30 resultados para Lymphocyte Function-Associated Antigen-1


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Several studies have examined the association between high glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) diets and the risk for coronary heart disease (CHD). However, most of these studies were conducted primarily on white populations. The primary aim of this study was to examine whether high GI and GL diets are associated with increased risk for developing CHD in whites and African Americans, non-diabetics and diabetics, and within stratifications of body mass index (BMI) and hypertension (HTN). Baseline and 17-year follow-up data from ARIC (Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities) study was used. The study population (13,051) consisted of 74% whites, 26% African Americans, 89% non-diabetics, 11% diabetics, 43% male, 57% female aged 44 to 66 years at baseline. Data from the ARIC food frequency questionnaire at baseline were analyzed to provide GI and GL indices for each subject. Increases of 25 and 30 units for GI and GL respectively were used to describe relationships on incident CHD risk. Adjusted hazard ratios for propensity score with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were used to assess associations. During 17 years of follow-up (1987 to 2004), 1,683 cases of CHD was recorded. Glycemic index was associated with 2.12 fold (95% CI: 1.05, 4.30) increased incident CHD risk for all African Americans and GL was associated with 1.14 fold (95% CI: 1.04, 1.25) increased CHD risk for all whites. In addition, GL was also an important CHD risk factor for white non-diabetics (HR=1.59; 95% CI: 1.33, 1.90). Furthermore, within stratum of BMI 23.0 to 29.9 in non-diabetics, GI was associated with an increased hazard ratio of 11.99 (95% CI: 2.31, 62.18) for CHD in African Americans, and GL was associated with 1.23 fold (1.08, 1.39) increased CHD risk in whites. Body mass index modified the effect of GI and GL on CHD risk in all whites and white non-diabetics. For HTN, both systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure modified the effect on GI and GL on CHD risk in all whites and African Americans, white and African American non-diabetics, and white diabetics. Further studies should examine other factors that could influence the effects of GI and GL on CHD risk, including dietary factors, physical activity, and diet-gene interactions. ^


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Objective. To measure the demand for primary care and its associated factors by building and estimating a demand model of primary care in urban settings.^ Data source. Secondary data from 2005 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS 2005), a population-based random-digit dial telephone survey, conducted by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research in collaboration with the California Department of Health Services, and the Public Health Institute between July 2005 and April 2006.^ Study design. A literature review was done to specify the demand model by identifying relevant predictors and indicators. CHIS 2005 data was utilized for demand estimation.^ Analytical methods. The probit regression was used to estimate the use/non-use equation and the negative binomial regression was applied to the utilization equation with the non-negative integer dependent variable.^ Results. The model included two equations in which the use/non-use equation explained the probability of making a doctor visit in the past twelve months, and the utilization equation estimated the demand for primary conditional on at least one visit. Among independent variables, wage rate and income did not affect the primary care demand whereas age had a negative effect on demand. People with college and graduate educational level were associated with 1.03 (p < 0.05) and 1.58 (p < 0.01) more visits, respectively, compared to those with no formal education. Insurance was significantly and positively related to the demand for primary care (p < 0.01). Need for care variables exhibited positive effects on demand (p < 0.01). Existence of chronic disease was associated with 0.63 more visits, disability status was associated with 1.05 more visits, and people with poor health status had 4.24 more visits than those with excellent health status. ^ Conclusions. The average probability of visiting doctors in the past twelve months was 85% and the average number of visits was 3.45. The study emphasized the importance of need variables in explaining healthcare utilization, as well as the impact of insurance, employment and education on demand. The two-equation model of decision-making, and the probit and negative binomial regression methods, was a useful approach to demand estimation for primary care in urban settings.^


