK pathway has no demonstrable role in the induction of cell aggregation, whereas HRG-β1-activated PI3K is required for enhancing breast cancer cell aggregation. These results have provided one mechanism by which HRG-β1-activated signaling of erbB receptors may affect invasive/metastatic properties of breast cancer cells. ^ To identify the structural motifs within the erbB2 receptor that are required for erbB2 increased metastatic potential in breast cancer cells, we injected different forms of mutated erbB2 expressing MDA-MB-435 cell line transfectants with or without the EGF-like domain of heregulin-β1 protein (HRG/egf) into ICR-SCID mice to test the metastatic survival rate. The results show that an intact kinase domain of erbB2 receptor is required for erbB2 enhanced metastatic potential in these cells. The C-terminal tyrosine 1248 residue of erbB2 may also play a role in enhancing metastatic potential. Moreover, the results suggest that HRG/egf promote the metastatic potential of human breast cancer cells in vivo. ^