23 resultados para immunoglobulin a antibody
Context: Despite tremendous strides in HIV treatment over the past decade, resistance remains a major problem. A growing number of patients develop resistance and require new therapies to suppress viral replication. ^ Objective: To assess the safety of multiple administrations of the anti-CD4 receptor (anti-CD4) monoclonal antibody ibalizumab given as intravenous (IV) infusions, in three dosage regimens, in subjects infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1). ^ Design: Phase 1, multi-center, open-label, randomized clinical trial comparing the safety, pharmacokinetics and antiviral activity of three dosages of ibalizumab. ^ Setting: Six clinical trial sites in the United States. ^ Participants: A total of twenty-two HIV-positive patients on no anti-retroviral therapy or a stable failing regimen. ^ Intervention: Randomized to one of two treatment groups in Arms A and B followed by non-randomized enrollment in Arm C. Patients randomized to Arm A received 10 mg/kg of ibalizumab every 7 days, for a total of 10 doses; patients randomized to Arm B received a total of six doses of ibalizumab; a single loading dose of 10 mg/kg on Day 1 followed by five maintenance doses of 6 mg/kg every 14 days, starting at Week 1. Patients assigned to Arm C received 25 mg/kg of ibalizumab every 14 days for a total of 5 doses. All patients were followed for safety for an additional 7 to 8 weeks. ^ Main Outcome Measures: Clinical and laboratory assessments of safety and tolerability of multiple administrations of ibalizumab in HIV-infected patients. Secondary measures of efficacy include HIV-1 RNA (viral load) measurements. ^ Results: 21 patients were treatment-experienced and 1 was naïve to HIV therapy. Six patients were failing despite therapy and 15 were on no current HIV treatment. Mean baseline viral load (4.78 log 10; range 3.7-5.9) and CD4+ cell counts (332/μL; range 89-494) were similar across cohorts. Mean peak decreases in viral load from baseline of 0.99 log10(1.11 log10, and 0.96 log 10 occurred by Wk 2 in Cohorts A, B and C, respectively. Viral loads decreased by >1.0 log10 in 64%; 4 patients viral loads were suppressed to < 400 copies/mL. Viral loads returned towards baseline by Week 9 with reduced susceptibility to ibalizumab. CD4+ cell counts rose transiently and returned toward baseline. Maximum median elevations above BL in CD4+ cell counts for Cohorts A, B and C were +257, +198 and +103 cells/μL, respectively and occurred within 3 Wks in 16 of 22 subjects. The half-life of ibalizumab was 3-3.5 days and elimination was characteristic of capacity-limited kinetics. Administration of ibalizumab was well tolerated. Four serious adverse events were reported during the study. None of these events were related to study drug. Headache, nausea and cough were the most frequently reported treatment emergent adverse events and there were no laboratory abnormalities related to study drug. ^ Conclusions: Ibalizumab administered either weekly or bi-weekly was safe, well tolerated, and demonstrated antiviral activity. Further studies with ibalizumab in combination with standard antiretroviral treatments are warranted.^
Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane Glomerulonephritis (anti-GBM GM) is one of the earliest described autoimmune disorders. Patients present with proteinuria, anti-GBM antibodies, and renal failure. Studies have implicated a T Helper 1 (TH1) response in disease induction and a T Helper 2 (TH2) response for disease progression. A 13 amino acid long peptide sequence spanning residues 28 through 40 [pCol(28–40)] of the Collagen IV α3 non-collagen domain (Col IV α3 NCD) is immunogenic and induces anti-GBM GN. In order to fully understand disease initiation, this peptide was further characterized. Peptides were created containing one amino acid substitution for the entire length of pCol(28–40) and induction of anti-GBM GN was monitored. When residues 31, 33, or 34 contained the substitution, anti-GBM GN was unable to be induced. Thus, residues 31, 33, and 34 of pCol(28–40) are required for induction of anti-GBM. Glomerular injury is observed as early as 14 days post anti-GBM GN induction. However, the presence of anti-GBM antibodies is not observed until 20 days post immunization. An enlarged lymph node adjacent to the diseased kidney exhibits B cell activation after renal injury