21 resultados para The missed encounter


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Studies on the relationship between psychosocial determinants and HIV risk behaviors have produced little evidence to support hypotheses based on theoretical relationships. One limitation inherent in many articles in the literature is the method of measurement of the determinants and the analytic approach selected. ^ To reduce the misclassification associated with unit scaling of measures specific to internalized homonegativity, I evaluated the psychometric properties of the Reactions to Homosexuality scale in a confirmatory factor analytic framework. In addition, I assessed the measurement invariance of the scale across racial/ethnic classifications in a sample of men who have sex with men. The resulting measure contained eight items loading on three first-order factors. Invariance assessment identified metric and partial strong invariance between racial/ethnic groups in the sample. ^ Application of the updated measure to a structural model allowed for the exploration of direct and indirect effects of internalized homonegativity on unprotected anal intercourse. Pathways identified in the model show that drug and alcohol use at last sexual encounter, the number of sexual partners in the previous three months and sexual compulsivity all contribute directly to risk behavior. Internalized homonegativity reduced the likelihood of exposure to drugs, alcohol or higher numbers of partners. For men who developed compulsive sexual behavior as a coping strategy for internalized homonegativity, there was an increase in the prevalence odds of risk behavior. ^ In the final stage of the analysis, I conducted a latent profile analysis of the items in the updated Reactions to Homosexuality scale. This analysis identified five distinct profiles, which suggested that the construct was not homogeneous in samples of men who have sex with men. Lack of prior consideration of these distinct manifestations of internalized homonegativity may have contributed to the analytic difficulty in identifying a relationship between the trait and high-risk sexual practices. ^


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HIV incidence has not changed since the introduction of the pandemic. Daily 14,000 persons are infected with HIV and 25 to 50% of the HIV-infected population and subgroups respectively are estimated to be unaware of their HIV diagnosis. Perinatally-infected HIV-positive youth, aged 13-24 years, have survived unexpectedly into adulthood, have had unique HIV disclosure experiences and now face HIV disclosure issues of adulthood and perhaps parenthood. Despite new effective HIV therapies, no HIV prevention plan exists that has diminished the rate of new HIV infections. HIV stigma and lack of universal HIV reporting laws dissuade timely HIV disclosure. Missed HIV disclosure perpetuates HIV transmission and infection. Understanding the attitudes and beliefs of HIV disclosure among perinatally-infected HIV-positive youth and their caregivers may uncover reasons to HIV disclosure delays, avoidance and intentions. The Care to Share HIV Disclosure study was designed to identify the attitudes and beliefs of HIV disclosure among HIV-positve youth (aged 13-24 years), who were infected from birth and who knew their HIV diagnosis, along with their caregivers. Twenty-six participants (15 youth and 11 caregivers) completed the theory-based questionnaires of a 21-item multiple choice survey on HIV disclosure framed in the Theory of Reasoned Action and Theory of Planned Behavior and included an additional open-ended survey that applied the Transactional Model of Stress and Coping to address youth's and caregivers' HIV disclosure experiences. Youth were found to have a selective unfavorable HIV disclosure outcome when among referents of close friends. However youth did believe in HIV partner notification. For caregivers, it mattered who disclosed the HIV illness to the youth. HIV stigma was of concern based on the youths' tendency to believe in keeping HIV a secret and their caregivers' ambivalence to HIV secrecy. However, favorable HIV disclosure outcomes were identified for both youth and caregivers the potential for HIV disclosure: when seeking HIV knowledge, when around caregivers and close family and in situations of perceived controllability as when helping others learn about HIV. These findings unveil HIV disclosure attitudes and beliefs within this population and may reveal the attributes that may inhibit or promote HIV disclosure behaviors. HIV disclosure studies that address attitudes and beliefs among larger populations of youth and HIV-infected persons are necessary to identify effective individual, group and society approaches that would promote timely, responsible and meaningful HIV disclosure methods that promote a healthy identity and interrupt HIV transmission.^


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Asthma is a serious and continuing health problem that affects millions of Americans. Our study was conducted in response to this serious health problem and for purposes of addressing the issue of potential health disparities as outlined in Healthy People 2010. Data from sub-populations of subjects who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from 1999-2004 were used to complete the following specific aims: (1) to update nationally-based estimates of the prevalence of current and lifetime (ever) asthma among adults in the United States (U.S.) and describe by gender the relationships between potential risk factors (e.g., sociodemographics and lifestyle) and asthma; (2) to describe demographic characteristics among working adults in the U.S. and update estimates of the prevalence of asthma in this sub-population, stratified by occupation and industry; and 3) to determine the utility of adapting a population-based Job Exposure Matrix (JEM) for classifying