50 resultados para Sychrotron radiation


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The object of this work was to study the possibility that microtubule assembly might be involved in radiation sensitivity effect. The proliferating hair follicle was used to study the effects of cooling c-AMP, colcemid, and vincristine on the survival of the hair after irradiation. It was found that after 2 hours of cooling at the rewarming stage of the hair follicles, the sensitivity to irradiation increased and colcemid reversed this effect. c-AMP decreased radiosensitivity and together with colcemid, sensitivity decreased considerably. It is proposed that the assembly of microtubules is sensitive to irradiation.^ Total tubulin in L-P59 tumor measured immediately after irradiation was found to decrease in a dose specific manner after single doses ranging from 500 to 2000 rad. It is proposed that the change in Ca('2+) concentration after irradiation might cause this effect. Irradiation inhibited the increase in specific viscosity of 3x and 1x tubulin irradiated at the time of assembly. A small reduction in specific viscosity was found when polymerized microtubules were irradiated.^ From these experiments it is proposed that the assembly of microtubules is affected by irradiation. It may be the result of an increase in CA('2+) concentration in the tissue after irradiation or an inactivation of the initiation centers. The effects of irradiation on unassembled tubulin or assembled microtubules is negligible. ^


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Measurements of the natural background radiation have been made at numerous places throughout the world. Very little work in this field has been done in developing countries. In Mexico the natural radiation to which the population is exposed has not been assessed. This dissertation represents a pioneer study in this environmental area. The radiation exposure which occupants within buildings receive as a result of naturally occurring radionuclides present in construction materials is the principal focus.^ Data were collected between August 1979 and November 1980. Continuous monitoring was done with TLDs placed on site for periods of 3 to 6 months. The instrumentation used for "real-time" measurements was a portable NaI (Tl) scintillation detector. In addition, radiometric measurements were performed on construction materials commonly used in Mexican homes.^ Based on TLD readings taken within 75 dwellings, the typical indoor exposure for a resident of the study area is 9.2 (mu)Rh('-1). The average reading of the 152 indoor scintillometer surveys was 9.5 (mu)Rh('-1), the outdoor reading 7.5 (mu)Rh('-1). Results of one-way and multi-way analyses of the exposure data to determine the effect due to building materials type, geologic subsoil, age of dwelling, and elevation are also presented. The results of 152 indoor scintillometer surveys are described. ^


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Every x-ray attenuation curve inherently contains all the information necessary to extract the complete energy spectrum of a beam. To date, attempts to obtain accurate spectral information from attenuation data have been inadequate.^ This investigation presents a mathematical pair model, grounded in physical reality by the Laplace Transformation, to describe the attenuation of a photon beam and the corresponding bremsstrahlung spectral distribution. In addition the Laplace model has been mathematically extended to include characteristic radiation in a physically meaningful way. A method to determine the fraction of characteristic radiation in any diagnostic x-ray beam was introduced for use with the extended model.^ This work has examined the reconstructive capability of the Laplace pair model for a photon beam range of from 50 kVp to 25 MV, using both theoretical and experimental methods.^ In the diagnostic region, excellent agreement between a wide variety of experimental spectra and those reconstructed with the Laplace model was obtained when the atomic composition of the attenuators was accurately known. The model successfully reproduced a 2 MV spectrum but demonstrated difficulty in accurately reconstructing orthovoltage and 6 MV spectra. The 25 MV spectrum was successfully reconstructed although poor agreement with the spectrum obtained by Levy was found.^ The analysis of errors, performed with diagnostic energy data, demonstrated the relative insensitivity of the model to typical experimental errors and confirmed that the model can be successfully used to theoretically derive accurate spectral information from experimental attenuation data. ^


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The major complications for tumor therapy are (i) tumor spread (metastasis); (ii) the mixed nature of tumors (heterogeneity); and (iii) the capacity of tumors to evolve (progress). To study these tumor characteristics, the rat 13762NF mammary adenocarcinoma was cloned and studied for metastatic properties and sensitivities to therapy (chemotherapy, radiation and hyperthermia). The cell clones were heterogeneous and no correlation between metastatic potential and therapeutic sensitivities was observed. Further, these phenotypes were unstable during passage in vitro; yet, the changes were clone dependent and reproducible using different cryoprotected cell stocks. To understand the phenotypic instability, subclones were isolated from low and high passage cell clones. Each subclone possessed a unique composite phenotype. Again, no apparent correlation was seen between metastatic potential and sensitivity to therapy. The results demonstrated that (1) tumor cells are heterogeneous for multiple phenotypes; (2) tumor cells are unstable for multiple phenotypes; (3) the magnitude, direction and time of occurrence of phenotypic drift is clone dependent; (4) the sensitivity of cell clones to ionizing radiation (gamma or heat) and chemotherapy agents is independent of their metastatic potential; (5) shifts in metastatic potential and sensitivity to therapy may occur simultaneously but are not linked; and (6) tumor cells independently diverge to form several subpopulations with unique phenotypic profiles. ^