and produces antibodies toward GBM. Thus, anti-GBM antibodies are a consequence of the initial renal injury. Differences between disease susceptible and disease resistant rat strains exist in the expression of IL-4Rα, a major player in the TH2 response. IL-4Rα signaling is regulated by soluble IL-4Rα (sIL-4Rα). Low expression levels of sIL-4Rα result in the stabilization of IL-4 binding, while elevated expression sequesters IL-4. Quantitative PCR experiments noted low siL-4Rα expression levels in disease susceptible rats. Induction of an immune response toward sIL-4Rα in this strain was responsible for delayed disease progression in 15 out of the 17 experimental animals. Antibody transfer and in vivo biological activity experiments confirmed that delayed disease development was due to anti-sIL-4Rα antibodies. Together these experiments indicate that a T-cell epitope is required for activation of a TH1 autoimmune response and anti-GBM antibodies are a consequence of renal injury. More importantly, a role for IL-4Rα signaling is implicated in the progression of anti-GBM GN. ^
Antibodies (Abs) to autoantigens and foreign antigens (Ags) mediate, respectively, various pathogenic and beneficial effects. Abs express enzyme-like nucleophiles that react covalently with electrophiles. A subpopulation of nucleophilic Abs expresses proteolytic activity, which can inactivate the Ag permanently. This thesis shows how the nucleophilicity can be exploited to inhibit harmful Abs or potentially protect against a virus. ^ Inactivation of pathogenic Abs from Hemophilia A (HA) patients by means of nucleophile-electrophile pairing was studied. Deficient factor VIII (FVIII) in HA subjects impairs blood coagulation. FVIII replacement therapy fails in 20-30% of HA patients due to production of anti-FVIII Abs. FVIII analogs containing electrophilic phosphonate group (E-FVIII and E-C2) were hypothesized to inactivate the Abs by reacting specifically and covalently with nucleophilic sites. Anti-FVIII IgGs from HA patients formed immune complexes with E-FVIII and E-C2 that remained irreversibly associated under conditions that disrupt noncovalent Ab-Ag complexes. The reaction induced irreversible loss of Ab anti-coagulant activity. E-FVIII alone displayed limited interference with coagulation. E-FVIII is a prototype reagent suitable for further development as a selective inactivator of pathogenic anti-FVIII Abs. ^ The beneficial function of Abs to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) was analyzed. HIV-1 eludes the immune system by rapidly changing its coat protein structure. IgAs from noninfected subjects hydrolyzed gp120 and neutralized HIV-1 with modest potency by recognizing the gp120 421-433 epitope, a conserved B cell superantigenic region that is also essential for HIV-1 attachment to host cell CD4 receptors. An adaptive immune response to superantigens is generally prohibited due to their ability to downregulate B cells. IgAs from subjects with prolonged HIV-1 infection displayed improved catalytic hydrolysis of gp120 and exceptionally potent and broad neutralization of diverse CCR5-dependent primary HIV isolates attributable to recognition of the 421-433 epitope. This indicates that slow immunological bypass of the superantigenic character of gp120 is possible, opening the path to effective HIV vaccination. ^ My research reveals a novel route to inactivate pathogenic nucleophilic Abs using electrophilic antigens. Conversely, naturally occurring nucleophilic Abs may help impede HIV infection, and the Abs could be developed for passive immunotherapy of HIV infected subjects. ^
The prevalence of antirotavirus antibodies in chickens and turkeys in the Gonzales, Texas and Llano, Texas areas was studied. Caged layer chicken flocks were found to have a prevalence of 64% when samples were taken randomly. This compares to 45% in chicken broiler breeder flocks and 92% in turkey breeding flocks. The natural occurrence of turkey rotavirus infection in two separate field studies showed an increase in mortality varying from 9% to 45% above expected death losses. Clinically, pasted vents, lacitude, and general malaise were noted in affected poults. Lesions noted on post mortem examination were; slight ballooning of the small intestine, excessively large ceca, and mild hyperemia of the small and large intestines.^ The use of maternal antibody from simian rotavirus immunized chickens' eggs for preventing murine rotavirus infection in infant mice was investigated. There was a reduction from 91% to 15% incidence when infant mice were treated twice daily with egg yolk immunoglobulin.^ The need for a convenient, easily grown and rapidly reproducing model for avian and mammalian rotaviruses led to the use of coturnix chicks. The turkey rotavirus was adapted to the quail chicks be serial passage. Transmission and scanning electron microscopy as well as micropathological methods were used in the study of the pathogenesis of rotavirus infection in quail and infant mice. ^