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Background: The objective of this analysis is to test whether baseline quality of life (QOL) measurements, body mass index (BMI) and prior exercise behavior are significantly associated with (1) telephone counseling adherence, and (2) activity at the final assessment, in a physical activity promoting intervention among endometrial cancer survivors.^ Methods: One hundred endometrial cancer survivors not currently meeting physical activity guidelines completed baseline QOL and anthropometric assessments to measure general physical and mental health [Medical Outcomes Survey (SF-36)], sleep patterns and sleep quality [Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)], perceived stress [Perceived Stress Scale (PSS)], cancer-specific concerns of long-term survivors [Quality of Life in Adult Cancer Survivors (QLACS)], and psychological distress [Brief Symptom Inventory-18 (BSI-18)]. Survivors were counseled by telephone during the 6-month intervention and their completion rate determined their adherence. The primary variables of interest included age, baseline BMI, baseline activity level, time since diagnosis, education, treatment received, and the SF-36 physical and mental component scores.^ Results: Final activity was most closely linked with baseline activity (p<.001) and less invasive surgery, being leaner and older, and experiencing less pain and more vitality. Telephone counseling was also predicted well by baseline activity, working less and having better overall cancer-related functioning.^ Conclusion: Above and beyond the QOL measures, baseline activity was the strongest predictor of both final activity and telephone counseling adherence. While education, surgery treatment type and bodily pain were important predictors for final exercise and employment status and cancer-related quality of life were important predictors for telephone counseling adherence, considering adaptive exercise interventions that focus heavily on engaging inactive participants may be a way to produce better exercise-related outcomes in the endometrial cancer survivor population.^


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Heterotrimeric G protein-mediated signal transduction is one of numerous means that cells utilize to respond to external stimuli. G proteins consist of α, β andγ subunits. Extracellular ligands bind to seven-transmembrane helix receptors, triggering conformational changes. This is followed by activation of coupled G proteins through the exchange of GDP for GTP on the Gα subunit. Once activated, Gα-GTP dissociates from the βγ dimer. Both of these two moieties can interact with downstream effectors, such as adenylyl cyclase, phospholipase C, phosphodiesterases, or ion channels, leading to a series of changes in cellular metabolism and physiology. ^ Neurospora crassa is a eukaryotic multicellular filamentous fungus, with asexual/vegetative and sexual phases to its life cycle. Three Gα (GNA-1, GNA-2, GNA-3) and one Gβ (GNB-1) proteins have been identified in this organism. This dissertation investigates GNA-1 and GNB-1 mediated signaling pathways in N. crassa. ^ GNA-1 was the first identified microbial Gα that belongs to a mammalian superfamily (Gαi). Deletion of GNA-1 leads to multiple defects in N. crassa. During the asexual cycle, Δgna-1 strains display a slower growth rate and delayed conidiation on solid medium. In the sexual cycle, the Δgna-1 mutant is male-fertile but female-sterile. Biochemical studies have shown that Δ gna-1 strains have lower adenosine 3′–5 ′ cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) levels than wild type under conditions where phenotypic defects are observed. In this thesis work, strains containing one of two GTPase-deficient gna-1 alleles (gna-1 R178C, gna-1Q204L) leading to constitutive activation of GNA-1 have been constructed and characterized. Activation of GNA-1 causes uncontrolled aerial hyphae proliferation, elevated sensitivity to heat and oxidative stresses, and lower carotenoid synthesis. To further study the function of GNA-1, constructs to enable expression of mammalian Gαi superfamily members were transformed into a Δ gna-1 strain, and complementation of Δgna-1 defects investigated. Gαs, which is not a member of Gα i superfamily was used as a control. These mammalian Gα genes were able to rescue the vegetative growth rate defect of the Δ gna-1 strain in the following order: Gαz > Gα o > Gαs > Gαt > Gαi. In contrast, only Gαo was able to complement the sexual defect of a Δgna-1 strain. With regard to the thermotolerance phenotype, none of the mammalian Gα genes restored the sensitivity to a wild type level. These results suggest that GNA-1 regulates two independent pathways during the vegetative and sexual cycles in N. crassa. ^ GNB-1, a G protein β subunit from N. crassa, was identified and its functions investigated in this thesis work. The sequence of the gnb-1 gene predicts a polypeptide of 358 residues with a molecular mass of 39.7 kDa. GNB-1 exhibits 91% identity to Cryphonectria parasitica CPGB-1, and also displays significant homology with human and Dictyostelium Gβ genes (∼66%). A Δ gnb-1 strain was constructed and shown to exhibit defects in asexual spore germination, vacuole number and size, mass accumulation and female fertility. A novel role for GNB-1 in regulation of GNA-1 and GNA-2 protein levels was also demonstrated. ^


