21 resultados para cancer detection


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Background. In the past two decades, the incidence of thyroid cancer in the United States (US) has been increasing. There has been debate on whether the increase is real or an artifact of improved diagnostic scrutiny. Methods. We linked SEER9 database with 2000 US Census to obtain county-level SES (Socioeconomic Status) and compared thyroid cancer incidence trends between high and low SES counties. Joinpoint analysis was used to assess the thyroid cancer incidence trends. Annual Percentage Changes (APCs) were calculated to evaluate incidence trends. Results . The thyroid cancer incidence in high SES counties increased moderately (APC1=+2.5*, *P<0.05) before late 1990s and dramatically increased (APC2=+6.3*) after late 1990s, whereas incidence in low SES counties increased moderately (APC=+3.5*) during the entire time period (1980–2008). For smaller tumors (≤4cm), the APCs in high and low SES counties are similar to each other before late 1990s, but the incidence in high SES counties increased dramatically after late 1990s while that in low SES counties continued at a moderate increase. For large tumors (>4cm), the incidence trends in high SES counties are similar to those of low SES counties, which had a steady moderate increase. Conclusion. Our findings indicate that enhanced detection likely contributed to the increased thyroid cancer incidence in the past decades but cannot fully explain the increase, suggesting that a true increase also exists. Efforts should be made on identifying the cause of this observed increased incidence as well as more refined/selected screening and prevention measures.^


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Retrospective data from the Cameron Country Hispanic Cohort (1) were analyzed to assess the burden of cancer in the Mexican American population living in Brownsville TX. Data provided by the study participants for themselves and their parents and other extended relatives on cancer and related risk factors were used to determine both the prevalence of cancer and these risk factors as well as any associations between them. Lifetime incidence of cancer among the study participants was of 2.8%. Lifetime incidence of cancer among the parents of the study population was calculated for cancer in general and for specific cancer sites to determine the ranking of occurrence of each type of cancer. Some cancer types in this population were ranked higher than what would be expected when compared with national data from Hispanics in the U.S, these were: Liver cancer (3rd vs. 7th nationally in males and 6th vs. 13th nationally in females), stomach cancer (4th vs. 8th nationally in males and 5th vs. 11th nationally in females) and ovarian cancer (3rd vs. 8th nationally in females). A significant association with cancer was found for being born in the United States compared to being born elsewhere (O.R. 1.62, 95% C.I. 1.01–2.60) among study participants and the same association was also found between birth of parents in the United States regardless of gender for cancers in general (O.R. 1.38 95% C.I. 1.12–1.70), stomach cancer (O.R. 1.92 95% C.I. 1.01–3.67) and colorectal cancer (O.R. 2.93 95% C.I. 1.28–6.72). Having been born in the United States and having a family history of cancer was also found to be significantly associated with other risk factors for cancer such as obesity, diabetes and insulin resistance, both among the parents and the participant population, suggesting these interactions are complex. These high rates of cancer and particular prominence of less usual cancer such as liver and ovary in health disparities warrant evaluation of early detection strategies.^


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Background. Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer death among females, accounting for 23% (1.38 million) of the total new cancer cases and 14% (458,400) of the total cancer deaths in 2008. [1] Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive phenotype comprising 10–20% of all breast cancers (BCs). [2-4] TNBCs show absence of estrogen, progesterone and HER2/neu receptors on the tumor cells. Because of the absence of these receptors, TNBCs are not candidates for targeted therapies. Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are observed in blood of breast cancer patients even at early stages (Stage I & II) of the disease. Immunological and molecular analysis can be used to detect the presence of tumor cells in the blood (Circulating tumor cells; CTCs) of many breast cancer patients. These cells may explain relapses in early stage breast cancer patients even after adequate local control. CTC detection may be useful in identifying patients at risk for disease progression, and therapies targeting CTCs may improve outcome in patients harboring them. Methods . In this study we evaluated 80 patients with TNBC who are enrolled in a larger prospective study conducted at M D Anderson Cancer Center in order to determine whether the presence of circulating tumor cells is a significant prognostic factor in relapse free and overall survival . Patients with metastatic disease at the time of presentation were excluded from the study. CTCs were assessed using CellSearch System™ (Veridex, Raritan, NJ). CTCs were defined as nucleated cells lacking the presence of CD45 but expressing cytokeratins 8, 18 or 19. The distribution of patient and tumor characteristics was analyzed using chi square test and Fisher's exact test. Log rank test and Cox regression analysis was applied to establish the association of circulating tumor cells with relapse free and overall survival. Results. The median age of the study participants was 53years. The median duration of follow-up was 40 months. Eighty-eight percent (88%) of patients were newly diagnosed (without a previous history of breast cancer), and (60%) of patients were chemo naïve (had not received chemotherapy at the time of their blood draw for CTC analysis). Tumor characteristics such as stage (P=0.40), tumor size (P=69), sentinel nodal involvement (P=0.87), axillary lymph node involvement (P=0.13), adjuvant therapy (P=0.83), and high histological grade of tumor (P=0.26) did not predict the presence of CTCs. However, CTCs predicted worse relapse free survival (1 or more CTCs log rank P value = 0.04, at 2 or more CTCs P = 0.02 and at 3 or more CTCs P < 0.0001) and overall survival (at 1 or more CTCs log rank P value = 0.08, at 2 or more CTCs P = 0.01 and at 3 or more CTCs P = 0.0001. Conclusions. The number of circulating tumor cells predicted worse relapse free survival and overall survival in TNBC patients.^


