30 resultados para Low birht weight


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This study was conducted to determine the incidence and etiology of neonatal seizures, and evaluate risk factors for this condition in Harris County, Texas, between 1992 and 1994. Potential cases were ascertained from four sources: discharge diagnoses at local hospitals, birth certificates, death certificates, and a clinical study of neonatal seizures conducted concurrent with this study at a large tertiary care center in Houston, Texas. The neonatal period was defined as the first 28 days of life for term infants, and up to 44 weeks gestation for preterm infants.^ There were 207 cases of neonatal seizures ascertained among 116,048 live births, yielding and incidence of 1.8 per 1000. Half of the seizures occurred by the third day of life, 70% within the first week, and 93% within the first 28 days of life. Among 48 preterm infants with seizures 15 had their initial seizure after the 28th day of life. About 25% of all seizures occurred after discharge from the hospital of birth.^ Idiopathic seizures occurred most frequently (0.5/1000 births), followed by seizures attributed to perinatal hypoxia/ischemia (0.4/1000 births), intracranial hemorrhage (0.2/1000 births), infection of the central nervous system (0.2/1000 births), and metabolic abnormalities (0.1/1000 births).^ Risk factors were evaluated based on birth certificate information, using univariate and multivariate analysis (logistic regression). Factors considered included birth weight, gender, ethnicity, place of birth, mother's age, method of delivery, parity, multiple birth and, among term infants, small birth weight for gestational age (SGA). Among preterm infants, very low birth weight (VLBW, $<$1500 grams) was the strongest risk factor, followed by birth in private/university hospitals with a Level III nursery compared with hospitals with a Level II nursery (RR = 2.9), and male sex (RR = 1.8). The effect of very low birth weight varied according to ethnicity. Compared to preterm infants weighing 2000-2999 grams, non-white VLBW infants were 12.0 times as likely to have seizures; whereas white VLBW infants were 2.5 times as likely. Among term infants, significant risk factors included SGA (RR = 1.8), birth in Level III nursery private/university hospitals versus hospitals with Level II nursery (RR = 2.0), and birth by cesarean section (RR = 2.2). ^


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The POU domain transcription factor Brn3b/POU4F2 plays a critical role regulating gene expression in mouse retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). Previous investigations have shown that Brn3b is not required for initial cell fate specification or migration; however, it is essential for normal RGC differentiation. In contrast to wild type axons, the mutant neurites were phenotypically different: shorter, rougher, disorganized, and poorly fasciculated. Wild type axons stained intensely with axon specific marker tau-1, while mutant projections were weakly stained and the mutant projections showed strong labeling with dendrite specific marker MAP2. Brn-3b mutant axonal projections contained more microtubules and fewer neurofilaments, a dendritic characteristic, than the wild type. The mutant neurites also exhibited significantly weaker staining of neurofilament low-molecular-weight (NF-L) in the axon when compared to the wild type, and NF-L accumulation in the neuron cell body. The absence of Brn-3b results in an inability to form normal axons and enhanced apoptosis in RGCs, suggesting that Brn-3b may control a set of genes involved in axon formation. ^ Brn3b contains several distinct sequence motifs: a glycine/serine rich region, two histidine rich regions, and a fifteen amino acid conserved sequence shared by all Brn3 family members in the N-terminus and a POU specific and POU homeodomain in the C-terminus. Brn3b activates a Luciferase reporter over 25 fold in cell culture when binding to native brn3 binding sites upstream of a minimal promoter. When fused to the Gal4 DNA Binding domain (DBD) and driven by either a strong (CMV) or weaker (pAHD) promoter, the N-terminal of Brn3b is capable of similar activation when binding to Gal4 UAS sites, indicating a presumptive activator of transcription. Both full length Brn3b or the C-terminus fused to the Gal4DBD and driven by pCMV repressed a Luciferase reporter downstream of UAS binding sites. Lower levels of expression of the fusion protein driven by pADH resulted in an alleviation of repression. This repression appears to be a limitation of this system of transcriptional analysis and a potential pitfall in conventional pCMV based transfection assays. ^


