54 resultados para Skin -- Cancer -- Prevention
IκB kinase α (IKKα) is one kinase subunit of the IKK complex that is responsible for NF-κB activation. Previous studies have shown that IKKα determines mouse keratinocyte terminal differentiation independent of the NF-κB pathway. Accumulating evidence suggests that IKKα functions as a tumor suppressor in skin carcinogenesis; however, the downstream pathways mediating this function are largely unknown. By using primary cultured keratinocytes, we found that Ikkα-/- cells developed aneuploidy and underwent spontaneous immortalization and transformation while wild type cells underwent terminal differentiation in the same culture condition. Using proteomic analysis we identified nucleophosmin (NPM), a centrosome duplication regulator, as an IKKα substrate. We further demonstrated that IKKα interacted with NPM and colocalized with NPM on the centrosome, suggesting that NPM is a physiological substrate of IKKα. Loss of IKKα reduced centrosome-bound NPM and promoted abnormal centrosome amplification, which contributed to aneuploidy development. Detailed analysis revealed that ablation of IKKα target site serine-125 of NPM induced destabilization of NPM hexamers, disrupted NPM association with centrosomes, and resulted in abnormal centrosome amplification. Re-introduction of IKKα rescued the defect in Ikkα-/- keratinocytes. Thus, IKKα is required for maintaining proper centrosome duplication by phosphorylating NPM. ^ UV is the major etiological agent for human skin cancer and UV-induced mouse skin carcinogenesis is one of the most relevant experimental models for human skin carcinogenesis. Thus, we further evaluated IKKα function in UV-induced skin carcinogenesis in Ikkα+/- mice. We demonstrated that IKKα is also critical in UV skin carcinogenesis, as evidenced by increased tumor multiplicity and reduced tumor latency in Ikkα+/- mice after chronic UVB treatment. Reduced expression of IKKα decreased UV-induced apoptosis and promoted accumulation of P53 mutations in the epidermis. This indicates that IKKα is critical for UV-induced apoptosis in vivo and thus prevents mutation accumulation that is important for tumor development. ^ Together, these findings uncover previously unknown in vivo functions of IKKα in centrosome duplication and apoptosis, thus providing a possible mechanism of how loss of IKKα may contribute to skin carcinogenesis. ^
This study aimed to develop and validate The Cancer Family Impact Scale (CFIS), an instrument for use in studies investigating relationships among family factors and colorectal cancer (CRC) screening when family history is a risk factor. We used existing data to develop the measure from 1,285 participants (637 families) across the United States who were in the Johns Hopkins Colon Cancer Genetic Testing study. Participants were 94% white with an average age of 50.1 years, and 60% were women. None had a personal CRC history, and eighty percent had 1 FDR with CRC and 20% had more than one FDR with CRC. The study had three aims: (1) to identify the latent factors underlying the CFIS via exploratory factor analysis (EFA); (2) to confirm the findings of the EFA via confirmatory factor analysis (CFA); and (3) to assess the reliability of the scale via Cronbach's alpha. Exploratory analyses were performed on a split half of the sample, and the final model was confirmed on the other half. The EFA suggested the CFIS was an 18-item measure with 5 latent constructs: (1) NEGATIVE: negative effects of cancer on the family; (2) POSITIVE: positive effects of cancer on the family; (3) COMMUNICATE: how families communicate about cancer; (4) FLOW: how information about cancer is conveyed in families; and (5) NORM: how individuals react to family norms about cancer. CFA on the holdout sample showed the CFIS to have a reasonably good fit (Chi-square = 389.977, df = 122, RMSEA= 0.058 (.052-.065), CFI=.902, TLI=.877, GF1=.939). The overall reliability of the scale was α=0.65. The reliability of the subscales was: (1) NEGATIVE α = 0.682; (2) POSITIVE α = 0.686; (3) COMMUNICATE α = 0.723; (4) FLOW α = 0.467; and (5) NORM α = 0.732. ^ We concluded the CFIS to be a good measure with most fit levels over 0.90. The CFIS could be used to compare theoretically driven hypotheses about the pathways through which family factors could influence health behavior among unaffected individuals at risk due to family history, and also aid in the development and evaluation of cancer prevention interventions including a family component. ^
Background. The gap between actual and ideal rates of routine cancer screening in the U.S., particularly for colorectal cancer screening (CRCS) (1;2), is responsible for an unnecessary burden of morbidity and mortality, particularly for disadvantaged groups. Knowledge about the effects of individual and area influences is being advanced by a growing body of research that has examined the association of area socioeconomic status (SES) and cancer screening after controlling for individual SES. The findings from this emerging and heterogeneous research in the cancer screening literature have been mixed. Moreover, multilevel studies in this area have not yet adequately explored the possibility of differential associations by population subgroup, despite some evidence suggesting gender-specific effects. ^ Objectives and methods. This dissertation reports on a systematic review of studies on the association of area SES and cancer