32 resultados para Universal health coverage


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Objectives. The purpose of this thesis is to understand the underlying socioeconomic characteristics affecting dental insurance coverage, yearly dental visits, and factors related to visiting a dentist in Mexico among border region residents. Methods. Using data from the Border Epidemiological Study of Aging, dental utilization in the previous 12 months, dental visits to Mexico, and dental insurance (proxy) were calculated utilizing logistic regression. Three different models were utilized for the dependent variables adjusting for diverse socioeconomic characteristics such as gender, age, marital status, income, education, years of residence in the United States (for immigrants), English proficiency, general health status, employment and dental insurance. Results. After adjustment, diverse variables were significant for the three different models calculated. Conclusion. Although the Mexican health market constitutes a viable option for dental services for border residents, dental insurance and dental yearly visits were lower in this region when compared to national averages. ^


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Many patients with anxiety and depression initially seek treatment from their primary care physicians. Changes in insurance coverage and current mental parity laws, make reimbursement for services a problem. This has led to a coding dilemma for physicians seeking payment for their services. This study seeks to determine first the frequency at which primary care physicians use alternative coding, and secondly, if physicians would change their coding practices, provided reimbursement was assured through changes in mental parity laws. A mail survey was sent to 260 randomly selected primary care physicians, who are family practice, internal medicine, and general practice physicians, and members of the Harris County Medical Society. The survey evaluated the physicians' demographics, the number of patients with psychiatric disorders seen by primary care physicians, the frequency with which physicians used alternative coding, and if mental parity laws changed, the rate at which physicians would use a psychiatric illness diagnosis as the primary diagnostic code. The overall response rate was 23%. Only 47 of the 59 physicians, who responded, qualified for the study and of those 45% used a psychiatric disorder to diagnose patients with a primary psychiatric disorder, 47% used a somatic/symptom disorder, and 8% used a medical diagnosis. From the physicians who would not use a psychiatric diagnosis as a primary ICD-9 code, 88% were afraid of not being reimbursed and 12% were worried about stigma or jeopardizing insurability. If payment were assured using a psychiatric diagnostic code, 81% physicians would use a psychiatric diagnosis as the primary diagnostic code. However, 19% would use an alternative diagnostic code in fear of stigmatizing and/or jeopardizing patients' insurability. Although the sample size of the study design was adequate, our survey did not have an ideal response rate, and no significant correlation was observed. However, it is evident that reimbursement for mental illness continues to be a problem for primary care physicians. The reformation of mental parity laws is necessary to ensure that patients receive mental health services and that primary care physicians are reimbursed. Despite the possibility of improved mental parity legislation, some physicians are still hesitant to assign patients with a mental illness diagnosis, due to the associated stigma, which still plays a role in today's society. ^


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In 1979, China implemented the one child policy to stifle the burden of the massive demographic growth cast on the future economic development and quality of living conditions. At the time, a quarter of the world's population resided in China and occupied only 7 percent of the world's arable land (The World Factbook, 2006). The government set the target total population to about 1.4 billion for the year 2010 and to significantly reduce the natural increase rate. First this overview paper will describe population demographics and economy of China's society. This paper will also investigate what the one child policy entails and how it is implemented. Furthermore, the consequences of the policy in regard to population growth, sex ratio, marital discrepancies, adverse health of mother and child, aging population, and pension coverage will be examined. Finally, future recommendations and an alternative policy will be postulated to increase the effectiveness of the policy and improve its effects on health. ^


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Objective. To identify how an individual's finances and health insurance coverage affects their decision whether to avoid or delay medical care. Methods. Secondary data analysis of The Effects of Financial and Insurance Considerations on Health Care Utilization 2007 telephone survey data. Study inclusion criteria. 18 years old, Harris County resident, and had a need for medical care within the past year. Post weighing was done to correct for non-response bias. Results. Survey decision makers were predominately minorities (60%), Female (70%), and insured (71%). Ninety-two percent of participants sought care when needed, however, of this population 39% delayed medical care. Fifty-six percent of participants who delayed medical care sought care in the Doctor's office. For those who replied "Yes" to considering health insurance and finances in deciding to avoid medical care, 61% stated that they were confused about their insurance coverage as the explanation why. Fifty-five percent of Respondents indicated that delaying medical care was due to not knowing whether medical care was necessary. Conclusion. Additional research needs to be conducted to examine the relationship between onset of medical symptoms and final medical diagnosis to identify whether survey participants who delayed or avoided medical care actions were appropriate responses to their initial medical symptoms and final diagnosis. ^