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A series of studies were undertaken to analyze and compare various aspects of murine class I glycoproteins. An initial area of investigation characterized the Qa-1 alloantigens using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Analysis of the products of the Qa-1('b), Qa-1('c) and Qa-1('d) alleles indicated that these were distinct molecules as determined by their lack of comigration upon comparative two-dimensional gel analysis. The importance of asparagine-linked glycosylation in the cell surface expression of class I molecules was also examined. These studies employed tunicamycin, an inhibitor of N-linked glycosylation. Tunicamycin treatment of activated T lymphocytes diminished the surface expression of Qa-1 to undetectable levels; the levels of other class I molecules exhibited little or no decrease. These results indicated that N-linked glycosylation has a differential importance in the cell surface expression of various class I molecules. The molecular weight diversity of class I molecules was also investigated. Molecular weight determination of both the fully glycosylated and unglycosylated forms of H-2 and Qa/Tla region encoded molecules established that there is a significant variation in the sizes of these forms of various class I molecules. The most significant difference ((TURN)9,000 daltons) exists between the unglycosylated forms of H-2K('b) and Qa-2, suggesting that the structural organization of these two molecules may be very different. A comparative two-dimensional gel analysis of various class I glycoproteins isolated from resting and activated T and B lymphocytes indicated that class I molecules expressed on activated T cells exhibited an isoelectrophoretic pattern that was distinct from the isoelectrophoretic pattern of class I molecules expessed on the other cell populations. This difference was attributed to a lower sialic acid content of the molecules expressed on activated T cells. Analysis of cell homogenates determined that activated T cells contained a higher level of endogenous neuraminidase activity than was detected in the other populations, suggesting that this may be the basis of the lower sialic acid content. The relationship of the Qa-4 and Qa-2 alloantigens was also examined. It was established that upon mitogen activation, the expression of Qa-4 was greatly decreased, whereas Qa-2 expression was not decreased. However, an anti-Qa-2 monoclonal antibody blocked the binding of an anti-Qa-4 monoclonal antibody to resting cells. These studies established that Qa-4 is a determinant restricted to resting cells, which is closely associated on the surface with the Qa-2 molecule. ^


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Treatment of metastatic melanoma with tumor reactive T cells (adoptive T cell therapy, ACT) is a promising approach associated with a high clinical response rate. However, further optimization of this treatment modality is required to increase the clinical response after this therapy. ACT in melanoma involves an initial phase (pre-REP) of tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) expansion ex vivo from tumor isolates followed by a second phase, “rapid expansion protocol” (REP) generating the billions of cells used as the TIL infusion product. The main question addressed in this thesis was how the currently used REP affected the responsiveness of the CD8+ T cells to defined melanoma antigens. We hypothesized that the REP drives the TIL to further differentiate and become hyporesponsive to antigen restimulation, therefore, proper cytokine treatment or other ways to expand TIL is required to improve upon this outcome. We evaluated the response of CD8+ TIL to melanoma antigen restimulation using MART-1 peptide-pulsed mature DC in vitro. Post-REP TILs were mostly hypo-responsive with poor proliferation and higher apoptosis. Phenotypic analysis revealed that the expression of CD28 was significantly reduced in post-REP TILs. By sorting experiment and microarray analysis, we confirmed that the few CD28+ post-REP TILs had superior survival capacity and proliferated after restimulation. We then went on to investigate methods to maintain CD28 expression during the REP and improve TIL responsiveness. Firstly, IL-15 and IL-21 were found to synergize in maintaining TIL CD28 expression and antigenic responsiveness during REP. Secondly, we found IL-15 was superior as compared to IL-2 in supporting the long-term expansion of antigen-specific CD8+ TIL after restimulation. These results suggest that current expansion protocols used for adoptive T-cell therapy in melanoma yield largely hyporesponsive products containing CD8+ T cells unable to respond in vivo to re-stimulation with antigen. A modification of our current approaches by using IL-15+IL-21 as supporting cytokines in the REP, or/and administration of IL-15 instead of IL-2 after TIL infusion, may enhance the anti-tumor efficacy and long-term persistence of infused T cells in vivo.


