21 resultados para caring.
According to the United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS, 2008), in 2007 about 67 per cent of all HIV-infected patients in the world were in Sub-Saharan Africa, with 35% of new infections and 38% of the AIDS deaths occurring in Southern Africa. Globally, the number of children younger than 15 years of age infected with HIV increased from 1.6 million in 2001 to 2.0 million in 2007 and almost 90% of these were in Sub-Saharan Africa. (UNAIDS, 2008).^ Both clinical and laboratory monitoring of children on Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy (HAART) are important and necessary to optimize outcomes. Laboratory monitoring of HIV viral load and genotype resistance testing, which are important in patient follow-up to optimize treatment success, are both generally expensive and beyond the healthcare budgets of most developing countries. This is especially true for the impoverished Sub-Saharan African nations. It is therefore important to identify those factors that are associated with virologic failure in HIV-infected Sub-Saharan African children. This will inform practitioners in these countries so that they can predict which patients are more likely to develop virologic failure and therefore target the limited laboratory monitoring budgets towards these at-risk patients. The objective of this study was to examine those factors that are associated with virologic failure in HIV-infected children taking Highly Active Anti-retroviral Therapy in Botswana, a developing Sub-Saharan African country. We examined these factors in a Case-Control study using medical records of HIV-infected children and adolescents on HAART at the Botswana-Baylor Children's Clinical Center of Excellence (BBCCCOE) in Gaborone, Botswana. Univariate and Multivariate Regression Analyses were performed to identify predictors of virologic failure in these children.^ The study population comprised of 197 cases (those with virologic failure) and 544 controls (those with virologic success) with ages ranging from 3 months to 16 years at baseline. Poor adherence (pill count <95% on at least 3 consecutive occasions) was the strongest independent predictor of virologic failure (adjusted OR = 269.97, 95% CI = 104.13 to 699.92; P < 0.001). Other independent predictors of virologic failure identified were: First Line NNRTI with Nevirapine (OR = 2.99, 95% CI = 1.19 to7.54; P = 0.020), Baseline HIV-1 Viral Load >750,000/ml (OR = 257, 95% CI = 1.47 to 8.63; P = 0.005), Positive History of PMTCT (OR = 11.65, 95% CI = 3.04-44.57; P < 0.001), Multiple Care-givers (>=3) (OR = 2.56, 95% CI = 1.06 to 6.19; P = 0.036) and Residence in a Village (OR = 2.85, 95% CI = 1.36 to 5.97; P = 0.005).^ The results of this study may help to improve virologic outcomes and reduce the costs of caring for HIV-infected children in resource-limited settings. ^ Keywords: Virologic Failure, Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy, Sub-Saharan Africa, Children, Adherence.^
The purpose of this Continuing Education Course is to provide oral health professionals with information to address the unique dental needs of medically complex children. The objective is to train dentists to treat special needs patients so these children have more access to oral healthcare. ^ Under the auspice of Dell Children Hospital of Austin, Lisa Jacob DDS MS is administering this Continuing Education Course for dentists and dental staff from the 46 counties of central Texas served by the hospital.^ Needs assessment was determined through a survey questionnaire to collect data about the number of special needs patients seen by general dentists in Central Texas.^ In recent years, an increasing number of continuing education courses have been developed to help dentists learn techniques for providing dentistry in more understanding ways to patients with special needs. Dentists and dental staff are trained to provide care specifically in dentistry, regardless of who the patient is. This means dentists can perform a clinical examination, carry out procedures to diagnose and treat oral diseases, and provide restorations such as fillings and crowns. ^ Four prominent speakers will provide an instructional tool to address the need for dentists to increase their competence and comfort level in caring for individuals with developmental disabilities. Each speaker will address one of the most frequently encountered cases of medically complex children. The four topics selected by Dr. Lisa Jacob are Cancer, Mental Disability, Downs Syndrome, and Craniofacial Syndromes.^ The public health implications of this continuing education course are presented in providing dental service to this underserved population. When general dentist turn away patients with special needs because of lack of knowledge to treat them, these patients will, more than likely, postpone or abandon needed dental visits because of difficulties reaching pediatric dentists who may not be available in certain areas.^