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Early detection by screening is the key to colorectal cancer control. However, colorectal cancer screening and its determinants in rural areas have not been adequately studied. This goal of this study was to investigate the screening participation and determinants of colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, and/or fecal occult blood test (FOBT) in subjects of Project Frontier from the rural counties of Cochran, Bailey and Parmer, Texas. Subjects ( n=820 with 435 Hispanics, 355 Non-Hispanic Whites, 26 African Americans, and 4 unknown ethnicity; 255 males, 565 females, aged from 40 to 92 years) were from Project FRONTIER. Stepwise logistic regression analysis was performed. Explanatory variables included ethnicity (Hispanic, Non-Hispanic white and African American), gender, health insurance, smoking status, household income, education (years), physical activity, overweight, other health screenings, personal physicians, family history (first-degree relatives) of cancers, and preferred language (English vs. Spanish) for interview/testing. The screening percentage for ever having had a colonoscopy/sigmoidoscopy (51.8%) in this cohort aged 50 years or older is well below the percentage of the nation (65.2%) and Texas (64.6%) while the percentage for FOBT (29.2%) is higher than in the nation (17.2%) and Texas (14.9%). However, Hispanics had significantly lower participation than non-Hispanic whites for colonoscopy/sigmoidoscopy (37.0% vs. 66.0%) and FOBT (16.5% vs. 41.7%), respectively. Stepwise logistic regression showed that predictors for colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy or FOBT included Hispanic race (p = 0.0045), age (p < 0.0001), other screening procedure (p < 0.0001), insurance status (p < 0.0001) and physician status (p = 0.0053). Screening percentage for colonoscopy/sigmoidoscopy in this rural cohort is well below the national and Texas level mainly due to the lower participation of Hispanics vs. Non-Hispanic whites. Health insurance, having had a personal physician, having had screenings for other cancers, race, and older age are among the main predictors.^


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Cervical cancer is the leading cause of death and disease from malignant neoplasms among women in developing countries. Even though the Pap smear has significantly decreased the number of deaths from cervical cancer in the past years, it has its limitations. Researchers have developed an automated screening machine which can potentially detect abnormal cases that are overlooked by conventional screening. The goal of quantitative cytology is to classify the patient's tissue sample based on quantitative measurements of the individual cells. It is also much cheaper and potentially can take less time. One of the major challenges of collecting cells with a cytobrush is the possibility of not sampling any existing dysplastic cells on the cervix. Being able to correctly classify patients who have disease without the presence of dysplastic cells could improve the accuracy of quantitative cytology algorithms. Subtle morphologic changes in normal-appearing tissues adjacent to or distant from malignant tumors have been shown to exist, but a comparison of various statistical methods, including many recent advances in the statistical learning field, has not previously been done. The objective of this thesis is to use different classification methods applied to quantitative cytology data for the detection of malignancy associated changes (MACs). In this thesis, Elastic Net is the best algorithm. When we applied the Elastic Net algorithm to the test set, we combined the training set and validation set as "training" set and used 5-fold cross validation to choose the parameter for Elastic Net. It has a sensitivity of 47% at 80% specificity, an AUC 0.52, and a partial AUC 0.10 (95% CI 0.09-0.11).^


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Of the large clinical trials evaluating screening mammography efficacy, none included women ages 75 and older. Recommendations on an upper age limit at which to discontinue screening are based on indirect evidence and are not consistent. Screening mammography is evaluated using observational data from the SEER-Medicare linked database. Measuring the benefit of screening mammography is difficult due to the impact of lead-time bias, length bias and over-detection. The underlying conceptual model divides the disease into two stages: pre-clinical (T0) and symptomatic (T1) breast cancer. Treating the time in these phases as a pair of dependent bivariate observations, (t0,t1), estimates are derived to describe the distribution of this random vector. To quantify the effect of screening mammography, statistical inference is made about the mammography parameters that correspond to the marginal distribution of the symptomatic phase duration (T1). This shows the hazard ratio of death from breast cancer comparing women with screen-detected tumors to those detected at their symptom onset is 0.36 (0.30, 0.42), indicating a benefit among the screen-detected cases. ^