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The persistence of low birth weight and intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) in the United States has puzzled researchers for decades. Much of the work that has been conducted on adverse birth outcomes has focused on low birth weight in general and not on IUGR. Studies that have examined IUGR specifically thus far have focused primarily on individual-level maternal risk factors. These risk factors have only been able to explain a small portion of the variance in IUGR. Therefore, recent work has begun to focus on community-level risk factors in addition to the individual-level maternal characteristics. This study uses Social Ecology to examine the relationship of individual and community-level risk factors and IUGR. Logistic regression was used to establish an individual-level model based on 155, 856 births recorded in Harris County, TX during 1999-2001. IUGR was characterized using a fetal growth ratio method with race/ethnic and sex specific mean birth weights calculated from national vital records. The spatial distributions of 114,460 birth records spatially located within the City of Houston were examined using choropleth, probability and density maps. Census tracts with higher than expected rates of IUGR and high levels of neighborhood disadvantage were highlighted. Neighborhood disadvantage was constructed using socioeconomic variables from the 2000 U.S. Census. Factor analysis was used to create a unified single measure. Lastly, a random coefficients model was used to examine the relationship between varying levels of community disadvantage, given the set of individual-level risk factors for 152,997 birth records spatially located within Harris County, TX. Neighborhood disadvantage was measured using three different indices adapted from previous work. The findings show that pregnancy-induced hypertension, previous preterm infant, tobacco use and insufficient weight gain have the highest association with IUGR. Neighborhood disadvantage only slightly further increases the risk of IUGR (OR 1.12 to 1.23). Although community level disadvantage only helped to explain a small proportion of the variance of IUGR, it did have a significant impact. This finding suggests that community level risk factors should be included in future work with IUGR and that more work needs to be conducted. ^


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The proliferative role of E2F has been under investigation for several years. However, while it is known that E2F1 and E2F4 play a part in development and differentiation, research has not been centered on determining the exact functions these E2Fs play in brain development, given there high expression levels throughout embryogenesis. A GFAP-E2F1 mouse model directing human E2F1 transgene expression to glial cells, such as ependymal cells, was used in the present study in combination with an E2F4 mutant mouse model. Interestingly, 20% of tgE2F1; E2F4 null mice developed a phenotype consisting of domed head, hunched posture, seizures, tremors, hyperactivity or hypeactivity, dysnea, and low body weight. These mice died during the first three weeks of severe hydrocephalus. Similarly, tgE2F1; E2F4 heterozygous mice also develop severe hydrocephalus, although this occurs at 6 weeks at a 2% frequency. Pathological examination of the brains of those animals uncovered enlarged cerebral ventricles with marked thinning of the cerebral cortices, confirming the diagnosis of three-ventricle hydrocephalus, and the absence of tumors. Careful examination of the aqueduct shows an excess of proliferating cells that may cause a blockage of CSF. Of significance, 44% of ependymal cells in hydrocephalic tgE2F1;E2F4-/- mouse brains were positive for BrdU incorporation. Studies determining the molecular rationale for the hydrocephalic phenotype suggest proliferative ependymal cells may not be exclusively related to dysregulated cell cycle in conjuction with E2F activity. Due in part to the deficiency of E2F4 in this mouse model, we find that differentiation of these ependymal cells is not complete and instead undergoes maturation arrest. This suggestion is confirmed by the expression of genes found in neural stem cells or precursor cell populations, in the ependymal cell region of tgE2F1; E2F4-/-. Therefore, from this study, we conclude that dysregulated E2F1 expression in combination with deficient E2F4 expression results in an undifferentiated ependymal cell population that is hyperproliferative in the ventricular system causing an impediment of CSF circulation. It is further concluded that normal E2F1 and E2F4 expression in brain development is crucial for the proper formation and function of the ventricular system.^


