24 resultados para interleukin 2 receptor beta


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The LIM domain-binding protein Ldb1 is an essential cofactor of LIM-homeodomain (LIM-HD) and LIM-only (LMO) proteins in development. The stoichiometry of Ldb1, LIM-HD, and LMO proteins is tightly controlled in the cell and is likely a critical determinant of their biological actions. Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSBPs) were recently shown to interact with Ldb1 and are also important in developmental programs. We establish here that two mammalian SSBPs, SSBP2 and SSBP3, contribute to an erythroid DNA-binding complex that contains the transcription factors Tal1 and GATA-1, the LIM domain protein Lmo2, and Ldb1 and binds a bipartite E-box-GATA DNA sequence motif. In addition, SSBP2 was found to augment transcription of the Protein 4.2 (P4.2) gene, a direct target of the E-box-GATA-binding complex, in an Ldb1-dependent manner and to increase endogenous Ldb1 and Lmo2 protein levels, E-box-GATA DNA-binding activity, and P4.2 and beta-globin expression in erythroid progenitors. Finally, SSBP2 was demonstrated to inhibit Ldb1 and Lmo2 interaction with the E3 ubiquitin ligase RLIM, prevent RLIM-mediated Ldb1 ubiquitination, and protect Ldb1 and Lmo2 from proteasomal degradation. These results define a novel biochemical function for SSBPs in regulating the abundance of LIM domain and LIM domain-binding proteins.


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OBJECTIVE: This study sought to characterize the inflammatory infiltrate in ascending thoracic aortic aneurysm in patients with Marfan syndrome, familial thoracic aortic aneurysm, or nonfamilial thoracic aortic aneurysm. BACKGROUND: Thoracic aortic aneurysms are associated with a pathologic lesion termed "medial degeneration," which is described as a noninflammatory lesion. Thoracic aortic aneurysms are a complication of Marfan syndrome and can be inherited in an autosomal dominant manner of familial thoracic aortic aneurysm. METHODS: Full aortic segments were collected from patients undergoing elective repair with Marfan syndrome (n = 5), familial thoracic aortic aneurysm (n = 6), and thoracic aortic aneurysms (n = 9), along with control aortas (n = 5). Immunohistochemistry staining was performed using antibodies directed against markers of lymphocytes and macrophages. Real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis was performed to quantify the expression level of the T-cell receptor beta-chain variable region gene. RESULTS: Immunohistochemistry of thoracic aortic aneurysm aortas demonstrated that the media and adventitia from Marfan syndrome, familial thoracic aortic aneurysm, and sporadic cases had increased numbers of T lymphocytes and macrophages when compared with control aortas. The number of T cells and macrophages in the aortic media of the aneurysm correlated inversely with the patient's age at the time of prophylactic surgical repair of the aorta. T-cell receptor profiling indicated a similar clonal nature of the T cells in the aortic wall in a majority of aneurysms, whether the patient had Marfan syndrome, familial thoracic aortic aneurysm, or sporadic disease. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that the infiltration of inflammatory cells contributes to the pathogenesis of thoracic aortic aneurysms. Superantigen-driven stimulation of T lymphocytes in the aortic tissues of patients with thoracic aortic aneurysms may contribute to the initial immune response.


