50 resultados para Tumor Cells, Cultured


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Chemotherapy is a common and effective method to treat many forms of cancer. However, treatment of cancer with chemotherapy has severe side effects which often limit the doses of therapy administered. Because some cancer chemotherapeutics target proliferating cells and tissues, all dividing cells, whether normal or tumor, are affected. Cell culture studies have demonstrated that UCN-01 is able to reversibly and selectively arrest normal dividing cells; tumor cells lines do not undergo this temporary arrest. Following UCN-01 treatment, normal cells displayed a 50-fold increase in IC50 for camptothecin; tumor cells showed no such increased tolerance. We have examined the response of the proliferating tissues of the mouse to UCN- 01 treatment, using the small bowel epithelium as a model system. Our results indicate that UCN-01 treatment can cause a cell cycle arrest in the gut epithelium, beginning 24 hours following UCN-01 administration, with cell proliferation remaining suppressed for one week. Two weeks post-UCN-01 treatment the rate of proliferation returns to normal levels. 5-FU administered during this period demonstrates that UCN-01 is able to provide protection to normal cells of the mouse within a narrow window of efficacy, from three to five days post-UCN-01. UCN-01 pretreated mice displayed improved survival, weight status and blood markers following 5-FU compared to control mice, indicating that UCN-01 can protect normal dividing tissues. The mechanism by which UCN-01 arrests normal cells in vivo was also examined. We have demonstrated that UCN-01 treatment in mice causes an increase in the G1 phase cell cycle proteins cdk4 and cyclin D, as well as the inhibitor p27. Phosphorylated Rb was also elevated in the arrested cells. These results are a departure from cell culture studies, in which inhibition of G1 phase cyclin dependent kinases led to hyposphosphorylation of Rb. Future investigation will be required to understand the mechanism of UCN-01 action. This is important information, especially for identification of alternate compounds which could provide the protection afforded by UCN-01.


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The neuronal repressor REST (RE1-silencing transcription factor; also called NRSF) is expressed at high levels in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells, but its role in these cells is unclear. Here we show that REST maintains self-renewal and pluripotency in mouse ES cells through suppression of the microRNA miR-21. We found that, as with known self-renewal markers, the level of REST expression is much higher in self-renewing mouse ES cells than in differentiating mouse ES (embryoid body, EB) cells. Heterozygous deletion of Rest (Rest+/-) and its short-interfering-RNA-mediated knockdown in mouse ES cells cause a loss of self-renewal-even when these cells are grown under self-renewal conditions-and lead to the expression of markers specific for multiple lineages. Conversely, exogenously added REST maintains self-renewal in mouse EB cells. Furthermore, Rest+/- mouse ES cells cultured under self-renewal conditions express substantially reduced levels of several self-renewal regulators, including Oct4 (also called Pou5f1), Nanog, Sox2 and c-Myc, and exogenously added REST in mouse EB cells maintains the self-renewal phenotypes and expression of these self-renewal regulators. We also show that in mouse ES cells, REST is bound to the gene chromatin of a set of miRNAs that potentially target self-renewal genes. Whereas mouse ES cells and mouse EB cells containing exogenously added REST express lower levels of these miRNAs, EB cells, Rest+/- ES cells and ES cells treated with short interfering RNA targeting Rest express higher levels of these miRNAs. At least one of these REST-regulated miRNAs, miR-21, specifically suppresses the self-renewal of mouse ES cells, corresponding to the decreased expression of Oct4, Nanog, Sox2 and c-Myc. Thus, REST is a newly discovered element of the interconnected regulatory network that maintains the self-renewal and pluripotency of mouse ES cells.