screening and a multilevel study of the association between area SES and CRCS. The specific aims of the systematic review are to: (1) describe the study designs, constructs, methods, and measures; (2) describe the association of area SES and cancer screening; and (3) identify neglected areas of research. ^ The empiric study linked a pooled sample of respondents aged ≥50 years without a personal history of colorectal cancer from the 2003 and 2005 California Health Interview Surveys with a comprehensive set of census-tract level area SES measures from the 2000 U.S. Census. Two-level random intercept models were used to test 2 hypotheses: (1) area SES will be associated with adherence to two modalities of CRCS after controlling for individual SES; and (2) gender will moderate the relationship between area socioeconomic status and adherence to both modalities of CRCS. ^ Results. The systematic review identified 19 eligible studies that demonstrated variability in study designs, methods, constructs, and measures. The majority of tested associations were either not statistically significant or significant and in the positive direction, indicating that as area SES increased, the odds of CRCS increased. The multilevel study demonstrated that while multiple aspects of area SES were associated with CRCS after controlling for individual SES, associations differed by screening modality and in the case of endoscopy, they also differed by gender. ^ Conclusions. Conceptual and methodologic heterogeneity and weaknesses in the literature to date limit definitive conclusions about the underlying relationships between area SES and cancer screening. The multilevel study provided partial support for both hypotheses. Future research should continue to explore the role of gender as a moderating influence with the aim of identifying the mechanisms linking area SES and cancer prevention behaviors. ^
Background. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer (excluding skin cancer) in both men and women in the United States, with an estimated 148,810 new cases and 49,960 deaths in 2008 (1). Racial/ethnic disparities have been reported across the CRC care continuum. Studies have documented racial/ethnic disparities in CRC screening (2-9), but only a few studies have looked at these differences in CRC screening over time (9-11). No studies have compared these trends in a population with CRC and without cancer. Additionally, although there is evidence suggesting that hospital factors (e.g. teaching hospital status and NCI designation) are associated with CRC survival (12-16), no studies have sought to explain the racial/ethnic differences in survival by looking at differences in socio-demographics, tumor characteristics, screening, co-morbidities, treatment, as well as hospital characteristics. ^ Objectives and Methods. The overall goals of this dissertation were to describe the patterns and trends of racial/ethnic disparities in CRC screening (i.e. fecal occult blood test (FOBT), sigmoidoscopy (SIG) and colonoscopy (COL)) and to determine if racial/ethnic disparities in CRC survival are explained by differences in socio-demographic, tumor characteristics, screening, co-morbidities, treatment, and hospital factors. These goals were accomplished in a two-paper format.^ In Paper 1, "Racial/Ethnic Disparities and Trends in Colorectal Cancer Screening in Medicare Beneficiaries with Colorectal Cancer and without Cancer in SEER Areas, 1992-2002", the study population consisted of 50,186 Medicare beneficiaries diagnosed with CRC from 1992 to 2002 and 62,917 Medicare beneficiaries without cancer during the same time period. Both cohorts were aged 67 to 89 years and resided in 16 Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) regions of the United States. Screening procedures between 6 months and 3 years prior to the date of diagnosis for CRC patients and prior to the index date for persons without cancer were identified in Medicare claims. The crude and age-gender-adjusted percentages and odds ratios of receiving FOBT, SIG, or COL were calculated. Multivariable logistic regression was used to assess race/ethnicity on the odds of receiving CRC screening over time.^ Paper 2, "Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Colorectal Cancer Survival: To what extent are racial/ethnic disparities in survival explained by racial differences in socio-demographics, screening, co-morbidities, treatment, tumor or hospital characteristics", included a cohort of 50,186 Medicare beneficiaries diagnosed with CRC from 1992 to 2002 and residing in 16 SEER regions of the United States which were identified in the SEER-Medicare linked database. Survival was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Cox proportional hazard modeling was used to estimate hazard ratios (HR) of mortality and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI).^ Results. The screening analysis demonstrated racial/ethnic disparities in screening over time among the cohort without cancer. From 1992 to 1995, Blacks and Hispanics were less likely than Whites to receive FOBT (OR=0.75, 95% CI: 0.65-0.87; OR=0.50, 95% CI: 0.34-0.72, respectively) but their odds of screening increased from 2000 to 2002 (OR=0.79, 95% CI: 0.72-0.85; OR=0.67, 95% CI: 0.54-0.75, respectively). Blacks and Hispanics were less likely than Whites to receive SIG from 1992 to 1995 (OR=0.75, 95% CI: 0.57-0.98; OR=0.29, 95% CI: 0.12-0.71, respectively), but their odds of screening increased from 2000 to 2002 (OR=0.79, 95% CI: 0.68-0.93; OR=0.50, 95% CI: 0.35-0.72, respectively).