workplace exposures to asthmagens. ^ Our findings suggest the prevalence of asthma among U.S. adults is continuing to rise, with women having a higher prevalence of asthma than men. Living below the poverty threshold, obesity, and prior history of smoking remain important determinants of asthma. Our study also adds to the increasing evidence that health care workers (HCWs) and those employed in education remain at high risk and that appropriate evaluation and control measures need to be implemented. Over 78% of HCWs and 71% of teachers in our study were females suggesting that further exploration of gender-specific risk factors of asthma in working populations is needed. ^ Our study also addressed the feasibility of adapting a population-based asthma-specific JEM to NHANES (1999-2004). We were not able to apply the asthma-specific JEM due to the broad occupational categories within NHANES. This represents a missed opportunity to examine the association between workplace exposures and asthma in U.S. working adults. However, we have identified steps that may be implemented in future population-based studies that would allow the asthma-specific JEM (and other population-based job exposure matrices) to be used in future studies of the U.S. working population.^


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Background. EAP programs for airline pilots in companies with a well developed recovery management program are known to reduce pilot absenteeism following treatment. Given the costs and safety consequences to society, it is important to identify pilots who may be experiencing an AOD disorder to get them into treatment. ^ Hypotheses. This study investigated the predictive power of workplace absenteeism in identifying alcohol or drug disorders (AOD). The first hypothesis was that higher absenteeism in a 12-month period is associated with higher risk that an employee is experiencing AOD. The second hypothesis was that AOD treatment would reduce subsequent absence rates and the costs of replacing pilots on missed flights. ^ Methods. A case control design using eight years (time period) of monthly archival absence data (53,000 pay records) was conducted with a sample of (N = 76) employees having an AOD diagnosis (cases) matched 1:4 with (N = 304) non-diagnosed employees (controls) of the same profession and company (male commercial airline pilots). Cases and controls were matched on the variables age, rank and date of hire. Absence rate was defined as sick time hours used over the sum of the minimum guarantee pay hours annualized using the months the pilot worked for the year. Conditional logistic regression was used to determine if absence predicts employees experiencing an AOD disorder, starting 3 years prior to the cases receiving the AOD diagnosis. A repeated measures ANOVA, t tests and rate ratios (with 95% confidence intervals) were conducted to determine differences between cases and controls in absence usage for 3 years pre and 5 years post treatment. Mean replacement costs were calculated for sick leave usage 3 years pre and 5 years post treatment to estimate the cost of sick leave from the perspective of the company. ^ Results. Sick leave, as measured by absence rate, predicted the risk of being diagnosed with an AOD disorder (OR 1.10, 95% CI = 1.06, 1.15) during the 12 months prior to receiving the diagnosis. Mean absence rates for diagnosed employees increased over the three years before treatment, particularly in the year before treatment, whereas the controls’ did not (three years, x = 6.80 vs. 5.52; two years, x = 7.81 vs. 6.30, and one year, x = 11.00cases vs. 5.51controls. In the first year post treatment compared to the year prior to treatment, rate ratios indicated a significant (60%) post treatment reduction in absence rates (OR = 0.40, CI = 0.28, 0.57). Absence rates for cases remained lower than controls for the first three years after completion of treatment. Upon discharge from the FAA and company’s three year AOD monitoring program, case’s absence rates increased slightly during the fourth year (controls, x = 0.09, SD = 0.14, cases, x = 0.12, SD = 0.21). However, the following year, their mean absence rates were again below those of the controls (controls, x = 0.08, SD = 0.12, cases, x¯ = 0.06, SD = 0.07). Significant reductions in costs associated with replacing pilots calling in sick, were found to be 60% less, between the year of diagnosis for the cases and the first year after returning to work. A reduction in replacement costs continued over the next two years for the treated employees. ^ Conclusions. This research demonstrates the potential for workplace absences as an active organizational surveillance mechanism to assist managers and supervisors in identifying employees who may be experiencing or at risk of experiencing an alcohol/drug disorder. Currently, many workplaces use only performance problems and ignore the employee’s absence record. A referral to an EAP or alcohol/drug evaluation based on the employee’s absence/sick leave record as incorporated into company policy can provide another useful indicator that may also carry less stigma, thus reducing barriers to seeking help. This research also confirms two conclusions heretofore based only on cross-sectional studies: (1) higher absence rates are associated with employees experiencing an AOD disorder; (2) treatment is associated with lower costs for replacing absent pilots. Due to the uniqueness of the employee population studied (commercial airline pilots) and the organizational documentation of absence, the generalizability of this study to other professions and occupations should be considered limited. ^ Transition to Practice. The odds ratios for the relationship between absence rates and an AOD diagnosis are precise; the OR for year of diagnosis indicates the likelihood of being diagnosed increases 10% for every hour change in sick leave taken. In practice, however, a