The purpose of this study was to determine if race/ethnicity was a significant risk factor for hospital mortality in children following congenital heart surgery in a contemporary sample of newborns with congenital heart disease. Unlike previous studies that utilized administrative databases, this study utilized clinical data collected at the point of care to examine racial/ethnic outcome differences in the context of the patients' clinical condition and their overall perioperative experience. A retrospective cohort design was used. The study sample consisted of 316 newborns (<31 days of age) who underwent congenital heart surgery between January 2007 through December 2009. A multivariate logistic regression model was used to determine the impact of race/ethnicity, insurance status, presence of a spatial anomaly, prenatal diagnosis, postoperative sepsis, cardiac arrest, respiratory failure, unplanned reoperation, and total length of stay in the intensive care unit on outcomes following congenital heart surgery in newborns. The study findings showed that the strongest predictors of hospital mortality following congenital heart surgery in this cohort were postoperative cardiac arrest, postoperative respiratory failure, having a spatial anomaly, and total ICU LOS. Race/ethnicity and insurance status were not significant risk factors. The institution where this study was conducted is designated as a center of excellence for congenital heart disease. These centers have state-of-the-art facilities, extensive experience in caring for children with congenital heart disease, and superior outcomes. This study suggests that optimal care delivery for newborns requiring congenital heart surgery at a center of excellence portends exceptional outcomes and this benefit is conferred upon the entire patient population despite the race/ethnicity of the patients. From a public health and health services view, this study also contributes to the overall body of knowledge on racial/ethnic disparities in children with congenital heart defects and puts forward the possibility of a relationship between quality of care and racial/ethnic disparities. Further study is required to examine the impact of race/ethnicity on the long-term outcomes of these children as they encounter the disparate components of the health care delivery system. There is also opportunity to study the role of race/ethnicity on the hospital morbidity in these patients considering current expectations for hospital survival are very high, and much of the current focus for quality improvement rests in minimizing the development of patient morbidities.^
Introduction: Nursing clinical credibility, a complex, abstract concept is rarely mentioned in the clinical setting, but is implicitly understood by nurses and physicians. The concept has neither been defined nor explored, despite its repeated use in literature. A review of the extant literature formed the basis for a concept analysis of nursing clinical credibility, which is currently under review for publication. ^ Methods: Using taxonomic analysis, findings of a descriptive qualitative research study in which registered nurses and physicians identified attributes of nursing clinical credibility as it applied to nurses in direct care roles in a hospital setting, formed the basis for development of taxonomies of nursing clinical credibility. A secondary review of literature was undertaken to verify congruence of the taxonomic domains with the work of previous researchers who studied credibility and source credibility. ^ Results: Three taxonomies of nursing clinical credibility emerged from the taxonomic analysis. Using an inductive approach, two separate taxonomies of nursing clinical credibility emerged; one was developed from the descriptions of nursing clinical credibility by registered nurses, and the other from physicians' descriptions of nursing clinical credibility. A third and final taxonomy reflects commonalities within both taxonomies. Three domains were consistent for both nurses and physicians: trustworthiness, expertise, and caring. The two disciplines differed in categories and emphases within the domains; however, both disciplines focused on the attributes of trustworthiness and caring, although physicians and nurses differed on components of expertise. ^ Discussion: Findings from this study of nursing clinical credibility concur with the work of previous researchers who identified trustworthiness and expertise as attributes of credibility and source credibility. Findings suggest however, that trustworthiness and expertise alone are not sufficient attributes of nursing clinical credibility. Caring emerged as an essential domain of nursing clinical credibility according to both nurses and physicians. ^ Products: Products of this research include a concept analysis, two discipline-specific taxonomies of nursing clinical credibility, a third final taxonomy, and a monograph that describes the development of the final taxonomy of nursing clinical credibility. ^
