32 resultados para dendritic cells


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After an inflammatory stimulus, lymphocyte migration into draining lymph nodes increases dramatically to facilitate the encounter of naive T cells with Ag-loaded dendritic cells. In this study, we show that CD73 (ecto-5'-nucleotidase) plays an important role in regulating this process. CD73 produces adenosine from AMP and is expressed on high endothelial venules (HEV) and subsets of lymphocytes. Cd73(-/-) mice have normal sized lymphoid organs in the steady state, but approximately 1.5-fold larger draining lymph nodes and 2.5-fold increased rates of L-selectin-dependent lymphocyte migration from the blood through HEV compared with wild-type mice 24 h after LPS administration. Migration rates of cd73(+/+) and cd73(-/-) lymphocytes into lymph nodes of wild-type mice are equal, suggesting that it is CD73 on HEV that regulates lymphocyte migration into draining lymph nodes. The A(2B) receptor is a likely target of CD73-generated adenosine, because it is the only adenosine receptor expressed on the HEV-like cell line KOP2.16 and it is up-regulated by TNF-alpha. Furthermore, increased lymphocyte migration into draining lymph nodes of cd73(-/-) mice is largely normalized by pretreatment with the selective A(2B) receptor agonist BAY 60-6583. Adenosine receptor signaling to restrict lymphocyte migration across HEV may be an important mechanism to control the magnitude of an inflammatory response.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, is the most lethal single infectious agent afflicting man today causing 2 million deaths per year. The World Health Organization recommends a vaccine as the best option to prevent this disease. The current vaccine, BCG, has a variable efficacy and does not protect adults. It is known that BCG vaccine becomes sequestered in special phagosome compartments of macrophages that do not fuse with lysosomes. Since lysosome fusion is necessary for peptide production and T cell priming leading to protective TH1 immunity, we hypothesized that vaccine efficacy is reduced and occurs perhaps due to non-lysosome dependent mechanisms. We therefore proposed an in depth analysis of phagosome environment, and its proteome to unravel mechanisms of antigen processing and presentation. We initially discovered that three mechanisms of pH regulation including vacuolar proton ATPase, phagocyte oxidase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) secretion from BCG vaccine affect antigen processing within phagosomes. These studies led to the discovery that a mutant of BCG vaccine which lacked SOD was a better vaccine. Subsequently, the proteomic analysis of vaccine phagosomes led to the discovery of novel protease (γ-secretase) enriched on BCG vaccine phagosomes. We then demonstrated that these proteases generated a peptide from the BCG vaccine which was presented through the MHC-II pathway to T cells and induced a TH1 response. The specificity of antigen production from γ-secretase was confirmed through siRNA knockdown of the components of the protease namely, nicastrin, presenilin and APH, which led to a decrease in antigen presentation. We therefore conclude that, even though BCG phagosomes are sequestered and do not fuse with lysosomes to generate peptide antigens, there are complex and novel in situ mechanisms within phagosomes that are capable of generating an immune response. We conclude that TH1 immunity to BCG vaccine arises mostly due to non-lysosome dependent immune mechanisms of macrophages and dendritic cells.


