27 resultados para STRESS-RESPONSE


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Objective. Loud noises in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) may impede growth and development for extremely low birthweight (ELBW, < 1000 grams) newborns. The objective of this study was to measure the association between NICU sound levels and ELBW neonates' arterial blood pressure to determine whether these newborns experience noise-induced stress. ^ Methods. Noise and arterial blood pressure recordings were collected for 9 ELBW neonates during the first week of life. Sound levels were measured inside the incubator, and each subject's arterial blood pressures were simultaneously recorded for 15 minutes (at 1 sec intervals). Time series cross-correlation functions were calculated for NICU noise and mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) recordings for each subject. The grand mean noise-MABP cross-correlation was calculated for all subjects and for lower and higher birthweight groups for comparison. ^ Results. The grand mean noise-MABP cross-correlation for all subjects was mostly negative (through 300 sec lag time) and nearly reached significance at the 95% level at 111 sec lag (mean r = -0.062). Lower birthweight newborns (454-709 g) experienced significant decreases in blood pressure with increasing NICU noise after 145 sec lag (peak r = -0.074). Higher birthweight newborns had an immediate negative correlation with NICU sound levels (at 3 sec lag, r = -0.071), but arterial blood pressures increased to a positive correlation with noise levels at 197 sec lag (r = 0.075). ^ Conclusions. ELBW newborns' arterial blood pressure was influenced by NICU noise levels during the first week of life. Lower birthweight newborns may have experienced an orienting reflex to NICU sounds. Higher birthweight newborns experienced an immediate orienting reflex to increasing sound levels, but arterial blood pressure increased approximately 3 minutes after increases in noise levels. Increases in arterial blood pressure following increased NICU sound levels may result from a stress response to noise. ^


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The degradation of proteins by the ubiquitin proteasome system is essential for cellular homeostasis in the heart. An important regulator of metabolic homeostasis is AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). During nutrient deprivation, AMPK is activated and intracellular proteolysis is enhanced through the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS). Whether AMPK plays a role in protein degradation through the UPS in the heart is not known. Here I present data in support of the hypothesis that AMPK transcriptionally regulates key players in the UPS, which, under extreme conditions can be detrimental to the heart. The ubiquitin ligases MAFbx /Atrogin-1 and MuRF1, key regulators of protein degradation, and AMPK activity are increased during nutrient deprivation. Pharmacologic and genetic activation of AMPK is sufficient for the induction of MAFbx/Atrogin-1 and MuRF1 in cardiomyocytes and in the heart in vivo. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that the molecular mechanism by which AMPK regulates MuRF1 expression is through the transcription factor myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2), which is involved in stress response and cardiomyocyte remodeling. MuRF1 is required for AMPK-mediated protein degradation through the UPS in cardiomyocytes. Consequently, the absence of MuRF1 during chronic fasting preserves cardiac function, possibly by limiting degradation of critical metabolic enzymes. Furthermore, during cardiac hypertrophy, chronic activation of AMPK also leads to cardiac dysfunction, possibly through enhanced protein degradation and metabolic dysregulation. Collectively, my findings demonstrate that AMPK regulates expression of ubiquitin ligases which are required for UPS-mediated protein degradation in the heart. Based on these results, I propose that specific metabolic signals may serve as modulators of intracellular protein degradation in the heart.


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The degradation of proteins by the ubiquitin proteasome system is essential for cellular homeostasis in the heart. An important regulator of metabolic homeostasis is AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). During nutrient deprivation, AMPK is activated and intracellular proteolysis is enhanced through the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS). Whether AMPK plays a role in protein degradation through the UPS in the heart is not known. Here I present data in support of the hypothesis that AMPK transcriptionally regulates key players in the UPS, which, under extreme conditions can be detrimental to the heart. The ubiquitin ligases MAFbx /Atrogin-1 and MuRF1, key regulators of protein degradation, and AMPK activity are increased during nutrient deprivation. Pharmacologic and genetic activation of AMPK is sufficient for the induction of MAFbx/Atrogin-1 and MuRF1 in cardiomyocytes and in the heart in vivo. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that the molecular mechanism by which AMPK regulates MuRF1 expression is through the transcription factor myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2), which is involved in stress response and cardiomyocyte remodeling. MuRF1 is required for AMPK-mediated protein degradation through the UPS in cardiomyocytes. Consequently, the absence of MuRF1 during chronic fasting preserves cardiac function, possibly by limiting degradation of critical metabolic enzymes. Furthermore, during cardiac hypertrophy, chronic activation of AMPK also leads to cardiac dysfunction, possibly through enhanced protein degradation and metabolic dysregulation. Collectively, my findings demonstrate that AMPK regulates expression of ubiquitin ligases which are required for UPS-mediated protein degradation in the heart. Based on these results, I propose that specific metabolic signals may serve as modulators of intracellular protein degradation in the heart.