^ The survival analysis showed that Blacks had worse CRC-specific survival than Whites (HR: 1.33, 95% CI: 1.23-1.44), but this was reduced for stages I-III disease after full adjustment for socio-demographic, tumor characteristics, screening, co-morbidities, treatment and hospital characteristics (aHR=1.24, 95% CI: 1.14-1.35). Socioeconomic status, tumor characteristics, treatment and co-morbidities contributed to the reduction in hazard ratios between Blacks and Whites with stage I-III disease. Asians had better survival than Whites before (HR: 0.73, 95% CI: 0.64-0.82) and after (aHR: 0.80, 95% CI: 0.70-0.92) adjusting for all predictors for stage I-III disease. For stage IV, both Asians and Hispanics had better survival than Whites, and after full adjustment, survival improved (aHR=0.73, 95% CI: 0.63-0.84; aHR=0.74, 95% CI: 0.61-0.92, respectively).^ Conclusion. Screening disparities remain between Blacks and Whites, and Hispanics and Whites, but have decreased in recent years. Future studies should explore other factors that may contribute to screening disparities, such as physician recommendations and language/cultural barriers in this and younger populations.^ There were substantial racial/ethnic differences in CRC survival among older Whites, Blacks, Asians and Hispanics. Co-morbidities, SES, tumor characteristics, treatment and other predictor variables contributed to, but did not fully explain the CRC survival differences between Blacks and Whites. Future research should examine the role of quality of care, particularly the benefit of treatment and post-treatment surveillance, in racial disparities in survival.^
Introduction. Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the USA (2). Studies have shown a coexistence of cancer and hypogonadism (9,31,13). The majority of patients with cancer develop cachexia, which cannot be solely explained by anorexia seen in these patients. Testosterone is a male sex hormone which is known to increase muscle mass and strength, maintain cancellous bone mass, and increase cortical bone mass, in addition to improving libido, sexual desire, and fantasy (14). If a high prevalence of hypogonadism is detected in male cancer patients, and a significant difference exists in testosterone levels in cancer patients with cachexia versus those without cachexia, testosterone may be administered in future randomized trials to help alleviate cachexia. Study group and design The study group consisted of male cancer patients and non-cancer controls aged between 40 and 70 years. The primary study design was cross-sectional with a sample size of 135. The present data analysis is done on a subset convenience sample of 72 patients recruited between November 2006 and January 2010. ^ Methods. Patients aged 40-70 years with or without a diagnosis of cancer were recruited into the study. All patients with a BMI over 35, significant edema, non-melanomatous skin cancer, current alcohol or illicit drug abuse, concomitant usage of medications interfering with gonadal axis, and anabolic agents, patients on tube feeds or parenteral nutrition within 3 months prior to enrollment were excluded from the study. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Baylor College of Medicine and is being conducted at the Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center at Houston. My thesis is a pilot data analysis that employs a smaller subset convenience sample of 72 patients determined by using the data available for the 72 patients (of the intended sample of 135 patients) recruited between November 2006 and January 2010. The primary aim of this analysis is to compare the proportion of patients with hypogonadism in the male cancer and non-cancer control groups, and to evaluate if a significant difference exists with respect to testosterone levels in male cancer patients with cachexia versus those without cachexia. The procedures of the study relevant to the current data analysis included blood collection to measure levels of testosterone and measurement of body weight to categorize cancer patients into cancer cachexia and cancer non-cachexia sub-groups. ^ Results. After logarithmic transformation of data of cancer and control groups, the unpaired t test with unequal variances was done. The proportion of patients with hypogonadism in the male cancer and non-cancer control groups was 47.5% and 22.7% with a Pearson chi2 statistic of 1.6036 and a p value of 0.205. Comparing the mean calculated Bioavailable testosterone in male cancer patients and non-cancer controls resulted in a t statistic of 21.83 and a p value less than 0.001. When the cancer group alone was taken, the mean free testosterone, calculated bioavailable testosterone and total testosterone levels in the cancer non-cachexia sub-group were 3.93, 5.09, 103.51 respectively and in the cancer cachexia sub-group were 3.58, 4.17, 84.08 respectively. The unpaired t test with equal variances showed that the two sub-groups had p values of 0.2015, 0.1842, and 0.4894 with respect to calculated bioavailable testosterone, free testosterone, and total testosterone respectively. ^ Conclusions. The small sample size of this exploratory study, resulting in a small power, does not allow us to draw definitive conclusions. For the given sub-sample, the proportion of patients with hypogonadism in the cancer group was not