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Inflammation is a key process in cardiovascular diseases. The extracellular matrix (ECM) of the vasculature is a major target of inflammatory cytokines, and TNFalpha regulates ECM metabolism by affecting collagen production. In this study, we have examined the pathways mediating TNFalpha-induced suppression of prolyl-4 hydroxylase alpha1 (P4Halpha1), the rate-limiting isoform of P4H responsible for procollagen hydroxylation, maturation, and organization. Using human aortic smooth muscle cells, we found that TNFalpha activated the MKK4-JNK1 pathway, which induced histone (H) 4 lysine 12 acetylation within the TNFalpha response element in the P4Halpha1 promoter. The acetylated-H4 then recruited a transcription factor, NonO, which, in turn, recruited HDACs and induced H3 lysine 9 deacetylation, thereby inhibiting transcription of the P4Halpha1 promoter. Furthermore, we found that TNFalpha oxidized DJ-1, which may be essential for the NonO-P4Halpha1 interaction because treatment with gene specific siRNA to knockout DJ-1 eliminated the TNFalpha-induced NonO-P4Halpha1 interaction and its suppression. Our findings may be relevant to aortic aneurysm and dissection and the stability of the fibrous cap of atherosclerotic plaque in which collagen metabolism is important in arterial remodeling. Defining this cytokine-mediated regulatory pathway may provide novel molecular targets for therapeutic intervention in preventing plaque rupture and acute coronary occlusion.


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Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) cleaves collagen, allowing leukocytes to traffic toward the vasculature and the lymphatics. When MMP-9 is unregulated by tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1), this can lead to tissue destruction. Dendritic cells (DCs) infiltrate the oral mucosa increasingly in chronic periodontitis, characterized by infection with several pathogens including Porphyromonas gingivalis. In this study, human monocyte-derived DCs were pulsed with different doses of lipopolysaccharide of P. gingivalis 381 and of Escherichia coli type strain 25922, as well as whole live isogenic fimbriae-deficient mutant strains of P. gingivalis 381. Levels of induction of MMP-9 and TIMP-1, as well as interleukin-10 (IL-10), which reportedly inhibits MMP-9 induction, were measured by several approaches. Our results reveal that lipopolysaccharide of P. gingivalis, compared with lipopolysaccharide from E. coli type strain 25922, is a relatively potent inducer of MMP-9, but a weak inducer of TIMP-1, contributing to a high MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio.Whole live P. gingivalis strain 381, major fimbriae mutant DPG-3 and double mutant MFB were potent inducers of MMP-9, but minor fimbriae mutant MFI was not. MMP-9 induction was inversely proportional to IL-10 induction. These results suggest that lipopolysaccharide and the minor and the major fimbriae of P. gingivalis may play distinct roles in induction by DCs of MMP-9, a potent mediator of local tissue destruction and leukocyte trafficking.


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Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) participates in diverse fibrotic processes including glomerulosclerosis. The adenylyl cyclase agonist forskolin inhibits CTGF expression in mesangial cells by unclear mechanisms. We recently reported that the histone H3K79 methyltransferase disruptor of telomeric silencing-1 (Dot1) suppresses CTGF gene expression in collecting duct cells (J Clin Invest 117: 773-783, 2007) and HEK 293 cells (J Biol Chem In press). In the present study, we characterized the involvement of Dot1 in mediating the inhibitory effect of forskolin on CTGF transcription in mouse mesangial cells. Overexpression of Dot1 or treatment with forskolin dramatically suppressed basal CTGF mRNA levels and CTGF promoter-luciferase activity, while hypermethylating H3K79 in chromatin associated with the CTGF promoter. siRNA knockdown of Dot1 abrogated the inhibitory effect of forskolin on CTGF mRNA expression. Analysis of the Dot1 promoter sequence identified a CREB response element (CRE) at -384/-380. Overexpression of CREB enhanced forskolin-stimulated Dot1 promoter activity. A constitutively active CREB mutant (CREB-VP16) strongly induced Dot1 promoter-luciferase activity, whereas overexpression of CREBdLZ-VP16, which lacks the CREB DNA-binding domain, abolished this activation. Mutation of the -384/-380 CRE resulted in 70% lower levels of Dot1 promoter activity. ChIP assays confirmed CREB binding to the Dot1 promoter in chromatin. We conclude that forskolin stimulates CREB-mediated trans-activation of the Dot1 gene, which leads to hypermethylation of histone H3K79 at the CTGF promoter, and inhibition of CTGF transcription. These data are the first to describe regulation of the Dot1 gene, and disclose a complex network of genetic and epigenetic controls on CTGF transcription.


