43 resultados para mammalian target of rapamycin


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The first part of my research involved the characterization of the neu gene promoter. I subcloned a 2.2-kb sequence located upstream to the extreme 5$\sp\prime$ end of the neu gene, in front of the bacterial reporter gene, chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT). Transfection of this construct into different cell lines and subsequent CAT assays demonstrated that this 2.2-kb fragment was functional as a promoter. A series of deletion constructs was engineered to study the contribution of different fragments to transcription. Subcloning of individual fragments was followed by a cotransfection competition experiment, which demonstrated the involvement of protein factors interacting with the promoter. A gel retardation assay was also performed to show the physical binding of protein factors to the promoter. The combined results suggested that both positively and negatively acting protein factors are involved in interacting with different regions of the promoter, contributing to the overall transcription activity. My findings provide an insight into the regulation of neu gene expression, which in turn provides the tools to understand the molecular mechanisms of overexpression of the neu gene in some breast cancer and ovarian cancer cell lines.^ In the second part of my research, I discovered that another oncogene, c-myc, was able to reverse the transformed morphology that was induced by the neu oncogene. Utilizing the promoter constructs that I made, I was able to show that the c-myc oncogene has a negative regulatory effect on the expression of the neu oncogene. Further studies suggested that c-myc is able to lower the effective concentration of a positive factor(s) that interact with a 139-bp fragment of the neu gene promoter. These findings may provide a direct evidence of the long suspected role of the c-myc gene in transcriptional regulation. The neu gene may very well be the first identified mammalian target gene that is regulated by the c-myc oncogene. Since c-myc is known to be stimulated by various mitogenic signals and the neu gene is likely to be a growth factor receptor, it is possible that c-myc, when stimulated by the signal transduction pathway of the neu gene, would function as a negative feedback regulator on the neu gene receptor. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^


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Although abundant in well-differentiated rat thyroid cells, Rap1GAP expression was extinguished in a subset of human thyroid tumor-derived cell lines. Intriguingly, Rap1GAP was downregulated selectively in tumor cell lines that had acquired a mesenchymal morphology. Restoring Rap1GAP expression to these cells inhibited cell migration and invasion, effects that were correlated with the inhibition of Rap1 and Rac1 activity. The reexpression of Rap1GAP also inhibited DNA synthesis and anchorage-independent proliferation. Conversely, eliminating Rap1GAP expression in rat thyroid cells induced a transient increase in cell number. Strikingly, Rap1GAP expression was abolished by Ras transformation. The downregulation of Rap1GAP by Ras required the activation of the Raf/MEK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase cascade and was correlated with the induction of mesenchymal morphology and migratory behavior. Remarkably, the acute expression of oncogenic Ras was sufficient to downregulate Rap1GAP expression in rat thyroid cells, identifying Rap1GAP as a novel target of oncogenic Ras. Collectively, these data implicate Rap1GAP as a putative tumor/invasion suppressor in the thyroid. In support of that notion, Rap1GAP was highly expressed in normal human thyroid cells and downregulated in primary thyroid tumors.


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Behavioral sensitization is defined as the subsequent augmentation of the locomotor response to a drug following repeated administrations of the drug. It is believed to occur due to alterations in the motive circuit in the brain by stressors, central nervous system stimulants, and similar stimuli. The motive circuit (or mesocorticolimbic system) consists of several interconnected nuclei that determine the behavioral response to significant biological stimuli. A final target of the mesocorticolimbic system is the nucleus accumbens (NAc), which is a key structure linking motivation and action. In particular, the dopaminergic innervations of the Nac are considered to be essential in regulating motivated states of behavior such as goal-directed actions, stimulus-reward associations and reinforcement by addictive substances. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the role of dopaminergic afferents of the NAc in the behavioral sensitization elicited by chronic treatment with methylphenidate (MPD), a psychostimulant that is widely used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The dopaminergic afferents can be selectively destroyed using catecholamine neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). In order to determine whether destruction of dopaminergic afferents of the NAc prevents sensitization, I compared locomotor activity in rats that had received infusions of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) into the NAc with that of control and sham-operated animals. All groups of rats received six days of single daily MPD injections after measuring their pre and post surgery locomotor baseline. Following the consecutive MPD injections, there was a washout period of 4 days, where no injections were given. Then, a rechallenge injection of MPD was given. Behavioral responses after repeated MPD were compared to those after acute MPD to assess behavioral sensitization. Expression of sensitization to MPD was not prevented by 6-OHDA infusion into the NAc. Moreover, two distinct responses were seen to the acute injection of MPD: one group of rats had essentially no response to acute MPD, while the other had an augmented (‘sensitized’-like) acute response. Among rats with 6-OHDA infusions, the animals with diminished acute response to MPD had intact behavioral sensitization to repeated MPD, while the animals with increased acute response to MPD did not exhibit further sensitization to it. This suggests that the acute and chronic effects of MPD have distinct underlying neural circuitries.


