34 resultados para germline mutations


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Cmd4 is a colcemid-sensitive CHO cell line that is temperature sensitive for growth and expresses an altered $\beta$-tubulin, $\beta\sb1$. One revertant of this cell line, D2, exhibits a further alteration in $\beta\sb1$ resulting in an acidic shift in its isoelectric point and a decrease in its molecular weight to 40 kD, as measured by two dimensional gel electrophoresis. This $\beta$-tubulin variant has been shown to be assembly-defective and unstable. Characterization of the mutant $\beta\sb1$ in D2 by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) revealed the loss of methionine containing tryptic peptides 7,8,9, and 10. Southern analysis of the genomic DNA digested with several different restriction enzymes resulted in the appearance of new restriction fragments 250 base pairs shorter than the corresponding fragments from the wild-type $\beta\sb1$-tubulin gene. Northern analysis on mRNA from D2 revealed two new message products that also differed by 250 bases from the corresponding wild type $\beta$-tubulin transcripts. To precisely define the region of the alteration, cloning and sequencing of the mutant and wild type genomic $\beta$-tubulin genes were conducted. A size-selected EcoRI genomic library was prepared using the Stratagene lambda Zap II phage cloning system. Using subclones of CHO $\beta$-tubulin cDNA as probes, a 2.5 kb wild type clone and a 2.3 kb mutant clone were identified from this library. Each of these was shown to contain a portion of the gene extending from intron 3 through the end of the coding sequence in exon 4 and into the 3$\sp\prime$ untranslated region on the basis of alignment with the published human $\beta$-tubulin sequence. Sequencing of the mutant 2.3 kb clone revealed that the mutation is due to a 246 base pair internal deletion in exon 4 (base pair 756-1001) that encodes amino acids 253-334. This deletion results in the loss of a putative binding site for GTP which could potentially explain the phenotype of this mutant $\beta$-tubulin. Also sequence comparison of the 3$\sp\prime$ untranslated region between different species revealed the conservation of 200 base pairs with 78% homology. It is proposed that this region could play an important role in the regulation of $\beta$-tubulin gene expression. ^


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Pedigree analysis of certain families with a high incidence of tumors suggests a genetic predisposition to cancer. Li and Fraumeni described a familial cancer syndrome that is characterized by multiple primary tumors, early age of onset, and marked variation in tumor type. Williams and Strong (1) demonstrated that at least 7% of childhood soft tissue sarcoma patients had family histories that is readily explained by a highly penetrant autosomal dominant gene. To characterize the mechanism for genetic predisposition to many tumor types in these families, we have studied genetic alterations in fibroblasts, a target tissue from patients with the Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS).^ We have observed spontaneous changes in initially normal dermal fibroblasts from LFS patients as they are cultured in vitro. The cells acquire an altered morphology, chromosomal anomalies, and anchorage-independent growth. This aberrant behavior of fibroblasts from LFS patients had never been observed in fibroblasts from normal donors. In addition to these phenotypic alterations, patient fibroblasts spontaneously immortalize by 50 population doublings (pd) in culture; unlike controls that remain normal and senesce by 30-35 (2). At 50 pd, immortal fibroblasts from two patients were found to be susceptible to tumorigenic transformation by an activated T24 H-ras oncogene (3). Approximately 80% of the oncogene expressing transfectants were capable of forming tumors in nude mice within 2-3 weeks. p53 has been previously associated with immortalization of cells in culture and cooperation with ras in transfection assays. Therefore, patients' fibroblast and lymphocyte derived DNA was tested for point mutations in p53. It was shown that LFS patients inherited certain point mutations in one of the two p53 alleles (4). Further studies on the above LFS immortal fibroblasts have demonstrated loss of the remaining p53 allele concomitant with escape from senescence. While the loss of the second allele correlates with immortalization it is not sufficient to transformation by an activated H-ras or N-ras oncogene. These immortal fibroblasts are resistant to tumorigenic transformation by v-abl, v-src, c-neu or v-mos oncogene; implying that additional steps are required in the tumorigenic progression of LFS patients' fibroblasts.^ References. (1) Williams et al., J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 79:1213, 1987. (2) Bischoff et al., Cancer Res. 50:7979, 1990. (3) Bischoff et al., Oncogene 6:183, 1991. (4) Malkin et al., Science 250:1233, 1990. ^