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Mast cell degranulation is a highly regulated, calcium-dependent process, which is important for the acute release of inflammatory mediators during the course of many pathological conditions. We previously found that Synaptotagmin-2, a calcium sensor in neuronal exocytosis, was expressed in a mast cell line. We postulated that this protein may be involved in the control of mast cell-regulated exocytosis, and we generated Synaptotagmin-2 knock-out mice to test our hypothesis. Mast cells from this mutant animal conferred an abnormally decreased passive cutaneous anaphylaxis reaction on mast cell-deficient mice that correlated with a specific defect in mast cell-regulated exocytosis, leaving constitutive exocytosis and nonexocytic mast cell effector responses intact. This defect was not secondary to abnormalities in the development, maturation, migration, morphology, synthesis, and storage of inflammatory mediators, or intracellular calcium transients of the mast cells. Unlike neurons, the lack of Synaptotagmin-2 in mast cells was not associated with increased spontaneous exocytosis.


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Angiomyolipomas are benign tumors of the kidney which express phenotypes of smooth muscle, fat, and melanocytes. These tumors appear with increased frequency in the autosomal dominant disorder tuberous sclerosis and are the leading cause of morbidity in adults with tuberous sclerosis. While benign, these tumors are capable of provoking life threatening hemorrhage and replacement of the kidney parenchyma, resulting in renal failure. The histogenesis of these tumors is currently unclear, although currently, we believe these tumors arise from "perivascular epithelioid cells" of which no normal counterpart has been convincingly demonstrated. Recently, stem cell precursors have been recognized that can give rise to smooth muscle and melanocytes. These precursors have been shown to express the neural stem cell marker NG2 and L1. In order to determine whether angiomyolipomas, which exhibit smooth muscle and melanocytic phenotypes, express NG2 and L1, we performed immunocytochemistry on a cell line derived from a human angiomyolipoma, and found that these cells are uniformly positive. Immunohistochemistry of human angiomyolipoma specimens revealed uniform staining of tumor cells, while renal cell carcinomas revealed positivity only of angiogenic vessels. These results support a novel histogenesis of angiomyolipoma as a defect in differentiation of stem cell precursors.


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Antiangiogenesis is a promising anti-tumor strategy through inhibition tumor vascularformation to suppress tumor growth. Targeting specific VEGF/R has been showntherapeutic benefits in many cancer types and become a first approvedantiangiogenic modalities by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in United States.However, interruption of homeostasis in normal tissues that is likely due to theinhibition of VEGF/R signaling pathway induces unfavorable side effects. Moreover,cytostatic nature of antiangiogenic drugs frequently causes less tumor cell specifickilling activity, and cancer cells escaped from cell death induced by these drugseven gain more malignant phenotypes, resulting in tumor invasion and metastasis.To overcome these issues, we developed a novel anti-tumor therapeutic EndoCDfusion protein which linked endostatin (Endo) to cytosine deaminase-uracilvphosphoribosyl transferase (CD). Endo targets unique tumor endothelial cells toprovide tumor-specific antiangiogenesis activity and also carries CD to the localtumor area, where it serves nontoxic prodrug 5-fluorocytosine (5-FC) enzymaticconversion reaction to anti-metabolite chemotherapy drug 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). Wedemonstrated that 5-FU concentration was highly increased in tumor sites, resultingin high level of endothelial cells and tumor cells cytotoxic efficacy. Furthermore,EndoCD/5-FC therapy decreased tumor growth and colorectal liver metastasisincident compared with bevacizumab/5-FU treatment in human breast and colorectalliver metastasis orthotropic animal models. In cardiotoxicity safety profile,EndoCD/5-FC is a contrast to bevacizumab/5-FU; lower risk of cardiotoxicityinduction or heart function failure was found in EndoCD/5-FC treatment thanbevacizumab/5-FU does in mice. EndoCD/5-FC showed more potent therapeuticefficacy with high safety profile and provided stronger tumor invasion or metastasisinhibition than antiangiogenic drugs. Together, EndoCD fusion protein with 5-FCshowed dual tumor targeting activities including antiangiogenesis and tumor localchemotherapy, and it could serve as an alternative option for antiangiogenic therapy.