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We previously found that FoxM1B is overexpressed in human glioblastomas and that forced FoxM1B expression in anaplastic astrocytoma cells leads to the formation of highly angiogenic glioblastoma in nude mice. However, the molecular mechanisms by which FoxM1B enhances glioma angiogenesis are currently unknown. In this study, we found that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a direct transcriptional target of FoxM1B. FoxM1B overexpression increased VEGF expression, whereas blockade of FoxM1 expression suppressed VEGF expression in glioma cells. Transfection of FoxM1 into glioma cells directly activated the VEGF promoter, and inhibition of FoxM1 expression by FoxM1 siRNA suppressed VEGF promoter activation. We identified two FoxM1-binding sites in the VEGF promoter that specifically bound to the FoxM1 protein. Mutation of these FoxM1-binding sites significantly attenuated VEGF promoter activity. Furthermore, FoxM1 overexpression increased and inhibition of FoxM1 expression suppressed the angiogenic ability of glioma cells. Finally, an immunohistochemical analysis of 59 human glioblastoma specimens also showed a significant correlation between FoxM1 overexpression and elevated VEGF expression. Our findings provide both clinical and mechanistic evidence that FoxM1 contributes to glioma progression by enhancing VEGF gene transcription and thus tumor angiogenesis.


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Inflammation is a key process in cardiovascular diseases. The extracellular matrix (ECM) of the vasculature is a major target of inflammatory cytokines, and TNFalpha regulates ECM metabolism by affecting collagen production. In this study, we have examined the pathways mediating TNFalpha-induced suppression of prolyl-4 hydroxylase alpha1 (P4Halpha1), the rate-limiting isoform of P4H responsible for procollagen hydroxylation, maturation, and organization. Using human aortic smooth muscle cells, we found that TNFalpha activated the MKK4-JNK1 pathway, which induced histone (H) 4 lysine 12 acetylation within the TNFalpha response element in the P4Halpha1 promoter. The acetylated-H4 then recruited a transcription factor, NonO, which, in turn, recruited HDACs and induced H3 lysine 9 deacetylation, thereby inhibiting transcription of the P4Halpha1 promoter. Furthermore, we found that TNFalpha oxidized DJ-1, which may be essential for the NonO-P4Halpha1 interaction because treatment with gene specific siRNA to knockout DJ-1 eliminated the TNFalpha-induced NonO-P4Halpha1 interaction and its suppression. Our findings may be relevant to aortic aneurysm and dissection and the stability of the fibrous cap of atherosclerotic plaque in which collagen metabolism is important in arterial remodeling. Defining this cytokine-mediated regulatory pathway may provide novel molecular targets for therapeutic intervention in preventing plaque rupture and acute coronary occlusion.