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HIV can enter the body through Langerhans cells, dendritic cells, and macrophages in skin mucosa, and spreads by lysis or by syncytia. Since UVL induces of HIV-LTR in transgenic mice mid in cell lines in vitro, we hypothesized that UVB may affect HIV in people and may affect HIV in T cells in relation to dose, apoptosis, and cytokine expression. To determine whether HIV is induced by UVL in humans, a clinical study of HIV+ patients with psoriasis or pruritus was conducted during six weeks of UVB phototherapy, Controls were HIV-psoriasis patients receiving UVB and HIV+ KS subjects without UVB.Blood and skin biopsy specimens were collected at baseline, weeks 2 and 6, and 4 weeks after UVL. AIDS-related skin diseases showed unique cytokine profiles in skin and serum at baseline. In patients and controls on phototherapy, we observed the following: (1) CD4+ and CD8+ T cell numbers are not significantly altered during phototherapy, (2) p24 antigen levels, and also HIV plasma levels increase in patients not on antiviral therapy, (3) HIV-RNA levels in serum or plasma. (viral load) can either increase or decrease depending on the patient's initial viral load, presence of antivirals, and skin type, (4) HIV-RNA levels in the periphery are inversely correlated to serum IL-10 and (5) HIV+ cell in skin increase after UVL at 2 weeks by RT-PCR in situ hybridization mid we negatively correlated with peripheral load. To understand the mechanisms of UVB mediated HIV transcription, we treated Jurkat T cell lines stably transfected with an HIV-LTR-luciferase plasmid only or additionally with tat-SV-40 early promoter with UVB (2 J/m2 to 200 J/m2), 50 to 200 ng/ml rhIL-10, and 10 μg/ml PHA as control. HIV promoter activity was measured by luciferase normalized to protein. Time points up to 72 hours were analyzed for HIV-LTR activation. HIV-LTR activation had the following properties: (1) requires the presence of Tat, (2) occurs at 24 hours, and (3) is UVB dose dependent. Changes in viability by MTS (3-(4,5-dimethyhhiazol-2-y1)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphonyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium) mixed with PMS (phenazine methosulfate) solution and apoptosis by propidium iodide and annexin V using flow cytometry (FC) were seen in irradiated Jurkat cells. We determined that (1) rhIL-10 moderately decreased HIV-LTR activation if given before radiation and greatly decreases it when given after UVB, (2) HIV-LTR activation was low at doses of greater than 70 J/m2, compared to activation at 50 J/m2. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^


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Imatinib mesylate (IM) and Interferon-alfa (IFN-α) are currently the two most efficacious therapies for patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). IFN-α induces durable complete cytogentic remission (CCR) in about 25% of CML patients whereas IM, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, induces CCR in 50% of patients who are resistant to IFN-α and in 75% of patients in early chronic phase of CML. However, the detection of minimal residual disease without clinical relapse suggests that host immune surveillance plays a very important role in controlling the progression of disease. ^ T lymphocytes and dendritic cells (DC) are the two most crucial players in the immune system. In my study, we focused on the effects of treatment with either IM or IFN-α on the functions of both DC and T cells, as exemplified by the ability of DC to present antigen to T cells and activated T cells to synthesize cytokines. Our studies show that cytokine production by T cells activated through the T-cell receptor (TCR) was significantly lower in CML patients treated with IM, but not with IFN-α, when compared with activated T cells of control subjects. Suppression of T cell function by IM albeit transient and reversible, was through the downregulation of the phosphorylation of Zap-70, Lck, and LAT. ^ Our data also show that the myeloid DC (DC1) and the plasmacytoid DC (DC2) are lower in chronic phase CML. Whereas neither therapy restored the level of DC2 to normal levels, the number of DC1 was normalized by either therapy. However, only IFN-α, and not IM, restored DC2 function to normal, as exemplified by the production of IFN-α in response to exposure to live influenza virus. Moreover, in vitro differentiation and maturation of DC1 from monocyte precursors in patients receiving either therapy was not normal and was reflected in their ability to present antigen to autologous T cells. ^ In summary, we report that there are differences in immune responses of CML patients treated with IM or IFN-α that may be the result of long-term effects on the host immune system by the individual therapy. ^


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Tuberculosis (TB), caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), is a disease with world wide consequences, affecting nearly a third of the world's population. The established vaccine for TB; an attenuated strain of Mycobacterium bovis Calmette Guerin (BCG), has existed virtually unchanged since 1921. Intensive research is focused on developing a TB vaccine that can surpass and improve the existing BCG vaccine. Lactoferrin, an iron binding protein found in mucosal secretions and granules of neutrophils was hypothesized to be an ideal adjuvant to enhance the efficacy of the BCG vaccine. Specifically, Lactoferrin enhanced the ratio of IL-12:IL-10 production from macrophages stimulated with LFS or infected with BCG, indicating the potential to affect T-cell development in vivo. Five different vaccination protocols were investigated for generation of host protective responses against MTB infection using Lactoferrin admixed to the BCG vaccine. Mice immunized and boosted at 2 weeks with BCG/Lactofefrin increased host protection against MTB infection by decreasing organ bacterial load and reducing lung histopathology. The observed postchallenge results paralleled with increasing production of IFN-γ, IL-2, TNF-α, and IL-12 from BCG stimulated splenocytes. In vitro studies examined possible mechanisms of Lactoferrin action on BCG infected macrophages and dendritic cells. Addition of Lactoferrin to BCG infected macrophages and dendritic cells increased stimulation of presensitized CD3+ and CD4+ T-cells. Analysis by fluorescent activated cell sorting (FACS) revealed an increase in surface expression of MHC I and decreased ratio of CD80/86 from BCG infected macrophages cultured with Lactoferrin. In contrast, Lactoferrin decreased surface expression of MHC I, MHC II, CD80, CD86, and CD40, but increased CD 11c, from BCG infected dendritic cells, indicating involvement of adhesion molecules. Overall, these studies indicate that Lactoferrin is a useful and effective adjuvant to improve efficacy of the BCG vaccine by enhancing generation of mycobacterial antigen specific T-cell responses through promotion of antigen presentation and T-cell stimulation.^