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Early prenatal care has been found to improve pregnancy and birth outcomes by reducing the risk of low birth weight and preterm births. Statistics point to lower utilization rates of prenatal care in El Paso, Texas and increasing rates of low birth weight. This study was a secondary data analysis, which explored the perceived benefits and barriers known to influence the utilization of prenatal care, and the birth outcomes among participating subjects attending three different prenatal care programs offered at the Centro San Vincent Clinic during the period of December 2006 to February 2008. A survey was used to collect data on demographics and assess perceived benefits and barriers regarding early prenatal care and self-efficacy of the participants. Post-partum birth records were used to gather data about the participant's newborns to include birth weight, gestational age, and the type of delivery (i.e. vaginal versus Cesarean birth). Chi square analysis was conducted to test for significant differences and associations. The sample of women in the study had high risk factors for inadequate utilization of prenatal care. In spite of high demographic risk factors, these women had higher perceived benefits, lower perceived barriers and high self-efficacy associated with prenatal care utilization. The perceived benefits and barriers to prenatal care were associated with place of birth and language preferred, with women from Mexico and who preferred Spanish having higher perceived benefits and lower barriers. There was no significant difference in birth outcomes among the women in different prenatal care programs. The findings of this study suggest that of all participants in the study, those born in Mexico demonstrated higher rates of perceived benefits of early prenatal care. The analysis also suggested that healthy birth outcomes were evenly distributed among women participating in one of the three prenatal care programs. ^


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Background. Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) diagnosis in children and adolescents has been on the rise over the last couple of decades and a multitude of studies have been conducted in an aim to better understand the disease. Literature has explored the role of several factors suspected of contributing to development of the disease, including: prenatal smoking exposures, environmental exposures, and low-birth weight. However, there is very limited reporting of fetal/infant exposure to antidepressants and prescription medications and the long-term behavioral outcomes, namely development of AD/HD. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between mother's exposure to prescription medications and/or antidepressants around the time of conception, during pregnancy, or while breastfeeding and the development of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in offspring. Methods. Secondary analysis of data from a case-control study was performed. Exposure histories were collected for the mother and offspring. Data were collected using a secure, confidential, self-report, online survey to evaluate the relationship between antidepressant and/or prescription medication exposure and the development of AD/HD. The period of exposure to these drugs was defined as: around the time of conception, during pregnancy, or while breastfeeding. Cases were defined as a child who had been diagnosed with AD/HD. Controls were defined as a child who had not been diagnosed with AD/HD. Results. Prescription medication and antidepressant medication exposures around the time of conception, during pregnancy, or while breastfeeding were not associated with development of AD/HD. However, traumatic brain injury (OR=2.77 (1.61–4.77)) and preterm birth (OR=1.48 (1.04–2.12)) were identified as potential risk factors. These results support existing literature on AD/HD, but future work must be undertaken to better evaluate fetal/infant medication exposures and long-term behavioral outcomes.^


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Necrotizing enterocolitis is a common gastrointestinal disease associated with high mortality and morbidity among preterm infants. This was a systematic literature review that evaluated whether the administration of probiotic supplements is of benefit in the prevention of NEC. The search was narrowed to randomized clinical trials identified through The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, U.S. National Institute of Health clinical trials registry database, Pub Med and OVID MEDLINE databases. Inclusion criteria were: prospective, randomized clinical trials that administered probiotics as a preventive measure against NEC for infants of early gestational age (<35 wks) and/or low birth weight (<1500g), maintained NEC as the primary measured outcome, used Bell’s classification for NEC diagnosis with reports of stage 2 NEC or higher, and began probiotic administration within 10 days of life. Trials were excluded if participant enrollment was fewer than 100 infants, published before the year 2000, or probiotic supplementation was discontinued after less than seven consecutive days. Based on specific study characteristics, each resulting article was then judged by two authors for study quality. The search was further narrowed to studies of either high or moderate quality, which were then summarized in a set of tables based on study characteristics and results. From an initial set of 20 identified studies, five clinical trials met all criteria; each was discussed thoroughly based on trial limitations, strengths and comparisons to other included publications. Based on this review, the weight of evidence appears to support the use of probiotic supplementation in preterm infants as a preventive measure against NEC. Recommendations for future research were also provided.^