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Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a dominant tumor suppressor disorder caused by mutations in either TSC1 or TSC2. The proteins of these genes form a complex to inhibit the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1), which controls protein translation and cell growth. TSC causes substantial neuropathology, often leading to autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) in up to 60% of patients. The anatomic and neurophysiologic links between these two disorders are not well understood. However, both disorders share cerebellar abnormalities. Therefore, we have characterized a novel mouse model in which the Tsc2 gene was selectively deleted from cerebellar Purkinje cells (Tsc2f/-;Cre). These mice exhibit progressive Purkinje cell degeneration. Since loss of Purkinje cells is a well-reported postmortem finding in patients with ASD, we conducted a series of behavior tests to assess if Tsc2f/-;Cre mice displayed autistic-like deficits. Using the three chambered social choice assay, we found that Tsc2f/-;Cre mice showed behavioral deficits, exhibiting no preference between a stranger mouse and an inanimate object, or between a novel and a familiar mouse. Tsc2f/-;Cre mice also demonstrated increased repetitive behavior as assessed with marble burying activity. Altogether, these results demonstrate that loss of Tsc2 in Purkinje cells in a haploinsufficient background lead to behavioral deficits that are characteristic of human autism. Therefore, Purkinje cells loss and/or dysfunction may be an important link between TSC and ASD. Additionally, we have examined some of the cellular mechanisms resulting from mutations in Tsc2 leading to Purkinje cell death. Loss of Tsc2 led to upregulation of mTORC1 and increased cell size. As a consequence of increased protein synthesis, several cellular stress pathways were upregulated. Principally, these included altered calcium signaling, oxidative stress, and ER stress. Likely as a consequence of ER stress, there was also upregulation of ubiquitin and autophagy. Excitingly, treatment with an mTORC1 inhibitor, rapamycin attenuated mTORC1 activity and prevented Purkinje cell death by reducing of calcium signaling, the ER stress response, and ubiquitin. Remarkably, rapamycin treatment also reversed the social behavior deficits, thus providing a promising potential therapy for TSC-associated ASD.


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Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and aggressive primary brain tumor with poor prognosis due in part to drug resistance and high incidence of tumor recurrence. The drug resistant and cancer recurrence phenotype may be ascribed to the presence of glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs), which seem to reside in special stem-cell niches in vivo and require special culture conditions including certain growth factors and serum-free medium to maintain their stemness in vitro. Exposure of GSCs to fetal bovine serum (FBS) can cause their differentiation, the underlying mechanism of which remains unknown. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play an important role in normal stem cell differentiation, but their role in affecting cancer stem cell fate remains unclear. Whether the metabolic characteristics of GSCs are different from other glioblastoma cells and can be targeted are also unknown. In this study, we used several stem-like glioblastoma cell lines derived from clinical tissues by typical neurosphere culture system or orthotopic xenografts, and showed that addition of fetal bovine serum to the medium induced an increase of ROS, leading to aberrant differentiation and decreases of stem cell markers such as CD133. We found that exposure of GSCs to serum induced their differentiation through activation of mitochondrial respiration, leading to an increase in superoxide (O2-) generation and a profound ROS stress response manifested by upregulation of oxidative stress response pathway. This increase in mitochondrial ROS led to a down-regulation of molecules including SOX2, and Olig2, and Notch1 that are important for stem cell function and an upregulation of mitochondrial superoxide dismutase SOD2 that converts O2- to H2O2. Neutralization of ROS by antioxidant N-acetyl-cysteine in the serum-treated GSCs suppressed the increase of superoxide and partially rescued the expression of SOX2, Olig2, and Notch1, and prevented the serum-induced differentiation phenotype. Additionally, GSCs showed high dependence on glycolysis for energy production. The combination of a glycolytic inhibitor 3-BrOP and a chemotherapeutic agent BCNU depleted cellular ATP and inhibited the repair of BCNU-induced DNA damage, achieving strikingly synergistic killing effects in drug resistant GSCs. This study uncovers the metabolic properties of glioblastoma stem cells and suggests that mitochondrial function and cellular redox status may profoundly affect the fates of glioblastoma stem cells via a ROS-mediated mechanism, and that the active glycolytic metabolism in cancer stem cells may provide a biochemical basis for developing novel therapeutic strategies to effectively eliminate GSCs.