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PURPOSE: Dasatinib is a dual Src/Abl inhibitor recently approved for Bcr-Abl+ leukemias with resistance or intolerance to prior therapy. Because Src kinases contribute to multiple blood cell functions by triggering a variety of signaling pathways, we hypothesized that their molecular targeting might lead to growth inhibition in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: We studied growth factor-dependent and growth factor-independent leukemic cell lines, including three cell lines expressing mutants of receptor tyrosine kinases (Flt3 or c-Kit) as well as primary AML blasts for responsiveness to dasatinib. RESULTS: Dasatinib resulted in the inhibition of Src family kinases in all cell lines and blast cells at approximately 1 x 10(-9) mol/L. It also inhibited mutant Flt3 or Kit tyrosine phosphorylation at approximately 1 x 10(-6) mol/L. Mo7e cells expressing the activating mutation (codon 816) of c-Kit were most sensitive to growth inhibition with a GI(50) of 5 x 10(-9) mol/L. Primary AML blast cells exhibited a growth inhibition of <1 x>10(-6) mol/L. Cell lines that showed growth inhibition at approximately 1 x 10(-6) mol/L showed a G(1) cell cycle arrest and correlated with accumulation of p21 and p27 protein. The addition of rapamycin or cytotoxic agents enhanced growth inhibition. Dasatinib also caused the apoptosis of Mo7e cells expressing oncogenic Kit. CONCLUSIONS: Although all of the precise targets for dasatinib are not known, this multikinase inhibitor causes either growth arrest or apoptosis in molecularly heterogeneous AML. The addition of cytotoxic or targeted agents can enhance its effects.


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BACKGROUND: Whole-body hypothermia reduced the frequency of death or moderate/severe disabilities in neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in a randomized, controlled multicenter trial. OBJECTIVE: Our goal was to evaluate outcomes of safety and effectiveness of hypothermia in infants up to 18 to 22 months of age. DESIGN/METHODS: A priori outcomes were evaluated between hypothermia (n = 102) and control (n = 106) groups. RESULTS: Encephalopathy attributable to causes other than hypoxia-ischemia at birth was not noted. Inotropic support (hypothermia, 59% of infants; control, 56% of infants) was similar during the 72-hour study intervention period in both groups. Need for blood transfusions (hypothermia, 24%; control, 24%), platelet transfusions (hypothermia, 20%; control, 12%), and volume expanders (hypothermia, 54%; control, 49%) was similar in the 2 groups. Among infants with persistent pulmonary hypertension (hypothermia, 25%; control, 22%), nitric-oxide use (hypothermia, 68%; control, 57%) and placement on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (hypothermia, 4%; control, 9%) was similar between the 2 groups. Non-central nervous system organ dysfunctions occurred with similar frequency in the hypothermia (74%) and control (73%) groups. Rehospitalization occurred among 27% of the infants in the hypothermia group and 42% of infants in the control group. At 18 months, the hypothermia group had 24 deaths, 19 severe disabilities, and 2 moderate disabilities, whereas the control group had 38 deaths, 25 severe disabilities, and 1 moderate disability. Growth parameters were similar between survivors. No adverse outcomes were noted among infants receiving hypothermia with transient reduction of temperature below a target of 33.5 degrees C at initiation of cooling. There was a trend in reduction of frequency of all outcomes in the hypothermia group compared with the control group in both moderate and severe encephalopathy categories. CONCLUSIONS: Although not powered to test these secondary outcomes, whole-body hypothermia in infants with encephalopathy was safe and was associated with a consistent trend for decreasing frequency of each of the components of disability.


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Aldosterone plays a major role in the regulation of salt balance and the pathophysiology of cardiovascular and renal diseases. Many aldosterone-regulated genes--including that encoding the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC), a key arbiter of Na+ transport in the kidney and other epithelia--have been identified, but the mechanisms by which the hormone modifies chromatin structure and thus transcription remain unknown. We previously described the basal repression of ENaCalpha by a complex containing the histone H3 Lys79 methyltransferase disruptor of telomeric silencing alternative splice variant a (Dot1a) and the putative transcription factor ALL1-fused gene from chromosome 9 (Af9) as well as the release of this repression by aldosterone treatment. Here we provide evidence from renal collecting duct cells and serum- and glucocorticoid-induced kinase-1 (Sgk1) WT and knockout mice that Sgk1 phosphorylated Af9, thereby impairing the Dot1a-Af9 interaction and leading to targeted histone H3 Lys79 hypomethylation at the ENaCalpha promoter and derepression of ENaCalpha transcription. Thus, Af9 is a physiologic target of Sgk1, and Sgk1 negatively regulates the Dot1a-Af9 repressor complex that controls transcription of ENaCalpha and likely other aldosterone-induced genes.


