66 resultados para heritage preservation


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This evaluation of a county intensive family preservation services (ifps) program makes several important methodological contributions to assessing post-treatment placement patterns of ifps clients. It is the first published ifps evaluation that utilizes an interval-level, overall measure of restrictiveness of placement, and one of the few that has followed placement patterns for a full two-years after treatment. The study is also a good example of complementing placement data with measures of family health and stability, and with qualitative feedback from former ifps clients. Finally, this study demonstrates the potential for doing methodologically sound evaluations of local ifps programs.


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The process for targeting families to receive intensive family preservation services was examined for 71 child welfare agencies in the United States. The focus of this exploratory/descriptive study was the concept of imminent risk of placement as a criterion for providing services. Findings indicated that agencies had difficulty defining imminent risk and were unable to successfully restrict services to imminent risk cases. Several factors besides imminent risk were identified in relation to the targeting process.


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Family preservation has been criticized for implementing programs that are not theoretically founded. One result of this circumstance is a lack of information regarding processes and outcomes of family preservation services. The knowledge base of family preservation is thus rather limited at present and will remain limited unless theory is consistently integrated within individual programs. A model for conceptualizing how theoretical consistency may be implemented within programs is presented and applied to family preservation. It is also necessary for programs to establish theoretical consistency before theoretical diversity, both within individual and across multiple programs, in order to advance the field in meaningful ways. A developmental cycle of knowledge generation is presented and applied to family preservation.


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Intensive family preservation services (IFPS) is a program model that has been disseminated widely throughout the country, and has received federal recognition and monetary support since the early 1980s. Recently, IFPS has been criticized for seemingly being unable to prevent out-of-home placements. The authors contend that many evaluators and policy analysts have lost sight of the historical roots of IFPS, and are focusing only on recent fiscal and policy contexts when assessing IFPS program effectiveness. This article reviews the therapeutic and programmatic origins of IFPS including desired treatment outcomes, and suggests that evaluators and policy analysts redirect their focus accordingly.


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This exploratory descriptive study presents a content analyses of all (N=22) Family Preservation Journal (FPJ) articles published from its inception (1995) until today. Three raters independently used an analysis template to ascertain trends from these articles and assessed information about their purposes, methods, and findings/ implications. The main findings were less than half of the articles were deemed as 'research'; few used standardized or outcome measures; none compared family preservation to another method; descriptive knowledge was more likely to be generated; and the articles were primarily targeted to practitioners and other researchers. Given the relatively short history ofFPJ, the majority of these findings were considered typical and consistent with the literature. The recommendations call for more comprehensive practice descriptions, more research, and more rigorous research-oriented studies.


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The current study evaluates the effectiveness of family preservation programs funded by the Mississippi Department of Human Services. This venture encompassed scrutiny and assessment of improvements in child functioning, positive changes in parental functioning and family functioning and the decrease in foster care placement. Further, this evaluation assessed client and staff satisfaction. It also included an assessment of the perceived impact this program had on the community. Results indicate that the family preservation programs were effective in improving the self-esteem of participants, family cohesion, and adaptability. There were no significant changes in child placement, teen births, or abuse rates. Client and staff satisfaction were high on all quality dimensions. The majority of the sample of community members felt that the family preservation programs were effective in the community.


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Measuring consumer satisfaction in the social services has become an important source of feedback for the improvement of service delivery. Consumer satisfaction has recently been incorporated into family preservation evaluation. This article reviews instruments used to measure consumer satisfaction in family preservation services and other related areas. Trends in current practice are examined and instrument dimensions are identified. Finally, some recommendations are made about the application of consumer satisfaction measurement in family preservation services.


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Family preservation programs designed to prevent the out-of-home placement of children depend on the coordination of services from multiple agencies. Little is known regarding how coordination occurs. This case study examined this issue. Information was sought from all workers who provided services to each of five families and 'from families' case records. Thirty-one workers were interviewed with a semi-structured interview schedule containing rating scales and questions with open-ended response formats. Case records were reviewed with a case record review form. Analyses of data revealed the following. Services were coordinated to a moderate degree but that coordination deteriorated over time. Workers elaborated how aspects of communities, human service agencies, workers, and families affected coordination. Implications of findings for future research were drawn.