significantly different from that of patients with hypogonadism in the control group. Inferences on prevalence of hypogonadism in male cancer patients could not be made in this paper as the sub-sample is small and therefore not representative of the general population. However, there was a statistically significant difference in calculated Bioavailable testosterone levels in male cancer patients versus non-cancer controls. Analysis of cachectic and non-cachectic patients within the male cancer group showed no significant difference in testosterone levels (total, free, and calculated bioavailable testosterone) between both sub-groups. However, to re-iterate, this study is exploratory and the results may change once the complete dataset is obtained and analyzed. It however serves as a good template to guide further research and analysis.^
Background. Research has demonstrated associations between sociodemographic characteristics and illness perceptions; however, the impact of cancer exposure through personal or family diagnoses is not well-studied. The purposes of this study were to examine the prevalence of different cancer beliefs and the disparity in cancer beliefs across groups of individuals with distinct cancer histories; and to identify whether, when adjusted for sociodemographic characteristics, cancer history predicts a set of cancer beliefs.^ Methods. Using Leventhal’s Common Sense Model and data from the 2007 Health Information National Trends Survey (N=7172), we constructed multivariable logistic regressions to evaluate the effect of different stimuli, including cancer experience, on cancer perceptions (e.g., risk, worry, causation, outcome).^ Results. Findings indicate significant associations between cancer history and cancer perceptions. Individuals with family and personal cancer histories were more likely than individuals without any cancer history to worry about getting cancer (OR=3.55, P<0.01), agree they will develop cancer in the future (OR=8.81, P<0.01), and disagree that cancer is most often caused by a person’s behavior or lifestyle (OR=1.24, P=0.03). Additionally, results support education’s role in forming cancer perceptions. Individuals with high levels of education were more likely to endorse cancer prevention (OR=1.68, P<0.01) and higher 5-year survival rates (OR=1.41, P<0.01). ^ Conclusions. Results indicate cancer history affects cancer perceptions throughout the cancer continuum. Additionally, cancer history may influence coping behaviors and outcomes related to cancer.^ Impact. Cancer education and survivorship programs should assess important variables (e.g., cancer history) to more effectively tailor services and monitor evolving needs throughout cancer care.^
Few studies have explored factors related to participation in cancer chemoprevention trials. The purpose of this dissertation was to conduct investigations in this emerging field by studying aspects of participation at three phases of cancer chemoprevention trials: at enrollment, during a placebo run-in period, and post-trial. In all three studies, subjects had a history of cancer and were at high risk of recurrence or second primary tumors.^ The first study explored correlates of enrollment in a head and neck cancer chemoprevention trial by comparing participants and eligible nonparticipants. Of 148 subjects who met the trial's preliminary eligibility criteria, 40% enrolled. In multivariate analysis, enrollment was positively associated with being male (OR 2.36) and being employed (OR 2.73). The most commonly cited reason for declining participation among nonparticipants was transportation.^ The second study examined outcomes of an eight-week placebo run-in period in a head and neck cancer chemoprevention trial. Of 391 subjects, 91.3% were randomized after the run-in. Adherence to drug capsules ranged from 0% to 120.3% (mean $\pm$ SD, 95.8% $\pm$ 15.1). In multivariate analysis, the main variable predicting run-in outcome was race; white subjects were 3.45 times more likely to be randomized than non-white subjects. Subjects with Karnofsky scores of 100 were 2.13 times more likely to be randomized than were subjects with lower scores.^ The third study used post-trial questionnaires to assess subjects' (n = 64) perceptions of participation in a cancer chemoprevention trial. The most highly rated trial benefit was the perception of potential colon cancer prevention, and the most troublesome barrier was erroneous billing for study visits. Perceived benefits were positively associated with interest in participating in future trials of the same (p = 0.05) and longer (p = 0.02) duration, and difficulty with trial pills and procedures was inversely related to interest in future placebo-controlled trials (p = 0.01).^ These are among the first behavioral studies to be completed in the rapidly growing field of cancer chemoprevention. Much work has yet to be done, however, to advance our understanding of the complex issues relating to chemoprevention trial participation. ^