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Tuberculosis remains one of the leading causes of death in man due to a single infectious agent. An estimated one-third of the world's population is infected with the causative agent, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), despite the availability of the widely used vaccine, BCG. BCG has significantly varying protection rates with the lowest level of protection seen with the most common form of TB, adult pulmonary TB. Thus, numerous studies are being conducted to develop a more efficient vaccine. The ideal candidate vaccine would possess the ability to induce a solid and strong Th1 response, as this is the subset of T cells primarily involved in clearance of the infection. A novel vaccine should also induce such a response that may be recalled and expanded upon subsequent infection. Our group has introduced a mutant of a virulent strain of Mtb which lacks a component of the immunogenic antigen 85 complex (Ag85). Our vaccine, ΔfbpA, does not secrete the fibronectin binding protein Ag85A, and this has shown to lead to its attenuation in both murine macrophages and mice. Previous studies have also proven that ΔfbpA is more protective in mice than BCG against virulent aerosol challenge with Mtb. This study addresses the mechanisms of protection observed with ΔfbpA by phenotyping responding T cells. We first evaluated the ability of dendritic cells to present the mycobacteria to naïve T cells, an in vitro mock of primary immunization. We also measured the response of primed T cells to macrophage-presented mycobacteria to interpret the possible response of a vaccinated host to a boost. We concluded that ΔfbpA can elicit a stronger Th1 response compared to BCG in vitro, and further observed that this enhanced response is at least partly due to the presence of proteins encoded by a region of the genome absent in all strains of BCG. Finally, we observed this heightened Th1 response in the mouse model after primary vaccination and a virulent aerosol challenge. The cytolytic T cell response was also measured after virulent challenge and was found to be superior in the ΔfbpA-treated group when compared to the BCG group. ^


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HUMAN ENDOGENOUS RETROVIRUS K AS A NOVEL TUMOR-ASSOCIATED ANTIGEN FOR DEVELOPMENT OF AN OVARIAN CANCER VACCINE Publication No.________Kiera Rycaj, B.S.Supervisory Professor: Feng Wang-Johanning, Ph.D., M.D. Ovarian cancer (OC) is the fourth most common cancer in women, and the most lethal gynecologic malignancy in the United States. Adequate screening methodologies are currently lacking and most women first present with either stage III or IV disease. To date, there has been no substantial decrease in death rates and the majorities of patients relapse and die from their disease despite response to first-line therapy. Several proteins, such as CA-125, are elevated in OC, but none has proven specific and sensitive enough to serve as a screening tool or for tumor cell recognition and lysis. It has been proposed that human endogenous retrovirus sequences (HERVs) may play a role in the etiology of certain cancers. In a previous study, we showed that HERV-K envelope (env) proteins are widely expressed in human invasive breast cancer (BC) and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), and elicit both serologic and cell-mediated immune responses in BC patients. We also reported the expression of multiple HERV genes and proteins in OC cell lines and tissues. In this study, we strengthened our previous data by determining that HERV-K env mRNAs are expressed in 69% of primary OC tissues (n=29), but in only 24% of benign tissues (N=17). Immmunohistochemistry (IHC) staining revealed HERV-Kpositivecancer cells detected in endometrioid adenocarcinoma and serous adenocarcinoma but not in benign cyst or normal epithelium biopsies. Immunofluorescence staining (IFS) showed greater cell surface expression of HERV-K in OC samples compared to adjacent uninvolved samples. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) data confirmed that a humoral immune response is elicited against HERV-K in OC patients. T-cell responses against HERV-K in lymphocytes from OC patients stimulated with autologous HERV-K pulsed dendritic cells included induction of T-cell proliferation and IFN-γ production. HERV-K–specific cytolytic T cells induced greater specific lysis of OC target cells compared to benign and adjacent uninvolved target cells. Finally, upon T regulatory cell (T-reg) depletion, 64% of OC patients displayed an increase in the specific lysis of target cells expressing HERV-K env protein. These findings suggest that HERV-K env protein is a tumor-associated antigen capable of activating both T-cell and B-cell responses in OC patients, and has great potential in the development of immunotherapy regimens against OC.