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The skin immune system is believed to be a crucial site of contact between immunocompetent cells and invading organisms. A novel T cell component of murine epidermis is the Thy-1$\sp+$ dendritic epidermal cell (Tdec). To assess the immunocompetence of Tdec, the ability of Tdec to induce immune responses was tested. Tdec were unable to induce positive immune responses in three models of immunocompetence. Subsequent studies were designed to test the hypothesis that Tdec are involved in the down-regulation of cell-mediated immunity against cutaneous antigens. Cultured Tdec lines were conjugated in vitro with the hapten, fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). The intrafootpad (ifp.) or intravenous (i.v.) injection of FTIC-conjugated Tdec induced immunologic tolerance to subsequent epicutaneous sensitization with FITC. This induction of tolerance was antigen-specific, and injection of unconjugated Tdec had no effect on the contact hypersensitivity response to FITC. Tolerance was not H-2-restricted, since it could be induced in both syngeneic and allogeneic recipients of FITC-conjugated Tdec. No suppressive activity could be detected in lymphoid organs of animals tolerized by the ifp. injection of hapten-conjugated Tdec. In contrast, suppressor T cells were present in the spleens of mice injected i.v. with hapten-conjugated Tdec. These results indicate that Ts cells are not involved in the induction of tolerance by the ifp. injection of hapten-conjugated Tdec. To investigate the mechanism by which the ifp. injection of hapten-conjugated Tdec induced tolerance to contact sensitization, the activity of these cells was measured in vitro. The addition of hapten-conjugated Tdec inhibited the proliferation of Con A-stimulated lymphocytes. In addition, FITC-conjugated Tdec abrogated the proliferation of normal lymphocytes in response to FITC-labeled stimulator cells. These studies suggest that specific T cell-mediated immunity is the target of the inhibitory effect of Tdec in vitro. In summary, these results demonstrate that while Tdec are unable to induce positive immune responses, they can produce a state of specific immunologic tolerance when injected ifp. or i.v. These results also suggest that the induction of immunologic tolerance by hapten-conjugated Tdec may occur through the inactivation or elimination of activated T lymphocytes resulting in down-regulation of cell-mediated immunity against cutaneous antigens. ^