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The magnitude of the interaction between cigarette smoking, radiation therapy, and primary lung cancer after breast cancer remains unresolved. This case control study further examines the main and joint effects of cigarette smoking and radiation therapy (XRT) among breast cancer patients who subsequently developed primary lung cancer, at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) in Houston, Texas. Cases (n = 280) were women diagnosed with primary lung cancer between 1955 and 1970, between 30–89 years of age, who had a prior history of breast cancer, and were U.S. residents. Controls (n = 300) were randomly selected from 37,000 breast cancer patients at MDACC and frequency matched to cases on age at diagnosis (in 5-year strata), ethnicity, year of breast cancer diagnosis (in 5-year strata), and had survived at least as long as the time interval for lung cancer diagnosis in the cases. Stratified analysis and unconditional logistic regression modeling were used to calculate the main and joint effects of cigarette smoking and radiation treatment on lung cancer risk. Medical record review yielded smoking information on 93% of cases and 84% of controls, and among cases 45% received XRT versus 44% of controls. Smoking increased the odds of lung cancer in women who did not receive XRT (OR = 6.0, 95%CI, 3.5–10.1) whereas XRT was not associated with increased odds (OR = 0.5, 95%CI, 0.2–1.1) in women who did not smoke. Overall the odds ratio for both XRT and smoking together compared with neither exposure was 9.00 (9 5% CI, 5.1–15.9). Similarly, when stratifying on laterality of the lung cancer in relation to the breast cancer, and when the time interval between breast and lung cancers was >10 years, there was an increased odds for both smoking and XRT together for lung cancers on the same side as the breast cancer (ipsilateral) (OR = 11.5, 95% CI, 4.9–27.8) and lung cancers on the opposite side of the breast cancer (contralateral) (OR= 9.6, 95% CI, 2.9–0.9). After 20 years the odds for the ipsilateral lung were even more pronounced (OR = 19.2, 95% CI, 4.2–88.4) compared to the contralateral lung (OR = 2.6, 95% CI, 0.2–2.1). In conclusion, smoking was a significant independent risk factor for lung cancer after breast cancer. Moreover, a greater than multiplicative effect was observed with smoking and XRT combined being especially evident after 10 years for both the ipsilateral and contralateral lung and after 20 years for the ipsilateral lung. ^


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Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death. However, poor survival using conventional therapies fuel the search for more rational interventions. The objective of this study was to design and implement a 4HPR-radiation interaction model in NSCLC, employing a traditional clinical modality (radiation), a relatively new, therapeutically unexplored agent (4HPR) and rationally combining them based on molecular mechanistic findings pertaining to their interactions. To test the hypothesis that 4HPR sensitizes cells to radiation-induced cell death via G2+M accumulation, we designed a working model consisting of H522 adenocarcinoma cells (p53, K-ras mutated) derived from an NSCLC patient; 4HPR at concentrations up to 10 μM; and X radiation up to 6 Gy generated by a patient-dedicated Phillips RT-250 X ray unit at 250 KV, 15 mA, 1.85 Gy/min. We found that 4HPR produced time- and dose-dependent morphological changes, growth inhibition, and DNA damage-inducing enhancement of reactive oxygen species. A transient G2+M accumulation of cells maximal at 24 h of continuous 4HPR exposure was used for irradiation time scheduling. Our data demonstrated enhanced cell death (both apoptotic and necrotic) in irradiated cells pre-treated with 4HPR versus those with either stressor alone. 4HPR's effect of increased NSCLC cells' radioresponse was confirmed by clonogenic assay. To explore these practical findings from a molecular mechanistic perspective, we further investigated and showed that levels of cyclin B1 and p34cdc2 kinase—both components of the mitosis promoting factor (MPF) regulating the G2/M transition—did not change following 4HPR treatment. Likewise, cdc25C phosphatase was not altered. However, enhanced p34cdc2 phosphorylation on its Thr14Tyr15 residues—indicative of its inactivation and increased expression of MPF negative regulators chk1 and wee1 kinases—were supportive of explaining 4HPR-treated cells' accumulation. Hence, p34cdc2 phosphorylation, chk1, and wee1 warrant further evaluation as potential molecular targets for 4HPR-X radiation combination. In summary, we (1) demonstrated that 4HPR not only induces cell death by itself, but also increases NSCLC cells' subsequent radioresponse, indicative of potential clinical applicability, and (2) for the first time, shed light on deciphering 4HPR-X radiation molecular mechanisms of interaction, including the finding of 4HPR's role as a p34cdc2 inactivator via Thr14Tyr15 phosphorylation. ^