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IMMUNOLOGICAL MECHANISMS OF EXTRACORPOREAL PHOTOPHERESIS IN CUTANEOUS T CELL LYMPHOMA AND GRAFT VERSUS HOST DISEASE Publication No.___________ Lisa Harn-Ging Shiue, B.S. Supervisory Professor: Madeleine Duvic, M.D. Extracorporeal photopheresis (ECP) is an effective, low-risk immunomodulating therapy for leukemic cutaneous T cell lymphoma (L-CTCL) and graft versus host disease (GVHD), but whether the mechanism(s) of action in these two diseases is (are) identical or different is unclear. To determine the effects of ECP in vivo, we studied regulatory T cells (T-regs), cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), and dendritic cells (DCs) by immunofluorescence flow cytometry in 18 L-CTCL and 11 GVHD patients before and after ECP at Day 2, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months. In this study, ECP was effective in 12/18 L-CTCL patients with a 66.7% overall response rate (ORR) and 6/11 GVHD patients with a 54.5% ORR. Prior to ECP, the percentages of CD4+Foxp3+ T cells in 9 L-CTCL patients were either lower (L-CTCL-Low, n=2) or higher (L-CTCL-High, n=7) than normal. Five of the 7 GVHD patients had high percentages of CD4+Foxp3+ T cells (GVHD-High). Six of 7 L-CTCL-High patients had >80% CD4+Foxp3+ T cells which were correlated with tumor cells, and were responders. Both L-CTCL-High and GVHD-High patients had decreased percentages of CD4+Foxp3+ and CD4+Foxp3+CD25- T cells after 3 months of treatment. CD4+Foxp3+CD25+ T cells increased in GVHD-High patients but decreased in L-CTCL-High patients after 3 months of ECP. In addition, numbers of CTLs were abnormal. We confirmed that numbers of CTLs were low in L-CTCL patients, but high in GVHD patients prior to ECP. After ECP, CTLs increased after 1 month in 4/6 L-CTCL patients whereas CTLs decreased after 6 months in 3/3 GVHD patients. Myeloid (mDCs) and plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs) were also low at baseline in L-CTCL and GVHD patients confirming the DC defect. After 6 months of ECP, numbers and percentages of mDCs and pDCs increased in L-CTCL and GVHD. MDCs were favorably increased in 8/12 L-CTCL responders whereas pDCs were favorably increased in GVHD patients. These data suggest that ECP is favorably modulating the DC subsets. In L-CTCL patients, the mDCs may orchestrate Th1 cell responses to overcome immune suppression and facilitate disease regression. However, in GVHD patients, ECP is favorably down-regulating the immune system and may be facilitating immune tolerance to auto-or allo-antigens. In both L-CTCL and GVHD patients, DCs are modulated, but the T cell responses orchestrated by the DCs are different, suggesting that ECP modulates depending on the immune milieu. _______________