Breast cancer is the most common non-skin cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related death in women in the United States. Studies on ipsilateral breast tumor relapse (IBTR) status and disease-specific survival will help guide clinic treatment and predict patient prognosis.^ After breast conservation therapy, patients with breast cancer may experience breast tumor relapse. This relapse is classified into two distinct types: true local recurrence (TR) and new ipsilateral primary tumor (NP). However, the methods used to classify the relapse types are imperfect and are prone to misclassification. In addition, some observed survival data (e.g., time to relapse and time from relapse to death)are strongly correlated with relapse types. The first part of this dissertation presents a Bayesian approach to (1) modeling the potentially misclassified relapse status and the correlated survival information, (2) estimating the sensitivity and specificity of the diagnostic methods, and (3) quantify the covariate effects on event probabilities. A shared frailty was used to account for the within-subject correlation between survival times. The inference was conducted using a Bayesian framework via Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation implemented in softwareWinBUGS. Simulation was used to validate the Bayesian method and assess its frequentist properties. The new model has two important innovations: (1) it utilizes the additional survival times correlated with the relapse status to improve the parameter estimation, and (2) it provides tools to address the correlation between the two diagnostic methods conditional to the true relapse types.^ Prediction of patients at highest risk for IBTR after local excision of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) remains a clinical concern. The goals of the second part of this dissertation were to evaluate a published nomogram from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, to determine the risk of IBTR in patients with DCIS treated with local excision, and to determine whether there is a subset of patients at low risk of IBTR. Patients who had undergone local excision from 1990 through 2007 at MD Anderson Cancer Center with a final diagnosis of DCIS (n=794) were included in this part. Clinicopathologic factors and the performance of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center nomogram for prediction of IBTR were assessed for 734 patients with complete data. Nomogram for prediction of 5- and 10-year IBTR probabilities were found to demonstrate imperfect calibration and discrimination, with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of .63 and a concordance index of .63. In conclusion, predictive models for IBTR in DCIS patients treated with local excision are imperfect. Our current ability to accurately predict recurrence based on clinical parameters is limited.^ The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staging of breast cancer is widely used to determine prognosis, yet survival within each AJCC stage shows wide variation and remains unpredictable. For the third part of this dissertation, biologic markers were hypothesized to be responsible for some of this variation, and the addition of biologic markers to current AJCC staging were examined for possibly provide improved prognostication. The initial cohort included patients treated with surgery as first intervention at MDACC from 1997 to 2006. Cox proportional hazards models were used to create prognostic scoring systems. AJCC pathologic staging parameters and biologic tumor markers were investigated to devise the scoring systems. Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) data was used as the external cohort to validate the scoring systems. Binary indicators for pathologic stage (PS), estrogen receptor status (E), and tumor grade (G) were summed to create PS+EG scoring systems devised to predict 5-year patient outcomes. These scoring systems facilitated separation of the study population into more refined subgroups than the current AJCC staging system. The ability of the PS+EG score to stratify outcomes was confirmed in both internal and external validation cohorts. The current study proposes and validates a new staging system by incorporating tumor grade and ER status into current AJCC staging. We recommend that biologic markers be incorporating into revised versions of the AJCC staging system for patients receiving surgery as the first intervention.^ Chapter 1 focuses on developing a Bayesian method to solve misclassified relapse status and application to breast cancer data. Chapter 2 focuses on evaluation of a breast cancer nomogram for predicting risk of IBTR in patients with DCIS after local excision gives the statement of the problem in the clinical research. Chapter 3 focuses on validation of a novel staging system for disease-specific survival in patients with breast cancer treated with surgery as the first intervention. ^
Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death for females due to lack of specific early detection method. It is of great interest to find molecular-based biomarkers which are sensitive and specific to ovarian cancer for early diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutics. miRNAs have been proposed to be potential biomarkers that could be used in cancer prevention and therapeutics. The current study analyzed the miRNA and mRNA expression data extracted from the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database. Using simple linear regression and multiple regression models, we found 71 miRNA-mRNA pairs which were negatively associated between 56 miRNAs and 24 genes of PI3K/AKT pathway. Among these miRNA and mRNA target pairs, 9 of them were in agreement with the predictions from the most commonly used target prediction programs including miRGen, miRDB, miRTarbase and miR2Disease. These shared miRNA-mRNA pairs were considered to be the most potential genes that were involved in ovarian cancer. Furthermore, 4 of the 9 target genes encode cell cycle or apoptosis related proteins including Cyclin D1, p21, FOXO1 and Bcl2, suggesting that their regulator miRNAs including miR-16, miR-96 and miR-21 most likely played important roles in promoting tumor growth through dysregulated cell cycle or apoptosis. miR-96 was also found to directly target IRS-1. In addition, the results showed that miR-17 and miR-9 may be involved in ovarian cancer through targeting JAK1. This study might provide evidence for using miRNA or miRNA profile as biomarker.^