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Cyclin E is the regulatory subunit of the cyclin E/CDK2 complex that mediates the G1-S phase transition. N-terminal cleavage of cyclin E by elastase in breast cancer generates two low molecular weight (LMW) isoforms that exhibit both enhanced kinase activity and resistance to p21 and p27 inhibition compared to fulllength cyclin E. Clinically, approximately 27% of breast cancer patients overexpress LMW-E and associate with poor survival. Therefore, we hypothesize that LMW-E disrupts normal mammary acinar morphogenesis and serves as the initial route into breast tumor development. We first demonstrate that LMW-E overexpression in non-tumorigenic hMECs is sufficient to induce tumor formation in athymic mice significantly more than overexpression of full-length cyclin E and requires CDK2- associated kinase activity. Further in vivo passaging of these tumors augments LMW-E expression and tumorigenic potential. When subjected to acinar morphogenesis in vitro, LMW-E mediates significant morphological disruption by generating hyperproliferative and multi-acinar complexes. Proteomic analysis of patient tissues and tumor cells with high LMW-E expression reveals that the activation of the b-Raf-ERK1/2-mTOR pathway in concert with high LMW-E expression predicts poor patient survival. Combination treatment using roscovitine (CDK inhibitor) plus either rapamycin (mTOR inhibitor) or sorafenib (b-raf inhibitor) effectively prevented aberrant acinar formation in LMW-E-expressing cells by inducing the G1/S cell cycle arrest. In addition, the LMW-E-expressing tumor cells exhibit phenotypes characteristic of the EMT and enhanced cellular invasiveness. These tumor cells also enrich for cells with CSC phenotypes such as increased CD44hi/CD24lo population, enhanced mammosphere formation, and upregulation of ALDH expression and enzymatic activity. Furthermore, the CD44hi/CD24lo population also shows positive correlation with LMW-E expression in both the tumor cell line model and breast cancer patient samples (p<0.0001 & p=0.0435, respectively). Combination treatment using doxorubicin and salinomycin demonstrates synergistic cytotoxic effects in cells with LMW-E expression but not in those with full-length cyclin E expression. Finally, ProtoArray microarray identifies Hbo1 as a novel substrate of the cyclin E/CDK2 complex and its overexpression results in enrichment for CSCs. Collectively, these data emphasize the strong oncogenic potential of LMW-E in mammary tumorigenesis and suggest possible therapeutic strategies to treat breast cancer patients with high LMW-E expression.