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The binding of immune inhibitory receptor Programmed Death 1 (PD-1) on T cells to its ligand PD-L1 has been implicated as a major contributor to tumor induced immune suppression. Clinical trials of PD-L1 blockade have proven effective in unleashing therapeutic anti-tumor immune responses in a subset of patients with advanced melanoma, yet current response rates are low for reasons that remain unclear. Hypothesizing that the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway regulates T cell surveillance within the tumor microenvironment, we employed intravital microscopy to investigate the in vivo impact of PD-L1 blocking antibody upon tumor-associated immune cell migration. However, current analytical methods of intravital dynamic microscopy data lack the ability to identify cellular targets of T cell interactions in vivo, a crucial means for discovering which interactions are modulated by therapeutic intervention. By developing novel imaging techniques that allowed us to better analyze tumor progression and T cell dynamics in the microenvironment; we were able to explore the impact of PD-L1 blockade upon the migratory properties of tumor-associated immune cells, including T cells and antigen presenting cells, in lung tumor progression. Our results demonstrate that early changes in tumor morphology may be indicative of responsiveness to anti-PD-L1 therapy. We show that immune cells in the tumor microenvironment as well as tumors themselves express PD-L1, but immune phenotype alone is not a predictive marker of effective anti-tumor responses. Through a novel method in which we quantify T cell interactions, we show that T cells are largely engaged in interactions with dendritic cells in the tumor microenvironment. Additionally, we show that during PD-L1 blockade, non-activated T cells are recruited in greater numbers into the tumor microenvironment and engage more preferentially with dendritic cells. We further show that during PD-L1 blockade, activated T cells engage in more confined, immune synapse-like interactions with dendritic cells, as opposed to more dynamic, kinapse-like interactions with dendritic cells when PD-L1 is free to bind its receptor. By advancing the contextual analysis of anti-tumor immune surveillance in vivo, this study implicates the interaction between T cells and tumor-associated dendritic cells as a possible modulator in targeting PD-L1 for anti-tumor immunotherapy.


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Hemophilia A is a clotting disorder caused by functional factor VIII (FVIII) deficiency. About 25% of patients treated with therapeutic recombinant FVIII develop antibodies (inhibitors) that render subsequent FVIII treatments ineffective. The immune mechanisms of inhibitor formation are not entirely understood, but circumstantial evidence indicates a role for increased inflammatory response, possibly via stimulation of Toll-like receptors (TLRs), at the time of FVIII immunization. I hypothesized that stimulation through TLR4 in conjunction with FVIII treatments would increase the formation of FVIII inhibitors. To test this hypothesis, FVIII K.O. mice were injected with recombinant human FVIII with or without concomitant doses of TLR4 agonist (lipopoysaccharide; LPS). The addition of LPS combined with FVIII significantly increased the rate and the production of anti-FVIII IgG antibodies and neutralizing FVIII inhibitors. In the spleen, repeated in vivo TLR4 stimulation with LPS increased the relative percentage of macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs) over the course of 4 injections. However, repeated in vivo FVIII stimulation significantly increased the density of TLR4 expressed on the surface of all spleen antigen presenting cells (APCs). Culture of splenocytes isolated from mice revealed that the combined stimulation of LPS and FVIII also synergistically increased early secretion of the inflammatory cytokines IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-10, which was not maintained throughout the course of the repeated injections. While cytokine secretion was relatively unchanged in response to FVIII re-stimulation in culture, LPS re-stimulation in culture induced increased and prolonged inflammatory cytokine secretion. Re-stimulation with both LPS and FVIII induced cytokine secretion similar to LPS stimulation alone. Interestingly, long term treatment of mice with LPS alone resulted in splenocytes that showed reduced response to FVIII in culture. Together these results indicated that creating a pro-inflammatory environment through the combined stimulation of chronic, low-dose LPS and FVIII changed not only the populations but also the repertoire of APCs in the spleen, triggering the increased production of FVIII inhibitors. These results suggested an anti-inflammatory regimen should be instituted for all hemophilia A patients to reduce or delay the formation of FVIII inhibitors during replacement therapy.