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Objectives. The objective of this study is to compare the socio-demographic, behavioral, and access to care characteristics of smokers who have quit smoking for one or more years and current smokers who have made an attempt to quit smoking within the last year. ^ Methods. Data from the 2005 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) were used to compare current smokers who have tried to quit (n=2747) and former smokers who have quit for one or more years (n=6194). The data was analyzed using STATA 9.0 to perform statistical calculations. ^ Results. Age, education, race and income were associated with smoking status. Respondents aged 65 and older were 36 times more likely to have quit smoking. Education and income had higher odds ratios among quitters (OR=1.27 and OR=1.21) and Non-Hispanic Whites were the most likely to have quit smoking compared to Hispanics and Blacks. Adults with health insurance coverage were 3.44 times more likely to have quit smoking. ^ Discussion. Existing research suggests that individual factors relating to demographics behavior and access to care can impact a smoker's ability to quit smoking. This paper discusses the factors that affect cessation and which populations would benefit from additional research and targeted smoking cessation programs. ^


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Objective. In June 2006, the first vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV) was approved by the FDA and shortly after approval, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to recommend the HPV vaccine for young girls. As a result of ACIP recommendations, state legislators introduced bills to mandate the vaccine. Policies related to public health issues, such as vaccination mandates, are often influenced by news coverage of these issues. News media, particularly in times of controversies, reinforce specific messages and plays an essential role in framing issues for the public. The objective of this study is to examine the quality, content, and scope of policies for the HPV vaccine before and after Texas Governor Rick Perry issued an executive order mandating the vaccine for middle school girls.^ Methods. The Lexis-Nexis database was used to identify 335 articles on HPV vaccination mandate policies that were published in U.S. newspapers from February 1, 2006 to February 2, 2008. The coding instrument captured information about article type, main news story concern, general information about HPV, HPV vaccine mandate policies, arguments for and against HPV vaccination mandates, arguments for and against the HPV vaccine, and sources of information.^ Results. Most news articles (82.4%) occurred after Governor Rick Perry issued an executive order mandating the HPV vaccine. Most articles mentioned that HPV is sexually transmitted (90.7%) and linked HPV infection to cervical cancer (96.1%). Only 63.9% of the articles reported that the HPV vaccine protects against types of HPV that cause cervical cancer and 18.8% of the articles reported that the vaccine protects against genital warts. Only 18.2% of the news articles presented a balanced argument regarding mandatory HPV vaccinations, and only 39.4% of the news articles presented a balanced argument for the HPV vaccine.^ Conclusions. Our study revealed that news coverage regarding mandating the HPV vaccine and issues related to the vaccine itself is biased, unbalanced, and incomplete. Since the public pays a great deal of attention to health in the media, it is essential that news stories are balanced, complete, and accurate. In order to ensure that future vaccination mandates are not covered in the same way the HPV vaccination was, public health officials, health care providers and scientists should work effectively with the media to ensure that balanced information is provided.^