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Excessive exposure to the UV radiation present in sunlight can lead to the development of skin cancer in humans. Majority of the UV-induced skin tumors in immune-competent mice are highly antigenic in nature. Additionally, they exhibit a high frequency of mutations in the p53 gene, which arise very early in the course of UV radiation and most of them disappear before the development of skin tumors. ^ Initially, this study was to determine whether UV radiation induces skin tumors much earlier in immune deficient Rag2 knockout mice than in immune-competent mice, and if so, compare their antigenic properties and p53 mutation spectra. However, chronic UV irradiation (10 kJ/m2) induced myeloproliferative disease (MPD) as early as 4 weeks in Rag2 knockout mice instead of skin tumors. Conversely, unirradiated Rag2 knockout mice developed MPD at a low frequency, but the frequency increased with the animal's age. Although the UV-irradiated wild type mice (B6129) developed MPD, its frequency was lower and the occurrence much later than the Rag2 knockout mice. ^ This observation led to our new hypothesis that UV irradiation plays a role in the development of MPD in Rag2 knockout mice. After 4 weeks of UV radiation, both histopathology (myeloid:erythroid ratio, number of blast cells) and flow cytometry (mature myeloid, granulocytes and immature cells) demonstrated an increased number of mice affected with the disease in the UV-irradiated Rag2 knockout group than the other groups. ^ We also investigated the role of cytokines and absence of T and B cells in the development of MPD in the Rag2 knockout mice. Results indicated that IL-3 and IL-3Rα chain expression was upregulated in the spleens of the UV-irradiated Rag2 knockout mice (4 weeks). Reconstitution of the Rag2 knockout mice with T and B cells abrogated the UV-accelerated development of MPD. Both histopathology and flow cytometric analysis (mature myeloid cells, granulocytes) showed a decrease in the number of mice affected with the disease in the UV-irradiated, reconstituted group rather than any other group. In summary, this study provides the first experimental evidence that exposure to UV irradiation can lead to the development of MPD in immune deficient mice. ^


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There is evidence that ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is increasing over certain locations on the Earth's surface. Of primary concern is the annual pattern of ozone depletion over Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. Reduction of ozone concentration selectively limits absorption of solar UV-B (290–320 nm), resulting in higher irradiance at the Earth's surface. The effects of ozone depletion on the human population and natural ecosystems, particularly the marine environment, are a matter of considerable concern. Indeed, marine plankton may serve as sensitive indicators of ozone depletion and UV-B fluctuations. Direct biological effects of UVR result from absorption of UV-B by DNA. Once absorbed, energy is dissipated by a variety of pathways, including covalent chemical reactions leading to the formation of photoproducts. The major types of photoproduct formed are cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimer (CPD) and pyrimidine(6-4)pyrimidone dimer [(6-4)PD]. Marine plankton repair these photoproducts using light-dependent photoenzymatic repair or nucleotide excision repair. The studies here show that fluctuations in CPD concentrations in the marine environment at Palmer Station, Antarctica correlate well with ozone concentration and UV-B irradiance at the Earth's surface. A comparison of photoproduct levels in marine plankton and DNA dosimeters show that bacterioplankton display higher resistance to solar UVR than phytoplankton in an ozone depleted environment. DNA damage in marine microorganisms was investigated during two separate latitudinal transects which covered a total range of 140°. We observed the same pattern of change in DNA damage levels in dosimeters and marine plankton as measured using two distinct quantitative techniques. Results from the transects show that differences in photosensitivity exist in marine plankton collected under varying UVR environments. Laboratory studies of Antarctic bacterial isolates confirm that marine bacterioplankton possess differences in survival, DNA damage induction, and repair following exposure to UVR. Results from DNA damage measurements during ozone season, along a latitudinal gradient, and in marine bacterial isolates suggest that changes in environmental UVR correlate with changes in UV-B induced DNA damage in marine microorganisms. Differences in the ability to tolerate UVR stress under different environmental conditions may determine the composition of the microbial communities inhabiting those environments. ^


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Maternal ingestion of high concentrations of radon-222 (Rn-222) in drinking during pregnancy may pose a significant radiation hazard to the developing embryo. The effects of ionizing radiation to the embryo and fetus have been the subject of research, analyses, and the development of a number of radiation dosimetric models for a variety of radionuclides. Currently, essentially all of the biokinetic and dosimetric models that have been developed by national and international radiation protection agencies and organizations recommend calculating the dose to the mother's uterus as a surrogate for estimating the dose to the embryo. Heretofore, the traditional radiation dosimetry models have neither considered the embryo a distinct and rapidly developing entity, the fact that it is implanted in the endometrial layer of the uterus, nor the physiological interchanges that take place between maternal and embryonic cells following the implantation of the blastocyst in the endometrium. The purpose of this research was to propose a new approach and mathematical model for calculating the absorbed radiation dose to the embryo by utilizing a semiclassical treatment of alpha particle decay and subsequent scattering of energy deposition in uterine and embryonic tissue. The new approach and model were compared and contrasted with the currently recommended biokinetic and dosimetric models for estimating the radiation dose to the embryo. The results obtained in this research demonstrate that the estimated absorbed dose for an embryo implanted in the endometrial layer of the uterus during the fifth week of embryonic development is greater than the estimated absorbed dose for an embryo implanted in the uterine muscle on the last day of the eighth week of gestation. This research provides compelling evidence that the recommended methodologies and dosimetric models of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and International Commission on Radiological Protection employed for calculating the radiation dose to the embryo from maternal intakes of radionuclides, including maternal ingestion of Rn-222 in drinking water would result in an underestimation of dose. ^