STATs play crucial roles in a wide variety of biological functions, including development, proliferation, differentiation, migration and in cancer development. In the present study, we examined the impact of Stat3 deletion or activation on behavior of keratinocytes, including keratinocyte stem cells (KSCs). Deletion of Stat3 specifically in the bulge region of the hair follicle using K15.CrePR1 X Stat3fl/fl mice led to decreased tumor development by altering survival of bulge region KSCs. To further understand the role of KSCs in skin tumorigenesis, K5.Stat3C transgenic (Tg) mice which express a constitutively active/dimerized form of Stat3 called Stat3C via the bovine keratin 5 (K5) promoter were studied. The number of CD34 and α6 integrin positive cells was significantly reduced in Tg mice as compared to non-transgenic (NTg) littermates. There was a concomitant increase in the progenitor populations (Lgr-6, Lrig-1 and Sca-1) in the Tg mice vs. the stem cell population (CD34 and Keratin15). To investigate the mechanism underlying the increase in the progenitor population at the expense of bulge region KSCs we examined if Stat3C expression was involved in inducing migration of the bulge region KSCs. There was altered β-catenin and α6-integrin expression in the hair follicles of Tg mice, which may have contributed to reduced adhesive interactions between the epithelial cells and the basement membrane facilitating migration out of the niche. To further study the effect of Stat3 on differentiation of keratinocytes we analyzed the epidermal keratinocytes in K5.Cre X Stat3fl/fl mice. There was an increase in the expression of epidermal differentiation markers in the Stat3 knockout mice. These data suggest that deletion of Stat3 in the epidermis and hair follicle induced differentiation in these cells. Preliminary studies done with the BK5.Stat3C mouse model suggests that multiple hair follicle stem/progenitor populations may be involved in skin tumor development and progression in this model of skin tumorigenesis. Overall, these data suggest that Stat3 plays an important role in differentiation as well as migration of keratinocytes and that these effects may play a role during epithelial carcinogenesis.
Background: Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is rare and accounts for 2.5% of all invasive breast cancers. The 5-year survival rates are significantly lower than for other types of breast cancer, highlighting the significance of cancer prevention in IBC. The comprehensive multi-disciplinary team Morgan Welch Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research Program and Clinic at University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center treats the largest number of Inflammatory Breast patients in a single center. Because of this unique center, large patient resources, and good medical and epidemiological records, we were able to conduct the largest single center case-control and case-case study on IBC. Methods: We identified 246 patients diagnosed with IBC and 397 cancer free patients seen at the Dan L Duncan Cancer Prevention Clinic. Breast cancer reproductive risk factors and lifestyle risk factors were compared between tumor subtypes of IBC patients (Estrogen Receptor positive (ER+) and/or Progesterone Receptor positive (PR+), Human Epidermal Growth Factor 2 positive (HER2+)), and (ER -/PR-/HER2-)) and cancer free controls. Results: Breastfeeding was the only significant risk factor (p<0.01) between tumor subtypes in IBC patients. In the case-control study that included all IBC patients and cancer free patients the descriptive statistics indicate significant difference in BMI, history of smoking, number of children, age of first pregnancy, any breastfeeding and total time breastfeeding (p<0.05). No differences were found in the frequency of other breast cancer risk factors. Conclusion: The associations determined between cancer free controls and IBC patients have identified previously unknown risk factors for IBC. The risk factors identified by the case control study suggest BMI, history of smoking, and the protective effect of breastfeeding as potential modifiable risk factors that can be used to decrease the incidence of IBC. Impact: These results highlight the importance of evaluating epidemiologic risk factors of IBC, which could lead to the identification of distinct etiologic pathways that could be targeted for prevention.^