This study is designed to be a cross-sectional, retrospective analysis of the seroprevalence of anti-WNV antibodies in 1,006 plasma samples collected from February 2, 2006 to June 18, 2007 originally for The Cameron County Hispanic Cohort: Extreme obesity and uncontrolled diabetes on the U.S.-Mexico border, major concerns for populations with health disparities. The aim of this thesis research is to give a more up-to-date picture of Flavivirus activity in south Texas, which can potentially contribute to the surveillance objective of arboviral control in this area. A West Nile virus (WNV) seroprevalence study in humans in this particular area has never before been completed. Plasma samples were tested using immunoglobulin-G (IgG) and immunoglobulin-M (IgM) WNV enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). Estimated seroprevalence for this particular population was 0.98% or 9.8 cases of West Nile disease per 1,000 citizens. After IgG testing, seroprevalence in the study population was found to be 15.4%. Specimens tested for WNV IgG were compared with a subset of specimens (N=803) tested for history of primary dengue virus (DENV) infection. Of the 803 specimens tested for IgG to DENV, 308 were positive. Of the 132 positive WNV IgG specimens in the subset, 131 (99.2%) tested also tested positive for DENV IgG. It would be helpful to use standard plaque reduction neutralization testing to determine if the seroprevalence is in fact lower because of cross-reaction to DENV on testing. Regardless of the possibility of other Flavivirus activity occurring prior to the introduction of WNV into the United States and the potential for cross-reactivity, Texas has ranked in the top 5 states with the highest, laboratory confirmed incidence of infection with WNV since 2003. Indicating that climate factors and the presence of suitable vectors makes Texas a hotspot for WNV activity. ^ A description of the study population by age, gender, and income was done indicating a statistically significant income difference with a mean household income per year being $13,413.55 for a case and $20,268.80 for non-cases (p=0.001). Lower income neighborhoods should be targeted for education and prevention of vector-borne diseases during the summer months in Cameron County. With respect to gender, being male has been noted in the literature to be a risk factor for infection with WNV (25). In this study, females comprised approximately 68% of the study population, they also made up 66.5% of the positive IgG specimens. An odds ratio of 0.91 indicates that women are less likely to be IgG positive for WNV as compared to men; however, this was not found to be significant based on the 95% confidence interval, but is consistent with the literature. When looking at age difference between positive and negative/equivocal cases, there was no statistical difference found between the two groups. ^ We concluded that this study will enable us to understand the epidemiology of WNV transmission since its introduction into the United States and hopefully to maintain or improve the current measures we have in place to prevent infections that are seen annually with WNV.^
