19 resultados para Teens


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Numerous harmful occupational exposures affect working teens in the United States. Teens working in agriculture and other heavy-labor industries may be at risk for occupational exposures to pesticides and solvents. The neurotoxicity of pesticides and solvents at high doses is well-known; however, the long term effects of these substances at low doses on occupationally exposed adolescents have not been well-studied. To address this research gap, a secondary analysis of cross-sectional data was completed in order to estimate the prevalence of self-reported symptoms of neurotoxicity among a cohort of high school students from Starr County, Texas, a rural area along the Texas-Mexico border. Multivariable linear regression was used to estimate the association between work status (i.e., no work, farm work, and non-farm work) and symptoms of neurotoxicity, while controlling for age, gender, Spanish speaking preference, inhalant use, tobacco use, and alcohol use. The sample included 1,208 students. Of these, the majority (85.84%) did not report having worked during the prior nine months compared to 4.80% who did only farm work, 6.21% who did only non-farm work, and 3.15% who did both types of work. On average, students reported 3.26 symptoms with a range from 0-16. The most commonly endorsed items across work status were those related to memory impairment. Adolescents employed in non-farm work jobs reported more neurotoxicity symptoms than those who reported that they did not work (Mean 4.31; SD 3.97). In the adjusted multivariable regression model, adolescents reporting non-farm work status reported an average of 0.77 more neurotoxicity symptoms on the Q16 than those who did not work (P = 0.031). The confounding variables included in the final model were all found to be factors significantly associated with report of neurotoxicity symptoms. Future research should examine the relationship between these variables and self-report of symptoms of neurotoxicity.^


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Given current rates of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in youth ages 15–24, comprehensive care is imperative in order to manage the virus and to prevent further transmission. In the past decade, the Internet has become an immensely popular source for information, including health information. Due to the increase in Internet use for this purpose, the assessment of the quality, accuracy, and timeliness of health information on the Internet is necessary since the information delivered may not be current or accurate. The purpose of this study was to determine the quantity and quality of websites containing health information and resources directed specifically towards HIV positive youth. Three general search terms, “HIV + teens”, “HIV teens info”, and “HIV infected teens,” were searched using the current top three search engines: Google, Yahoo!, and MSN/Bing. The first hundred hits of each search were then categorized by type of website. The examination of the search results yielded 7 sites that met the inclusion criteria. These sites were consequently evaluated on functionality and content using an adapted version of a pre-existing instrument. The functionality analysis revealed that no websites that contained self management information were dedicated specifically to HIV positive youth. The content analysis showed that the sites chosen for evaluation were mostly consistent with the guidelines provided by the Department of Health and Human Services. The most discussed topics in the sites included the importance of safer sexual behavior, HIV counseling, partner notification, safer behavior choices, such as condom use, and mental health. These results highlight the need for the development of accessible websites that contain accurate information targeting youth infected with HIV. This study provides a snapshot of the available web-based resources and health information for HIV positive youth, and is relevant for health educators, care providers, researchers, and others intervening with HIV+ youth. ^


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Despite advances in effective and long-acting contraceptive methods and the introduction into health care that an initial unplanned pregnancy allows, repeat unplanned pregnancy continues to affect Hispanic adolescents at a rate higher than that of non-Hispanic whites. The current study was undertaken to identify and categorize factors associated with uptake of long acting contraception (implant or intrauterine devices) or consistent use of highly effective methods (injectable DMPA, ring, patch, or pills), among Hispanic/Latina teens who have previously given birth. ^ I searched Ovid Medline, Pubmed, CINAHL, PsychINFO, POPLINE and Scopus, and reference lists for studies in English, ≥1980, of original data from the United States on factors related to initiation, maintenance, or discontinuation of contraceptive methods in postpartum or parenting adolescent females. I then identified articles that specified the inclusion of Hispanics/Latinas in the study population and either reported findings specific to race/ethnicity or used race/ethnicity as an independent variable in analyses of contributing factors. I then extracted data for each study and categorized independent variables as predisposing, enabling, or reinforcing following the PRECEDE model.1 Factors found to be associated with contraception use or non-use were combined to create a logic model of risk. ^ Of 9 eligible studies, one solely addressed initiation; one, initiation and maintenance; two, initiation and discontinuation; three, maintenance; and two, maintenance and discontinuation. There was some overlap in the studies' assessments of maintenance and discontinuation and the author(s) often did not distinguish between the two. Nearly all (k=7) were prospective observational studies with convenience samples and bivariate analyses (k=6). One study was initially a quasi-experimental design but became a prospective cohort due to extremely high attrition. Sociodemographic characteristics and predisposing factors were studied frequently, as were reinforcing factors; enabling factors were discussed infrequently and only in studies involving focus groups or interviews. Due to a paucity of research, a consensus of factors found consistently to influence the contraception behavior of postpartum Latina teens could not be established for the overall population nor for cultural subgroups. Future research is needed that focuses on postpartum/parenting Latina teens, with subgroup identification and differentiation, to determine the prevalent and pertinent predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors related to effective contraception initiation and maintenance.^


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In recent decades, work has become an increasingly common feature of adolescent life in the United States. Once assumed to be an inherently positive experience for youth, school year work has recently been associated with several adverse effects, especially as the number of hours of weekly work increases. The purpose of this dissertation was to describe the impact of school year work on adolescent development in a sample of high school students from rural South Texas, an area where economically-disadvantaged and Hispanic students are heavily represented.^ The first study described the prevalence and work circumstances of 3,565 10$\rm\sp{th}$ and 12$\rm\sp{th}$ grade students who responded to anonymous surveys conducted in regular classrooms. The overall prevalence of current work was 53%. Prevalence differed by grade, college-noncollege-bound status, and parent education. Fifty percent of employed students worked to support consumer spending.^ The second study examined the effects of four levels of work intensity on the academic, behavioral, social, mental and physical health of students. The following negative effects of intense work were reported: (1) decreased engagement in school, satisfaction with leisure time, and hours of weeknight and weekend sleep, and (2) increased health risk behaviors and psychological stress. The negative effects of intense work differed by gender, grade, ethnicity, but not by parent education.^ The third study described the prevalence of injury in the study population. A dose response effect was observed where increasing hours of weekly work were significantly related to work-related injury. The likelihood of being injured while employed in restaurant, farm/ranch, and construction work was greater than the probability of being injured while working in factory/office/skilled, yard, or retail work when compared to babysitting. Cuts, shocks/burns and sprains were the most common injuries in working teens.^ Students, parents, educators, health professionals and policymakers should continue to monitor the number of weekly hours that students work during the school year. ^