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Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) is a gram-negative coccobacillus implicated as a major pathogen in juvenile periodontitis. The immunosuppressive activity of a sonic extract (designated 100SN) derived from Aa was investigated. 100SN suppressed spontaneous proliferation as well as proliferative response to the mitogens, PHA and PWM, of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). 100SN-induced suppression of PHA-stimulated proliferation was heat-sensitive, inactivated by pronase and trypsin, dose-dependent and non-cytotoxic. There were no significant changes in the CD4$\sp+$ or CD8$\sp+$ subsets of PBMC after 7-day incubation with 100SN. There was a trend toward increased levels of the CD4$\sp+$CD45R$\sp{\rm hi}$CDw29$\sp{\rm lo}$ (naive cells, associated with suppressor-inducer activity) and CD4$\sp+$CDw29$\sp{\rm hi}$CD45R$\sp{\rm lo}$ (memory cells, associated with helper-inducer activity) subsets. The target of 100SN appeared to be the non-adherent cells and suppression by 100SN could not be reversed by indomethacin (IDM), the cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor of prostaglandin (PG) synthesis. The mechanism of 100SN-induced suppression was studied in terms of inhibition involving IL-2-regulated T cell proliferation and the results point to the possibility that suppression occurred subsequent to IL-2 receptor binding.^ The suppressive activity observed could occur through multiple mechanisms including cell-cell; contact or release of soluble factors. Supernatants derived from 7-day cultures of PBMC and 100SN (designated CSN-A) were able to suppress proliferative response of PBMC to PHA without affecting cell viability. Analysis of CSN-A showed that it contained PGE2 and soluble IL-2 receptors. Suppression by CSN-A could be partially overcome by either IDM or exogenous IL-2. Significant suppression was also maintained when both IDM and exogenous IL-2 were added at the same time. These findings suggest that PGE2 and soluble IL-2 receptors contribute to the suppression observed but other suppressive cytokine(s) may be involved. Collectively, the data indicate that a factor derived from oral bacteria associated with juvenile periodontitis have profound effects on cellular immune responses, and that these effects may be partially mediated by secondary factors produced by the host in response to the bacteria. ^


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Natural killer cells may provide an important first line of defense against metastatic implantation of solid tumors. This antitumor function occurs during the intravascular and visceral lodgment phase of cancer dissemination, as demonstrated in small animal metastasis models. The role of the NK cell in controlling human tumor dissemination is more difficult to confirm, at least partially because of ethical restraints on experimental design. Nonetheless, a large number of solid tumor patient studies have demonstrated NK cell cytolysis of both autologous and allogeneic tumors.^ Of the major cancer therapeutic modalities, successful surgery in conjunction with other treatments offers the best possibility of cure. However, small animal experiments have demonstrated that surgical stress can lead to increased rates of primary tumor take, and increased incidence, size, and rapidity of metastasis development. Because the physiologic impact of surgical stress can also markedly impair perioperative antitumor immune function in humans, we examined the effect of surgical stress on perioperative NK cell cytolytic function in a murine preclinical model. Our studies demonstrated that hindlimb amputation led to a marked impairment of postoperative NK cell cytotoxicity. The mechanism underlying this process is complex and involves the postsurgical generation of splenic erythroblasts that successfully compete with NK cells for tumor target binding sites; NK cell-directed suppressor cell populations; and a direct impairment of NK cell recycling capacity. The observed postoperative NK cell suppression could be prevented by in vivo administration of pyrimidinone biologic response modifiers or by short term in vitro exposure of effector cells to recombinant Interleukin-2. It is hoped that insights gained from this research may help in the future development of NK cell specific perioperative immunotherapy relevant to the solid tumor patients undergoing cancer resection. ^