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Enforced expression of Tbx1 in fetal thymic epithelial cells antagonizes thymus organogenesis Kim T. Cardenas The thymus and parathyroid glands originate from organ-specific domains of 3rd pharyngeal pouch (PP) endoderm. At embryonic day 11.5 (E11.5), the ventral thymus and dorsal parathyroid domains can be identified by Foxn1 and Gcm2 expression respectively. Neural crest cells, (NCCs) play a role in regulating patterning of 3rd PP endoderm. In addition, pharyngeal endoderm influences fate determination via secretion of Sonic hedgehog (Shh), a morphogen required for Gcm2 expression and generation of the parathyroid domain. Gcm2 is a downstream target of the transcription factor Tbx1, which in turn is positively regulated by Shh. Although initially expressed throughout pharyngeal pouch endoderm, Tbx1 expression is excluded from the thymus-specific domain of the 3rd PP by E10.5, but persists in the parathyroid domain. Based on these observations, we hypothesized that Tbx1 expression is non-permissive for thymus fate specification and that enforced expression of Tbx1 in the fetal thymus would impair thymus development. To test this hypothesis, we generated knock-in mice containing a Cre-inducible allele that allows for tissue-specific Tbx1 expression. Expression of the R26iTbx1 allele in fetal and adult thymus using Foxn1Cre resulted in severe thymus hypoplasia throughout ontogeny that persisted in the adult. Thymic epithelial cell (TEC) development was impaired as determined by immunohistochemical and FACS analysis of various differentiation markers. The relative level of Foxn1 expression in fetal TECs was significantly reduced. TECs in R26iTbx1/+ thymi assumed an almost universal expression of Plet-1, a marker associated with a TEC stem/progenitor cell fate. In addition, embryonic R26iTbx1/+ mice develop a perithymic mesechymal capsule that appears expanded compared to control littermates. Interestingly, thymi from neonatal and adult R26iTbx1/+ but not R26+/+ mice were encased in adipose tissue. This thymic phenotype also correlated with a decrease in thymocyte cellularity and aberrant thymocyte differentiation. The results to date support the conclusion that enforced expression of Tbx1 in TECs antagonizes their differentiation and prevents normal organogenesis via both direct and indirect effects.


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Overexpression of the hepatocyte growth factor receptor (c-Met) and its ligand, the hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), and a constitutively active mutant of the epidermal growth factor receptor (∆EGFR/EGFRvIII), occur frequently in glioblastoma. c-Met is activated in a ligand-dependent manner by HGF or in a ligand-independent manner by ∆EGFR. Dysregulated c-Met signaling contributes to the aggressive phenotype of glioblastoma, yet the mechanisms underlying the production of HGF in glioblastoma are poorly understood. We found a positive correlation between HGF and c-Met expression in glioblastoma, suggesting that they are coregulated. This is supported by the finding that in a c-Met/HGF axis-dependent glioblastoma cell line, shRNA-mediated silencing of c-Met, or treatment with the c-Met inhibitor SU11274, attenuated HGF expression. Biologically, c-Met knockdown decreased anchorage-independent colony formation and the tumorigenicity of intracranial xenografts. Building on prior findings that ∆EGFR enhanced c-Met activation, we found that ∆EGFR also led to increased HGF expression, which was reversed upon ∆EGFR inhibition with AG1478. ∆EGFR required c-Met to maintain elevated HGF expression, colony formation of glioblastoma cells, and the tumorigenicity of orthotopic xenografts. An unbiased mass spectrometry-based approach identified phosphotyrosine-related signaling changes that occurred with c-Met knockdown in a glioblastoma cell line expressing ΔEGFR and in parental cells. Notably, phosphorylation of STAT3, a master regulator of the mesenchymal GBM subtype and a known target of ∆EGFR, also decreased when c-Met was silenced in these cells, suggesting that the signals from these receptors converge on STAT3. Using a STAT3 inhibitor, WP1193, we showed that STAT3 inhibition decreased HGF mRNA expression in ΔEGFR-expressing glioblastoma cells. Consistent with these findings, constitutively active STAT3 partially restored HGF expression and anchorage-independent growth of c-Met knockdown glioblastoma cells that overexpressed ΔEGFR. We found that higher levels of HGF and c-Met expression associated with the mesenchymal GBM subtype. Taken together, these results suggest that the activity of c-Met regulates the expression of HGF in glioblastoma cells, that ∆EGFR feeds positively into this autocrine loop, that signaling of the two receptors together modulate HGF expression via STAT3, and that the HGF/c-Met axis may therefore be a good additional target for therapy of mesenchymal GBM tumors.