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Epidemiological studies have shown cadmium to induce cancer in humans, while experimental studies have proven this metal to be a potent tumor inducer in animals. However, cadmium appears nonmutagenic in most prokaryotic and eukaryotic mutagenesis assays. In this study, we present the identification of mutations in normal rat kidney cells infected with the mutant MuSVts110 retrovirus (6m2 cells) as a result of treatment with cadmium chloride. The detection of these mutations was facilitated by the use of a novel mutagenesis assay established in this laboratory. The 6m2 reversion assay is a positive selection system based on the conditional expression of the MuSVts110 v-mos gene. In MuSVts110 the gag and mos genes are fused out of frame, thus the translation of the v-mos sequence requires a frameshift in the genomic RNA. In 6m2 cells this frameshift is accomplished by the temperature-dependent splicing of the primary MuSVts110 transcript. Splicing of MuSVts110, which is mediated by cis-acting sequences, occurs when 6m2 cells are grown at 33$\sp\circ$C and below, but not at 39$\sp\circ$C. Therefore, 6m2 cells appear transformed at low growth temperatures, but take on a morphologically normal appearance when grown at high temperatures. The treatment of 6m2 cells with cadmium chloride resulted in the outgrowth of a number of cells that reverted to the transformed state at high growth temperatures. Analysis of the viral proteins expressed in these cadmium-induced 6m2 revertants suggested that they contained mutations in their MuSVts110 DNA. Sequencing of the viral DNA from three revertants that constitutively expressed the P85$\sp{gag{-}mos}$ transforming protein revealed five different mutations. The Cd-B2 revertant contained three of those mutations: an A-to-G transition 48 bases downstream of the MuSVts110 3$\sp\prime$ splice site, plus a G-to-T and an A-to-T transversion 84 and 100 bases downstream of the 5$\sp\prime$ splice site, respectively. The Cd-15-5 revertant also contained a point mutation, a T-to-C transition 46 bases downstream of the 5$\sp\prime$ splice site, while Cd-10-5 contained a three base deletion of MuSVts110 11 bases upstream of the 3$\sp\prime$ splice site. A fourth revertant, Cd-10, expressed a P100$\sp{gag{-}mos}$ transforming protein, and was found to have a two base deletion. This deletion accomplished the frameshift necessary for v-mos expression, but did not alter MuSVts110 RNA splicing and the expression of p85$\sp{gag{-}mos}.$ Lastly, sequencing of the MuSVts110 DNA from three spontaneous revertants revealed the same G to T transversion in each one. This was the same mutation that was found in the Cd-B2 revertant. These findings provide the first example of mutations resulting from exposure to cadmium and suggest, by the difference in each mutation, the complexity of the mechanism utilized by cadmium to induce DNA damage. ^