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Galactosyltransferase (GalTase) is localized in the Golgi, where it functions in oligosaccharide synthesis, as well as on the cell surface where it serves as a cell adhesion molecule. GalTase-specific adhesions are functional in a number of important biological events, including F9 embryonal carcinoma (EC) cell adhesions. GalTase-based adhesions are formed by recognition and binding to terminal N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residues on its glycoprotein counterpart on adjacent cell surfaces. The object of this work has been to investigate the formation and function of GalTase-specific adhesions during F9 cell growth and differentiation. We initially investigated GalTase synthesis during differentiation and found that the increase in GalTase activity was specific for the Golgi compartment; surface GalTase levels remained constant during differentiation. These data indicated that the increase in cell adhesions expected with increased cell-matrix interaction in differentiated F9 cells is not the consequence of increased surface GalTase expression and, more interestingly, that the two pools of GalTase are under differential regulation. Synthesis and recognition of the consociate glycoprotein component was next investigated. Surface GalTase recognized several surface glycoproteins in a pattern that changes with differentiation. Uvomorulin, lysosome-associated membrane protein-1 (LAMP-1), and laminin were recognized by surface GalTase and are, therefore, potential components in GalTase-specific adhesions. Furthermore, these interactions were aberrant in an adhesion-defective F9 cell line that results, at least in part, from abnormal oligosaccharide synthesis. The function played by surface GalTase in growth and induction of differentiation was examined. Inhibition of surface GalTase function by a panel of reagents inhibited F9 cell growth. GalTase expression at both the transcription and protein levels were differentially regulated during the cell cycle, with surface expression greatest in the G1 phase. Disruption of GalTase adhesion by exposure to anti-GalTase antibodies during this period resulted in extension of the G2 phase, a result similar to that seen with agents known to inhibit growth and induce differentiation. Finally, other studies have suggested that a subset of cell adhesion molecules have the capability to induce differentiation in EC cells systems. We have determined in F9 cells that dissociating GalTase adhesion by galactosylation of and release of the consociate glycoproteins induces differentiation, as defined by increased laminin synthesis. The ability to induce differentiation by surface galactosylation was greatest in cells grown in cultures promoting cell-cell adhesions, relative to cultures with minimal cell-cell interactions. ^


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The rate and direction of fibroblast locomotion is regulated by the formation of lamellipodia. In turn, lamellipodal formation is modulated in part by adhesion of that region of the cell from which the lamellipodia will extend or orginate. Cell surface $\beta$1,4-galactosyltransferase (GalTase) is one molecule that has been demonstrated to mediate cellular interactions with extracellular matrices. In the case of fibroblasts, GalTase must be associated with the actin cytoskeleton in order to mediate cellular adhesion to laminin. The object of this study was to determine how altering the quantity of GalTase capable of associating with the cytoskeleton impacts cell motility. Stably transfected cell lines were generated that have increased or decreased levels of surface GalTase relative to its cytoskeleton-binding sites. Biochemical analyses of these cells reveals that there is a limited number of sites on the cytoskeleton with which GalTase can interact. Altering the ratio of GalTase to its cytoskeleton binding sites does not affect the cells' abilities to spread, nor does it affect the localization of cytoskeletally-bound GalTase. It does, however, appear to interfere with stress fiber bundling. Cells with altered GalTase:cytoskeleton ratios change their polarity of laminin more frequently, as compared to controls. Therefore, the ectopic expression of GalTase cytoplasmic domains impairs a cell's ability to control the placement of lamellipodia. Cells were then tested for their ability to respond to a directional stimulus, a gradient of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). It was found that the ability of a cell to polarize in response to a gradient of PDGF is directly proportional to the quantity of GalTase associated with its cytoskeleton. Finally, the rate of unidirectional cell migration on laminin was found to be directly dependent upon surface GalTase expression and is inversely related to the ability of surface GalTase to interact with the cytoskeleton. It is therefore proposed that cytoskeletal assembly and lamellipodal formation can be regulated by the altering the ratio of cytoplasmic domains for specific matrix receptors, such as GalTase, relative to their cytoskeleton-binding sites. ^