Introduction: The average age of onset of breast cancer among Hispanic women is 50 years, more than a decade earlier than non-Hispanic white women. Age at diagnosis is an important prognostic factor for breast cancer; younger age at onset is more likely to be associated with advanced disease, poorer prognosis, hormone receptor negative breast tumors, and a greater likelihood of hereditary breast cancer. Studies of breast cancer risk factors including reproductive risk factors, family history of breast cancer, and breast cancer subtype have been conducted predominately in non-Hispanic whites. Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease with the presence of clinically, biologically, and epidemiologically distinct subtypes that also differ with respect to their risk factors. The associations between reproductive risk factors and family history of breast cancer have been well documented in the literature. However, only a few studies have assessed these associations with breast cancer subtype in Hispanic populations. Methods: To assess the associations between reproductive risk factors and family history of breast cancer we conducted three separate studies. First, we conducted a case-control study of 172 Mexican-American breast cancer cases and 344 age matched controls residing in Harris County, TX to assess reproductive and other risk factors. We conducted logistic regression analysis to assess differences in cases and controls adjusted for age at diagnosis and birthplace and then we conducted a multinomial logistic regression analysis to compare reproductive risk factors among the breast tumor subtypes. In a second study, we identified 139 breast cancer patients with a first- or second-degree family history of breast cancer and 298 without a family history from the ELLA Bi-National Breast Cancer Study. In this analysis, we also computed a multinomial logistic regression to evaluate associations between family history of breast cancer and breast cancer subtypes, and logistic regression to estimate associations between breast cancer screening practices with family history of breast cancer. In the final study, we employed a cross-sectional study design in 7279 Mexican-American women in the Mano a Mano Cohort Study. We evaluated associations with family history of breast cancer and breast cancer risk factors including body mass index (BMI), lifestyle factors, migration history, and adherence to American Cancer Society (ACS) guidelines. Results: In the results of our first analyses, reproductive risk factors differed in the magnitude and direction of associations when stratified by age and birthplace among cases and controls. In our second study, family history of breast cancer, and having at least one relative diagnosed at an early age (<50 years) was associated with triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). Mammography prior to receiving a breast cancer diagnosis was associated with family history of breast cancer. In our third study that assessed lifestyle factors, migration history and family history of breast cancer; we found that women with a first-degree family history of breast cancer were more overweight or obese compared with their counterparts without a family history. There was no indication that having a family history contributed to women practicing healthier lifestyle behaviors and/or adhering to the ACS guidelines for cancer prevention. Conclusions: We observed that among Mexican-American women, reproductive risk factors were associated with breast cancer where the woman was born (US or Mexico). Having a family history of breast cancer, especially having either a first- or second-degree relative diagnosed at a younger age, was strongly associated with TNBC subtype. These results are consistent with other published studies in this area. Further, our results indicate that women with strong family histories of breast cancer are more likely to undertake mammography but not to engage in healthier lifestyle behaviors.^
A combination of psoralen and ultraviolet-A radiation, commonly referred to as "PUVA," is widely used in the treatment of psoriasis. However, PUVA treatment increases the risk of developing skin cancer in psoriasis patients and induces skin cancer in mice. It is, however unknown whether the increased incidence of skin cancer in PUVA treated psoriasis patients is due to the carcinogenic effects of PUVA therapy or due to an indirect effect such as immunosuppression, which can permit the growth of tumors induced by UVB radiation. In this study, we used the p53 tumor suppressor gene as a molecular marker to determine whether PUVA-induced mouse skin cancers contain unique mutations in p53 that are different from UV-induced mutations, and if so, determine whether skin cancers from PUVA treated patients have PUVA-type or UV-type p53 mutations. Since the DNA lesions induced by PUVA are quite different from those induced by UV, we hypothesize that p53 mutations induced by PUVA may also be different from those induced by UV.^ Analysis of PUVA-induced murine skin cancers for p53 mutations revealed that 14 of 15 (93%) missense mutations detected in these cancers were localized at 5$\sp\prime$-TA/5$\sp\prime$-TAT sites, potential sites of psoralen photoadditions. Mutations at these sequences are exceedingly rare in UV-induced murine skin cancers. In addition, PUVA-induced murine skin cancers did not contain UV signature (C $\to$ T or CC $\to$ TT transitions) mutations in p53. These results suggest that PUVA induces unique mutations in p53 that can be distinguished from those induced by UV.^ Next we determined whether SCCs arising in PUVA treated psoriasis patients have PUVA-type or UV-type p53 mutations. The results indicated that 16 of 25 (64%) missense p53 mutations detected in SCCs from PUVA treated patients were located at 5$\sp\prime$-TG, 5$\sp\prime$-TA and 5$\sp\prime$-TT sites, putative sites of psoralen photobinding. Interestingly, about 32% of p53 mutations detected in SCCs from PUVA treated patients had the UV signature. Taken together these results suggest that both PUVA and UVB play a role in the development of SCCs in psoriasis patients undergoing PUVA therapy. ^