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The objective of this study was to determine whether cancer chemotherapy induces detectable mutations in DNA of the human germline and whether minisatellite repeat number changes can be used as a sensitive indicator of genetic damage in human sperm caused by mutagens. We compared the mutation frequencies in sperm of the same cancer patients pre- and post-, pre- and during, or during and post-treatment. Small pool polymerase chain reaction (SP-PCR) (DNA equivalent to approximately 100 sperm) and Southern blotting techniques were used to detect mutations and quantify the frequency of repeat number changes at the minisatellite MS205 locus. One pre- and one post-treatment semen sample was obtained from each Hodgkin's disease patient treated with either: (1) a regimen without alkylating agents, Novantrone, Oncovin, Vinblastine, and Prednisone (NOVP), 4 patients; (2) a regimen containing alkylating agents, Cytoxan, Vinblastine, Procarbazine, and Prednisone (CVPP)/Adriamycin, Bleomycin, DTIC, CCNU, and Prednisone (ABDIC), 2 patients; and (3) a regimen containing alkylating agents, Mechlorethamine, Oncovin, Procarbazine, and Prednisone (MOPP), 1 patient. One pre- and one during treatment semen sample from each of two Hodgkin's disease patients treated with Adriamycin, Bleomycin, Vinblastine, and Dacarbazine (ABVD) were obtained. One during and one post-treatment semen sample from a Hodgkin's disease patient treated with NOVP were also obtained. At least 7900 sperm in each sample were screened for the repeat number changes at the MS205 locus by multi-aliquots of SP-PCR. The mutation frequencies of pre- and post-treatment for the four patients treated with NOVP were 0.22 and 0.18%; 0.24 and 0.16%; 0.35 and 0.28%; and 0.19 and 0.18%. With CVPP/ABDIC, they were 0.22 and 0.23%; and 0.94 and 0.98% for the two patients and with MOPP they were 0.79 and 1.14%. The mutation frequencies of pre- and during treatment with ABVD were 0.09 and 0.07%; and 0.34 and 0.27% for the two patients. The mutation frequencies of during and post-treatment with NOVP for one patient were 0.31 and 0.25%. A statistically significant increase in mutation frequency was only found in the patient treated with MOPP. According to the time of samples collected after or during treatment and the above results, we conclude that there is no effect of NOVP and CVPP/ABDIC regimens on the mutation frequency in spermatogonia. The spermatocytes are not highly sensitive to chemotherapy agents compared to spermatogonia at the minisatellite MS205 locus. MOPP treatment may increase the mutation frequency at the MS205 locus in spermatogonia. ^


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Lung cancer is a devastating disease with very poor prognosis. The design of better treatments for patients would be greatly aided by mouse models that closely resemble the human disease. The most common type of human lung cancer is adenocarcinoma with frequent metastasis. Unfortunately, current models for this tumor are inadequate due to the absence of metastasis. Based on the molecular findings in human lung cancer and metastatic potential of osteosarcomas in mutant p53 mouse models, I hypothesized that mice with both K-ras and p53 missense mutations might develop metastatic lung adenocarcinomas. Therefore, I incorporated both K-rasLA1 and p53RI72HΔg alleles into mouse lung cells to establish a more faithful model for human lung adenocarcinoma and for translational and mechanistic studies. Mice with both mutations ( K-rasLA1/+ p53R172HΔg/+) developed advanced lung adenocarcinomas with similar histopathology to human tumors. These lung adenocarcinomas were highly aggressive and metastasized to multiple intrathoracic and extrathoracic sites in a pattern similar to that seen in lung cancer patients. This mouse model also showed gender differences in cancer related death and developed pleural mesotheliomas in 23.2% of them. In a preclinical study, the new drug Erlotinib (Tarceva) decreased the number and size of lung lesions in this model. These data demonstrate that this mouse model most closely mimics human metastatic lung adenocarcinoma and provides an invaluable system for translational studies. ^ To screen for important genes for metastasis, gene expression profiles of primary lung adenocarcinomas and metastases were analyzed. Microarray data showed that these two groups were segregated in gene expression and had 79 highly differentially expressed genes (more than 2.5 fold changes and p<0.001). Microarray data of Bub1b, Vimentin and CCAM1 were validated in tumors by quantitative real-time PCR (QPCR). Bub1b , a mitotic checkpoint gene, was overexpressed in metastases and this correlated with more chromosomal abnormalities in metastatic cells. Vimentin, a marker of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), was also highly expressed in metastases. Interestingly, Twist, a key EMT inducer, was also highly upregulated in metastases by QPCR, and this significantly correlated with the overexpression of Vimentin in the same tumors. These data suggest EMT occurs in lung adenocarcinomas and is a key mechanism for the development of metastasis in K-ras LA1/+ p53R172HΔg/+ mice. Thus, this mouse model provides a unique system to further probe the molecular basis of metastatic lung cancer.^