pilot uses approximately 20 hours of sick leave for one trip, because the replacement will have to be paid the guaranteed minimum of 20 hour. Thus, the rate based on hourly changes is precise but not practical. ^ To provide the organization with practical recommendations the yearly mean absence rates were used. A pilot flies on average, 90 hours a month, 1080 annually. Cases used almost twice the mean rate of sick time the year prior to diagnosis (T-1) compared to controls (cases, x = .11, controls, x = .06). Cases are expected to use on average 119 hours annually (total annual hours*mean annual absence rate), while controls will use 60 hours. The cases’ 60 hours could translate to 3 trips of 20 hours each. Management could use a standard of 80 hours or more of sick time claimed in a year as the threshold for unacceptable absence, a 25% increase over the controls (a cost to the company of approximately of $4000). At the 80-hour mark, the Chief Pilot would be able to call the pilot in for a routine check as to the nature of the pilot’s excessive absence. This management action would be based on a company standard, rather than a behavioral or performance issue. Using absence data in this fashion would make it an active surveillance mechanism. ^


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This study examined the effects of skipping breakfast on selected aspects of children's cognition, specifically their memory (both immediate and one week following presentation of stimuli), mental tempo, and problem solving accuracy. Test instruments used included the Hagen Central/Incidental Recall Test, Matching Familiar Figures Test, McCarthy Digit Span and Tapping Tests. The study population consisted of 39 nine-to eleven year old healthy children who were admitted for overnight stays at a clinical research setting for two nights approximately one week apart. The study was designed to be able to adequately monitor and control subjects' food consumption. The design chosen was the cross-over design where randomly on either the first or second visit, the child skipped breakfast. In this way, subjects acted as their own controls. Subjects were tested at noon of both visits, this representing an 18-hour fast.^ Analysis focused on whether or not fasting for this period of time affected an individual's performance. Results indicated that for most of the tests, subjects were not significantly affected by skipping breakfast for one morning. However, on tests of short-term central and incidental recall, subjects who had skipped breakfast recalled significantly more of the incidental cues although they did so at no apparent expense to their storing of central information. In the area of problem-solving accuracy, subjects skipping breakfast at time two made significantly more errors on hard sections of the MFF Test. It should be noted that although a large number of tests were conducted, these two tests showed the only significant differences.^ These significant results in the areas of short-term incidental memory and in problem solving accuracy were interpreted as being an effect of subject fatigue. That is, when subjects missed breakfast, they were more likely to become fatigued and in the novel environment presented in the study setting, it is probable that these subjects responded by entering Class II fatigue which is characterized by behavioral excitability, diffused attention and altered performance patterns. ^


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Essential biological processes are governed by organized, dynamic interactions between multiple biomolecular systems. Complexes are thus formed to enable the biological function and get dissembled as the process is completed. Examples of such processes include the translation of the messenger RNA into protein by the ribosome, the folding of proteins by chaperonins or the entry of viruses in host cells. Understanding these fundamental processes by characterizing the molecular mechanisms that enable then, would allow the (better) design of therapies and drugs. Such molecular mechanisms may be revealed trough the structural elucidation of the biomolecular assemblies at the core of these processes. Various experimental techniques may be applied to investigate the molecular architecture of biomolecular assemblies. High-resolution techniques, such as X-ray crystallography, may solve the atomic structure of the system, but are typically constrained to biomolecules of reduced flexibility and dimensions. In particular, X-ray crystallography requires the sample to form a three dimensional (3D) crystal lattice which is technically di‑cult, if not impossible, to obtain, especially for large, dynamic systems. Often these techniques solve the structure of the different constituent components within the assembly, but encounter difficulties when investigating the entire system. On the other hand, imaging techniques, such as cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), are able to depict large systems in near-native environment, without requiring the formation of crystals. The structures solved by cryo-EM cover a wide range of resolutions, from very low level of detail where only the overall shape of the system is visible, to high-resolution that approach, but not yet reach, atomic level of detail. In this dissertation, several modeling methods are introduced to either integrate cryo-EM datasets with structural data from X-ray crystallography, or to directly interpret the cryo-EM reconstruction. Such computational techniques were developed with the goal of creating an atomic model for the cryo-EM data. The low-resolution reconstructions lack the level of detail to permit a direct atomic interpretation, i.e. one cannot reliably locate the atoms or amino-acid residues within the structure obtained by cryo-EM. Thereby one needs to consider additional information, for example, structural data from other sources