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Lack of access to oral health care frequently affects those of lower socio-economic level; individuals in this group experience more dental decay, and the caries experience is more likely to be untreated. Inadequate dental care access may be attributed to exclusion that is due to income, geography, age, race or ethnicity. Objective: The present study aims were to: (1) determine how oral disease prevalence and access to dental services in four US-Mexico Border unincorporated low socioeconomic settlements identified as colonias compare to each other and Laredo, Texas, and (2) determine if insurance status affects dental care access and/or disease prevalence. Methods: A secondary analysis of data from a retrospective chart review of 672 patients attending a Mobile Dental Van Program in the Webb County colonias. Demographic information, (ethnicity, age, gender, insurance coverage and colonia site), dental visits within past year, insurance status, presence of dental sealants, prevalence of untreated dental decay (caries), and presence of gum disease (gingivitis and periodontitis) were extracted. Pearson's chi-square tests (χ2) were computed to compare the prevalence of these outcomes between colonias and Laredo and their potential association with insurance status. Results: For 6 - 11 year olds, dental visits in the past year were lower for colonias (39%), than Laredo (58.5%) (p<0.002). Caries prevalence was higher for colonias (56.6%), than Laredo (37.1%) (p<0.001). Gum disease prevalence was higher in colonias (73%), than in Laredo (21.4%) (p<0.001). No significant differences were noted for caries (χ2=1.73; p<0.188) and gum disease (χ2=0.0098; p<0.921) by patient's insurance status. For adults 36 - 64 years of age, dental visits in the past year were lower in colonias (22.4%), than Laredo (36.3%) (p<0.001). Caries prevalence was higher for colonias (78.3%), than Laredo (54.0%) (p<0.001). Gum disease prevalence was also higher among colonias (91.3%) than Laredo (61.3%) (p<0.001). No significant differences were noted for caries (χ2=0.0010; p<0.975) and gum disease (χ2=0.0607; p<0.805) by patient's insurance status. Conclusion: Colonia residents seeking dental care at a Mobile Dental Van Program in Webb County have significantly higher prevalence of oral disease regardless of insurance status.^


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Background. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Cancer Society (ACS), and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) all recommend the HPV vaccine for girls 11-12. The vaccine has the potential to reduce cervical cancer disparities if it is used by populations that do not participate in screening. Evidence suggests that incidence and mortality are higher among Hispanic women compared to non-Hispanic white women because they do not participate in screening. Past literature has found that acculturation has a mixed effect on cervical cancer screening and immunization. Little is known about whether parental acculturation is associated with adolescent HPV vaccine uptake among Hispanics and the mechanisms through which acculturation may affect vaccine uptake.^ Aims. To examine the association between parental acculturation and adolescent HPV uptake among Hispanics in California and test the structural hypothesis of acculturation by determining if socioeconomic status (SES) and health care access mediate the association between acculturation and HPV vaccine uptake.^ Methods. Cross-sectional data from the 2007 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) were used for bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses. The sample used for analysis included 1,090 Hispanic parents, with a daughter age 11-17, who answered questions about the HPV vaccine. Outcome variable of interest was HPV vaccine uptake (≥1dose). Independent variables of interest were language spoken at home (a proxy variable for acculturation), household income (percent of federal poverty level), education level, and health care access (combined measure of health insurance coverage and usual source of care).^ Results. Parents who spoke only English or English and Spanish in the home were more likely to get the HPV vaccine for their daughter than parents who only spoke Spanish (Odds Ratio [OR]: 0.55, 95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 0.31-0.98). When SES and health care access variables were added to the logistic regression model, the association between language acculturation and HPV vaccine uptake became non-significant (OR: 0.68, 95% CI: 0.35-1.29). Both income and health care access were associated with uptake. Parents with lower income or who did not have insurance and a usual source of care were less likely to have a vaccinated daughter.^ Discussion. Socioeconomic status and health care access have a more proximal effect on HPV vaccine uptake than parental language acculturation among Hispanics in California.^ Conclusion. This study found support for the structural hypothesis of acculturation and suggest that interventions focus on informing low SES parents who lack access to health care about programs that provide free HPV vaccines.^