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Translation termination as a result of premature nonsense codon-incorporation in a RNA transcript can lead to the production of aberrant proteins with gain-of-function or dominant negative properties that could have deletrious effects on the cell. T-cell Receptor (TCR) genes acquire premature termination codons two-thirds of the time as a result of the error-prone programmed rearrangement events that normally occur during T-cell development. My studies have focused on the fate of TCR precursor mRNAs in response to in-frame nonsense mutations. ^ Previous published studies from our laboratory have shown that TCR precursor mRNAs are subject to nonsense mediated upregulation of pre-mRNA (NMUP). In this dissertation, I performed substitution and deletion analysis to characterize specific regions of TCR which are required to elicit NMUP. I performed frame- and factor-dependence studies to determine its relationship with other nonsense codon induced responses using several approaches including (i) translation dependence studies (ii) deletion and mutational analysis, as well as (iii) siRNA mediated knockdown of proteins involved. I also addressed the underlying molecular mechanism for this pre-mRNA upregulation by (i) RNA half-life studies using a c-fos inducible promoter, and (ii) a variety of assays to determine pre-mRNA splicing efficiency. ^ Using these approaches, I have identified a region of TCR that is both necessary and sufficient to elicit (NMUP). I have also found that neither cytoplasmic translation machinery nor the protein UPF1 are involved in eliciting this nuclear event. I have shown that the NMUP can be induced not only by nonsense and frameshift mutations, but also missense mutations that disrupt a cis splicing element in the exon that contains the mutation. However, the effect of nonsense mutations on pre-mRNA is unique and distinguishable from that of missense mutations in that nonsense mutations can upregulate pre-mRNA in a frame-dependent manner. Lastly, I provide evidence that NMUP occurs by a mechanism in which nonsense mutations inhibit the splicing of introns. In summary, I have found that TCR precursor mRNAs are subject to multiple forces involving both RNA splicing and translation that can either increase or decrease the levels of these precursor mRNAs. ^


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The mechanisms responsible for anti-cancer drug (including Taxol) treatment failure have not been identified. In cell culture model systems, many β-tubulin, but very few α-tubulin, mutations have been associated with resistance to Taxol. To test what, if any, mutations in α-tubulin can cause resistance, we transfected a randomly mutagenized α-tubulin cDNA into Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and isolated drug resistant cell lines. A total of 12 mutations were identified in this way and all of them were confirmed to confer Taxol resistance. Furthermore, all cells expressing mutant α-tubulin had less microtubule polymer. Some cells also had abnormal nuclei and enlarged cell bodies. The data indicate that α-tubulin mutations confer Taxol resistance by disrupting microtubule assembly, a mechanism consistent with a large number of previously described β-tubulin mutations. ^ Because α- and β-tubulin are almost identical in their three dimensional structure, we hypothesized that mutations discovered in one subunit, when introduced into the other, would produce similar effects on microtubule assembly and drug resistance. 9 α- and 2 β-tubulin mutations were tested. The results were complex. Some mutations produced similar changes in microtubule assembly and drug resistance irrespective of the subunit in which they were introduced, but others produced opposite effects. Still one mutation produced resistance when present in one subunit, yet had no effect when present on the other; and one mutation that produced Taxol resistance when present in α-tubulin, resulted in assembly-defective tubulin when it was present in β-tubulin. The results suggest that in most cases, the same amino acid modification in α- and β-tubulin affects the microtubule structure and assembly in a similar way. ^ Finally, we tested whether three β-tubulin mutations found in patient tumors could confer resistance to Taxol by recreating the mutations in a β-tubulin cDNA and transfecting it into CHO cells. We found that all three mutations conferred Taxol resistance, but to different extents. Again, microtubule assembly in the transfectants was disrupted, suggesting that mutations in β-tubulin are a potential problem in cancer therapeutics. ^