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Immune dysfunction is encountered during spaceflight. Various aspects of spaceflight, including microgravity, cosmic radiation, and both physiological and psychological stress, may perturb immune function. We sought to understand the impact of microgravity alone on the cellular mechanisms critical to immunity. Clinostatic RWV bioreactors that simulate aspects of microgravity were used to analyze the response of human PBMC to polyclonal and oligoclonal activation. PHA responsiveness in the RWV bioreactor was almost completely diminished. IL-2 and IFN-$\gamma$ secretion was reduced whereas IL-1$\beta$ and IL-6 secretion was increased, suggesting that monocytes may not be as adversely affected by simulated microgravity as T cells. Activation marker expression (CD25, CD69, CD71) was significantly reduced in RWV cultures. Furthermore, addition of exogenous IL-2 to these cultures did not restore proliferation. Antigen specific T cell activation, including the mixed-lymphocyte reaction, tetanus toxoid responsiveness, and Borrelia activation of a specific T cell line, was also suppressed in the RWV bioreactor.^ The role of altered culture conditions in the suppression of T cell activation were considered. Potential reduced cell-cell and cell-substratum interactions in the RWV bioreactor may play a role in the loss of PHA responsiveness. However, PHA activation in Teflon culture bags that limit cell-substratum interactions was not affected. Furthermore, increasing cell-population density, and therefore cell-cell interactions, in the RWV cultures did not help restore PHA activation. However, placing PBMC within small collagen beads did partially restore PHA responsiveness. Finally, activation of purified T cells with crosslinked CD2/CD28 or CD3/CD28 antibody pairs, which does not require costimulation through cell-cell contact, was completely suppressed in the RWV bioreactor suggesting a defect internal to the T cell.^ Activation of both PBMC and purified T cells with PMA and ionomycin was unaffected by RWV culture, indicating that signaling mechanisms downstream of PKC activation and calcium flux are not sensitive to simulated microgravity. Furthermore, sub-mitogenic doses of PMA alone but not ionomycin alone restored PHA responsiveness of PBMC in RWV culture. Thus, our data indicate that during polyclonal activation in simulated microgravity, there is a specific dysfunction within the T cell involving the signaling pathways upstream of PKC activation. ^


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Human colon cancer cells, LS180 and 174T, exhibit monoclonal antibody (mAb) 1083-17-1A and 5E113 defined tumor associated antigens. By radioimmunoassay, LS180 cells expressed the highest amount of mAb1083 defined antigens among the cell lines tested. Another mAb, 5E113, competed with mAb1083 for binding to LS180 cells, suggesting that both mAbs might bind onto identical (or adjacent) epitopes. By Scatchard analysis, about one million copies of the epitopes were present on LS180 colon cancer cells. The affinity of mAb1083 binding to the cells was 2.97 x 10('10) M('-1); the Sipsian heteroclonality value of mAb1083 was 0.9, thus approximating a single clone of reactive antibody. The qualitative studies showed that the epitopes were probably not carbohydrate because of their sensitivity to proteinases and not to mixed glucosidases and neuraminidase. The tunicamycin homologue B(,2) inhibited the incoporation of ('3)H-labeled galactose but not uptake of ('35)S-labeled methionine, nor expression of monoclonal antibody defined antigens providing further evidence to exclude the possibility of carbohydrate epitopes. There was evidence that the epitope might be partially masked in its "native" conformation, since short exposure or low dose treatment with proteases increased mAbs binding. The best detergent for antigen extraction, as detected by dot blotting and competitive inhibition assays, was octylglucoside at 30 mM concentration. Three methods, immunoprecipitation, Western blotting and photoaffinity labeling, were used to determine the molecular nature of the antigens. These results demonstrated that the antibody bound both 43 K daltons (KD) and 22 KD proteins.^ An in vitro cell-mediated immune approach was also used to attempt identifying function for the antigens. The strategy was to use mAbs to block cytotoxic effector cell killing. However, instead of blocking, the mAb1083 and 5E113 showed strong antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicities (ADCCs) in the in vitro xenoimmune assay system. In addition, cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), natural killer cells, and K cell activity were found. Since even the F(ab')2 fragment of mAbs did not inhibit the cytolytic effect, the mAbs defined antigens may not be major target molecules for CTLs. In summary, two molecular species of tumor antigen(s) were identified by mAbs to be present on colon tumor cell lines, LS180 and LS174T. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^


