19 resultados para endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule 1


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TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor-α) is a potent pro-inflammatory cytokine that regulates the permeability of blood and lymphatic vessels. The plasma concentration of TNF-α is elevated (> 1 pg/mL) in several pathologies, including rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, cancer, pre-eclampsia; in obese individuals; and in trauma patients. To test whether circulating TNF-α could induce similar alterations in different districts along the vascular system, three endothelial cell lines, namely HUVEC, HPMEC, and HCAEC, were characterized in terms of 1) mechanical properties, employing atomic force microscopy; 2) cytoskeletal organization, through fluorescence microscopy; and 3) membrane overexpression of adhesion molecules, employing ELISA and immunostaining. Upon stimulation with TNF-α (10 ng/mL for 20 h), for all three endothelial cells, the mechanical stiffness increased by about 50% with a mean apparent elastic modulus of E ~5 ± 0.5 kPa (~3.3 ± 0.35 kPa for the control cells); the density of F-actin filaments increased in the apical and median planes; and the ICAM-1 receptors were overexpressed compared with controls. Collectively, these results demonstrate that sufficiently high levels of circulating TNF-α have similar effects on different endothelial districts, and provide additional information for unraveling the possible correlations between circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines and systemic vascular dysfunction.


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The rate and direction of fibroblast locomotion is regulated by the formation of lamellipodia. In turn, lamellipodal formation is modulated in part by adhesion of that region of the cell from which the lamellipodia will extend or orginate. Cell surface $\beta$1,4-galactosyltransferase (GalTase) is one molecule that has been demonstrated to mediate cellular interactions with extracellular matrices. In the case of fibroblasts, GalTase must be associated with the actin cytoskeleton in order to mediate cellular adhesion to laminin. The object of this study was to determine how altering the quantity of GalTase capable of associating with the cytoskeleton impacts cell motility. Stably transfected cell lines were generated that have increased or decreased levels of surface GalTase relative to its cytoskeleton-binding sites. Biochemical analyses of these cells reveals that there is a limited number of sites on the cytoskeleton with which GalTase can interact. Altering the ratio of GalTase to its cytoskeleton binding sites does not affect the cells' abilities to spread, nor does it affect the localization of cytoskeletally-bound GalTase. It does, however, appear to interfere with stress fiber bundling. Cells with altered GalTase:cytoskeleton ratios change their polarity of laminin more frequently, as compared to controls. Therefore, the ectopic expression of GalTase cytoplasmic domains impairs a cell's ability to control the placement of lamellipodia. Cells were then tested for their ability to respond to a directional stimulus, a gradient of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). It was found that the ability of a cell to polarize in response to a gradient of PDGF is directly proportional to the quantity of GalTase associated with its cytoskeleton. Finally, the rate of unidirectional cell migration on laminin was found to be directly dependent upon surface GalTase expression and is inversely related to the ability of surface GalTase to interact with the cytoskeleton. It is therefore proposed that cytoskeletal assembly and lamellipodal formation can be regulated by the altering the ratio of cytoplasmic domains for specific matrix receptors, such as GalTase, relative to their cytoskeleton-binding sites. ^


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The interaction of hematopoietic precursor cell with bone marrow stromal cells is assumed to be important to the survival of hematopoietic precursor cells during hematopoietic cell long-term culture. Early hematopoietic stem cells are preferentially found within the stromal adherent cell fraction in primary long-term bone marrow cultures. The purpose of this dissertation was to understand the molecular mechanisms that govern these interactions for the regulation of survival and proliferation of early versus late hematopoietic cells.^ Monoclonal antibodies to the VLA-4 recognize the alpha4 beta1 integrin receptor on human hematopoietic cells. This monoclonal antibody blocks the adhesion between early hematopoietic progenitor cells (CD34 selected cells) and stromal cells when added to cultures of these cells. Addition of the VLA-4 monoclonal antibody to cultures of stromal cells and CD34 selected cells was shown to induce apoptosis of CD34 selected cells in these CD34 selected cell/stromal cell cocultures, as measured by the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end-labeling method. In contrast to these experiments with early hematopoietic progenitor cells (CD34+), the level of adhesion between more differentiated cells (unfractionated hematopoietic cells) and stromal cells was not significantly altered by addition of the anti-VLA-4 monoclonal antibody. Similarly, the level of apoptosis of unfractionated hematopoietic cells was not significantly increased by the addition of anti-VLA-4 monoclonal antibody to cultures of the latter cells with stromal cells. The binding of the unfractionated cells is less than that of the CD34 selected. Since there is no difference between the alpha4 beta1 integrin expression level of the early and late myeloid cells, there may be a difference in the functional state of the integrin between the early and late myeloid cells. We also show that CD34+ selected precursor cells proliferate at a higher rate when these cells are plated on recombinant VCAM-1 molecules. These data indicate that the alpha4beta1 integrin receptor (VLA-4) plays a central role in the apoptosis rescue function which results from the anchorage-dependent growth of the CD34 selected early hematopoietic cells on stromal cells. The data suggest that these apoptosis rescue pathways have less significance as the cells mature and become anchorage-independent in their growth. These data should assist in the design of systems for the ex vivo proliferation and transduction of early hematopoietic cells for genetic therapy. ^


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The vertebrate $\beta$-galactoside-binding lectins galectin-1 and galectin-3 have been proposed to function in diverse cellular processes such as adhesion, proliferation, differentiation, and tumorigenesis. Experiments were initiated to further study the functional properties of these molecules. A prostate cancer cell line, LNCaP, was identified which expressed neither galectin. This line was stably transfected with cDNA for either galectin-1 or galectin-3. The resultant clones were used to study effects on critical cell processes. LNCaP cells expressing galectin-1 on the surface were found to bind more rapidly than control lines to the human extracellular matrix proteins laminin and fibronectin, although overall binding was not increased. To analyze effects on differentiation, LNCaP cells were studied which had either been transfected with galectin-1 or which had been induced to express endogenous galectin-1 by treatment with the differentiation agent sodium butyrate. In both cases, cells displayed a slower rate of growth and increased rate of apoptosis. A transient decrease in expression of prostate specific antigen was seen in the butyrate treated cells but not in the transfected cells. To investigate the role of galectins in the process of malignant transformation and progression, immunohistochemical analysis was performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of human prostate tissue, the premalignant lesion prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, primary adenocarcinoma of the prostate, and foci of metastatic prostate cancer. Galectin-1 expression was relatively constant throughout in contrast to galectin-3 which demonstrated significantly less expression in primary and metastatic tumors. LNCaP cells transfected with galectin-3 cDNA displayed lower proliferation rates, increased spontaneous apoptosis, and G1 growth phase arrest compared to controls. Four of six galectin-3 lines tested were less tumorigenic in nude mice than controls. The following conclusions are drawn regarding the role of galectin-1 and galectin-3 expression in the context of prostate cancer: (1) galectin-1 may participate in the early stages of cancer cell adhesion to extracellular matrix proteins; (2) galectin-1 expression results in a differentiated phenotype and may contribute to differentiation induction by butyrate; (3) galectin-3 expression correlates inversely with prostate cell tumorigenesis and prostate cancer metastasis. ^