A combination of psoralens and ultraviolet-A radiation referred to as PUVA, is widely used in the treatment of psoriasis. PUVA therapy is highly effective in killing hyperproliferative cells, but its mechanism of action has not been fully elucidated. Psoralen binds to DNA, and upon photoactivation by UVA, it forms monofunctional adducts and interstrand cross-links. PUVA treatment has been shown to be mutagenic and to produce tumors in animals. In addition, epidemiological studies have reported a 10 to 15 percent increased risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma in individuals treated chronically with PUVA. However, it remains a treatment for skin disorders such as psoriasis because its benefits outweigh its risks. The widespread use of PUVA therapy and its associated cancer risk requires us to understand the molecular mechanisms by which PUVA induces cell death. Immortalized JB6 mouse epidermal cells, p53−/− mice, and Fas Ligand−/− (gld) mice were used to investigate the molecular mechanism by which PUVA kills cells. Treatment of JB6 cells with 10 μg/ml 8-methoxypsoralen followed by irradiation with 20 kJ/m2 UVA resulted in cell death. The cells exhibited morphological and biochemical characteristics of apoptosis such as chromatin condensation, DNA ladder formation, and TUNEL-positivity. PUVA treatment stabilized and phosphorylated p53 leading to its activation, as measured by nuclear localization and induction of p21Waf/Cip1, a transcriptional target of p53. Subsequent in vivo studies revealed that there was statistically significantly less apoptosis in p53 −/− mice than in p53+/+ mice at 72 hours after PUVA. In addition, immunohistochemical analysis revealed more Fas and FasL expression in p53+/+ mice than in p53−/− mice, suggesting that p53 is required to transcriptionally activate Fas, which in turn causes the cells to undergo apoptosis. Studies with gld mice confirmed a role for Fas/FasL interactions in PUVA-induced apoptosis. There was statistically significantly less apoptosis in gld mice compared with wild-type mice 24, 48, and 72 hours after PUVA. These results demonstrate that PUVA-induced apoptosis in mouse epidermal cells requires p53 and Fas/FasL interactions. These findings may be important for designing effective treatments for diseases such as psoriasis without increasing the patient's risk for skin cancer. ^
Non-melanoma skin cancer is the most frequently diagnosed malignancy in the United States of which basal cell carcinoma (BCC) accounts for 65%. It has recently been determined that deregulation of the sonic hedgehog (shh) pathway leads to the development of BCC. Shh, gli-1, gli-2 gli-3, ptc and smo are overexpressed in BCC and overexpression of these genes in the epidermis results in formation of BCC-like tumors. Despite these observations, the mechanisms by which the pathway controls epidermal homeostasis and the development of the malignant phentotype are unknown. This study assessed the role of the shh pathway in epidermal homeostasis through regulation of apoptosis and differentiation. ^ The anti-apoptotic protein, bcl-2 is overexpressed in BCC, however transcriptional regulators of bcl-2 in the epidermis are unknown. Transient transfection of primary keratinocytes with gli-1 resulted in an increase of bcl-2 expression. Database analysis revealed seven candidate gli binding sites on the bcl-2 promoter. Cotransfection of increasing amounts of gli-1 in keratinoycytes resulted in a corresponding dose-dependent increase in bcl-2 promoter luciferase activity. An N-terminal mutant of gli-3 inhibited gli-1 transactivation of the bcl-2 promoter. The region −428 to −420 was found to be important for gli-1 regulation through gel shift, luciferase assays and site-directed mutagenesis. ^ In order to assess the ability of the shh pathway to regulate keratinocyte differentiation, HaCaT keratinocytes overexpressing sonic hedgehog, were grown in organotypic raft culture. Overexpression of shh induced a basal cell phenotype compared to vector control, as evidenced by transmural staining of cytokeratin 14 and altered Ki67 staining. Shh also induced keratinocyte invasion into the underlying collagen. This was associated with increased phosphorylation of EGFR, jnk and raf and increased expression of c-jun, mmp-9 and Ki67. Interestingly, shh overexpression in HaCaTs did not induce the typical downstream effects of shh signaling, suggesting a gli-independent mechanism. Sonic hedgehog's ability to induce an invasive phenotype was found to be dependent on activation of the EGF pathway as inhibition of EGFR activity with AG1478 and c-225 was able to reduce the invasiveness of HaCaT shh keratinocytes, whereas treatment with EGF augmented the invasiveness of the HaCaT shh clones. ^ These studies reveal the importance of the sonic hedgehog pathway in epidermal homeostasis by regulation of apoptosis through bcl-2, and control of keratinocyte differentiation and invasion through activation of the EGF pathway. They further suggest potential mechanisms by which deregulation of the shh pathway may lead to the development of the malignant phenotype. ^