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Tuberculosis is the leading cause of death in the world due to a single infectious agent, making it critical to investigate all aspects of the immune response mounted against the causative agent, Mycobacterium tuberculosis , in order to better treat and prevent disease. Previous observations show a disparity in the ability to control mycobacterial growth between mouse strains sufficient in C5, such as C57BL/6 and B10.D2/nSnJ, and those naturally deficient in C5, such as A/J and B10.D2/nSnJ, with C5 deficient mice being more susceptible. It has been shown that during M. tuberculosis infection, C5 deficient macrophages have a defect in production of interleukin (IL)-12, a cytokine involved in the cyclical activation between infected macrophages and effector T cells. T cells stimulated by IL-12 produce interferon (IFN)-γ, the signature cytokine of T helper type 1 (Th1) cells. It is known that a cell-mediated Th1 response is crucial for control of M. tuberculosis in the lungs of humans and mice. This study demonstrates that murine T cells express detectable levels of CD88, a receptor for C5a (C5aR), following antigen presentation by macrophages infected with mycobacteria. T cells from C5 deficient mice infected with M. tuberculosis were found to secrete less IFN-γ and had a reduced Th1 phenotype associated with fewer cells expressing the transcription factor, T-box expressed in T cells (T-bet). The altered Th1 phenotype in M. tuberculosis infected C5 deficient mice coincided with a rise in IL-4 and IL-10 secretion from Th2 cells and inducible regulatory T cells, respectively. It was found that the ineffective T cell response to mycobacteria in C5 deficient mice was due indirectly to a lack of C5a via poor priming by infected macrophages and possibly by a direct interaction between T cells and C5a peptide. Therefore, these studies show a link between the cells of the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system, macrophages and T cells respectively, that was mediated by C5a using a mouse model of M. tuberculosis infection. ^


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Arginine methylation has been implicated in the regulation of gene expression. The coactivator-associated arginine methyltransferase 1 (CARMI/PRMT4) binds the p160 family of steroid receptor coactivators (SRCs). This association enhances transcriptional activation by nuclear receptors. Here, we generated and characterized CARM1 knockout mice. Embryos with a targeted disruption of CARM1 are 35% smaller in size than the wild-type littermates and die perinatally. We also generated Carm1-/- and Carm1+/+ mouse embryonic fibroblasts and tested gene expression in response to estrogen. Estrogenresponsive gene expression was aberrant in Carm1-/- fibroblasts and embryos, thus emphasizing the role of arginine methylation as a transcription activation tag. We subsequently studied the role of CARM1 in estrogen signaling in viva in the mammary gland. Conditional knockout of CARM1 in mammary gland and Carml-1-embryonic mammary anlagen transplant experiments did not show any defects in growth and development of the glands. To further dissect the role of CARM1 in estrogen receptor mediated transactivation, we performed cDNA microarray and serial analysis of gene expression on Carm1-/- and Carm1+/+ embryos treated with the estrogen analog, DES. Our results indicate global changes in estrogen regulated genes as well as genes involved in lipid homeostasis. Marker genes for Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor γ (PPARγ) activity, adipsin and aP2, are downregulated in the Carm1-/- embryos. Furthermore, OCT frozen sections of 18.5dpc embryos, processed simultaneously for oil red O staining to look for neutral fat, reveals greatly reduced brown fat accumulation in the Carm1-/- embryos in contrast to wild-type and gain-of-function Carm1 transgenic (ubiquitous) embryo. We used a well-established 3T3-L1 preadipocyte cell line to knockdown CARM1 by short hairpin RNA. 3T3-L1 cells with CARM1 knockdown showed greatly reduced potential to differentiate into mature lipid accumulating adipocytes upon administration of adipogenic stimuli. Ligand-dependent activation of reporter genes by the PPARγ receptor showed that PPRE-luciferase reporter activity was enhanced in the presence of CARM1, additionally, luciferase activity was reduced to background levels when enzyme dead CARM1 (CARM1-VLD) was used. Thus, in this study, we have identified novel pathways that use CARM1 as coactivator and showed that CARM1 functions as a key component of PPARγ receptor mediated gene expression. ^


