25 resultados para Retrospective Questionnaire


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This study explored the relationship of attitudes, needs, and health services utilization patterns of elderly veterans who were identified and categorized by their expectation for and receipt of sick-role legitimation. Three prescription types (new, change, renewal) were defined as the operational variables. A population of 676 ambulatory, chronically ill (average age 60 years) veterans were sent a questionnaire (74% response rate). In addition, retrospective medical and prescription record review was performed for a 45% sample of respondents. The results were analyzed using discriminant function and regression analysis. Fewer than 20% of the veterans responding expected to receive more prescriptions than were presently prescribed, whereas over 80% expected refill authorizations. Distinct attitudinal, need, and utilization patterns were identified. ^


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Background: The impact of anesthetic techniques for breast cancer surgery traditionally has been centered on the incidence of acute pain syndromes and complications immediately after surgery. Evaluating anesthesia management beyond short-term effects is an emerging science. Several animal studies have concluded that regional anesthesia independently reduces cancer recurrence and metastasis. A small number of retrospective clinical studies indicate that reductions in cancer recurrence are attributable to anesthesia technique; however, individual risk factors need to be taken into consideration. ^ Purpose: The aims were to: 1) investigate differences in patient, disease and treatment factors between women who received surgical treatment for breast cancer with paravertebral regional and general anesthesia compared to women who received general anesthesia alone; 2) explore patient, disease and treatment factors associated with recurrence of breast cancer; and 3) test the association between type of anesthesia and breast cancer recurrence and survival over 22–46 months following surgery. ^ Methods: This retrospective cohort study included 358 patients with stage 0-III disease who received a partial or total mastectomy without axillary node dissection between October 2006 and October 2008 at a large academic cancer center. Follow-up ended in August 2010 with a median follow-up time of 28.8 months. ^ Results: The patient demographics were equally represented across anesthesia groups. Mean BMI (kg/m2) was greater for the patients who received general anesthesia (GA) alone (29±6.8) compared to those that received paravertebral regional block (PVB) with GA (28±5.1), p=0.001. The PVB with GA group had more advanced stages of disease (p=0.01) and longer surgeries (p=0.01) than the GA only group. Breast cancer recurrence was detected in only 1.7% of the study population. The mean age was 51±18 in those who had a recurrence compared to 58±11 in the non-recurrent group (p=0.06). Overall, no association between anesthesia type and recurrence was found (p=0.53), with an unadjusted estimated hazard ratio of 1.84 (95% CI 0.34–10.08). ^ Conclusions: In contrast to previous retrospective studies in cancer patients receiving surgical and anesthesia treatment, this study was unable to detect a difference in relating type of anesthesia with decreased breast cancer recurrence. Nonetheless, a significant association between BMI and type of anesthesia was observed and should be taken into account in future studies. Because the overall rate of recurrence was very small in this population, a larger study would be needed to detect any differences in rates of recurrence attributable to type of anesthesia. ^


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The Work Limitations Questionnaire (WLQ) is used to determine the amount of work loss and productivity which stem from certain health conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis and cancer. The questionnaire is currently scored using methodology from Classical Test Theory. Item Response Theory, on the other hand, is a theory based on analyzing item responses. This study wanted to determine the validity of using Item Response Theory (IRT), to analyze data from the WLQ. Item responses from 572 employed adults with dysthymia, major depressive disorder (MDD), double depressive disorder (both dysthymia and MDD), rheumatoid arthritis and healthy individuals were used to determine the validity of IRT (Adler et al., 2006).^ PARSCALE, which is IRT software from Scientific Software International, Inc., was used to calculate estimates of the work limitations based on item responses from the WLQ. These estimates, also known as ability estimates, were then correlated with the raw score estimates calculated from the sum of all the items responses. Concurrent validity, which claims a measurement is valid if the correlation between the new measurement and the valid measurement is greater or equal to .90, was used to determine the validity of IRT methodology for the WLQ. Ability estimates from IRT were found to be somewhat highly correlated with the raw scores from the WLQ (above .80). However, the only subscale which had a high enough correlation for IRT to be considered valid was the time management subscale (r = .90). All other subscales, mental/interpersonal, physical, and output, did not produce valid IRT ability estimates.^ An explanation for these lower than expected correlations can be explained by the outliers found in the sample. Also, acquiescent responding (AR) bias, which is caused by the tendency for people to respond the same way to every question on a questionnaire, and the multidimensionality of the questionnaire (the WLQ is composed of four dimensions and thus four different latent variables) probably had a major impact on the IRT estimates. Furthermore, it is possible that the mental/interpersonal dimension violated the monotonocity assumption of IRT causing PARSCALE to fail to run for these estimates. The monotonicity assumption needs to be checked for the mental/interpersonal dimension. Furthermore, the use of multidimensional IRT methods would most likely remove the AR bias and increase the validity of using IRT to analyze data from the WLQ.^