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Objectives. Previous studies have shown a survival advantage in ovarian cancer patients with Ashkenazi-Jewish (AJ) BRCA founder mutations, compared to sporadic ovarian cancer patients. The purpose of this study was to determine if this association exists in ovarian cancer patients with non-Ashkenazi Jewish BRCA mutations. In addition, we sought to account for possible "survival bias" by minimizing any lead time that may exist between diagnosis and genetic testing. ^ Methods. Patients with stage III/IV ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal cancer and a non-Ashkenazi Jewish BRCA1 or 2 mutation, seen for genetic testing January 1996-July 2007, were identified from genetics and institutional databases. Medical records were reviewed for clinical factors, including response to initial chemotherapy. Patients with sporadic (non-hereditary) ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal cancer, without family history of breast or ovarian cancer, were compared to similar cases, matched by age, stage, year of diagnosis, and vital status at time interval to BRCA testing. When possible, 2 sporadic patients were matched to each BRCA patient. An additional group of unmatched, sporadic ovarian, fallopian tube and primary peritoneal cancer patients was included for a separate analysis. Progression-free (PFS) & overall survival (OS) were calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method. Multivariate Cox proportional hazards models were calculated for variables of interest. Matched pairs were treated as clusters. Stratified log rank test was used to calculate survival data for matched pairs using paired event times. Fisher's exact test, chi-square, and univariate logistic regression were also used for analysis. ^ Results. Forty five advanced-stage ovarian, fallopian tube and primary peritoneal cancer patients with non-Ashkenazi Jewish (non-AJ) BRCA mutations, 86 sporadic-matched and 414 sporadic-unmatched patients were analyzed. Compared to the sporadic-matched and sporadic-unmatched ovarian cancer patients, non-AJ BRCA mutation carriers had longer PFS (17.9 & 13.8 mos. vs. 32.0 mos., HR 1.76 [95% CI 1.13–2.75] & 2.61 [95% CI 1.70–4.00]). In relation to the sporadic- unmatched patients, non-AJ BRCA patients had greater odds of complete response to initial chemotherapy (OR 2.25 [95% CI 1.17–5.41]) and improved OS (37.6 mos. vs. 101.4 mos., HR 2.64 [95% CI 1.49–4.67]). ^ Conclusions. This study demonstrates a significant survival advantage in advanced-stage ovarian cancer patients with non-AJ BRCA mutations, confirming the previous studies in the Jewish population. Our efforts to account for "survival bias," by matching, will continue with collaborative studies. ^


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The ends of eukaryotic chromosomes are protected by specialized ribonucleoprotein structures termed telomeres. Telomeres protect chromosomes from end-to-end fusions, inappropriate repair and degradation. Disruption of this complex activates an ATM/ATR DNA damage response (DDR) pathway. One component of the complex is the Protection Of Telomeres 1 (POT1) protein, an evolutionarily conserved protein which binds single-stranded 3' overhang and is required for both chromosomal end protection and telomere length regulation. The mouse contains two POT1 orthologs, Pot1a and Pot1b. Here we show that both proteins colocalize with telomeres through interaction with the adapter protein TPP1. In addition, compared to Pot1a, the OB-folds of Pot1b possess less sequence specificity for telomeres. Disruption of POT1 proteins result in telomere dysfunction and activation of an ATR-dependent DDR at telomeres, suggesting that this response is normally suppressed by POT1 binding to the single-stranded G-overhang. ^ Telomeres are maintained by telomerase, and its absence in somatic cells results in telomere progressive loss that triggers the activation of p53. Telomere dysfunction initiates genomic instability and induces both p53-dependent replicative senescence and apoptosis to suppress tumorigenesis. In the absence of functional p53, this genomic instability promotes cancer. It was previously not known which aspect of the p53 dependent DNA damage response is important to suppress tumorigenesis initiated by dysfunctional telomeres. The p53R172P knock-in mouse, which is unable to induce apoptosis but retains intact cell cycle arrest/cellular senescence pathways, allowed us to examine whether p53-dependent apoptosis is a major tumor suppression pathway initiated in the setting of telomere dysfunction. Spontaneous tumorigenesis remains potently suppressed in late generation telomerase null mice possessing the p53P/P mutation. These results suggest that suppression of spontaneous tumorigenesis initiated by dysfunctional telomeres requires activation of a p53-dependent senescence pathway. In addition, we used another knock-in mouse model with a p53R172H (p53H) point mutation to test the hypothesis that telomere dysfunction promotes chromosomal instability and accelerates the onset of tumorigenesis in vivo in the setting of this most common gain-of-function mutation in the human Li Fraumeni cancer syndrome. We unexpectedly observed that telomerase null mice possessing dysfunctional telomeres in the setting of the p53H/+ mutation develop significantly fewer tumors, die prematurely and exhibit higher level of cellular senescence, apoptosis and elevated genomic instability compared to telomerase intact p53H/+ and telomerase null p53+/+ mice. These contrasting results thus link cancer and aging to the functional status of telomeres and the integrity of the p53 pathway. ^