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Health departments, research institutions, policy-makers, and healthcare providers are often interested in knowing the health status of their clients/constituents. Without the resources, financially or administratively, to go out into the community and conduct health assessments directly, these entities frequently rely on data from population-based surveys to supply the information they need. Unfortunately, these surveys are ill-equipped for the job due to sample size and privacy concerns. Small area estimation (SAE) techniques have excellent potential in such circumstances, but have been underutilized in public health due to lack of awareness and confidence in applying its methods. The goal of this research is to make model-based SAE accessible to a broad readership using clear, example-based learning. Specifically, we applied the principles of multilevel, unit-level SAE to describe the geographic distribution of HPV vaccine coverage among females aged 11-26 in Texas.^ Multilevel (3 level: individual, county, public health region) random-intercept logit models of HPV vaccination (receipt of ≥ 1 dose Gardasil® ) were fit to data from the 2008 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (outcome and level 1 covariates) and a number of secondary sources (group-level covariates). Sampling weights were scaled (level 1) or constructed (levels 2 & 3), and incorporated at every level. Using the regression coefficients (and standard errors) from the final models, I simulated 10,000 datasets for each regression coefficient from the normal distribution and applied them to the logit model to estimate HPV vaccine coverage in each county and respective demographic subgroup. For simplicity, I only provide coverage estimates (and 95% confidence intervals) for counties.^ County-level coverage among females aged 11-17 varied from 6.8-29.0%. For females aged 18-26, coverage varied from 1.9%-23.8%. Aggregated to the state level, these values translate to indirect state estimates of 15.5% and 11.4%, respectively; both of which fall within the confidence intervals for the direct estimates of HPV vaccine coverage in Texas (Females 11-17: 17.7%, 95% CI: 13.6, 21.9; Females 18-26: 12.0%, 95% CI: 6.2, 17.7).^ Small area estimation has great potential for informing policy, program development and evaluation, and the provision of health services. Harnessing the flexibility of multilevel, unit-level SAE to estimate HPV vaccine coverage among females aged 11-26 in Texas counties, I have provided (1) practical guidance on how to conceptualize and conduct modelbased SAE, (2) a robust framework that can be applied to other health outcomes or geographic levels of aggregation, and (3) HPV vaccine coverage data that may inform the development of health education programs, the provision of health services, the planning of additional research studies, and the creation of local health policies.^


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This study examines the individual and health care system determinants of two types of preventive health care practice behaviors, having a routine physical exam or a preventive dental exam, in the past year among Chicanos in the Southwestern United States. The study utilizes the Health System Model, developed by Aday and Andersen in 1974, to analyze the relative effect of education, income and occupation on the use of discretionary health care, controlling for other individual and health care system determinants.^ The study is based on a sample of 4,111 Mexican origin adults, drawn from the Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (HHANES). This sample is representative of Mexican American residing in the Southwestern United States.^ The study tests the hypothesis that education is the most important social class predictor of preventive health care practice behavior. The fully elaborated model tests the hypothesis that individual determinants alone are insufficient to explain the use of preventive health care services among Chicanos.^ The study found that education and income are statistically significant social class indicators only as it relates to having a preventive dental exam. Education is not the most important social class predictor of either preventive health care practice behavior. Health care system determinants are key predictors of both behaviors. Need, as measured by self-perceived health status of teeth and gender, is as important a determinant as having dental insurance coverage as it relates to having a preventive dental exam. Implications for health programs to effectively reach Chicano target groups and remove access barriers to their use of discretionary health care services are discussed. ^