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Untreated AKR mice develop spontaneous thymic lymphomas by 6-12 months of age. Lymphoma development is accelerated when young mice are injected with the carcinogen N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU). Selected molecular and cellular events were compared during the latent period preceding "spontaneous" (retrovirally-induced) and MNU-induced thymic lymphoma development in AKR mice. These studies were undertaken to test the hypothesis that thymic lymphomas induced in the same inbred mouse strain by endogenous retroviruses and by a chemical carcinogen develop by different mechanisms.^ Immunofluorescence analysis of differentiation antigens showed that most MNU-induced lymphomas express an immature CD4-8+ profile. In contrast, spontaneous lymphomas represent each of the major lymphocyte subsets. These data suggest involvement of different target populations in MNU-induced and spontaneous lymphomas. Analyses at intervals after MNU treatment revealed selective expansion of the CD4-8+ J11d+ thymocyte subset at 8-10 weeks post-MNU in 68% of the animals examined, suggesting that these cells are targets for MNU-induced lymphomagenesis. Untreated age-matched animals showed no selective expansion of thymocyte subsets.^ Previous data have shown that both spontaneous and MNU-induced lymphomas are monoclonal or oligoclonal. Distinct rearrangement patterns of the J$\sb2$ region of the T-cell receptor $\beta$-chain showed emergence of clonal thymocyte populations beginning at 6-7 weeks after MNU treatment. However, lymphocytes from untreated animals showed no evidence of clonal expansion at the time intervals investigated.^ Activation of c-myc frequently occurs during development of B- and T- cell lymphomas. Both spontaneous and MNU-induced lymphomas showed increased c-myc transcript levels. Increased c-myc transcription was first detected at 6 weeks post-MNU, and persisted throughout the latent period. However, untreated animals showed no increases in c-myc transcripts at the time intervals examined. Another nuclear oncogene, c-fos, did not display a similar change in RNA transcription during the latent period.^ These results supports the hypothesis that MNU-induced and spontaneous tumors develop by multi-step pathways which are distinct with respect to the target cell population affected. Clonal emergence and c-myc deregulation are important steps in the development of both MNU-induced and spontaneous tumors, but the onset of these events is later in spontaneous tumor development. ^


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Interleukin-2 activated lymphocytes, designated lymphokine-activated killers (LAK), acquire the unique capacity to express potent cytologic activity against a broad spectrum of abnormal and/or transformed NK-sensitive and NK-resistant target cells while sparing normal cell types. Investigations into the target spectra exhibited by cloned effector cells indicate that LAK cells express a polyspecific recognition mechanism that identifies an undefined class of cell surface-associated molecules expressed on susceptible targets. This report extends our previous investigations into the biochemical nature of these molecules by characterizing the functional role of two tumor cell-surface-associated epitopes implicated in conferring target cells with susceptibility to LAK-mediated cytotoxicity. The first moiety is implicated in the formation of effector/target cell conjugates. This binding ligand is preferentially expressed on tumor cells relative to LAK-resistant PBL target cells, sensitive to trypsin treatment, resistant to functional inactivation by heat- and detergent-induced conformational changes, and does not require N-linked glycosylation to maintain binding activity. In contrast, a carbohydrate-associated epitope represents the second tumor-associated molecule required for target cell susceptibility to LAK cells. Specifically, N-linked glyoprotein synthesis represents an absolute requirement for post-trypsin recovery of target cell susceptibility. The minimal N-linked oligosaccharide residue capable of restoring this second signal has been identified as a high mannose structure. Although ultimately required for tumor cell susceptibility, as measured in $\sp{51}$Cr-release assays, this N-glycan-associated molecule is not required for the differential tumor cell binding expressed by LAK cells. Furthermore, N-glycan expression is not adequate in itself to confer target cell susceptibility. Additional categories of cell surface components have been investigated, including O-linked oligosaccharides, and glycosaminoglycans, without identifying additional moieties relevant to target cell recognition. Collectively, these data suggest that tumor cell recognition by LAK cells is dependent on cell surface presentation of two epitopes: a trypsin-sensitive molecule that participates in the initial conjugate formation and an N-glycan-associated moiety that is involved in a post-binding event required for target cell killing. ^