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Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) is a gram-negative coccobacillus implicated as a major pathogen in juvenile periodontitis. The immunosuppressive activity of a sonic extract (designated 100SN) derived from Aa was investigated. 100SN suppressed spontaneous proliferation as well as proliferative response to the mitogens, PHA and PWM, of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). 100SN-induced suppression of PHA-stimulated proliferation was heat-sensitive, inactivated by pronase and trypsin, dose-dependent and non-cytotoxic. There were no significant changes in the CD4$\sp+$ or CD8$\sp+$ subsets of PBMC after 7-day incubation with 100SN. There was a trend toward increased levels of the CD4$\sp+$CD45R$\sp{\rm hi}$CDw29$\sp{\rm lo}$ (naive cells, associated with suppressor-inducer activity) and CD4$\sp+$CDw29$\sp{\rm hi}$CD45R$\sp{\rm lo}$ (memory cells, associated with helper-inducer activity) subsets. The target of 100SN appeared to be the non-adherent cells and suppression by 100SN could not be reversed by indomethacin (IDM), the cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor of prostaglandin (PG) synthesis. The mechanism of 100SN-induced suppression was studied in terms of inhibition involving IL-2-regulated T cell proliferation and the results point to the possibility that suppression occurred subsequent to IL-2 receptor binding.^ The suppressive activity observed could occur through multiple mechanisms including cell-cell; contact or release of soluble factors. Supernatants derived from 7-day cultures of PBMC and 100SN (designated CSN-A) were able to suppress proliferative response of PBMC to PHA without affecting cell viability. Analysis of CSN-A showed that it contained PGE2 and soluble IL-2 receptors. Suppression by CSN-A could be partially overcome by either IDM or exogenous IL-2. Significant suppression was also maintained when both IDM and exogenous IL-2 were added at the same time. These findings suggest that PGE2 and soluble IL-2 receptors contribute to the suppression observed but other suppressive cytokine(s) may be involved. Collectively, the data indicate that a factor derived from oral bacteria associated with juvenile periodontitis have profound effects on cellular immune responses, and that these effects may be partially mediated by secondary factors produced by the host in response to the bacteria. ^


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Daunorubicin (DNR) is an anthracycline antibiotic used as a cancer chemotherapeutic agent. However, it causes mammary adenocarcinomas in female Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. Vitamin E (E) has been found to reduce DNR carcinogenicity. I investigated the mechanism of DNR carcinogenicity and its interaction with E in SD rats by studying DNR-DNA adduct formation and the influence of E status on DNR clearance and free radical producing and detoxifying enzymes.^ The hypothesis was that DNR exerts its tumorigenic effect via free radicals generated during redox cycling and production of reactive intermediates capable of forming DNA adducts. E was postulated to act as a protective agent through a combination of its antioxidant property, modulation of drug clearance and levels of free radical producing and detoxifying enzymes.^ DNA adduct formation was measured by the nuclease P1 $\sp{32}$P-post labeling assay. In vitro, DNR was activated by rat liver microsomes and either NADPH or cumene hydrogen peroxide (CuOOH). Rat liver DNA incubated with this mixture formed two adducts when the cofactor was NADPH and three adducts when CuOOH was used. In vivo, SD rats were treated with i.v. doses of DNR. No detectable DNR-DNA adducts were formed in liver or mammary DNA in vivo, although there was an intensification of endogenous DNA adducts.^ Groups, 1, 2, 3 and 4 of weanling female SD rats were fed 0, 100, 1,000 and 10,000 mg $\alpha$-tocopheryl acetate/kg diet respectively. A comparison of Groups 1 and 4 showed no effect of E status on clearance of 10 mg tritiated DNR/kg body weight over 72 hours. However, liver cleared DNR at a faster rate than mammary epithelial cells (MEC).^ Xanthine oxidase, which catalyzes DNR redox cycling, was significantly decreased in liver and MEC of rats in group 4 compared to groups 1, 2, and 3. Detoxifying enzymes were not dramatically affected by E supplementation. Quinone reductase in MEC was significantly increased in group 4 compared to other groups. Overall, the liver had higher levels of free radical detoxifying enzymes compared to MEC.^ These data support a role of free radicals in DNR carcinogenicity because (1) endogenous DNA adducts formed due to free radical insult are further intensified by DNR treatment in vivo, (2) MEC, the specific target of DNR carcinogenicity, cannot rapidly clear DNR and have a lower free radical detoxifying capability than liver, (3) E supplementation caused lowering of free radical generating potential via xanthine oxidase, and increased DNR detoxification due to elevation of quinone reductase in MEC. ^


