17 resultados para Negative


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The Retinoblastoma tumor suppressor gene (RB) plays a role in a variety of human cancers. Experimental analyses have indicated that the protein product of the RB gene (pRb) plays a role in cell cycle regulation, and that this protein is required in cellular differentiation, senescence, and cell survival. pRb function is dependent on its ability to bind to cellular factors. There are multiple protein binding domains within pRb. Mutations within these domains which eliminate the ability of pRb to bind its targets result in loss of function. Loss of pRb function leads to tumorigenesis, although uncontrolled cellular proliferation is not a universal response to pRb inactivation. The ultimate response to the loss of pRb is influenced by both the genetic and epigenetic environments. Targeted disruption of RB in mice results in embryonic lethality, demonstrating the requirement for functional pRb in development. Close examination of various tissues from the embryos which lack wildtype RB shows problems in differentiation as well as showing induction of apoptosis. Although disruption of RB has provided useful information, complete inactivation of a gene precludes the possibility of discovering the functions that separate domains may have within the system. Creation of a dominant negative mutant by domain deletion whose phenotype is expressed in the presence of the wildtype may provide information about the intermediate functions of the protein. In addition, tissue specific targeting of a dominant negative mutant of pRb allows for comprehensive analysis of pRb function in organogenesis. In this thesis, a series of RB deletion mutants were created and tested for dominant negative activity as well as cellular localization. A tissue culture assay for dominant negative activity was developed which screens for the phenotype of apoptosis due to loss of pRb function. Two mutants from this series scored positive for dominant negative activity in this assay. The effect of these mutants within the assay environment can be explained by a model in which pRb acts as a facilitator of cell fate pathway decisions. ^


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Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas are common tumors of the human immune system, primarily of B cell lineage (NHL-B). Negative growth regulation in the B cell lineage is mediated primarily through the TGF-β/SMAD signaling pathway that regulates a variety of tumor suppressor genes. Ski was originally identified as a transforming oncoprotein, whereas SnoN is an isoform of the Sno protein that shares a large region of homology with Ski. In this study, we show that Ski/SnoN are endogenously over-expressed both in patients' lymphoma cells and NHL-B cell lines. Exogenous TGF-β1 treatment induces down-regulation of Ski and SnoN oncoprotein expression in an NHL-B cell line, implying that Ski and SnoN modulate the TGF-β signaling pathway and are involved in cell growth regulation. Furthermore, we have developed an NHL-B cell line (DB) that has a null mutation in TGF-β receptor type II. In this mutant cell line, Ski/SnoN proteins are not down-regulated in response to TGF-β1 treatment, suggesting that downregulation of Ski and SnoN proteins in NHL-B require an intact functional TGF-β signaling pathway Resting normal B cells do not express Ski until activated by antigens and exogenous cytokines, whereas a low level of SnoN is also present in peripheral blood Go B cells. In contrast, autonomously growing NHL-B cells over-express Ski and SnoN, implying that Ski and SnoN are important cell cycle regulators. To further investigate a possible link between reduction of the Ski protein level and growth inhibition, Ski antisense oligodeoxynucleotides were transfected into NHL-B cells. The Ski protein level was found to decrease to less than 40%, resulting in restoring the effect of TGF-β and leading to cell growth inhibition and G1 cell cycle arrest. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated that Ski associates with Smad4 in the nucleus, strongly suggesting that over-expression of the nuclear protein Ski and/or SnoN negatively regulates the TGF-β pathway, possibly by modulating Smad-mediated tumor suppressor gene expression. Together, in NHL-B, the TGF-β/SMAD growth inhibitory pathway is usually intact, but over-expression of the Ski and/or SnoN, which binds to Smad4, abrogates the negative regulatory effects of TGF-β/SMAD in lymphoma cell growth and potentiates the growth potential of neoplastic B cells. ^