Urines from patients administered mutagenic antineoplastic drugs were significantly mutagenic in the Ames assay, and hence may pose a genotoxic hazard to hospital personnel or family members caring for the patient. The urines were tested for mutagenicity in several different strains of Salmonella typhimurium that were uvr positive or negative (TA98, TA100, TA102, UTH8413, UTH8414). The urines were fractionated by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and the fractions assayed for mutagenicity in the strains in which the whole urine was mutagenic. Only fractions of urines containing the parent compound (cisplatin, doxorubicin, or mitomycin) were mutagenic; no other fraction showed significant mutagenicity. However, urine containing cyclophosphamide had two fractions that were mutagenic. One fraction, the fraction containing cyclophosphamide, required metabolic activation for mutagenicity. The other fraction did not require activation for mutagenicity.^ The chemical and mutagenic stability of these urines at room temperature was assayed over a 14 day period. The parent compound degraded within the first seven days, but the urines remained mutagenic. Cis-platinum was chemically stable in the urine; however, the urine decreased in mutagenicity. The decrease was probably the result of stable ligands binding to the platinum.^ Inactivation methods were developed to reduce the genotoxic hazard. Urine containing cisplatin was inactivated by complexing the cisplatin with diethyldithiocarbamate (DDTC). Oxidation with NaOCl of urines containing mitomycin and doxorubicin (sodium thiosulfate must be added to the doxorubicin urine) results in mutagenic inactivation. Inactivation of urine containing cyclophosphamide requires oxidation with alkaline potassium permaganate and trapping of active degradation products with sodium thiosulfate. Urines containing these drugs can be inactivated, but not always by the same method that inactivates the drug alone in solution. Therefore, in the future development of inactivation methods, both chemical and mutagenic assays are necessary to determine effectiveness. Methods of inactivation of mutagenic excreta developed in this study are both effective and practical. ^
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus healthcare-associated infections (MRSA HAIs) are a major cause of morbidity in hospitalized patients. They pose great economic burden to hospitals caring for these patients. Intensified Interventions aim to control MRSA HAIs. Cost-effectiveness of Intensified Interventions is largely unclear. We performed a review of cost-effectiveness literature on Intensified Interventions , and provide a summary of study findings, the status of economic research in the area, and information that will help decision-makers at regional level and guide future research.^ We conducted literature search using electronic database PubMed, EBSCO, and The Cochrane Library. We limited our search to English articles published after 1999. We reviewed a total of 1,356 titles, and after applying our inclusion and exclusion criteria selected seven articles for our final review. We modified the Economic Evaluation Abstraction Form provided by CDC, and used this form to abstract data from studies.^ Of the seven selected articles two were cohort studies and the remaining five were modeling studies. They were done in various countries, in different study settings, and with different variations of the Intensified Intervention . Overall, six of the seven studies reported that Intensified Interventions were dominant or at least cost-effective in their study setting. This effect persisted on sensitivity testing.^ We identified many gaps in research in this field. The cost-effectiveness research in the field is mostly composed of modeling studies. The studies do not always clearly describe the intervention. The intervention and infection costs and the sources for these costs are not always explicit or are missing. In modeling studies, there is uncertainty associated with some key model inputs, but these inputs are not always identified. The models utilized in the modeling studies are not always tested for internal consistency or validity. Studies usually test the short term cost-effectiveness of Intensified Interventions but not the long results.^ Our study limitation was the inability to adjust for differences in study settings, intervention costs, disease costs, or effectiveness measures. Our study strength is the presentation of a focused literature review of Intensified Interventions in hospital settings. Through this study we provide information that will help decision makers at regional level, help guide future research, and might change clinical care and policies. ^