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Purpose. The measurement of quality of life has become an important topic in healthcare and in the allocation of limited healthcare resources. Improving the quality of life (QOL) in cancer patients is paramount. Cataract removal and lens implantation appears to improve patient well-being of cancer patients, though a formal measurement has never been published in the US literature. In this current study, National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire (NEI-VFQ-25), a validated vision quality of life metric, was used to study the change in vision-related quality of life in cancer patients who underwent cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation. ^ Methods. Under an IRB approved protocol, cancer patients who underwent cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation (by a single surgeon) from December 2008 to March 2011, and who had completed a pre- and postoperative NEI-VFQ-25 were retrospectively reviewed. Post-operative data was collected at their routine 4-6 week post-op visit. Patients' demographics, cancer history, their pre and postoperative ocular examinations, visual acuities, and NEI-VFQ-25 with twelve components were included in the evaluation. The responses were evaluated using the Student t test, Spearman correlation and Wilcoxon signed rank test. ^ Results. 63 cases of cataract surgery (from 54 patients) from the MD Anderson Cancer Center were included in the study. Cancer patients had a significant improvement in the visual acuity (P<0.0001) postoperatively, along with a significant increase in vision-related quality of life (P<0.0001). Patients also had a statistically significant improvement in ten of the twelve subcategories which are addressed in the NEI-VFQ-25. ^ Conclusions. In our study, cataract extraction and intraocular implantation showed a significant impact on the vision-related quality of life in cancer patients. Although this study includes a small sample size, it serves as a positive pilot study to evaluate and quantify the impact of a surgical intervention on QOL in cancer patients and may help to design a larger study to measure vision related QOL per dollar spent for health care cost in cancer patients.^


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Intensive family preservation services (IFPS), designed to stabilize at-risk families and avert out-of-home care, have been the focus of many randomized, experimental studies. Employing a retrospective “clinical data-mining” (CDM) methodology (Epstein, 2001), this study makes use of available information extracted from client records in one IFPS agency over the course of two years. The primary goal of this descriptive and associational study was to gain a clearer understanding of IFPS service delivery and effectiveness. Interventions provided to families are delineated and assessed for their impact on improved family functioning, their impact on the reduction of family violence, as well as placement prevention. Findings confirm the use of a wide range of services consistent with IFPS program theory. Because the study employs a quasi-experimental, retrospective use of available information, clinical outcomes described cannot be causally attributed to interventions employed as with randomized controlled trials. With regard to service outcomes, findings suggest that family education, empowerment services and advocacy are most influential in placement prevention and in ameliorating unmanageable behaviors in children as well as the incidence of family violence.


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Objective: The primary objective of this project was to describe the efficacy of the Levonorgestrel Intrauterine Device (LIUD) for treatment of Complex Endometrial Cancer (CAH) and Grade 1 Endometrial Cancer (G1EEC) in terms of rate of Complete Response (CR) and Partial Response (PR) after 6 months of therapy. Finally, we assessed if any clinical or pathologic features were associated with response to the LIUD. ^ Methods: This study was a retrospective case series designed to report the response rate of patients with CAH or G1EEC treated with LIUD therapy. In addition, this study has a laboratory component to assess molecular predictors of response to LIUD therapy. Retrospective data already collected from patients diagnosed with CAH or EEC grade 1 and treated with LIUD therapy at MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) were used for this study. Patients from all ethnic and race groups were included. A Complete Response (CR) was defined in patients diagnosed with CAH if pathologic report at 6 months demonstrated either no evidence of hyperplasia or no atypia in the setting of simple or complex hyperplasia. Partial Response (PR) was recorded if disease downgraded to only CAH from G1EEC. No Response (NR) was recorded if pathologic report demonstrates no change (Stable Disease, SD) or progression to cancer (Progressive Disease, PD). We calculated the proportion of patients with complete response to LIUD therapy with 95% confidence interval. We compared the response rates (CR/PR vs NR) by obesity status (Obese if BMI > 40 kg/m2 vs non-obese if BMI <= 40 kg/m2) as well as other clinical and pathologic factors, such as age, uterine size (median size), and presence of exogenous progesterone effect. ^ Results: There were 39 patients diagnosed with either CAH or G1EEC treated with the LIUD. Of 39 patients, 12 did not have pathological results of biopsy at 6months time period. Of 27 evaluable patients, 17 were diagnosed with CAH and 10 with G1EEC. Overall response rate (RR) was 78% (95% CI = 62-94%) at 6 months, 18 patients had CR (4 in G1EEC; 14 in CAH), 3 patients had PR (3 in G1EEC), 3 had SD (1 in CAH; 2 in G1EEC), 3 had PD (2 in CAH; 1 in G1EEC). After histology stratification, RR at 6 months was 82.35% (14/17; 95%CI = 67.4-97.3%) in CAH and 70% (7/10; 95% CI = 41-98.4%) in G1EEC. ^ There was no difference in response (R) and no response (NR) based on BMI (p=0.56). He observed a trend showing association between age with response (p=0.1). There was no association between uterine size and response to therapy (p=0.17). We recorded strong association between exogenous progesterone effect and response. ^ Conclusion: LIUD therapy for the treatment of CAH and G1EEC may be effective and safe. Presence of exogenous progesterone effect may predict the response to LIUD therapy at earlier time points. There is need of further studies with larger sample size to explore the relationship of response with other clinical and pathologic factors^


