22 resultados para Human Symbolic Thinking and Acting


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Genes of the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor family have been implicated in many different developmental processes from neurogenesis to myogenesis. The recently cloned bHLH transcription factor, paraxis, has been found to be expressed in the paraxial mesoderm of the mouse suggesting a role for paraxis in the development of this mesodermal subtype which gives rise to the axial muscle, skeleton, and dermis of the embryo. In order to perform in vivo gain of function assays and obtain a better understanding of the possible roles of paraxis in mesodermal and somitic development, we have successfully identified homologues of paraxis in the frog, Xenopus laevis, where the process of mesodermal induction and development is best understood. The two homologues, Xparaxis-a and Xparaxis-b, are conserved with respect to their murine homologue in structure and expression within the embryo. Xparaxis genes are expressed immediately after gastrulation in the paraxial mesoderm of Xenopus embryos and are down regulated in the myotome of the mature somite with continued expression in the undifferentiated dermatome. Overexpression of Xparaxis-b in Xenopus embryos caused defects in the organization and morphology of the somites. This effect was not dependent on DNA binding of Xparaxis but is likely due to its dimerization with other bHLH factors. Co-injections with XE12 did not diminish the effects indicating that the defects were not the result of limiting amounts of XE12. We also demonstrated that Xparaxis does not cause obvious defects in the cell adhesions and movements required for proper mesoderm patterning during gastrulation. The paraxis proteins also lacked the ability to activate transcription as GAL4 fusion proteins in a GAL4 reporter assay, indicating that the genes may function more as modulators of the activity of dimerization partners than as positively acting cell determination factors. In agreement with this, Xparaxis is regulated in response to other pathways of bHLH gene action, in that XE12 can activate Xparaxis-b, in vivo. In addition we show regulation of Xparaxis in response to mMyoD induced myogenesis pathways, again suggesting Xparaxis plays an important role in the patterning and organization of the paraxial mesoderm. ^


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PAX6, a member of the paired-type homeobox gene family, is expressed in a partially and temporally restricted pattern in the developing central nervous system, and its mutation is responsible for human aniridia (AN) and mouse small eye (Sey). The objective of this study was to characterize the PAX6 gene regulation at the transcriptional level, and thereby gain a better understanding of the molecular basis of the dynamic expression pattern and the diversified function of the human PAX6 gene.^ Initially, we examined the transcriptional regulation of the PAX6 gene by transient transfection assays and identified multiple cis-regulatory elements that function differently in different cell lines. The transcriptional initiation site was identified by RNase protection and primer extension assays. Examination of the genomic DNA sequence indicated that the PAX6 promoter has a TATA like-box (ATATTTT) at $-$26 bp, and two CCAAT-boxes are located at positions $-$70 and $-$100 bp. A 38 bp ply (CA) sequence was located 992 bp upstream from the initiation site. Transient transfection assays in glioblastoma cells and leukemia cells indicate that a 92 bp region was required for basal level PAX6 promoter activity. Gel retardation assays showed that this 92 bp sequence can form four DNA-protein complexes which can be specifically competed by a 31-mer oligonucleotide containing a PAX6 TATA-like sequence or an adenovirus TATA box. The activation of the promoter is positively correlated with the expression of PAX6 transcripts in cells tested.^ Based on the results obtained from the in vitro transfection assays, we did further dissection assay and functional analysis in both cell-culture and transgenic mice. We found that a 5 kb upstream promoter sequence is required for the tissue specific expression in the forebrain region which is consistent with that of the endogenous PAX6 gene. A 267 bp cell-type specific repressor located within the 5 kb fragment was identified and shown to direct forebrain specific expression. The cell-type specific repressor element has been narrowed to a 30 bp region which contains a consensus E-box by in vitro transfection assays. The third regulatory element identified was contained in a 162 bp sequence (+167 to +328) which functions as a midbrain repressor, and it appeared to be required for establishing the normal expression pattern of the PAX6 gene. Finally, a highly conserved 216 bp sequence identified in intron 4 exhibited as a spinal cord specific enhancer. And this 216 bp cis-regulatory element can be used as a marker to trace the differentiation and migration of progenitor cells in the developing spinal cord. These studies show that the concerted action of multiple cis-acting regulatory elements located upstream and downstream of the transcription initiation site determines the tissue specific expression of PAX6 gene. ^