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I have undertaken measurements of the genetic (or inherited) and nongenetic (or noninherited) components of the variability of metastasis formation and tumor diameter doubling time in more than 100 metastatic lines from each of three murine tumors (sarcoma SANH, sarcoma SA4020, and hepatocarcinoma HCA-I) syngeneic to C3Hf/Kam mice. These lines were isolated twice from lung metastases and analysed immediately thereafter to obtain the variance to spontaneous lung metastasis and tumor diameter doubling time. Additional studies utilized cells obtained from within 4 passages of isolation. Under the assumption that no genetic differences in metastasis formation or diameter doubling time existed among the cells of a given line, the variance within a line would estimate nongenetic variation. The variability derived from differences between lines would represent genetic origin. The estimates of the genetic contribution to the variation of metastasis and tumor diameter doubling time were significantly greater than zero, but only in the metastatic lines of tumor SANH was genetic variation the major source of metastatic variability (contributing 53% of the variability). In the tumor cell lines of SA4020 and HCA-I, however, the contribution of nongenetic factors predominated over genetic factors in the variability of the number of metastasis and tumor diameter doubling time. A number of other parameters examined, such as DNA content, karyotype, and selection and variance analysis with passage in vivo, indicated that genetic differences existed within the cell lines and that these differences were probably created by genetic instability. The mean metastatic propensity of the lines may have increased somewhat during their isolation and isotransplantation, but the variance was only slightly affected, if at all. Analysis of the DNA profiles of the metastatic lines of SA4020 and HCA-I revealed differences between these lines and their primary parent tumors, but not among the SANH lines and their parent tumor. Furthermore, there was a direct correlation between the extent of genetic influence on metastasis formation and the ability of the tumor cells to develop resistance to cisplatinum. Thus although nongenetic factors might predominate in contributing to metastasis formation, it is probably genetic variation and genetic instability that cause the progression of tumor cells to a more metastatic phenotype and leads to the emergence of drug resistance. ^


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Most skin cancers induced in mice by Ultraviolet (UV) radiation express highly immunogenic Tumor specific transplantation antigens (TSTAs) and thus exhibit a regressor phenotype. In this study, I have used cloned genes encoding tumor antigens and oncogenes in conjunction with DNA transfection technique to isolate and characterize regressor variants from progressor tumors and vice versa. The purpose of this study was (1) to determine whether the product of a cloned gene (216) from UV-1591 tumor, which encodes a novel MHC class I antigen can function as a tumor rejection antigen when expressed on unrelated, nonantigenic, murine tumor cells or whether its function is restricted to UV-induced tumors, and (2) to determine the processes by which progressor variants derived from a regressor UV-2240 cell line by transfection with an activated Ha-ras oncogene escape the immune defenses of the normal immunocompetent host.^ To answer the first question, a spontaneously transformed, nonimmunogenic cell line (10T-1) was cotransfected with DNA from p216 and pSV2-neo plasmids. Results demonstrate that the product of a cloned TSTA gene from a UV-induced murine tumor is capable of functioning as a tumor rejection antigen when expressed on unrelated, nonantigenic tumor cells. In addition, these results indicate that this approach could be used to augment the immune response against poorly antigenic tumors.^ To answer the second question, progressor variants were isolated from a highly antigenic UV radiation-induced C3H mouse regressor fibrosarcoma cell line, UV-2240, by transfection with an activated Ha-ras oncogene. Subcutaneous injection of Ha-ras-transfected UV-2240 cells into immunocompetent C3H mice produced tumors in 4 of 36 animals. In addition, the Ha-ras-induced progressor variants produced experimental lung metastasis in both normal C3H and nude mice, although they induced more lung nodules in nude mice than in normal C3H mice. Results indicate that the progressor phenotype of the Ha-ras-induced tumor variants is not due to loss of TSTAs or MHC class I antigens. This implies that some tumors can escape the immune defenses of the normal immunocompetent host by mechanisms other than the loss of TSTAs and MHC class I antigens. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^