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Triple-negative breast cancers (TNBC) are characterized by the lack of or reduced expression of the estrogen and progesterone receptors, and normal expression of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2. The lack of a well-characterized target for treatment leaves only systemic chemotherapy as the mainstay of treatment. Approximately 60-70% of patients are chemosensitive, while the remaining majority does not respond. Targeted therapies that take advantage of the unique molecular perturbations found in triple-negative breast cancer are needed. The genes that are frequently amplified or overexpressed represent potential therapeutic targets for triple-negative breast cancer. The purpose of this study was to identify and validate novel therapeutic targets for triple-negative breast cancers. 681 genes showed consistent and highly significant overexpression in TNBC compared to receptor-positive cancers in 2 data sets. For two genes, 3 of the 4 siRNAs showed preferential growth inhibition in TNBC cells. These two genes were the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 8 (LRP8) and very low-density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR). Exposure to their cognate ligands, reelin and apolipoprotein E isoform 4 (ApoE4), stimulated the growth of TNBC cells in vitro. Suppression of the expression of either LRP8 or VLDLR or exposure to RAP (an inhibitor of ligand binding to LRP8 and VLDLR) abolished this ligand-induced proliferation. High-throughput protein and metabolic arrays revealed that ApoE4 stimulation rescued TNBC cells from serum-starvation induced up-regulation of genes involved in lipid biosynthesis, increased protein expression of oncogenes involved in the MAPK/ERK and DNA repair pathways, and reduced the serum-starvation induction of biochemicals involved in oxidative stress response and glycolytic metabolism. shLRP8 MDA-MB-231 xenografts had reduced tumor volume, in comparison to parental and shCON xenografts. These results indicate that LRP8-APOE signaling confers survival advantages to TNBC tumors under reduced nutrient conditions and during cellular environmental stress. We revealed that the LRP8-APOE receptor-ligand system is overexpressed in human TNBC. We also demonstrated that this receptor system mediates a strong growth promoting and survival function in TNBC cells in vitro and helps to sustain the growth of MDA-MD-231 xenografts. We propose that inhibitors of LRP8-APOE signaling may be clinically useful therapeutic agents for triple-negative breast cancer.