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Background: No studies have attempted to determine whether nodal surgery utilization, time to initiation and completion of chemotherapy or surveillance mammography impact breast cancer survival. ^ Objectives and Methods: To determine whether receipt of nodal surgery, initiation and completion of chemotherapy, and surveillance mammography impact of racial disparities in survival among breast cancer patients in SEER areas, 1992-2005. ^ Results: Adjusting for nodal surgery did not reduce racial disparities in survival. Patients who initiated chemotherapy more than three months after surgery were 1.8 times more likely to die of breast cancer (95% CI 1.3-2.5) compared to those who initiated chemotherapy less than a month after surgery, even after controlling for known confounders or controlling for race. Despite correcting for chemotherapy initiation and completion and known predictors of outcome, African American women still had worse disease specific survival than their Caucasian counterparts. We found that non-whites underwent surveillance mammography less frequently compared with whites and mammography use during a one- or two-year time interval was associated with a small reduced risk of breast-cancer-specific and all-cause mortality. Women who received a mammogram during a two-year interval could expect the same disease-specific survival benefit or overall survival benefit as women who received a mammogram during a one-year interval. We found that while adjustment for surveillance mammography receipt and physician visits reduced differences in mortality between blacks and whites, these survival disparities were eliminated after adjusting for the number of surveillance mammograms received. ^ Conclusions: The disparities in survival among African American and Hispanic women with breast cancer are not explained by nodal surgery utilization or chemotherapy initiation and chemotherapy completion. Surveillance mammograms, physician visits and number of mammograms received may play a major role in achieving equal outcomes for breast cancer-specific mortality for women diagnosed with primary breast cancer. Racial disparities in all-cause mortality were explained by racial differences in surveillance mammograms to certain degree, but were no longer significant after controlling for differences in comorbidity. Focusing on access to quality care and post treatment surveillance might help achieve national goals to eliminate racial disparities in healthcare and outcomes. ^


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Study Objective: Identify the most frequent risk factors of Community Acquired-MRSA (CA-MRSA) Skin and Soft-tissue Infections (SSTIs) using a case series of patients and characterize them by age, race/ethnicity, gender, abscess location, druguse and intravenous drug-user (IVDU), underlying medical conditions, homelessness, treatment resistance, sepsis, those whose last healthcare visit was within the last 12 months, and describe the susceptibility pattern from this central Texas population that have come into the University Medical Center Brackenridge (UMCB) Emergency Department (ED). ^ Methods: This study was a retrospective case-series medical record review involving a convenience sample of patients in 2007 from an urban public hospital's ED in Texas that had a SSTI that tested positive for MRSA. All positive MRSA cultures underwent susceptibility testing to determine antibiotic resistance. The demographic and clinical variables that were independently associated with MRSA were determined by univariate and multivariate analysis using logistic regression to calculate odds ratios (OR), 95% confidence intervals, and significance (p≤ 0.05). ^ Results: In 2007, there were 857 positive MRSA cultures. The demographics were: males 60% and females 40%, with the average age of 36.2 (std. dev. =13) the study population consisted of non-Hispanic white (42%), Hispanics (38%), and non-Hispanic black (18.8%). Possible risk factors addressed included using recreational drugs (not including IVDU) (27%) homelessness (13%), diabetes status (12.6%) or having an infectious disease, and IVDU (10%). The most frequent abscess location was the leg (26.6%), followed by the arm and torso (both 13.7%). Eighty-three percent of patients had one prominent susceptibility pattern that had a susceptibility rate for the following antibiotics: trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) and vancomycin had 100%, gentamicin 99%, clindamycin 96%, tetracycline 96%, and erythromycin 56%. ^ Conclusion: The ED is becoming an important area for disease transmission between the sterile hospital environment and the outside environment. As always, it is important to further research in the ED in an effort to better understand MRSA transmission and antibiotic resistance, as well as to keep surveillance for the introduction of new opportunistic pathogens into the population. ^