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Interleukin-2 activated lymphocytes, designated lymphokine-activated killers (LAK), acquire the unique capacity to express potent cytologic activity against a broad spectrum of abnormal and/or transformed NK-sensitive and NK-resistant target cells while sparing normal cell types. Investigations into the target spectra exhibited by cloned effector cells indicate that LAK cells express a polyspecific recognition mechanism that identifies an undefined class of cell surface-associated molecules expressed on susceptible targets. This report extends our previous investigations into the biochemical nature of these molecules by characterizing the functional role of two tumor cell-surface-associated epitopes implicated in conferring target cells with susceptibility to LAK-mediated cytotoxicity. The first moiety is implicated in the formation of effector/target cell conjugates. This binding ligand is preferentially expressed on tumor cells relative to LAK-resistant PBL target cells, sensitive to trypsin treatment, resistant to functional inactivation by heat- and detergent-induced conformational changes, and does not require N-linked glycosylation to maintain binding activity. In contrast, a carbohydrate-associated epitope represents the second tumor-associated molecule required for target cell susceptibility to LAK cells. Specifically, N-linked glyoprotein synthesis represents an absolute requirement for post-trypsin recovery of target cell susceptibility. The minimal N-linked oligosaccharide residue capable of restoring this second signal has been identified as a high mannose structure. Although ultimately required for tumor cell susceptibility, as measured in $\sp{51}$Cr-release assays, this N-glycan-associated molecule is not required for the differential tumor cell binding expressed by LAK cells. Furthermore, N-glycan expression is not adequate in itself to confer target cell susceptibility. Additional categories of cell surface components have been investigated, including O-linked oligosaccharides, and glycosaminoglycans, without identifying additional moieties relevant to target cell recognition. Collectively, these data suggest that tumor cell recognition by LAK cells is dependent on cell surface presentation of two epitopes: a trypsin-sensitive molecule that participates in the initial conjugate formation and an N-glycan-associated moiety that is involved in a post-binding event required for target cell killing. ^


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Primary brain neoplasms and metastases to the brain are generally resistant to systemic chemotherapy. The purpose of theses studies was to determine the mechanism(s) for this resistance. We have developed a model to study the biology of brain metastasis by injecting metastatic K1735 melanoma cells into the carotid artery of syngeneic C3H/HeN or nude mice. The resulting brain lesions are produced in the parenchyma of the brain. Mice with subcutaneous or brain melanoma lesions were treated intravenously with doxorubicin (DXR) (7 mg/kg). The s.c. lesions regressed in most of the mice whereas no therapeutic benefits were produced in mice with brain metastases. The intravenous injection of sodium fluorescine revealed that the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is intact in and around brain metastases smaller than 0.2 mm$\sp2$ but not in larger lesions, implying that the BBB is not a major obstacle for chemotherapy of brain metastases.^ Western blot and FACS analyses revealed that K1735 melanoma brain metastases expressed high levels of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) as compared to s.c. tumors or in vitro cultures. Similarly, K1735 cells from brain metastases expressed higher levels of mdrl mRNA. This increased expression of mdrl was due to adaptation to the local brain environment. We base this conclusion on the results of two studies. First, K1735 cells from brain metastases cultured for 7 days lost the high mdrl expression. Second, in crossover experiments K1735 cells from s.c. tumors (low mdrl expression) implanted into the brain exhibited high levels of mdrl expression whereas cells from brain metastases implanted s.c. lost the high level mdrl expression.^ To investigate the mechanism by which the brain environment upregulates mdrl expression of the K1735 cells we first studied the regulation of P-gp in brain endothelial cells. Since astrocytes are closely linked with the BBB we cocultured brain endothelial cells for 3 days with astrocytes. These endothelial cells expressed high levels of mdrl mRNA and protein whereas endothelial cells cocultured with endothelial cells or fibroblasts did not. We next cocultured K1735 melanoma cells with astrocytes. Here again, astrocytes (but not fibroblasts or tumor cells) uprelated the mdrl expression in K1735 tumor cells. This upregulation inversely correlated with intracellular drug accumulation and sensitivity to DXR.^ The data conclude that the resistance of melanoma brain metastases to chemotherapy is not due to an intact BBB but to the upregulation of the mdrl gene by the organ microenvironment, i.e., the astrocytes. This epigenetic mediated resistance to chemotherapy has wide implications for the therapy of brain metastases. ^