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Health care workers have been known to carry into the workplace a variety of judgmental and negative attitudes towards their patients. In no other area of patient care has this issue been more pronounced as in the management of patients with AIDS. Health care workers have refused to treat or manage patients with AIDS and have often treated them more harshly than identically described leukemia patients. Some health care institutions have simply refused to admit patients with AIDS and even recent applicants to medical colleges and schools of nursing have indicated a preference for schools in areas with low prevalence of HIV disease. Since the attitudes of health care workers do have significant consequences on patient management, this study was carried out to determine the differences in clinical practice in Nigeria and the United States of America as it relates to knowledge of a patient's HIV status, determine HIV prevalence and culture in each of the study sites and how they impact on infection control practices, determine the relationship between infection control practices and fear of AIDS, and also determine the predictors of safe infection control practices in each of the study sites.^ The study utilized the 38-item fear of AIDS scale and the measure of infection control questionnaire for its data. Questionnaires were administered to health care workers at the university teaching hospital sites of Houston, Texas and Calabar in Nigeria. Data was analyzed using a chi-square test, and where appropriate, a student t-tests to establish the demographic variables for each country. Factor analysis was done using principal components analysis followed by varimax rotation to simple structure. The subscale scores for each study site were compared using t-tests (separate variance estimates) and utilizing Bonferroni adjustments for number of tests. Finally, correlations were carried out between infection control procedures and fear of AIDS in each study site using Pearson-product moment correlation coefficients.^ The study revealed that there were five dimensions of the fear of AIDS in health care workers, namely fear of loss of control, fear of sex, fear of HIV infection through blood and illness, fear of death and medical interventions and fear of contact with out-groups. Fear of loss of control was the primary area of concern in the Nigerian health care workers whereas fear of HIV infection through blood and illness was the most important area of AIDS related feats in United States health care workers. The study also revealed that infection control precautions and practices in Nigeria were based more on normative and social pressures whereas it was based on knowledge of disease transmission, supervision and employee discipline in the United States, and thus stresses the need for focused educational programs in health care settings that emphasize universal precautions at all times and that are sensitive to the cultural nuances of that particular environment. ^


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This study examines Hispanic levels of incorporation and access to health care. Applying the Aday and Andersen framework for the study of access, the study examined the relationship between two levels of Hispanic incorporation into U.S. society, i.e., mainstream versus ethnic, and potential and realized measures of access to health care. Data for the study were drawn from a 1992 telephone survey of 600 randomly selected Hispanics in Houston and Harris County.^ The hypotheses tested were: (1) Hispanics who are incorporated into mainstream society are more likely to have better potential and realized access to health care than those who are incorporated into ethnic-group enclaves regardless of their socioeconomic status (SES), health status and health needs, and (2) there is no interaction between the levels of incorporation (mainstream or ethnic) and SES, health status, and health needs in predicting potential and realized access.^ The data analysis supported Hypothesis One for the two measures of potential access. The results of bivariate and multiple logistic regression analyses indicated that for Hispanics in Houston and Harris County, being in the "mainstream" incorporation category increased their potential access to care, having "health insurance" and a "regular place of care". For the selected measure of realized access, having a "regular check-up", the analysis did not demonstrate statistically significant differences in having a regular check-up among Hispanics incorporated in the ethnic or mainstream incorporation categories.^ Hypothesis Two, that there is no interaction between the levels of incorporation and socioeconomic characteristics, health status, and health needs in predicting potential and realized access among Hispanics was supported by the data. The results of the logistic regression analysis showed that, after adjusting for socioeconomic status, health status, and health needs, the association between "level of incorporation" and the two measures of potential access ("health insurance" and having a "usual place of care") was not modified by the control variables nor by their interaction with level of incorporation. That is, the effect of incorporation on Hispanics' health insurance coverage, and having a usual place of care, was homogenous across Hispanics with different SES and health status.^ The main research implication of this dissertation is the employment of a theoretical framework for the assessment of cultural factors essential to research on migrating heterogeneous subpopulations. It also provided strategies to solve practical and methodological difficulties in the secondary analyses of data on these populations. ^


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The purpose of this 1982 national survey of all operational prepaid health plans, or PHPs (including health maintenance organizations), was to provide information on the current coverage of PHP mental health and substance abuse services, benefits and service provision, general and mental health organization characteristics, mental health service costs, and physical and mental health service utilization.^ Two survey instruments were designed, pretested and distributed to all operational PHPs throughout the United States. A total of 237 PHPs were surveyed, of which 205 (86.50 percent) completed and returned both questionnaires.^ One result of the rapid growth in the PHP field over the past ten years has been the expansion in both the number of PHPs as well as the organizational characteristics of these PHPs. However, little attention in the research literature has been given to the application of empirical results to the PHP arrangements. This project has attempted to contribute to current knowledge regarding prepaid mental health services from a national perspective, and explore, on a preliminary descriptive basis, the variety of potential service delivery arrangements for physical and mental health services (total services) and for mental health services.^ The study emphasized that PHPs must continue to monitor the costs and utilization of mental health services, particularly in light of the apparent elimination of data collection and statistical summary responsibilities within the federal government regarding PHP activities as well as the proposed legislation to eliminate mandated mental health and substance abuse services from basic health plan benefits for federally qualified PHPs. ^