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The skin immune system is believed to be a crucial site of contact between immunocompetent cells and invading organisms. A novel T cell component of murine epidermis is the Thy-1$\sp+$ dendritic epidermal cell (Tdec). To assess the immunocompetence of Tdec, the ability of Tdec to induce immune responses was tested. Tdec were unable to induce positive immune responses in three models of immunocompetence. Subsequent studies were designed to test the hypothesis that Tdec are involved in the down-regulation of cell-mediated immunity against cutaneous antigens. Cultured Tdec lines were conjugated in vitro with the hapten, fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). The intrafootpad (ifp.) or intravenous (i.v.) injection of FTIC-conjugated Tdec induced immunologic tolerance to subsequent epicutaneous sensitization with FITC. This induction of tolerance was antigen-specific, and injection of unconjugated Tdec had no effect on the contact hypersensitivity response to FITC. Tolerance was not H-2-restricted, since it could be induced in both syngeneic and allogeneic recipients of FITC-conjugated Tdec. No suppressive activity could be detected in lymphoid organs of animals tolerized by the ifp. injection of hapten-conjugated Tdec. In contrast, suppressor T cells were present in the spleens of mice injected i.v. with hapten-conjugated Tdec. These results indicate that Ts cells are not involved in the induction of tolerance by the ifp. injection of hapten-conjugated Tdec. To investigate the mechanism by which the ifp. injection of hapten-conjugated Tdec induced tolerance to contact sensitization, the activity of these cells was measured in vitro. The addition of hapten-conjugated Tdec inhibited the proliferation of Con A-stimulated lymphocytes. In addition, FITC-conjugated Tdec abrogated the proliferation of normal lymphocytes in response to FITC-labeled stimulator cells. These studies suggest that specific T cell-mediated immunity is the target of the inhibitory effect of Tdec in vitro. In summary, these results demonstrate that while Tdec are unable to induce positive immune responses, they can produce a state of specific immunologic tolerance when injected ifp. or i.v. These results also suggest that the induction of immunologic tolerance by hapten-conjugated Tdec may occur through the inactivation or elimination of activated T lymphocytes resulting in down-regulation of cell-mediated immunity against cutaneous antigens. ^