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This research project is a study in the field of public health to test the relationships of demographic, socioeconomic, behavioral, and biological factors with (1) prenatal care use and (2) pregnancy outcome, measured by birth weight. It has been postulated that demographic, socioeconomic, and behavioral factors are associated with differences in the use of prenatal care services. It has also been postulated that differences in demographic, socioeconomic, behavioral, and biological factors result in differences in birth weight. This research attempts to test these two basic conceptual frameworks. At the same time, an attempt is made to determine the population groups and subgroups that are at increased risk (1) of using fewer prenatal care visits, and (2) of displaying a higher incidence of low birth weight babies. An understanding of these relationships of the demographic, socioeconomic, behavioral, and biological factors in the use of prenatal care visits and pregnancy outcome, measured by birth weight, will potentially offer guidance in the planning and policy development of maternal and child health services. The research considers four major components of maternal characteristics: (1) Demographic factors. Ethnicity, household size, maternal parity, and maternal age; (2) Socioeconomic factors. Maternal education, family income, maternal employment, health insurance coverage, and household dwelling; (3) Behavioral factors. Maternal smoking, attendance at child development classes, mother's first prenatal care visit, total number of prenatal care visits, and adequacy of care; and, (4) Biological factors. Maternal weight gain during pregnancy.^ The research considers 16 independent variables and two dependent variables.^ It was concluded that: (1) Generally, differences in demographic, socioeconomic, and behavioral factors were associated with differences in the average number of prenatal care visits between and within population groups and subgroups. The Hispanic mothers were the lowest users of prenatal care services. (2) In some cases, differences in demographic, socioeconomic, behavioral, and biological factors demonstrated differences in the average birth weight of infants between and within population groups and subgroups. (3) Differences in demographic, socioeconomic, behavioral, and biological factors resulted in differences in the rates of low birth weight babies between and within population groups and subgroups. The Black mothers delivered the highest incidence of low birth weight infants.^ These findings could provide guidance in the formulation of public health policies such as MCH services, an increase in the use of prenatal care services by prospective mothers, resulting in reduction of the incidence of low birth weight babies, and consequently aid in reducing the rates of infant mortality. ^


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Infant mortality as a problematic situation has been recognized for some 130 years in one form or another. It has undergone various changes in its empirical dimensions relative to whom we study within the population, what we study--low birth-weight vs. pre-term births--and how we study it--whether demographically or medically. An analysis of the process by which the condition was raised by claims makers as an intolerable situation among America's urban residents reveals that demographic and medical data were sparse. Nonetheless, a judgement about the meaning and significance of the condition was made, and that interpretation led to the promulgation of systems to both document and address the condition as it has come to be defined.^ This investigation depicts the historical context and natural history of infant mortality as one of a number of social problems that came to be defined through the interplay among groups and individuals making claims and how their claims came to the public policy agenda as worthy of collective resources--who won, who lost and why. The process of social definition focuses attention on the claims makers and the ways they contrast the meaning, origins and remedies for this troubling condition. The historical context becomes the frame of reference for understanding the actions of the claims makers and the meaning and significance they attached to the problem.^ We purport that "context" provides a closer reality than disjoined "value free" accounts. Context provides the evidence for the definition, who participated in the process, why and by what means.^ The role of women in the definitional process reveals the differences in approaches utilized by the women of the settlement house reform movement and African-American women working at the grass-roots. Much of the work done by these two groups provided options to the problem's remedy; however, their differences paved the way to our current (principally medically-oriented) definition and its inherent limitations. ^


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The paradoxically low infant mortality rates for Mexican Americans in Texas have been attributed to inaccuracies in vital registration and idiosyncracies in Mexican migration in rural areas along the U.S.-Mexico border. This study examined infant (IMR), neonatal (NMR), and postneonatal (PNMR) mortality rates of Mexican Americans in an urban, non-border setting, using linked birth and death records of the 1974-75 single live birth cohort (N = 68,584) in Harris County, Texas, which includes the city of Houston and is reported to have nearly complete birth and death registration. The use of parental nativity with the traditional Spanish surname criterion made it possible to distinguish infants of Mexican-born immigrants from those of Blacks, Anglos, other Hispanics, and later-generation, more Anglicized Mexican Americans. Mortality rates were analyzed by ethnicity, parental nativity, and cause of death, with respect to birth weight, birth order, maternal age, legitimacy status, and time of first prenatal care.^ While overall IMRs showed Spanish surname rates slightly higher than Anglo rates, infants of Mexican-born immigrants had much lower NMRs than did Anglos, even for moderately low birth weight infants. However, among infants under 1500 grams, presumably unable to be discharged home in the neonatal period, Mexican Americans had the highest NMR. The inconsistency suggested unreported deaths for Mexican American low birth weight infants after hospital discharge. The PNMR of infants of Mexican immigrants was also lower than for Anglos, and the usual mortality differentials were reversed: high-risk categories of high birth order, high maternal age, and late/no prenatal care had the lowest PNMRs. Since these groups' characteristics are congruent with those of low-income migrants, the data suggested the possibility of migration losses. Cause of death analysis suggested that prematurity and birth injuries are greater problems than heretofore recognized among Mexican Americans, and that home births and "shoebox burials" may be unrecorded even in an urban setting.^ Caution is advised in the interpretation of infant mortality rates for a Spanish surname population of Mexican origin, even in an urban, non-border area with reportedly excellent birth and death registration. ^