Human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) cultured for varying lengths of time in IL-2 are able to mediate antibody independent cellular cytotoxicity (AICC) as well as antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) against a wide range of tumor targets. The objective of our study is to determine the cytotoxic potential of the subset of LAK cells involved in ADCC, the tumor recognition mechanism in ADCC, the kinetics of ADCC mediated by PBL cultured under various conditions and the role of TNF-$\alpha$ in the development and maturation of ADCC effectors in the LAK population.^ The model system in this study for ADCC used a monoclonal antibody 14G2a (IgG2a), that recognizes the GD2 epitope on human melanoma cell line, SK-Mel-1. The target recognition mechanism operative in AICC (traditionally known as lymphokine activated killing or LAK) is an acquired property of these IL-2 activated cells which confers on them the unique ability to distinguish between tumor and normal cells. This recognition probably involves the presence of a trypsin sensitive N-linked glycoprotein epitope on tumor cells. Proteolytic treatment of the tumor cells with trypsin renders them resistant to AICC by PBL cultured in IL-2. However, ADCC is unaffected. This ADCC, mediated by the relatively small population of cells that are positive for the Fc receptor for IgG (FcR), is an indication that this subset of "LAK" cells does not require the trypsin sensitive epitope on tumor cells to mediate killing. Enriching PBL for FcR+ cells markedly enhanced both AICC and ADCC and also reduced the IL-2 requirement of these cells.^ The stoichiometry of Fc receptor (FcR) expression on the cytotoxic effectors does not correlate with ADCC lytic activity. Although FcRs are necessary to mediate ADCC, other factors, appear to regulate the magnitude of cytolytic activity. In order to investigate these putative factors, the kinetics of ADCC development was studied under various conditions (in IL-2 (10u/ml) and 100u/ml), in IL-2(10u/ml) + TNF$\alpha$ (500u/ml) and in TNF-$\alpha$ (500u/ml) alone). Addition of exogenous TNF-$\alpha$ into the four hour cytotoxicity assay did not increase ADCC, nor did anti-TNF antibodies result in inhibition. On the other hand, addition of anti-TNF antibodies to PBL and IL-2 for 24 hours, resulted in a marked inhibition of the ADCC, suggesting that endogenous TNF-$\alpha$ is obligatory for the maturation and differentiation of ADCC effectors. ^
Heregulins constitute a family of growth factors belonging to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family. Breast cancers that overexpress specific members of the EGF receptor family (EGFR, ErbB2, ErbB3, ErbB4) have increased metastatic potential, and Heregulin-β1 (HRGβ1), a ligand for ErbB3 and ErbB4, has also been shown to induce metastasis-related properties in breast cancer cells in vitro. The secreted form of the HRGβ1 is composed of five distinct structural domains, including the N-terminal domain, an immunoglobulin-like domain (IgG-like), a glycosylation domain, an EGF-like domain, and a β1-specific domain. Of these, the EGF-like domain is well characterized for its function in metastasis-related properties as well as its structure. However, the contributions of the other HRGβ1 domains in breast cancer metastasis remains unclear. ^ To investigate this, HRGβ1 proteins with targeted domain deletions were purified and subjected to assays for metastasis-related properties, including aggregation, invasion, activation of EGFR family members, and motility of breast cancer cells. These assays showed that retaining the EGF-like domain of HRGβ1 is important for activation of EGFRs. Interestingly, the HRGβ1 protein lacking the IgG-like domain (NGEB) led to a decrease in breast cancer cell motility, indicating the IgG-like domain modulates cell motility, an important step in cancer metastasis. ^ To understand the underlying mechanisms, I performed protein sequence and structural analysis of HRGβ1 and identified that the IgG-like domain of HRGβ1 shares sequence homology and three-dimensional structural similarity with the IgG-like domain of TRIO. TRIO is a cytoplasmic protein that directly associates with RhoA, a GTPase involved in cell reorganization and cell motility. Therefore, I hypothesized that HRGβ1 may translocate inside the breast cancer cells through receptor mediated endocytosis and bind to RhoA via its IgG-like domain. I show wild type HRGβ1 but not NGEB binds RhoA in vitro and in vivo, leading to RhoA activation. Inhibition of HRG-β1 internalization via endocytosis disrupted HRGβ1 binding to RhoA. Additionally, breast cancer cell motility induced by HRG-β1 is reduced after treatment with inhibitors to both endocytosis and RhoA function, similar to levels seen with NGEB treatment. ^ Thus, in addition to the well-known role of HRGβ1 as an extracellular stimulator of the EGFR family members, HRGβ1 also functions within the cell as a binding partner and activator of RhoA to modulate cancer cell motility. ^