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A growing number of studies show strong associations between stress and altered immune function. In vivo studies of chronic and acute stress have demonstrated that cognitive stressors are strongly correlated with high circulating levels of catecholamines (CT) and corticosteroids (CS) that are associated with changes in type-1/type-2 cytokine expression. Although individual pharmacologic doses of CS and CT can inhibit the expression of T-helper 1 (Th1, type-1 like) and promote the production of T-helper 2 (Th2, type-2 like) cytokines in antigen-specific and mitogen stimulated human leukocyte cultures in vitro, little attention has been focused on the effects of combination physiologic-stress doses of CT and CS that may be more physiologically relevant. In addition, both in-vivo and in-vitro studies suggest that the differential expression of the B7 family of costimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86 may promote the expression of type-1 or type-2 cytokines, respectively. Furthermore, corticosteroids can influence the expression of β2-adrenergic receptors in various human tissues. We therefore investigated the combined effects of physiologic-stress doses of in vitro CT and CS upon the type-1/type-2 cytokine balance and expression of B7 costimulatory molecules of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) as a model to study the immunomodulatory effects of physiologic stress. Results demonstrated a significant decrease in type-1 cytokine expression and a significant increase in type-2 cytokine production in our CS+CT incubated cultures when compared to either CT or CS agents alone. In addition, we demonstrated the differential expression of CD80/CD86 in favor of CD86 at the cellular and population level as determined by flow cytometry in lipopolysaccharide stimulated human Monocytes. Furthermore, we developed flow cytometry based assays to detect total β2AR in human CD4+ T-lymphocytes that demonstrated decreased expression of β2AR in mitogen stimulated CD4+ T-lymphocytes in the presence of physiologic stress levels of CS and CT as single in vitro agents, however, when both CS and CT were combined, significantly higher expression of β2AR was observed. In summary, our in vitro data suggest that both CS and CT work cooperatively to shift immunity towards type-2 responses. ^


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Dynein light chain 1 (DLC1) is a highly conserved and ubiquitously expressed protein which might have critical cellular function as total loss of DLC1 caused Drosophila embryonic death. Despite many proteins and RNAs interaction with it identified, DLC1's function(s) and regulation are largely unknown. Recently, DLC1 was identified as a physiological substrate of P21-activate kinase 1(Pak1) kinase from a human mammary cDNA library in a yeast-2-hybridization screening assay. Studies in primary human tumors and cell culture implicated that DLC1 could promote mammary cancerous phenotypes, and more importantly, Ser88 phosphorylation of DLC1by Pak1 kinase was found to be essential for DLC1's tumorigenic activities. Based on the above tissue culture studies, we hypothesized that Ser88 phosphorylation regulates DLC1. ^ To test this hypothesis, we generated two transgenic mouse models: MMTV-DLC1 and MMTV-DLC1-S88A mice with mammary specific expression of the DLC1 and DLC1-S88A cDNAs. Both of the transgenic mice mammary glands showed rare tumor incidence which indicated DLC1 alone may not be sufficient for tumorigenesis in vivo. However, these mice showed a significant alteration of mammary development. Mammary glands from the MMTV-DLC1 mice had hyperbranching and alveolar hyperplasia, with elevated cell proliferation. Intriguingly, these phenotypes were not seen in the mammary glands from the MMTV-S88A mice. Furthermore, while MMTV-DLC1 glands were normal during involution, MMTV-S88A mice showed accelerated mammary involution with increase apoptosis and altered expression of involution-associated genes. Further analysis of the MMTV-S88A glands showed they had increased steady state level of Bim protein which might be responsible for the early involution. Finally, our in vitro data showed that Ser88 phosphorylation abolished DLC1 dimer and consequently might disturb its interaction with Bim and destabilize Bim. ^ Collectively, our findings provided in vivo evidence that Ser88 phosphorylation of DLC1 can regulate DLC1's function. In addition, Ser88 phosphorylation might be critical for DLC1 dimer-monomer transition. ^