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The p21-activated kinase, Shk1, is an essential serine/threonine kinase required for normal cell polarity, proper mating response, and hyperosmotic stress response, in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. This study has established a novel role for Shk1 as a microtubule regulator in fission yeast and, in addition, characterized a potential biological substrate of Shk1. Cells defective in Shk1 function were found to exhibit malformed interphase and mitotic microtubules, are hypersensitive to the microtubule disrupting drug thiabendazole (TBZ), and are cold sensitive for growth. Microtubule disruption by TBZ results in a significant reduction of Shk1 kinase activity, which is restored after cells are released from the drug, thus providing a correlation between Shk1 kinase activity and active microtubule polymerization. Consistent with a role for Shk1 as a microtubule regulator, GFP-Shk1 fusion proteins localize to interphase microtubules and mitotic microtubule spindles. Furthermore, loss of Tea1, a presumptive microtubule regulator in fission yeast, exacerbates the growth and microtubule defects of cells deficient in Shk1 function, and results in illicit Shk1 localization. Moreover, loss of the Cdc2 inhibitory kinase Wee1, which has been implicated as a mediator of the Shk1 pathway, leads to significant microtubule defects. Intriguingly, Wee1 protein levels are markedly reduced both by partial loss of Shk1 function and by treatment with TBZ. These results suggest that Shk1 is required for proper regulation of microtubule dynamics in fission yeast and may interact with Tea1 and Wee1 in this regulatory process. ^ To further understand Shk1 function in fission yeast, a yeast two-hybrid screen for proteins that interact with the Shk1 catalytic domain was performed. This screen led to the identification of a novel protein, Skb10 (for S&barbelow;hk1 k&barbelow;inase b&barbelow;inding protein 10). Coprecipitation experiments demonstrated that Skb10 associates with Shk1 in S. pombe cells. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Light absorption is an important process for energy production and sensory perception in many organisms. In the filamentous fungus, Neurospora crassa, blue-light is an important regulator of both asexual and sexual development, but the identity of the blue-light receptor is unknown. The work presented in this dissertation initiated the characterization of the putative N. crassa opsin photoreceptor, NOP-1. Opsins were thought to exist only in the archaea and mammals until the discovery of nop-1. All opsins have the same conserved structure of seven transmembrane helical domains with a lysine residue in the seventh helix specific for forming a Schiff-base linkage with retinal. The predicted NOP-1 protein sequence is equally similar to archaeal rhodopsins and a newly identified fungal opsin-related protein group (ORPs). ORPs maintain the seven transmembrane helical structure of opsins, but lack the conserved lysine residue for binding retinal. An ORP gene, orp-1 was identified in N. crassa and this work includes the cloning and sequence analysis of this gene. Characterization of NOP-1 function in N. crassa development began with the construction of a Δnop-1 deletion mutant. Extensive phenotypic analysis of Δnop-1 mutants revealed only subtle defects during development primarily under environmental conditions that induce a stress response. NOP-1 was overexpressed in the heterologous system Pichia pastoris, and it was demonstrated that NOP-1 protein bound all-trans retinal to form a green-light absorbing pigment (λmax = 534 nm) with a photochemical reaction cycle similar to archaeal sensory rhodopsins. nop-1 gene expression was monitored during N. crassa development. nop-1 transcript is highly expressed during asexual sporulation (conidiation) and transcript levels are abundant in the later stages of conidial development. nop-1 expression is not regulated by blue-light or elevated temperatures. Potential functions for NOP-1 were discovered through the transcriptional analysis of conidiation-associated genes in Δnop-1 mutants. NOP-1 exhibits antagonistic transcriptional regulation of conidiation-associated genes late in conidial development, by enhancing the carotenogenic gene, al-2 and repressing the conidiation-specific genes, con-10 and con-13. ^


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PDGFR is an important target for novel anticancer therapeutics because it is overexpressed in a wide variety of malignancies. Recently, however, several anticancer drugs that inhibit PDGFR signaling have been associated with clinical heart failure. Understanding this effect of PDGFR inhibitors has been difficult because the role of PDGFR signaling in the heart remains largely unexplored. As described herein, we have found that PDGFR-beta expression and activation increase dramatically in the hearts of mice exposed to load-induced cardiac stress. In mice in which Pdgfrb was knocked out in the heart in development or in adulthood, exposure to load-induced stress resulted in cardiac dysfunction and heart failure. Mechanistically, we showed that cardiomyocyte PDGFR-beta signaling plays a vital role in stress-induced cardiac angiogenesis. Specifically, we demonstrated that cardiomyocyte PDGFR-beta was an essential upstream regulator of the stress-induced paracrine angiogenic capacity (the angiogenic potential) of cardiomyocytes. These results demonstrate that cardiomyocyte PDGFR-beta is a regulator of the compensatory cardiac response to pressure overload-induced stress. Furthermore, our findings may provide insights into the mechanism of cardiotoxicity due to anticancer PDGFR inhibitors.


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The γ-aminobutyric acid benzodiazepine (GABAA /BZDR) ionophore complex has been widely studied in the central nervous system (CNS) and it regulates Cl− ion movement across the plasma membrane. The complex has been found in the distal tubule and the thick ascending limb of the kidney. The goal of this study was to see if modulation of this complex by agonists or antagonists could affect the way Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells responded to an oxidant stress induced by menadione. When compared to cells incubated with menadione alone, preincubation with lindane, a nonspecific GABAA antagonist, coincubation with bicuculline, a specific GABAA antagonist, and coincubation with FG7142, an inverse agonist for the BZDR, protected cells from menadione cytotoxicity. Preincubation of cells in media containing PK11195 had no effect on menadione cytotoxicity. Coincubation with flurazepam, a BZDR agonist, exacerbated menadione cytotoxicity. This suggests that modulation of the GABAA/BZDR ionophore complex within MDCK cells with agonists and antagonists can alter the cellular responsiveness to an oxidant-induced injury. These responses via agonists and antagonists may be due to alterations of Cl− ion influx during late stage necrotic cell death. ^