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Primary cutaneous melanoma is a cancer arising from melanocytes in the skin. In recent decades the incidence of this malignancy has increased significantly. Mortality rates are high for patients with tumors measuring over a few millimeters in thickness. Response rates to conventional radiation and chemotherapy are very low in patients with metastatic melanoma. New therapies targeting melanoma’s aberrant cell signaling pathways such as the MAP Kinase pathway are being developed. Mutations of NRAS and BRAF genes are quite common in cutaneous melanoma and lead to constitutive activation of the MAP Kinase pathway. This study tests the hypothesis that NRAS and BRAF mutations increase as a tumor progresses from the noninvasive radial growth phase (RGP) to the invasive vertical growth phase (VGP). Laser capture microdissection was used to obtain separate, pure tumor DNA samples from the RGP and VGP of thirty primary cutaneous melanomas. PCR was used to amplify NRAS exon 2 and BRAF exon 15 tumor DNA. The amplified DNA was sequenced and analyzed for mutations. An overall mutation rate of 74% was obtained for the twenty-three melanomas in which there were complete sequence results. With the exception of one melanoma NRAS and BRAF mutations were mutually exclusive. All seven NRAS exon 2 mutations involved codon 61. Three of these melanomas had mutations in both the RGP and VGP. The remaining four tumors were wild type for NRAS exon 2 in the RGP but mutated in the VGP. Of the fifteen BRAF exon 15 mutated melanomas all but one involved codon 600. Twelve of the fifteen BRAF exon 15 mutations were the T1799A type. Nine of the fifteen BRAF mutated tumors had the same mutation in both the RGP and VGP. Five of fifteen melanomas had wild type RGP DNA and BRAF exon 15 mutated VGP DNA. A single melanoma had BRAF exon 15 mutated DNA in the RGP and wild type DNA in the VGP. Overall, these results suggest a trend toward the acquisition of NRAS and BRAF mutations as cutaneous melanomas change from a noninvasive to an invasive, potentially deadly cancer.^


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Aortic aneurysms and dissections are the 15th most common cause of death in the United States. Genetic factors contribute to the pathogenesis of thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections (TAAD). Currently, six loci and four genes have been identified for familial TAAD. Notably, mutations in smooth muscle cell (SMC) contractile genes, ACTA2 and MYH11, are responsible for 15% of familial TAAD, suggesting that proper SMC contraction is important for normal aorta function. Therefore, we hypothesize that mutations in other genes encoding SMC contractile proteins also cause familial TAAD. ^ To test this hypothesis, we used a candidate gene approach to identify causative mutations in SMC contractile genes for familial TAAD. Sequencing DNA in 80 TAAD patients from unrelated families, we identified putative mutations in eight contractile genes. We chose myosin light chain kinase (MLCK ) S1759P for further study for the following reasons: (1) Serine 1759 is conserved between vertebrates and invertebrates. (2) S1759P is predicted to be functionally deleterious by bioinformatics. (3) Low blood pressure is observed in SMC-selective MLCK-deficient mice. ^ In the presence of Ca2+/Calmodulin (CaM), MLCK containing CaM binding and kinase domains are activated to phosphorylate myosin light chain, thereby initiate SMC contraction. The CaM binding sequence of MLCK forms an α-helix structure required for CaM binding. MLCK Serine 1759 is located within the CaM binding domain. S1759P is predicted to decrease the α-helix composition in the CaM binding domain. Hence, we hypothesize that MLCK mutations cause TAAD through disturbing CaM binding and MLCK activity. ^ We further sequenced MLCK in DNA samples from additional 86 probands with familial TAAD. Two more mutations, MLCK A1754T and R1480Stop, were identified, supporting that MLCK mutations cause familial TAAD. ^ To define whether MLCK mutations disrupted CaM binding and MLCK activity, we performed co-immunoprecipitation and kinase assays. Decreased CaM binding and kinase activity was detected in A1754T and S1759P. Moreover, R1480Stop is predicted to truncate kinase and CaM binding domains. We conclude that MLCK mutations disrupt CaM binding and MLCK activity. ^ Collectively, our study is first to show mutations in genes regulating SMC contraction cause TAAD. This finding further highlights the importance of SMC contraction in maintaining aorta function. ^


