18 resultados para regulator gene


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Hyper IgE syndrome (HIES) is a multisystem disorder resulting in bone and immune system abnormalities. It is associated with mutations in STAT3, which disrupt protein domains responsible for transcriptional function. Patients with HIES display osteoporosis and enhanced inflammatory cytokine production similar to hematopoietic Stat3-deficient mice. Since osteoclast and inflammatory cytokine genes are NFκB targets, these observations indicate a possible deregulation of NFκB signaling in both mice and humans with STAT3-deficiency. Here, we sought to examine the role of STAT3 in the regulation of NFκB-mediated gene expression through analysis of three HIES STAT3 point mutations in both hematopoietic and non- hematopoietic cells. We found that IL-6-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT3 was partially or completely abrogated by HIES mutations in the transactivation domain (V713L) or SH2 domain (V637M), respectively, in both hematopoietic and non- hematopoietic cells. By contrast, IL-6-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of an HIES mutant in the STAT3 DNA-binding domain (R382W) was intact. The R382W and V713L mutants significantly reduced IL-6-dependent STAT3 transcriptional activity in reporter gene assays. Moreover, the R382W and V637M mutants significantly diminished IL-6-responsive expression of the endogenous STAT3 target gene, Socs3, as assessed by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) in the RAW macrophage cell line. These observations indicate the HIES mutants dominantly suppress the transcriptional activity of wild type STAT3, albeit to varying degrees. All three HIES mutants enhanced LPS-induced expression of the NFκB target genes IL6 (IL-6), Cxcl10 (IP- 10), and Tnf (TNFα) in RAW cells, as indicated by qPCR. Furthermore, overexpression of wild type STAT3 in Stat3-deficient murine embryonic fibroblasts significantlyreduced LPS-stimulated expression of IL6, Cxcl10, and IL12p35. In addition, in aprimary murine osteoclast differentiation assay, a STAT3-specific SH2 domain inhibitor led to significantly increased levels of osteoclast-specific gene expression. These results suggest that STAT3 serves as a negative regulator of NFκB-mediated gene expression, and furthermore imply that STAT3 mutations associated with HIES contribute to the osteopenia and inflammation observed in HIES patients.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of the c-KIT receptor in the progression of human melanoma and the mechanism(s) for the regulation of c-KIT gene expression in human melanoma.^ The molecular changes associated with the transition of melanoma cells from radial growth phase (RGP) to vertical growth phase (VGP) (metastatic phenotype) are not well-defined. Expression of the tyrosine-kinase receptor c-KIT progressively decreases during local tumor growth and invasion of human melanomas. To provide direct evidence that the metastasis of human melanoma is associated with the loss of c-KIT expression, highly metastatic A375SM cells, which express very low or undetectable levels of c-KIT, were tranduced with the human c-KIT gene. We demonstrated that enforced c-KIT expression in highly metastatic human melanoma cells significantly suppressed their tumorigenicity and metastatic propensity in nude mice. In addition, we showed that the ligand for c-KIT, SCF, induces apoptosis in human melanoma cells expressing c-KIT under both in vitro and in vivo conditions. These results suggest that loss of c-KIT receptor may allow malignant melanoma cells to escape SCF/c-KIT-mediated apoptosis, thus contributing to tumor growth and eventually metastasis.^ Furthermore, we investigated the possible mechanism(s) for the down-regulation of c-KIT gene expression in malignant melanoma. Sequence analysis of the c-KIT promoter indicated that this promoter contains several consensus binding-site sequences including three putative AP2 and two Myb sites. Although Myb was shown to be associated with c-KIT expression in human hemotopoietic cells, we found no correlation between c-KIT expression and Myb expression in human melanoma cell lines. In contrast, we showed that c-KIT expression directly correlates with expression of AP2 in human melanoma cells. We found that highly metastatic cells do not express the transcription factor AP2. Expression of AP2 in A375SM cells (c-KIT-negative and AP2-negative) was enough to restore luciferase activity driven by the c-KIT promoter in a dose-dependent manner. On the other hand, co-expression of the dominant-negative form of AP2 (AP2B) in Mel-501 cells (c-KIT-positive and AP2-positive) resulted in two-fold reduction in luciferase activity. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed that the c-KIT promoter contains functional AP2 binding sites which could associate with AP2 protein. Endogenous c-KIT gene expression levels were elevated in AP2 stably-transfected human melanoma A375SM cells. Expression of exogenous AP2 in A375SM cells inhibited their tumorigenicity and metastatic potential in nude mice. The c-KIT ligand, SCF, also induced apoptosis in the AP2 stably-transfected A375SM cells. The identification of AP2 as an important regulator for c-KIT expression suggests that AP2 may have tumor growth and metastasis inhibitory properties, possibly mediated through c-KIT/SCF effects on apoptosis of human melanoma cells. Since AP2 binding sites were found in the promoters of other genes involved in the progression of human melanoma, such as MMP2 (72 kDa collagenase), MCAM/MUC18 and P21/WAF-1, our findings suggest that loss of AP2 expression might be a crucial event in the development of malignant melanoma. ^


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Sox9 is a Sry-related HMG-domain containing transcription factor. Lines of evidence suggest that Sox9 has a potential role in skeletal development. During mouse development, Sox9 is predominantly expressed in all chondroprogenitors and differentiated chondrocytes, throughout the deposition of cartilage matrix. Mutations in one allele of SOX9 in humans result in campomelic dysplasia (CD), a skeletal dysplasia. syndrome characterized by the bowing of long bones. Moreover, Sox9 binds to and activates chondrocyte-specific enhancers in Col2a1 and Col11a2 genes. To further investigate the function of Sox9 in chondrogenesis, we analyzed chimeras derived from Sox9 heterozygous and homozygous null embryonic stem (ES) cells. In mouse chimeras, Sox9 −/− cells were excluded from all cartilages and did not express chondrocyte-specific genes. The segregation occurred during mesenchymal condensation. No cartilages developed in teratocarcinomas derived from Sox9 −/− ES cells. Mice heterozygous for the Sox9 mutation died neonatally and exhibited skeletal abnormalities resembling those of the CD patients. The Sox9 +/− mutants had a cleft palate and hypoplasia of scapula, pelvis and other skeletal structures derived by endochondral ossification. Bending of the radius, ulna and tibia cartilage was prominent at embryonic day 14.5 (E14.5). At E12.5 many pre-cartilaginous condensations were already defective. Advanced ossification was observed and the hypertrophic zone was enlarged in the growth plates, suggesting that Sox9 also regulates hypertrophic chondrocyte differentiation. Our results identify Sox9 as the first essential regulator of chondrocyte differentiation, which plays multiple roles in chondrogenesis. ^