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Cytochrome P450 3As (CYP3As) are phase I enzymes responsible for metabolizing more than 50% of clinical drugs. Recent studies have revealed that expression of CYP3As is two-fold higher in women than in men leading to a faster metabolic clearance of therapeutic drugs in women. In this study, we analyzed the female specific rat CYP3A isoform, CYP3A9. We evaluated the effects of progesterone and estrogen on CYP3A9 regulation and showed a distinct role for estrogen in mediating female dominance of CYP3A9. We also observed changes in CYP3A9 expression at various stages of pregnancy which correlates well with varying physiological estradiol concentrations. In addition, by the in vitro data shows that estradiol mediated induction can be abrogated with estrogen receptor antagonist ICI182,780. We also identified three novel murine CYP3A isoforms CYP3A13, CYP3A41 and CYP3A44 and characterized their genomic structures and expression profiles. CYP3A41 and CYP3A44 show female specific expression but surprisingly this female dominance is not mediated via estrogen. Control male mice did not exhibit any CYP3A41 mRNA levels but showed minimal levels of CYP3A44. In order to gain insights into the governance ofαthe female specific genes, the hepatic regulation of CYP3A41 and CYP3A44 by the xeno-sensors PXR and CAR was examined. In female mice, pregnenolone-16α-carboxynitrile, suppressed CYP3A41 and CYP3A44 mRNA levels in PXR−/− background whereas dexamethasone-dependent suppression of CYP3A41 was mediated by PXR. In addition, phenobarbital challenge in PXR−/− revealed up-regulation of both CYP3A44, CYP3A41 levels only in males. No role for CAR was seen in the regulation of either CYP3A41 or CYP3A44 gene expression in female mice. Interestingly, PXR and CAR ligands induced male CYP3A44 levels in a receptor dependent fashion. This increase of CYP3A44 transcript in male mice is in contrast to the response seen in female mice, which clearly indicates an additional layer of regulation. Our findings suggest that gender plays a strategic role in directing the CAR/PXR mediated effects of CYP3A44/CYP3A41. This implies that differential regulation of female specific CYP3A isoforms may be the key to explain some of the gender differences observed in clearance of certain therapeutics like antidepressants and analgesics. ^


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Personnel involved in natural or man-made disaster response and recovery efforts may be exposed to a wide variety of physical and mental stressors that can exhibit long-lasting and detrimental psychopathological outcomes. In a disaster situation, huge numbers of "secondary" responders can be involved in contaminant clean-up and debris removal and can be at risk of developing stress-related mental health outcomes. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) worker training hierarchy typically required for response workers, known as "Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response" (HAZWOPER), does not address the mental health and safety concerns of workers. This study focused on the prevalence of traumatic stress experienced by secondary responders that had received or expressed interest in receiving HAZWOPER training through the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Worker Education and Training Program (NIEHS WETP). ^ The study involved the modification of two preexisting and validated survey tools to assess secondary responder awareness of physical, mental, and traumatic stressors on mental health and sought to determine if a need existed to include traumatic stress-related mental health education in the current HAZWOPER training regimen. The study evaluated post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), resiliency, mental distress, and negative effects within a secondary responder population of 176 respondents. Elevated PTSD levels were seen in the study population as compared to a general responder population (32.9% positive vs. 8%-22.5% positive). Results indicated that HAZWOPER-trained disaster responders were likely to test positive for PTSD, whereas, untrained responders with no disaster experience and responders who possessed either training or disaster experience only were likely to test PTSD negative. A majority (68.75%) of the population tested below the mean resiliency to cope score (80.4) of the average worker population. Results indicated that those who were trained only or who possessed both training and disaster work experience were more likely to have lower resiliency scores than those with no training or experience. There were direct correlations between being PTSD positive and having worked at a disaster site and experiencing mental distress and negative effects. However, HAZWOPER training status does not significantly correlate with mental distress or negative effect. ^ The survey indicated clear support (91% of respondents) for mental health education. The development of a pre- and post-deployment training module is recommended. Such training could provide responders with the necessary knowledge and skills to recognize the symptomology of PTSD, mental stressors, and physical and traumatic stressors, thus empowering them to employ protective strategies or seek professional help if needed. It is further recommended that pre-deployment mental health education be included in the current HAZWOPER 24- and 40-hour course curriculums, as well as, consideration be given towards integrating a stand-alone post-deployment mental health education training course into the current HAZWOPER hierarchy.^