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Objective: To perform a systematic review of the literature on SIDS and SUID deaths concentrated in the African-American community, describe health education and policy recommendations and recommend a new approach that may aid in decreasing the disparity of infant mortality in the African-American community. ^ Methods: The PubMed database was systematically searched to identify relevant articles for final review and analysis. Using the CASP 2006 system to critique literature, twelve articles were found that met inclusion and exclusion criteria. ^ Results: Evidence in the literature confirmed there was a current disparity among African Americans' infant mortality rates in comparison to other US ethnic groups. The underlying reasons for these disparities included the following maternal and infant characteristics: mothers younger than eighteen, having more than one live infant, having a high school education or less, never been married, and have infants born preterm or with low birth weight. Maternal smoking, substance abuse, and breastfeeding did not have a significant impact on infant sleep environments among African Americans. ^ Conclusion: Tailored health education programs at the community level, better access to pre-pregnancy and prenatal care, and increased maternal perception of risk that is relevant to the infants sleeping environment are all possible solutions that may decrease African American infant mortality rates.^


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The infant mortality rate for non-Hispanic Black infants in the U.S. is 13.63 deaths per 1,000 live births while the IMR for non-Hispanic White persons in the U.S. is 5.76 deaths per 1,000 live births. Black women are 2 times as likely as White women to deliver preterm infants and Black women are 2 times as likely as White women to deliver low birth weight infants (weighing less than 2,500 grams at birth). Differential underlying risk factors among mothers of different racial/ethnic groups for delivering pre-term and low birth weight infants have been historically accepted as the cause of racial disparities in IMRs. However, differential underlying risk status may not be the only major causative factor. Differential or unequal access to and provision of care is widely speculated to be a leading contributing factor to the wide racial disparity in infant mortality.2 This paper conducts a systematic review of existing literature investigating racial disparities in obstetrical care provided by healthcare practitioners to evaluate whether inequities in healthcare services provided to pregnant mothers and their neonates exist. The search terms "racial disparities obstetrical care," "racial differences quality of prenatal care," and "infant mortality racial disparities" were entered into the EBSCO Medline, Ovid Medline, PubMed, and Academic Search Complete databases, and articles between years 1990–2011 were selected for abstract review. The only articles included were those that used statistical methods to assess whether racial inequalities were present in the obstetrical services provided to pregnant women. My literature search returned 5 articles. Four of the five studies yielded significant racial differences in obstetrical care. However, the one study that used a large, nationally representative valid sample did not represent significant differences. Thus, this review provides initial evidence for racial disparities in obstetrical care, but concludes that more studies are needed in this area. Not all of the studies reviewed were consistent in the use and measurement of services, and not all studies were significant. The policy and public health implications of possible racial disparities in obstetrical care include the need to develop standard of care protocols for ALL obstetrical patients across the United States to minimize and/or eliminate the inequities and differences in obstetrical services provided.^