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The purpose of this dissertation research was to investigate potential mechanisms through which mutations in two ubiquitously expressed genes, inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase 1 (IMPDH1) and pre-mRNA processing factor 31 (PRPF31), cause autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP) but have no other apparent clinical consequences. Basic properties of the gene and gene product, such as expression and protein levels, were examined. The purpose of our research is to understand the genetic basis of inherited retinopathies such as retinitis pigmentosa (RP). RP is a heterogeneous retinal dystrophy that affects approximately one in 3,700 individuals, making it the most common heritable retinal degenerative disease worldwide. Currently, mutations in 35 genes are known to cause RP and additional loci have been mapped but the underlying gene is not yet known. Often the genes associated with RP are integral to the biological processes underlying vision, making their role in retinal disease easy to explain. However, the mechanisms by which other genes cause RP are not apparent, especially widely-expressed genes. For IMPDH1, this research characterized the enzymatic properties of retinal isoforms. Results show that the retinal isoforms have enzymatic functions similar to the previously known canonical IMPDH1 whether or not an adRP pigmentosa mutation is included in the protein. For PRPF31, this research tested the hypothesis that functional haploinsufficiency is the cause of disease and relates to nonpenetrance in some individuals. Studies in patients with known mutations show that haploinsufficiency is the likely cause of disease, however, we did not confirm that non-penetrant individuals are protected from disease via increased expression of the wild type allele. Information gleaned from these functional studies, and the testing methods developed in tandem, will contribute to future research on disease mechanism related to adRP. ^


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Detection of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), a frequent cause of treatment failure, takes 2 or more weeks to identify by culture. RIF-resistance is a hallmark of MDR-TB, and detection of mutations in the rpoB gene of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using molecular beacon probes with real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) is a novel approach that takes ≤2 days. However, qPCR identification of resistant isolates, particularly for isolates with mixed RIF-susceptible and RIF-resistant bacteria, is reader dependent and limits its clinical use. The aim of this study was to develop an objective, reader-independent method to define rpoB mutants using beacon qPCR. This would facilitate the transition from a research protocol to the clinical setting, where high-throughput methods with objective interpretation are required. For this, DNAs from 107 M. tuberculosis clinical isolates with known susceptibility to RIF by culture-based methods were obtained from 2 regions where isolates have not previously been subjected to evaluation using molecular beacon qPCR: the Texas–Mexico border and Colombia. Using coded DNA specimens, mutations within an 81-bp hot spot region of rpoB were established by qPCR with 5 beacons spanning this region. Visual and mathematical approaches were used to establish whether the qPCR cycle threshold of the experimental isolate was significantly higher (mutant) compared to a reference wild-type isolate. Visual classification of the beacon qPCR required reader training for strains with a mixture of RIF-susceptible and RIF-resistant bacteria. Only then had the visual interpretation by an experienced reader had 100% sensitivity and 94.6% specificity versus RIF-resistance by culture phenotype and 98.1% sensitivity and 100% specificity versus mutations based on DNA sequence. The mathematical approach was 98% sensitive and 94.5% specific versus culture and 96.2% sensitive and 100% specific versus DNA sequence. Our findings indicate the mathematical approach has advantages over the visual reading, in that it uses a Microsoft Excel template to eliminate reader bias or inexperience, and allows objective interpretation from high-throughput analyses even in the presence of a mixture of RIF-resistant and RIF-susceptible isolates without the need for reader training.^