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Extensive experience with the analysis of human prophase chromosomes and studies into the complexity of prophase GTG-banding patterns have suggested that at least some prophase chromosomal segments can be accurately identified and characterized independently of the morphology of the chromosome as a whole. In this dissertation the feasibility of identifying and analyzing specified prophase chromosome segments was thus investigated as an alternative approach to prophase chromosome analysis based on whole chromosome recognition. Through the use of prophase idiograms at the 850-band-stage (FRANCKE, 1981) and a comparison system based on the calculation of cross-correlation coefficients between idiogram profiles, we have demonstrated that it is possible to divide the 24 human prophase idiograms into a set of 94 unique band sequences. Each unique band sequence has a banding pattern that is recognizable and distinct from any other non-homologous chromosome portion.^ Using chromosomes 11p and 16 thru 22 to demonstrate unique band sequence integrity at the chromosome level, we found that prophase chromosome banding pattern variation can be compensated for and that a set of unique band sequences very similar to those at the idiogram level can be identified on actual chromosomes.^ The use of a unique band sequence approach in prophase chromosome analysis is expected to increase efficiency and sensitivity through more effective use of available banding information. The use of a unique band sequence approach to prophase chromosome analysis is discussed both at the routine level by cytogeneticists and at an image processing level with a semi-automated approach to prophase chromosome analysis. ^


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Adhesion involves interactions between cells or cells with extracellular matrix components and is a fundamental process for all multicellular organisms as well as many pathogenic microbes. Integrins are heterodimeric transmembrane proteins that function as adhesion molecules and transduce signals between the extracellular environment and the intracellular cytoskeletal machinery. β1 integrin subfamily is highly expressed on T lymphocytes and mediates cell spreading, adhesion and coactivation. T lymphocytes have an important role in the regulation and homeostasis of the immune system therefore, the goals of this study were to first to investigate β1 integrin interaction with fibronectin binding protein A (FnbpA), a surface protein expressed on gram-negative bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. Second, characterize the association and function of a non-integrin surface protein, CD98, with β1 integrins on T lymphocytes. ^ FnbpA binds to fibronectin (FN), also a ligand for α5β1 and α4β1 integrins on T lymphocytes. Since both bacterial proteins FnbpA and T cell integrins utilize FN, it was of interest to determine the effects FnbpA on T cell activation. Results demonstrated that recombinant FnbpA (rFnbpA) coimmobilized with OKT3 mediated T cell coactivation in a soluble FN-dependent manner. Integrin α5β1 was identified as the main integrin utilized by Staphylococcus aureus FnbpA from studies using soluble antibodies to inhibit T cell proliferation and parallel plate flow chamber assays. The mechanism of rFnbpA-mediated coactivation was one that used soluble FN as a bridge between rFnbpA and integrin α5β1 on the T lymphocyte. ^ Since integrins are utilized by T lymphocytes and bacterial proteins, it was of interest to identify proteins involved in integrin regulation. Anti-CD98 mAb 80A10 was identified and characterized from a screen to identify surface proteins involved in integrin signaling and functions. CD98 is a non-integrin protein that was sensitive to integrin inhibition in human T lymphocyte aggregation and activation, thus suggested that CD98 shared a common signaling pathway with integrins. These results led to the question of whether CD98 physically associates with β1 integrins. Fluorescence microscopy and biochemical analysis determined that CD98 is specifically associated with β1 integrin on human T lymphocytes and may be part of a larger multimolecular signaling complex. ^


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This MPH thesis consists of (1) literature review of the relatively new synthetic persistent organic pollutants (POP), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), a type of flame retardant posing a potential public health hazard, (2) Presentation of data on PBDE levels in dryer lint from Dallas, TX and Hamburg, Germany. ^ PBDEs are used as additive fire retardants in plastics, polyurethane foam and electronic equipment to reduce flammability and thus save life and property. PBDEs have been widely used beginning in the 1970s. They resemble polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in structure and toxicity. PBDEs are found in environmental sediments, sludges, and wildlife and even in human blood, milk and tissues. ^ PBDEs, due to their lipophilicity, accumulate in fat and other tissues and biomagnify up the food chain, with increasing concentrations. Animal studies have suggested potential health effects including thyroid disruption, permanent learning and memory impairment, fetal malformations, developmental neurotoxicity and, at high doses, possibly cancer. ^ PBDE levels are increasing in blood and breast milk in North America, but PBDEs intake unlike PCBs appears to be not primarily through food; food PBDE levels in the U.S. are not markedly higher than in Europe yet U.S. human blood and milk levels are much higher. For this reason various exposure pathways including PBDE contaminated dust and air have been studied to better characterize routes of PBDE intake into humans. ^ The scientific literature on PBDE levels in household dust reports higher PBDE concentration in dust than that found in dryer lint; levels in the U.S are elevated compared to other countries with congeners such as BDE 47, 99, 100 and 209 predominating. The United Kingdom has elevated BDE 209 due to high usage of Deca commercial mixture. These studies suggest that indoor PBDE contamination through household dust could be a potential source of PBDE exposure and body burden especially in young children. ^ PBDE levels in dryer lint from U.S ranged from 321 to 3073 ng/g (Mean: 1138 ng/g, Median: 803 ng/g) and from Germany were from 330 to 2069 ng/g (Median: 71ng/g, Mean: 361 ng/g). High median levels in U.S samples indicate contamination of lint with PBDEs although the source of the PBDEs in lint may be from dryer electrical components or air deposition onto clothes, lint may be one source of PBDE exposure to humans. ^