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The formation of skeletal muscle during vertebrate development involves the induction of mesoderm and subsequent generation of myoblasts that ultimately differentiate into mature muscles. The recent identification of a group of myogenic regulators that can convert fibroblasts to myoblasts has contributed to our understanding of the molecular events that underlie the establishment of the skeletal muscle phenotype. Members of this group of myogenic regulators share a helix-loop-helix (HLH) motif that mediates DNA binding. The myogenic HLH proteins bind to the consensus sequence CANNTG, referred to as an E-box, and activate muscle-specific transcription. In addition to E-boxes, other motifs, such as the MEF-2 binding site, have been shown to mediate muscle-specific transcription. The myogenic HLH proteins are expressed in the myogenic precursors in somites and limb buds, and in differentiated muscle fibers during embryogenesis, consistent with their roles as regulators for muscle development. The myogenic HLH proteins appear to auto-activate their own and cross-activate one another's expression in cultured cells. Myogenin is one of the myogenic HLH proteins and likely the regulator for terminal muscle differentiation. Myogenin is a common target of diverse regulatory pathways. To search for upstream regulators of myogenin, we studied regulation of myogenin transcription during mouse embryogenesis. We showed that the myogenin promoter contains a binding site for MEF-2, which can mediate indirectly the autoregulation of myogenin transcription. We found that a transgene under the control of a 1.5 kb 5$\sp\prime$ flanking sequence can recapitulate the temporal and spatial expression pattern of the endogenous myogenin gene during mouse embryogenesis. By tracing embryonic cells that activate myogenin-lacZ during embryogenesis, we found no evidence that lacZ was expressed in myogenic precursors migrating from somites to limb buds, suggesting the existence of regulators other than myogenic HLH proteins that can maintain cells in the myogenic lineage. Mutations of an E-box and a MEF-2 site in the myogenin promoter suppressed transcription in subsets of myogenic precursors in mouse embryos. These results suggest that myogenic HLH proteins and MEF-2 participate in separable regulatory pathways controlling myogenin transcription and provide evidence for positional regulation of myogenic regulators in the embryo. ^


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Dendritic epidermal T cells (DETC) comprise a unique population of T cells that reside in mouse epidermis and whose function remains unclear. Most DETC express a $\gamma\delta$ TCR, although some, including our DETC line, AU16, express an $\alpha\beta$ TCR. Additionally, AU16 cells express CD3, Thy-1, CD45, CD28, B7, and AsGM-1. Previous studies in our laboratory demonstrated that hapten-conjugated AU16 could induce specific immunologic tolerance in vivo and inhibit T cell proliferation in vitro. Both these activities are antigen-specific, and the induction of tolerance is non-MHC-restricted. In addition, AU16 cells are cytotoxic to a number of tumor cell lines in vitro. These studies suggested a role for these cells in immune surveillance. The purpose of my studies was to test the hypothesis that these functions of DETC (tolerance induction, inhibition of T cell proliferation, and tumor cell killing) were mediated by a cytotoxic mechanism. My specific aims were (1) to determine whether AU16 could prevent or delay tumor growth in vivo; and (2) to determine the mechanism whereby AU16 induce tolerance, using an in vitro proliferation assay. I first showed that AU16 cells killed a variety of skin tumor cell lines in vitro. I then demonstrated that they prevented melanoma growth in C3H mice when both cell types were mixed immediately prior to intradermal (i.d.) injection. Studies using the in vitro proliferation assay confirmed that DETC inhibit proliferation of T cells stimulated by hapten-bearing, antigen-presenting cells (FITC-APC). To determine which cell was the target, $\gamma$-irradiated, hapten-conjugated AU16 were added to the proliferation assay on d 4. They profoundly inhibited the proliferation of naive T cells to $\gamma$-irradiated, FITC-APC, as measured by ($\sp3$H) TdR uptake. This result strongly suggested that the T cell was the target of the AU16 activity because no APC were present by d 4 of the in vitro culture. In contrast, the addition of FITC-conjugated splenic T cells (SP-T) or lymph node T cells (LN-T) was less inhibitory. Preincubation of the T cells with FITC-AU16 cells for 24 h, followed by removal of the AU16 cells, completely inhibited the ability of the T cells to proliferate in response to FITC-APC, further supporting the conclusion that the T cell was the target of the AU16. Finally, AU16 cells were capable of killing a variety of activated T cells and T cell lines, arguing that the mechanism of proliferation inhibition, and possibly tolerance induction is one of cytotoxicity. Importantly, $\gamma\delta$ TCR$\sp+$ DETC behaved, both in vivo and in vitro like AU16, whereas other T cells did not. Therefore, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that AU16 cells are true DETC and that they induce tolerance by killing T cells that are antigen-activated in vivo. ^