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Background. Hepatitis B virus infection is one of major causes of acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, and primary hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatitis B and its long term consequences are major health problems in the United States. Hepatitis B virus can be vertically transmitted from mother to infant during birth. Hepatitis B vaccination at birth is the most effective measure to prevent the newborn from HBV infection and its consequences, and is part of any robust perinatal hepatitis B prevention program following ACIP recommendations. Universal vaccination of the new born will prevent HBV infection during early childhood and, assuming that children receive the three dosages of the vaccine, it will also prevent adolescent and adult infections. Hepatitis B vaccination is now recommended as part of a comprehensive strategy to eliminate HBV transmission in the United States. ^ Objective. (1)To assess if the hepatitis B vaccination rates of newborn babies have improved after the 2005 ACIP recommendations. (2) To identify factors that affects the implementation of ACIP recommendation for hepatitis B vaccination in newborn babies. These factors will encourage ongoing improvement by identifying successful efforts and pinpointing areas that fall short and need attention. Additional focus areas may be identified to accelerate progress in eliminating perinatal HBV transmission.^ Methods. This review includes information from all pertinent articles, reviews, National immunization survey (NIS) surveys, reports, peer reviewed literature and web sources that were published after 1991.The key words to be used for selecting the articles are: "Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention program", "Universal Hepatitis B vaccination of newborn babies", "ACIP Recommendations." The data gathered will be supplemented with an analysis of vaccination rates using the National Immunization Survey (NIS) birth dose coverage data.^ Results. The data collected in the NIS of 2009 reveals that the national coverage for birth dose of HepB increased to 60.8% from 50.1% in 2006. The largest increase observed for the birth dose in the past 5 years is from 2008 which increased from 55.3 % to 60.8% in 2009. By state, coverage ranged from 22.8% in Vermont to 80.7% in Michigan. %. Overall, in 2009 the estimated vaccination rates are in higher ranges for most states compared to the estimated vaccination rates in 2006. States vary widely in hepatitis B vaccination rates and in their compliance with the 2005 ACIP recommendation. There are many factors at various stages that might affect the successful implementation of the new ACIP recommendation as revealed in literature review. ^ Conclusions. HBV perinatal transmission can be eliminated, but it requires identifying the gaps and measures taken to increase the current vaccination coverage, ensuring timely administration of post exposure immunoprophylaxis and continued evaluations of the impact of immunization recommendations.^


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Viral hepatitis is a significant public health problem worldwide and is due to viral infections that are classified as Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. Hepatitis B is one of the five known hepatic viruses. A safe and effective vaccine for Hepatitis B was first developed in 1981, and became adopted into national immunization programs targeting infants since 1990 and adolescents since 1995. In the U.S., this vaccination schedule has led to an 82% reduction in incidence from 8.5 cases per 100,000 in 1990 to 1.5 cases per 100,000 in 2007. Although there has been a decline in infection among adolescents, there is still a large burden of hepatitis B infection among adults and minorities. There is very little research in regards to vaccination gaps among adults. Using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) question "{Have you/Has SP (Study Participant)} ever received the 3-dose series of the hepatitis B vaccine?" the existence of racial/ethnic gaps using a cross-sectional study design was explored. In this study, other variables such as age, gender, socioeconomic variables (federal poverty line, educational attainment), and behavioral factors (sexual practices, self-report of men having sex with men, and intravenous drug use) were examined. We found that the current vaccination programs and policies for Hepatitis B had eliminated racial and ethnic disparities in Hepatitis B vaccination, but that a low coverage exists particularly for adults who engage in high risk behaviors. This study found a statistically significant 10% gap in Hepatitis B vaccination between those who have and those who do not have access to health insurance.^