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An in vitro model using highly purified freshly isolated T cells demonstrated that immobilized ligands for the integrin $\alpha4\beta1$ could cooperate to enhance mitogen signals delivered by coimmobilized anti-CD3 specfic monoclonal antibody OKT3. Costimulation through $\alpha4\beta1$ integrin lead to enhanced proliferation which depended on expression of both IL-2 as well as IL-2 receptor. The transcription factors NF-AT, AP-1, and NF-$\kappa$B, which are involved in the regulation of IL-2 as well as other cytokine genes, were weakly induced by anti-CD3 stimulation alone in electromobility shift assays, but were augmented significantly with $\alpha4\beta1$ costimulation. These results suggested that $\alpha4\beta1$ ligands delivered a growth promoting signal which could synergize with signals induced by engagement of the TCR/CD3 complex, and also suggested a dual function for integrins in both localization and subsequent delivery of a growth promoting signal for T lymphocytes. Integrin involvement in lymphocyte trafficking has been employed as a model for understanding tumor cell metastasis. Therefore we have extended the duality of integrin function in both homing and subsequent delivery of a growth promoting signal to include a role for integrins in providing growth stimulation for tumor cells. Using a gastric derived tumor line, inhibition of adhesion to substrate leads to G0/G1 cell cycle arrest, reduced cyclin A expression, and reduced phospholipid synthesis. This effect could be reversed upon $\alpha2\beta1$ integrin mediated reattachment to collagen. These observations demonstrated a role for an integrin in the growth regulation of a tumor line. The small GTP-binding protein Rho, implicated in phospholipid synthesis, can be inactivated by the ADP-ribosylation exoenzyme C3 from C. botulinum. Addition of C3 to cell cultures inhibited the growth promoting effect due to integrin mediated adhesion. Taken together, these results are consistent with a model for cooperative interaction between integrins and Rho leading to enhanced phospholipid synthesis and mitogen signaling. This model may provide a basis for understanding the phenomena of integrin costimulation in T cell activation. ^


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A retrospective cohort study was conducted among 1542 patients diagnosed with CLL between 1970 and 2001 at the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC). Changes in clinical characteristics and the impact of CLL on life expectancy were assessed across three decades (1970–2001) and the role of clinical factors on prognosis of CLL were evaluated among patients diagnosed between 1985 and 2001 using Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazards method. Among 1485 CLL patients diagnosed from 1970 to 2001, patients in the recent cohort (1985–2001) were diagnosed at a younger age and an earlier stage compared to the earliest cohort (1970–1984). There was a 44% reduction in mortality among patients diagnosed in 1985–1995 compared to those diagnosed in 1970–1984 after adjusting for age, sex and Rai stage among patients who ever received treatment. There was an overall 11 years (5 years for stage 0) loss of life expectancy among 1485 patients compared with the expected life expectancy based on the age-, sex- and race-matched US general population, with a 43% decrease in the 10-year survival rate. Abnormal cytogenetics was associated with shorter progression-free (PF) survival after adjusting for age, sex, Rai stage and beta-2 microglobulin (beta-2M); whereas, older age, abnormal cytogenetics and a higher beta-2M level were adverse predictors for overall survival. No increased risk of second cancer overall was observed, however, patients who received treatment for CLL had an elevated risk of developing AML and HD. Two out of three patients who developed AML were treated with alkylating agents. In conclusion, CLL patients had improved survival over time. The identification of clinical predictors of PF/overall survival has important clinical significance. Close surveillance of the development of second cancer is critical to improve the quality of life of long-term survivors. ^


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Numerous studies have been carried out to try to better understand the genetic predisposition for cardiovascular disease. Although it is widely believed that multifactorial diseases such as cardiovascular disease is the result from effects of many genes which working alone or interact with other genes, most genetic studies have been focused on identifying of cardiovascular disease susceptibility genes and usually ignore the effects of gene-gene interactions in the analysis. The current study applies a novel linkage disequilibrium based statistic for testing interactions between two linked loci using data from a genome-wide study of cardiovascular disease. A total of 53,394 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are tested for pair-wise interactions, and 8,644 interactions are found to be significant with p-values less than 3.5×10-11. Results indicate that known cardiovascular disease susceptibility genes tend not to have many significantly interactions. One SNP in the CACNG1 (calcium channel, voltage-dependent, gamma subunit 1) gene and one SNP in the IL3RA (interleukin 3 receptor, alpha) gene are found to have the most significant pair-wise interactions. Findings from the current study should be replicated in other independent cohort to eliminate potential false positive results.^