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Many tumors arise from sites of inflammation providing evidence that innate immunity is a critical component in the development and progression of cancer. Neutrophils are primary mediators of the innate immune response. Upon activation, an important function of neutrophils is release of an assortment of proteins from their granules including the serine protease neutrophil elastase (NE). The effect of NE on cancer has been attributed primarily to its ability to degrade the extracellular matrix thereby promoting invasion and metastasis. Recently, it was shown that NE could be taken up by lung cancer cells leading to degradation of insulin receptor substrate-1 thereby promoting hyperactivity of the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) pathway and tumor cell proliferation. To our knowledge, nobody has investigated uptake of NE by other tumor types. In addition, NE has broad substrate specificity suggesting that uptake of NE by tumor cells could impact processes regulating tumorigenensis other than activation of the PI3K pathway. Neutrophil elastase has been identified in breast cancer specimens where high levels of NE have prognostic significance. These studies have assessed NE levels in whole tumor lysates. Because the major source of NE is from activated neutrophils, we hypothesized that breast cancer cells do not have endogenous NE but may take up NE released by tumor associated neutrophils in the tumor microenvironment and that this could provide a link between the innate immune response to tumors and specific adaptive immune responses. In this thesis, we show that breast cancer cells lack endogenous NE expression and that they are able to take up NE resulting in increased generation of low molecular weight cyclin E (CCNE) and enhanced susceptibility to lysis by CCNE-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes. We also show that after taking up NE and proteinase 3 (PR3), a second primary granule protease with significant homology to NE, breast cancer cells cross-present the NE- and PR3-derived peptide PR1 rendering them susceptible to PR1-targeted therapies. Taken together, our data support a role for NE uptake in modulating adaptive immune responses against breast cancer.


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BACKGROUND: Parity is a risk factor in neonatal morbidity and mortality. This dissertation examined the association between first births and selected birth defects. The first aim was to assess the risk of 66 birth defects among first births and third or greater births. The second aim was to determine if maternal race, maternal age, infant sex or infant birth weight modify the association between first births and selected birth defects. METHODS: The Texas Birth Defects Registry provided data for 1999-2009. For the first aim, odds ratios were calculated for each birth defect. For the second aim, analysis was restricted to the ten birth defects significantly associated with first births. Stratified analyses were conducted and interaction terms were added to logistic regression models to assess whether differences in the odds ratios for the effect of first birth were statistically significant across strata. RESULTS: Findings for the first aim showed that first births had significantly increased odds of having an infant with 24 of the 66 birth defects. Third or greater births had significantly increased odds of having four of the 66 birth defects. For the second aim, a number of significant effect modifiers were observed. For patent ductus arteriosis, obstructive urinary defects and gastroschisis, the effect of first births was significantly modified by black or U.S.-born Hispanic mothers. The effect of first birth was also significantly modified among mothers ≥30 years for mitral valve insufficiency, atrial septal defect and congenital hip dislocation. The effect of first births was significantly modified among infants with low birth weight for hypospadias, congenital hip dislocation and gastroschisis. CONCLUSIONS: First births were associated with an elevated risk of 24 categories of birth defects. For some of the birth defects studied, the effect of first birth is modified by maternal age, maternal race and low birth weight. Knowledge of the increased risk for birth defects among women having their first birth allows physicians and midwives to provide better patient care and spur further research into the etiology of associated birth defects. This knowledge may bring about interventions prior to conception in populations most likely to conceive.^


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The purpose of this observational study was investigation of the relationship between quantitative adequacy of prenatal care, specific prenatal care content and pregnancy outcome in a high risk Missouri population. A sample of 1484 women from three Missouri regions known to have high rates of low birth weight, infant mortality, and inadequate prenatal care rates participated in structured post-partum interviews. Approximately one-half of the sample had received adequate prenatal care and the other half inadequate prenatal care as determined by an index utilized by the Missouri Department of Health.^ Prenatal care content was assessed by reports of prenatal education in six different areas: Diet, smoking, alcohol, drug, preterm labor counseling, and advice on when to call the health provider if preterm labor was suspected by the woman. Low birth weight, in both term and preterm infants, were the two birth outcomes examined. A variety of maternal socio-demographic variables were also considered.^ The results of this study suggest that specific educational content, delivered during prenatal care, may have lessen the risk of giving birth to a preterm-low birth weight infant. Prenatal education for recognition of preterm labor, and advice on when to call the health provider if preterm labor was suspected were found to be associated with a decreased risk of preterm delivery. Specific educational content was not, however, associated with risk of term-low weight birth nor was quantitative adequacy of care associated with the risk of either term- or preterm-low birth weight.^ These findings reinforce a body of literature which stresses the importance of appropriate prenatal care in preventing preterm low birth weight. Additionally, the findings suggest interventions that may be specifically effective for prematurity prevention. ^