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Human peripheral blood monocytes (HPBM) were isolated by centrifugal elutriation from mononuclear cell enriched fractions after routine plateletapheresis and the relationship between maturation of HPBM to macrophage-like cells and activation for tumoricidal activity determined. HPBM were cultured for various times in RPMI 1640 supplemented with 5% pooled human AB serum and cytotoxicity to $\sp{125}$IUDR labeled A375M, a human melanoma cell line, and TNF-$\alpha$ release determined by cytolysis of actinomycin D treated L929 cells. Freshly isolated HPBM or those exposed to recombinant IFN-$\gamma$(1.0 U/ml) were not cytolytic and did not release TNF-$\alpha$ into culture supernatants. Exposure to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 1.0 $\upsilon$g/ml) stimulated cytolytic activity and release of TNF-$\alpha$. Maximal release of TNF-$\alpha$ protein occurred at 8 hrs and returned to baseline by 72 hrs. Expression of TNF-$\alpha$ protein was determined by Western blotting. Neither freshly isolated nor IFN-$\gamma$ treated HPBM expressed TNF protein at any time during in vitro culture. LPS treated HPBM maximally expressed the 17KD TNF-$\alpha$ protein at 8 hrs, and protein was not detected after 36 hrs of in vitro culture. Expression of TNF-$\alpha$ mRNA was determined by Northern blotting. Freshly isolated HPBM express TNF-$\alpha$ mRNA which decays to basal levels by 6 hrs of in vitro culture. IFN-$\gamma$ treatment maintains TNF-$\alpha$ mRNA expression for up to 48 hrs of culture, after which it is undetectable. LPS induces TNF-$\alpha$ mRNA after 30 minutes of exposure with maximal accumulation occurring between 4 to 8 hrs. TNF mRNA was not detected in control HPBM at any time after 6 hrs or IFN-$\gamma$ treated HPBM after 48 hrs of in vitro culture. A pulse of LPS the last 24 hrs of in vitro culture induces the accumulation of TNF-$\alpha$ mRNA in HPBM cultured for 3, 5, and 7 days, with the magnitude of induction decreasing approximately 10 fold between 3 and 7 days. Induction of TNF-$\alpha$ mRNA occurred in the absence of detectable TNF-$\alpha$ protein or supernatant activity. Maturation of HPBM to macrophage-like cells controls competence for activation, magnitude and duration of the activation response. ^


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The human glutathione S-transferase P1 (GSTP1) protein is an endogenous inhibitor of c-jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) and an important phase II detoxification enzyme. ^ Recent identification of a cAMP response element (CRE) in the 5 ′-region of the human GSTP1 gene and several putative phosphorylation sites for the Ser/Thr protein kinases, including, cAMP-dependent protein kinases (PKAs), protein kinases C (PKCs), and JNKs in the GSTP1 protein raised the possibility that signaling pathways may play an important role in the transcriptional and post-translational regulation of GSTP1 gene. This study examined (a) whether the signaling pathway mediated by CAMP, via the GSTP1 CRE, is involved in the transcriptional regulation of the GSTP1 gene, (b) whether signaling pathways mediated by the Ser/Thr protein kinases (PKAs, PKCs, and JNKs) induce post-translational modification, viz. phosphorylation of the GSTP1 protein, and (c) whether such phosphorylation of the GSTP1 protein alters its functions in metabolism and in JNK signaling. ^ The first major finding in this study is the establishment of the human GSTP1 gene as a novel CAMP responsive gene in which transcription is activated via an interaction between PKA activated CRE binding protein-1 (CREB-1) and the CRE in the 5′-regulatory region. ^ The second major finding in this study is the observation that the GSTP1 protein undergoes phosphorylation and functionally activated by second messenger-activated protein kinases, PKA and PKC, in tumor cells with activated signaling pathways. Following phosphorylation by PKA or PKC, the catalytic activity of the GSTP1 protein was significantly enhanced, as indicated by a decrease in its Km (2- to 3.6-fold) and an increase in Kcat/ Km (1.6- to 2.5-fold) for glutathione. Given the frequent over-expression of GSTP1 and the aberrant PKA/PKC signaling cascade observed in tumors, these findings suggest that phosphorylation of GSTP1 may contribute to the malignant progression and drug-resistant phenotype of these tumors. ^ The third major finding in this study is that the GSTP1 protein, an inhibitor of JNKs, undergoes significant phosphorylation in tumor cells with activated JNK signaling pathway and in those under oxidative stress. Following phosphorylation by JNK, the ability of GSTP1 to inhibit JNK downstream function, i.e. c-jun phosphorylation, was significantly enhanced, suggesting a feedback mechanism of regulation of JNK-mediated cellular signaling. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^