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At the fore-front of cancer research, gene therapy offers the potential to either promote cell death or alter the behavior of tumor-cells. One example makes use of a toxic phenotype generated by the prodrug metabolizing gene, thymidine kinase (HSVtk) from the Herpes Simplex Virus. This gene confers selective toxicity to a relatively nontoxic prodrug, ganciclovir (GCV). Tumor cells transduced with the HSVtk gene are sensitive to 1-50 $\mu$M GCV; normal tissue is insensitive up to 150-250 $\mu$M GCV. Utilizing these different sensitivities, it is possible to selectively ablate tumor cells expressing this gene. Interestingly, if a HSVtk$\sp+$ expressing population is mixed with a HSVtk$\sp-$ population at high density, all the cells are killed after GCV administration. This phenomenon for killing all neighboring cells is termed the "bystander effect", which is well documented in HSVtk$\sp-$ GCV systems, though its exact mechanism of action is unclear.^ Using the mouse colon carcinoma cell line CT26, data are presented supporting possible mechanisms of "bystander effect" killing of neighboring CT26-tk$\sp-$cells. A major requirement for bystander killing is the prodrug GCV: as dead or dying CT26tk$\sp+$ cells have no toxic effect on neighboring cells in its absence. In vitro, it appears the bystander effect is due to transfer of toxic GCV-metabolites, through verapamil sensitive intracellular-junctions. Additionally, possible transfer of the HSVtk enzyme to bystander cells after GCV addition, may play a role in bystander killing. A nude mouse model suggests that in a 50/50 (tk$\sp+$/tk$\sp-$) mixture of CT26 cells the bystander eradication of tumors does not involve an immune component. Additionally in a possible clinical application, the "bystander effect" can be directly exploited to eradicate preexisting CT26 colon carcinomas in mice by intratumoral implantation of viable or lethally irradiated CT26tk$\sp+$ cells and subsequent GCV administration. Lastly, an application of this toxic phenotype gene to a clinical marking protocol utilizing a recombinant adenoviral vector carrying the bifunctional protein GAL-TEK to eradicate spontaneously-arisen or vaccine-induced fibrosarcomas in cats is demonstrated. ^


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Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-induced apoptosis is important in immunologic cytotoxicity, autoimmunity, sepsis, normal embryonic development, and wound healing. TNF exerts cytotoxicity on many types of tumor cells but not on normal cells. The molecular events leading to cell death triggered by TNF are still poorly understood. We found that enforced expression of an activated H-ras oncogene converted the non-tumorigenic TNF-resistant C3H 10T1/2 fibroblasts into tumorigenic cells (10TEJ) that also became very sensitive to TNF-induced apoptosis. This finding suggested that the oncogenic form of H-Ras, in which the p21 is locked in the GTP-bound form, could play a role in TNF-induced apoptosis of these cells. To investigate whether Ras activation is an obligatory step in TNF-induced apoptosis, we introduced two different molecular antagonists of Ras, namely the Rap1A tumor suppressor gene or the dominant-negative rasN17 gene, into H-ras transformed 10TEJ cells. Expression of either Rap1A or RasN17 in 10TEJ cells resulted in abrogation of TNF-induced apoptosis. Similar results were obtained by expression of either Ras antagonist in L929 cells, a fibroblast cell line that is sensitive to TNF-induced apoptosis but does not have a ras mutation. The effects of Rap-1A and RasN17 appear to be specific to TNF, since cytotoxicity induced by doxorubicin and thapsigargin are unaffected. Additionally, constitutive apoptosis sensitivity in isolated nuclei, as measured by activation of Ca$\sp{2+}$-dependent endogenous endonuclease, is not affected by Rap-1A or RasN17. Moreover, TNF treatment of L929 cells increased Ras-bound GTP, indicating that Ras activation is triggered by TNF. Thus, Ras activation is required for TNF-induced apoptosis in mouse cells. ^