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Hyper IgE syndrome (HIES) is a multisystem disorder resulting in bone and immune system abnormalities. It is associated with mutations in STAT3, which disrupt protein domains responsible for transcriptional function. Patients with HIES display osteoporosis and enhanced inflammatory cytokine production similar to hematopoietic Stat3-deficient mice. Since osteoclast and inflammatory cytokine genes are NFκB targets, these observations indicate a possible deregulation of NFκB signaling in both mice and humans with STAT3-deficiency. Here, we sought to examine the role of STAT3 in the regulation of NFκB-mediated gene expression through analysis of three HIES STAT3 point mutations in both hematopoietic and non- hematopoietic cells. We found that IL-6-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT3 was partially or completely abrogated by HIES mutations in the transactivation domain (V713L) or SH2 domain (V637M), respectively, in both hematopoietic and non- hematopoietic cells. By contrast, IL-6-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of an HIES mutant in the STAT3 DNA-binding domain (R382W) was intact. The R382W and V713L mutants significantly reduced IL-6-dependent STAT3 transcriptional activity in reporter gene assays. Moreover, the R382W and V637M mutants significantly diminished IL-6-responsive expression of the endogenous STAT3 target gene, Socs3, as assessed by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) in the RAW macrophage cell line. These observations indicate the HIES mutants dominantly suppress the transcriptional activity of wild type STAT3, albeit to varying degrees. All three HIES mutants enhanced LPS-induced expression of the NFκB target genes IL6 (IL-6), Cxcl10 (IP- 10), and Tnf (TNFα) in RAW cells, as indicated by qPCR. Furthermore, overexpression of wild type STAT3 in Stat3-deficient murine embryonic fibroblasts significantlyreduced LPS-stimulated expression of IL6, Cxcl10, and IL12p35. In addition, in aprimary murine osteoclast differentiation assay, a STAT3-specific SH2 domain inhibitor led to significantly increased levels of osteoclast-specific gene expression. These results suggest that STAT3 serves as a negative regulator of NFκB-mediated gene expression, and furthermore imply that STAT3 mutations associated with HIES contribute to the osteopenia and inflammation observed in HIES patients.


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BACKGROUND: Mismatch repair deficient (MMRD) colorectal (CRC) or endometrial (EC) cancers in the absence of MLH1 promoter hypermethylation and BRAF mutations are suggestive of Lynch syndrome (LS). Positive germline genetic test results confirm LS. It is unclear if individuals with MMRD tumors but no identified germline mutation or sporadic cause (MMRD+/germline-) have LS. HYPOTHESIS: Since LS is hereditary, individuals with LS should have a stronger family history of LS-related cancers than individuals with sporadic tumors. We hypothesized that MMRD+/germline- CRC and/or EC patients would have less suggestive family histories than LS CRC and/or EC patients. METHODS: 253 individuals with an MMRD CRC or EC who underwent genetic counseling at one institution were included in analysis in 1 of 4 groups: LS, MMRD+/germline-, MMRD+/VUS, sporadic MSI-H (MMRD tumor with MLH1 promoter hypermethylation or BRAF mutation). Family histories were analyzed utilizing MMRpro and PREMM1,2,6. Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to compare family history scores. Logistic regression was used to determine what factors were predictive of LS. RESULTS: MMRD+/germline- individuals had significantly lower median family history scores (PREMM1,2,6=7.3, MMRpro=8.1) than LS individuals (PREMM1,2,6=26.1, MMRpro=89.8, p CONCLUSION: MMRD+/germline- individuals have less suggestive family histories of LS than individuals with LS, but more suggestive family histories than sporadic MSI-H individuals. CRC and/or EC patients with abnormal tumor studies are more likely to have a germline LS mutation if they have a family history suggestive of hereditary cancer. These results imply that the MMRD+/germline- group may not all have LS. This finding highlights the need to determine other somatic, epigenetic or germline causes of MMRD tumors so that these patients and their families can be accurately counseled regarding screening and management.