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This Journal issue provides three important articles that will aid us in explaining what we do in service to families. We are very pleased to have the opportunity to print a major address delivered by William Meezan on "Translating Rhetoric to Reality: The Future of Family and Children's Services." The challenges of serving families under an evolution of models in Kansas is presented in "Family Preservation Services Under Managed Care: Current Practices and Future Directions" by Melanie Pheatt, Becky Douglas, Lori Wilson, Jody Brook, and Marianne Berry. What people doing the work think is addressed by the piece titled, "Perceptions of Family Preservation Practitioners: A Preliminary Study" by Judith Hilbert, Alvin L. Sallee, and James K. Ott. Finally, this issue presents a number of very interesting reviews of new resources.


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Family preservation service agencies in the State of Kansas have undergone major changes since the implementation of a managed care model of service delivery in 1996. This qualitative study examines the successes and barriers experienced by agency directors in utilization of a managed care system. Outcome/ performance measures utilized by the State of Kansas are reviewed, and contributing factors to the successes and limitations of the program are discussed. Included in these reviews is an analysis and presentation of literature and research which has been used as support for the current program structure. Recommendations for further evolution of practice are proposed.


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Entire issue (large pdf file) Articles include: Improving Family Functioning through Family Preservation Services: Results of the Los Angeles Experiment. Family Preservation Journal. William Meezan and Jacquelyn McCroskey Idiographic Self-Monitoring Instruments to Empower Client Participation and Evaluate Outcome in Intensive Family Preservation Services. Barbara Peo Early Evaluating Family Preservation in Nevada: A University-State Agency Collaboration. Christine Bitoni and Joy Salmon The Family Partners Credit Card: A Token Economy System Adapted for Intensive Family Preservation Services to Enable Families to Manage Difficult Behavior of Adolescents. Jude Nichols and Barbara Peo Early Toward the Development of Ethical Guidelines for Family Preservation. David A Dosser Jr., Richard J. Shaffer, Michaux M. Shaffer, DeVault Clevenger, and Dustin K. Jefferies


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Entire issue (large pdf file) Articles include: The Role of Consistency and Diversity in Building Knowledge in Family Preservation. Debora J. Cavazos Dylla and Marianne Berry The Weekly Adjustment Indicators Checklist: An Application in the Child Welfare Field. Michael H. Epstein, Madhavi Jayanthi, Janet McKelvey, Deborah Holderness, Erin Frankenberry, Cassandra Lampkin, Molly McGrath, and Kari White Intensive Family Preservation Services: a Short History but a Long Past. Kellie B. Reed and Raymond S. Kirk Collaborative Conversations for Change: A Solution-Focused Approach to Family Centered Practice. Donald F. Fausel


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Entire issue (large pdf file) Articles include: Behavior Problems of Maltreated Children Receiving In-Home Child Welfare Services. Ferol Mennen, William Meezan, Gino Aisenberg, and Jacquelyn McCroskey Measuring Consumer Satisfaction in Family Preservation Services: Identifying Instrument Domains. Stephen A. Kapp and Rebecca H Vela Intensive In-Home Family-Based Services: Reactions from Consumers and Providers Elaine Walton, and Alfred C. Dodini Coordination of Family Preservation Services in a Rural Community: A Case Study. Richard Freer and Kathleen Wells The Effectiveness of Court Mandated Intervention Versus Voluntary Services in Child Protective Services: Abbreviated Version. Loring Jones, Irene Becker, and Krista F alk


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Entire issue (large pdf file) Articles include: Translating Rhetoric to Reality: The Future of Family and Children's Services. William Meezan Family Preservation Services under Managed Care: Current Practices and Future Directions. Melanie Pheatt, Becky Douglas, Lori Wilson, Jody Brook, and Marianne Berry Perceptions of Family Preservation Practitioners: A Preliminary Study Judith C. Hilbert, Alvin Sallee, and James K. Ott


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Entire issue (large pdf file) Articles include: What Have We Learned from Articles Published in the Family Preservation Journal? Michael J. Holosko, and D. ann Holosko Family Reunion services: An Examination of a Process Used to Successfully Reunite Families. Lois Pierce and Vince Geremia A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Evaluating Family Preservation Programs. Cynthia A. Ford, and Felix A. Okojie Ordinary Families -- Extraordinary Care Giving. John P. Ronnau