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Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is the most insidious form of locally advanced disease. Although rare and less than 2% of all breast cancer, IBC is responsible for up to 10% of all breast cancer deaths. Despite the name, very little is known about the role of inflammation or immune mediators in IBC. Therefore, we analyzed blood samples from IBC patients and non-IBC patients, as well as healthy donor controls to establish an IBC-specific profile of peripheral blood leukocyte phenotype and function of T cells and dendritic cells and serum inflammatory cytokines. Emerging evidence suggests that host factors in the microenviromement may interact with underlying IBC genetics to promote the aggressive nature of the tumor. An integral part of the metastatic process involves epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) where primary breast cancer cells gain motility and stem cell-like features that allow distant seeding. Interestingly, the IBC consortium microarray data found no clear evidence for EMT in IBC tumor tissues. It is becoming increasingly evident that inflammatory factors can induce EMT. However, it is unknown if EMT-inducing soluble factors secreted by activated immune cells in the IBC microenvironment canπ account for the absence of EMT in studies of the tumor cells themselves. We hypothesized that soluble factors from immune cells are capable of inducing EMT in IBC. We tested the ability of immune conditioned media to induce EMT in IBC cells. We found that soluble factors from activated immune cells are able to induce the expression of EMT-related factors in IBC cells along with increased migration and invasion. Specifically, the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-6 and TGF-β were able to induce EMT and blocking these factors in conditioned media abated the induction of EMT. Surprisingly, unique to IBC cells, this process was related to increased levels of E-cadherin expression and adhesion, reminiscent of the characteristic tightly packed tumor emboli seen in IBC samples. This data offers insight into the unique pathology of IBC by suggesting that tumor immune interactions in the tumor microenvironment contribute to the aggressive nature of IBC implying that immune induced inflammation can be a novel therapeutic target. Specifically, we showed that soluble factors secreted by activated immune cells are capable of inducing EMT in IBC cells and may mediate the persistent E-cadherin expression observed in IBC. This data suggests that immune mediated inflammation may contribute to the highly aggressive nature of IBC and represents a potential therapeutic target that warrants further investigation.


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The skin immune system is believed to be a crucial site of contact between immunocompetent cells and invading organisms. A novel T cell component of murine epidermis is the Thy-1$\sp+$ dendritic epidermal cell (Tdec). To assess the immunocompetence of Tdec, the ability of Tdec to induce immune responses was tested. Tdec were unable to induce positive immune responses in three models of immunocompetence. Subsequent studies were designed to test the hypothesis that Tdec are involved in the down-regulation of cell-mediated immunity against cutaneous antigens. Cultured Tdec lines were conjugated in vitro with the hapten, fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). The intrafootpad (ifp.) or intravenous (i.v.) injection of FTIC-conjugated Tdec induced immunologic tolerance to subsequent epicutaneous sensitization with FITC. This induction of tolerance was antigen-specific, and injection of unconjugated Tdec had no effect on the contact hypersensitivity response to FITC. Tolerance was not H-2-restricted, since it could be induced in both syngeneic and allogeneic recipients of FITC-conjugated Tdec. No suppressive activity could be detected in lymphoid organs of animals tolerized by the ifp. injection of hapten-conjugated Tdec. In contrast, suppressor T cells were present in the spleens of mice injected i.v. with hapten-conjugated Tdec. These results indicate that Ts cells are not involved in the induction of tolerance by the ifp. injection of hapten-conjugated Tdec. To investigate the mechanism by which the ifp. injection of hapten-conjugated Tdec induced tolerance to contact sensitization, the activity of these cells was measured in vitro. The addition of hapten-conjugated Tdec inhibited the proliferation of Con A-stimulated lymphocytes. In addition, FITC-conjugated Tdec abrogated the proliferation of normal lymphocytes in response to FITC-labeled stimulator cells. These studies suggest that specific T cell-mediated immunity is the target of the inhibitory effect of Tdec in vitro. In summary, these results demonstrate that while Tdec are unable to induce positive immune responses, they can produce a state of specific immunologic tolerance when injected ifp. or i.v. These results also suggest that the induction of immunologic tolerance by hapten-conjugated Tdec may occur through the inactivation or elimination of activated T lymphocytes resulting in down-regulation of cell-mediated immunity against cutaneous antigens. ^


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In the mammalian retina, AII amacrine cells are essential in the rod pathway for dark-adapted vision. But they also have a “day job”, to provide inhibitory inputs to certain OFF ganglion cells in photopic conditions. This is known as crossover inhibition. Physiological evidence from several different labs implies that AII amacrine cells provide direct input to certain OFF ganglion cells. However, previous EM analysis of the rabbit retina suggests that the dominant output of the AII amacrine cell in sublamina a goes to OFF cone bipolar cells (Strettoi et al., 1992). Two OFF ganglion cell types in the rabbit retina, OFF α and G9, were identified by a combination of morphological criteria such as dendritic field size, dye coupling, mosaic properties and stratification depth. The AII amacrine cells (AIIs) were labeled with an antibody against calretinin and glycine receptors were marked with an antibody against the α1 subunit. This material was analyzed by triple-label confocal microscopy. We found the lobules of AIIs made close contacts at many points along the dendrites of individual OFF α and G9 ganglion cells. At these potential synaptic sites, we also found punctate labeling for the glycine receptor α1 subunit. The presence of a post-synaptic marker such as the α1 glycine receptor at contact points between AII lobules and OFF ganglion cells supports a direct inhibitory input from AIIs. This pathway provides for crossover inhibition in the rabbit retina whereby light onset provides an inhibitory signal to OFF α and G9 ganglion cells. Thus, these two OFF ganglion cell types receive a mixed excitatory and inhibitory drive in response to light stimulation.