such as X-ray crystallography, in order to enable such a high-resolution interpretation. Modeling techniques are thus developed to integrate the structural data from the different biophysical sources, examples including the work described in the manuscript I and II of this dissertation. At intermediate and high-resolution, cryo-EM reconstructions depict consistent 3D folds such as tubular features which in general correspond to alpha-helices. Such features can be annotated and later on used to build the atomic model of the system, see manuscript III as alternative. Three manuscripts are presented as part of the PhD dissertation, each introducing a computational technique that facilitates the interpretation of cryo-EM reconstructions. The first manuscript is an application paper that describes a heuristics to generate the atomic model for the protein envelope of the Rift Valley fever virus. The second manuscript introduces the evolutionary tabu search strategies to enable the integration of multiple component atomic structures with the cryo-EM map of their assembly. Finally, the third manuscript develops further the latter technique and apply it to annotate consistent 3D patterns in intermediate-resolution cryo-EM reconstructions. The first manuscript, titled An assembly model for Rift Valley fever virus, was submitted for publication in the Journal of Molecular Biology. The cryo-EM structure of the Rift Valley fever virus was previously solved at 27Å-resolution by Dr. Freiberg and collaborators. Such reconstruction shows the overall shape of the virus envelope, yet the reduced level of detail prevents the direct atomic interpretation. High-resolution structures are not yet available for the entire virus nor for the two different component glycoproteins that form its envelope. However, homology models may be generated for these glycoproteins based on similar structures that are available at atomic resolutions. The manuscript presents the steps required to identify an atomic model of the entire virus envelope, based on the low-resolution cryo-EM map of the envelope and the homology models of the two glycoproteins. Starting with the results of the exhaustive search to place the two glycoproteins, the model is built iterative by running multiple multi-body refinements to hierarchically generate models for the different regions of the envelope. The generated atomic model is supported by prior knowledge regarding virus biology and contains valuable information about the molecular architecture of the system. It provides the basis for further investigations seeking to reveal different processes in which the virus is involved such as assembly or fusion. The second manuscript was recently published in the of Journal of Structural Biology (doi:10.1016/j.jsb.2009.12.028) under the title Evolutionary tabu search strategies for the simultaneous registration of multiple atomic structures in cryo-EM reconstructions. This manuscript introduces the evolutionary tabu search strategies applied to enable a multi-body registration. This technique is a hybrid approach that combines a genetic algorithm with a tabu search strategy to promote the proper exploration of the high-dimensional search space. Similar to the Rift Valley fever virus, it is common that the structure of a large multi-component assembly is available at low-resolution from cryo-EM, while high-resolution structures are solved for the different components but lack for the entire system. Evolutionary tabu search strategies enable the building of an atomic model for the entire system by considering simultaneously the different components. Such registration indirectly introduces spatial constrains as all components need to be placed within the assembly, enabling the proper docked in the low-resolution map of the entire assembly. Along with the method description, the manuscript covers the validation, presenting the benefit of the technique in both synthetic and experimental test cases. Such approach successfully docked multiple components up to resolutions of 40Å. The third manuscript is entitled Evolutionary Bidirectional Expansion for the Annotation of Alpha Helices in Electron Cryo-Microscopy Reconstructions and was submitted for publication in the Journal of Structural Biology. The modeling approach described in this manuscript applies the evolutionary tabu search strategies in combination with the bidirectional expansion to annotate secondary structure elements in intermediate resolution cryo-EM reconstructions. In particular, secondary structure elements such as alpha helices show consistent patterns in cryo-EM data, and are visible as rod-like patterns of high density. The evolutionary tabu search strategy is applied to identify the placement of the different alpha helices, while the bidirectional expansion characterizes their length and curvature. The manuscript presents the validation of the approach at resolutions ranging between 6 and 14Å, a level of detail where alpha helices are visible. Up to resolution of 12 Å, the method measures sensitivities between 70-100% as estimated in experimental test cases, i.e. 70-100% of the alpha-helices were correctly predicted in an automatic manner in the experimental data. The three manuscripts presented in this PhD dissertation cover different computation methods for the integration and interpretation of cryo-EM reconstructions. The methods were developed in the molecular modeling software Sculptor (http://sculptor.biomachina.org) and are available for the scientific community interested in the multi-resolution modeling of cryo-EM data. The work spans a wide range of resolution covering multi-body refinement and registration at low-resolution along with annotation of consistent patterns at high-resolution. Such methods are essential for the modeling of cryo-EM data, and may be applied in other fields where similar spatial problems are encountered, such as medical imaging.