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Postprimary tuberculosis occurs in immunocompetent people infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is restricted to the lung and accounts for 80% of cases and nearly 100% of transmission. Little is known about the immunopathology of postprimary tuberculosis due to limited availability of specimens. Tissues from 30 autopsy cases of pulmonary tuberculosis were located. Sections of characteristic lesions of caseating granulomas, lipid pneumonia, and cavitary stages of postprimary disease were selected for immunohistochemical studies of macrophages, lymphocytes, endothelial cells, and mycobacterial antigens. A higher percentage of cells in lipid pneumonia (36.1%) and cavitary lesions (27.8%) were positive for the dendritic cell marker DEC-205, compared to granulomas (9.0%, P < .05). Cavities contained significantly more T-regulatory cells (14.8%) than found in lipid pneumonia (5.2%) or granulomas (4.8%). Distribution of the immune cell types may contribute to the inability of the immune system to eradicate tuberculosis.


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Dendritic epidermal T cells (DETC) comprise a unique population of T cells that reside in mouse epidermis and whose function remains unclear. Most DETC express a $\gamma\delta$ TCR, although some, including our DETC line, AU16, express an $\alpha\beta$ TCR. Additionally, AU16 cells express CD3, Thy-1, CD45, CD28, B7, and AsGM-1. Previous studies in our laboratory demonstrated that hapten-conjugated AU16 could induce specific immunologic tolerance in vivo and inhibit T cell proliferation in vitro. Both these activities are antigen-specific, and the induction of tolerance is non-MHC-restricted. In addition, AU16 cells are cytotoxic to a number of tumor cell lines in vitro. These studies suggested a role for these cells in immune surveillance. The purpose of my studies was to test the hypothesis that these functions of DETC (tolerance induction, inhibition of T cell proliferation, and tumor cell killing) were mediated by a cytotoxic mechanism. My specific aims were (1) to determine whether AU16 could prevent or delay tumor growth in vivo; and (2) to determine the mechanism whereby AU16 induce tolerance, using an in vitro proliferation assay. I first showed that AU16 cells killed a variety of skin tumor cell lines in vitro. I then demonstrated that they prevented melanoma growth in C3H mice when both cell types were mixed immediately prior to intradermal (i.d.) injection. Studies using the in vitro proliferation assay confirmed that DETC inhibit proliferation of T cells stimulated by hapten-bearing, antigen-presenting cells (FITC-APC). To determine which cell was the target, $\gamma$-irradiated, hapten-conjugated AU16 were added to the proliferation assay on d 4. They profoundly inhibited the proliferation of naive T cells to $\gamma$-irradiated, FITC-APC, as measured by ($\sp3$H) TdR uptake. This result strongly suggested that the T cell was the target of the AU16 activity because no APC were present by d 4 of the in vitro culture. In contrast, the addition of FITC-conjugated splenic T cells (SP-T) or lymph node T cells (LN-T) was less inhibitory. Preincubation of the T cells with FITC-AU16 cells for 24 h, followed by removal of the AU16 cells, completely inhibited the ability of the T cells to proliferate in response to FITC-APC, further supporting the conclusion that the T cell was the target of the AU16. Finally, AU16 cells were capable of killing a variety of activated T cells and T cell lines, arguing that the mechanism of proliferation inhibition, and possibly tolerance induction is one of cytotoxicity. Importantly, $\gamma\delta$ TCR$\sp+$ DETC behaved, both in vivo and in vitro like AU16, whereas other T cells did not. Therefore, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that AU16 cells are true DETC and that they induce tolerance by killing T cells that are antigen-activated in vivo. ^